Scylla Delane
Scylla Marilys Delaine[edit]
Refresh: 3
Current Fate Points: 3
High Concept: Fifth year Slytherin Bibliovore
Trouble: A life lived in books
Aspect Three: My girlfriend is a Ravenclaw
Aspect Four: My Own Private Library
Aspect Five: Facts are all
Good (+3) Careful
Fair (+2) Clever & Quick
Average (+1) Forceful & Flashy
Mediocre (+0) Sneaky
Physical O O O
Mental O O O
Mild [2]: _________________________
Moderate [4]: _____________________
Severe [6]: _______________________
Ash 14", Unicorn Hair, Flexible
Stunt: Ash wands are Stubborn: When used to Carefully create a Defensive Ward, the caster gets a +2 on the final total.
I can find out!: Because I have My Own Private Library, I get a +2 to Carefully Create Advantages through research when I have access to said library.
Research Goddess:Because I am a Bibliovore, once per session, I can uncover a fact and get a factual answer to one question.
Library Assistant: Because I am a Bibliovore, I am the student most called on by my peers for research help. Once per Session, I can call in a favor for a +2 to an Overcome action, if there's time for the person to aid me.