Sentinel PL10
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INIT: 0, DEF: 14/14; Base Speed 30/60/120, Flight 40/80/40960; MELEE +8 (11S Stomp), RANGED +7 (9S Energy Blast). SAVES: DMG +5, FORT +NA, REF 0, WILL +5; ABILITIES: STR 14 (+11), DEX 10 ( 0), CON (+NA), INT (+NA), WIS 20 (+5), CHA 4 ( -3)
SKILLS: Diplomacy -1/0, Innuendo* -1/0, Intimidate +14/3, Listen +10/5, Sense Motive +10/5, Spot +10/.
FEATS: Accurate Attack, Assessment, Darkvision, Detect, Immunity, Imp. Grapple, Penetrating Vision, Photographic Memory, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Adaptive Learing.
- GROWTH +9; Flaw: Permanent; [extras:Flight, stunt:Super Flight, Energy Blast, Multi Ammo: (Dazzle, Disintigrate, Fatigue, Binding), Invisibility; source: Super Science.
WEAKNESS: Disturbing- yeah a 20 foot tall robot no need to explain why that would be a little distrubing.