Savage X-COM UFOPaedia New Facilities

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Alien Containment: Now that we have a rudimentary understanding of alien physiology and nutrition, we can construct holding cells that will keep them alive for a prolonged period of time, behind secure walls and electro-reinforced uranium glass. This will allow us to conduct interrogations and attempt to learn more about the invaders. An alien containment facility is being constructed in each major X-COM base and at <CLASSIFIED>.

Cybernetics Lab: The most advanced prosthetic surgery center and engineering lab on the planet; the cybernetics lab takes existing theories about advanced prosthetics, and uses meld to allow us to put them into actual use, allowing technology to blend with human flesh and bone with no rejection. In addition to the obvious benefits of cybernetic replacements, this allows us to create soldiers capable of interfacing with massive MEC suits.

Genetics Lab: The literal cutting edge of bio-science, the Genetics Lab contains advanced tanks for infusing living subjects with meld and genetic material. When manipulated by advanced computer intelligences such as GEOSCAPE, this allows for the real time editing of the human genome. Meld makes the existing theories about genetic engineering actually possible and feasible on live subjects. The medical possibilities are endless, but for now, the main benefit is incorporating alien DNA into human soldiers, improving their combat capabilities.