Sea View Garden

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The Breakfast Nook of Amber

Overlooking the beach at Cabal's Neck, from the eastern edge of the 6th floor of the Castle Amber is a wide veranda balcony that is one of the most truly beautiful sights in all of shadow. Flora out did herself during Eric's reign when she converted a bare rooftop into one of the friendliest places in the city of Amber. 100 tables adorn this lush flower overgrown slice of heaven. Each table seems to have a great view and each seems to have ample privacy. Flora tells me that somehow the design of the place, with its rises and shallows seems to hinder the flow of sound from table to table, if not the flow of sea breezes and spring flower's scent.

This is the Breakfast Nook of Amber. Nearly all of the family, and most of the guests, try to get table space here to take their morning coffee. Waiters scurry unseen, the buffet is always fresh, and the coffee pot is always full. Tables seat between 2 and 20 people. It is not rare to find the Ambassador of Chaos and the King of Amber sitting together, taking croissants and cocoa at sunrise.

Prince Bleys-Diners of Amber


Food is buffet style with a wide range of options. There are a selection of items regularly. There are other items put out infrequently.

  • Coffees, Teas, juices, and several milks are always available.
  • While one may walk the buffet and fill there own plates there is also extensive table service.
  • There are several Stations.
    • Omelet Station:A wide variety of choices for one's omlet. Eggs include chicken, duck, ostrich, game birds. Meats vary. Vegetables galore. Many cheeses.
    • Roast Perfectly Normal Beast: From realms toward the center of shadow the PNB are a heavily muscled meat animal. It is a beef animal and a constant presence in Amber.
    • Catch of the Day: This station serves whatever was the main catch for the day according to the Harbor Master.



Tyler Smials[edit]

Tyler has a nook reserved with supplies and is often present doing the Kings Buisness in this official location. While it is not his actual office the chance of finding him in his office is small by comparison.


Midnight Madness[edit]

An occasional artisan fair. Both items for sale and contests for everything from foods to fiber arts to metal and wood works. Calligraphy displays. This event is open to the gentry as well as the nobility and castle personnel

Reserved Table[edit]

There are many private tables set out around the Sea View Gardens. They have different customs depending on the owner.

Admirals' Table[edit]

King's Table[edit]

The Chaotic Slab[edit]

Ranger's Table[edit]

Benedict's Table[edit]

Flora's Table[edit]

As Told in the Diners of Amber Article[edit]

Overlooking the beach at Cabal's Neck, from the eastern edge of the 6th floor of the Castle Amber is a wide veranda balcony that is one of the most truly beautiful sights in all of shadow. Flora out did herself during Eric's reign when she converted a bare rooftop into one of the friendliest places in the city of Amber. 100 tables adorn this lush flower overgrown slice of heaven. Each table seems to have a great view and each seems to have ample privacy. Flora tells me that somehow the design of the place, with its rises and shallows seems to hinder the flow of sound from table to table, if not the flow of sea breezes and spring flower's scent.

This is the breakfast nook of Amber. Nearly all of the family, and most of the guests, try to get table space here to take their morning coffee. Waiters scurry unseen, the buffet is always fresh, and the coffee pot is always full. Tables seat between 2 and 20 people. It is not rare to find the Ambassador of Chaos and the King of Amber sitting together, taking croissants and cocoa at sunrise.

At night candles and oil lanterns that emit only light illuminate the garden. Glow globes sit on the tables themselves. The light is important because without them it is dark, dark, dark like a tomb. No city lights are visible. The castle itself blocks most of them. Even the great Signal Fire at the harbor gates is obscured.

Flora can be found here most nights, holding court amongst the ladies of the elite. Romantic dinners and private parties nestle amongst the vines and eavesdropping is considered a terrible breach of etiquette.

Let me tell you, there is one thing you do not want and that is to have Flora give you a lesson in etiquette after you have been caught showing that you need one.


"The breakfast nook of Amber...."

"Sea View Gardens casts shadows of elegance. It is Flora's crowning achievement."

Each of us are archetypes and this is the expression of hers. It is easy to underestimate Flora. She cultivates the appearance of weakness and neediness and a shallow veneer that is so often attached to stunningly gorgeous women. It makes others defend them or provide for them. Don't be fooled. She carries grenades in her purse. Her wolfhounds are never more then a whistle away. She is a crack-shot with bow or rifle, shuriken or butterknife. She stood the line at the edge of the Abyss during the Battle of Patternfall, raining deadly arrows on the foethings. She is shockingly strong when she needs to be. I am told that during an argument Caine once slapped her. Her response was to kick him in the yarbles. Apparently medical attention was needed. Caine denies it but i've noticed he never stand close to Flora when shes angry.

Her allure is that of a flibbertigibbet. Her resolve is steel. Never let her batting eyelashes make you forget that she is a Princess of Amber.

Men have come to fear me, or Benedict or Gerard or Julian, and even Dierdre. Remember Lothario, Floremel is of the blood royal and her knives are sharp.

The floral displays are exquisitely balanced for height, thickness, color combinations and scent. The food is a complex menu spanning simple fair such as bagels, cream cheese and lox, cold cereal, and oatmeal to crescents, crepes, and mind-boggling other concoctions common across shadow.

Some piece of minor sorcery and structural design does keep it fairly difficult to eavesdrop.

There is a piece of etiquette that has developed in Sea View that bears mention. While one may see a vast number of people at Sea View one does not usually walk up and just talk to them. First one catches the eye of the person you would have conversation with then make a tiny gesture, a quarter twist of a hand, indicating you would like to approach and speak. The response in the affirmative is for the respondent to motion with of opening and closing an upturned palm. A negative response is back and forth sweeping motion with the hand. The only counter to a negative response is to rudely ignore the desires of the respondent.

Flora is very unhappy about the fact that a number of conflicts have broken out here, harming the flowers.

By the way, thinking that Sea View Gardens is a better shortcut into Castle Amber then arriving through the Castle Amber trump is a bad idea. This way is guarded too. While you may get away with it once or twice, because Flora does not stock violent toys in abundance, it should be noted that Flora is often here holding court, and she is not someone to piss off. There is also a fair chance that the diners on the verandah might be violently annoyed if their lunch is disturbed. Fair warning.

A further note-I recently learned that the Amber Elites do in fact schedule meals here for the purpose of guarding the entrance as well as eating their meals. They REALLY don't like having THEIR meals disturbed.

((GM-Notes: This place is certainly a hotbed of activity. I envision PCs who need to talk to Random, or any Elder, might meet them here for drinks or lunch. Lover's quarrels. Random and the Ambassador of Chaos are said to meet for breakfast here. Handy information))