Scratch:Wrestling Skills

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grab (1 wrestling SP close range attack): Make a wrestling roll against the target's defense. If the attack is successful, the target is grabbed until the target escapes the grab or the attacker evades, escapes, uses healing ability, attacks someone else or becomes incapacitated. If you are using the grid rules, you cannot move while you are grabbing the target.

sacrifice (2 wrestling SP action): You perform a standard wrestling action, except that each attack has a +2 bonus to hit. Whether or not the attack succeeds, you have -2 defense until your next turn. The defense penalty can help you draw attacks away from weaker allies.

wrench (2 wrestling SP action): You attack a target. If the attack is successful the target must skip it's next turn, and if you are healthy you can do a second attack against the same target. If the second attack is successful, the target becomes crippled and must attack as if it is injured for the rest of the battle. This action cannot be used by an injured character.

engage (3 wrestling SP action): You perform a standard wrestling attack, except that you can immediately do an extra attack (which delays the target) if the target of a successful engage attack attacks anyone but you before your next turn.

slam ( wrestling SP close range attack) injured: 1 attack, 1 damage healthy: 2 attacks, one makes a target skip a turn and the other causes 1 damage.

hold ( wrestling SP close range attack) injured: 1 attack, make the target skip a turn. healthy: 2 attacks, both make a target skip a turn.

jab ( wrestling SP close range attack) injured: 1 attack, 1 damage healthy: 1 attack, 1 damage +2 to hit

tackle ( wrestling SP)

choke ( wrestling SP)

disarm ( wrestling SP)

clinch ( wrestling SP)

dominant position ( wrestling SP)

eye gouge ( wrestling SP)

clinch ( wrestling SP)

ground and pound ( wrestling SP)

guard ( wrestling SP)