Scratch:Piloting Skills

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skydiving ( piloting SP)

break ( piloting SP) Turn quickly to avoid geting shot

barrel roll ( piloting SP) Slow yourself down to avoid overshooting or make an enemy overshoot.

combat spread ( piloting SP) Two attacking vehicles split up. One becomes a defender to lure enemies into a position where the wingman can attack.

blind flying ( piloting SP) The pilot can fly the aircraft using instruments even when he cannot see the ground or horizon.

defensive spiral ( piloting SP) Last ditch defense by spiraling downward. If successful the attacker may crash into the ground.

defensive split ( piloting SP) You and an ally flying vehicle head in opposite directions, forcing the attacker to follow one while the other circles to maneuver behind the attackers.

jinking ( piloting SP) a last-ditch effort to avoid guns by unpredictable changes in direction

lag roll ( piloting SP) puts the attacker in a better firing position and increases distance

scissors ( piloting SP) the more maneuverable vehicle gets a bonus to hit or defense.

yo-yo ( piloting SP) Trade altitude for speed and maneuverability while attacking

split s ( piloting SP) roll upside down and then loop to turn 180 degrees and escape from combat.

swoop ( piloting SP) dive at the target and attack with guns, avoiding a dogfight against the potentially more maneuverable target.

emergency landing ( piloting SP)

air navigation ( piloting SP)

thrust reversal ( piloting SP) Some aircraft can reverse the direction of thrust from their engines. This helps the aircraft to land on water or a short runway, descend rapidly without picking up speed or accelerate backward on the ground (powerback.)

holding ( piloting SP) The aircraft flies in a racetrack pattern to conserve fuel while waiting in a fixed area.

pylon turn ( piloting SP) Flying the aircraft in a circle around a fixed point allows gunners to accurately focus fire on that point.