Session 132

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Chapter 14

[INFO] Now logging to <file:///home/angelo/.mozilla/firefox/vkuuxfit.default/chatzilla/logs/>.
[INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis opened.
=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix
-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
=-= Angelo has changed the topic to ``Yumm! - Hand made almond's floor biscuits done with my grandmather recipe!
-->| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
<Random_Nerd> Hey.
<Angelo> HI!
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o Random_Nerd by Angelo
<Random_Nerd> How's it going?
<Angelo> How are you doing?
<Random_Nerd> Well. Got in at my law school of choice, and while the scholarship there isn't as big as one at another school, it seems the better choice.
<Angelo> I'm ok... I'm all week at home recovering from last week surgery. :-)
-->| Knockwood (~chatzilla@71.94.75.IP) has joined #Nobilis
<Knockwood> Hi guys
<Random_Nerd> Surgery?
<Angelo> So you choose the law school. Good!
<Angelo> Hi knock
<Knockwood> huh?
<Angelo> yes last wesday 2 hours afther last game I undergo some minor surgery.
<Angelo> :-)
<Random_Nerd> What kind?
<Angelo> Ah, Lazarus havea dinner reharsall
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o Knockwood by Angelo
-->| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
<Knockwood> eep
<Knockwood> hiya Beth
<Angelo> Hi Beth!
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o BethE by Angelo
<BethE> Hi guys. What's this about you having surgery, Angelo? Are you going to be okay?
<Angelo> Yes, I'm ok. I take all week off work to recover. Lot of time with the kids :-)
<BethE> Cool.  :)
<Angelo> eh, 8-)
<Angelo> RN say that him choose the law school. So now you (Beth) can search for a work near the school, right?
<Angelo> btw how is the job hunting is going?
<BethE> The job hunting wasn't going well because I didn't know where exactly to look, as there were three places we could be ending up. But since RN got into the law school here in town, I can focus better.  :)
<Random_Nerd> Amusingly, the school happens to be a local one. We were lucky to live in a city with a really good law school.
<BethE> And my old boss decided to give me an answer that didn't require suing him.
<Random_Nerd> Getting in was the tricky part.
<Random_Nerd> 190 slots in the class, over 3000 applicants.
<Angelo> wow you must be good!
<Angelo> or a least you promise to be good :-P
<Random_Nerd> Did well on the LSAT, at least.
<BethE> He got a 99% on the big test to get into law school.  :)
<Random_Nerd> (99th percentile. Not sure what percent I got right.)
<Angelo> Bravo!
<BethE> (Whatever. You did awesome, though. <g>)
<Random_Nerd> Well, it was a test in logic and reading comprehension, and I was a philosophy major.
<Angelo> eh, I'm with Beth. What matter is that you are in.
<Random_Nerd> That and running Nobilis are some of the few perks of that.
<Angelo> oh, we are your personal trainer then... :-P
<Angelo> ah, side note, in the last session IF there was Gomely with Ftisk and the moon's Angel...
<Knockwood> (hang on, phone survey..)
<BethE> They didn't have questions about what to do when your legal team adopts a demon.
<Angelo> then there will be a gentlemen competition between Ftisk and Gnome for the Angel love.
<Random_Nerd> I hope.
<Random_Nerd> Heh. I could see that working.
<Angelo> ALso Ftisk is gender less and Gnomely is male
<Angelo> or better Ftisk as some snails is an hermaphrodite. CAn be male or female if the need arise
<Knockwood> ooooo-kay... :)
<BethE> Makes leading in dancing a little weird, though.
<BethE> How was your survey?
<Random_Nerd> For that matter, the angel isn't really female in the biological sense. She just uses female titles and so on when interacting with folks with biological sexes.
<BethE> (Are there female Dionyls?)
<BethE> (Do they prefer dresses or are choices of clothes gender neutral?)
<Angelo> WEll we perceive Sam as male and he have a SO at home...
<Knockwood> OK. Just a basic thing on how the Pizza Hut I got dinner from was last night.
<Random_Nerd> There are dionyl who prefer female clothing. They're probably a little more likely to act in "female" ways.
<Random_Nerd> But looking at dionyl as male and female would be, at the least, misleading.
<Random_Nerd> For that matter, Sam isn't really male. He doesn't even dress in a male fashion. He just picked a male name for what to go by on Earth, so people treat him as if he's a guy.
<Angelo> interesting.
<Random_Nerd> Hmm. I wonder how differently Sam's interaction would be in the game if he'd gone with Samantha instead of Samuel.
<BethE> He'd be drooled on for being a geek girl?
<Random_Nerd> Heh.
<Angelo> A *lot* of assumption will have changed and the way to interact with her will have benn different.
<Angelo> well, you can allways make the change in game
<Angelo> One day SAm spoke: Hi guys, I understand better your weird customs... so I'm not Samuel but Samantha.
<Random_Nerd> Eh. It won't really make a huge difference. Sam still likes his current name, and he's unlikely to change how he dresses any time soon.
<Angelo> Done. New rat in the lab to test!
<Angelo> Eh, well was a speculation
<Random_Nerd> Still, I thought it might give you guys a slightly different perspective on "him" to note how arbitrary some of it is.
<Knockwood> That's right, you mentioned how there are to genders in Dionyl.
<Random_Nerd> Well, I would say that they have genders, in the social construct sense.
<BethE> And how it takes a blending of the two parents to make the third, not necessarily mother and father but just two contributors.
<Angelo> eheh, well you intruduced homosexual in the game!
<Random_Nerd> For that matter, the blending doesn't have to involve what humans would consider sex. Could just happen to two roomates whose personalities meshed in the right way.
<Random_Nerd> Hmm. Wonder how that would be treated by Dionyl society and literature?
<Random_Nerd> Anyway, you guys ready?
<Angelo> I'm ready!
<Knockwood> what's the word on Brian?
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
<Angelo> He have a dinner reharsall now
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
<Angelo> If he can he will connect
<Theresa> Havent' heard form him, but his girlfriend stated on the forum that their connection has been really spotty.
<Random_Nerd> Makes sense.
<Angelo> otherwise... next week, next game...
<DanteE> Dinner rehearsal? Did he forget how to eat? :)
<Random_Nerd> Okay, good. It'll be nice to have him back.
<Angelo> I believe is connectet to his sing in the chorus job
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
<Ftisk> (as lead singer)
<Random_Nerd> Okay, when we last left Our Heroes, they'd gotten James to agree to talk to Entropy, as long as you testify on his behalf.
<Ftisk> right!
=-= Ftisk has changed the topic to ``Spoking with old James?
<DanteE> and we'd tentatively decided he wasn't an Excrucian.
<Ftisk> and agree with moon Angel to be nice with him and with James
<Theresa> And handed over the sunflower but not the doggie.
<Ftisk> (only because the dog have a personalitiy... I believe... bah... feelings!)
<Random_Nerd> Okay, let's go.
<Random_Nerd> ______________STOP_______________
<DanteE> (Hammer time?)
<Theresa> (Uhh...)
<Ftisk> (????)
<Random_Nerd> (Err....)
<Random_Nerd> _________START_________YOU JERKS_______
<Ftisk> (lol!)
<Theresa> (Love you too, dear.)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel spins its gears, and emits a few random puffs of fire.
<Random_Nerd> (Just considering describing her in genderless terms at times, seeing how it affects stuff.)

  • Ftisk look enraptured at her

<DanteE> (Should have that looked at...)
<Ftisk> (give Ftisk enough rope and he will... :-P)
<DanteE> (Now what's James doing?)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "I don't think Entropy will have you destroyed unless you go out of your way to antagonize him, James."
<Random_Nerd> (James is standing with the "Oh, boy, I get to meet Entropy!" expression.)
<DanteE> "Good to know..."
<Random_Nerd> (If he wasn't a stone gargoyle, you would perhaps suspect that his face instead suggested intestinal distress.)
<Theresa> * to the Lady O* "Is it unusual for Entropy to flirt at someone?"
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "You haven't actually broken his laws, as near as I can tell. And even if you are an Excrucian... funny thing, did you notice that his laws don't mention the Enemy at any point?"
<Random_Nerd> O, to Theresa: " you have pictures?"
<DanteE> "Not her, me. Entropy was in harpy-form.
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Male or female?"
<DanteE> "Female."
<Theresa> "Entropy was in female form, flirted at Dante, seared into my brain..."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "How very odd."
<DanteE> "Ruined red dresses forever for me, I might add."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Wish I'd seen it."
<Theresa> *to Sam* "What, William didn't tell all over a lot of alcohol?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Yeah, but if I'd seen it I could have probably gotten an entry in a reasonably popular fashion column. Some people on Dionyl are interested in Entropy's choice of clothing."

  • Theresa ghostmiracles what it looked like for the group.

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I know that here he's The Man, the evil tyrant. Over there, he's seen as more of an eccentric celebrity."

  • Ftisk look at the gost E.

<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Entropy only takes female form when he's feeling... odd. How did Ananda react?"
<DanteE> "In any case... James, are you prepared to tell the Council about your experiences, next time they meet?
<Theresa> (Okay, I take back the ghostmiracle. I don't have realm and we're not in Amyra. And it was a silk dress, so Plants doesn't work.)
<Random_Nerd> James: "I don't really know what my experiences were. But I'll do my best."
<Theresa> "Uhh...didn't look at Ananda, actually. But he seemed to be...amused, I guess? He may have jsut been amused at us."
<DanteE> (ANOTHER phone poll...)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Not looking at Ananda is generally a good idea."
<DanteE> "I looked at him a little..."
<Theresa> "Have you been able to look at him?"
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "I can. It isn't directly dangerous to most Imperators, especially Angels. But it... it puts you in a bad mood afterwards, when you're looking at other things."
<Theresa> "Because they aren't him?"
<Ftisk> "There is too muxh 'constrast' afther?"
<Ftisk> much aven
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "And even for us, making something that beautiful is very difficult."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "I imagine our... former siblings... have similar reactions to Entropy."
<Ftisk> (is your Ananda Version that is exceptionaly beautifull or Ananad look is canon?)
<Random_Nerd> (Canon, actually. I'll find it, one moment.)
<Theresa> "We've met the other Age Imperators that we could. Kinda."
<Ftisk> "Yes" point to Theres fingers
<Random_Nerd> (Page 26, among others.)
<Ftisk> Theresa even
<Ftisk> (bows to RN)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Even Ataris Ebrot Appeka?"
<Theresa> (Do I need to do the song and dance when someone mentions my fingers in the room or just when it's directed at me?)
<Theresa> "We met a part of her. It..was not amused."
<Random_Nerd> (Just when someone asks, I believe.)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Jan Ben Jan isn't as hard to meet in comparison. He loves the whole Mimer's Well routine."
<Random_Nerd> (err, Mimir's.)
<Theresa> "Yes, I traded a few fingers for information from him. We're researching the end of the Age."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Strange being. But then, all the Imperators of the Ages are strange. Ananda seems normal enough now, but if the pattern holds, he'll make Ebrot Appeka seem commonplace."
<Theresa> "That...will be something to see. Or not see, I guess if he keeps being hard to look at."
<Theresa> (Do Wildlords like looking at him, since there's SAN loss?)
<Random_Nerd> (It isn't that kind of hard to look at.)
<Ftisk> (Wa can ask Kudzu)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "I wonder if the Ananda we have now is the one who'll become the next Age. This has happened so few times that we don't know if the last one was just an oddity that won't be repeated."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "So, shall I leave you to think about what to say to Entropy and the other three?"
<Theresa> ((Oh crud, I just thought of something.)
<Random_Nerd> (Oh?)
<Theresa> "There's no back ways out of the Council meeting place, is there?"
<Theresa> (Rule 0, I know but...what if Ananda joins with an Excrucian? Or someone like James or the Dionyl guy we're helping?)
<Random_Nerd> (For all you know, the Imperator of the current Age already is an Excrucian.)
<Theresa> (Well, true. Mimic?)
<Ftisk> (then will have some _interesting_ things to do!)
<Random_Nerd> (Mimic, Deceiver, Strategist. Could be a crazy Warmain, even.)
<Ftisk> (Or an HS something)
<Theresa> (*sigh*)
<Ftisk> (Like Jeeves on steroids!)
<Random_Nerd> James: "I've been wondering. Do any of you have suggestions for other Excrucian tricks for me to try? I can't do the Strategist one, and I don't want to try most of the ones that require a living target..."
<Theresa> "So, what are we going to tell the Council? Hi, here's our Brother James, see? We're going home now."
<DanteE> (Survey done... talking about a legalizing-pot initiative.)
<Theresa> (You're being Nettled...via phone.  :) )
<DanteE> "What have you tried so far, just the Winds of Hate?"
<Theresa> "Could try World Breaker's Hand on a teacup or something. Doesn't have to be living."
<Random_Nerd> James: "Tried that, tried the Hand."
<DanteE> "Hm... could try the Lie."
<Random_Nerd> James: "And I don't even know how Deceivers do their skin thing. Although, really, have you noticed that Theresa basically has the low-end version of the Lie?"
<DanteE> "Yeah, but the one we experienced seems to work directly...
<Ftisk> "Wath? Theresa have?"
<Theresa> *Innocent Look*
<DanteE> "Here... tell Sam you're not here."
<Random_Nerd> James: "Yeah. Didn't even have to work on it, she just suddenly had it as soon as the Chancel popped up."
<Theresa> "I believe that Sam's contract prevents me from messing with his mind. So there."
<DanteE> (When we went to Aniseed, chapter 2.)
<Random_Nerd> J: "Well, if I do have the Lie, it would work on any of you."
<Ftisk> (Later I'll lokk, thanks)
<DanteE> "In theory..."
<Random_Nerd> J: "Dante, you should give me your wallet."
<Ftisk> "try on me!"
<Theresa> "From what I understand, my...talent destroys the bit of the target's brain that...would say no to whatever I tell them to do or believe."
<DanteE> (OK, do I feel like giving him my wallet?)
<Random_Nerd> (No more than you usually would.)
<Theresa> "Do you really need a condom that old?"
<DanteE> "Not working, James. And ha ha, Theresa."
<Random_Nerd> Sam, to Theresa: "That trick's just creepy."
<DanteE> (We've gone through the powewrs we've been hit by, right?)
<DanteE> (Tpyo! Howareya?)

  • Theresa nods at Sam. "Yeeeah...I try not to use it..often. The conflict tween that, the Code of the Wild and the fact that I used to be a teacher and have a strong urge to tell everyone to sit down, be quiet and work on their fingerpainting takes concentration."

<Random_Nerd> (At least the old standbies. Other than Negative Gift, and I don't see any of you wanting that one tried on you.)
<DanteE> (How long does that last?)
<DanteE> "How did you find out you could do Winds of Hate, anyway?)
<DanteE> )="
<Random_Nerd> James: "I spat. It happened. It was good that nobody was around. That thing is /dangerous/."

  • Theresa shifts a little. "Yeah, it hurts a lot to be the target of it."
  • DanteE tries to remember when he saw James spit...

<DanteE> "Wait... why did you spit? You're _stone_."
<Random_Nerd> (He doesn't normally spit. He doesn't normally have /saliva/.)
<Random_Nerd> (Yes.)
<Random_Nerd> James: "Yeah, that part was a bit of a surprise."
<DanteE> "... any chance you have impulses to kill people, or destroy things?"
<Random_Nerd> James: "I don't think it was really spit. It was just..."
<Ftisk> "OE spat around?"
<Random_Nerd> James: "No more than I usually do, Dante."
<Ftisk> OE= Or

  • DanteE mulls that over...

<Theresa> (I hope we're not about to get into a debate on whether there is spit on the Other Side of the Wall...)
<Random_Nerd> James: "I mean, I'm in a bad mood. I'm angry at Kudzu, and I'm nervous about Entropy, and all that. I don't feel an urge to make watercolor paintings of bunnies or anything."
<Random_Nerd> James: "But I don't want to blow up the world either."
<Theresa> "Given the bunny we know, it'd fit with the bad mood."
<Random_Nerd> James: "Whatever happend with that, anyway?"
<DanteE> "Kudzu made a new moon after Monty accidentally destroyed part of town, and put the rabbit there."
<DanteE> "... how do you feel about that?"
<Theresa> "Montykept growing. We tried to look inside him and found a storm of iron and blood that blew open a wall and tore the skin off of one of my arms. What Dante said."
<Theresa> (I think James was around for the city he kept it as a Harvest, i think...but that was a few James back...)
<Random_Nerd> (James was there for the destruction part.)
<Random_Nerd> (I think that was our second James. May have been the third.)
<DanteE> (2nd James was the same character, tho.)
<DanteE> "Wait, you were there."
<Random_Nerd> (True.)
<Random_Nerd> (But there were gaps of Horse-Guarding in between Jameses.)
<Ftisk> (You are worst that heroes to follow! lol!)
<Theresa> (So, we can blame Horse-Guarding and the Wall...wait...the Wall is made of Guarding the Horses!)
<Random_Nerd> James: "He's still on the moon? I thought he'd eat it, or grow bigger than it, or it would grow along with him until it crashed to the ground or something."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "There aren't any new giant rabbits here, James."
<Theresa> "Hasn't happened at least yet. We took him to visit Jupiter and got asked to leave him outside of the Chancel proper."
<DanteE> "No, he's still a big brown dot that schoolkids can spot on most nights."
<DanteE> "Different moon."
<Random_Nerd> James: "No, not this moon, it was..." *handwaves* "complicated."
<Ftisk> "Kudzu created a new moon for the rabit. In the chancell there are now two moons"
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Ah. Well, if you ever misplace him, I'll send him back."
<DanteE> "I will admit the Winds thing... concerns me.
<DanteE> "Then again, it fits in with my theory."
<Theresa> "Thank you! We're not sure how bright he is at the moment, so any help when he gets lost is appreciated."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "To be fair, that isn't one of the special ones. Anyone could learn to do it."
<Theresa> (He's got a could be bunnies?)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Or at least, anyone with miraculous powers and an urge to prepare for violence."
<DanteE> (I said it last time... that this James is actually the original James' other-side counterpart)
<DanteE> to O: "Is there a list of those we can go through?"
<Ftisk> (Bro, I agree with you on the alt-JKames theory)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Let me think. There's the Abhorrent trick, the odd stuff Deceivers can do, with lies and bodies and so on..."
<DanteE> (World-Breaking Hand, Lie, and Mimic-creator, right?)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Oh, and the Deceiver mimicry thing. There are a lot of them, really. But even those, not just Excrucians can do."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "And there are weird tricks that things other than Excrucians can do, like with the Liars and those strange bears and so on."
<DanteE> (James looks like he always did to the Sight, right?)
<Theresa> "Strange bears?"
<DanteE> (HOw's he look to Mythic View?)
<Ftisk> (pelegrine bears from u.f.?)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "You know. The original bears. Not the ones from Creation."
<Random_Nerd> (Correct.)
<Theresa> (Ahhh...)
<Random_Nerd> (To the Sight, he looks pretty much the same. Little different body shape and coloring, but nothing big.)
<Random_Nerd> (Mythically, he looks just like he does prosaically.)
<Ftisk> (Dear, do you think that the sight fatten me?)
<DanteE> (Huh?)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "And there are things that we can do that they can't, of course. A Noble's command of his Domain is more flexible than anything I've seen something from outside Creation do, for instance."
<Theresa> "Sam, do we need to send word ahead to the Council that we're stopping by or does the fact that we were told to report supercede an invite?"
<Ftisk> (Was just a joke... trown on... nothing important)
<DanteE> "Don't we need to wait for theit next meeting?"
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "I'd suggest it, at least. Gives you time to prepare."
<Theresa> "Would you like to come back to the Chancel to wait, James?"
<DanteE> (NO... remember he's hiding from Kudzu)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel's outermost gears seem to retract somewhat, and she turns them rapidly and spins in place. Then, they all go out to their previous positions, and a floating red sphere appears a bit in front of her.
<Random_Nerd> It's about the size of a softball, and polished to a shine.

  • Ftisk look interested

<Random_Nerd> Sphere, in angelic: "The Council of Four will next meet in eight days, barring unusual events."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Well, there you go."
<Theresa> "Cool. That's very handy."
<DanteE> "Everyone all right with James staying here?"
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "You can take it home with you, but it'll only last a day or two on the Earth."
<Ftisk> "Do we want to send a note that James will attend next meeting?"
-->| lazarus ( has joined #Nobilis
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "He is currently my guest, and may remain so if he wishes."
<Theresa> (Hi Laz!)
<DanteE> (Hiya Laz)
<Ftisk> (HI Laz! How was the dinner?)
<Theresa> "Oh, that's very kind of you, but Sam and William are good for finding out such information for us."
<lazarus> (hey all. Sara might kick me off the computer in a bit, though, but for now, she's got a cat :p Just got home from my cousin's wedding rehearsal dinner. Moroccan food. Delicious. Buffet lamb = win ^_^)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "I prefer my own servants."
=-= lazarus is now known as Brian
<Random_Nerd> (Cool. Cats and moroccan lamb.)
<Theresa> "Oh, speaking of servants, would you happen to have a place that Walter here might fit in?"
<Ftisk> ( !___! uhmmm... me crave lamb1!!)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I'm not offended. I just wish someone had asked what that sphere was. I had a line planned and everything."
<Random_Nerd> Walter, who's been sitting back while his social superiors talk, sits up at that.

  • Theresa whispers to Sam, "What was the line?"

<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Well, we certainly do have sheep here."
<Ftisk> "I was asking what the sphere was.. but the sphere spoke ..."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "The one about being a golfer. From the movie with Jeff Bridges and that Kenny Rogers song."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Why are there sheep on the moon?"
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Sheep get lost. And then, sheep breed."
<Brian> (What's going on atm?)
<DanteE> "So, a sheepdog would be just what you need?"
<DanteE> (Well, we've been talking with James to see if he's an excrucian, and whether he's willing to talk to the Council_
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Well, there are job openings. Are you interested, Walter?"
<Theresa> (We're on the moon and Ftisk is flirting...)
<Theresa> *to Sam* " abide well, Sam."
<Ftisk> (true!)
<Random_Nerd> Walter: "I've never herded sheep on the moon before. If I change my mind in a year or two, can you get me back home?"
<Ftisk> (o a least he want to flirt but the Angel is not interested... :-( )
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Certainly. I'll send you over to Lost Things, if you don't mind."
<Random_Nerd> Walter nods, and then vanishes.

  • Ftisk waive "Bye Walter...."

<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "He seemed competant enough. I'm sure we'll find a place for him."
<Theresa> *msile* "I'm glad. I'm sure he will do an honorable service for you."
<DanteE> (is that a Magic Msile? :) )
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Now, let me see. If you want to stay here for a while to plan, shall I have rooms and offices prepared for you?"
<Ftisk> (I'll stay just to stare your burning fire, your wehls and gear... etc etc)

  • Theresa looks at the others. "Do we want to stay here and work on things or head back home and gather stuff." *to James* "Is there anything you miss from home?"

<Theresa> (Aww, such a romantic...)
<Ftisk> "I'm for remain!!!!"
<DanteE> "Well, we do have a Chancel to watch over for 8 days.
<Ftisk> (@T: :-P )
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Would you like to send some of your Anchors up here, then, so you can be in both places at once?"
<Ftisk> "We can send Glomely. What do you think?"
<DanteE> "No Anchors yet..."
<Random_Nerd> (Do you really want to introduce Gnomely to Ofaniel?)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "How do you get by without them? There are just too many places to be and things to do."
<Ftisk> (As player sure!... as Ftisk.. well.. no...)

  • Theresa slightly shamefacedly shrugs. "Haven't found someone that I wish to bind to myself in that way yet."

<DanteE> "Well, I just don't spend time on other things, like sleeping."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Even so. I don't sleep either, and just getting my real body to all the places it needs to be can be a major headache. I have an hour until I need to take my place at the Wall, though, so we can talk in person until then."
<Theresa> "Thank you for spending time on us."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel then spins her gears rapidly again. "And Kudzu needs to get back to work. I know that he's having his deep and important personal discovery and all that, but there's a War on."
<Ftisk> (is Brian here?)
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o Brian by Ftisk
<Random_Nerd> (No. Let's see, if one of the Amyrans wants to talk to him, Brian's got Realm's Heart status, though.)
<Ftisk> "Well.. if no one have anchors... Gnomely can stay here..."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "I don't have enough time to cover for him, and he doesn't have all that many friends who're even willing to."
<DanteE> "Well, Kudzu has been dealing with his own things as a result of the Wall breach....
<Brian> (... Wall breach? ... [dr who]wot?[/dr who])
<DanteE> "In his case it brought over memories from the other side... but not enough to hold on to them."
<Theresa> "We'll talk to him. We can do that while we wait for the Council Meeting."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Yes. And if he does not get back to work, I will personally have him beset by locusts."
<Theresa> (No idle threat in this game.)
<Random_Nerd> (Well, the Locusts probably couldn't kill an Imperator. They mostly just eat Nobles.)
<Ftisk> (Nobles are *busy*!)
<DanteE> (and take their calls.)
<Theresa> (But they would itch and so forth.)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "It's just that this is hard. And dangerous, if there's a big Breakthrough. Even before he took a vacation, we've been getting full Excrucians pushing, and some even got through."
<DanteE> "... How many, aside from the one that hit Chancel Jaris?"
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "We don't know! At least two."
<Theresa> "Wow. Does that count the one that we talked to on Dionyl that we're not sure what he is?"
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Who?"
<DanteE> "The guy on Dionyl may be Sakharoth, may be Suebi."
<Ftisk> "He call itself Suebi/sakahroth"ù
<DanteE> "Well, now he calls himself Gaius..."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Oh, that. I heard about that. This was after that. If he's an Excrucian, he came through earlier than what I'm talking about."

  • Theresa rubs her forehead. "Have there been other times when they have pushed like this? It doesn't sound...normal. Could the Age be doing something to them?"

<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Something has them riled. We're pretty sure that the reason that they don't usually push like this is that it's dangerous for them. That time, when two got through? We killed at least one, and didn't the one that hit Locus Jaris die too?"
<DanteE> "Don't know... when we left, it was fighting Jaris and Orion."
<DanteE> to the others: "We should check."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "I wouldn't bet on its odds, then."
<Theresa> "We shipped the Locus survivors over to our place until they can start rebuilding."
<DanteE> "Maybe not, but Jaris was hurt."
<Ftisk> (The fishs are in the channel now, right?)
<DanteE> (Yep)
<Random_Nerd> (Yes.)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "I can see that. And that sort of desparate attack can work. But it's just so much more dangerous for them than sending expendible shards and infiltrators."
<Ftisk> "An you say, her mayest, the seem desperate"
<DanteE> "We do ... have a communication channel. A limited one."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "With Jaris?"
<DanteE> "With the other side...
<DanteE> "Won't be able to say anything for a week, but we found an Estate that now exists on both sides."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "That sounds dangerous."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Old Dionyl estate. Came back, but it seems to be Out There, too."
<DanteE> "So far we've only sent text."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "Be very careful with that. I'm not going to tell you not to, since I don't know enough about it. But be careful."
<DanteE> to Sam: "Any word from Jaris, by the way?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Alive, healing, and probably not going to suffer any major lasting damage."
<DanteE> "How about her Chancel?"
<Theresa> "That's good."
<Theresa> (Same thing?  :) )
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Being repaired. Checking it for hidden traps and dangers. Blightstones, warrior races, that kind of thing."
<Theresa> "Warrior races? Those can be implanted?"
<Ftisk> (warrior races = banes?)
<Random_Nerd> (Well, Banes are a naturally occuring byproduct of some enchancelings. This would be similiar, but deliberately used as a weapon of war.)
<Ftisk> (ok, is an interesting idea.!)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "It's not unheard of for a Warmain to seed enemy territory with warriors who'll reveal themselves and attack at a pre-arranged moment. They can't kill Imperators, of course, and hardly ever Nobles, but they can cause an immense amount of havoc, and work well as either distractions or ways to maximize the carnage of a direct attack."
<Theresa> "Ow."
<DanteE> "We only saw a little bit of the battle, but it seemed that the Excrucian mainly was attacking Jaris...
<Ftisk> "Uhm... interesting"
<DanteE> "And he was big enough that he was probably immediately spotted when he entered."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Oh, certainly. And for many chancels, they'd be resettling already, or would never have moved people out."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "But that's a Serpent chancel, with shades of the Dark. And if there's one thing those two agree about, it's a hatred for murder or accidential deaths."
<DanteE> "Remind me of Jaris' Estates?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Uh, I know this one. Migration, Rivers, and Seasons."
<Theresa> "So they're going over the Chancel with a fine toothed sword to make sure there isn't anything that will kill the Chancelfolk when they come back."
<DanteE> "Just trying to figure out why the Excrucian went _there_."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I don't know. Thought it was vulnerable, perhaps. Or an old grudge."
<DanteE> (How close are C.Jaris and Dionyl?)
<Random_Nerd> (Close in what sense?)
<Ftisk> (Different branch on the world tree?)
<DanteE> (on the tree)
<Random_Nerd> (Locus Jaris is on Earth. Dionyl is very close to Earth, nearly the same branch.)
<Random_Nerd> (An Imperator or Excrucian could get from one to the other very quickly, if nobody was interfering.)
<DanteE> (Was thinking maybe the opening is near there, but guess not.)
<Ftisk> (Can be in the space betweek the branch)
<Random_Nerd> (Dionyl's a little farther from the Wall, actually. It's not as much of a front as Earth is.)
<Brian> (I think I'm actually going to head off now, hand Sara the computer. Good to watch the text flowing again, and hopefully next week the internet will be working...)
<DanteE> (welcome back in advance, Brian. :) )
<Ftisk> (Bye Bria, nice to have you with us!)
<Theresa> (Night, Laz. *HUG*)
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, sorry we couldn't fit you in immediately, but everyone's on the moon.)
<Random_Nerd> (And it'll be good to have you back again.)
<DanteE> (doncha HATE it when that happens? :) )
<Brian> (I understand the whole being on the moon thing. I mean, I would if I could :p)
<Theresa> (You missed Jeeves and the moon lobsters.)
<Ftisk> (T%her are the logs on the wiki)
|<-- Brian has left (Disintegrated: Leaving.)
<Theresa> (And thank you again for taking care of the logs, Angelo.  :) )
<Ftisk> (blush, well is a pleasure)
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and Knock, if it helps, there is a reason why the Warmain hit that Chancel in particular at the time that he did, and it is connected to the other stuff you're pondering.)
<DanteE> "James, I think we'll be going back and forth this week, to double-check what you are and what you can do."
<DanteE> (Oh, REALLY? Hmmmmmm.......)
<Random_Nerd> (I'll just say that it and the Sakaroth thing are connected, but not in the way you're thinking.)
<Ftisk> (Bad RN, you put a bug in the hear of poor DanteE!)
<Ftisk> ( :-P )
<DanteE> "And also... we missed you."
<Random_Nerd> James: "That works. I'd like to know that myself. I think I'm going to just think of myself as Noble Without Portfolio for the time being."
<Random_Nerd> James: "I feel like I never really got to know you guys before I... went away."
<Theresa> "True. But you're part of us, James. We want to help you any way that we can."

  • Ftisk do a pair of snif snif in empathy

<DanteE> (We seem to have wound down...)
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "I need to get back to the Wall. I wish you well, but I must make preparations and go."
<Ftisk> "Good watch, take care, CAn I help with your preparations?"
<DanteE> "Good luck out there."
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel moves higher off the ground. Her gears and wheels spin faster, and some ten-foot-long serrated blades flip out. Also, the fires in her body brighten and the entire room feels like a furnace.
<Random_Nerd> Ofaniel: "No."
<Random_Nerd> She vanishes with a sound like cloth tearing.
<Theresa> (Awww..shot down.)

  • Ftisk wisper "how beautifull and full of fire...."

<Ftisk> (sig sob... porr Ftisk... :-( )
<Random_Nerd> James: "You're telling me!"
<Theresa> (I'm trying to hear that in a Pepe LePew voice and it's not's so reverent.  :) )
<DanteE> "I wonder about you sometimes, Ftisk... :) "

  • Ftisk "..."

<Theresa> "Bah, Dante's just not a romantic."
<DanteE> "Then again, I never figured I'd be on the moon..."

  • Ftisk hover very low on the foor eye stalker lowered...

<Random_Nerd> You can hear the sounds of someone walking down the hall towards you, but around a curve.
<DanteE> (2 guys with guns?)
<Random_Nerd> Those of you with Aspect 1 can tell that some kind of claws or hooves are clicking on the stones, rather than boots. Those with Aspect 2 can also tell that this creature is bipdedal.

  • Theresa pats Ftisk on the shell. "Sometimes it takes time to get to know someone better. Plus, she's worried about the Wall and sounds like she hasn't had a lot of time off lately."

<Ftisk> (no they will jump in the mid of us if have guns)
<Theresa> (Does it sound like a lobster?)
<Random_Nerd> (No. They tend to not be bipedal, nor to have hooves or claws.)
<Random_Nerd> The walker turns the corner.
<Ftisk> "... Thank Theresa... And there is the social rank difference even...
<DanteE> (it's the famous Rabbit In Th Moon!)
<Ftisk> "
<Theresa> "She may appreciate chaste works of art and beauty dedicated to her and then lost in someplace forbidding."
<Random_Nerd> Okay, physical description time. First off, he's about six, six and a half feet tall. His skin is a dark greenish-brown, and shines as if it was oiled. From his facial features, he's obviously a demon, although probably not the same kind as Lesson. He's much stockier, for instance, and he's symmetrical in skeleton if not in his face.
<Random_Nerd> Finally, he's wearing a bright white robe, and has white and feathery wings extending from his shoulders.

  • Ftisk hovering a bit higer "Is a good idea... thank T.!"

<Random_Nerd> New Guy: "Hello. I'm the Viscount of the Chase."
<Theresa> "Ah, one of the Lady's Nobles. Pleased to meet you."
<DanteE> "Hello. We're a few of the Nobles of Kudzu."
<DanteE> "and friends."
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "Mom said she was leaving, and I'd wanted to talk with you before you went back home."
<Ftisk> "Hello, I'm 'and friends'"
<DanteE> (well, also Sam, and technically James...(
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "You, I don't know. Nor the dionyl."
<Theresa> (Mom. Hee.)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Samuel, of the Society of Aides. We haven't met."
<Random_Nerd> Chase nods.
<Ftisk> (right. scrap my line)
<DanteE> (Is your son a demon? We can help..."
<Ftisk> "Hello, I'm Ftisk"
<Theresa> (No, we can't help if he's a demon. What she does when she reproduces is on her own time...)
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "I wanted to know how things were working with Lesson. James told me about him, and from what I've heard you still have him working for you."
<DanteE> "Not too bad, actually...
<Theresa> "He's doing quite well. He's in charge of a Bureau that takes care of various problems around our capital city and they also are handling the various citizens that were transformed in the Chancelling."
<Theresa> (Lesson has a fanboy?)
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "How has he been adapting?"
<DanteE> "Granted, we 'adjusted' him just a little when he came in."
<Random_Nerd> (Not exactly.)
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "Oh?"
<Theresa> "He's found a great tailor."
<DanteE> "That, and becoming James' Anchor..."
<Theresa> "We ended up having to take out his heart for our Imperator but we gave him a new one. And we gave him some Hope and Courage."
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "Yes. Finding a new mode of dress is a useful way to distance yourself from your old life."
<Random_Nerd> He gestures at the robe.
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "But you did nothing to change his fundamental outlook, besides the anchoring?"
<DanteE> "His is more formal... looks almost like a zoot suit."
<DanteE> "Well, you could argue the anchoring did that by itrself...
<DanteE> "As well as Hope and Courage.
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "And I also heard that you obtained some damned souls. How has he interacted with them?"
<DanteE> "And the fact that his heart is now a plant. Literally."
<Theresa> "He hasn't interacted with them very much. He talked some about having a period to adjust to them as they were giving off reactions and signals that did not work with how he wished to behave at the moment."
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "I hope you don't mind me prying. There are just so very few demons who're involved in Noble society but do not serve Hell."
<DanteE> "He did ask us not to have him interact with them at all..."
<DanteE> "Lesson... is skinnier than you, and more, uh, malformed."
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and he's speaking Angelic, not the sort of pidgin language that Lesson generally uses when talking with you rather than with chancelfolk.)
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "I've made some corrections in this body. And not just the wings, which I will freely admit are an upraised finger to the Fallen Angels."
<Ftisk> (We can arrang4 a demon meeting if Lesson want)
<Theresa> (They would have to establish dominance, though.)
<DanteE> "Heh... that is a surprisingly effective motivation for many things. :) "
<Ftisk> (Why?)
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "Only Angels are allowed to have wings in Hell. Even their Nobles aren't supposed to, although a few highly placed ones do."
<DanteE> (It's a demonic thing, you wouldn't understand. :) )
<DanteE> "Makes sense, anyone with wings could just fly out..."
<Ftisk> (it's easy: 1)noble demon, 2 Lesson. Dominance established)
<Theresa> (True.)
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, Lesson wouldn't argue with this.)
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "But anyway. I know you've probably gotten a lot of crap from keeping him on as an Anchor. But I wanted you to know that there are some people who're glad you did."
<DanteE> "I have to ask... and I mean that literally, I'm rapidly establishing a rep as our anti-diplomat... how did a demon wind up a Power of an angel?"

  • Theresa nudges Dante. "Uh, does the term 'Mom' mean anything?"

<DanteE> to Theresa: "Not necessarily"
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "Well, the previous power of the Chase had died fighting a Warmain. He lost, but he stalled long enough for Mom to arrive. And he didn't have any Anchors, so she needed to find a new power of... well, Coursing, then."
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "And I was raised in Hell. Used in the same sort of way that Entropy uses his ogres and nimblejacks."
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "So for some reason, she picked me, and bought me from my owner."
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "Not the call I would have made, if I was her. But she's the Angel, I'm just the hired help."
<Theresa> "Life is definitely weird."
<Theresa> "Would you like to meet Lesson?"
<Ftisk> "Hired help... She enNobled you! You are a temporary pathch on an estate!"
<DanteE> to Theresa: "Would Lesson like to meet him?"
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "If you don't mind. Just... tell him he's not the only one, and some of how I learned to not be a psychotic sadist."
<Ftisk> i mean "you are NOT a...."
<DanteE> "WEll, the first thing we had him do was round up gangs..."
<Theresa> "How did you learn that?"
<DanteE> "We never did find out what happened to the guy he stuffed in a fridge."
<Random_Nerd> Chase: "Learn to be a functional Noble? Time, and a lot of help from Ofaniel."
<Random_Nerd> Sam is in the background, staring.
<DanteE> (Did we crash Sam's brain again?)
<Random_Nerd> C: "And when I became a Noble, the Code of Heaven just made sense to me. I'm not beautiful myself, but I like it."
<Random_Nerd> (No, The Chase did.)
<Ftisk> (lol)
<Theresa> (A demon with the Code of

  • Theresa waves a hand in front of Sam's 'eyes'... "Sam, are you in there?"

<Random_Nerd> C: "Toughest part, really, was coming to terms with the fact that I'll never get to go there myself. But I'm okay with that."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Yeah, but just... heaven, demon, wings, 'Mom'..."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I think Ofaniel is a bit... weird."
<Theresa> "Sam, you work for a Wild Chancel."
<DanteE> "And we're on the moon with a gargoyle and a snail."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "And I expect it there! But I think I have some idea why she and Kudzu are friends."
<Theresa> "From what we've been hearing, not all that many folks get to go there anyhow."
<Ftisk> (my cat just escaped from my bed because I laughted too much for her taste... lol)
<Theresa> "The Boss sucks at tennis and she likes to win?"
<DanteE> to Chase: "Pardon us a moment, we need to reboot our aide..."
<Random_Nerd> C: "Yeah. Most people never even get a shot. Most Powers of Heaven can get in, but... you know. Special circumstances."

  • Theresa LC a perfect Easter Lily for Chase. "Here. For you." *smile*

<DanteE> "By the way, how many other 'reformed' demons do you know of?"

  • Ftisk Stare at Dante "..."

<DanteE> (Maybe they can form a support group...)
<Ftisk> (the demon anoymous)
<Ftisk> (the _good_ demon anonymous)
<Random_Nerd> C: "With a bit of handwaving about what exactly you mean by reformed? And if you mean ones who're Nobles or Anchors? Three, maybe four. And that's counting me /and/ Lesson."
<Random_Nerd> C: "There are more who're in no position of power, of course. I have some here, working for me."
<Random_Nerd> C: "It's just that being in a position of power tends to bring out the worst in us. 'Power justifies itself' and all that crap."
<DanteE> "Of course..."
<Ftisk> "sure..."
<DanteE> "So, who are the 3rd and 4th?"
<Random_Nerd> C: "One Anchor, one Noble."
<Random_Nerd> C: "The Noble is the Dark power of Escaped Prisoners. The other is the anchor of the Serpentine power of the Wimd."
<Theresa> (Brain...not...found...)
<Random_Nerd> (err, wind.)
<Theresa> (Okay, I was worried that we were having a new estate I had never heard of before...)
<DanteE> (Could have beem WMD, tho)
<DanteE> (*been)
<Random_Nerd> C: "There are a few more that I don't know well enough to say if they've gotten over their upbringing."
<DanteE> (Are we sure about Tpyo's ancestry? :) )
<Random_Nerd> C: "You know, ones working for a Fallen Angel but with a non-Hellish affiliation, and so on."
<Theresa> (Oh come on, you know Typo's a Wild Imperator...)
<Random_Nerd> (He's an Excrucian.)
<Ftisk> (Tpyo is the first wild imp!)
<Ftisk> (is tpyo a male?!? I believed sge was a female)
<Ftisk> sge=she
<DanteE> (Tpyo is anything and everyhting!_
<Random_Nerd> C: "So, anything I can help you with, as far as Lesson goes? I'd have contacted you earlier, but I've been pretty busy, since I've got a reasonably useful Estate for military purposes, and my siblings don't."
<Theresa> "Don't know. But maybe knowing that there are other people out there that support him as well will make him feel good about himself."
<DanteE> "Can't think of anything offhand... we will definitely tell him about you, though.
<DanteE> (And there's always the slight chance that Lesson will be en-Nobled soon... :) )
<Random_Nerd> C: "Okay, good. Do you mind if I head off? Mom will want me for support in case there's another breakthrough."
<DanteE> "Go ahead."
<Ftisk> "Not at all. Good work"
<Theresa> "Good luck!"
<Random_Nerd> He extends his wings, which at their full stretch are probably at least twelve feet across. Then he gets a bit of a running start, and takes off, moving at at least 30 MPH once he gets going. He quickly flies around a corner and passes from sight, and the sound of his wings fades soon after.
<Random_Nerd> (So, this seems as good a place as any to stop, but did you guys have anything else to do?)
<Ftisk> (it's ok to stop for me)
<DanteE> "Wonder what Lesson would do with wings..."
<DanteE> (OK to stop)
<Ftisk> "hount crime more personally"
<Theresa> (I'm sorry but the brain you are talking to is not in service. Please check the keyboard for brain juice and try again...)
<Ftisk> "?"
<DanteE> "Maybe that's why Chase was chosen..."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Fly around in circles above the little demon until it has a stroke from rage."
<DanteE> (Oh, reminds me, we need to find that Imp...)
<Theresa> "Can imps have strokes?"
<Random_Nerd> James: "Really, I'm surprised that none of you have wings. Wings are great, you don't know what you're missing out on."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Damn it, Theresa, I'm an Aide, not an infernal doctor!"
<Theresa> "I keep losing body parts."
<DanteE> "Well, we might try the SUperman-style flight."
<Ftisk> "I can hover.... don't need wings at all"
<Theresa> "Thank you, Scarves."
<Random_Nerd> J: "Okay, that works. But what about the rest of you?"
<Random_Nerd> (Stop here, I think.)
<Random_Nerd> ____________STOP_____________
<DanteE> (Heh... we all have a space CP, right?)
<DanteE> *spare
<DanteE> Tpyo's taking over!
<Theresa> Losing body parts means I may be missing something important! :P
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
<Ftisk> (i surely not)
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
<Random_Nerd> I think we've reached the end of the storyline.
<Random_Nerd> What do you guys think?
<Angelo> Oh, in this abrupt way?
<Knockwood> what about the Council
<BethE> Well, we have found and talked to James.
<Random_Nerd> Well, I think "Show James to the Council" is the next storyline.
<Knockwood> Ah.
<Angelo> I think that my cat is a good indicator of how much I enjoy these sessions
<Random_Nerd> Oh?
<Knockwood> you laugh, the cat runs away?
<Angelo> Ah, I believed the council talk was inside this storyline
<Random_Nerd> But for this story arch, I thought the important factors were introducing Ftisk, beginning to contact the Outside, and getting back in touch with James.
<Random_Nerd> If anything, I should have stopped it before you went to the moon.
<Angelo> yes. She was skleeping on the bed an I keep laughtin till she awoke ans go away.
<Random_Nerd> Heh.
<Angelo> Oh, we have different perspective on the storyline segmentations
<Angelo> But as you say your point are all done.
<Knockwood> In that case, we should get MORE POINTS! :D
<Angelo> eh, We cal always ask for MORE POINTS! :-)
<Random_Nerd> But if you guys don't mind, I'll call this the end of a reasonably long storyline. Two CPs for everyone, and four for Ftisk. As I believe I said before, I'm giving him double CPs until he reaches the same CP level as the rest of the characters.
<Angelo> eh, will be a loooooong way. I need to xatk 3 years of game....

  • Knockwood edits that into the Wiki page...

<Random_Nerd> Anyone have any questions on Gifts, before I head offline?
<Angelo> I have one
<Random_Nerd> Yes?
<Angelo> Can I purchase a gift not for me but for my anchor?
<Knockwood> Superman-style flight is 1 CP, right?
<Random_Nerd> Hmmm... yes. You want him to be able to use it even when you're not occupying his brain?
<Angelo> Yes
<Angelo> as his power.
<Random_Nerd> Yes, 1 CP for flight. More if you want "cross the Ash in an hour" or the like, but 1 CP flight makes you as fast as a fair-sized airplane once you get up to speed, and pretty fast combat mobility.
<Random_Nerd> Okay, then the way to do that is to purchase a Gift for Ftisk, put it into a Focus, and then give it to Gnomely.
<Angelo> and if Gnomely lose the focu lose the gift right?
<Random_Nerd> Correct. But... okay, so normally a focus gives MPs, since it's a Limit.
<Random_Nerd> We'll say that it gives no MPs, and that while it could be stolen, it never actually will be.
<Random_Nerd> But for the purposes of in-game metaphysics, it's a regular focus.
<Random_Nerd> That work?
<Angelo> Ok will work. Mind if I thought on it a bit and contact you by mail?
<Random_Nerd> That works.
<Angelo> ok then! :-D
<Random_Nerd> If there's nothing else, I'mn logging out.
<Random_Nerd> Good session, guys.
<Angelo> Knock... aquestion... DanteE the last E what mean?
<Knockwood> Eberhardt.
<Angelo> yeah, was really Goood!
<Angelo> Oh, is the last name
<Knockwood> It's actually the last name of the first guy ever to yell 'Geronimo!' when jumping out of a plane.
<Angelo> real fact or finction for Dante?
<Knockwood> That's a real fact
<BethE> Good game tonight, guys.  :) See you next week!
<Knockwood> I'm not related tho
<Angelo> O___O nice touch.
<Knockwood> g';night Beth
<Angelo> night Rn&Beth
|<-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
<Angelo> Well, I log out too. Night
<Knockwood> g'night RN
<Random_Nerd> G'night, guys.
<Knockwood> and good .. day? ANgelo
|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
<Angelo> yeah, right.
|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316])
<Angelo> ciao!
<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 14