Session 120

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Chapter 14

[INFO] Channel view for ``#nobilis opened.
=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix
-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #nobilis
<lazarus> hm, true.
<Angelo> Hi all!
<lazarus> hello
<Angelo> how many people! :-)
<lazarus> on RPGnet, you say "Anyone who wants to play Nobilis, jump!" and the resounding response from all around is "How high?"
<ADamiani> Pretty much.
<Angelo> ahahahah :-) true! We are all we agerly waiting to play
<Benhimself> Despite a suspicious absence of the actual active players.
<ADamiani> I kind of picture new nobles lining up to audition.
<Angelo> @laz: you are number?, right?
<lazarus> Numbers. Yep.
<Angelo> your were professor part was nice
<lazarus> I think I'm going to have to redo my character sheet ... I remember all but my Bonds @_@.
<ADamiani> ("So, you're.... taxes, then?")
<lazarus> ("No, he's the other guy")
<ADamiani> ("Do you have any previous references?")
<lazarus> oh.
<lazarus> I'll toss something out.
<lazarus> Kudzu, the Imperator, is Lord of Unrestrained Growth. What grows more unrestrainedly than the internet?
<Angelo> your sheet isn't in the wiki?
<lazarus> um.
<lazarus> It was on the first wiki.
<Benhimself> Heh.
<Scattercat> Oddly, I had an "unrestrained growth" Imperator in my game. He was, in fact, also the Imperator of Computers.
<lazarus> I'm not sure it ever made its way anywhere else.
<Benhimself> I played an Imperator in one of my old games who explicitly gambled his estates with other imperators. It made for convenient explanations of player flux.
<ADamiani> Definitely not on the Chancel Amyra wiki the post linked to
<Benhimself> "Bad news everyone, I've lost wind and lies."
<Scattercat> That's a good idea.
<lazarus> *bamf*
<ADamiani> Wasn't Stories from another Familia?
<ADamiani> It might make more sense for others to be from elsewhere rather than bloating Kudzu's portfolio.
<Angelo> Yes Stories was a visiting noble
<Angelo> the local ones are famous
<ADamiani> Really? Despite only being nobles for ~six months?
<lazarus> let's see, A0, R2, D4, S2, Light Touch, Anchor to Jim, Gift (Greater Creation of Love, One Trick - only to create "worship" of Brian, Localized - only in Amyra, Uncommon, Automatic Invocation)
<Angelo> you know the relicts and the lord Entropy councils
<lazarus> ... it's Brian's Gift that does it. Plus the fact that we kinda went "Hi. We're the Nobles of Amyra. We now rule the realm."
<ADamiani> But that would only be famous within Amyra-- not draw people from outside?
<lazarus> oh, famous among Nobles? We threw a party once.
<lazarus> and didn't embarrass ourselves too badly.
<lazarus> we made some friends.
<lazarus> gave away some original Indiana Jones copies.
<lazarus> that kinda thing.
<Angelo> yes, created a new moon
<lazarus> only in Amyra.
<Angelo> spoke with lord entropy
<lazarus> did we? I missed that.
<Angelo> yeswithout any significative loss
<ADamiani> Just about anybody can speak with Lord Entropy.
<ADamiani> It's surviving that's the trick.
<Angelo> yes lately afther barakiel piece
<lazarus> ah. I haven't seen anything past that, due to, well, not having been involved :(
<Angelo> @ADaminai: True!!!!!
<ADamiani> But still, they hold council regularly, that can't be *too* rare for nobles...
<Angelo> well is all on the wiki
<ADamiani> Of course, you did come away with 15 damned souls. I'm not sure if that's turned out to be precisely the same as being unscathed...
<lazarus> eh. I like the whole "character isn't informed so is filled in on-screen" deal anyway. Plus I like to filter my events knowledge through the eyes of the other PCs :p
<Angelo> ^^
|<-- Brer_Lapine has left (Ping timeout)
<ADamiani> Aha! The first new curse victim!
<Angelo> true the curse is powerfull my friends!
-->| Knockwood (~chatzilla@75.141.248.IP) has joined #nobilis

  • Angelo take a chocolade budino against the course and start to eat it!

<Knockwood> Hiyo
<lazarus> hey, Knockwood!
<lazarus> long time no see :)
<Angelo> Hi Knok!
=-= Mode #nobilis +o Knockwood by lazarus
<ADamiani> Hello.
<Knockwood> and I see we've got some observers...
<lazarus> yeah. There was a thread in RPGnet.
<ADamiani> Sort of. There was a thread.
<Angelo> from bethE
<ADamiani> Soliciting Victims.
<lazarus> ... I might be able to come back in a few weeks, thanks to moving to about 15 minutes away from work :)
-->| BethE ( has joined #nobilis
<Knockwood> OK, here's what we're doing: nobody's made level 2 yet, so we're still trying to find that kobold camp. And for goodness sakes, laz, don't wade in with your puny little dagger, stick to Magic Missiles.
<BethE> Wow, lots of people.  :)
<ADamiani> Ask and ye shall receive.
<BethE> Hey Laz!
<lazarus> hey Beth :)
=-= Mode #nobilis +o BethE by lazarus
<lazarus> I'm not here the whole night.
<lazarus> only until, roughly, 10:30 or so
<lazarus> (my time)
<lazarus> call it ... an hour?
<BethE> Got your PM, laz, but hadn't answered yet. RN will be here in a moment, he's putting up the ice cream.
<lazarus> mmm, ice cream :)
<lazarus> btw: moving into a 4-bedroom house, 4 storey + basement, heat, air conditioning, the works :) ... and a 15 minute walk from work :D
<Angelo> Hi BethE!
<BethE> We have a knockoff-Coldstone Creamery called Marble Slab that does ice cream mixes.
<lazarus> mmm :)
<BethE> Wow, impressive, Laz!
<lazarus> yeah
<Knockwood> we have both of those in town...
<lazarus> and all for 1,095$ / month
<BethE> Do our vistors have any questions?
<ADamiani> Also impressed by the ice=cream mixes.
-->| Random_Nerd ( has joined #nobilis
<Random_Nerd> Hey.
<Random_Nerd> Big audience!
<lazarus> hey RN
<Knockwood> laz: no way. for rent that low the place would have to be on fire.
<Angelo> Hi RN!
<lazarus> blame your wife for that :p
<ADamiani> lo
<Random_Nerd> Accursed wife!
<Knockwood> Hiya RN
<lazarus> kw: that's what I get for living in Ottawa ^_^
<BethE> You bellowed, dear?
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
<lazarus> (odd, we have an ad at RPGnet: "For fast weight loss, drink wu long tea")
=-= Mode #nobilis +o Random_Nerd by lazarus
<Theresa> I didn't even get to use a line in the post that I wanted... <g>
<lazarus> oh?
<Benhimself> ("Can YOU Reverse the Curse?")
<ADamiani> You had a line?
<Benhimself> ("Find out! Or die trying!")
<lazarus> and sinker?
<Theresa> ("It's the end of the Age as we know it...and we feel fine.")
<lazarus> (:D:D:D)
<lazarus> (Great Big Sea point to T)
<ADamiani> Isn't there a desperate plan to stave off the end of the age, or somesuch?
<Knockwood> Who's read at least a little of the logs?
<ADamiani> *raises an appendage*
<Knockwood> AD: Right, Barakiels.
<Benhimself> I've read all of them, although I haven't touched the earlier ones in a while.

  • Angelo I! I!

<Theresa> Impressive for slogging through it all.  :)
<Knockwood> (Beth: might put together a 'Story So Far' thing somewhere...)
<Benhimself> Well, it was less impressive when I started it.
<lazarus> last I remember, and I haven't read logs since, we had agreed to ... stop the Age? Kill ... Ananda? Barakiel? ... something like that. Brian thought it was suicidal.
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
<Theresa> The last Brian was around for was I think the talk of the particle accelerator. Since then we've...hmm, we've seen Excrucians and something Else. There are fish people in the Chancel that we can't keep and Dante got hit on by Entropy and we sold clothes for people in Hell.
<Theresa> And Herb made a ninja...were you here for that?
<Benhimself> (Clothes and bits of facial skin.)
<ADamiani> And blood.
<lazarus> I wasn't here for any of Herb.
<Theresa> Reminds me...dear, what did the hellfolks think of Theresa's deformity?
<ADamiani> (Actually, collecting clothes for people in Hell sounds like a worthwhile if horribly misguided cause...)
<DanteE> well, Herb got eaten by the Curse of James...
<Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<lazarus> Brian had started the talk of the accelerator, and tried to get the ball rolling. Got a prophecy that said that if he went Outside, the collider wouldn't happen
<Ftisk> Herb is guarding the horses
|<-- Scattercat has left (Disintegrated: Scattercat has no reason)
<DanteE> anyone trying anything with our horses is toast
<lazarus> poof, that's Cursee Number Two of the watchers.
<Benhimself> (I think "eaten" is better, but only because I was considering trying out for the third Urbanization)
<Benhimself> (Evidently all I have to do is wait, and my contenders will vanish one by one)
<Ftisk> ahahahah
<ADamiani> (Survivor: Amyra)
<Theresa> Bah, I think that the more the merrier with a top limit of 6 or 7.
<DanteE> laz"
<DanteE> laz: OK, since then...
=-= Mode #nobilis +o Ftisk by lazarus
<DanteE> Theresa sacrificed some fingers to get answers from Jan Ben Jan about just what happens at the end of an age.
<lazarus> (Have a star!) ... I remember that segment, kw.
<DanteE> We also got some... eh, let's say 'not-quite-answers' from an aspect of Attaris
<Theresa> Yeah, Brian was there for that part.
<lazarus> I don't remember details about it.
<Theresa> We can make up whatever rumors we want about the end of the Age! <g>
<DanteE> These convinced Conseq to convince Barakiel to amend his plan, so now he wants to kill Attaris instead, and asked us to talk to Ha-Qadosh if we had a chance.
<lazarus> oh yes :)
<DanteE> Then... the Cams cashed in the favor I owed them, which prompted us to travel to Chancel Jaris...
<Theresa> We got Herb and then various Chancels got attacked. We went to help at a fishperson Chancel and then at a Dionyl chancel. Because of the latter one, we had to go talk to the Council.
<DanteE> Not a Dionyl chancel, _Dionyl_
<Benhimself> (Lord Entropy x Dante = OTP)
<lazarus> I missed Dionyl? ... Ah well, I guess we'll be back someday.
<Random_Nerd> Most of the time was spent outside the chancel in Dionyl.
<DanteE> on C. Jaris, we evacuated the fishmen to our place, and helped a little bit in the big Jaris & Orion v. Excrucian battle.
<Theresa> Okay, yeah, you're right, it wasn't in a Chancel because that would have been bad.
<ADamiani> (OTP?)
<lazarus> (One True Pairing)
=-= lazarus is now known as Brian
<DanteE> ick
<Theresa> Entropy was in a womanly-mood. She was quite the harpy.  :)
<ADamiani> (Is it technically slash if Entropy's female ATM?)
<DanteE> then, _something_ appeared on Dionyl that was either a lost Domination or the Excrucian that killed him. His memory is in tiny pieces.
<DanteE> We dealt with him (sort of), which prompted our appearance before the Council...
<DanteE> Our job is to investigate what happens when something crosses the Weirding Wall.
<Theresa> Oh and we had to give a message to Barakiel/Consequences.
<Brian> ... which happens to be Brian's hobby.
<Random_Nerd> "Now, Timmy! You step across the Wall, while I step behind this lead shield..."
<DanteE> on coming out, we met with soem Entropy fans from Hell... literally.
<Ftisk> with one of you having already crossed it one time
<Benhimself> (This is where those sentient boomerangs come in handy.)
<Brian> ("What did you see?" "Who am I? What is this?")
<DanteE> We traded the things Entropy got blood on (including my cheek skin) for 9 damned souls.
<Theresa> I traded my bloody jacket for 3 Amyran hellsouls and we got a former king in the set!
<DanteE> The last few sessions have been dealing with them, including one who was a former King of Amyra.
<DanteE> Which reminds me... do we get a char point for finishing that little plot off?
<Random_Nerd> Yep.
<Random_Nerd> I see last session as ending a storyline.
<Random_Nerd> So, one CP apiece.
<ADamiani> You're not dealing with Bathory?
<DanteE> (Take a moment to edit my wiki page...)
<DanteE> We did that last time.
<Random_Nerd> I figure that while they've not made a specific deal with her, she is under control.
<Theresa> Yeah, basically we proved that she's not an asset to us. Which honked her off.
<Benhimself> (By dint of her being mortal, and them not.)
<Theresa> And we let Aaron the Former King (who has given up his king-claim) to go roam around the city.
<DanteE> no, it _spooked_ her. Difference.
<Random_Nerd> She was honked off already.
<Theresa> Oh, dear, if Lesson's intern wants a meet and greet, Theresa's available.
<Theresa> Ok, spooked.  :)
<Benhimself> (If I were an excrucian, I would totally anchor Bathory. Epic lulz.)
<Random_Nerd> So, are we ready?
<Theresa> (For which reasons? She would probably approve of destroying the universe.)
<Theresa> Ready!
<DanteE> is anyone ever truly ready?
<Brian> and I'll form the head!

  • Ftisk rady as I can ever be!

<DanteE> You are not authorized to form the head, Mr. Welch...
<Brian> (Dante, I hereby award you one "win")
<Random_Nerd> So, when we start, let's have you in the clocktower.
<Brian> sure.
<Random_Nerd> Let's say it's a day or two after last session.
<Random_Nerd> ________________________________START____________________________
<Random_Nerd> (Specifically, we can start tying up a loose end from last time. Shall we have you two in the meeting room, with Sam explaining what came up last time?)
<DanteE> "So, William, what's the latest on the ex-King and our other guests?"

  • Theresa meditates in her office, discerning the destruction of planting due to flooding.

<Theresa> (Ooo, yes!)
<Brian> (how do you want me and Ft (re)introduced?)
<Random_Nerd> William: "The king has not yet been arrested, although he has gotten into an argument with someone in a restaurant."
<DanteE> (How long can you stay?)
<Theresa> "Over what?"
<Brian> (eh, call it an hour, maybe an hour and a half)
<Random_Nerd> (Ftisk will be first heard from shortly.)
<Random_Nerd> (You can feel free to walk in whenever.)
<Brian> (sure)
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "Now, as I was saying earlier, I think I've figured out what the thing with the writing was, that you asked me to look into."

  • Brian walks into the meeting room. "How long have I been staring at those supercollider specs? I've got a splitting headache from here to next Thursday..."

<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "At first, I thought it was a new estate interacting with us. But I was wrong. I think it's an /old/ one."
<Theresa> "'s the fifth age and Entropy is retired. Squeak Dog Toys is now in charge of the Council."
<Theresa> (Squeaky even)

  • Brian blinks

<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "Used to be called Reactive Script, or at least that's the closest translation I can come up with. It was rather like computer programming, but without the computer."
<Theresa> "Just kidding. A couple of weeks or so?"
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "And I'm pretty sure that this was an estate of the Dominion Sakaroth."
<DanteE> "Does the fact that I've never heard of it mean what I think it means?"
<Brian> "weeks? ... and Sam, that sounds kind of awesome. When's it from?"
<Theresa> "Have we ever seen examples of Excruciated estates coming back?"
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "Mimics."
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "Well, kind of coming back."
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "Now, I don't really fully understand how this sort of thing was supposed to work. But there are a few remnants of it in Dionyl languages. It was bigger with us than it was with you, since the Imperator lived on Dionyl."
<Theresa> "I think our armored new friend would be hard pressed to be believed as a mimic."
<DanteE> "Well...
<DanteE> "Everyone we've seen who's gone through the weirding wall has a Swiss-cheesed memory...
<Random_Nerd> He takes a marker, and writes a few lines on the whiteboard in shorthand. Then, one of the lines in the middle starts copying itself down the board, drawing bits of marker-ink from the other writing to trace itself increasingly faintly.
<Random_Nerd> It does so about seventeen times before it gets too faint to read.
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "Notice that it isn't dependant on the specific ink patterns. This is a human script that I'm using to represent some Dionyl words."
<Brian> "Even our Lord and Master has a swiss-cheese memory. I remember trying to think up a way around it... but I guess I got engrossed in other things." *pause* "That is so cool. What's it mean?"
<Theresa> "Thank you, Sam." *smile* "Would this be helpful for the Aides as well? And can it be used to communicate messages across distance?"
<Random_Nerd> William puts a finger to the silver sphere in his right ear, and his eyes glaze over.
<DanteE> "There's a bigger point...
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I /think/ it can communicate across distances. But I don't know how to make it do so."
<DanteE> "Samuel, you're saying an estate that was excruciated came back? When was it lost?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "See, there aren't any written records to go back to. We don't keep them. They don't work on our world, don't keep their meaning without the worldsight of the person who wrote them to provide context."
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "It was lost a long time ago. Maybe early Third age, maybe late Second, as near as I can guess."
<Brian> "Do we know it was Excruciated?"
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "I don't know. It seems like it wasn't, now. But this is more like... okay, you know how True Gods' estates work?"
<DanteE> "Enlighten us?"
<Brian> "Um. They're the ones only on that world, right?"
<Random_Nerd> S: "How they only work on the worlds they or their Powers are on, and if they come to a new world, the estate shows up? This seems like that, except it's not a True God's estate. And it was gone on all worlds, as far as I know."
<Random_Nerd> S: "Yes. That. This isn't that. But it's /like/ that."
<Brian> "Statement: Wildlords' domains didn't exist in Creation prior to their arrival."
<Brian> "Supposition: an Imperator's domains cease to exist in Creation when the Imperator is Outside."
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "They did, but only in spotty bits here and there. They didn't exist as Estates, at least."
<DanteE> "That would mean... there's at least one world on the other side of the Wall that has Estates
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "That does make sense. When Wildlords show up here, they already have Estates."
<Random_Nerd> William removes his hand from his ear, and seems to be waiting for his turn to speak.
<Brian> "Hm. Then Outside might be a mirror, if you will, of Creation?"
<Brian> "Or, the inverse, anyway."
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "It would make sense, at least. We know that there are things out there that couldn't naturally exist in here. Not just the Excrucians."
<DanteE> "Samuel, we have a few grad students helping you with Geomancy and similar stuff, right?"
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "Well, at this point they're mostly learning. But yes."

  • Theresa looks at William.

<Brian> "Note to self - get back in contact with ... Shadows? ... and keep working on the Outside thing"
<DanteE> "Grab a few more... Mathematics, Linguistics, Logic, Computer Science. See if they and you can figure out how to use this."
<Random_Nerd> William: "I have a message for you. All of you, that is."
<Brian> "Yes, William?
<Brian> "
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "I'll do that. But I doubt it'll be fast. Still, I'll tell you when we come up with something useful."
<Theresa> (The bill's due, isn't it...crud, where's my checkbook...)
<Random_Nerd> William: "A noble, one I haven't met, wants to meet with you. I think you came to his attention as a result of speaking to the Council."
<DanteE> (Ah... Ftisk's entrance?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yep.)
<Ftisk> (Yesssssss)
<Brian> "Very well. Where?"

  • Theresa raises an eyebrow. "Is it really that weird to speak in front of the Council...and survive?"

<Brian> "... wait, /that/ Council?"
<Ftisk> (and 2 excrus...)
<Brian> "... I'm glad I was busy ..."
<Theresa> (We ran _away_ from the Excrucians.  :) )
<Ftisk> (you *survived*)
<Theresa> "Yeah, you should have seen Entropy hit on Dante. it was precious."

  • Brian *blinkblinks*

<Random_Nerd> William: "Not rare to survive, but there are people who watch what the Council decides."
<Theresa> "Entropy looked like a woman in a dress and had vulture-like legs."
<Random_Nerd> William: "At any rate, this Noble wants to arrange a meeting somewhere on Earth."
<Theresa> "Road trip!"
<Theresa> "Which Noble, by the way?"
<Brian> "Baba Yaga? ... Dante was hit on by Entropy in a Baba Yaga costume?"
<Brian> (ooc: owait, that's chicken legs. And her house anyway.)
<ADamiani> (Didn't Baba Yaga's house only have one leg?)
<DanteE> "Where on Earth?"
<Brian> (two, I thought)
<Random_Nerd> William: "His name is something long and hard to pronounce, but it starts with" *clears throat* "Ftisk."
<DanteE> to Samuel: "Any signs of another Estate reappearing?"
<Ftisk> (at Etna!?! :-P)
<Random_Nerd> William: "He's one of the Powers of a True God of Earth."
<Theresa> (I've seen it either way. Also a story where a legendary cowgirl went to Russia and made fried chicken out of the house for her husband.)
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "Not that I know of. But I'll put it up on the list of Important Unanswered Questions in the oracle. Maybe someone will see something odd."
<Theresa> *curiously* "What are some of the other questions?"
<DanteE> "If it is some bizarre attack, I doubt they'd do it for one obscure funny writing Estate."
<Brian> "Thanks Sam. William: when and where is the meeting with this Noble named, apparently, by H. P. Lovecraft?"
<Theresa> ("When will the Cubs win the world series again...")
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "'Where do Wildlords come from?' 'Is Beauty, Truth, and Truth Beauty?' 'What is the deal with Entropy, anyway?' and so on."
<Ftisk> (Nice one brian)
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "There are a /lot/ of unanswered questions."
<Brian> (I aim to please)
<Random_Nerd> William: "He wished to arrange something near a volcano. Is Hawaii acceptable?"
<Brian> "Um. I guess. I think I was more in the mood for Thai food, though. Any volcanoes around there? ... I'm being difficult, again, aren't I?"
<Theresa> "Is there a Noble of Unanswered Questions? Possibly in love with Why and small children?"
<DanteE> "Mauna Loa? I'm OK with that."
<Random_Nerd> Samuel, to Theresa: "I think that's on the list."
<Theresa> "Hawaii sounds gorgeous. I've never been to a luau."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Excellent. And while we're on the way there, I can ask for more information about the Noble in question. What time works for you? I'm in communication with an associate who can talk to him."
-->| RandBrittain ( has joined #nobilis
<Brian> "Apparently there wasn't anything pressing enough to rouse me for the previous week, so I'm good whenever."
<DanteE> (Hi Rand...)
<Theresa> "Anyone have anything they need to do today? Brian, want to meet the former king who we traded from Hell for?"
<Random_Nerd> Samuel pulls a cellular phone from a small bag wrapped up in his varigated fluttering scarves.
<RandBrittain> (Good evening.)
<Brian> "We... traded ... he..ll...for..a ... king?"
<Ftisk> (Hi RAnd...)
<Theresa> (Hi! Would you like a cut and paste of what's happened so far?)
<RandBrittain> (If someone isn't busy, but if you're occupied I'll be fine.)
<DanteE> "No, we traded _with_ Hell for a king."
<Theresa> "We traded some clothes and Dante's skin for a former king of Amyra who was in a collection in Hell. We got about tweleve people all together."
<DanteE> (9)
<Random_Nerd> Sam, over the phone: "Tell everyone I want to see who can be the first to find a portal to Hawaii, from somewhere near Kaerkoven. Forest or city, it doesn't matter."
<Brian> "Sliightly better..."
<Random_Nerd> Sam hangs up.
<Brian> "Oh, I miss the days of James, when he'd just lead us. When he wasn't being ornery. Or gargoyly."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I can probably work it out faster for myself, if you're in a hurry. I just want to see how well they do."
|<-- Theresa has left (Excess Flood)
<DanteE> "He's still here, y'know. His face floats to the surface in Kudzu periodically."
<Brian> "I just miss my Brother, whose Estate it was to know that kind of thing"
<Brian> "... what? I ... guess I missed a bunch over the last month. Why didn't anyone wake me?"
-->| Theresa ( has joined #nobilis
=-= Mode #nobilis +o Theresa by Brian
<Brian> (bad T, no flooding :p)
<Theresa> (That's what I get for being nice.  :) )
<Random_Nerd> Samuel looks at the clock and seems to be counting seconds.
<RandBrittain> (I've led her on to adopt the Code of Hell..... just as planned!)
<DanteE> "William, tell him we'll meet him in a few minutes, if he's ready."
<Theresa> "You were busy with your toy, Brian."
<Random_Nerd> William: "I will convey that."
<Brian> "That reminds me, I need to check when the next meeting was supposed to be. Or Was. Um. Yeah. I'll talk to Jim and find out if it progressed or stalled. ... later."
<ADamiani> (Man, I need a client that supports copy/paste)
<Random_Nerd> William: "Okay, it's been arranged."
<Theresa> "We just figured that you were working on the accelerator, not that you were pulling a Sleeping Beauty."
<Brian> "Peril of being Numbers, I guess. Losing track of a month... I don't think I even ate!"
<Random_Nerd> Sam taps his... scarf-clad nonexistant foot, while looking at the clock.
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "Should I just work it out myself."
<Random_Nerd> (Err, ?)
<Brian> "Might as well have a backup, just in case"
<DanteE> "Samuel... there were moving numbers in your formulae when you were looking for the portal from Dionyl back here. Is this messing with Numbers?"
<Random_Nerd> Samuel, to Brian: "I don't know. Is it?"
<Random_Nerd> (Not really. Numbers is now interacting with an additional Estate, but it isn't really harmed.)
<DanteE> "And how long have you been teaching the grad students?"
<Brian> "Don't think it is right now. Of course, I don't know if it did previously. There's a new interaction though that I've never noticed before."
<Random_Nerd> (It's like the sort of connection that the powers of Combustion and Transportation have, for instance.)
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "Three weeks? Two? Something like that."
<Random_Nerd> Sam's phone rings.
<Brian> (ohright I need to remember how we built the walking power that we grandfathered in because it's awesome ... I remember paying points for that eventually)
<DanteE> "give them a few extra minutes for hangovers..."
<Random_Nerd> He holds it facing vaguely towards his chest.
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Okay, good. Oh? Okay, tell him to go over it step by step with the others. And then, tell them to see who can come up with the closest one to the clocktower, from now to six PM. Thanks."
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "Okay, we have it."
<Brian> "Then, shall we be off?"
<Random_Nerd> (Brian's transportation power was, I believe, based on a limited-application lesser change of Numbers, uncommon, self only, simple miracle.)\
<DanteE> "Let's meet him... always good to have a new ally."
<Theresa> "Do we know the personality of this Noble? Do we need to be formal?"
<Brian> (sounds vaguely right)
<Random_Nerd> William: "I don't think formality is needed. Unless you want it."
<DanteE> "I look goofy in a tux."
<RandBrittain> (So, it subtracted most of the distance between yourself and your destination?)

  • Theresa changes her clothes to a nice dress but not too fancy.

<RandBrittain> (That would be a good way to get around the difficulty of teleporting Nobles.)
<Theresa> "Then you need a better tailor, Dante. Try Lesson's."
<Brian> (Rand: basically, it interacted with the "points" representing space, so that when you take step to point (x+1, y, z) you actually arrive at (x+10, y, z) for example. It had finer control than that, and I think I wanted to be able to take a small group?)
<Random_Nerd> William: "No need for a tuxedo. A suit would work just as well."
<Brian> (oooo, opening the GWB for the first time in a year. I forgot how pretty it is)
<Random_Nerd> (I believe you'd bought the self-only version, but with the intent to later spend points on a multi-person version.)
<Brian> (that would make sense)
<DanteE> "So, Samuel, how well are your students doing?"
<Theresa> "I believe I'm ready. William, Sam, do you want to come along? I hear the view from the volcano is fantastic."
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "I don't know. Weirdly well, in some ways, but limited in others. They seem extremely educated in some areas, but entirely deficient in others."
<RandBrittain> (That's even more complicated than most of my Gifts, and I consider myself the foremost Gift-power-gamer on the planet.)
<Random_Nerd> William: "I have nothing else to do this afternoon, so I may as well."
<RandBrittain> (Admittedly it's out of a field of like maybe ten people.
<Brian> "Um... guys, are my clothes alright?"
<DanteE> "You're seeing them from the viewpoint of someone raised on Dionyl. Different culture is tough enough without throwing in different physical laws."
<Brian> (I also have a version of "Greater Loved By Populace" that's automatic and subconscious :p)
<Random_Nerd> (We have a houserule that lets you add CPs to an existing Gift, to raise miracle level or penetration or what have you.)
<ADamiani> (Doesn't the GWB list it as an example of a miracle the Patroness Mathematica might use?)
<Theresa> (Does Brian look like he just rolled out of bed this morning?)
<Random_Nerd> (Her version is Hard, I believe. Brian's automatically corrects any problems, if memory serves.)
<Ftisk> (hey I normaly look rolled out of bed!)
<Random_Nerd> Sam, to Dante: "Are we taking your car?"
<RandBrittain> (Yes, but I don't think it considered how it would work beyond "I do MATHEMAGIC!" although I'm sure Dr. Moran could explain it, since that's her area.)
<Brian> (Brian's is Automatic. Also: the appearance of Brian is for the HG to decide)
<DanteE> "We should take that Hummer I made if we're going up a mountain."

  • Theresa snaps Brian into a nice cotton suit. "You'll have to comb your own hair. And didn't the beard give a clue about how long you had been asleep?"

<Random_Nerd> William: "Do you wish me to bring shaving supplies, and perhaps a pair of scissors, so we can correct your appearance on the road?"
<Brian> "I guess that's best"
<DanteE> "Who are we meeting, Martha Stewart?
<Random_Nerd> William steps briskly out of the meeting room.
<Theresa> "We need to make a good impression, Dante."
<DanteE> "We did that by surviving."
<Random_Nerd> William steps back in, holding a midsized briefcase.
<Ftisk> (how big are these shissor?)
<Theresa> "Bah, anyone can survive. The truly Noble looks _good_ while doing so."

  • Theresa will head to the garage? Or cut to the car?

<Random_Nerd> (They're in the briefcase. But about... five inch blades, I would say.)
<Random_Nerd> (Let's cut to the road, unless you have something else to do.)
<DanteE> (Cut to the car?)
<DanteE> (OK)
<Brian> (let's cut)
<Random_Nerd> Sam directs Dante towards the particular part of the borderlands that leads where you're going.
<DanteE> "All right, Samuel, so if your students have it right, we should emerge... where?"
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "It should be reasonably close to where you're going..."
<Random_Nerd> The Hummer drives through vines and rubble.

  • Theresa listens to the plants nearby.

<DanteE> "Brace yourselves..."
<Brian> "I remember this part..."
<Random_Nerd> And then, you pull through to plow through a bunch of raspberry plants, and can see Kilauea in the background.
<DanteE> "Not bad. Your guy's learning.'
<Random_Nerd> William now directs.
<Theresa> "I wonder if Amyra has any volcanos underneath it."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Do you want there to be?"
<DanteE> "Don't think we were anywhere near a tectonic plate edge when we were on Earth..."
<DanteE> "Then again, with Kudzu in charge Mount Melchior should be spewing Tang periodically."
<Theresa> "I just like this soil. The ash does wonders for the personalities of the plants."
<Random_Nerd> In time, you come along a road to a spot where a fair amount of metal garbage seems to have been dumped for some reason. You have about two-thirds of one card, about half of another, a washing machine, and some rusty silverware.
<Random_Nerd> William: "This is the spot."
<DanteE> "And you were worried about how _we_ look?"
<Random_Nerd> There's also something that looks like a metal snail, floating a little above the washing machine.
<Ftisk> Greetings!
<Brian> "Hello?"
<Random_Nerd> (Err, and "car" rather than "card," up there.)
<DanteE> "Did that snail-like thing just talk?"
<Ftisk> I'm Ftiskaaaahk Sn'Gnok.
<Theresa> "Maybe you should ask the scarf in the front seat, Dante..."
<Brian> "Not the weirdest thing that we've ever seen, Dante..."
<DanteE> (Gesundheit.)
<Random_Nerd> (Could you please use quote marks when speaking? It works better for the logs.)
<Ftisk> (dankeshon)
<Theresa> "Greetings, Ftisk." (Can Aspect handle his name?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yes.)
<Ftisk> (ok)
<Random_Nerd> (Thanks.)
<Ftisk> "you can call me Ftisk, I'm really impressed by you"
<DanteE> "Ah, are you the one who called us?"

  • Theresa will pronounce his name correctly but will usually use the shorter version.  :)

<Random_Nerd> Samuel, whispering to William: "That kind of thing isn't normal on Earth, is it?"
<Brian> (Can Aspect 0 handle the name?)
<Random_Nerd> William shakes his head.
<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. Yes, but it sounds a little bit off.)

  • Brian will do his best to say the name correctly. "Greetings, Ftiskahk Sng'Nok"

<Ftisk> "Yes, I wantod to come to your chancel to meet you, but my btother say that that was inpolite, so... We arranged a neutral ground meeting"
<Theresa> "Oh, who is in your Family?"
<Ftisk> @ Brian: "Thaks and you are?"
<Ftisk> @ Theresa: "We are me, Brewnyr and <nome jet to decide here>"
<Brian> "I am Brian."
<Theresa> "I'm Theresa, Power of Plants."
<Random_Nerd> William: "And I and my associate" *waves at Sam* "are not Nobles, but instead assistants from the Society of Aides."
<DanteE> "Dante, Marquis of Courage and Blades."
<DanteE> (Also, Tpyo, Queen of Typos and through that Lord of the Universe.)
<Ftisk> @all: "enchantè"
<ADamiani> (Our lady of blessed metatextuality)
<Theresa> "So, you saw us at the Council Meeting?"
<Ftisk> "Yes, I was impressed by you accomplishments, the meeting and the fights against the Excrucians... really impressive indeed!"

  • Ftisk smiling with the little eyestalks

<Theresa> "Well, for the fights, we mostly just tried to get the other chancelfolks evacuated."
<DanteE> "Yeah. We've fought Shards, not Excrucians."
<Random_Nerd> (For a moment, I read that as "We've fought sharks...")
<DanteE> to William: "They're not saying we fought Excrucians, are they?"
<Theresa> (Sharks are too easy.)
<Ftisk> "Well, there are conflicting versions..."
<DanteE> (Yeah, one Aspected punch to the snoot and they're gone)
<Random_Nerd> (Maybe unEnnobled sharks.)
<Random_Nerd> William: "Well, you were fought /by/ an Excrucian."
<DanteE> (The Power of Consumption?)
<Random_Nerd> William: "So that partially counts."
<Ftisk> "BUT! in each way you are really in the center of Noble's gossip now
<Ftisk> "
<Brian> (oh no, now we've got RN thinking about empowered Sharks. Next is bears...)
<Random_Nerd> (The shark Noble is the Power of Freakin' Laser Beams.)

  • Ftisk scratch one side with a manipulatos. "and I would like to see the relicts too..."

<Theresa> "Is that the same sort of counting as being in the same country as the Excrucian?"
<Random_Nerd> Samuel, in the back seat, scribbles notes in his little notepad.
<Theresa> (Hope you slime-proofed the seats, Dante.)
<Ftisk> (Ftisk is metal made!)
<DanteE> (He's not an actual snail, Theresa. Sheesh. :) )
<Ftisk> (and do quicksilver slime!)
<Ftisk> (if any)
<DanteE> "What is your DOmain, anyway?"
<Ftisk> "ops, I'm The marquis of Machinery!
<Ftisk> "
<Theresa> (He might have wanted to be...what's the word...versimilatude?)
<DanteE> "I wondered about the decor."

  • Ftisk hoveringa bit higher

<Ftisk> "of Data also... but I use litthe these titles..."
<Benhimself> (Have to head out for work, thanks for letting me spectate, all)
<DanteE> (Cya Ben)
<Ftisk> (cya!)
<Random_Nerd> (Later.)
<Brian> (later)
<Theresa> (Good night! Thanks for watching!)
|<-- Benhimself has left (Disintegrated: )
<Theresa> "What are people saying about us in the gossip?"
<Random_Nerd> (Entropy has obviously taken Dante as a concubine!)
<RandBrittain> (Horrors.)
<Ftisk> "well there is an ongoing love affair between DAnte and Entropy.."

  • Theresa stifles a giggle.

<Ftisk> "You fight one excrucian that kiccked 2 imperator butt"
<DanteE> "Urgk"
<Ftisk> "and some more be believable"
[ERROR] Unknown command ``me:.

  • Ftisk blicks

<DanteE> "I honestly don't know which one's worse..."
<Ftisk> "you really have some fish people in your chancel?"
<DanteE> "Temporarily. We evacuated them from Chancel Jaris."

  • Ftisk with a more cospirational voice...

<Theresa> "They're refugees while their chancel gets repaired."
<Ftisk> "someone say that are a new manifested estated of Kudzu..."
<Theresa> "No, that's our Sister the coyote."
<Ftisk> "ahhhh, made more sense... There is so much 'noise' around you..."
<DanteE> "We need better cosmic PR."
<Theresa> "A lot of our Family likes to work on their own. Hope, Capriciousness and Urbanization are currently working on their own projects."
<RandBrittain> (Inventing a better horse to hold? Possibly with additional handles?)
<Ftisk> "I'll be happy to meet your brothers and Sister Celestis in your chancel is this can be arranged"
|<-- DanteE has left (Connection reset by peer)
<Ftisk> (one with moer Capricciousnees is a better one?)
-->| DanteE (~chatzilla@75.141.248.IP) has joined #nobilis
<Theresa> (Whoops, lost Dante...)
<Theresa> "Would you like to visit now or at some other time?"
<DanteE> (Odd. Did you catch my 'election' remark?)
=-= Mode #nobilis +o DanteE by Ftisk
<Theresa> (Nope.)
<Ftisk> "Now if possible!"
<DanteE> "Yeah, Hope said something about an election and we haven't seen her since..."
<Ftisk> (nope too)

  • Theresa looks to the others. "I'm game for a tour session. How about you guys?"

<Brian> "That's always fun"
<DanteE> "Certainly."

  • Ftisk float up and down happily!

<Brian> (however, I the player should be taking off. Fixing up a Google Docs Spreadsheet first, though)
<DanteE> "Who's your Ymera, by the way?"
<Ftisk> "Vulcan... the greek god"
<Theresa> (Night, Laz!  :) )
<DanteE> (g'night Laz)
<Ftisk> (bye Lazarus)
<DanteE> "That ... explains a lot, actually."
<Ftisk> "Well the greek version is a bit distorted version of the original... He is a maker... " with a proud voice " I was made by my Imperator!!!"
<Random_Nerd> Sam, in back: Notescribble! Notescribble!
<Ftisk> under its tongue "my beta version too"
<ADamiani> ("No, Vulcan the planet. We are a logical people...")
<Ftisk> (rotfl @ ADamiani)
<Theresa> (Live long and avoid magnets.)
<Theresa> "Then please, come along. Is there any sort of environment that you need to avoid?"
<Ftisk> "No I've no enviromental problem or dislike... with 'normal' (ie human) parameter in mind..."
<Ftisk> "But, wait just a minute"
<Random_Nerd> ("I am allergic to Celine Dion music.")
<DanteE> (OK, so as long as Kudzu doesn't screw with the place's physics again, you're fine. :) )

  • Ftisk return on the pile of trash an assembe back in a humanoid body (the washing machine is the torso)

<Ftisk> "Now we can go!"
<Theresa> (It's possible to be allergic to her music. I myself break out into violent hysterics.)
<DanteE> "... suddenly I'm really glad we took the Hummer."
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "I suddenly think I undestand better why he was interested in Kudzu."
<Ftisk> (Well is human shaped and sized)
<Ftisk> ( <grin> )

  • Theresa murmurs to Sam, "Well, the Boss prefers either living material or bricks."

<Ftisk> (but shapechange!)
<Random_Nerd> (Brick! Brick brick!)
<Brian> (weird, it's screwing around with my VLookup ... it's clearly got Lesser Preservation = 3, but it's returning 9. Huh.)
-->| DanteE_ (~chatzilla@75.141.248.IP) has joined #nobilis
<DanteE_> (the hell?)
<Ftisk> (cut to the car)
<Random_Nerd> (That works.)
<DanteE_> (OK)
|<-- DanteE has left (Connection reset by peer)
[INFO] No such nick/channel
[INFO] No such nick/channel
[INFO] No such nick/channel
[INFO] No such nick/channel
[INFO] No such nick/channel
[INFO] No such nick/channel
[INFO] No such nick/channel
[INFO] No such nick/channel
[INFO] No such nick/channel
[INFO] No such nick/channel
=-= DanteE_ is now known as DanteE
<Random_Nerd> Samuel, to Ftisk: "So, you weren't human originally?"
<Ftisk> "no I was a machine with maintenance tasks"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "What's that like?'
<Random_Nerd> "
<Ftisk> "... I have the recording in my memory but are feeling-less"
<Ftisk> "I can say that was boring? Apathic?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "You ever been to Dionyl? You remind me of us, a little."
<Ftisk> "uhm... words can't cover well the concept"
<Ftisk> "No never be in Dionyl... but I can take a tour"

  • DanteE starts driving back once everyone's aboard

<Ftisk> "one day"
<DanteE> "Samuel, is that passage two-way?
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "Yep. Just drive through the same patch of bushes.

  • Ftisk stop the washingmachine's spin-dryer the started now

<DanteE> (Hm?)
<Random_Nerd> (Just drive in the way you came out.)
<DanteE> (OK... any difficulty getting back?)
<Random_Nerd> (Nope. Shall we cut to arriving back at home?)
<Ftisk> (yay!)
<Theresa> (It would be amazin if he got carsick..wwithout a stomach.)
<Theresa> (Sure>)
<DanteE> (Sure)
<Random_Nerd> You pull out in the borderland, within sight of Kaerkoven.

  • Ftisk chitchat

<DanteE> "That right there is our home..."
<Ftisk> "I was leaving body material arround as a contingency if you were aggressive..."

  • Ftisk look around

<Theresa> 'We can't show the actual Treasures at the moment but we will be glad to show you the replicas. The real ones are quite dangerous."
<DanteE> "Heh."
<Theresa> (Us? Agressive? Perish the enemy...I mean, thought.)
<Ftisk> "So its true that the tresoure have some power..."
<Ftisk> (Well Its have liston to ALL the rumors on you...)
<Theresa> "Yes, but that's part of the reason the Chancel is here. To help protect them."
<DanteE> "Apparently."
<DanteE> "Well... the country, not the Chancel.
<DanteE> "We're still not sure why Kudzu en-Chanceled the place."
<Ftisk> "And the king is empowered to guard these tresure?"
<Ftisk> "a mere not noble... why?"
<DanteE> "Well, he's of the bloodline that's been keeping them for centuries."
<Theresa> "He was offered Noble-ness. He turned it down because of his duties."

  • Ftisk raise a eye stalk - car's shield cleaner

<Ftisk> "You are more interesting that in my more optimistic analisys!"
<Theresa> "Uh...thank you."

  • Ftisk smile

<DanteE> (Should draw him at some point. :) )
<Ftisk> "My chancell is an endless grotto..."
<DanteE> (With Playmates? :) )
<Ftisk> (the snail or the humanoid version?)
<DanteE> (Both)

  • DanteE pulls up to the castle...

<Theresa> (Great, now I'm imagining a snail with bunny ears...)
<Ftisk> (well the humanoid is done each time with different materials.. change each time)
<ADamiani> (.... thank God, Theresa, I thought it was only me!)
<Ftisk> (rotfl.. you are killing me! :-) )
<Theresa> (And a little tuft of cotton for the tail...)
<DanteE> (What time of day?)
<Random_Nerd> Early afternoon.
<Ftisk> Ftiskaaaahk Sn'Gnok is a gastropod-like machine created by Vulcan that exhibits similarities to snails. It has a durable metallic shell, with a short tail and torso that protrudes under that. These are made of a viscid material that resembles quicksilver. The head that rest on torso’s top, exhibits four vestigial horns and two eyestalks. The torso is ringed with six extensible manipulator...
<Ftisk> ...appendices that allow him interaction with objects. Ftiskaaaahk have the capability to hover and move. Also it can assemble a body by any bunch of machinery. )
<DanteE> "Might be easier on the carpet if you left the body behind...."
<Ftisk> "Ok, where can I leave the pieces?"
<DanteE> "Just right here in the parking lot, I think."
<Random_Nerd> (For some reason, I'm imagining Ftisk as being specifically an Art Deco-styled snail. Not sure why.)
<RandBrittain> (Pix or this description is meaningless.)

  • Ftisk go to the place and 'unload' the pieced on the floor

<Ftisk> (can be an interesting drawing)

  • Ftisk return hovering to the hother

<Ftisk> others even
<DanteE> "Let's see how much the tour guide freaks out..."
<Ftisk> ( <grin> )
<Theresa> "Brian's with us. Tour guide won't even notice Ftisk."
<DanteE> "Right, the grad student can distract people from the floating snail."
<Ftisk> " I can stay on someone shoulder if this can create less commotion"
<DanteE> "Well, here..."

  • DanteE hols out his hand.

<Random_Nerd> (For that matter, Ftisk has Aspect 2 or higher, right?)
<Brian> (ok, now that the spreadsheet manipulation is done for now, it's time for bed. RN: I can, with an email, "share" the spreadsheet I've just made if you want to look it over?)

  • DanteE brings Ftisk in...

<Ftisk> (2, sorry, my son (2 yer) was crying in the sleep)
<Random_Nerd> (Sure. )
<Random_Nerd> (Okay, so with Aspect 2, you can do Guising for free.)
<Random_Nerd> (Probably make yourself look like some kind of largish bird, if you're just the snail.)
<Brian> (... hey, it was already in my tabcomplete list :p)
<RandBrittain> (One day, autocomplete will work properly and no human will ever remember anything on their own again.)
<Theresa> (I'm slowing down a good deal...)
<DanteE> (Happening now with phone numbers)
<Ftisk> (and if I retunn in Humanoi form the guise will work with it?)
<Ftisk> (Humanoid even)
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah. Might make you look like a guy in a robot costume, or wearing football pads and helmet or something, depending on exactly how bulky and strange your current body is, but it would make you look like /something/ more mundane.)
<RandBrittain> (Guising is usually more about the forms of the local life forms than about your own shape.)

  • Ftisk guise the snail body as one small bird

<RandBrittain> (A 300-ft. dragon can Guise and fit into a New York bar.)
<Ftisk> (its ok?)
<Random_Nerd> (Well, I see it as the interaction between the two.)
<Ftisk> (so Ftisk will be guised as an human anyway?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, as a rule.)
<DanteE> (Well, right now I'm holding him, so he could be anything. Including a metal snail. :) )
<Random_Nerd> (If you're flying around a lot it might be more likely to make you look like a talking bird or something, to make it fit better.)
<DanteE> (You should see some of the stuff I've brought into this castle...)
<Ftisk> (ok, the bird will fit as guise then)
<Random_Nerd> (That works.)
<Ftisk> (^^)
<DanteE> (Can we catch a scheduled tour, or should we just wing it?)
<Random_Nerd> (Shall we call it a night, here? We all seem to have slowed down quite a bit.)
<Theresa> (I'm okay with that...brain oozing..)
<Brian> (I think it's night calling time. We're parenthetical)
<RandBrittain> (You certainly have a busy social life around here.)
<Ftisk> (ok fo me)
<RandBrittain> (Snails, Hell, people's skins...)
<DanteE> (OK, then... we can chat with the spectators)
<Random_Nerd> _______________STOP______________
<DanteE> (living scarves...)
<RandBrittain> (I thought I would come by and offer my services, but perhaps you've already filled up.)
<DanteE> We're okay with more
<Random_Nerd> Hmm.
=-= Brian is now known as lazarus
<Random_Nerd> Basically, if Laz is returning to play the role of Brian, we'll be looking for one more player.
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
<RandBrittain> I have a number of PCs lying about.
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
<Knockwood> AD, what do you think?
<RandBrittain> Although they may want some more CPs if they join a campaign in progress.
<Theresa> (We're short on hobbies.  :) )
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
<RandBrittain> Let me see... I've got Order, Ink, Ships, Love, Seals...
<ADamiani> I think you'd be foolish to pass up on Rand.
<BethE> Love? Does that Noble exist?  ;)
<ADamiani> I always assumed it was one of Entropy's estates.
<RandBrittain> Well, if you want to play and aren't in a game, Ad,you should take precedence.
<RandBrittain> My concept for the Noble of Love is that's she's personally exempt from the Windflower Law.
<Knockwood> Who wanted to risk... I mean try being Urbanization?
<RandBrittain> But she's fairly certain that Lord Entropy has sullenly put a curse on her.
<RandBrittain> Because her luck in romance has been rotten, which should be impossible.
<ADamiani> Can't she just use a major creation of Love?
<RandBrittain> She also has a Gift that spams Aspect 9 archery.
<BethE> Did she ever turn Entropy down for a date?
<RandBrittain> Her worst nightmare is that one day he will proposition her!
<Knockwood> That would explain a lot...
<RandBrittain> Horrors!
<Knockwood> Been there, done that
<ADamiani> .... that would pretty much explain Nobilis entirely.
<RandBrittain> Whereas Ships is a dude who fell in love as a mortal with a mysterious lady from beyond the stars.
<RandBrittain> Now he's longing to sail out onto the tree and find her, but can't because he's got Duties.
<RandBrittain> Ink is a self-important little gnome with the power to control the written word, and also my second-favorite Gift ever.
<RandBrittain> Which gives him control over anybody with a tattoo.
<ADamiani> What's #1?
<RandBrittain> Number one belongs to the Power of Seals, who has hair that's a mile long.
<RandBrittain> When she takes out the pins, it all spills out and she can manipulate it with Aspect 7.
<Knockwood> That was in a thread, wasn't it?
<ADamiani> What kind of seals?
<BethE> I remember her...she was awesome...
<RandBrittain> Bindings, wards, and forbiddances.
<ADamiani> "Do not break" kind or "Balance a ball on their nose" kind?
<Angelo> was in a thread on
<RandBrittain> Yeah, in the Unique Gifts thread.
<lazarus> g'night

  • RandBrittain waves

<Knockwood> oyasumi-nasai
<Angelo> ciaco ciao!
<lazarus> will be here next week
<RandBrittain> Oh, and I also had Strategy, who's got Aspect 4, but is stuck in a wheelchair owing to a curse.
<Angelo> :-)
<RandBrittain> That was an experimenting in seeing how big a Restriction I could give myself.
<ADamiani> Meh. Pointlessly ironic.
<RandBrittain> In theory I should have been swimming in MPs, but that campaign died.
<ADamiani> Well, I don't have a huge stockpile of awesome ideas, I'm afraid.
<RandBrittain> Well, I was going to go all Babs Gordon and have her reinvent herself as a general and social monster.
<RandBrittain> You should start a wiki.
|<-- lazarus has left (Connection reset by peer)
<Knockwood> Well, we've got a stable of slightly used Nobles...
<RandBrittain> I just made a wiki and wrote down all my ideas, and now I have millions.
<ADamiani> Nah, doesn't seem right, really, using someone else's PC
<RandBrittain> Want one of mine?
<RandBrittain> They're pristine and unused.
<Angelo> Don't take the gargoyle!
<ADamiani> You have the whole End of an Age going on, what would be fun related to that?
<BethE> Herb may come back.
<RandBrittain> I've got a Power of Silver, who's a goblin merchant and Gift-monkey.
<RandBrittain> He can give people anything they want if he gets an equivalent exchange, and make deals regarding intangibles.
<Knockwood> He has the legendary Gift of Infinite Monkeys?
<BethE> (Actually guys, I'm going to hit bed. Need the sleep. Good game and thanks for watching!  :) )
<Knockwood> g'night Beth
<RandBrittain> Night!
<Random_Nerd> Hmm. Trying to decide how to pick which of you to recruit. Do you mind if I leave that off for a later point?
<Angelo> g?night BethE
<ADamiani> Sure.
<RandBrittain> I won't insist~
|<-- BethE has left (Connection reset by peer)
<Knockwood> Why not both? 6 players isn't so bad, especially for a game where people disappear...
=-= Mode #nobilis +o Knockwood by Angelo
<RandBrittain> I have two games going anyway, so I don't mind if you don't pick me, but Ad is welcome to borrow one of my characters.
<Angelo> true!
<RandBrittain> Make a wikidot account, Ad, and I'll grant you access to my stockpile.
<RandBrittain> Complete with 50 unique Gifts I made up.

  • Knockwood is Czar of the Wiki, remember

<Random_Nerd> Fair enough.
<RandBrittain> True, but mine is currently sekrit, because my campaign notes are there.
<RandBrittain> Keep it a secret from my Children of Eve peeps, okay?
<RandBrittain> The password to join is "bellamant".
<ADamiani> Sweeeeet.
<Random_Nerd> Fair enough.
<Knockwood> So, you have a storehouse of ideas there? Awsum. :)
<RandBrittain> I had fun statting out some of the powers from Hitherby Dragons as Gifts.
<RandBrittain> Like Magic Angel's "nonzero chance of accomplishing anything," although that's meaningless in Nobilis.
<RandBrittain> AKA "I can do anything but only sometimes."
<Random_Nerd> See you next week, you players and those spectators who chose to spectate again.
<Random_Nerd> How would you do Forbidden Angel?

  • RandBrittain bows

<Angelo> Bye RN
<RandBrittain> Major Destruction of the ability to talk about her.
<RandBrittain> It's on the wiki as "Angel of the Unspeakable."
<Random_Nerd> But that's not what it is!
<RandBrittain> I was more interested in utility than accuracy.
<Random_Nerd> Her power isn't that you /can't/ think about her.
<Random_Nerd> It's that you /aren't supposed to/
<Knockwood> And that would mean only Nobles and Imperators could talk about her...
<ADamiani> Can't think about whom?
<Random_Nerd> And I find that more interesting.
<RandBrittain> It would be more accurate as a Global Lesser Creation of Law.
<Random_Nerd> Forbidden Angel.
<Random_Nerd> *nod*
<Knockwood> Who?
<Random_Nerd> Exactly!\
<Random_Nerd> Now stop thinking about her.
<RandBrittain> Google "It's Only Wounds,"
<Knockwood> don't they make porn films?
<RandBrittain> That's one of my favorite Hitherbies.
<RandBrittain> That thought about Forbidden A is *especially* not supposed to happen, Knockwood. :(
<Random_Nerd> Later, guys.
|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
<Knockwood> oyasumi-... nuts
<RandBrittain> In Hitherby, if you make a promise humans can't fulfill, you can't be human anymore.
<RandBrittain> So you turn into a god with powers that let you fulfill your oath.
<Angelo> cool
<RandBrittain> Erin promised that her mother wouldn't have to think ill of her anymore, and became Forbidden Angel.
<Knockwood> you realize, PC types would take advantage of that
<RandBrittain> Who is best not thought about.
<RandBrittain> So did Forbidden A.
<RandBrittain> "I'm thinking about you, but I'm not supposed to! This is an error in my programming! 0001101001011.....ssdfsfs"
<ADamiani> Dangit. Now I'm picturing the First Lady of the Light as Jaqueline Kennedy, only glowy. Stop exposing me to ideas that aren't fully elaborated!
<ADamiani> They make me .... think. And stuff.
<Knockwood> "I promise I can move that mountain over there." >Zap!< "Awesome!" >SHOVE<
<RandBrittain> I pictured the First Lady as being a flawed, divine copy of Eve.
<ADamiani> Yeah. But you're not human anymore.
<RandBrittain> Whereas the First Lord is a twisted imitation of Adam.
<Knockwood> PC: "Big freakin' deal"
<ADamiani> Well. That makes much more sense, being the first Lady, not the First Lady.....
<RandBrittain> Yes, but you end up as Sukaynah.
<RandBrittain> She made multiple conflicting promises, and bad things happened to her.
<RandBrittain> Among other things, she turned into a worbish lavelwod.
<RandBrittain> And the ghibbelins bound her at the bottom of the sea and built a tower over her face as a breathing tube.
<ADamiani> Not the Snaveling kind?
<RandBrittain> ...maybe?
<RandBrittain> Or Maya, who promised to understand and end all suffering.
<Knockwood> afk a minute...
<RandBrittain> And thus became the illusion of material existence.
<RandBrittain> I think Cyane has it worst, though (except maybe Sukaynah).
<ADamiani> It's been so very long since I read Hitherby.
<ADamiani> (poor Jenna)
<RandBrittain> I recently compiled all the canon posts through chapter 3 into PDFs.
<RandBrittain> So I could read them properly.
<ADamiani> You, too?
<ADamiani> I did that at one point, but my formatting was *terrible*
<RandBrittain> Kinkos charges the earth to print that stuff.
<RandBrittain> Mine was delightful, but took up several hundred pages.
<RandBrittain> Largely because I gave each of the poetic excerpts from Siddhartha's story their own line.
<ADamiani> Yeah. I was trying to do it on the home printer. That was... unfortunate.
<RandBrittain> I should send you mine.
<RandBrittain> Ah, yes, I do have them on the netbook.
<Knockwood> back
<RandBrittain> I still need to do Chapter Four and the Island of the Centipede,though.
<Angelo> bye, I go to sleep!
<Knockwood> g'night Angelo
<ADamiani> Goodnight, Angelo.
<RandBrittain> Night!
<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #nobilis

Chapter 14