Savage X-COM UFOPaedia X-COM Facilities

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X-COM Facilities[edit]

X-COM Command Center: The beating heart of X-COM, located in North Scotland, this facility is the command and control centre for all of X-COM operations across the globe. The Geoscape global synchronization and virtual intelligence interface runs from here, providing strategic level control and tactical uplinks to ground and air combat teams. If this facility is lost, so is X-COM.
Staff: 20 Technicians, 20 Analysts

Regional Command Center: Regional command centers are used to coordinate X-COM operations in specific theatres away from X-COM HQ. It contains a smaller version of the Geoscape interface, and serves as a primary network node for that region.
Staff: 10 Technicians, 20 Analysts

Local Command Center: Secondary X-COM bases in the same region of operations use Local Command Centers to direct their operations, and link up with HQ or the Regional Command Center. They contain tertiary versions of the Geoscape interface, and interface directly with the primary network hub for their region.
Staff: 5 Technicians, 10 Analysts

X-INT Operations: A small, discrete set of offices in an X-COM base, this is where the analysts of the Extraterrestrial Intelligence Unit sort through information gathered by field agents, data sweeps, contacts and computer hacks; analyze it, find patterns and convert it into actionable reports for X-COM to act upon.
Staff: 30 Analysts

Hospital: An advanced medical facility for treating injured X-COM troopers as they come back from the field, equipped with top of the line staff and equipment, for both immediate care after combat evac and long term treatment. It has the capacity for twenty patients at a time; any additional patients will need to be outsourced to local hospitals.
Staff: 5 Doctors, 10 nurses

Laboratory: A top end research laboratory with the most cutting edge equipment available. The laboratory has a modular design, and so can be reconfigured on short notice to perform any sort of research, from theoretical physics to high energy materials to biochemistry. Each lab can support thirty scientists and one project at a time.
Staff: 10 Technicians, 30 scientists

Workshop: X-COM will need to both expand its bases and construct new weapons, armors and technologies based off of alien designs. Accordingly, the workshops in the X-COM base are some of the most advanced of their kind, with every type of human tool imaginable. Each workshop can support thirty engineers and one project at a time.
Staff: 10 Technicians, 30 engineers

Armory: Located just off the hangers, the armory is present in every base with troopers, and stores all their weapons, large and small. HWPs and other drones are also stored and maintained here.
Staff: 5 Technicians

Radar Facility: UFOs have proven remarkably resistant to radar, being able to evade most casual radar scans. X-COM bases use a high powered suite of high altitude radar systems that are linked into a network of satellites for both heightened detection ability and ground observation. This system focuses solely on scanning for UFOs. In addition, the radar system receives data from national networks to look for patterns from civilian and military detection arrays that could also indicate the presence of a UFO.

The range of the system is two thousand nautical miles. In game terms, a radar facility covers two countries within a region. Multiple radar facilities in the same base are redundant, additional bases are needed to provide coverage.
Staff: 5 Technicians, 5 Analysts

X-Bar: While the general quarters provides a small suite of recreational facilities for off duty X-COM operatives, the most popular hangout on the base is what has become informally known as the X-Bar. A small bar with a laid back attitude that gives soldiers a chance to escape the raging war they’re fighting in. It also includes the X-COM memorial, for all soldiers lost in the line of duty.

General Quarters: A suite of rooms for scientists, soldiers, engineers, pilots and officers. Each section provides living space for one hundred base personnel and includes recreation and dining areas.

Internal Defense, Light: This level of defenses only includes a series of security cameras throughout the base, and patrols by security staff, coordinated from a central station. Key and lock access required for secure locations.
Staff: 5 Shield Operatives

Internal Defenses, Moderate: The previous defenses are upgraded to include checkpoints and security staff added throughout base interior, with upgraded cameras and more eyes monitoring them. Secure locations require keycard access. This is the level currently held by Area 51.
Staff: 15 Shield Operatives

Internal Defenses, Secure: At this stage, defenses have reached one hundred percent internal coverage with security cameras, and armored defense zones positioned at key points in facility. Secure locations locked with biometric security.
Staff: 25 Shield Operatives

Internal Defenses, Indomitable: The security cameras are upgraded with tracking machine guns and facial recognition software, security staff training is significantly increased and internal bunkers are added at key choke points. There are multiple layers of biometric security required for access to secure locations.
Staff: 40 Shield Operatives

External Defenses, Light: A chain link fence surrounds the base. Watch towers with machine guns guard access points and the perimeter.
Staff: 5 Shield Operatives

External Defenses, Moderate: New checkpoints are present at all access areas; with security cameras and regular patrols on the grounds around the base. An electric fence surrounds the base. MANPADs are issued to the security teams. In the event of aerial attack, this allows an aerial combat check with a d4 to be made against the attacking UFO before it lands.
Staff: 15 Shield Operatives

External Defenses, Secure: The base is surrounded by a concrete wall. A series of SAM sites are built on the grounds. Bunkers are constructed in the hills surrounding facility and equipped with machine guns and rocket launchers for security staff. Patrols are sent out further into the hills, and liaisons established with local authorities. This is the level currently present at Area 51, thanks to the presence of the American base.
Staff: 25 Shield Operatives

External Defenses, Indomitable: SAM coverage is vastly increased and bunkers are equipped with missile launchers and 120mm cannons. All approaches have been mined. The patrols range far from the base and include regular helicopter sweeps. In the event of aerial attack, this allows an aerial combat check with a d8 to be made against the attacking UFO before it lands.
Staff: 40 Shield Operatives

Hanger: X-COM uses vertical oriented hangers with electromagnetic launch catapults for its aircraft in order to better maintain operational security. Each hanger can support, maintain, repair, rearm and launch up to six different aircraft. Helicopters do not take up slots in the hanger.
Staff: 10 Technicians

Reactor: In order to minimize exterior power requirements, X-COM bases are run on a General Mills micro-atomic reactor, normally used on aircraft carriers. The reactor should provide more than sufficient power to run the base and any possible facilities. If this is lost, so is the base.
Staff: 10 Technicians

X-COM Base Types[edit]

X-COM Headquarters: The supremely secret facility from which all X-COM forces and operations are directed, the headquarters is also a potent strike base on its own; capable of directing operations across the entire globe. It's hooked into the military and intelligence networks of the world, and represents the height of technology, military science, research, engineering and political influence that the world has to offer. Or it will, once we prove to the world governments that X-COM can fight back against the invaders.

The command staff operates out of here. If we lose this base, we lose the war.

X-COM Headquarters is located at a non-disclosed location in Northern Scotland; and was initially built in the late sixties.

Facilities: Command Center, X-INT Command, Hospital, Laboratory, Workshop, Armory, X-Bar, Two General Quarters, Reactor, 3 Hangers, Radar Facility, Moderate Internal and External Defenses
Vehicles: 10 interceptors, 2 Skyrangers, 2 A-10s, 2 Skycranes, 6 Ospreys, 4 Hueys, 10 HummVees, 4 armored SUVs
Staff: 30 Sword Team Operators, 20 pilots, 30 scientists, 30 engineers, 50 Shield Operatives, 90 Technicians, 55 Analysts, 5 Doctors, 10 Nurses

Regional Command Base: Located in each of X-COM's administrative regions, the Regional Command bases are effectively similar in stature and purpose to X-COM HQ. They direct all X-COM's forces in their region, and file regular updates and reports to HQ. Area 51, Eclipse Operations, Valkyrie Command, Vanguard Outpost and Nova Bastion are X-COM's current regional command bases. Several others are currently being planned for once the budget unlocks from the backing nations.

Facilities: Regional Command Center, X-INT Command, Hospital, Laboratory, Workshop, Armory, X-Bar, General Quarters, Reactor, 3 Hangers, Radar Facility
Vehicles: 10 interceptors, 2 Skyrangers, 2 A-10s, 2 Skycranes, 5 Ospreys, 4 Hueys, 10 HummVees, 4 armored SUVs
Staff: 30 Sword Operators, 8 pilots, 10 scientists, 10 engineers, 50 Shield Operatives, 90 Technicians, 45 Analysts, 5 Doctors, 10 Nurses

Radar Base: The most basic form of coverage X-COM can provide for regions: A small base that runs X-COM’s UFO specialized radar systems, and coordinates information from national radar sites. It can’t take down UFOs, but it can alert X-COM to their presence and allow for interceptions from other bases. Each radar base can provide coverage to two regions within its theatre.

This base has a local command center, light external defense and light internal defense, and a radar facility. It is staffed by 10 Shield Operatives, 5 technicians and 5 analysts with 4 HummVees and a Huey for local transport. It can ease the panic in its covered regions by providing early notification for national governments about UFO incursions, but little else. Other bases will have to respond to what it detects.

These bases will likely be a low priority for alien attack. Cost: 60 Construction time: 3 weeks Maintenance: 15

Research Base: Designed to expand on the research facilities at HQ, Research Bases are focused exclusively on expanding lab access and providing a solid center for research alien technology and artifacts. It also allows for more risky experiments to be conducted, where an explosion won't wipe out an entire garrison of troops. It’s slightly more cost efficient than adding more labs to HQ, but has a greater degree of risk. Mother One is currently the primary research base for X-COM, and has been built up significantly

Facilities: Light external and internal defenses, a general quarters and two labs.
Vehicles: 2 HummVees, 2 Armored SUVs, 1 Huey
Staff: 60 scientists, 20 technicians, 30Shield Operatives.

Engineering Base: These secondary bases are more factories than military facilities. They're design to take a team of top of the line engineers, and give them all the tools they need to produce X-COM's weaponry and technology, from nano-forges to large scale 3D Printers. They benefit strongly from heightened access to civilian manufacturing and resources, as they do not need quite as an extensive cover up to hide their presence. It’s slightly more cost efficient than adding more labs to HQ, but has a greater degree of risk.

Facilities: Light external and internal defenses, general quarters, two workshops
Vehicles: 2 Hummvees, 2 armored SUVs, 2 Hueys, 1 Skycrane
Staff: 60 Engineers, 20 Technicians, 30 Shield Operatives

Interception Base: This base will allow regions to be defended by X-COM’s elite air assets. It can detect and down UFOs; and then destroy crash or landing sites with A-10 strikes and drone strikes. Alternatively, troops from regions that support squad deployments can raid them.

These bases will likely quickly come to the attention of the alien forces and become targets if not properly protected.
Facilities: Local Commander Center, moderate internal and external defenses, general quarters, two hangers, reactor, radar facility Vehicles: 10 interceptors, 4 predator drones, 2 A-10s, 4 Hueys, 2 Ospreys, 2 Skycranes, 6 HummVees and 2 armored SUVs.
Staff: 40 Technicians, 15 Analysts, 12 pilots and 30 Shield Operatives.

Strike Base: This is a full-fledged assault base, with support for Skyrangers, multiple combat teams and a flight of interceptors. This base is almost as potent as a regional command cneter, and will be able to deploy interceptors and combat teams to deal with UFO incursions in its coverage region.

It is believed that these bases will be top targets for alien forces as the engage, and will need to be protected accordingly.

Facilities: Local command center, moderate external and internal defenses, areactor, hospital, radar base, three hangers, general quarters, armory
Vehicles: 10 interceptors, 2 A-10s, 4 predator drones, 2 Skyrangers, 4 Ospreys, 5 Hueys, 2 Skycranes, 8 HummVees, 4 Armored SUVs
Staff: 30 Sword Operators, 16 pilots, 55 technicians, 10 analysts, 5 doctors, 10 nurses and 40 Shield Operatives

Aircraft Carrier: A hypothetical facility that's been proposed, a converted Russian Kiev-class aircraft carrier purchased by X-COM. It has less direct offensive capability than a standard strike base, but can be repositioned to cover crisis zones, secure undefended regions until a permanent base can be established or provide support to X-COM bases being overwhelmed.

Due to its size, it cannot be expanded significantly. It is also somewhat more vulnerable to attack.

Facilities: Local command center, moderate external and internal defenses, reactor, radar base, two hangers, general quarters, armory
Vehicles: Eight interceptors, one A-10, one skyranger, 2 Ospreys, 4 hueys
Staff: 20 Sword Operators, 12 pilots, 20 Shield Operatives