Savage X-COM UFOPaedia Alien Artifacts

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Plasma: Ignores heavy armor trait from human based equipment

AW-1 Plasma Pistol: A standard alien sidearm that fires highly charged plasma particles. They've somehow found a way to make these plasma particles stabilize and remain coherent beyond the barrel, possibly with a magnetic or gravitic field. This weapon is absurdly brutal to human flesh and cuts through our armor like a knife through butter.
Range: 15/30/60
Damage: 2d10+1
AP: 3
ROF: 2
Shots: 12
Min Str: d4
Weight: 3
Magazine Weight: 1
Notes: Plasma

AW-2 Stun Launcher: The second recovered weapon, this appears to be an alien live capture device. It fires a small, purple shell by an unknown mechanism. The shell does not contain a conventional explosive. Instead, it unleashes a field that seems to trigger the sleep section of biological brains in some fashion; making it very effective at capturing live targets. Range: 20/40/80
Damage: 4d6
AP: 0
ROF: 1
Shots: 1
Min Str: d4
Weight: 9
Magazine Weight: 1
Notes: Medium burst, non-lethal, biological targets only