Scion of Free Will Lilith Nightstar
Lilith Nightstar[edit]
My destiny was to be a vessel for the Nihls. But I decided I wanted a different one.
(Unspent XP: 5)
Strength 0
Stamina 2
Dexterity 4
Agility 2
Fighting 6
Intelligence 0
Awareness 10
Presence 1
====Mind-Freeing Sword==== Mental Blast 6, Affects Insubstantial 2, Limited: Only creatures using mind control or possession, Quirk: Must touch victim of mind control/possession, Linked to Nullify 8 (Mind Control/Possession), Reduced Range
====Nightstar Sword==== Damage 10, Affects Insubstantial 2, Multiattack
====Nightstar Arrow==== Blast 10, Affects Insubstantial 2
====Nightstar Explosion==== Blast 7, Area: Burst
Parry 12
Dodge 12
Toughness 8
Fortitude 7
Will 13
Acrobatics 4 (8)
Athletics 3 (5)
Close Combat: Emerald Freedom Rod 4 (10)
Expertise (Magic) 8
Expertise (Nihls) 8
Intimidation 2 (3)
Persuasion 5 (6)
Ranged Combat: Emerald Freedom Rod 8 (10)
Stealth 4 (8)
Benefit (Mentor – Emerald Mira’s ghost), Accurate Attack, Power Attack, Evasion, Defensive Roll 3, Inproved Initiative, Move-by Action, Takedown, Uncanny Dodge, Assessment, Agile Feint, Attractive, Ritualist
Broken Shackles (Removable) [8]:
- Enhanced Will 3 (Affects Others only, Area: Burst) [6]
- Ultimate Effort (Will Resistance) [1]
- Protection 3 (Permanent) [3]
Immunity: Mind Control/Possession [5]
Senses (Detect: Mind Control/Possession) [2]
Flight 4 [8]
Nullify 8 (Mind Control/Possession, Reduced Range) [4]
Array: Emerald Freedom Rod (26 pts, Easily Removable - 16)
- Mind-Freeing Sword: (Mental Blast 6, Affects Insubstantial 2, Limited: Only creatures using mind control or possession, Quirk: Must touch victim of mind-control/possession) Linked to Nullify 8 (Mind Control/Possession, Reduced Range) 22
- Unchained Soul: Nullify 10 (Mind Control/Possession, Area: Burst) 1
- Nightstar Sword (Damage 10, Affects Insubstantial 2, Multiattack) 1
- Nightstar Arrow (Blast 10, Affects Insubstantial 2) 1
- Nightstar Explosion (Blast 7, Area: Burst) 1
Enemy: The Nihls cult seeks to reclaim their “child of darkness”
Guilt: Lilith blames herself for Emerald Mira’s death, and is reluctant to get close to others because she fears endangering them.
Temper: Lilith does not like people who try to push others around, especially those who abuse positions of authority, and will not hesitate to tell them off. This can get her in trouble…
Obsession: Lilith doesn’t really see why having an ordinary life is necessary in addition to fighting the Nihls – it’s something Mira wants her to learn.
For as long as Lilith can remember, she was raised by a Nihl-worshipping cult. She herself is not sure whether she is the daughter of one of the cult members, or was kidnapped at an early age, but either way, she was taught that the purpose of her existence was servitude to her Nihl masters. She was trained as a warrior for their cause, in order to fulfill her intended destiny and bring darkness to the world.
In carrying out her mission, she encountered a Magical Girl named Emerald Mira. The pair battled each other several times, but through conversations during their battles, Mira realised that Lilith couldn't concieve of being anything other than a slave of the Nihls, and was determined to change that. She approached Lilith offering friendship, and was finally managing to connect with her, when the Nihl cult took Lilith back to their headquarters, intending to have Lilith's body become the vessel for a powerful Nihl spirit. Mira fought her way into the cult's headquarters to save her, but Lilith's body had already been taken over. In desperation, Mira used all her power to strengthen Lilith's spirit, enabling Lilith to realise that she didn't have to be a servant of the Nihls, and could make her own destiny. Lilith broke free of her possession... but the effort expended by Mira had cost her her life, leaving Lilith heartbroken.
Perhaps, even in death, Mira could sense Lilith's heartbreak, because her ghost appeared to Lilith, comforting her. Lilith resolved to honor Mira by fighting in the name of the Spirit of Creation, and Mira promised that her spirit would help guide her when she needed it. Mira also appeared in ghost form to her parents, asking them to take Lilith in in her place.