Scratch:Jumping, Climbing and Falling

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The distance a character can move with acrobatics ability is also the distance he can jump. A character with acrobatics ability can jump one or more times while moving as long as the total distance is not more than the distance he can move on the ground. Jumping with acrobatics ability is part of the character’s movement, and does not count as an action. A character without acrobatics ability can jump two spaces, but this is an action.

A character can climb at a rate of 1 meter for each level of acrobatics ability per turn. This is part of the character’s movement. Climbing does not reduce the distance a character can move horizontally during the same turn. A character can climb an additional 2 meters as an action. This action does not require acrobatics ability.

When a character is forced to fall, falls accidentally, or falls more than 3 meters intentionally, make a landing roll unless the character has flying ability or the tiny race feature. Make an acrobatics roll. Landing rolls have three difficulties: the number of meters the character fell, 10 plus the number of meters the character fell, and 20 plus the number of meters the character fell.

Perfect landing: If the roll is greater than or equal to 20 plus the number of meters the character fell, then the fall has no negative consequences.

Hard landing: If the roll is greater than or equal to 10 plus the number of meters the character fell, but less than 20 plus the number of meters the character fell, then the landing is more painful and the character must skip his next turn.

Minor injuries: If the roll is greater than or equal to the number of meters the character fell, but less than 10 plus the number of meters the character fell, then the character takes damage equal to his MaxHP/2, and has to skip his next turn.

Severe injuries: If the roll is less than the number of meters the character fell, then the character is incapacitated, reducing his hit points to 0.