Sentinel PL15

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Sentinel Affiliation: Minion construct Power Level: 15 Height: 30' Weight: 20,000 lbs.

Sentinel; Construct PL 15; Init +2; Defense 14/12 flat-footed; Spd 40; Atk +3 melee (+19 S, punch), +1 ranged (+15 S, energy blast); Hardness 10; SV Dmg +10, Fort --, Ref +2, Will +0, Str 18, Dex 14, Con --, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 1. (45 pp)

Skills: Computers +11, Spot +13. (11 pp)

Feats: Detect (Mutants), Durability, Immunities (Age, Cold, Critical Hits, Disease, Electricity, Exhaustion, Fire, Gravity, Magnetics, Poison, Pressure, Radiation, Starvation, Suffocation, Vibrations), Skill Focus (Spot). (6 pp)

Powers: Growth +10 (Extra: Continuous, Immunities; Flaws: Full Effect, Permanent; 60 pp), Super-Strength +5 (Extra: Immunities; 25 pp), Flight +10 (Power Stunts: Space Flight, Super Flight; 24pp), Datalink +10 (20 pp), Energy Blast +15 (Power Stunts: Disintegration, Stun; 34 pp). (163 pp)