Save Game: Fight the Zeroes!:Sir Phineas Oryctolagus

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High Concept: Rabbit Explorer Extraordinaire[edit]

A famous explorer, Sir Phineas has sailed the high seas, explored ancient temples, and even went through time once or twice. No puzzle will go unsolved with him and his backpack of tricks on the case. The very calling of treasure still gets him giddy, even if he is a bit on the older side now.

Trouble: Deep in Debt[edit]

If there's one thing that is constant with Phineas, even after the glitch-pocalypse, it's his accumulating debt. It seems to be programmed deep within his code that no matter where he goes, he owes someone something, usually gold. As such, he's learned over the years that obtaining wealth seems to just be temporary for him.

Aspect: Lou Wolfe, Pizza Delivery Wolf Sidekick[edit]

Lou is the young, impressionable sidekick of Sir Phineas, and refers to him as "Mr. Phineas". Originally just a delivery boy for Burning Hot Pizza, Sir Phineas' favorite food joint, he is the one that kickstarts the first game. He's shown up with Sir Phineas ever since, usually acting as a way to solve puzzles that require just one more person. He takes great pride in his punctual deliveries, never late.

Aspect: The Power Necklace[edit]

One of the first treasures that Sir Phineas found. It was a necklace that transforms into a melee weapon and a ranged weapon depending on the user. For Sir Phineas, it changes into a hammer and a pistol, both relatively light weapons, but useful for his adventures, since he always needs to be on the move. Between games, this is the only tool that seems to stay with Sir Phineas, becoming a staple item, even on the boxart.

Aspect: Nemesis of Iron Cat[edit]

The extremely rich nemesis of Sir Phineas, Iron Cat is a little mad in the head. He is after the various treasures in the world for his own nefarious purposes. His pride and joy, the Laser Pointer of Doom, located on his right front paw at all times, is just as much a staple for Iron Cat, as the Power Necklace is for Phineas. His goal? World domination!!! You know, the usual


Coins: 3
Hearts: [1] [2] [3] [4]
Lives: 3


(+3): Item
(+2): Jump, Shoot
(+1): Punch, Hax, Spot


Unlock: Reflective Shield: Unlocks Defend with Item
Upgrade: Peas Shooter: +2 to Shoot a target that was successfully hit last time
Unbeatable: Secret Stash Immediately shop at Bit-Mart as if you were in the store.
Hax: Palette Swap: Spend a coin to roll Hax, opposed by the target’s Hax. If you succeed, replace one of your Hax stunts with one of the target’s special moves until the end of the stage. If you succeed with style, the target cannot use the move while you have it.

His original game: Bunny Breaker[edit]

Sir Phineas Oryctolagus was an explorer who went through different tombs in search of one thing, find enough treasure to pay off his debts. When he enters at the Tomb of the Parrot King, he finds himself rather hungry, so he orders a pizza from his favorite place, Burning Hot Pizza (EXTRA CARROTS!). When the delivery wolf meets him at his location (in 30 minutes or less, I might add), he accidentally trips a booby trap causing both of them to fall to the lowest level. Now finding treasure isn't enough, he must now acquire the means to escape, and relying on his new companion, Lou Wolfe. Luckily, he's not alone, for he has his special treasure, the Power Necklace. A necklace that can change between a pistol and a hammer at will.

Unfortunately, Phineas is not the only one pursuing this treasure, so too is his arch nemesis, the one known as Iron Cat. With his weapon, the laser pointer of dooooooooom to blast through this tomb. Can Phineas reach the treasure, save his sidekick, and pay his bills before Iron Cat can get to it? Platform your way, solve puzzles, and fight against scary tomb monsters and other raiders as you explore.