Save Game: Fight the Zeroes!:Princess Maddie

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High Concept: Crystal Hornet Princess[edit]

Princess Madarinia "Maddie" Spacestal is the current ruler of the Crystal Hive Hornets, a crystalline humanoid species of pixon with the features of insects including wings and a stinger. Though Maddie has wings, she does not have a stinger like the rest of her people, instead having incredible jumping and gliding abilities along with an array of special items and a magical girl outfit.

Trouble: Too Fast![edit]

Unfortunately, due to the rapid platforming required in her game, Princess Maddie never really learned the concept of "slowing down", and as a result has a hard time containing and altering her pace. While this can be beneficial in areas containing straightaways or requiring quick movement, it often works to her detriment, as the regular world simply does not operate at such high levels of speed.

Aspect: Alien Lightning Laser Wand[edit]

A relic gifted to her by the Alien Wizard Emperor, this magic wand possesses the power to launch devastating blasts of both lightning and lasers, and even lightning lasers when overcharged. It is Maddie's main weapon and never leaves her side, not even for a second.

Aspect: Blue Demon Knight[edit]

The main antagonist of the old arcade game Protect the Hive!, the Blue Demon Knight is a powerful and cunning foe but one fought with mutual respect. Clad in nigh-impenetrable sapphire armor and wielding a demonic ruby greatsword, the Knight wishes only to conquer the Crystal Hive and steal its magic power for himself - or so the game says. In reality he's just bored and spoiling for the only good fight the game can give him: Maddie.


Coins: 3
Hearts: [1] [2] [3] [4]
Lives: 3


(+3): Jump
(+2): Chat, Shoot
(+1): Item, Sneak, Spot


Unbeatable: Charged Shot - Succeed with style on a single Shoot attack and create the boost Knocked Dizzy with one free invoke.
Unlock: Flying Kick - Unlock Attack for Jump.
Upgrade: Sustained Glide - +2 to prolonged and long-distance jumps.