Scariks Strands40k Equipment

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All items have a Cost. In order to obtain an item you make a Wealth test vs the Cost. If you succeed you get the item and may spend any extra Shifts on reducing the time needed to acquire it. If you fail you take Status Stress equal to the number of Shifts the Cost obtained and may take Consequences to reduce that as normal. In any event you still obtain the item though it takes longer than normal according to how many Shifts you failed by.


Items come is several broad categories of quality:

  • Poor: The item works but inelegantly, the Cost to obtain (but not to upkeep or repair) is reduced.
  • Common: The item is serviceable, no modifications to these rules.
  • Good: The item works well and is finely detailed in form as well as function. The Cost to both obtain and upkeep is increased.
  • Best: These items are of singular workmanship, both exquisitely beautiful and sublimely effective at their task. The Cost to obtain and upkeep is increased even more than for Good Quality items.

Crafting, Upkeep and Repair[edit]

To upkeep an item you test Wealth against half of its Cost. Failure is handled as for obtaining the item, success brings no further benefit. If you would be Taken Out by failure of an upkeep test you reduce the quality of the item until such a time as you can have it properly seen to.

Repairing an item uses an appropriate Skill (usually Tech) and tests against half the base Cost of the item + the entire increased Cost due to Quality. Failure causes Status Stress as normal though Good items reduce the Stress by 1 and Best by 2, these items are quite rugged, the extra difficulty of their repair is many that of their artistic qualities rather than mechanical ones. The repair takes additional time as normal from the extra shifts. If you would be Taken Out by a failure to repair an item it is ruined, its quality reduced by one category. Success reduces the time needed for a repair.

To craft an item you (or a client) test Wealth against half the base Cost + full Quality modifier to acquire the raw materials and parts you need, then you test an appropriate Skill (normally tech) vs half Cost to assemble the device, if you have a facility of sufficient quality you gain +1 to this roll. Failure results in Status stress as normal and if you fail with Spin you spend the full base time needed to craft and fail. Success reduces the time needed by Shifts as normal.