Session 131

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Chapter 14

-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
<Angelo> HI!
<BethE> HI!
<Random_Nerd> Hi.
<Angelo> And the others?
<BethE> How are you?
<Random_Nerd> No clue. No emails or PMs.
<BethE> For a little bit, we weren't sure if your internet was working or what?  :)
<Angelo> @Beth: Uhm... later i'll do some surgery....
<Angelo> and How are yous?
-->| Knockwood (~chatzilla@71.94.75.IP) has joined #Nobilis
<Knockwood> HI guys
<Random_Nerd> Hey, Knock.
<BethE> Not too bad. Have fresh strawberries.  :)
<BethE> Hi Knock!
<Knockwood> Sorry I'm late... had one of those must-complete-before-leaving things at work
<Angelo> Speaking of the devil.. Hi Knock!
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
<Angelo> then to the game!
<Random_Nerd> Okay, let's go.
<Random_Nerd> ________________START______________
<Angelo> Last time our heroes have arranget to go to the moon to found an old ....
<Random_Nerd> Now, you guys had been about to take the Selenian Way to the Moon. Is there anything or anyone you want to bring?
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
<Theresa> Should we bring a present?
<DanteE> "Should we bring Lesson?"
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "Depends how fond you are of the demon. Angels are not known for their love of the living embodiments of corruption."
<Ftisk> "... Ok no Lesson then"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I suggest you bring a gift of some sort. Just in case you get offered something."
<Theresa> "They're big on beauty, yes? How about the most perfect nonMiracle plant in Amyra?"
<DanteE> "Ooh, good point..."
<Ftisk> "And for a present, this Angel play tennis with your boss... Oh, good suggestion Theresa!"
<DanteE> "Yeah, either that or make it into a really nice racket."

  • Theresa LDiv the most perfect plants in Amyra.

<DanteE> (Aren't they in your greenhouse?)
<Random_Nerd> Perfect by what standard?
<Theresa> (The most perfect that are not created by Miracles.)
<Ftisk> (beauty, then health?)
<Theresa> (Closest to what would be created when I create such a plant.)
<Random_Nerd> Hmm. A sunflower that was fertilized by some of the pollen from Sam's box, which grows near the police department.
<Ftisk> (Is it the sunflower from last session?)
<Random_Nerd> (Nope. Different one.)
<DanteE> (giving a sun-flower to the moon?)
<Theresa> "Okay, we'll need to pick up a nice little sunflower on the way. Hope she doesn't get offended with a sunflower but a moonflower is harder to pot."
<Random_Nerd> Second-place is Red.
<DanteE> (Come to think of it, would it survive?)
<Ftisk> (the moon reflect the sun...)
<Random_Nerd> (Depends if the angel wants it to survive, I suppose.)
<Theresa> (No! My redwood! Mine! *cuddles Red plushy*)
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and don't expect the sun-moon myths in the GWB to be entirely correct.)
<Theresa> "Anyone else have stuff they have to get done before we go to the moon? It's going to be another long trip and we're not going to stopping for much."
<Ftisk> "Yep, I'll need some charge"

  • Ftisk connect to one eletrhical outlet and absorb some energy

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Oh, she likes dogs. Heard that, somewhere."
<DanteE> (HOw long did it take us to get to Jupiter?)
<Random_Nerd> (Not long, but you had a gateway there, since Barakiel has a city there.)
<DanteE> (OK, we'll take the puppy from the Tangency thread. :) )
<Theresa> "Any particular dogs?"
<Ftisk> "A chiwawa?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Not sure. Working dogs, I think. Hunting dogs, seeing eye dogs, that kind of thing."
<Ftisk> "A St. Bernard then?"
<DanteE> "Border Collie comes to mind..."
<Theresa> "Sheepdog? We probably have some around the Chancel."
<Ftisk> (But not a bashion victim chiwawa? )
<DanteE> "Then again... do I have reason to be nervous about taking a dog _to_ the moon?)
<DanteE> )="
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Nervous why?"
<Theresa> (Ep! Put that poor thing out of its misery!)
<DanteE> "Prosaic says there's no air, no heat, no way to support lift."
<DanteE> *life
<Theresa> "And we're walking there."
<Ftisk> (If pshopped Ibelieve)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Prosaically, you'd need a rocket. You aren't going to the moon where that would be a problem."
<Theresa> "As long as the Angel likes the doggie and my plant, they should be okay. If she doesn't like them, we'll bring them home."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "But the dog won't suffocate. A cat might be different."
<DanteE> "Still getting used to that..."
<Theresa> "Because cats are arrogant and think their own way?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Basically, she owns the moon, the way Barakiel owns Jupiter. And what Barakiel did there was far more elaborate than letting the right people breathe air."
<Theresa> "The viewpoints kinda make that point."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "So if Barakiel can do that, air is not an issue. What Big Barky did shouldn't even be possible, after all."
<DanteE> "...'Big Barky'?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I wanted to give him a nickname. Do you have a better one?"
<Theresa> "What's our nicknames, then, Sam?" *smile*
<Random_Nerd> Lesson sits up at the back of the room: "Suggest 'Sparkles the Wonder Koala'."
<DanteE> "For who?"
<Theresa> *to Lesson* "For Barakiel or for me?"
<Random_Nerd> L: "Barakiel."

  • DanteE checks Lesson out with the Sight...

<Theresa> (You're the one that Couraged him...)
<Random_Nerd> L: "Asked assistant for best demeaning and demasculinizing name or title. Good?"
<Theresa> "Ah. Hmm...isn't that an insult to sparkles? He's a bit of an...eyesore."
<Random_Nerd> (Lesson is clearly an Anchor.)
<Theresa> (True, this is an area that Lesson has experience and talent in.)
<Random_Nerd> L: "Wanted to suggest it in case hell-souls act up. Noble miracles could make one be referred to only by that name, correct?"
<Ftisk> "Is correct"
<Random_Nerd> L: "Anyway, wanted to suggest nickname."
<Random_Nerd> Lesson sits back down.

  • Theresa considers it. "Yeah, I could make it so that they only react to that name."

<Theresa> (*gives Lesson a demon-cookie treat*)
<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Can't use violence on them, and imprisonment would hardly effect them. But ridicule works."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "....anyway, want me to go grab a sheepdog?"
<DanteE> "You sure she likes dogs?"
<Theresa> "Sure, grab a sheepdog, I'll take care of the sunflower."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I heard it, once. I think she used to be Imperator of Coursing, but the most recent Noble changed it to The Chase."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Same estate, of course, but different emphasis."
<DanteE> "Maybe we should grab a Wolf, then."
<Ftisk> "What are the moon estates?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Just tell me what to grab."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "The Chase, Lost Things, and Reflection."
<Theresa> "Ehh, Snow might get annoyed if we take a possible playmate."
<DanteE> "Sounds like a scrying mirror would be great."
<Theresa> "Let's just take a sheepdog and get going. Hopefully James will keep in one spot till we talk with him."
<Ftisk> (a silverly, mirror reflecting wolf?)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I'll get the dog."
<DanteE> "I'll prep the DanteMobile.
<Theresa> "Dibs on the plant! Don't forget to charge all the way, Ftisk!"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Your car can go up spiral staircases?"
<Ftisk> "I'm done. Full charged!"

  • Ftisk hug Gnomely: "Son, I'll go to the moon, you stay safe here... bye, I love you"

<DanteE> "... how wide?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Depends on stuff I don't know about. Two feet, eight, something like that."
<DanteE> "Guess we walk, then"

  • Theresa will pot up and reassure the sunflower and make sure it doesn't suffer in being repotted.

<Random_Nerd> Sam heads out.

  • DanteE goes up and examines James' gear...

<Random_Nerd> Those of you with Aspect 1 or better can hear Sam calling William and saying "I need a sheepdog. Now. A good one. No, a working one. Yes, a good one. Now. To take it to the Moon. I am serious. Why would you call me Shirly? Oh. Never saw that."
<Random_Nerd> Looking for anything particular?
<DanteE> The little inscription that says "Plot point of the day is..."
<Ftisk> (I'm ok ready for the trip)
<DanteE> "Or, some clue as to James' state, especially the answer to the big question he gave us.
<DanteE> (scratch that ")
<Theresa> (Theresa speaks Jive, Sam.)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I have no idea how you had a list of interesting dogs ready, but thank you anyway."
<Theresa> (We should consider giving Sam and William a raise.)
<Random_Nerd> The gear is warm. It's made of bricks, held together with a silvery mortar.
<Theresa> (How's my sunflower?)
<Random_Nerd> (Fine. It's a hardy one.)
<Random_Nerd> (Sometimes, out of the corner of your eye, it looks like a guy in a trenchcoat and fedora.)
<Ftisk> (who look that way? the sunflower?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yep.)
<DanteE> (Well, don't forget we'll need to (DELETED FOR RULE ZERO))
<Random_Nerd> In a surprisingly short amount of time, Sam walks in with a border collie on a leash.
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I have two facts for you. First, this dog has made it to the finals in three successive sheepdog trials. Second, William is a /freak/."

  • Theresa will talk to the sunflower about its choice of life. What did it like about living where it was.

<Theresa> (Superfreaky!)
<Theresa> "Freak how? Or is that a stupid question?"
<Ftisk> ( *cool!* )
<Random_Nerd> The sunflower is three months old. It has adequate soil, and plenty of sun and water.
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "He had a list that... let's not get into it. He /is/."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Walter, these are the people I was telling you about. Bosses, this is Walter the dog."
<Theresa> (Does the fedora and coat look like a pulp fiction detective or a bad spy novel spy?)

  • Ftisk ldiv data on Sam... over W's list

<Theresa> "Hello, Walter. Pleased to meet you. And congratulations of your placing in the finals."
<DanteE> the bricks in the gear look familiar at all?

  • Ftisk pet Walter with a manipulator

<Random_Nerd> (It seems that William has compiled a list of noteworthy dogs in the Chancel whose owners would be willing to sell or trade them at short notice. And that he did this just on the off chance that it came in handy.)
<Random_Nerd> The bricks look like the sort of bricks being made in the kiln you found James in. But most bricks do.
<DanteE> What is the mortar?
<Random_Nerd> It's metal. It's a silver alloy. It isn't as warm as the bricks.
<Theresa> (These bricks don't go brick, though.)
<DanteE> (They don't? ... /What are they hiding?/
<DanteE> )
<Theresa> (I wonder what lists of stuff William has. And whether it's a habit or a hobby.)

  • DanteE rejoins the others.

<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and the fedora-sunflower looks like a press reporter in a fourties movie.)
<DanteE> (Hm... who's it reporting to, and why?
<Ftisk> (Storues?)
<Theresa> (Oh great. I have a plant crossing tween Sam and police officers. It searches for info and won't stop. Except for the whole being stuck in the ground thing.P)
<Ftisk> stories
<Random_Nerd> (So, anything else before you go?0
<DanteE> "So, are we ready? Hi doggie."
<Ftisk> "We can go"
<Theresa> (I think I'm ready. White linen dress.)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Just stay calm, Walter, and go where they tell you to, and everything will be okay. If you meet the angel, she may look scary, but she likes dogs."
<Ftisk> "Gnomely, take care of the raccoon"
<Random_Nerd> Sam hands the leash to Dante.
<Random_Nerd> Gnomely nods at Ftisk.

  • DanteE takes it...

<DanteE> "OK, where's this stairway?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "So, the Selenian Way. Can't miss it. Light grey, goes to the Moon."
<Theresa> (Are we taking Sam?)
<Random_Nerd> (Are you?)
<Theresa> (And how is the mythic vision of the doggie?)
<Ftisk> (yep)
<DanteE> "Sam, you want in?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I can go if you want me. Up to you."
<Random_Nerd> (The dog will go wherever you lead, and I'm not sure that dogs naturally see the prosaic anyway.)
<Theresa> (Ehh, we can leave him at home. I leave the choice up to you guys.)
<Random_Nerd> To the mythic sight, the dog is seven feet tall, and has a number of medals pinned to the front of the vaguely military jacket he's wearing.
<Random_Nerd> Mythically, you can see the Selenian Way once you look for it. It's one of those things that you only notice if you're thinking about it, which the Mythic World is filled with.
<DanteE> "Well, considering what we're doing it might complicate things..."
<DanteE> "Does the Angel of the Moon have Aides?"
<Random_Nerd> It touches down on the ground at various places, starting stairs and ramps that meet up higher.
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "No, not that I know of. I think some of her human servants have been working for her for at least a hundred years, though."
<DanteE> (Anyone got good reasons to either take him or leave him behind?)
<Theresa> (Nope. )
<Ftisk> (nope too
<Ftisk> )
<Random_Nerd> Winston, waving a paw at Sam: "I'm pretty sure that when I was a kid I had a chew toy that looked just like him."
<DanteE> (talking dog?)
<Random_Nerd> (You're all mythic, I assume.)
<Random_Nerd> (Since you're looking for the Way.)
<Random_Nerd> (Those of you who aren't, don't hear that.)
<Random_Nerd> (So, bring Sam or not?)
<DanteE> "What the hell... come with us, Sam. Ever seen the moon?"
<Ftisk> (ok, is more usefull to have sam with us)

  • Ftisk nod at Sam

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Yes I've seen the moon. It's the moon. It's right over there" *points* "I can see it from here."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "...wait, that was the rabbit's moon."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "...but the point stands!"
<Theresa> "But this moon won't be green. Probably."
<DanteE> "Do you want to see it up close, or stay here?"
<Ftisk> "well, If Sam don't want to come we can bring William"
<Ftisk> "with us"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "No, William can't come. But I'll go."
<Theresa> (What's the Aides motto? Travel to weird and exciting places on the Ash and get weirdness thrown at you?")
<Ftisk> (AH!. I can have bet on S. reaction!)
<Ftisk> (@T: wasn't Star Trek motto?)
<Random_Nerd> (So, cut to the moon?)
<Ftisk> (Yep!)
<DanteE> (Sure...)
<Theresa> (Sure!)
<Random_Nerd> The Selenian Way is long. Really long, even in Mythic time that doesn't always match up to hours and minutes in the usual way. When you finally reach the end, any of you with Aspect 1 or worse feel like they've run a marathon, and everyone without Aspect 3 feels at least winded.
<Random_Nerd> Walter the Sheepdog, about halfway in, spent part of the time riding on Theresa's shoulders.
<Ftisk> (Asp2... tired!)
<Theresa> (Good doggie.)
<Random_Nerd> But now, he hops off, and straightens his collar. As you look at the large silver door at the end of the Way, he buffs his medals with his sleeve.
<Theresa> "Nice exercise."
<Ftisk> (Next time I'll land on Dante Shoulder (if he want))

  • Ftisk look at the door

<Random_Nerd> There is a silvery doorknocker which probably weighs as much as a small child, and the door itself is about twenty feet tall, and featureless save for the knocker.
<Random_Nerd> The color isn't quite the same as the mortar in James' wheel, but it's similar.

  • Theresa straigtens her dress and preens the sunflower's petals.

<Theresa> "Want to knock, Dante?"
<DanteE> (You just want to see what happens when I feel an angel's knockers. :) )

  • DanteE knocks

<Random_Nerd> You hear a scuttling sound, and then the words "Okay, pull, boys!"
<Ftisk> (hide afther Theresa!)
<Random_Nerd> The door slowly opens.
<Random_Nerd> As it does, you see that it's being pulled open with ropes by perhaps thirty greenish lobsters, directed by a brownish lobster in a bowler hat.
<Random_Nerd> Lobster In A Bowler Hat: "Welcome to the Moon, honored guests. May I take your coats?"
<Theresa> (Survived, didn'tcha?)
<Random_Nerd> Sam clutches his outer layers possessively.
<Ftisk> (how much are the lobster tall?)
<Theresa> "Not wearing any but thank you for the offer. I hope that we aren't late."
<Ftisk> "Sorry, I'm naked"
<DanteE> "I'm all right."
<Random_Nerd> The greenish ones are a little above the average lobster size, perhaps a foot long but only four inches or less tall.
<DanteE> "I believe your lady told you we were coming?"
<Random_Nerd> The lobster in the hat is twice that size, and standing up on his rear legs, his claws held across his chest. This is a pose that indicates that either he's a crustaceon contortionist, or else he's probably not a baseline lobster.
<Random_Nerd> The hat and speech were also tips, to be fair.
<DanteE> (Quote file)
<Random_Nerd> Lobster: "Distinguished guests are /always/ welcome, and I can see that you are persons of importance!"
<Theresa> (It's the snail.  :) )
<Random_Nerd> Lobster: "Who may I tell my lady has chosen to call upon our humble abode?"
<Ftisk> (:-P)
<DanteE> "A few of the Nobles of Amyra."
<Ftisk> "I'm Ftiskaaaahk Sn'Gnok Machinery's domine"
<DanteE> "And friends."
<Ftisk> (urgh crosspost)
<Ftisk> (scrap mine)
<DanteE> (Not really, individual intros are probabvly good.)
<Ftisk> (ok, don't scrap mine then)
<Random_Nerd> Lobster: "I thank you for the honor of your acquaintence! Now, I shall bear to my lady the news that you have arrived."
<Random_Nerd> He swivels his head to look at Ftisk: "May I ask, sir, what form of refereshment would best satisfy your needs and desires?"
<Ftisk> "Synthetic motor oil... for me a least"
<Random_Nerd> Lobster: "It will be provided at once."
<Random_Nerd> The chief lobster scuttles down the hall, his little feet making soft noises as they cross the tiles.
<Random_Nerd> Now, the architecture of the moon-palace is reminiscent of the palace-world view of Locus Barakiel.
<Ftisk> (Without the gore?)
<Random_Nerd> The colors are more muted, the shapes tend towards subtle curves rather than sharp angles, and the only servants present are the several dozen lobsters, but the similarities are there.
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, the pleasant view, not the hell-world.)
<Ftisk> (ok)
<DanteE> (Makes sense, both angels)
<Random_Nerd> As the boss-lobster walks out of sight, he clacks his left claw, and all the smaller lobsters spring to work.
<Theresa> (This will look mostly new to Theresa as she's used to the hellview of Jupiter.)
<Random_Nerd> They scuttle into little lobster-sized holes in the wall, and in under a minute return with a plate of small sandwiches, a plate of sushi, and pitchers of water and motor oil.
<Random_Nerd> A moment later, another scuttles by, bearing a raw and dripping steak, which it hands to Walter. He takes it and thanks the lobster.

  • Theresa enjoys a glass of water and offers some to the sunflower if he would like some.

<Random_Nerd> In the direction that the chief lobster went, you hear a sound of gears and clockwork, getting closer.
<Random_Nerd> The sunflower shakes its head.

  • Ftisk submerge itself into the motor oil, then open some little 'pores' and let the oil cycle inside and outside the mechanical parts of ftisk

<Random_Nerd> The chief lobster scuttles back towards you.
<Ftisk> "uhmmm... refreshing!"

  • DanteE munches a sandwich...

<Random_Nerd> Behind him is a hovering ball of machinery and fire. It looks vaguely like a gyroscope mounted in three gymbals at cross angles from each other, but if it was redesigned by a baroque watchmaker who was also a pyromaniac.
<Random_Nerd> It's about five feet across, and more or less spherical in its dimensions.

  • Ftisk is interested in the machine!

<Random_Nerd> Lobster: "It is my honor to present to you the Lady Ofaniel!"

  • Theresa bows. "Greetings."

<DanteE> "Hello."
<Theresa> (That is the name of the Angel, right? This isn't just another guest?)
<Random_Nerd> Lobster: "Lady, as I was telling you, these are the trusted friends and retainers of our occasional guest Lord Kudzu."

  • Ftisk bows "Greetings"

<Random_Nerd> (That is the name of the angel.)
<DanteE> (Ftisk, stop drooling. :) )
<Theresa> (Oh, wait, this is one of them there Ezekiel angels, huh?)
<Ftisk> ( :-P !!! )
<Random_Nerd> (Good thing you didn't bring Gnomesby.)
<Random_Nerd> Lady Ofaniel has a voice like a theremin, with occasional sounds of small bells mixed in.
<Ftisk> (is only luck)
<Random_Nerd> Lady Ofaniel: "I am pleased to finally meet you. Kudzu has said so much about you." Simultaneously, she speaks to Ftisk: "I do not believe I know your patron divnity, but am pleased to meet you as well."
<Theresa> "Thank you for the hospitality. Your Chancel is indeed so very lovely!"
<Ftisk> "Is a pleasure to meet you. I'm Ftiskaaaahk Sn'Gnok one of Vulcan's nobles. Domine of macinery"
<Random_Nerd> Lady, to Theresa: "I have worked hard to make it so."
<Random_Nerd> Lady: "I shall have to speak with Vulcan, then. So few of his kind prefer the artificial aesthetic."

  • Ftisk fight te urge to go near and examine better the angel

<Ftisk> "I was born as a machine and then raised to noble status. He, as the maker have created countless mechanical device and and some inteligent machines"
<Theresa> (She's out of your league, man. You're a Noble, she's a literal force of nature, madness and who knows what. It'd never work out...)
<DanteE> "Speaking of artifice...
<Ftisk> (but there are .. *ureges!*)
<Random_Nerd> Lady: "As you know, James has come to me for refuge, in the fear that Lord Kudzu will harm him. I am not certain that he is correct, but have agreed to give shelter in the hopes that his issues with his patron may be resolved peacefully."
<Ftisk> urges even
<Random_Nerd> To Ftisk: "Fascinating. I meet so few Nobles these days who were not born as humans."
<DanteE> "Can you tell us what exactly happened with James?"
<Ftisk> "I can contact Vulcan and arrange for your meeting, if you wish"
<Random_Nerd> Lady: "I have not fully managed to understand what he believes has happened to him. Any aid you can give me in that area would be greatly appreciated."
[ERROR] Unknown command ``and.
<Ftisk> /and I'll be in the channel that day/
<Random_Nerd> Lady: "Please tell him that he is welcome to my halls as a guest."
<Ftisk> "I'll do!"
<DanteE> "That's actually what we'd like to find out ourselves..."

  • Ftisk fight weave the tail as an happy dog...

<Random_Nerd> Walter: "I thank you and your servants for this delicious meat."
<Theresa> "And this is Walter, a member of our Chancel."
<Random_Nerd> Chief Lobster: "Did I guess correctly in my belief that you were a New York Strip man? So many of our canine friends prefer the Porterhouse, but I believed I detected in you the physique of an athlete."
<Random_Nerd> Walter: "Good meat."
<Random_Nerd> Sam, at the back, seems to be fighting the urge to hide behind Walter.
<Theresa> (When's a good time to present the plant?)
<Random_Nerd> (Whenever you think is best.)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Please, tell me all that you know about James' predicament. I can assure you that my servants are entirely discreet."
<DanteE> "Well, for starters, that may not be James."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Are you certain? He certainly seemed to be as he was described to me."

  • Theresa presents the sunflower. "A gift, from our Chancel to yours. The best nonmiraculous plant of the Chancel, striving its best."

<DanteE> "It's a complex situation involving the Weirding Wall, summoning and memory."

  • Ftisk nod

<DanteE> "We'll know more once we talk to him."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "I will place him where he gets sufficient sun, and will send clouds to rain at intervals. He will be properly cared for."

  • Theresa bows my head and smiles. "Thank you."

<Theresa> (Is Sam offended that we haven't introduced him?)
<Random_Nerd> The hat-wearing lobster waves a claw, and several of the lesser lobsters scuttle up to Theresa's feet.
<Ftisk> (I think is relieved)
<Random_Nerd> (Sam is nervous around angels.)

  • Theresa hands over the sunflower, with a last pet on the petals for it.

<Random_Nerd> The Lobster Brigade carries the sunflower pot along the corridor.
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Do I have your word, each of you, that you intend James no harm?"
<Random_Nerd> Walter: "Lady, I've never met the guy."
<DanteE> "Yes."
<Ftisk> Yes mylady
<Ftisk> "..." even
<Theresa> "I promised for us. By the Tree and Stars."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Then do I have your permission to swiftly move you to where he is?"
<DanteE> "...OK."
<Ftisk> "Sure"
<Theresa> "Yes, Lady."
<Theresa> (Great, we're going to have Ftisk/Lady O. fanfict out there, someday...)
<Random_Nerd> All of you feel yourselves lifted into the air. The corridors here are particularly tall, and you're carried near the thirty-foot-high ceiling.
<Theresa> (Little silver snails with little balls of fire orbiting them...)
<Ftisk> (LOL!)
<Random_Nerd> Then, you see the entire mansion move under you while you stay in mid-air. It rockets past you at what must surely be above the speed of sound, and then moves nearly as far in a direction perpendicular to the original movement.
<Random_Nerd> Lady Ofaniel and the rest of you float back to the floor.
<Ftisk> "Was wonderfull!"
<DanteE> "Heh."
<Ftisk> (purrrrr purrrrrrr)
<Random_Nerd> Oh, and the Lobster Bridgade is gone, probably miles away.
<Random_Nerd> Lady Ofaniel: "James? Your friends are here."

  • Theresa checks if Sam and Walter are okay.

<Random_Nerd> Sam is uncurling himself from a tiny ball he'd coiled into. Only a little bigger than a softball.
<Random_Nerd> Walter is finishing his steak.

  • Ftisk look around for James

<DanteE> "James?"
<Random_Nerd> You hear the flapping of stone wings, and then James lands next to Lady Ofaniel.
<Theresa> "Sam, are you okay?"
<DanteE> How's he look?
<Ftisk> How are his eyes?
<Random_Nerd> He looks slimmer than you last saw him, and the stars are still there.
<Random_Nerd> He's somewhere between the rocky brick form you first saw when he came back, and his original grey stone.
<DanteE> "You've lost weight."
<Ftisk> (I have never meet James right?)

  • DanteE approaches James.

<Random_Nerd> (I believe you have not.)
<Random_Nerd> James: "I really can't recommend the 'Being Eaten By An Angry God' diet, though."
<Ftisk> "Hi Jamemes, I'm Ftisk"
<Random_Nerd> Sam is calming down, and unfolding himself to his normal humanlike shape.
<Random_Nerd> James: "You brought a snail and a dog?"
<Random_Nerd> Walter: "Yo."
<Theresa> "Glad that you're feeling upright and nondigestable."
<Ftisk> "I'm a Noble!"
<Theresa> "The snail is a fellow Noble, although not one of Amyra. Walter may be a potential asset for Lady Ofaniel>"
<DanteE> "And you had a question...
<DanteE> "There is a quick-and-dirty way to answer."
<Random_Nerd> James: "I did? Sorry, I've had a rough... entire existence."
<DanteE> "Tell me how this feels...."

  • DanteE grabs James' shoulder.
  • Ftisk listen but sneackly look at l. Ofaniel"

<Random_Nerd> James: "You're not going to give me a massage, right?"
<Random_Nerd> James: "Because my situation is confused enough without adding needless homoeroticism."
<DanteE> "No... but you may have just answered your question.
<DanteE> "Any Excrucian would be yelling at me for this. Our Dim Warding is still in place."
<Random_Nerd> James: "Huh. Good point. What am I, then?"

  • DanteE lets go...

<DanteE> "Do you remember anything from before you reappeared in the kiln?"
<Theresa> "Don't know. We recently met a Dionyl Imperator who also remembers being a Warmain and doesn't know which, if either, he is."
<Theresa> "He's building a new life and Chancel now."
<Random_Nerd> James: "This is a weird time to be living. But if I'm not an Excrucian, why did I spontaneously pick up some of their magic?"
<DanteE> to Ofaniel: "How much did you hear about Sakharoth on Dionyl, or us appearing before the Council?"
<DanteE> to James: "I have a theory we can check."
<DanteE> "Maybe."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Sadly, my business on this branch of the Ash rarely permits me to visit even our close neighbors."
<Random_Nerd> (And it is getting late.)
<Random_Nerd> James: "What theory?"
<DanteE> "It has to do with summoning and mirror images."
<Theresa> "Or it could be that the Outside Wall is weakening."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "It is."
<DanteE> "It is?"
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Yes. We've been working double shifts, so to speak. And when you see Kudzu next, tell him I've been covering for him and he owes me."
<DanteE> "... what exactly do you mean by 'weakening'?
<Theresa> "Yes, ma'am."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "We have to work harder to keep bad things from coming in."
<DanteE> "I think a few things slipped through.
<DanteE> "Including him. (points to James).
<Ftisk> (clifhanger music!)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "It's possible. But I've been manning the walls ever since the war started, and I have a feel for the Enemy. Even if he's technically one of them, he doesn't seem to think like them."
<DanteE> "If it helps... whatever gets through gets big holes in their memory."
<DanteE> "Anyone on the moon do High Summonuing?"
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "And we aren't at war with the Excrucians because of where they come from. We're at war because they're trying to steal the entire world."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "I find summoning to be... distasteful. I admit that it may be useful, but the idea of deliberately opening holes in the wall sets my nerves on edge."
<DanteE> "That reminds me... James, the Council wanted to hear from you."
<Theresa> "And you would not believe the dress Entropy was wearing."
<Random_Nerd> James: "I see your lives have also been strange and unsettling."
<Theresa> "As usual."
<Theresa> (The snail wasn't a clue?  :) )
<DanteE> "My theory is... either the original James started in with High Summoning, or he didn't need to... to get a shadow-self on the other side of the wall.
<Ftisk> (lol òtheresa)
<Ftisk> @
<Random_Nerd> (Eh, James wasn't originally human, or at least not entirely. He's more confused by the dog, actually.)
<DanteE> "I say the original James because his getting eaten had the intended effect.
<Random_Nerd> James: "Then who am I?"
<DanteE> "Which means he re-incarnated into his other self.
<DanteE> "You."
<Theresa> (Why is he confused by the dog? Is it the medals?)
<DanteE> "In other words, I think you're the across-the-wall doppleganger and reincarnation of the James we met on the clock tower."
<Random_Nerd> (Because you brought a sheepdog, and have not seen the fact that you brought a sheepdog as worthy of comment.)
<DanteE> "Coming through the wall hosed the memories from over there."
<Random_Nerd> James: "Huh. That almost made sense."
<Random_Nerd> James: "If I was... one of these things, what would it mean for me? What can they do, and what are they like?"
<DanteE> "Well... you haven't tried to eat any Domains while you were here, right?"

  • Theresa murmurs, "That's a bit rude, Dante..."

<Ftisk> (let's go to the point...)
<DanteE> "You know me as diplomatic?"
<Random_Nerd> James: "Oh, yes, I ate Flhthahghtism and Porgalantas. Never heard of 'em? Exactly!"
<Theresa> "Your humor has improved, James."
<DanteE> "I don't think you've broken any laws, and they explicitly apply to everyone, including Excrucians.
<DanteE> "You have .... well, not _nothing_ to fear, it's still Entropy."
<Random_Nerd> James: "I'd still rather not meet him. He asked to see me? Not good. Not good."
<DanteE> "Could do what we did, tell them what they need and not stick around."
<Theresa> "You didn't come out of it with a shirt, though."
<Random_Nerd> (We should stop soon.)
<Random_Nerd> James: "You know, I'm actually more afraid of Kudzu than I am of Entropy."
<DanteE> "Now _that_ makes sense."
<Ftisk> "We don't want to sell you, and they have meet Entropy one time"
<--| Theresa has left #Nobilis
<Ftisk> ( !___! Pc crashed?)
<DanteE> (RN?)
-->| Theresa ( has joined #Nobilis
<Random_Nerd> (She's returning.)
<DanteE> (WB Theresa...)
<Theresa> (Sorry about that. Hit the wrong button. It's late.)
<Ftisk> (wb too)
<Random_Nerd> James: "If I go to see Entropy, will all of you testify that I'm probably not an evil reality-eating monster."
<Random_Nerd> ?"
<Random_Nerd> Lady Ofaniel: "Yes."
<Ftisk> "Yes"
<DanteE> "I will."
<Theresa> "Sure!"
<DanteE> "Then we'll bring you back here, rather than Amyra."
<Random_Nerd> James: "Okay, I'm in."
<Random_Nerd> (I would like to stop, any final words?)
<DanteE> (Are we even close to the truth? :) )
<Ftisk> (no, wе can stop now)
<Theresa> (I am happy with this turnout and would be able to say more if my brain were not already inside my pillowcase.)
<Random_Nerd> _______STOP_________________
<Random_Nerd> You are at least close to the truth.
<Ftisk> eh... I fell right to leave this mateer to you
<Ftisk> matter even
<Ftisk> is your brother celestis (more o less)
<DanteE> Gotta admit, there were times I was thinking "GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!" but that's my impatience to deal with. :)
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
<Angelo> Also was a great session and the lady was a low blow to me :-D
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
<BethE> RN does a lot of those.  :)
<Angelo> eh, lot of fun! + Lol-able BethE comments
<Random_Nerd> I've wanted to do one of the "wheels within wheels" angels for quite a while.
<Knockwood> in that case maybe he should talk to your old boss. :)
<Random_Nerd> This seemed the time.
<BethE> RN has never met my boss. This is perhaps good as it's hard to GM over irc from prison.
<Knockwood> Probably makes tennis more interesting
<Angelo> or first we must go to the council?
<Knockwood> We need to figure out what we're going to say first./
<BethE> Don't know. Probably Council.
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, that seems best.
<Angelo> Kudzu ... I think is a delicate matter ... with James around is a MORE delicate matter
<Knockwood> Which is why I suggested not having James around Amyra.
<Angelo> wise decision
<Angelo> maybe We can do a James Kudzu meeting on the moon... you know, neutral ground
<Random_Nerd> What did you guys think of Ofaniel, other than the Ftisk-bait aspect?
<Knockwood> or, we can make sure they never meet again

  • Angelo Like! O___O /bias less: Lady Ofaniel is interesting strike me the lobster army that she have and that we see no human in the chanell

<Knockwood> Where did the lobster army come from, anyway?
<BethE> True, no humans, but she causes madness so that might not work anyhow.
<Random_Nerd> The moon.
<Random_Nerd> Where else would a lobster army come from?

  • Angelo facepalm

<Knockwood> I mean, what's the lobsters<->moon connection? :)
<Random_Nerd> I don't know. A lot of old tarot decks have a small lobster on the Moon card. Not sure of the basis of the symbolism, but it seemed to be worth stealing.
<Angelo> lobster come outside theyr nest in the darkness and the traditional fishing way (without trap) was to lure them with as shielded lantern with a moon mask so that the loobster believe there was the moon in the night and ther were easly fihable
<BethE> Nifty!
<Random_Nerd> Huh. Nifty.
<Angelo> I camo from a little vilalge 10km from the sicilian sea...
<Angelo> came
<Knockwood> That is nifty

  • Angelo bows

<Random_Nerd> Heh. Now I'm wondering what all random bits of lore I ripped off for this episode.
<Knockwood> you realize random bits of lore is a good definition of a culture
<Random_Nerd> Lost things being on the moon are from Orlando Furioso, the angel's name comes from Davidson's Dictionary of Angels, the wheels-within-wheels bit is from Ezekiel, the lobsters are from the tarot card...
<Random_Nerd> And there's probably a lot more.
<Random_Nerd> Being an intellectual packrat is helpful for Nobilis.
<Angelo> well I like how you weave them.:-) Otherwise now I'll be sleeping
<BethE> Good night, guys!
<Random_Nerd> Good game, guys.
<Knockwood> oyasumi-nasai
<Random_Nerd> I had fun.
<Random_Nerd> See you all next week.
<Angelo> goob night guys!
<Angelo> ciao!
|<-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316])
|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 14