Session 119
<Knockwood> Hi Angelo
<Angelo> Hi Kniok!
<Angelo> knok even
<Angelo> I must thank you for the imput on Fst...
<Knockwood> oh?
<Angelo> it take a completely new spin afther your suggestion!
<Angelo> my future character
<Knockwood> Kewl.
<Angelo> Yay!
<Angelo> btw #KWdnd is related to you?
<Knockwood> nope
<Angelo> ok, but there is a strange similarity that fooled me
<Knockwood> yeah, I could see that....
<Angelo> ^___^
-->| Random_Nerd ( has joined #nobilis
<Random_Nerd> Hey.
<Angelo> Hi RN!
<Random_Nerd> Beth'll arrive shortly.
<Angelo> oky
-->| BethE ( has joined #nobilis
<Random_Nerd> We haven't yet recruited a fourth player, but on the other hand, letting Angelo's character get settled in for a little first will help the transition be less abrupt.
<Angelo> HI BethE
<BethE> Hi guys. I am so very sorry. I apologize for completly forgetting to set up a thread looking for interest.
<Knockwood> Hi guys
<Random_Nerd> Oh, and Angelo, about how your flight gift would work as defense. As it is, you bought it as Automatic, so that you can use it in conjunction with another miracle.
<Angelo> ah, ok!
<Random_Nerd> But a side effect is that you can also use it in response to a hostile miracle, if you haven't used it already, even if your miracle that turn is something else.
<Random_Nerd> So, any attack of less than miracle level 5 would probably be defended against, at least if it's something that could be evaded by rapid movement.
<Angelo> but a flight gift permit only to fly... how can this be a defensive response? Other that moing
<Angelo> ah, ok
<Random_Nerd> Well, it'd let you move out of the way.
<Angelo> I get it now... is a I run away defence ^^
<Random_Nerd> It wouldn't work against everything. Winds of Hate, for instance is both too broad in its area, and too powerful.
<Random_Nerd> But for low-end physical assaults, it would work well.
<Angelo> ok. ANd for the body creation one... I assume the body is roughly humanoid in size and proportion right?
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, that works fine.
<Angelo> not wolf/ape wasp
<Angelo> etc etc.
<Angelo> that wil be a broader miracle right?
<Random_Nerd> As it stands, since you took Limited Selection, yeah, let's say broadly human.
<Random_Nerd> But if you later on wanted to expand it, our house rules would permit you to enhance that category, rather than buy it fresh in the new form.
<Angelo> yes I'm aware of this ^^
<Angelo> one last thing Anchors: the must be human or I can anchor Ft beta version as one one?
<Random_Nerd> Hmm. I believe there are precedents for nonhuman anchors.
<Random_Nerd> Humans are just the default because most Nobles will feel most strongly towards other humans.
<Angelo> Well we can settle this later so we don't block the game... ok?
<Angelo> BAcuse in Vulcan chancel some of the population can be mechanical? Isn't fitting?
<Angelo> was Because
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, that works.
<Random_Nerd> I'd build the chancel a little differently, if you wanted that.
<Angelo> yes definitely!
<Angelo> you have charte blanche!.. is you game
<Angelo> :-)
<Random_Nerd> In particular, I would take the Magical Inhabitants chancel feature, with the details based on what exactly you want to be the extent and nature of the mechanical people.
<Random_Nerd> Page 138 of the white book.
<Angelo> uhm... afk to retrieve GWB!
<Knockwood> so, when will he be coming in, and IC why?
<Random_Nerd> Also, I see that you haven't assigned the specific Weird Science quality of the chancel.
<Random_Nerd> If you have nothing specific, it may work to reassign that point to "Some beings with earthly magics.)
<Random_Nerd> In terms of when he comes in, the plan is at the end of this story arc, so probably either late this session, or else next session.
<Knockwood> OK
<Random_Nerd> As to why, you guys have accumulated a fair bit of a reputation at this point. Angelo, what thing in particular do you see your character as being interested about with respect to Chancel Amyra?
- Angelo returned
<Angelo> uhm... though one...
<Angelo> well I thing he is attracted by Kudzu
<Angelo> the playing with multiple body resonate with him
<BethE> We probably get tourists too, wanting to look at the Chancel and the treasures.
<Random_Nerd> Hmm. In part because of his similarities to Ftisk?
<Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<Angelo> also he will want to know the famous noble ;-)
<Angelo> yes for the similarities
<Random_Nerd> In his capacity as information-gatherer, is he likely to have been watching the proceedings of the Council of Four when the PCs testified?
<Knockwood> plus, he wants one of those novelty t-shirts that have the fake spear and the caption "Tell the Devil to STICK IT!" :D
<Angelo> yes, a least the public info
<Angelo> and the divinable one too
<BethE> I went to Chancel Amyra and all I got was this lousy t-shirt and a case of the Wilds?
<Random_Nerd> It'd make sense that he would have recently started to pay more attention to them, then.
<Angelo> sisi
<Angelo> ehm.. yes yes
<Random_Nerd> Is it okay if we delay your introduction until the end of the storyline with the people from Hell?
<Angelo> no problem!
<Angelo> I was already ready to wait
<Knockwood> (knowing how slow we move...) so, sometime in June is OK?
<Random_Nerd> Heh.
<Angelo> :-P I hope a bit early
<Random_Nerd> Really, as I see it, the main loose end before this story is done is dealing with Bathory. Given that all the worst of the Hell-inmates follow either her or Aaron, you'll have reached some kind of accord with all of the ones you really need to watch.
<Random_Nerd> That'll leave some dangling threads, but that's good.
<Random_Nerd> Gives seeds for future stories.
<Random_Nerd> Is there another major plotline you see as important>?
=-= Mode #nobilis +o Random_Nerd by Angelo
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
<Knockwood> depends on what happens to the 2 redeemables
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
<Random_Nerd> True.
<DanteE> I mean, they're worth 5 cents each.
<Random_Nerd> Oh, I did have one other question, before we start.
<Random_Nerd> Angelo, do you see Ftisk as knowing the Power of Electricity and Copper? It seems to me that as divinely-created AIs, they both have a certain amount in common.
<Angelo> Uhm can be both way... wich one is more story loaded?
<Random_Nerd> Hmm.
<Random_Nerd> Having you know him works better story-wise. It gives you another social connection to the PCs.
<Random_Nerd> But it's your character.
<Random_Nerd> So, your call.
<Angelo> ok Ft will know him so! ^^
<DanteE> then again, having him _not_ know him gives E&C a reason to revive interest in us
<Random_Nerd> True.
<Random_Nerd> Really, either way works.
<Random_Nerd> But I would say that you will know /of/ him, since you and he will travel in similar social groups, given your Imperators.
<Angelo> Well I like to be more connected... FT Have a data sec domain afther all
<Angelo> the knowledge of him will work
<Random_Nerd> Okay.
<Random_Nerd> So, shall we go?
<Angelo> So for FT chanchel + Imp you create one
<Theresa> Ready
<Angelo> for me? Or want a proposal?
<DanteE> so, liek, we're totally gonna whomp these orks...
<Random_Nerd> How about you think of one, and then I look at it and possibly suggest changes.
<Angelo> ok
<Random_Nerd> But since it's your PC, I see it as more up to you, as long as it fits into the larger setting.
<Theresa> Needs more dakka..
<Angelo> ok!!! ^^
<Random_Nerd> So, let's see.
<Random_Nerd> You guys were with John, I believe, having told him about the arrangement with Aaron. Or, rather, Dante was, and Theresa was at the Hell-complex, I believe.
<Random_Nerd> Shall we start there, or do you have other preferences?
<DanteE> Right, I'm with John, she's with Aaron
<Theresa> I can give Aaron a tour, if you like.
<Theresa> (And we can stay with Dante and John if you like.)
<DanteE> and come to think of it... we've also got a population of fish-men and a small group of visiting Nobles to deal with
<Random_Nerd> Hmm. Shall we start with Theresa also having gone to see Aaron?
<Random_Nerd> Err, John.
<Theresa> Sure.That works.
<Random_Nerd> I is smart GM, make words good.
<DanteE> no need, remember we have each others' cell #s
<Random_Nerd> Oh, true.
<Random_Nerd> Let's work with that.
<Random_Nerd> ____________START____________
<DanteE> "Anything odder than usual happening with the Artifacts?"
<Random_Nerd> John: "Not that I know of. But they don't always send me memos."
<Theresa> *to Aaron* "Would you like a tour?"
<Random_Nerd> Aaron: "I will go out on my own. I would see what this country of mine has become."
<DanteE> "You'd be the only one who would know unless they unleash a plague."
<Random_Nerd> John shivers slightly: "Or stab someone."
<DanteE> "Extenuating circumstances..."
<Theresa> (What would the cost be for a LC of cell phone?"
<Theresa> )
- DanteE listens by the vault door just in case...
<Random_Nerd> (We can just say you have one.)
<Theresa> "Would you like to hear some of the laws in effect in these times?"
<Theresa> (Not for me. For Aaron.)
<Random_Nerd> (Or you could tell the message board to tell somebody to come and bring you one. You're not the most popular Noble, but still, people will go along with such a request.)
<DanteE> (He's from the 14th century, a standard phone is complex enough)
<Random_Nerd> Aaron: "Is it a complicated and byzantine code that I may offend merely by wearing the wrong color of clothing or not bowing in the correct manner? Or will I be left alone if I don't attack anyone?"
<Theresa> "The last one. Also if you do not damage property, get into arguements and do not get run over by the metal carts that run in the streets."
<DanteE> (He'll need a guide to learn all the little details of modern life)
<Theresa> (That's what I thought as well, but he ain't buying.)
<DanteE> (Hell, he's still wearing a bathrobe)
- Theresa concentrates and sends a message to the Bull. Board. "This is Theresa, Noble of Plants. I would like a suit for a gentleman of wealthy means (gives Aaron's dimensions) and a new useable cell phone, fully charged brought to *this location*. ASAP. Payment on delivery."
<DanteE> "I should head back, see if I can help with the other eight."
<Random_Nerd> John: "I'll try to keep the relics happy. And try to stay calm."
<Theresa> *to Aaron* "I have just ordered some suitable clothes for you to go out in, as well as a means of communication in case you wish to return via a different transport, instead of walking."
<DanteE> "Yell if you need us." Exeunt.
<DanteE> (Love to hear you explain how the cell phone works... including the periodic charging)
<Random_Nerd> (Okay, let's jump ahead a little, and have Dante and Theresa's stuff arrive at about the same time.)
<Random_Nerd> Theresa, one of the three-arm guys shows up carrying several garment bags.
- Theresa smiles at the guy. "Thank you very much! How much is the damage?"
<Random_Nerd> Arm Guy: "A suit of the size you requested, and a phone. The cost came out of the Bureau budget, but you can send some extra money to us if you wish."
- Theresa hands the guy a handful of hundreds. "Okay. And feel free to get some good takeout with the extra."
- DanteE returns from the palace.
<Theresa> (For the Bureau guys, not just him.)
<Theresa> "Hey Dante. Sprucing up Aaron for his walkabout."
<DanteE> "Well, John's relieved about one less challenge to his rule..."
<Random_Nerd> Arm Guy: "I will. Thank you."
<Theresa> "Just one less. We still have to deal with little miss Dance Till You Drop."
- Theresa will take the clothes up to Aaron and reprogram the cellphone with her and Dante's phone numbers.
<DanteE> (Remind me what we found out about 'Bathory'?)
<Random_Nerd> Aaron looks at the clothes. Aaron: "Is someone available to help me put these on?"
<Random_Nerd> (Female. Leader of a moderate-sized group in Hell, only a small fraction of which is here. Not as nice as, for instance, Lesson Classic.)
- Theresa looks at Dante. "You want to handle it or should I?"
<DanteE> "Ah... they've actually redesigned these so even the nicest clothing can be put on by the wearer."
<DanteE> to Theresa: "and let's see if we can find a really tolerant nurse to handle both him and his orientation"
- Theresa raises an eyebrow at Dante. "We can at least get the man dressed. I've dressed children."
- Theresa carefully lays out the garments on the bed so Aaron can see what they look like and what they might be for.
<DanteE> to T: "In that case, I bow to your expertise. :)"
<Random_Nerd> Aaron: "I've never even seen clothing like that. It looks like it was designed by a cross between a military general and a crow. Please, humor me."
- DanteE goes to check on the others...
<Random_Nerd> Arm Guy, whispered, to Dante: "Who is this guy?"
<Theresa> "Why a crow?"
<Random_Nerd> Aaron: "Why not?"
<DanteE> to 3-Arm: "A former upper-class guy we 'rescued' from Hell."
<Random_Nerd> Arm Guy: "Ah."
<DanteE> (BTW, Aaron pre-dates zippers by about 5 centuries.(
<DanteE> )
<DanteE> (Tpyo's back!)
- Theresa shrugs. *closes the door so that the rest of the place isn't getting a show*
<Random_Nerd> Arm Guy: "He thinks he had it tough, he should try to get a suit made for someone with one of these." *waves right arm at center arm*
<Random_Nerd> Arm Guy: "There aren't enough of us to be much of a market, and most of us don't make enough to be able to get bespoke clothing."
<DanteE> "Well, you can always just leave a shirt button undone"
<Theresa> "These are undergarments, these are your pants. This is how the fastener works and you should be careful as to not catch yourself in the teeth. Pull it gently up and down so that it does nto become stuck."
<Random_Nerd> Aaron dresses in them.
<Theresa> "This is your shirt and your jacket. And I can assist you if you have any trouble."
<Theresa> (Can Theresa hear the guys in the other room?)
<Random_Nerd> He seems to have no particular concept of body-modesty. At one point, when putting on the shirt, he rubs the place on his torso where the boar-scar used to be.
<DanteE> (And if Aaron's phone is anything like mine, it should be bleeping any moment with a little "Thank you for purchasing our phone!" message. :) )
- DanteE specifically checks on the other 8 ex-hellions
<Theresa> (No, that's why Theresa asked for a all-set-up phone. :) So hopefully he wont' get that crud.)
<Random_Nerd> Aaron, to the arm-guy: "What sort of person do I look like, to be dressed so?"
<Random_Nerd> Arm-guy squints, and then whispers "What did he say?" to Dante.
<DanteE> to Arm-guy: "He said 'How classy do I look', basically."
- Theresa looks at the arm guy, scrunches her forehead in thought and then holds one hand palm up. A LC of cotton shirts all with a nicely hemmed hole in the middle for 3-armed men appear on the hand, nicely folded.
<Random_Nerd> Arm-guy: "Very stylish."
<Random_Nerd> Aaron nods.
<Random_Nerd> (He seems to understand modern language better than he speaks it, but not perfectly. This is no doubt in part due to the fact that the two Amyrans in his group are rather more modern than him, so he's been exposed to it before.)
- Theresa hands the shirts to the 3-arm dude. "Hope these fit well. Let me know if you need more around the Bureau."
<Theresa> *hands the cell phone to Aaron* "This is a communication device. If you press the 4 *indicates* , I will answer. The 5 will get Dante. In case you need assistance or wish to return via some way other than foot."
<Random_Nerd> Arm-Guy: "Thanks. The other guys will be glad to have these. I'm Walt, by the way. Don't fully remember who I was before" *wave of arms* "the whole thing happened, but I remember my name."
<Theresa> *smile* "Pleased to meet you, Walt."
<Random_Nerd> Aaron: "I think I heard one of these described, once."
<Random_Nerd> He presses the four.
<Random_Nerd> Theresa, your phone rings.
<DanteE> "It's a tele-phone. If you remember your Greek, you know it's meant to ... move sounds from one place to another."
- Theresa answers her phone and says hello while looking at Aaron.
<Random_Nerd> Aaron: "And now what do I do?"
<Theresa> "The phone will transmit your voice to me and viceversa. I can then arrange for transportation or other things. At least for now before you hire some assistants."
<Random_Nerd> Aaron: "Ah. Useful. Now, I shall go out."
<DanteE> (Speaking of transmitting voices...)
- DanteE gets on the horn to William.
<Random_Nerd> Aaron walks out.
<DanteE> "don't forget to show him how to turn it off"
<Random_Nerd> William picks up: "Hello?" Sam, yelling, in background: "And it hasn't worked properly in hundreds of years! Maybe thousands!"
<Random_Nerd> You hear William cupping his hand over the mouthpiece.
<Theresa> "It's one of those new phones. Shuts itself off after a certain timeframe. And it has GPS."
<Random_Nerd> Over the phone, a somewhat sharp "clack!" noise.
<Random_Nerd> William: "How may I assist you, Dante?"
<DanteE> "William... first, what's Sam raving about?"
- Theresa looks thoughtfully at Walt. "Walt, do you guys keep an ear to the police band?"
<Random_Nerd> Walt: "Yes. Ever since... that incident, about a month ago. With the garden shears."
<Theresa> (The new tour of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Turns out Frank is older than we thought.)
- Theresa nods.
<Random_Nerd> William: "Something you'd told him to look into. About something that happened to what he was writing when you were on Dionyl."
<Random_Nerd> William: "But I think he was mostly yelling to spoil my shot."
<DanteE> "Uhoh. I'll want a report on that as soon as you can.
<Theresa> (Multitalented, Sam is...)
<Random_Nerd> William: "Yes. He just wanted to run it by me, first."
<Theresa> "Could you please let me know if Aaron, the man who just left, ends up taken into custody? It will probably come across the wire as a man who speaks oddly, doesn't know laws and thinks he owns the place."
<DanteE> "In the meantime... we've reached an accord with Aaron, but he and most of the other ex-damned will need someone to help ease their transition into the 21st century."
<Random_Nerd> Walt: "Sure. Is there anything that I should tell the other guys to do, other than call you?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "How can I help?"
<DanteE> "Find a discreet nursemaid who can deal with a wealthy man hopelessly out of sync with a sense of entitlement that we need to humor.
<DanteE> "Then locate a few more counselors for the others."
<Theresa> "Calling will be fine for now. I think I know of someone who can help with the undertaking...*to the empty room* Swift but deadly wind of the urban spaces, step forth."
<Random_Nerd> William: "I will. Do you want a nursemaid likely to fall for him, to not fall for him, or are you indifferent?"
<Theresa> (Aaron does want kids...)
<DanteE> (Anyone else just picture Harley Quinn?)
<Theresa> (Preferably not a girl with an eye toward the throne, though.)
<Theresa> (Mr. A...)
<Random_Nerd> (Heh. That almost works.)
<DanteE> "hm... a traditionally cute one would cut down on complaints...
<DanteE> "But she's need to be able to deal with his attitude. Women wouldn't be considered equal for 6 centuries."
<Random_Nerd> William: "I'll try to pick one with at least a moderate personal loyalty to you and your siblings. That should help. I think."
<DanteE> "We'll set her up with a decent paycheck, which should go the rest of the way."
<DanteE> "And don't forget counselors for the other 8."
<Random_Nerd> Theresa, you hear Herb's ninja clearing his throat directly behind you.
<Random_Nerd> William: "I imagine the best fit will be those who have dealt with people transitioning from prison, active military duty, or both."
<Theresa> "Ah, there you are. Does your master have any tasks for you at present?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "I'll have several such people found. Of the traditional fast-cheap-good pick-two list, which two are the priorities?"
<Random_Nerd> Herb's Ninja shakes his head.
<DanteE> "Good first, then fast."
<Random_Nerd> William: "I'll get on it at once."
<Random_Nerd> Sam, in background: "But not before you take your shot! I've been waiting long enough, already."
<DanteE> "Thanks William. Keep me apprised."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Will do."
<DanteE> click
<Random_Nerd> Just before you close the connection, you hear another clack of ivory on ivory.
- Theresa ghosts an image of Aaron in his new clothes. "This man just left the building. We don't know where he's headed or what he's going to do. I would like you to follow him and if he gets into trouble to notify me or your master. If Herb needs you for something else, let me know and I will have someone replace you on the tracking. Once the target returns here, you are free to go back to your own business."
<Random_Nerd> Herb's Ninja: "I will follow him for you, mistress, until my master requires me for some other task."
<Random_Nerd> Herb's Ninja swoops out.
- DanteE looks in on the others, Bathory in particular
<Random_Nerd> It's hard to swoop while walking, but he does.
<DanteE> (Ninjas swoop? :) )
<Random_Nerd> Walt: "Is that a ninja?"
<Random_Nerd> (Swoop!)
<Theresa> "Yes, it was a ninja. Herb, Power of Urbanization makes ninjas as well. As a hobby."
<Random_Nerd> Bathory is leaning back, in her room. One of her crew, a woman, is telling her what appear to be all the random facts about Amyra that the teller knows.
<DanteE> (Yeah, they come in kits now. :) )
<Random_Nerd> Walt: "I didn't even realize. Should we also listen for if the ninja gets mentioned on police radio?"
- DanteE listens in...
<Theresa> "Sure. But if he gets mentioned, he's not being a good ninja."
<Random_Nerd> Woman: "And their main export is topaz, I think. And... I think they also export trained guide dogs?"
<DanteE> (Let's see, I'm pretty much drained WRT Realm MPs...)
<Random_Nerd> (And so on. Basically, the sort of thing someone who once did a school paper on the topic, years ago, would know.)
<Theresa> (I thought that was the Swiss...)
<Random_Nerd> Bathory is sitting, silent, as she listens.
<Random_Nerd> Woman: "The other one, the male leader. I heard about him, once. His crew got taken over because he suddenly vanished. Everyone thought he'd gotten killed, but I'm pretty sure that's him."
<DanteE> (Bathory fhtagn)
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "Property of the same Angel as us?"
<Random_Nerd> Woman: "Yes."
<DanteE> (Angel?)
<Random_Nerd> (The Imperator of the guy you bought these people from.)
<Random_Nerd> (Fallen Angel. It seems that people from Hell will drop the Fallen, as it's the only sort of Angel they ever encountered.)
- DanteE steps in.
<DanteE> flawless Spanish: "Learning about your new home?"
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "Hmm?"
<DanteE> "Just checking in on our new acquisitions.
<DanteE> "So... what do you intend to do now?"
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "Wait. Think."
<Random_Nerd> (She's speaking, right now, a hellish pidgin language. Mix of Spanish, English, Latin, and some demonic languages.)
<DanteE> (Plot, scheme, twist... oh, wait, that's RN. :) )
<Theresa> (Indeedy.)
<DanteE> "And long term?"
- DanteE matches her pidgin...
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "Depends. Not sure yet."
<DanteE> "Mm. Let me assure you of one thing: You are _out_ of hell. Not quite on Earth, but out of hell."
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "I am willing, for this conversation, to accept that as a premise."
<DanteE> "All right. Of course, that means there are other people to deal with, laws to obey, and so forth."
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "You know, I can tell just by talking with you... your mother never loved you, did she? She pretended, and sometimes even fooled herself, but you could tell."
<DanteE> "It also ... hm.
<DanteE> "As I was saying... it also means you have a second chance.
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "Do I remind you of her?"
<DanteE> "If you're nice--in the classic moralistic sense--then you _won't_ be going back.
<DanteE> "Not in the least."
<Theresa> (Does she look modern enough to have a psyche degree?)
<Random_Nerd> (No. But being a leader of a group in Hell, particularly a group containing people physically stronger than yourself, is the work-experience equivalent of a doctorate in manipulation and general deviousness.)
<DanteE> (Oh, an MBA)
<DanteE> (rimshot)
<DanteE> "Tell me... when did you go down? What year?"
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "I don't think I would have loved you either."
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "Nineteen oh three. But I don't look a day above seventy, do I?"
<DanteE> (She's Spanish, right?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah.)
- DanteE takes a moment to Wiki 1903...
- Theresa will send Walt on his merry way.
<Random_Nerd> Walt nods and heads off.
<DanteE> (Apparently, nothing happened in Spain in 1903. :) )
<Theresa> (How about earlier than that? Or just random millenium stuff.)
<Random_Nerd> (She's not really connected to anything in history.)
<Random_Nerd> (She wasn't an epic bad person like Aaron was. She was just a person in a normal situation, but with a particular gift for cruelty and getting her way.)
<Theresa> (Gee...sounds like...a girl. :) )
<DanteE> (You two been arguing lately?)
<Random_Nerd> (Bah. Beth is far too much of a wimp to cruelly manipulate people into doing anything.)
- DanteE does a Realm-Div of her real motives.
<Theresa> (Nah. <g> He wins all of the arguements anyhow. You hear he's trying to get into law school? Perfect for him. :) )
<DanteE> (Bath, not Beth. :) )
<Theresa> (I can't even slightly manipulate people into doing stuff. Which is good since I prefer to do things for myself.)
<Random_Nerd> She wants to: Have an arbitrarially large amount of money. Have power over a wide variety of people. Kill Aaron, if she can get away with it. In some way talk you into killing yourself.
<DanteE> "What did I ever do to you?"
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "Hmm?"
<DanteE> "Well, you want money and power.
<DanteE> "And Aaron's head.
<DanteE> "And you seem to want me to kill myself as well. Where _did_ that come from?"
<Random_Nerd> Bathory just shrugs.
<Theresa> (She's focused on you. Plus, didn't you spank her?)
<DanteE> (IS she the one I carried in?)
<DanteE> "Hm. In case it isn't obvious, your mind is an open book.
<Random_Nerd> (I believe so.)
<DanteE> "One we can scribble in." Ghost-LD-Courage.
<Random_Nerd> She hesitates for the moment.
<Random_Nerd> (For /a/ moment.)
<DanteE> (Say hi to Tpyo's big sister Grammatical Error! Hi GE!)
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "Why, this is hell, nor am I out of it."
<Angelo> (Hi GE!)
- DanteE drops the Ghost
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "How much power are you willing to exert to get what you want? Would you rather threaten me, or bribe me?"
<DanteE> "No, a demon wouldn't bother to restore you."
<Random_Nerd> She sits up straighter.
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "I never thought you were a /demon/. Demons have no /subtlety/."
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "Bad example, perhaps."
<DanteE> (OK, I should be able to get some insight into her from my Psych training. What do I get?)
<Random_Nerd> (She's not really a very nice person. She's afraid of you, but still trying to play with your head. She hates you, personally, for no clear reason.)
<DanteE> (What level of 'not nice'? Mama never loved her, mama beat her, or mama fed her lead baby formula?)
<Random_Nerd> ("Daddy left when she was six, Mama was always at work and never there with her, and when she was fourteen she realized how much fun it was go get people to do things.")
<DanteE> (More to the point: gossip columnist, sadistic schoolmarm, or serial killer?)
<Random_Nerd> (Midway between the last two. She probably never directly killed anyone before going to Hell, but she probably did cause the death of a few people without actually getting her hands dirty.)
<Random_Nerd> (But more the Iago than the Jack The Ripper.)
<DanteE> (Hm. OK, there are a few things I could do... maybe ... an actual LD courage would leave her scared of everything, right?)
<DanteE> (Open to ideas.)
<Random_Nerd> (Depending on how you did the LD.)
<Random_Nerd> (Could make her just scared of certain specific things.)
<DanteE> (Ah... harvesting her Courage spirit would do that, though, right?)
<Random_Nerd> (Probably.)
<Random_Nerd> (At least in the short term. She might grow it back in time.)
<DanteE> (Theresa, Angelo, ideas on how to handle her?)
<Angelo> (uhm... thinkg on...)
<DanteE> (Did we lose Theresa?)
<Random_Nerd> (No.)
<Random_Nerd> (Typing.)
<Theresa> (Not sure. We don't really have a 'heavy' of the group. I have two instincts: 1) Have Theresa, theorectically the weakest of the bunch, throw her up against a wall. And 2) Ignore her and let her know that she's nothing.)
<DanteE> (If we do the latter she'll resume manipulating the others)
<Angelo> (Well, you can always reprogram her, she seem really nasty... or ???)
<DanteE> (and possibly anyone she can get her hands on)
<Theresa> (True. So...*cracks knuckles* Ya want, I should talk to her?)
<Theresa> (What is she afraid of most?)
<Angelo> (a LD of manipulative havit?vvia REALMS?)
<Angelo> (Habit, via and Realm even)
<DanteE> (Tpyo loves you!0
<Theresa> (Okay, yeah, LD of her fears, Realm)
<Angelo> (I know, I know... :-( )
<Random_Nerd> (A lesser div of courage would tell you what she fears.)
<DanteE> (Ah yes.)
<DanteE> (Keep forgetting I can do that automatically... was thinking of Realm)
<DanteE> (LDiv Courage to see her fears)
<Theresa> (While I can only tell if she's a vegetarian...)
<Angelo> (my LD was lesser destruction)
<Random_Nerd> (True, but I was responding to THeresa.)
<DanteE> (That is an option. Trouble is, I'm out of Realm MPs, and I think Theresa's Realm score's too low)
<Theresa> (How much would it cost me?)
<Angelo> (nopro, was for clarity sake @ dante: rite of??? to swap mp?)
<Random_Nerd> She's most afraid of: Physical violence from someone who won't listen to her, not being listened to in general, and losing people she sees as "hers" to another person's control.
<Theresa> (For lesser div?)
<DanteE> Who's the lady she's talking to?
<Random_Nerd> One of the people who worked for her in Hell. From her voice, she's pretty much modern day from somewhere english-speaking.
<DanteE> "You. What's your name?"
<Random_Nerd> She gets up from the corner she was sitting in.
<Random_Nerd> "Janet. Why?"
<DanteE> "You no longer have to kowtow to her, you know.
<DanteE> "In fact... I'd like you to stop."
<Random_Nerd> Janet looks nervously to Bathory. Bathory shakes her head.
<Random_Nerd> Janet: "I don't think that would be, ah appropriate."
<Random_Nerd> (err, ah,)
<DanteE> "I'm not going to _order_ you to stop...
<DanteE> "But ... (Ghost-LC-Courage) I really think you should."
<Random_Nerd> She looks nervously back and forth.
<Random_Nerd> She paces a bit.
<Random_Nerd> Janet: "Why?"
<DanteE> "Because... you've been given a second chance.
<DanteE> "You can correct whatever landed you in Hell.
<Random_Nerd> She walks over to where Bathory is sitting, and looks at her.
<Random_Nerd> She looks back at Dante.
<DanteE> "Follow her and she'll drag you down--literally. Follow me, instead."
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "I wouldn't, if I were you. He'll forget about you in an hour. I won't."
<DanteE> "Say that again?"
<Random_Nerd> Janet kicks Bathory in the face.
- DanteE zaps Bathory with a Ghost-LDest-Language
- Theresa raises an eyebrow at Janet from the doorway.
<DanteE> (... actually, I don't have to anymore, so scratch that)
<Random_Nerd> Bathory then yanks Janet's other leg out from under her, knocking her to the ground.
<Random_Nerd> Bathory then moves to hit Janet in the sternum, hard, with Bathory's right knee. Both of you have plenty of Aspect to stop her.
<Random_Nerd> (Also, Bathory's nose is quite severely broken, and she's spilling blood all over.)
- Theresa will Aspectshimmy into the way. (Durant)
- DanteE throws a dagger in Bathory's path, following it up with a Ghost-LD-Courage of 'Stay Away!'
<DanteE> (And I know I'm basically imitating Tuxedo Mask with his roses, and don't care. :) )
<Theresa> (DanteKamen-sama! ^^ )
<Random_Nerd> Bathory jerks back.
<Random_Nerd> Janet moves to kick her again, in the jaw this time. What do you do?
- DanteE strolls over and gently picks Janet up.
- DanteE stops her. "No... don't."
<DanteE> "You don't need to."
<Random_Nerd> She kicks again, but doesn't have the angle right now.
<Random_Nerd> Bathory glares at Dante, and if she possessed the power to hate you to death, Kudzu would even now be interviewing applicants.
<Theresa> (He may be anyhow...)
<DanteE> to Janet. "Go back to the others, we'll talk in a minute."
<Random_Nerd> She scurries off.
- DanteE looks at Bathory, then takes a moment to (obviously) heal her nose.
- Theresa heads back to the doorway to stand quietly.
<Random_Nerd> (We should stop soon, I think.)
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "So, then, what punishment is she due, in accordance with your laws?"
<DanteE> "I don't give 'orders' often, but I think this is a good time.
<DanteE> "You are to stop manipulating people.
<DanteE> "We have several ways of undoing whatever you do. Do not make us do it, or we will make it so that you will never be able to again."
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "That's what society /is/. I'm to never interact with another human?"
<DanteE> "Say that again?"
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "You're manipulating me, now. Crudely, and with more force than you need, but you're doing it."
- DanteE zaps her with a Ghost-LDest-Language as she talks.
<Random_Nerd> She smirks.
<DanteE> "New vocabulary word: 'Aphasia'.
<DanteE> "Behave, or we make it permanent."
<Random_Nerd> (With Aspect, you can see that she's terrified now.)
<Random_Nerd> (Now, you're just doing it as a ghost. That won't really last more than a minute, if that.)
<DanteE> "Understood?"
<DanteE> (That's what I want)
<Random_Nerd> (Okay, good.)
<Random_Nerd> Bathory, with signs of extreme effort: "Manipulation. Threats. Crude. In your place, I could do so much better."
<Theresa> "You wouldn't like his place. I've seen it. Typical guy apartment."
- DanteE drops the Ghost
<DanteE> "You should probably apologize to Janet."
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "You're not good at this. Clearly, getting people to do what you want is important to you, but you're not good at it. I'm better. I would be useful, if I worked for you. Useful."
<DanteE> "Oh and... we're _Noble_. We're all about excessive force/
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "With me working for you, you could get better results, more consistently. And with less effort."
<DanteE> "Some of us even revel in it."
<DanteE> "You honestly think that took _effort_?
- DanteE smirks back.
<Random_Nerd> Bathory: "You've been flailing about for hours. Randomly. Don't you want someone to help you do it better?"
- DanteE starts walking away.
- DanteE Ghosts the dagger out of the floor and into his hand on the way out.
<Random_Nerd> Bathory, yelling, as you walk out: "I'm useful! You don't have someone like me! I can help!"
<Theresa> *to the rest of the group* "The people here will have clothes and food ready as soon as you're all settled in. We hope that your stay here is good for you."
<Random_Nerd> (Shall we stop here?)
<DanteE> to Theresa, once out of earshot: "So, think I got through to her?"
<DanteE> (Good place to stop)
<Random_Nerd> ___________STOP___________________
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
- Angelo like! ^^
<DanteE> was waiting on Theresa's reaction to my last statement
<BethE> Interesting. And I liked getting to see Dante deal with her in a nonviolent (for him) way.
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
<BethE> Theresa would shrug but look proud of Dante.
<Knockwood> of course... it's looking like I'm emerging as Party Leader. Do you think so, and is that a problem?
<BethE> Quite possibly (on the emerging). Theresa doesn't take up the mental space to be a good leader unless they are small children.
<Random_Nerd> Well, the game always needs someone to be the first to act.
<BethE> Not a problem for me but she won't always follow along.
<Angelo> yes, you are the one leading in the last two session. No pro for me.. I'm not here even
<Knockwood> ... so you're saying Theresa is our leader? (rimshot)
<BethE> Theresa does not think of her Siblings as small children...out loud. <g>
<Knockwood> well, except Snow
<BethE> Well, Snow hasn't been human that long.
<Random_Nerd> Snow isn't human.
<Random_Nerd> She just acts human someties.
<Angelo> snow is noble
<Random_Nerd> Sometimes.
<Random_Nerd> Hello again, Tpyo.
<Knockwood> and Tpyo would be Entropy-level powerful is we actually wrote her up...
<Knockwood> *if
<BethE> Or is she an Excrucian?
<Angelo> excu!
<Random_Nerd> Tpyo is a powerful mythic spirit.
<Angelo> ehm Excru
<Angelo> indeed! She is
<Knockwood> True God level, then
<Angelo> why not fallen?
<Random_Nerd> If anything, Tpyo is of the wild.
<Angelo> you see corrupt and made live poor...
<Random_Nerd> Spelling and grammar are shackles.
<Angelo> so she is the secrect Kudzu noble?
<BethE> Nah, she's an Imperator with all of that power...
<Random_Nerd> Tpyo is Kudzu's alternate identity!
<Random_Nerd> Because typists are a cowardly and superstitious lot.
<Knockwood> She is teh nihgt?
<Random_Nerd> Heh.
<Random_Nerd> So, what'd you like and dislike about this session?
<Knockwood> we got a tiny bit bogged down in details with Aaron's clothes...
<Angelo> +: Bethany psichology, Dante efford
<BethE> A little worried about letting Aaron go off but he wouldn't ahve taken a guide. And at leasst we have the ninja.
<Angelo> uhm for me was too much demonboxing
<Angelo> let him savor the bright new century!
<Angelo> but the mobile was a clever idea
<Knockwood> well, going from 1350 to 200X is one hell of a future shock
<Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<Random_Nerd> Part of why he didn't want a guide is that he doesn't want you to see him gaping.
<Knockwood> then again...
<Angelo> I see it warping his head around eletricity and light
<Knockwood> with the carefully (heh) worded contract, we save a bit...
<Knockwood> since you can match or exceed the standard of living from 1350 just by going into a 7-11, that part's easy
<Random_Nerd> Well, you'd also need servants.
<Random_Nerd> For him, that's a big part of it.
<Angelo> and houds
<Random_Nerd> Yeah. And stables.
<Random_Nerd> And really expensive and rather tacky clothing. But, still, it's not exactly hard for you to provide.
<BethE> We can do tacky.
<Angelo> Weel a villa outside central krahoven with fields and little population can help
<Knockwood> base the place on Portmeirion
<Angelo> Nice idea!
<BethE> Well, guys, I've had fun but I need sleep now. Have a good week! :)
<Angelo> Bye BethE, se ya NW
|<-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
<Knockwood> Good night guys
<Angelo> Bye Knok
<Random_Nerd> G'night.
<Random_Nerd> See you next week, when we shall try to incorporate Ftisk into the game.
<Angelo> ok, bye
<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #nobilis
Chapter 13