Scratch:Example Characters

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Some Scratch RPS abilities are more appropriate for certain types of settings and characters than others. The abilities can be loosely interpreted or adapted to a wide variety of settings and types of characters. For example shooting could be used with guns, bows or spells.

Fantasy Characters[edit]

These medieval warriors and magic users have 10 total levels but no more than 4 levels of any one ability.

Aleron (12 defense, 2 stamina): mighty knight

3 fighting: bastard sword (strike quickly at many enemies)

1 knockout: bastard sword (deliver a powerful killing stroke)

2 quickness: warhorse allows him to move quickly on the battlefield

4 toughness: heavy armor

Robyn Shadow (13 defense, 1 stamina): stealthy rogue

2 knockout: dispatches enemies with her deadly dagger

2 shooting: bow

3 stalking: stealthy

3 toughness

Kai Li (13 defense, 1 stamina): fighting monk

3 wrestling: stuns enmies with powerful kicks and pressure point strikes

3 acrobatics: avoids attacks with quick reflexes and tumbling skills

1 swimming: learned to swim during adventures at sea

3 toughness

Venganza (12 defense, 1 stamina): curse-flinging witch

2 shooting: transforms enemies into harmless toads

2 wrestling: talks to plants which help her trap and control enemies

2 healing: plants also help her heal allies

2 flying: magic broom

2 toughness

Burninatus (12 defense, 2 stamina): battle mage

4 blasting: unleashes wild flames that strike multiple opponents

2 stalking: conjures illusions to deceive and surprise his enemies

4 toughness: also a master of protective spells

Modern Fighters[edit]

These contemporary characters have 10 total levels but no more than 4 levels of any one ability.

Jimmy Broadside (12 defense, 2 stamina): brawler

2 fighting: trained in striking martial arts

2 wrestling: trained in grappling martial arts

2 quickness: fast on his feet

4 toughness: lots of stamina

Susan Tracker (13 defense, 1 stamina): assassin

2 shooting: luger

2 knockout: switchblade

3 stalking: sneaks up on her targets

3 toughness

Detective Salvatore (12 defense, 2 stamina): cop

2 shooting: sidearm

2 wrestling: non-lethal weapons

1 healing: first aid training and experience treating wounds in the field

5 toughness: protective vest resists cutting and absorbs some damage from blunt weapons and small arms

Sgt. Finn (12 defense, 2 stamina): military police soldier

2 shooting: her primary weapon is an M4 carbine

2 blasting: M203 grenade launcher attached to the M4

2 acrobatics: she is trained to move under and over obstacles in full gear

4 toughness: body armor and stamina training

Super-powered Characters[edit]

These powerful heroes and villains have 20 total levels, but no more than 10 levels of any one ability.

Psikosys (11 defense, 2 stamina): powerful psychic with telepathic and telekinetic powers

5 wrestling: manipulate the emotions of his enemies so they cannot fight effectively

5 flying: levitation

5 toughness: telekinetically block attacks

5 knockout: crush the organs of his enemies

Smokescreen (18 defense, 1 stamina): teleporter

9 fighting: strike multiple enemies in rapid succession

8 acrobatics: teleport in any direction to evade attacks

3 toughness

Remora (13 defense, 3 stamina): marine mutant

3 wrestling: wrestler

3 acrobatics: gymnast

7 swimming: swim as fast as a swordfish

7 toughness: enhanced healing factor

Titanium (17 defense, 4 stamina): girl genius

2 shooting: disabling energy blasts

1 blasting: spread the focus of the energy blasts to hit multiple opponents

7 quickness: high performance actuators for running fast

8 toughness: armored exoskeleton

2 craftsmanship: constantly tweaking equipment

Redshift (20 defense, 1 stamina): can shift out of phase with ordinary matter

7 knockout: sneak up on enemies and deliver critical blows to their weak points

10 stalking: become invisible and move through walls

3 toughness