Scions of Heaven/Act 1/Session 5 (Malfeas)
(17/12/09 13:28:41) Myllinnia: Scarlet Ruby has left and has taken to her room, her door obvious locked. This obviously haven't stopped eavesdroppers before. The rest of you have been left to your devices, being armed and such with artifacts that Scarlet Ruby has gathered.
(17/12/09 13:31:20) Myllinnia: It is noon, the sun is nice and the villagers are out repairing and stuff. Only a few of the Village guard stand about the Orphanage (and Manse) drinking tea while waiting it seems.
(17/12/09 13:32:26) Priide Kittee is lying on the grass next to Tai, holding her lover's hand gently.
(17/12/09 13:32:41) Myllinnia: Trinity silently follows Gale almost like a lost puppy.
(17/12/09 13:33:14) Tai Zi tangles her fingers lightly with Priide's laying on her stomach, free arm proping herself up as she studdys her book.
(17/12/09 13:33:15) Gale seems to be trying to get Trinity to eat. "You have to eat more then just blood, what about an apple? Or a glass of water?"
(17/12/09 13:33:50) Priide Kittee smiles at the Lunar, reading a book of her own.
(17/12/09 13:34:12) Myllinnia: "W, water will do."
(17/12/09 13:34:28) Myllinnia: Trinity looks to her hands a moment.
(17/12/09 13:36:21) Gale: Gale gets her a cup of cool water. "Its the int of your exaltation, is it not? Its derived from something that I don't know of... Is there anything else I can do to help you?" Gale sits down, concerned for her.
(17/12/09 13:36:31) Lao Zi finally returns from his retreat, carrying the thick manual on sorcery at his side, looking in on Tai, looking a little grouchy at Priide, "Hi Tai... how have you been?"
(17/12/09 13:36:44) Rai is helping the villagers repair things, at least those things that can be repaired with more enthusiasm than skill.
(17/12/09 13:36:53) T`zaran has been spending time healing any seriously wounded villagers, especially those that might not recover on their own even with Eloria's care -- there's definitely something to be said for being able to punch someone back to good health.
(17/12/09 13:37:17) Tai Zi looks up at Lao and smiles softly. "I have been studying, I seem to already know some of this from muscle memory but what I know and can do is just the very beginings.
(17/12/09 13:37:55) Priide Kittee waves at Lao lazily. "What's up?"
(17/12/09 13:39:36) Lao Zi sits down next to Tai, looking owlish at Priide, as he holds out his own book he seems to have acquired, "I was going over this, has some spells in it I think I might have to learn...", he flips it open to one page, "...this one looks particularally interresting, a disguising effect."
(17/12/09 13:40:12) Tai Zi blinks and sits up a bit loseing her fingers and watching Lao and his new book.
(17/12/09 13:40:32) Priide Kittee: "Oh?" Priide might not be interested in sorcery herself, but she can fake interest well enough.
(17/12/09 13:41:22) Lao Zi is now sporting a dyed dark-purple tunic and baggy breeches, looking like they're made of a super-fine silk, and sandals... And is sporting a set of rings on both hands, each made half of moonsilver and orichalcum, seems he got some artifacts of his own, appart from the group before. He nods at Priide, "Yeah, a few other spells too..."
(17/12/09 13:42:32) Tai Zi makes a slight nod, listening attentively.
(17/12/09 13:43:00) Priide Kittee: "Sounds interesting." She flops back, smiling at Tai fondly.
(17/12/09 13:44:57) Myllinnia: Trinity shakes her head softly as she drinks from the cup. "I'll be fine Gale," she says softly. "Are you doing okay? H, he's not bullying you is he?"
(17/12/09 13:45:51) Lao Zi smiles, "Well... it says here.", pointing to the book page, "...that we can mask the visual display of Exalted essence expenditure... think that might be rather useful."
(17/12/09 13:46:19) Priide Kittee nods. "That does sound useful." She looks at the rings curiously. "What do those do?"
(17/12/09 13:46:24) Tai Zi taps the silver disk that seems to be permantely displayed upon her brow. "Like this?"
(17/12/09 13:46:27) Myllinnia: The towns folk are quite surprised by Rai's helpfulness well maybe not so much, but they are happy for his assistance. The Farmer families are quite busy outside the village, those out that far can hear diciplined commands as if there was an ex-commander out among them.
(17/12/09 13:47:04) Gale: "I'm not that worried about him, I can just tune him out. I'm more worried about you, Sister. I can live with him in my head, I just hope we can find a way to help you."
(17/12/09 13:50:00) Rai does eventually wander out to see what the Farmers are up to, with absolutely no other motive than being helpful to them, honest.
(17/12/09 13:52:36) Myllinnia: If Rai didn't know any better the farmers were more an army that the Village Guard. Regardless they move about the various farms building something it appears right in the heart of two of them closest fields.
(17/12/09 13:54:05) Myllinnia: Trinity nods to Gale quietly looking towards the window.
(17/12/09 13:54:15) T`zaran: Having been able to heal the seriously wounded relatively quickly with his newfound abilities, T'zaran takes a break to allow the essence that he's expended to recover, heading back up toward the house. By the time he gets there, his anima has died down, although his caste mark still glitters faintly upon his brow.
(17/12/09 13:55:04) Myllinnia: Meanwhile with Priide and the others a strange but sickly screech like sound faintly is heard nearby.
(17/12/09 13:55:09) Lao Zi looks at Tai, "I believe it might be able to cover that up, yes..."
(17/12/09 13:55:18) Rai sidles up to a hidden vantage point to get a closer look at this strange construction, staying out of sight in case this is one of those things he's not supposed to be seing.
(17/12/09 13:55:32) Tai Zi makes a visible finching sound at the screech. "bloody night"
(17/12/09 13:55:37) Priide Kittee stands slowly, laying the book down on the grass. "What was that?"
(17/12/09 13:57:17) Gale: "Is there anything else I could do for you? I'd hope to atleast help my sister no matter what. If you want it, I could even sing for you, Trinity. You know how rare that is." He flashed a grin.
(17/12/09 13:57:37) Myllinnia: The men and women of the farms don't seem to notice Rai though they are quite focused. One man in green robes stands nearby with a scroll before him.
(17/12/09 13:58:54) Lao Zi blinks at Tai, not really paying attention to other things, as he closes his book, looking up and looking around, "Uhm...", as he stands up, looking to the man in green.
(17/12/09 14:05:20) Myllinnia: She smirks. "Well... you don't have to do that." She says reluctantly, "It is rare though... very."
(17/12/09 14:06:16) Tai Zi looks around at the scrach and frowns a bit noding once to Lao about him being able to hide a few of the particulars of her exaltation.
(17/12/09 14:06:38) T`zaran comes upon the others about the time of the noise, and pauses. "It's not an animal I know of from the forest. But it's hurt. I'm going to go and find out what it is." He gestures to Eos. "You should probably stay here. It might not take kindly to a predator coming too close."
(17/12/09 14:07:52) Myllinnia: Eos sits giving quite an audible sigh.
(17/12/09 14:08:28) Priide Kittee nods slowly. "Um, okay?"
(17/12/09 14:08:41) Rai sneaks up on the man in green, trying to get a good eye at what he's reading or saying without being noticed by staying in blind spots and quickly ducking behind partially assembled parts when someone does happen to look.
(17/12/09 14:09:17) Tai Zi pushes herself up and smiles a bit. "A wounded animal is dangerous." She follows behind T`zaran.
(17/12/09 14:09:58) Gale gets up, smiling. "Well, I think I can avoid being embarrassed just this once..." Coughing slightly, Gale closed his eyes, centering himself. He then started singing a simple lullaby, something to try and ease his sisters nerves as his voice became gentle, an entirely different person then who he normally was. It was a song called 'stairs of light', (c)
(17/12/09 14:10:19) Myllinnia: The scroll appears to have plans on them for a large-ish device. Even so you notice that its probably the base for a large stationary weapon. And he sets out commands for what goes where and how.
(17/12/09 14:10:34) Gale: And curiously, even the embittered, scathing shard strapped to his soul seemed to ease as he sung, allowing his voice to go to greater heights and allow for him to fully sing!
(17/12/09 14:10:45) Priide Kittee blinks, then follows her fiancee. "Wait for me, love!"
(17/12/09 14:10:47) T`zaran scritches Eos's ears, then turns and heads in the direction that the cry came from. "Not to me. Or, well, less so to me," he admits, realizing rather quickly that he was being a bit overconfident, new powers or no.
(17/12/09 14:12:09) Lao Zi blinks as he gets up and follows after Tai, grumbling a little at Priide's description of Tai... having to take many-more of his shorter strides to keep up with Priide, if not Tai.
(17/12/09 14:13:04) Tai Zi smiles not racing ahead but keeping even with T`zaran checking over her shoulder and holding out a hand for those who trail behind her.
(17/12/09 14:14:39) Myllinnia: T'zaran and company come to the shaded side of the orphanage, which lies against one of the steepest cliffs that rise upbehind it. However a creature, lies there a large bleeding gash in its long silver scaled side. The draconian head looks to group and hisses at them. Its not too large though a good two feet long and no taller than a house cat.
(17/12/09 14:15:48) T`zaran: His caste mark brightens, and he gestures for the others not to advance any further, although he'll not actually stop them if they do. "Hello there. We mean you no harm. Will you allow me to approach?" he asks the creature, seeming to expect that it can understand him.
(17/12/09 14:16:19) Myllinnia: Trinity blinks at Gale before smiling warmly at him as he sings wonderfully. Even the nearby guards seem to notice it.
(17/12/09 14:17:51) Myllinnia: The creature hisses more him before falling silent regarding T'zaran.
(17/12/09 14:18:17) Gale continues to sing, a bit carelessly as no one aside from his sister has really heard him sing. But now he doesn't seem to mind it. He has a good voice, why should others be denied from hearing it?
(17/12/09 14:20:40) Tai Zi sees the animal and smiles a bit stepping back a bit away from the wounded animal.
(17/12/09 14:21:06) T`zaran approaches slowly, so as not to alarm the dragonling. "I tend to the wounds of many of this area's creatures when they're harmed, though I've never seen one like you before. May I tend to yours?"
(17/12/09 14:22:41) Myllinnia: Its tail moves slowly as if its trying to debate to trust T'zaran but after a moment it seems to nod to him and it lays still, its golden eyes looks to the others.
(17/12/09 14:24:36) Rai stops being stealthy right behind the man in green and cheerfully says "Need any help?"
(17/12/09 14:24:53) Priide Kittee follows T`zaran quietly, crouching next to the dragonling.
(17/12/09 14:25:44) T`zaran kneels down in front of it, taking a long moment to assess the wounds before he begins to consider treating them. "She's a friend as well," he reassures.
(17/12/09 14:25:53) Myllinnia: The old man jumps and spins on Rai a flat look on his wrinkled and old face. "Rai!" He cries out his once smooth scroll now crinkled in his tightly gripped fingers.
(17/12/09 14:27:08) Myllinnia: It looks to Priide and gives a gentle ~mew~ before laying still waitingly.
(17/12/09 14:27:39) Lao Zi shrugs, "Obviously they're friends...", as he leans against a near-by tree, and pretends to read out of his book...
(17/12/09 14:27:46) Priide Kittee smiles, patting it's head gently, inspecting the wound. "You'll be okay."
(17/12/09 14:28:28) Myllinnia: Its a nasty cut, to be sure.
(17/12/09 14:28:35) T`zaran looks more than a little surprised that it would allow Kittee to touch it so readily, but doesn't let that distract him from his work.
(17/12/09 14:30:02) Tai Zi smiles and leaves T`zaran and Priide to the wounded animal looking at the book over Lao's shoulders. "Would it work on my quills?"
(17/12/09 14:30:15) Myllinnia: Priide isn't too sure what caused the wound but certainly something bladed did it. T'zaran realizes this much as well as he begins to gently tend to it.
(17/12/09 14:30:23) Lao Zi blinks over at Tai, nodding a bit, "I belive so, yes."
(17/12/09 14:34:01) Tai Zi nods a bit. "Could you try?"
(17/12/09 14:34:20) Priide Kittee carefully works to help the animal.
(17/12/09 14:34:37) Lao Zi shakes his head at Tai, "No... I'd need time to go over it."
(17/12/09 14:35:52) Rai: "That's my name!"
(17/12/09 14:36:12) Myllinnia: It takes some time and the creature does wince and whimper at the pain as it is bandaged. Though together the pair does safely take care of its wound. It lays still closing its eyes for a moment.
(17/12/09 14:37:24) Priide Kittee smiles at the dragonling, carefully picking it up in her arms. "Come on, I'll take care of you."
(17/12/09 14:37:59) Myllinnia: The old man glowers at Rai. "Next time just approach like a normal person does. Why do you always have to sneak about? Hmmm? Why back in my day I taught kids like you how to handle themselves. Really. Scarlet is to leinent on you." He sighs crossing his arms and looks ready to go into one of those old people's rants.
(17/12/09 14:38:59) Rai: "How far before my day was your day, because I don't know who you are?"
(17/12/09 14:39:45) T`zaran: "Kittee, that might not be..." he begins, preparing to caution her against lifing up the dragonling, but stopping mid-sentence when it becomes clear that it doesn't mind.
(17/12/09 14:41:46) Myllinnia: The dragonling lays there in her arms almost purring, though its tail's tip still swishes softly.
(17/12/09 14:43:05) Priide Kittee pats it's head gently, carrying it back to the village.
(17/12/09 14:43:44) Myllinnia: The old man sighs. "I am Ryuu Illumin, master architech of the 5 Families and Caradeen Village. Every building, every tile, every stick in the walls I designed." He says perhaps a bit too proudly.
(17/12/09 14:44:47) Rai: "Did you make that neat underground treasure cave?"
(17/12/09 14:45:48) Myllinnia: The old man raises an eyebrow and looks away. "No, the Hill was not my work. Neither its top, nor its decieving bottom."
(17/12/09 14:46:09) Rai: "Oh, well I guess the village is nice too."
(17/12/09 14:46:28) Rai: "So whatcha making now, some sort of cannon?"
(17/12/09 14:47:20) Myllinnia: "As a matter of fact yes," he says grumpily. "It will be my finest creation in the defenses of the Village."
(17/12/09 14:48:07) Rai: "Cooool. You should make another one for Heaven's Thunder!"
(17/12/09 14:48:29) Myllinnia: He blinks at Rai. "What is that?"
(17/12/09 14:49:19) Gale: Gale eventually stops singing, clearing his throat. "So... How was that? I haven't sung for a while..."
(17/12/09 14:49:38) Rai points at the big airship hovering over the forrest. "My pirate ship!"
(17/12/09 14:50:04) Myllinnia: Trinity nods shaking away the nearly entrancing nature of the song. "It was very nice," she says clapping.
(17/12/09 14:50:13) T`zaran heads back to the house to clean up his hands and his veterinary equipment.
(17/12/09 14:51:01) Myllinnia: The old man looks to Rai and shakes his head. "Even if I could I doubt that Anathema created device would accept my work."
(17/12/09 14:51:32) Rai: "Eh, Lao could make him."
(17/12/09 14:51:43) Rai: "Anyway, need any help testing your cannon?"
(17/12/09 14:52:16) Tai Zi smiles and goes back to Priide as T`zaran goes back in. "Is it okay?"
(17/12/09 14:52:30) T`zaran missed out on the singing, more's the pity, but he does greet Lilly and Gale as he comes inside.
(17/12/09 14:53:10) Gale: "Ah, hello, T'zaran, Is everything going well outside?" He turns, smiling to T'za as he sits next to his sister.
(17/12/09 14:53:31) Priide Kittee nods, smiling at Tai fondly. "It is, love."
(17/12/09 14:53:56) Tai Zi smiles and nods giveing the wounded creature a sniff or two.
(17/12/09 14:54:21) T`zaran: "We found something that looks like a little dragon wounded nearby, and helped tend its injuries. It seems to be rather fond of Kittee."
(17/12/09 14:55:21) Myllinnia: As T'zaran enters coming down the stairs from Ruby's room is a rather pale looking Scarlet Ruby and in her hands is a bundled and wrapped pair of weapons. As she descend she nods to T'zaran, Trinity, and Gale.
(17/12/09 14:55:31) Lao Zi re-closes his book and goes over to look at the little dragon-thing, shrugging, "Doesn't quite look like an elemental.", though not getting as close as Tai.
(17/12/09 14:56:38) Priide Kittee swats Tai gently. "No scaring him. I want to keep Loockheeed."
(17/12/09 14:57:38) Gale: "A dragon? Hrm, thats... odd..." Gale briefly nods to Ruby. "Well, does it look like it will survive?"
(17/12/09 14:57:39) Lao Zi chuckles, "Yeah... careful Tai, I've got some spicey-pepper sauce for you to baste the thing in, if you're hungry.", obviously teasing.
(17/12/09 14:58:03) Priide Kittee glares at Lao. "That's not funny."
(17/12/09 14:58:55) Tai Zi sniffs at it and shakes her head. "I don't think I could gain anything from eating its heart, no reason to."
(17/12/09 14:59:45) T`zaran: T'zaran nods. "It should be fine within a week or so. Perhaps faster, since I don't know how quickly its kind heals. Someone with a bladed weapon took a swing at it, it looked like." He looks to Ruby. "Are you all right?"
(17/12/09 15:00:31) Myllinnia: Ruby nods, "I will be fine. Don't worry, just... an encounter I wasn't too fond of." She turns to Gale and smiles gently, "How are you and Trinity?"
(17/12/09 15:00:36) Lao Zi bahs a bit and shrugs, not looking too happy, but, goes to where he can watch the goings on, and actually read his book again.
(17/12/09 15:01:07) Tai Zi looks after Lao and makes a small sound looking up at Priide. "Please try and get along with him..."
(17/12/09 15:01:43) Gale: "Trinity is... Doing better, I think." He smiles. "And me? Well, I am fine, all things considered."
(17/12/09 15:02:06) Priide Kittee sighs. "I will, don't worry, my fiancee. But I'm not sure he wants to get along with me." She kisses Tai gently on the Lunar's caste mark.
(17/12/09 15:02:41) Myllinnia: The old man frowns at Rai, "Well that I don't doubt actually."
(17/12/09 15:03:53) T`zaran: "I had a thought about that." He looks between the three of them. "Perhaps I could take her out to the forest and teach her to hunt. If you think that might help?" This last directed solely to Trinity.
(17/12/09 15:04:15) Tai Zi she leans into the kiss then looks over at Lao. "please try and make peace with him, it is my heart that binds me to you, but it is my nature that binds me to him, I do not wish to be torn between you two."
(17/12/09 15:04:53) Priide Kittee nods. "I don't want you to either, love."
(17/12/09 15:04:55) Rai: "Sounds fun! What are we gonna shoot!"
(17/12/09 15:05:55) Myllinnia: "More of those ships if they arrive." He grins almost ferally.
(17/12/09 15:07:02) Myllinnia: Trinity frowns. "Hunt?"
(17/12/09 15:07:13) Rai: "Oooh, I like the way you think old man."
(17/12/09 15:07:30) Gale: "Hunt? You mean for animals to drink the blood of?"
(17/12/09 15:08:15) Lao Zi sighs and shakes his head, "Sorry, it's going to take me longer than the rest to come to grips with.", though, exactly what he's talking about, he isn't making clear.
(17/12/09 15:08:49) Tai Zi blinks soft yellow eyes at Lao tilting her head slightly.
(17/12/09 15:09:13) Myllinnia: Ruby frowns slightly. "In either case, a... friend brought gifts for you and Trinity." She holds out the wrapped up weapons of which one apparently is a spear-like weapon. "And there is a box in your room Gale for you and Trinity."
(17/12/09 15:09:37) Priide Kittee looks at Lao curiously. "I'm sorry?"
(17/12/09 15:10:47) Lao Zi shakes his head, "You... aren't actually what I'm talking about.", as he shakes his head again, and heads off with his book.
(17/12/09 15:11:22) Tai Zi frowns a bit and squeezes Priide's hand tightly before chasing off after Lao.
(17/12/09 15:11:57) T`zaran: "Yeah. I kept thinking about how you needed blood. If it doesn't have to be human, then it's a way you can get what you need while still helping the village."
(17/12/09 15:12:59) Gale: "Hrm?" Gale moves to the spear, a bit interested by it. "I see. Who was this friend?" he asks, looking to see how it looked, felt, what material it was made from...
(17/12/09 15:13:18) Gale also gives a brief nod. "Thats a great idea, T'zaran. If it works, it would help a lot. Thank you."
(17/12/09 15:13:51) Priide Kittee blinks, then follows after Tai and Lao. "Look, Lao, what's your problem? You're family, I want to help you if I can."
(17/12/09 15:18:05) Rai rushes off to tell everyone else about the new cannon, also so he can participate in what's going on > >
(17/12/09 15:18:24) T`zaran nods in return to Gale, turning his attention to the gifts that Ruby has brought for the twins and regarding them with curious interest.
(17/12/09 15:20:22) Lao Zi ducks inbetween the houses, seems he wants to be alone, for what-ever reason... maybe he doesn't want to talk about it?
(17/12/09 15:22:24) Tai Zi sniffs around and blinks a bit suprised as Lao ducks her for a moment or two before picking back up on him and finding his hideing place.
(17/12/09 15:23:35) Lao Zi is actually found out on the other-side of the houses, up in a thick tree... sitting in it, I mean, who normally thinks of looking ~up~? He's sitting up there, more or less crying into the sleeve of his tunic, book closed and laid against his knees, as he sits on a sturdy branch.
(17/12/09 15:23:36) Priide Kittee catches up, panting slightly. "What's the matter, Lao?"
(17/12/09 15:23:39) Myllinnia: "Oh... someone from my past she's gone now." The spear or halbred as you realize is made of jade but a jade that glows a sickly green almost. The daiklave with it is a made of a strange blackish metal looking well more normal than the helbred.
(17/12/09 15:24:09) Tai Zi has a worried look on her face her quills brissled out slightly as she looks up at Lao.
(17/12/09 15:24:56) Rai runs up to where Ruby and the others with her are. "Guess what I saw!"
(17/12/09 15:25:12) Lao Zi isn't exactly responding, as-if he can't hear the pair, still crying into his folded arms.
(17/12/09 15:25:22) T`zaran shudders slightly as he continues to regard the two weapons, more than a little thankful for Rai's distraction. "What did you see?"
(17/12/09 15:25:36) Rai: "Nah, you have to guess."
(17/12/09 15:25:56) Rai: "I'll give you a hint though, it's something to help the village."
(17/12/09 15:27:41) Tai Zi makes a soft sound and looks over at Priide. "what should we do.."
(17/12/09 15:28:40) Priide Kittee looks worried, then leaps, catching the branch before pulling herself up. "Lao?"
(17/12/09 15:29:20) T`zaran: "Velvet Sky baking some of her famous pies?" he asks, only partially joking.
(17/12/09 15:29:40) Tai Zi steps up to the tree and griping the bark and hauling herself up after Priide.
(17/12/09 15:30:05) Rai: "Ooh, pie sounds good, but no, This old guy is building a cannon."~
(17/12/09 15:30:41) Rai finally stops to look around at the new gifts. ".... What are those things, they look weird."
(17/12/09 15:32:38) Lao Zi looks up at the pair, teary-eyed, "But... I said before... I... I just can't deal yet.", he shakes his head, putting his face back in to his arms, doesn't seem he wants to deal with what-ever it is.
(17/12/09 15:33:12) Priide Kittee hugs him gently. "It's okay, Lao. We're here for you. You can trust us."
(17/12/09 15:34:47) Tai Zi slips a arm softly around Lao and snugs herself up aginst him.
(17/12/09 15:36:28) Gale: "Hrm..." As Gale focuses on the 'jade' weapon, it seems to quickly match his own height, resting in his arms as it grows lighter. "Ah... Yes, this would be jade then?"
(17/12/09 15:36:42) Lao Zi just sobs as he shakes his head, not saying anything, as he hugs Tai, squeezing her tightly... it sounds like he just can't put words to it any longer...
(17/12/09 15:37:57) Priide Kittee raises an eyebrow at Tai over Lao's shoulder, holding the twin Djala.
(17/12/09 15:38:09) Myllinnia: Ruby smiles gently, "What did you see that is to help in the defense of the village."
(17/12/09 15:39:10) Tai Zi nuzzles softly and kisses Lao gently. "Tell me what to do and I will gladly help."
(17/12/09 15:39:16) Rai: Some old guy who complained that you weren't being easy enough on us was building a cannon.
(17/12/09 15:39:25) T`zaran looks more than a little surprised. "A cannon? Really?"
(17/12/09 15:39:33) Gale: "A cannon?"
(17/12/09 15:39:34) Lao Zi shakes his head, hugging Tai tighter for a long moment, "...I've already asked you, and you said you couldn't..."
(17/12/09 15:39:37) Rai: "And yeah. To shoot down any more airships that come."
(17/12/09 15:39:58) Rai: "Where'd Lao go, it sounded like the sort of thing he could help with."
(17/12/09 15:40:38) T`zaran: "That would take an awfully big cannon. And how would you power something like that? Unless it's like a ballista?"
(17/12/09 15:40:58) Priide Kittee looks at Tai questioningly, cuddling the two Djala in her arms.
(17/12/09 15:41:17) Rai: "I dunno, maybe the manse under here?"
(17/12/09 15:43:09) Myllinnia: *"Perhaps," Ruby nods.
(17/12/09 15:43:52) Gale: "The manse might make sense..." Gale looks at the 'gift' for Lilly a bit curiously. "What metal is that? It looks... wrong."
(17/12/09 15:44:05) Tai Zi looks down and nods. "I would do anything I could for you but that is out of my power."
(17/12/09 15:45:54) Lao Zi sighs and sniffs, trying to stop the crying, "Sorry, it's just...", he says, looking at Tai, "I'm not the strongest, but you were my rock, and it eroded...", squeezing her, then shakes his head, "...I'll get better, it's... I..."
(17/12/09 15:47:26) Priide Kittee hugs Lao. "It's okay, we're here for you. You're nakama, Lao."
(17/12/09 15:48:34) Myllinnia: "Its..." Ruby falls silent as if she debates what to say, but sighs a moment later, "Soulsteel." Lilly seems to stiffen slightly.
(17/12/09 15:49:05) Rai: "Huh, I thought that was only used to make parts of stuff."
(17/12/09 15:49:22) Tai Zi rests her head on Laos shoulder curling her hand softly to hold Priide's as well. "Lao, i have no memories, I am sorry but I must lean on you a little while longer, but what Priide said is true, you are family, we will be here for you."
(17/12/09 15:52:07) Gale: "Soulsteel? Theres a good reason I don't like that name despite never hearing it, right?"
(17/12/09 15:52:31) Lao Zi leans in to the pair, hugging both of them, leaning... and, doesn't seem to be thinking about balance, the group sort-of is up a tree...
(17/12/09 15:53:21) Myllinnia: Ruby nods softly. "You'd be right. But it will work well for her, for now."
(17/12/09 15:53:58) Gale: Gale shakes his head. "If you say so... And if Lilly trusts you, so would I."
(17/12/09 15:54:04) Tai Zi gives Lao a soft kiss. "Come on, give me a smile Lao, then lets get out of this tree, none of us needs a broken arm."
(17/12/09 15:54:52) Priide Kittee nods, hugging the two Djala... and starts sliding sideways.
(17/12/09 15:56:16) Lao Zi sniffs a bit and sighs, "O... okay...", as he tries to disentagle himself, to try and get out of the tree safely.
(17/12/09 15:56:27) T`zaran continues to regard the weapons suspiciously, but, well, he trusts Ruby and the twins, so that'll have to be enough. Even some medicines are poison in larger doses, right?
(17/12/09 15:58:09) Rai elbows Gale. "Ixnay on the illylay"
(17/12/09 15:58:46) Gale: Slipping, Gale slumps down a bit as he curses under his breath. "Sorry, Trinity..."
(17/12/09 15:59:28) Tai Zi hops out of the tree with a grunt as she lands and bends her knees
(17/12/09 16:00:00) Rai: "Eh, I'll probably forget next, and then you can be the one to elbow me."
(17/12/09 16:01:52) Lao Zi hops down out of the tree as well, book in hand, a little less-steady than Tai, but, acceptably so.
(17/12/09 16:02:05) Myllinnia: Ruby nods and smiles gently, "I shall go and see how this 'cannon' looks. The group of you play nice now, okay." With that she bows and heads off.
(17/12/09 16:03:40) Gale: "They mentioned another gift in our room, Tri... Lets see what it is?" He says, heading to his room, expecting Rai and T'zaran to follow. "I suppose the two of you could take a look as well..." He says with a grin.
(17/12/09 16:04:12) Priide Kittee lands badly, oofing slightly.
(17/12/09 16:04:39) Rai goes, curious if this one is gonna be weird too.
(17/12/09 16:05:44) Tai Zi rights herself and checks Priide to make sure she landed okay
(17/12/09 16:06:18) Lao Zi reaches over and swats Tai's rump a bit while she checks on Priide, sthicks his tongue out, then dashes off, running back between the houses.
(17/12/09 16:06:42) Tai Zi she eeps a bit and blinks rightning up.
(17/12/09 16:06:52) Myllinnia: Trinity follows the weapon for her held lightly in her hands. In the room there is a large crate, a strange thing to be sure, as its not made of wood but black iron. A strange red insignia is imprinted on all sides.
(17/12/09 16:07:13) Priide Kittee looks up at Tai, extending a hand. "Um, mind helping me up, love?"
(17/12/09 16:07:29) Gale: "Eh?" Gale moves to the crate, trying to open it. "Okay, this is getting creepy... Anyone recognize the insignia?"
(17/12/09 16:07:33) Tai Zi rubs her rump from the swat but bends over and helps Priide up with a smile
(17/12/09 16:08:07) Rai says "Don't think so", but takes a closer look at it.
(17/12/09 16:08:29) Priide Kittee: "Thanks." She says, kissing her lover gently. "Um, where did Lao go?"
(17/12/09 16:09:06) Myllinnia: The insignia is not a very pleasant one, the lines and make up alone makes anyone who looks at it uneasy.
(17/12/09 16:09:07) Tai Zi smiles. "He slapped my ass then ran off somewhere."
(17/12/09 16:10:14) Rai: "Huh. It kinda reminds me of the designs on my armor though, those make my eyes kinda hurt too."
(17/12/09 16:10:28) Rai: "Might not mean anything though."
(17/12/09 16:11:37) Gale: "Hrm, well... Crates were made for unpacking..." Even if the insignia hurts to look at, Gale tries to open the crate!
(17/12/09 16:11:42) Tai Zi smiles at Priide. "Lets see see whats been going on."
(17/12/09 16:13:52) Priide Kittee nods, taking Tai's hand. "Yeah, let's."
(17/12/09 16:14:10) Myllinnia: Inside the large box is a set of armor, a very interesting looking set of armor, obviously not normal suit at that.
(17/12/09 16:15:02) T`zaran frowns. "I don't know it, no. But I don't think I like it, whatever it is. Still, if it can keep Lilly safe..."
(17/12/09 16:16:08) Tai Zi squeezes Priide's hand before ducking into the house looking around for the others.
(17/12/09 16:17:06) Myllinnia: Tai and Pride finds the others at Gale's room, staring into a large disturbing looking metal crate.
(17/12/09 16:17:14) Gale: "Eh? Hrm..." Gale tries opening the suit of armor, or even donning it. "It looks to be a bit big..."
(17/12/09 16:17:36) Tai Zi blinks a bit. "whats with the crate?"
(17/12/09 16:18:02) Priide Kittee looks confused. "I'm not sure.
(17/12/09 16:18:03) Rai: "I can probably help you with that. Mine was kinda big before I got it adjusted too."
(17/12/09 16:19:08) Lao Zi catches up from behind Tai and Priide... looking a little grumpy about something, his tears having dried up, as he looks out from behind and between them, "A crate?"
(17/12/09 16:19:32) Tai Zi smiles sliping a arm around Lao and Priide's hips.
(17/12/09 16:19:37) Myllinnia: Trinity waves to the three.
(17/12/09 16:19:46) Gale: "No, its not big because of that... Its... Hang on..." Gale wrestles around with the suit, opening the 'chest' as he slips inside of the leather undersuit in it. 'Essence user detected', a faint voice echoes from the crate. 'Attuning with wearer.'
(17/12/09 16:20:51) Rai: "It talks just like mine did!"
(17/12/09 16:21:00) Tai Zi smiles at Trinity.
(17/12/09 16:21:12) Priide Kittee hugs Tai gently. "Feeling better, Lao?" The sidereal asks quietly.
(17/12/09 16:21:30) Rai: "Some friend of Ruby's brought the crate."
(17/12/09 16:21:41) Rai: "Guess they thought gale needed armor."
(17/12/09 16:23:37) Gale: 'Integrated systems checks... Sensory augmentation: Activating.' The single crimson eye on the armors 'face' lights up. 'Integrated subsystems, Camouflage subsystems, Artificial muscles, and Vitality augmentations online. Gunzosha activated.' The armor starts to move, with the chest core sealing. "Okay... This thing is odd..." Gale says through the helmet.
(17/12/09 16:23:58) Myllinnia: Trinity tilts her head, "Very strange."
(17/12/09 16:24:16) Tai Zi just blinks and backs up a few times. "I do not know what is going on"
(17/12/09 16:24:59) Gale: The 'Gunzosha' is sleeker and more compact to the bulkier, heavy Gunzoshas commonly used. The composite jade and metal presents a slim, compact build thats just a bit larger then a normal human. It looks like a whole suit of jade articulated plate, but moves with much more grace and speed. "Its some sort of weird armor. Easy to move in though."
(17/12/09 16:26:15) Tai Zi looks around for Rai.
(17/12/09 16:26:28) Rai is, as often, not hard to find.
(17/12/09 16:26:36) Lao Zi shakes his head and ahs, "Nifty power-armor..."
(17/12/09 16:27:11) Rai: "Does yours turn invisible too?"
(17/12/09 16:27:20) Tai Zi smiles and tugs Rai over. "Do you mind if Priide and I start moving our stuff on to the ship? I am guessing you dont want to sit still too much longer"
(17/12/09 16:27:56) Rai: "Oooh, did you pick out which part of the crew you wanted to be?"
(17/12/09 16:28:22) Tai Zi laughs a bit. "we'll think of something on the way"
(17/12/09 16:28:49) Gale: "Its telling me it can activate stealth mode when I will it." Gale shrugs. "Well, i'll learn about it later. It does seem rather inuitive, like something giving me advice."
(17/12/09 16:28:53) Rai: "But yeah, if you've got stuff, go ahead and put it in there. I travel light."
(17/12/09 16:31:36) Tai Zi smiles at Lao. "Help us?
(17/12/09 16:33:12) Lao Zi shrugs and blinks at Tai, "Uhm... ~you~ might not remember it...", he coughs a little, "..but you're the strong one.", he shows, his much-much less muscular arms, by pulling up the sleeve of his steel-silk tunic, "...but, I could summon a Jokun to help."
(17/12/09 16:33:41) Rai: "Oh, I can help."
(17/12/09 16:33:50) Rai: "A good captain takes care of his crew, after all!"
(17/12/09 16:33:59) Myllinnia: Lilly reaches inside the crate noticing something else in there and pulls it out. As she does so the crate itself pulses with somekind of essence before disappear. Mostly akin to Elsewhere affecting charms.
(17/12/09 16:34:07) Tai Zi shakes her head and grabs Lao and Priide by the shirt and shakes her head at Rai. "Its okay six hands should be enough, I'll handle the heavy stuff."
(17/12/09 16:34:33) Rai shrugs. "Suit yourself!"
(17/12/09 16:34:53) Rai: "Oh wait, Lao. You should go talk to the old man about the cannon he's building."
(17/12/09 16:34:55) Gale: "This suit seems to make me stronger as wel-" He gets cut off, helping move Lilly aside as the crate vanishes. "Tri, you okay?"
(17/12/09 16:34:58) Rai: "Show 'em what's what?"
(17/12/09 16:34:59) Rai: -?
(17/12/09 16:35:00) Priide Kittee blinks slightly, but doesn't protest.
(17/12/09 16:35:47) Lao Zi rolls his eyes and puts his hands up, like he was held at sword-point, "A cannon? Lovely, do they have a trained artillery-man for it?", then pauses, "Ok... which way to the crazy cannon-building man, he's got fireworks for it, right?"
(17/12/09 16:36:16) Rai: "Out in the eastern fields. Can't miss it, lots of people standing around."
(17/12/09 16:36:39) Tai Zi looks at Lao. "You can carry a box on the way"
(17/12/09 16:38:16) Myllinnia: Trinity nods holding a scroll and a small amulet. "I'm fine." She looks to the scroll with a frown.
(17/12/09 16:38:17) T`zaran: "I hadn't thought of that. I'll have to pack, won't I?" He doesn't have very many things, granted, but he's got his clothes and his books. "And I hope that Eos won't mind being inside all the time while we're in flight."
(17/12/09 16:40:10) Tai Zi smiles draging Lao and Priide out.
(17/12/09 16:40:44) Lao Zi grumbles and sticks his tongue out at Tai, then acks as he's dragged by his sister... looking this way and that, as he's pulled, and gives Priide's rump a swat, before pretending to not have done it.
(17/12/09 16:41:25) Priide Kittee raises an eyebrow at Lao. "What are you trying to pull?"
(17/12/09 16:41:30) Rai peers over Tri's shoulder at the scroll "Whatcha got?"
(17/12/09 16:42:58) Rai: "Lao, if you want some lessons on how to get away with that, I'll be happy to teach you."
(17/12/09 16:43:13) Lao Zi blinks at Priide, "Eh? What?", he smiles, "...thought you said we were family.", he chuckles, then shakes his head at Rai.
(17/12/09 16:43:36) Myllinnia: She shrugs. "Some that was in there. I'm not sure if I want to open it."
(17/12/09 16:44:08) Tai Zi smiles at Lao winking at Priide before giving Lao a playful slap."
(17/12/09 16:44:16) Priide Kittee: "Family, not lovers."
(17/12/09 16:45:02) Rai: "I can open it for you and then if there's anything bad I can make up a better story."
(17/12/09 16:45:04) Rai: "I'm good at those.
(17/12/09 16:45:08) Lao Zi yipes at the swat, giving Tai a soft play-punch in the shoulder, before rolling his eyes at Priide, "You were an only child, weren't you?"
(17/12/09 16:46:29) Gale: "Hey, Lilly and I were twins... We turned out relatively normal!"
(17/12/09 16:46:39) Gale: "er... Trinity." Gale curses again.
(17/12/09 16:47:00) Myllinnia: Trinity rests a hand on Gale's shoulder and smiles.
(17/12/09 16:47:03) Rai: "I have a whole *bunch* of siblings."
(17/12/09 16:47:19) Rai: "3 brothers and 5 sisters."
(17/12/09 16:47:38) Rai: "Ari's the best though."
(17/12/09 16:48:13) Priide Kittee stares at Lao. "Considering my real parents died while I was an infant, yes, actually." She speeds up, muttering to herself. "Arsehole."
(17/12/09 16:49:09) Myllinnia: The rest reach the busy farms. Ruby is down here talking with Ryuu Illumin as the various farmer families bring materials to the now wooden stucture.
(17/12/09 16:49:21) Tai Zi growls softly and lets go of Lao and Priide. "Will you two just get along." She sighs and steps out of the room and heads down the hall.
(17/12/09 16:50:36) Priide Kittee follows Tai. "I'm sorry, my moonlight." The sidereal says softly.
(17/12/09 16:50:55) Gale helps out where he can, his Gunzosha armor dramatically boosting his speed so that he almost seems to be a blur at times!
(17/12/09 16:51:30) Lao Zi sighs and shakes his head, taking the box, "I was supposed to go see a man in the field.", as he heads that away.
(17/12/09 16:51:49) Tai Zi goes into her room but dosent close the door behind her.
(17/12/09 16:52:40) Priide Kittee enters Tai's room, going and hugging the Lunar. "Tai?"
(17/12/09 16:53:50) Tai Zi is in the process of striping the covers off the bed. "I am not happy Priide, I asked you to get along with him, I told you I didnt want to be torn between you two."
(17/12/09 16:53:51) T`zaran: "I have all of you. That's plenty of siblings for me," he says with a smile.
(17/12/09 16:54:19) Rai: You guys are my crew, that's just as important!
(17/12/09 16:55:34) Priide Kittee nods apologetically. "I'm sorry, my moonlight. Please, forgive me?"
(17/12/09 16:56:44) T`zaran: "So you're the captain, Gale's first mate. I still need to pick my position."
(17/12/09 16:57:22) Tai Zi looks at Priide. "Make nice my starlight, if not for him then for me, I dont know how much he lost but he and I rarely speak he is hurting as you are and I was."
(17/12/09 16:57:37) Gale: "Second mate of course, T`zaran." Gale ways with a grin.
(17/12/09 16:58:34) Rai: "That could work."
(17/12/09 16:58:46) Rai: Tai was gonna be helmsman... you could be... lookout or bosun if you didn't want that
(17/12/09 16:59:02) Priide Kittee: "I'll do my best." She says, kissing Tai on the forehead. "Do you need help with anything?"
(17/12/09 16:59:49) Gale: "I've never flown before, but..." Gale says, taking the helmet off his Gunzosha armor. "It seems liberating to me. Or part of me. Even moreso with whats changed with me..."
(17/12/09 17:00:04) Gale: "'Course, you guys have to help me with Lilly or i'll beat you up." He smiles.
(17/12/09 17:00:12) Tai Zi frowns softly hefting her mattress. "Find Lao, make nice, then come back and help me, if we're leaving the others will want to bring stuff with them as well."
(17/12/09 17:01:37) Rai: "I'll help you with Lilly *and* with beating up the people who don't."
(17/12/09 17:01:41) Priide Kittee nods. "All right." Priide hugs her lover, then leaves, looking for Lao.
(17/12/09 17:02:05) Tai Zi sighs and sets the mattress down to hug Priide then follows.
(17/12/09 17:02:50) T`zaran grins at Rai and Gale, nodding his agreement as well.
(17/12/09 17:04:39) Rai: "So yeah, just pick something."
(17/12/09 17:04:48) Rai: "Or all the good jobs will get taken!"
(17/12/09 17:08:02) T`zaran: "Well, a pirate ship doesn't really need a shepherd, and that's what I normally do."
(17/12/09 17:08:37) Rai: "A bosun is *sort* of like a shepherd."
(17/12/09 17:08:44) Rai: "You're responsible for managing the non-crew."
(17/12/09 17:08:54) Rai: "Who can be thought of as sheep."
(17/12/09 17:09:19) T`zaran: "Bosun it is, then!"
(17/12/09 17:12:43) Lao Zi is caught moving slow and grumpily carrying a box, heading out into the field, as instructed earlier.
(17/12/09 17:14:09) Priide Kittee jogs over to Lao. "Hey, um, sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have snapped at you."
(17/12/09 17:14:42) Lao Zi mrrs and shrugs, "Sorry... we're all sort of orphans, didn't expect you to have such a response..."
(17/12/09 17:16:24) Gale: "I really don't think Priide, or Lao and Tai are interested in the whole sky pirate thing though..."
(17/12/09 17:16:51) Rai: "Well, that'd just make T`zaran in charge of managing them."
(17/12/09 17:17:04) Rai: "Tai said she'd be helmsman a while ago though.
(17/12/09 17:19:13) Rai: I can probably convince Lao too. Priide... she's just a stick in the mud, she can stay a passenger if she wants.
(17/12/09 17:19:45) T`zaran: "Lao has got to be chief engineer. Priide is chief medical officer. Not sure about Tai. Head of security?"
(17/12/09 17:20:00) Rai: "Do pirates have those?"
(17/12/09 17:20:18) T`zaran: "I dunno. If not, you'd be a pioneer!"
(17/12/09 17:20:28) Rai: "I think we need a lookout."
(17/12/09 17:22:38) Rai: "Priide could be the ships doctor, yeah."
(17/12/09 17:22:58) T`zaran: "Good point. Tai would probably be good as a lookout."
(17/12/09 17:23:55) Rai: "We don't have a helmsman then though..... But I guess Heaven's Thunder can fly himself."
(17/12/09 17:24:26) Rai: "We could give Lao both jobs, they're sorta the same here."
(17/12/09 17:25:03) T`zaran: "Yeah, I think he could handle it."