Savage X-COM: Secondary Weapons

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Light Pistol: A standard issue 9mm or lighter sidearm, carried by soldiers for when their primary weapon runs out of ammo or jams. Light and efficient, a trained soldier can draw a pistol faster than he can reload a rifle. Also useful for undercover or bodyguard work, where a larger weapon would draw attention. Examples: Berretta M9, M92, Glock 17, P226, Five-Seven
Range: 8/16/32
Damage: 2d6
AP: 0
ROF: 1
Shots: 15
Min Str: d4
Weight: 4
Magazine Weight: 0.5
Notes: CQB

Medium Pistol: A .45 caliber or equivalent sidearm, with slightly more stopping power than its smaller companion, but a comparatively smaller magazine size. Modern militaries prefer the high ammo capacity of lighter pistols for logistical reasons, but X-COM’s tighter mission parameters may make this point irrelevant. Examples: Colt m1911, Glock 20, P220, Mark 23
Range: 8/16/32
Damage: 2d6+1
AP: 0
ROF: 1
Shots: 7
Min Str: d4
Weight: 5
Magazine Weight: 0.5
Notes: CQB

Heavy Pistol: A high powered, large handgun. Not typically standard issue, but some operators prefer them. They have much more stopping power but are harder to handle and slower on the draw, making them less useful as backup weapons. Examples: Desert Eagle .50, Automag, Smith and Wesson Model 500, .44 Colt Anaconda
Range: 8/16/32
Damage: 2d8+1
AP: 0
ROF: 1
Shots: 6
Min Str: d8
Weight: 8
Magazine Weight: 0.5
Notes: CQB, Bulky 2, cannot take a silencer

LM-1 Laser Pistol: Based off of our initial research into the aliens energy weapons, we've been able to take long standing theories about laser technology and weaponize them. Furthermore, our initial analysis of alien energy systems have given us some innovative ideas on how to upgrade existing battery technology. As a result, we’ve been able to combine the two concepts to create a small, hand held laser pistol firing a high powered beam that can cut through most targets quite easily. Initial testing shows that it has the equivalent punch to one of our assault weapons, and the incorporated bio-electric battery can fire twelve shots before needing a replacement.

The crystal oxide of elements found within alien weapons has the unique property of having an incredibly high gain saturation and low population inversion threshold, resulting in a powerful lasing storage medium. Optical pumping is provided with high-efficiency LEDs, powered with the latest in lithium-polymer. The weapon pulse emitted is a microsecond pulse of near-infrared radiation in the megawatt range.

Though the materials to manufacture laser weapons are relatively inexpensive, save for some alien weapons parts required for the power source, the chief problem is the lensing system. While we can manufacture a lens of appropriate clarity and stability, the slightest defect in the process will render it useless for the purposes of our weapon. We estimate that our current manufacturing processes will need to create over a hundred lenses to luck into having one of sufficient quality to use in the weapon.
Range: 12/24/48
Damage: 2d8
AP: 1
ROF: 1
Shots: 12
Min Str: d4
Weight: 2
Magazine Weight: 1
Notes: Laser, CQB

Taser: The taser is a short ranged, non-lethal weapon; that fires a dart connected to a high powered battery. Useful for attempting live captures, but very risky to use given its low effective range. Examples: M26 Advanced Taser, X26 Military Taser
Range: 3/6/12
Damage: 3d6
AP: 0
ROF: 1
Shots: 1
Min Str: d4
Weight: 2.5
Magazine Weight: 1
Notes: CQB, non-lethal

Shortened Double-Barrel Shotgun: A close quarters weapon with a wide variety of ammunition choices. This weapon is ideal for very close encounters and capable of dealing devastating amounts of tissue damage. The versatility of ammo and ease of use makes them ideal for pointmen and fast moving operatives expecting trouble at close quarters, however, the truncated weapon's range is extremely poor in comparison to rifles or even most pistols.
Range: 4/8/16
Damage: 1-3d6
AP: 0
ROF: 1
Shots: 2
Min Str: d4
Weight: 3.5
Ammo Weight (2 shells): 0.5
Notes: Shotgun, CQB, Double Barreled (may fire both barrels as one action for +4 damage). See shotguns in the primary weapon section for alternate ammo types