Session 127

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Chapter 14

-->| YOU (Angelo___brain_oozing) have joined #Nobilis
<lazarus> hello
=-= Mode #nobilis +o Angelo___brain_oozing by lazarus
<Angelo___brain_oozing> Hi!
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
<lazarus> I'm actually here, and my computer shouldn't disconnect five times a minute :p
<Angelo> Good! :-)))))
<lazarus> what have I missed?
<Angelo> Is all on the wiki
<Angelo> but we have an imerator that is suspected to be an excrucian that have as estate Active Writing and we go to him to have some tips on how AW can be used to write a message inteerchanchells or from this side to the other side of the wall
<lazarus> *nods*
<lazarus> can it be done?
<Angelo> As help for our AW effords we gained a racoon with human-like hands .
<lazarus> we seem to amass weird things
<Angelo> We don't know.... but we'll try!
<Angelo> well now is housed inside the washing machine's obloo Ftisk use as chest....
<Angelo> with paper and ink to write or it became angry
<Angelo> Not related question, what are your noble stats?
<lazarus> erm.
<lazarus> I sent them to you via Google Docs?
<Angelo> ok
<Angelo> :-)
<lazarus> we start in roughly 6 min, right?
<Angelo> yes
<Angelo> don't worry, is normal thet Beth and RN aren't here utill my 3.30, your 20/21:30)
<lazarus> 21:30
<lazarus> and I know :p I've played for years, I just couldn't remember the hour :p
=-= Angelo has changed the topic to ``
-->| Knockwood (~chatzilla@75.141.248.IP) has joined #Nobilis
<lazarus> hey kwd!
<Knockwood> Hi guys
<lazarus> I'm baaack!
=-= Mode #nobilis +o Knockwood by lazarus
<Angelo> Hi Knok!
-->| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
<Random_Nerd> Hey.
<Angelo> Hi RN!
<Knockwood> Hi RN
=-= Mode #nobilis +o Random_Nerd by lazarus
<lazarus> hey RN
<Random_Nerd> Sorry about the slight lateness, Beth and I were watching the end of To Kill A Mockingbird.
<Random_Nerd> Ah, good to have you back, Laz.
<Random_Nerd> Good session for it, too, just after the other PCs have returned to Amyra.
<lazarus> *nods*
<Angelo> He fight the James course andwin! :-)
<lazarus> Had internet last week, but computer stuff wasn't set up.
<Knockwood> so, Angelo, where are you relative to the quake site?
-->| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
<Angelo> I'm like 300km more nord.
<Angelo> Hi Bethe
=-= Mode #nobilis +o BethE by lazarus
<BethE> Hi guys!  :)
<Knockwood> Hiya Beth
<Random_Nerd> Okay. What part of Italy do you live in, anyway?
<BethE> Wow, what a picture...
<Angelo> I'm now in SudTirol / Trentino Alto Adige ... Was born and raised in Sicily
<Angelo> The abruzzo is in the middle of Italy I go from one extreme to the other.
<Random_Nerd> Reminds me of when I was a kid and my parents and I moved from California, on the west coast, to Michigan up at the north by northeast side.
<BethE> (Ow, it hurts to see the grief in some of these... I'm sorry for your country's loss, Angelo...)
<Angelo> Me too. The zone is declared as national emergency now but the sad thing is that the place is at hig heartquake risk and nobody build houses with simiscal criteria
<Angelo> I can understand ancient buildings crumbling but the new ones can have been built in better way.
<Random_Nerd> Was it on a known faultline, or was this somewhat unexpected?
<Angelo> s
<Angelo> was on one of the mayor sismical places in Italy
<Random_Nerd> Ah. Then they really should have been better prepared.
<Random_Nerd> Still, maybe this will at least lead to better standards in the future, so the next one isn't so bad.
<Angelo> I hope so
<BethE> (Oh and btw, this game turned 4 years old this past Monday. Happy birthday, guys!  :) )
<Angelo> Now we have 50.000 homeless and more that 150/200 death
<Angelo> oh, Happy birthday to the game!
<lazarus> (hooray! I get to be in Season 4? or 5?)
<Angelo> (I believe is season 5)
<BethE> (We don't have seasons! We have Chapters but I have no idea if there are seasons...)
<Random_Nerd> Well, we do it more by story arcs. This is chapter 14 by that division.
<lazarus> (I'm counting "season" as "year" :p)
<Random_Nerd> Then this would be Season 5.
<Knockwood> Well, TV shows tend to change characters at season breaks...
<Knockwood> so, by that criterion, this is season... oh... 20, 25? :)
<BethE> If that was our way, we'd be on season 10... <g>
<Random_Nerd> Heh. But we have a returning cast member!
<Angelo> then he have an hardcore fanbase!
<Angelo> :-P @Lazarus
<BethE> Yeah, but for how long? For all we know, his girlfriend is plotting in the corners, waiting for the opportune moment to strike! (*wave* Hi Sarah!) (or is it Sara?)
<lazarus> (Sara with no h!)
<Angelo> (The retun of the GF?) wasn't done by Spielberg?
<Random_Nerd> So, let's see. It would take too much time to tell Laz how the other PCs went to another planet to talk to someone who may or may not be an Excrucian, and that as a result of this conversation he renamed himself as Gaius Julius Caesar and gave them a pottery raccoon.
<BethE> (Ah, thank you.)
<Random_Nerd> So shall we just do that in-character?
<BethE> Sure! Was Brian around for the talk with Shadows?
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
<Random_Nerd> And not to be confused with the other, different Sara who played Snow. Common name is common.
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
=-= lazarus is now known as Brian
<Brian> (Sara is stating rather ... flatly: "so, I'm a plot device?")
<Theresa> (Hey, she's lucky! I'm a PC! Do you know how many points I have to spend to be a distraction? <g>)
<Brian> Brian was ... I don't think around with that talk, I don't remember.
<Random_Nerd> At that point, Brian had been trying to get his particle accelerator program going.
<Random_Nerd> In character, at least, as I think that was during your connectionless period.
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
<Ftisk> brian go into a meeting with his anchor
<Ftisk> last time we see him
<Theresa> I remember that Brian said that Jim was hearing bricks again.
<Random_Nerd> Yep.
<Brian> ah, yes.
<Random_Nerd> So he'll probably be in his office, and the rest of you are coming back. Should we start with all of you in the meeting room, trying to decide what to do now?
<Brian> sure.
<Ftisk> Ok
<DanteE> at some point we should introduce Sam to the raccoon. :)
<Ftisk> .. with the rancoon inside me?
<Random_Nerd> In your washing machine, yes.
<Random_Nerd> With a little pen and paper.
<Brian> (T: Sara says it's cheaper just to rip your shirt...)
<DanteE> with a set of writing implements, yeah. So he should have a book going by now.
<Ftisk> ^___^
<Random_Nerd> So, let's go.
<Random_Nerd> _____________START__________________
<Brian> "How'd the trip go?"
<Random_Nerd> From inside Ftisk's current torso, little scratching noises are heard.
<Brian> "... I see we have another Assorted Hanger On"
<Random_Nerd> (And will you have called Sam, or any of your other employees?)
<Ftisk> "Fine we gained a 'gift'"
<DanteE> (I think so... Sam at least)
<Theresa> "We scared some guys who think they're tough. You'd think they'd never seen a tree before. Oh and we got asked not to destroy the city."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Did you?"
<DanteE> "Not yet...."
<Brian> "Good"

  • Ftisk tip the obloo and then gently open it...

<DanteE> "But, in any case..."
<Brian> "Hate to have to figureouthowto rebuild it :p"
<Theresa> "I don't think I've been asked to not destroy a city before."
<DanteE> "Sakharoth is now Gaius, he's recruiting guards and supplementing them with animals."
<Theresa> "He does a very accurate rhino."
<Ftisk> "Well, they say is theyr standard policy"
<DanteE> "He created a raccoon and filled it with knowledge of Active Writing."
<Brian> "Sakharoth? Gaius?"
<Brian> "My mythology check is failing"

  • Ftisk pull out the raccon "This raccon"

<Random_Nerd> The raccoon holds its paper out in front of it and uses the desk as a writing surface.
<DanteE> "Oh, didn't you see the news reports? 'All hell breaks loose, film at 11'"
<Random_Nerd> The raccoon is a little big as raccoons go, has front paws that look rather like little hands, and appears to be made of red-brown pottery.
<Brian> "Yeah, missed the news. Haven't looked up recently"
<Theresa> "Sakaroth is the Dionyl that came back from Outside either as a Warmain or a Warmain with a swiss cheese memory."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "So you've replaced me with a clay rodent."

  • Ftisk pet the raccon under the ears, "Good raccon, you like riting"

<Theresa> "You're much cuter, Sam."
<Brian> "aah, thanks T."
<Random_Nerd> (And, yes, it's not a rodent. He's not clear on earth animals.)
<DanteE> "Something appeared on Dionyl that may be the Domination Sakharoth or the Warmain Suebi. Either way its memory is in pieces."
<Theresa> "And he liked the full name of Julius Caesar."
<Random_Nerd> The raccoon waves a paw at Ftisk in the universal "I am working, do not distract me" gesture.

  • DanteE checks out what it's already written

<Theresa> (All work and no Miracles make Nobles a dull something...)
<Random_Nerd> It's page three of a guide to setting up logic gates.
<Random_Nerd> Pages one and two are in Ftisk.
<Theresa> (This is a Wildchancel! What logic?)

  • DanteE collects the pages...
  • Ftisk pull out the pages and place them on the table

<DanteE> (would Brian have learned logic gates?)
<Random_Nerd> (Almost surely.)
<Brian> (logic gates? Why bother? :p)
<Brian> (but yes, he'd know)
<DanteE> "Hm, this is ... really technical.
<Random_Nerd> Sam looks over it.
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Okay, can I also requisition some computer science students?"
<DanteE> "Didn't you already have some?"
<Brian> "Definitely. Take James, Bill, and Sam...antha."
<Brian> "They're good"
<Ftisk> (no James no!!!! he is cursed!)
<Brian> (different James)
<Theresa> (Just pull some out of storage...)
<Random_Nerd> (I'm sure James will soon quit and switch to a different academic program.)
<DanteE> (Alcohol is a preservative, remember. :) )
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "And I can get a bit more budget to pay them?"
<Brian> "done."
<Theresa> "Hey Sam, how normal is it for Dionyl youths to try to act like toughs from West Side Story?"
<Ftisk> "Good question!"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "You know, this could be handy just in order to have a calculator as a sheet of paper in your notebook. Shame we'd have to have them written by hand, rather than... act how? Singing songs about girls named Maria?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "And what do you mean by youths, exactly?"
<Theresa> "Well when we visited the new city, there were a few youngish seeming folks who tried to shake us down for our lunch money..."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Ah. See, that's part of why I never lived in new cities."
<Theresa> "Trees springing up out of nowhere to give us and them some privacy seemed to spook them for some odd reason..." *innocent smile*
<DanteE> "Ah... almost forgot.
<Brian> "... you know, I've /still/ not yet been to Dionyl. Must figure out a time to visit"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "That'll do it. Even if they didn't think you had magical powers and they just assumed it was a worldsight thing, it's really rare to be able to make new things spring up in someone else's world without making other changes."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "You'd like it, I imagine. Do you think you'd prefer the cities or the stylites?"
<DanteE> "Sam, do the Aides know of a way to establish a Chancel without the usual 100 deaths, dead firstborn or mutilated Imperator?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "No. Don't even have to look that one up. If we did, we'd be up top and the Cams would be the minor also-ran group."
<DanteE> "... the Cammorae know one?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: " know, I don't know. I don't think they do."
<Brian> "I think they'd advertise if they knew"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "But they'd be more likely than we would to know, as much as I hate to admit it."
<Theresa> "Gaius thinks that as long as Jan Ben Jan is alive, that will be the way to make a new chance, through sacrifice."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Makes sense."
<DanteE> "OK, let's review...
<DanteE> "We still need to prepare a report for You-Know-Who on what happens when someone goes through the wall...
<Brian> "Have we done so yet?"

  • DanteE blinks.

<Brian> "I've been out of it for a while..."
<DanteE> "Wait a sec. Shouldn't they _know_?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Do you know what happens when someone goes through the Wall?"
<DanteE> "Their memory winds up in pieces."
<Brian> "That's as much as we know right now"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Weird. I wonder why that is? I mean, is it because of the Wall, or because of the Outside?"
<Brian> "... Sam, is there any way to ... save memory? Like, backup?"
<Brian> "Offsite, obviously"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Sure! Thought-record technology!"
<Theresa> "Maybe memories can't pass through the Wall. Like the blood-brain barrier.""
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I took a class in it. Enough to work the machines, if you have them."
<Brian> "I've got two thoughts. Three. Ok, first, we record memory, send that through, back, and see if it's there. Second, we record, go through, and reload. Third, we do that on the way back."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "We use it a lot more than you do, of course."
<DanteE> "For that to help, we'd need to use it on someone on one side, and compare it to the same person on the other side."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "At least, those of us lucky enough to live in a Chancel."
<Ftisk> (Can I create something to record toughts)
<Brian> "Sam, would that be worth trying?"
<DanteE> "Which means someone would need to use it on the other side."
<Brian> "That's in my suggestion, Dante."
<Ftisk> (I'm asking because I believe is a channel properties)
<Random_Nerd> (Thought-Record Technology is a weird science, so it can't be done with normal machines. But... okay, let's see, there are precedents for other miracles mimicking the powers of some Chancel qualities, so... lesser change with included creation.)
<DanteE> "Do they have the machines over there?"
<Ftisk> (OK!)
<Ftisk> "I can create the machines"
<Brian> "We can bring it ..."
<Theresa> "Who knows? What if it originally came from Outside?"
<Brian> "First, we send the machine through twice, then see if it still has the same thing?"
<DanteE> "If we bring it, we lose our memories."
<Ftisk> And we can ask shadow to send one machine to her double"
<Theresa> (His.)
<Ftisk> (right T. sorry)
<Ftisk> "and return"
<DanteE> "Samuel, would there be a problem with letting whoever's over there have the technology?
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Would it work Outside, though? The ones we have normally only work in a Chancel."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "But maybe you have different ones here."
<Random_Nerd> (And the specific problem Sam is thinking of wouldn't apply to ones made by Ftisk with a Change.)
<Ftisk> "I say is worth a test :-)"
<DanteE> "I think we were figuring something like that out already...
<Brian> "Ftisk, can you make us a clockwork gnome to bring it outside then back in?"
<DanteE> "So, let me see if I have this straight:
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I mean, they don't really /have/ thoughts out there as we have them here. Thought is one of our estates. Angel, I think. I think memory is probably the same."
<DanteE> "I rather doubt that the recording would be affected... wait, that's logic. Doesn't always apply."
<Theresa> ( )
<DanteE> (Nice!)
<Brian> (that's the one!)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Of course, they always have those when they're here, but... outside, do Excrucians and things think, or do they merely develop the capacity when they come in here?"
<DanteE> "Their incursions would seem to be premeditated"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Strategists are weird. They don't even think like the other Excrucians. They're... mean. Malign. Even the Deceivers aren't needlessly cruel."
<Brian> "I thought their point was to be mean?"
<Theresa> "Has anyone ever suspected Entropy of being an Excrucian?"
<Brian> "No one that's still around..."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Deceivers are just... spies, or agents, or whatever. They do clever and strange things to move us closer to losing."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Yes. And if he's an Excrucian, we know for sure what kind he is."
<Theresa> "Warmains are straightforward."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "You know that trick of his, that he can use to destroy anything not Noble? Strategist trick. They all have that."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Now, it could be that he's studied them. That would make sense too."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "But he's at least influenced by the Strategists."
<Theresa> "Huh. If he's not an Excrucian, they must hate his guts for being better at their job than them."
<Theresa> (While we just hate his guts.)
<Brian> (afk)
<Ftisk> "returning to the gnome, I need the 'raw materials' for it... where is the nearest mechanical devices concentration? Maybe a factory or a car's dumping ground or ... well, boh?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "It'd be funny if he went to all of the trouble of developing such a technique just to flip Them the bird."
<DanteE> "So. Experiment one is, crate a recording, send it through and back, then check its integrity?"
<Theresa> "It sounds like an Imperator thing to do, though."
<Random_Nerd> (There are junkyards on the outskirts of Kaerkoven.)
<Theresa> "There are a variety of junkyards you could use, Ftisk. Any particular flavor?"
<Ftisk> (yeah! Ftisk new home!)
<Theresa> "I think we even have an old shipyard lying around somewhere.
<DanteE> (We ought to, Kudzu took a whole country)
<Theresa> (And we're on an ocean, or at least used to.)
<Ftisk> "The nearest will suffice, but If possible the one with more variety is better"
<Ftisk> "^^"
<Random_Nerd> (Right now, the ocean fades out into a forest of seaweed when you get to the chancel border, just like the land fades out into ruins and jungles.)
<DanteE> "Sam, we'll need to make another field trip to Jupiter.
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "To Locus Barakiel, or elsewhere?"
<Theresa> "I can take Ftisk to the junkyard."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Because most of Jupiter is off-limits for our Chancel."
<DanteE> "To go see Shadows. That way we can observe the experiments on-site."
<Brian> "Possibly be part of the experiments ..."
<Brian> "... I can't go Outside, though"
<Ftisk> "thank you Theresa, some other want came with us?"
<DanteE> "No one except the gnome is going outside."
<Brian> "I'll be going"
<DanteE> "If the recording makes it undamaged, then we can start with Experiment 2....
<DanteE> "With a little help from Shadows' alt-self."
<DanteE> (insert dramatic chord here, if you want)
<Brian> (*assumes RN's grinning at us, evidence to the contrary notwithstanding*)
<Random_Nerd> (*steeples his fingers*)
<DanteE> "I've been here too long, I half expected a dramatic chord there. Anyway, here's the experiment...
<Ftisk> "Well let's go then"
<DanteE> "Shadows says he summons creatures by having his alt-self procure one and then send it through.
<DanteE> "If we can get him to record its thoughts first, then send both it and the recording through, we can do a direct comparison."
<Theresa> (You have Realm, make your own Chord.)
<DanteE> "Anyone see a problem with that?"
<Theresa> (*looks at RN*)
<Theresa> "I'm sure we'll think of something about 5 minutes after we do it. But okay, let's hit the junkyard so Ftisk can get creative."

  • Ftisk grin!

<Brian> (I have to be dancy here: I just won an auction for the Planescape box)
<Random_Nerd> (Original one?)
<DanteE> "Sam, can you make a Thought-Recording of one of your grad students? It's for Science!"
<DanteE> (Kewl)
<Random_Nerd> (Cool. I always thought that was their coolest setting.)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "If you can make or acquire the machines, then I can."
<DanteE> (DIDn't Ftisk just make one?)
<Theresa> (He needs materials.)
<Random_Nerd> (Did he make one? I thought he was going to.)
<Ftisk> (No, Dark Sun was the coolest setting!)
<Theresa> "Do we really need a recording of the thoughts of a grad student? Posterity needs more than 'grades, money, boobs, pizza, sleep...'"
<Ftisk> (we are going to a junk jard so i can make one)
<Theresa> (Fast forward to a junkyard?)
<Ftisk> (yes)
<Brian> ('94 box. No box, though, just all the contents)
<Random_Nerd> The junkyard is filled with a great variety of motor vehicles.
<DanteE> "Just in case something goes wrong, they'll find it as boring as you do."
<Random_Nerd> Cars, trucks, busses, even a few old military vehicles.

  • Ftisk like the military veicles, are sturdy!

<DanteE> "So, will the gnome be able to use the thought recorder?"
<Ftisk> "I can create the gome as the though recorder"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "If he makes the controls like the ones I'm used to.)
<Random_Nerd> "
<Theresa> (Oh like we need the thoughtmemories of wanting tiny mechanical women...)
<Random_Nerd> (And Ftisk can easily do a miracle of Data to see what the normal ones are like.)
<DanteE> "So, what do you need, Ftisk?"

  • Ftisk look around and collect some improbable pieces...

<Ftisk> (Is one miracle right? I spend 2 point with domain 3 for a LCreation, right?)
<DanteE> (LChange)
<Random_Nerd> (You need a Lesser Change for this, so with Domain 3 you need to spend 4 DMPs.)
<Random_Nerd> (Because of the Powers Of Two Rule for miracles.)
<Ftisk> (oh, ok)
<Random_Nerd> (If you're short, remember the Rite of the Last Trump.)
<DanteE> (Of course he's short, he's a snail. :) )
<Ftisk> Ftisk concentrates, go to snail form and dive into the junks. With its tiny manipulators start piecing togheder one smallish gnome near a foot tall
<Random_Nerd> (And to make a gnome and a machine will take 8 points.)
<DanteE> (Wait, the Gnome is just a LCreation, isn't it?)
<Brian> (LChange for the recorder)
<Random_Nerd> (A mobile AI?)
<Ftisk> (I spend 4 DMP) + (a free ldiv to kinow the command layout from sam memory)
<DanteE> (Like himself, only less capable?)
<Ftisk> (As I understand the gnome can move and record tought)
<Random_Nerd> (If the gnome is smart enough to have thoughts and memories, then he's a lesser change. Of course, any of you could make one with a Creation of Realm.)
<Ftisk> (so he have a
<Random_Nerd> (Since there are many estates that can naturally include sentient beings.)
<DanteE> (So, you're making 2 thought recorders?)
<Ftisk> (no, one)
<Theresa> (We could just send out one of Brian's Cheeseburger Brigade.)
<Ftisk> (1 create the gome, 2 record toughts, 3 store someplace 4 send the gnome outside 5 retun gnome 6 vompare toughts)
<Brian> (hey, no swiss cheesing the chancelfolk!)
<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, your machine comes together. It's made of the stuff in the junkyard, and looks a bit weird, but the control console is of the usual type.
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Cool."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Yeah, I can work this."
<Ftisk> (a meast Is how I understand we can do the test)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Anyone want to set up an autodiary?"
<Theresa> (Dear Diary: Still Not King... Oops, wrong diary...)
<DanteE> "I might just ... start ... acaptain'slog. Where I can ... TALK .... aboutmy day."

  • Ftisk scratching an antennae with a manipulaotr... "I like this plae I think I and Raccon can stay here"

<Random_Nerd> Raccoon In Torso: *scribble*
<Ftisk> (Raccoon in washing machine I'm a snail now)
=-= Ftisk has changed the topic to ``Fstis= snail
<Random_Nerd> (Raccoon in former torso, then!)
=-= Ftisk has changed the topic to ``Ftisk= snail
<DanteE> (And that statement is utterly bizarre out of comtext)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "So, do we make a robot, or ask for volunteers?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Because... not it."
<Theresa> "Sending you Outside would probably be outside of your contract, Sam."
<Ftisk> "We send the gnome after we store its thoughs somewhere"

  • Ftisk start recording gnome thoughts

<Brian> "Robot"
<DanteE> (OK, hold it. Did he make a robot or a standard thought-recorder?)
<Theresa> (Or both?)
<Ftisk> (Is a lChange he have a limited AI.. I believe)
<Ftisk> (Like go there, hold on, catch!, bark, ecc)
<Random_Nerd> (He made a recorder. If you want a sentient gnome, you need a Change.)
<DanteE> (From what you're saying, I think you wanted both in one machine.)
<Random_Nerd> (Or else a Realm miracle can do it with a Creation.)
<DanteE> (So, an ambulatory intelligent thought-recording gnome?)
<Random_Nerd> (What's Dante's Realm?)
<DanteE> (1)
<Random_Nerd> (Brian's?)
<Brian> (2)
<Ftisk> (Yes, the Dante version was my intended gnome)
<Random_Nerd> (Ah, okay, I guess you can make a thought-record-gnome. But the machine won't be usable for other people, then.)
<DanteE> (Unless he makes sure that it has a standard console. :) )
<Random_Nerd> (But it can't have both the hookups for a human and for a mechanical gnome, with one Creation-Change.)
<Random_Nerd> (Because that's just two different things to be made.)
<DanteE> (It's a Transformer! :D )
<Random_Nerd> (For the same reason that you can make a walking potato with a single Change, or you can make a gun that shoots lizards, or even a walking potato that shoots lizards, but not a walking potato and a gun that shoots lizards.)
<Ftisk> (I go for the tough record gnome with hookups for the gnome)
<Random_Nerd> (And if you want Thought Record Technology for the chancel, later on, then one CP spent on that means that you don't need to spend miracle point, but merely take a machine off the rack.)
<Theresa> (Nifty!)
<Random_Nerd> The Thought Record Gnome tilts its head and looks at Dante.
<Ftisk> (Nifty too!)
<DanteE> "Hello?"
<Ftisk> (But spending the CP affect my channel and my creation inside it or everywhere?)
<Random_Nerd> (Spending the CP would give your chancel it, but you could grab a machine or two and bring them to Amyra.)
<Random_Nerd> (And this is why I think it's fair to let miracles mimic the effect of a Chancel Quality you need to pay points for. It's just so much more convenient if you have the Quality and don't have to worry about making each machine by hand.)
<Ftisk> (ah, ok!)
<Random_Nerd> (Similarly, they could send a transmorgrifier from Amyra to you if they had a big enough box.)
<Random_Nerd> (Weird Science works anywhere.)
<Brian> (oh, thanks to the holiday tomorrow, I'm good for whenever)
<Random_Nerd> Thought-Record Gnome: "So, when do I go?"
<Random_Nerd> (Is it safe to assume that Ftisk made a gnome that specifically wants to go and thinks it's really cool to do the mission?)
<Theresa> (Nah, he ended up making the robot from Hitchhikers...)
<Ftisk> (yess)
<Brian> (... oh no. Marvin the paranoid clockwork gnome)
<Random_Nerd> Gnome: "So, what I think goes into that machine over there?"
<Brian> (... I just told Sara about the clockwork gnome ... she shook her head.)
<Theresa> (Does she know about the bunny?)
<Random_Nerd> Sam looks at the machine, and opens a hatch to read the printout. Sam: "You want a line of Mechanical Explorer Gnome t-shirts and lunchboxes to be made?"
<Brian> (nope...)
<Random_Nerd> Gnome: "Why wouldn't I?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Then it works."
<Ftisk> "Leave a record of your thoughts now so we can send you to the other side"
<Random_Nerd> Gnome: "And what do you want me to do when I go there, boss?"
<Theresa> (So he wants to be called MEG?)
<Theresa> (*resisting urge to say 'Don't die.'*)
<DanteE> "Just take a moment to look around, then come on back."
<Ftisk> "Yes, DanteE is right, we need just a quick recognition"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "And Shadows can wrangle a way to send the little guy out without the need for an Imperator?"
<Random_Nerd> (And, yes, he can.)
<DanteE> "He brings things the other way every day...
<DanteE> "He almost sent that paper with the prototype active writing over. Looked like a ritual..."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I wonder how that works."
<Random_Nerd> (Maaaaaagic.)
<DanteE> "Let's ask him. :) "
<Ftisk> "Well, we can go to shadows place and send the gnome"
<Ftisk> (Shadow's DHL services)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Yeah. I grabbed the Locus Barakiel notes before I left the tower."
<DanteE> "I still think we should try a standard recording of a standard subject. But we can always do both."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Lucky most of the places you've wanted to go are in the Earth area. Even Jupiter and Dionyl and places like that are hard, and I'd never be able to get us even to Aelfscienn or Joutenheim, let alone Heaven or Hell."
<Theresa> "I didn't think they'd let us in at the top."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "True. We aren't on the list, I suspect."
<Theresa> "Although I think I'd like to visits the Serpents some time. Get some time with the Tree."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I've never met a Serpent. But you did once, right?"
<Random_Nerd> (Yes, but you didn't have time to talk.)
<Random_Nerd> (But she does owe you a bit of a favor.)
<DanteE> (Jaris?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah.)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "So, I guess I'm ready."
<Theresa> "Kind of. We helped out her Chancel. Didn't get a chance to say hi."
<DanteE> "Let's get a recording of a grad student before we go."
<Random_Nerd> (You can't do that.)
<Random_Nerd> (This machine is gnome-specific.)
<Theresa> "Should we bring a present? I always feel like I'm dishonoring my maternal ancestors when I travel to a different world without bringing something. Maybe there's a link to casseroles in my genes."
<Brian> "Never give without getting in return. Err. Other way around, isn't it?"

  • Ftisk redress + raccon

<Theresa> "Can't accept gifts without giving in return. No word about giving out to others out of the kindness of my protoJewish grandmothers."
=-= Ftisk has changed the topic to ``Ftisk= humanlike + raccon inside
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "So, do we go?"
<DanteE> (FF to Jupiter?)
<Ftisk> "We can leave the gnome to Shadow if, Shadow want to explore the other side (and is the test work)"
<Brian> "Let's go."
<Theresa> (Sure.)
<Ftisk> (OK!)
<Random_Nerd> Gnome: "When I go over, how do I get back?"
<Brian> "You'll get further instruction at Base Camp"
<DanteE> "Good question. We'll have to ask Shadows."
<Random_Nerd> Gnome: "If I make it over, and I don't get back alive, will you make that line of lunchboxes in my memory?"

  • Theresa groans a little, but that's Dante. One does not tell the guinea pig that we don't know how to get him back...

<Brian> "Will do"
<Theresa> "Do you want them sparkly?"
<Ftisk> (right T.)
<Random_Nerd> Gnome: "How about no sparkles, but maybe some holograms?"
<Brian> "I think we can pull that off"
<Brian> "And they'll sell like hotcakes"
<Random_Nerd> Gnome: "Then it's a deal."
<Theresa> "Can even foil it up. Chrome and everything."
<Ftisk> "We'll see. But now we must go to our mission!"
<Random_Nerd> Gnome: "To Jupiter! Or possibly Hell!"
<Brian> (vision of ad: just one frame shown for 30 seconds. Brian wearing a MEG t-shirt and hat, holding a MEG lunchbox, drinking from a MEG coffee cup)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Want me to stay behind and work the machine?"
<Brian> "That would be helpful, thanks"
<Random_Nerd> (With your Gift, that'd do it.)
<Ftisk> "Yes Sam"
<DanteE> (Wait, so we have a standard thought recorder and the gnome?)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Good. I hate Locus Barakiel. Just follow the route on page seventeen" *hands over spiral notebook* "and it should get you there and back."
<Ftisk> (no, the gnome is the t.recorder)
<Random_Nerd> (You have a gnome, and a thought recorder that works only with the gnome.)
<DanteE> (I wuz cunfuzzzed. :) )
<Ftisk> (oh, well, is ok in this way.)
<Theresa> (We're bringing the racoon?)
<DanteE> (No need to.)
<Ftisk> (better leave it 'at home')

  • Ftisk leave raccoon on the junkyard, near a made up table

<Random_Nerd> The raccoon opens the washing machine, gestures at a stack of written-on paper, and goes "Ah! Ah!"

  • Ftisk "right", give the pater, pencils and what else to it
  • DanteE reads the papers...

<Ftisk> paper even
<Random_Nerd> The raccoon has somewhat large handwriting, but even so, the stack contains enough information to make a calculator with AW, and the finished calculator should be able to fit on less than one page if the person who writes it out has small handwriting.
<DanteE> "Sam, how are your grad students doing with the Active Writing?
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "This should speed things up quite a bit. We've got a bit of the logical stuff working, but not enough for even a simple computer yet.:
<Random_Nerd> "
<DanteE> "Doing this as-is might just help one along."
<Random_Nerd> Sam reads through the pages.
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Yeah. With this and what we have, I could get you an Eniac-equivalent within three months even with no more info from the little clay scribe."
<DanteE> "OK... do we have a recording of the gnome as is?"
<Ftisk> (I made one before)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "We have a record of everything he's thought so far."
<DanteE> "Let's do the experiment, then..."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "If the Wonder Snail can make another gnome, I imagine he could rig it so we could feed this one's record through as that one's memory."
<Theresa> (I see Sam has warmed up a bit to the raccoon.)

  • DanteE makes sure the raccoon has a few reams of paper to play with...

<Ftisk> "Ftisk, call me Ftisk, and yes, I can do it so it can be feeded with the recorded memories"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Then this should work."
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and the stuff on Thought Record Technology is on page 140.0
<Random_Nerd> )

  • Ftisk scratch raccon ear before go

<Random_Nerd> The raccoon makes the "Working!" paw wave at Ftisk.
<Brian> (what's the 'coon working on?)
<Ftisk> (I see Ftsk as aunt xxx cheering a young relative)
<DanteE> (Speaking of which, he could leave the body behind and be in floating snail mode...)
<Random_Nerd> (He's still working on the "Okay, this is how you set up logic gates, and this is how you connect them, and this is how you do this form of RAM-equivalent..." and so on.)
<Brian> (Seems to be doing well ... anything I can understand?)
<Ftisk> (naah, I like the trask body... is more fashin)
=-= Ftisk has changed the topic to ``Ftisk= humanlike
<Ftisk> fashion even
<Random_Nerd> (Brian, you think that if you started from the beginning, and also got out one book on propositional logic and another on circuit design, that you could follow it.)
<Random_Nerd> (The end result of the sort of system it's talking about would look like the mutant baby of a first-order logic tableaux and a circuit schematic.)
<Brian> (ah, ok)
<Brian> (not worried about understanding-to-reproduce, just "is this in my field?" type understanding. Like, "something recognizable?")
<Random_Nerd> (So, you can't understand it at a glance, but you're pretty sure you could figure it out if you took the time.)
<DanteE> (and the fact that the text is from "The Joy of Humping Typewriters" is completely coincidental. :) )
<Random_Nerd> (So, off to Jupiter-Hell?)
<Ftisk> (k)
<Theresa> (Sure.)
<DanteE> (Sure)
<Brian> (k. I'm still sorta with you...)
<Brian> (afk a sec)
<Random_Nerd> (Should we stop here? You guys seem to be getting a bit sluggish.)
<Theresa> (No, Ftisk is a snail, totally different...)
<Ftisk> (we can go on)
<Ftisk> (@T: :-P )
<DanteE> (Waiting on you, RN. :) )
<Ftisk> (me too)
<Random_Nerd> (So, let's cut to your arrival.)
<Theresa> (He's typing.)
<Random_Nerd> Sam's route, which isn't all that near Kaerkoven and takes quite a bit of driving through rough terrain to even get you to the right part of the borderland, seems considerably longer in the borderland than most of the other paths you've took, even the ones to Dionyl.
<DanteE> (I kinda want to see how this cockamamie plan works...)
<Random_Nerd> According to the accompanying notes, this is because all of the shorter paths would lead you to the middle of the chancel rather than showing up at the door, and that's generally a bad idea when going to someone else's Chancel.
<Random_Nerd> As it is, the endpart of the path starts having trees and rubble made of iron rather than wood and brick, and as you plow through the last of it, it brings you to the gates of Locus Barakiel.
<Random_Nerd> Which world are you choosing to see, the palace-world or the hell-world?
<Brian> (b, w/ dessert)
<Theresa> (Hellworld again.)
<Ftisk> (I and gnome the palacce)
<DanteE> (which one is Shadows in? Depends on how the shadows look, I guess...)
<Theresa> (He's in them both.)
<Random_Nerd> (Shadows' lab is designed to have both views look pretty similar.)
<Brian> (palace)
<Theresa> (Same place, different air fresheners.)
<Random_Nerd> (Some of the other places, like the rooms you stayed in last time and Consequences' office, are similar in this respect.)
<DanteE> (Both, then.)
<Random_Nerd> The guards at the gate, who are either hunger-maddened demons with long fangs or armored humans with shiny halberds, turn to look at you.
<DanteE> (We did call ahead, right?)
<Random_Nerd> One of them, who in the palace-world is armed with only a sword and in the hell-world is well-fed, walks up to you and says "Who shall I say has arrived?"
<Random_Nerd> (Did you? I don't recall you doing so. Who did, and how?)
<Theresa> (No, I don't think we did.)
<DanteE> "The Nobles of Amyra, and friends."
<Random_Nerd> "And who are you here to see?"
<DanteE> "Shadows."
<Random_Nerd> "Wait here."
<Random_Nerd> He walks in one of the smaller gates on the side of the big fancy one.
<Random_Nerd> It's nearly ten minutes before he returns, do you do anything in the meantime?
<Brian> wait, mostly :p
<Ftisk> I speack with the gnome on the mission
<DanteE> Go over the plan...
<Theresa> (Knit.)
<Random_Nerd> The guard you spoke with comes back: "I apologize for the delay, dominae, but the Dominus of Shadows was busy, and I had to wait until he took that sign down."
<Random_Nerd> "You may head in. Do you know your way?"
<DanteE> "Sure."
<DanteE> (Just follow the trail of wreckage...)
<Ftisk> I and Gnome follows DanteE
<Brian> (goin')
<Random_Nerd> The roads inside are wide enough to permit Dante's HMMWV (you did have one of the military ones, right?) until you get to easy walking distance from Shadows' lab.
<DanteE> (Sure. :) )
<Random_Nerd> On a gate dividing you from your destination, you see two signs.

  • Theresa follows.
  • Ftisk read the signs

<Random_Nerd> The first says "WARNING! Reality being bent and tampered with! Entry may cause you to cease to have ever existed!"
<Random_Nerd> The second says "If it's you guys, just knock a few times before you come in. You know who you are."

  • DanteE knocks
  • Theresa grins.

<Theresa> "We should have brought pizza."
<DanteE> "You can make a veggie one...
<DanteE> "Or at least a decent salad:
<Ftisk> "We brought a gnome"

  • DanteE enters

<Random_Nerd> When you knock, a creature that looks like what you would get if a python and a centipede had a baby shows up and tugs the gate open.
<DanteE> "Ha, we know who we are. :) "
<Ftisk> "Nice majordomo..."
<Theresa> "But this is like a Reality LAN party...who has salad at a LAN party?"
<Random_Nerd> Above the creature's head, the words "Come this way" appear in Shadows' handwriting, along with an arrow.
<Ftisk> follows
<Brian> "fancy writing"
<DanteE> "If this works we'd have reason to celebrate finishing the report for You-Know-Who, and invite him to the party."
<Random_Nerd> The centisnake goes into an oddly-shaped doggy door in the main doors to the lab, and then tugs it open for you.
<Theresa> "Oh like reports like that get _done_ done."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Hey. What do you think of Jeeves?"
<Ftisk> "Who? The Majordomo?"
<Random_Nerd> It's the same lab you saw earlier, although he's redecorated. There's a pile of deformed-looking crowns made of various materials in one corner.
<Theresa> "Steven Fry would adore him."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Yeah. Isn't he great?"
<DanteE> "... what's with the crowns?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Still haven't made mine yet, but I'm getting closer."
<Ftisk> "We have a little test we like to do..."

  • Ftisk put forward the gnome

<Random_Nerd> S: "What's that?"
<Theresa> (*imagines the gnome doing the gnome dance from WoW*)
<Random_Nerd> Jeeves The Thingy has a question mark appear in hazy blue light over its head.
<DanteE> "A sentient robot gnome."
<Random_Nerd> S: "Ah."
<Random_Nerd> The question mark appears again.
<Brian> (T: gnome dance?)
<DanteE> (Who wants to explain it?)
<Brian> "Yes, Jeeves?"
<Ftisk> "is a tough recorder/monitored that we like to send outside and return to collect data on memory lost"
<Theresa> (*finding link*)
<Random_Nerd> Jeeves: *picture of two arms, shrugging*
<Random_Nerd> J: *hand, with finger pointing at the gnome*
<Random_Nerd> J: *another shrug*
<Brian> "It's a tool"
<DanteE> "We've already made a recording of what's in his head now...
<Random_Nerd> S: "So, is this something about that Active Writing you were showing me earlier?"
<Brian> "Soooort of"
<DanteE> "No, this is about the Effect-of-Crossing-the-Wall thing."
<Ftisk> "we want to send outside and then return"
<Random_Nerd> S: "That looked like crazy stuff, particularly if it really is on both sides."
<DanteE> (now, does Sam still have a connection to the Gnome?)
<Random_Nerd> S: "Okay, I can send the gnome over, but if he wants to get back he'll have to get in touch with the other me."
<Random_Nerd> (Brian can easily check with a divination.)
<Random_Nerd> (A Realm one, I mean.)
<Ftisk> "Do you know how he must do?"
<Brian> (hm?)
<DanteE> (While we're at it, can he get visuals from the gnome?)
<Random_Nerd> (You can check if Sam's still getting a connection on his machine.)
<Theresa> ( for a gnome dance)
<Random_Nerd> (Nope, just what he's thinking, not what he's seeing.)
<Brian> (right, ok, I'll check that.)
<Random_Nerd> (So far, so good. Sam is alternating between looking at the machine's readout and looking at what the raccoon is writing.)
<Random_Nerd> (According to the readout, the gnome is currently wondering what on earth Jeeves is.)
<DanteE> (Us too! What a coincidence! :) )
<Brian> "Ok, we got a good line"
<Ftisk> "How can Gnome contact alt-shadow once outside?"
<DanteE> "Good.
<Brian> (that gnome dance is awesome)
<DanteE> "He should be right there, right?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "I'll try to send him to a place that the other me might be in."
<Brian> "Other you? I missed something"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "If he asks for... oh, I keep another version of myself outside the Wall. I pretty much have to, to do my work."
<Brian> "ah. Um. How?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Magic."
<Theresa> "Brian, you are not going to clone yourself and throw one over to Outside."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "That, or a really complicated answer. So... magic."
<Brian> *puppy dog eyes*
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Gnome, you're to ask for the Lord of the Garden of Silver and Black."
<Random_Nerd> Jeeves: *picture of a hand waving*
<DanteE> quietly, to the others: "Let's hope he retains that...."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "And to say that the valet is doing very well."
<DanteE> "Come to think of it..."
<Theresa> "No, Brian. You can talk Outside with Shadows later. Bring pizza."

  • DanteE writes a note saying that and pins it to the gnome

<Theresa> "Oh, Jeeves is from the other side? How nifty!"

  • Ftisk write down and passa a note to Gnome with these info.. in case he forget

<DanteE> (Jinx)
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "If you want to build a fetch for yourself, Brian, you should be able to figure out how from the notes I sent you guys."
<Random_Nerd> Gnome: "Okay, got it. I'm ready to go where no mechanical gnome has ever gone before! Uh, that I know of."
<Brian> "aah... ok. I think I missed the memo"
<Theresa> 'Good luck, brave mechanognome."
<Ftisk> "Make me proud little son!"
<Brian> "See you when you get back"
<DanteE> "Good luck, Gizmo."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Okay, you see the circle there on the floor, the one made of bone? Stand in it, little guy."
<DanteE> "Brian, don't forget to keep an eye on the feedback..."
<Brian> "Right."
<Ftisk> Gnome place itself in the circle
<Brian> (will keep an "eye" out to see if it vanishes)
<Brian> (it being the link)
<Random_Nerd> Shadows walks over to one of the walls. On it... you know those magnetic knife-racks? He has one of those that has about thirteen metal wands of different sizes and shapes on it.
<Random_Nerd> He picks one of the wands, and then opens a drawer in his desk to withdraw a particular ring, which he puts on his right thumb.
<DanteE> "Should we do anything?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Might be best if you'd stand in the circle made of horn, over there."

  • Theresa shuffles over.
  • DanteE does so...
  • Brian moves

<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "And if you see a gap in reality, please don't look inside. It's not a very good idea."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Jeeves, get the number six incense burning."

  • Ftisk move

<Random_Nerd> Jeeves scurries over to a little rack, picks an incense stick out of it, and then waves a paw at it. The stick starts to smoulder.
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "I don't really have to do all this, but it makes it easier."
<Random_Nerd> Jeeves moves in a circle around the inscribed circle the gnome is in, trailing scented smoke.
<Random_Nerd> Shadows reaches out with the wand, and then twists it. He moves it in a particular pattern, and the wand seems to be encountering resistance in the air as he does so.
<Brian> (... falling asleepish)
<Random_Nerd> Shadows' wand and arm seem to go into an invisible hole that leads nowhere for a monent, and then the gnome suddenly isn't there.
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Okay, that does it. Hope he makes it. Cute little guy."
<DanteE> "How long does the trip take?"
<Random_Nerd> Above Jeeves's head, a picture of a hand pointing at him, and then a picture of a kitten.
<Ftisk> "I hope too. Brian is the link active?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Depends. This one should be quick."
<Brian> (is it?)
<DanteE> to Jeeves: "You're ... cute in your own way. :) "
<Random_Nerd> (Yes and no. The reading is currently giving results as if the gnome was on a particularly odd drug trip or fever dream, and Sam is nervously eying the controls.)
<Brian> "... the machine thinks the gnome is on LSD"
<Random_Nerd> Sam, on the other end: "Okay, either the machine isn't working, or the little guy's gone insane. Or both."
<Random_Nerd> (AAaand, cut.)
<Random_Nerd> _____________STOP_____________
<DanteE> Cliffhanger? :)
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
=-= Brian is now known as lazarus
<Random_Nerd> Cliffhanger!
<lazarus> that's awesome
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
<Angelo> Yes I believe
<lazarus> no wonder memory is swisscheese.
<Knockwood> BTW, did I interpret Jeeves' last bit correctly?
<Random_Nerd> Yes.
<Angelo> btw I believe I created a Gnome that can record its toughts and save on "DVD?" and then we send it outside, then it retur and we compare the 2 "dvd?" but tis version is ok
<Random_Nerd> Oh, and for the record, Jeeves is about three feet tall at the head if he doesn't stand up, and nearly nine feet long.
<Random_Nerd> And he's a glossy black color, covered in what looks like a cross between chitin and scales.
<Theresa> Yeah, cute.  :)
<Angelo> Jeeves is NICE!
<Angelo> but I have already my raccoon!
<Random_Nerd> Heh.
<Random_Nerd> So, what'd you guys like and dislike about this session?
<Knockwood> Well, my original plan was to use one of the summoned creatures Shadows uses, but that would require a machine on the other side.
<Angelo> I dislike the gnome creation confusion
<Knockwood> Yeah, that was a little goofy.
<lazarus> I like that I'm back again
<Angelo> we haved 2 clashing pals
<Angelo> plans even
<Random_Nerd> Well, why have just one plan? Get several, and make them fight!
<Angelo> but we need an arena then
<lazarus> That's easy to find.
<Knockwood> Actually, if the gnome can get it together we could still do mine. :)
<lazarus> Just need to find out who Plans is.
<lazarus> (... Murphy?)
<Knockwood> BIG if, tho
<Knockwood> (someone enNobled Edward Murphy. :) )
<Random_Nerd> I wouldn't be surprised.
<Angelo> well, I can't believe we have some reading, althought weird, from outside.
<Knockwood> (AFK a minute...)
<Angelo> I assumed that the signal will drop not go crazy
<lazarus> same
<lazarus> that surprised me
<Random_Nerd> Oh, and if Brian wants to make a fetch-Brian for himself, the way to start is to buy five HSMPs, and then start buying points in the attribute.
<Angelo> also, this time I managed to don't forget the > " < around my writings ^^
<Random_Nerd> And thanks for that, it makes the logs much more readable.
<lazarus> HSMPs?
<lazarus> high summon, right
<Angelo> yes
<Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<Knockwood> (back)
<Random_Nerd> Rules are on page 35 of Unlikely Flowerings.
<Knockwood> So, 5 Char Points?
<Random_Nerd> Yeah. Delayed gratification, but on the other hand they pay off once you have a rating.
<lazarus> woot, my receipt for the Planescape auction I won just came in. So I can pay ^_^
<Knockwood> Yay!
<Angelo> Wow
<Knockwood> OK, next step... blow something up for the ratings! :D
<Random_Nerd> Oh, and for comparison, Shadows has HS 2, and he's on the verge of reaching level 3.
<Knockwood> Heck, we might help him there
<Angelo> but he need all 5 point before start to use HS?
<lazarus> I've got an idea first.
<Knockwood> What is it?
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, I think that if your experiments work, it may give Shadows enough inspiration to make the conceptual leap and claim his first crown.
<Random_Nerd> And, yes, Brian would need to get all 5 points before he started to use it.
<Angelo> nice for Shadow
<Knockwood> (Come to think of it, can we 'play back' the gnome's memories into his head?)
<Random_Nerd> Shadows, as he lives in a chancel with High Summonings, uses his spirit MPs in place of HSMPs, as per the rules on p 35.
<Random_Nerd> (You couldn't with a normal living creature, but Ftisk could make another gnome that could have memories inserted.)
<Random_Nerd> (Or you could make a normal person able with a Lesser Change of Realm.)
<Random_Nerd> (To give them a USB port in their skull or whatever.)
<Angelo> well at 4dmp at time Is better if i start to save for raising my domain
<Random_Nerd> Heh. Domain can be handy.
<Random_Nerd> And, yes, at Domain 4 it'd only be two DMPs a gnome, and only one at Domain 5.
<Knockwood> well, Ftisk can make a 'mundane' machine for, what, 1 point?
<Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<Angelo> yes
<Random_Nerd> It's just that AIs and thought record machines are weird.
<Random_Nerd> But if a bunch of human beings working together with the physics we have could make it, Ftisk could.
<Angelo> but nor a though record nor a sensient gnome are mundane
<Knockwood> .... which means he could make Brian's collider
<Angelo> well, yes but is a lcreation or a Gcreation due to size?
<Random_Nerd> Well, that would take a Major creation. A collider is huge.
<Random_Nerd> But he could easily make components for it.
<Random_Nerd> But that's like the difference between making a car, and making an automated car factory all in one go.
<Random_Nerd> For that matter, others of you could help. For instance, Theresa can trivially make wood in almost any shape that's at least as sturdy as tempered tool steel.
<Random_Nerd> Just with an LC with included LPres.
<Knockwood> laz, how much do you need to catch up on?
<Random_Nerd> Anyway, it is late, and my brain is a little melty. See you all next week?
<Angelo> sure!
<Angelo> was a good session
<Theresa> Night, guys!  :)
<Knockwood> a brain melt sounds delicious
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
<Knockwood> oyasumi-nasai
<Angelo> bye
<lazarus> don't really need to catch up on much.
<lazarus> I like doing it IC :D
<lazarus> g'night guys
<Angelo> ciao lazarus
<Random_Nerd> And it was nice to have you back, Laz.
<Random_Nerd> Goodnight, all.
|<-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
<Knockwood> yeah, welcome back!
<lazarus> :) nice to be back
|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
<--| lazarus has left #Nobilis
<Angelo> right, welcome back
<Knockwood> cya next week Angelo
<Angelo> well, bye knoch
<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 14