Scalgard Dwarven Thane
Dwarven Thane[edit]
The thanes are the leaders of the dwarven people, each responsible for the health and safety of a single castle-community. They are the keepers of their people's lore, and so serve as judges in disputes; they are master craftsmen, and so must be teachers to the young; and they are tied deeply to their giant forebears, and so must serve as leaders in battle.
But the thane must never sit in audience; his is a power borrowed from his fathers and his people, and it would insult them both to sit as if he were king. Speaking to visiting dignitaries is the honor of skalds (bards). Thanes stand behind, with his councilors, relying on his lore to guide him. Thanes, of course, never stand alone.
Hit Die: d10
Requirements: To qualify to become a dwarven thane, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Feats: Ancestral Knowledge
Saves: Fort +2
Skills: Craft (any) 6 ranks, Knowledge (history) 3 ranks, Knowledge (local) 3 ranks.
Class Skills
The dwarven thane’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (architecture and engineering) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis).
Skill Points at Each Level
4 + Int modifier.
Level | BAB | Fort Save |
Ref Save |
Will Save |
Special |
1st | +1 | +2 | +0 | +0 | Dwarven Lore, Gnomic Soul |
2nd | +2 | +3 | +0 | +0 | Animal Form, Giant's Memory |
3rd | +3 | +3 | +1 | +1 | Mountain King |
Class Features
Weapons and Armor: Dwarven Thanes who do not already have it gain proficiency with Martial Weapons and with all forms of armor.
Dwarven Lore (Ex): Dwarven Thanes are deeply schooled in the history of their people, and the knowledge they possess comes in handy at odd times. This ability functions like the Bardic Knowledge ability, with the following modifications:
- the knowledge gained can only be related to dwarves and their history (including giants), not to all knowledge; all dwarven lore check DCs are lower than the equivalent bardic knowledge DC by 5.
- the bonus on the check equals dwarven thane level + Wisdom modifier, rather than bard level + Intelligence modifier.
- a dwarven thane who also has the bardic knowledge class feature may add the levels in the class that gives him the bardic knowledge ability to his dwarven thane levels for purposes of dwarven lore checks.
Gnomic Soul (Su): A dwarven thane may cast Reduce Person on himself as a standard action, with a caster level equal to his dwarven thane level + his Wisdom modifier. He can use this power a number of times a day equal to his dwarven thane level.
Animal Form (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, the dwarven thane can take the form of a single animal. Select any small or medium animal off of the list of druid's animal companions. A number of times a day equal to his wisdom modifier, a dwarven thane can change into that animal as if he were a druid of his dwarven thane level using wild shape. Once selected, a dwarven thane cannot change the animal he changes into.
Giant's Memory (Su): Also at 2nd level, a dwarven thane can cast Enlarge Person on himself as a standard action, with a caster level equal to his dwarven thane level + his Wisdom modifier. He can use this power a number of times a day equal to his dwarven thane level.
Mountain King (Su): At 3rd level, a dwarven thane can cast stoneskin on himself as a free action, with a caster level equal to his dwarven thane level + his Wisdom modifier. He can use this power once a day.