Session 136

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Chapter 15

[INFO] Now logging to <file:///home/angelo/.mozilla/firefox/vkuuxfit.default/chatzilla/logs/>.
[INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis opened.
-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
<Angelo> Hi Knock!
<Knockwood> Hiya Angelo
<Angelo> How do you do?
-->| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
<Knockwood> Hiya Beth
<Angelo> Hi Beth
-->| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
<BethE> Hi guys. *HUG* RN's on his way.
<Angelo> Hi RN
<BethE> And glad that you're okay, Angelo. Read about the big explosion.
<Knockwood> Hiya RN
<Angelo> oh, is really nice that you care but that was far away enough
<BethE> Ah, glad to hear it.  :) I know, Italy'
<BethE> s huge and everything but still, worry about our friends.
<Angelo> eh, I can understand :-)
<Angelo> yep
<Knockwood> Then again, I managed to get a copy of Spore Galactic Edition off ebay for $15.50
<Random_Nerd> Nifty.
<Angelo> oh, yesterday is exited HQ2
<Angelo> I'm pooling Italians players to do a single discounted order at the website... :-)
<BethE> Nifty, Angelo!
<BethE> My keyboard is slightly shifted over from normal.
<Angelo> someone rearranged your keys?
<Knockwood> suuuuuuure.
<BethE> No, my keyboard shelf on my desk collapsed earlier tonight and I rearranged everything when I put stuff back on the shelf.
<Angelo> Speaking of cookies... is true the film tale of the boy scout selling cookies door to door?
<BethE> Great, now my husband is pondering switching the keys on my keyboard... :P
<Angelo> (Go ninja RN!)
<Random_Nerd> You touch-type, you wouldn't even notice.
<BethE> Girl scouts sell cookies door to door. (Awesome cookies!) Boy Scouts sell popcorn and other stuff, I think.
<Knockwood> and wasn't that back in April?
<BethE> And speaking of cookies, I made a batch of banana toffee chocolate chip cookies last night.
<Random_Nerd> Yeah. And it isn't always door to door, they often set up a table or something and take orders.
<Knockwood> BTW, was looking at the logs, and ... we could really use a Who's Who page
<Angelo> oh, here there is not this wonderful tradition :-(
<Knockwood> (and I've been calling Jeris Jaris all this time
<Knockwood> )
<Angelo> was not Jaris? /confused/
<Random_Nerd> Isn't it?
<Angelo> @Beth, can / will you send me some banana cookies?
<BethE> (I'm trying to remember who Jaris is...)
<Random_Nerd> (Imperator. Serpent. You saw her, briefly.)
<Knockwood> give you another example: who are Gebi and Heruli?
<Angelo> The Imp where the warmain attacked
<BethE> Sorry Angelo, this batch is almost gone. But sometime, I will send you some homemade banana bread or pumpkin bread.  :)
<Random_Nerd> Excrucians.
<Knockwood> nope.
<Knockwood> Well, half right
<Random_Nerd> Who's Gebi?
<Angelo> nope
<Random_Nerd> He isn't on my chart of characters, I don't think.
<Knockwood> (And the fact that RN missed it shows you how much we need that page...)
<Knockwood> Gebi was Kudzu's friend who was defeated and tempered by Heruli, who sent Shards after us in Mexico.
<Knockwood> Session 112.
<Random_Nerd> Ah. I was close, then.
<Random_Nerd> And Heruli I remembered.
<BethE> Well, that's just something to work on then. A game this long...yeah, we need a Who's Who.  :)
<Angelo> suuure!
<Random_Nerd> I need to find my big relationship map for the game. It needs to be added to.
<Angelo> you have a rMap?
<Angelo> but a pencil one? or something done with mindmanager or the like?
<Random_Nerd> It's paper, and about three feet by three feet.
<Knockwood> I told you about FreeMind, right?
<Random_Nerd> I couldn't find a computer program that would work well for something with as much stuff, that I could still see in detail.
<Angelo> O___O !___!
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, and I use it for some stuff.
<Random_Nerd> But my monitor isn't big enough for it to be ideal for this.
<Angelo> my boss use freemind also
<Knockwood> That's amazing. Your boss has a) computer skill, b) organizational skill, and c) a mind?
<Knockwood> :D
<Angelo> he run the It centre for Dr. Schar for 15+ years.. so he have some IT skill ;-)
<BethE> He found it!
<BethE> (Thank goodness, it was going to bug him all night...)
<Knockwood> found what?
<Random_Nerd> And Gebi and Heruli are indeed on it, though not by name.
<BethE> His great big relationship chart for the Nobilis game.
<Knockwood> looks like it was drawn by a spider horde on acid, right? :)
<BethE> He's got it spread out all of the way over his desk and is now scribbling furiously... *muttering....'and Jeeves'*
<Angelo> So RN wasn't pulling all out from his ass then
<Angelo> :-P
<BethE> Nope, just out of the other room.  :)
<Knockwood> then where _is_ that smell from?
<Angelo> lol!
<Random_Nerd> Let's see, I can take a picture of it, one moment...
<Angelo> RN if you can, bounce the camera flash on a wall so the beam will be spread more even on the paper from the bounce into the wall
<BethE> He's uploading it.

  • Angelo shakes my hands

<Random_Nerd> You can't fully make it out, but...
<Random_Nerd> Close enough that you can see the writing, and that's about the upper right quarter or so.
<Angelo> nice spider abstract art :-P
<Knockwood> can't read squat...
<Angelo> me too!
<BethE> Well, to be honest, it isn't much better here at home...
<Angelo> but I wasn't expecting that rn will share with us the intimate hide relations in the map
<Random_Nerd> Nah, the map is just stuff you know.
<Random_Nerd> That's more important, really.
<Random_Nerd> Stuff you don't know yet, I can change if I need to.
<Random_Nerd> But established fact needs to remain.
<Angelo> and remain into a consistent state
<BethE> Yeah, I can look at the map and just see stuff, nothing hidden or unusual. (Kinda disappointing, actually, but it would not be fair for me to get extra info for sleeping with the GM...)
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, if you want, I can hand it to Beth and have her read off bits.
<Angelo> will be useful for the whos-who page
<BethE> Hey Ftisk is on here!

  • Angelo happy

<Angelo> :-)
<Angelo> and Gnomely?
<Random_Nerd> Not yet.
<Knockwood> well, Gnomely might get eaten by Entropy this session...
<Angelo> I would like to see that
<Angelo> Entropy is a candy heart
<BethE> After seeing what Entropy just hawked up, Gnomely would have company.
<Knockwood> OK, now, what have we told them so far?
<Angelo> and I don't believe Gnomely fear Entropy... this can lead to "interesting" situations
<Angelo> them is the council?
<Angelo> we told them the hole thing
<Angelo> the James is alt James
<Random_Nerd> Let's see.
<Random_Nerd> You've told them your theories about James, the Wall, the absence of certain key estates Outside.
<Random_Nerd> You specifically haven't mentioned your thoughts on what kind of precedent Active Writing establishes.
<Knockwood> did we tell them about the experiment with Gnomely
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
<Angelo> yes
<Theresa> We made sure that Sam and Will are at least more warned about Ananda.
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
-->| lazarus ( has joined #Nobilis
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, you told them about that.
<Random_Nerd> Hey, Laz.
<lazarus> (sorry I'm late ... got caught travelling)
<Ftisk> We came with the telemetry
=-= lazarus is now known as Brian
<Ftisk> Hi Laz!
<Random_Nerd> (Man, this chart isn't big enough. I wish there was a way to do this in three dimensions...
<DanteE> Hiya Laz
<Theresa> Hi laz!
<Theresa> *HUG*
<Theresa> (Dear, you do origami. You'll figure out something. Possibly using string theory.)
<Random_Nerd> (But if I expand it to three, somehow, then in a year or so I'll need to go to four...)
<DanteE> RN: maybe if you put it in FreeMind or something similar, you could collapse part of it to make the rest clearer
<Ftisk> @RN you can stack tracing paper layers
<Random_Nerd> (Oooh, that's a thought.)
<Theresa> (Hey Laz - look! Part of the game's relationship chart!  :) )
<Random_Nerd> (And I will be making a version on freemind, so I can share it with you guys.)
<Brian> (holy hell)
<Random_Nerd> (But for my own use, I need something I can look at all at once, but still be able to read.)
<Ftisk> a 34" monitor?
<Random_Nerd> That blob near the center, right to the right of a long arrow pointing up and left, is Brian.
<Brian> which blob?
<Brian> (mind if I head out with Sara, pick up a coke, then come back?)
<Ftisk> nopro!
<Random_Nerd> That one
<Random_Nerd> So, while I get the free-mind version filled out, shall we start?
<Random_Nerd> Or are there questions?
<DanteE> there are always questions. :)
<Ftisk> we return to the question that is hanging awaiting the response
<Theresa> I think I'm ready. Did we have a question thrown at us before we called pause or what?
<Ftisk> yeah
<Ftisk> the question was, more o less: what is the connection between HS and the recent excru facts?
<Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<Ftisk> (and they was /torturing/ asking to the snail being... that was too scared to remember the council that it is a noble)
<DanteE> well, what is the connection?
<Theresa> (Jerks.)
<Ftisk> (really!)
<Ftisk> well, I don't know
=-= Mode #nobilis +o Brian by Ftisk
<DanteE> let's see...
<Theresa> High Summoning can 'talk' to the Outside or bring stuff back over. With the return of Ancient Writing, we have proven that a) AW has been on both sides and can exist on both sides and b) negotiations can be arranged.
<Theresa> Also that the Wall is a cheese grater.
<Ftisk> but we need a HS conduct open to AW work
<DanteE> aha... the last 2 questions were about Gnomely and summoning
<DanteE> which may mean we didn't tell them about our experiment yet
<Ftisk> and Gnomely *would* want to go outside... he was made to go outside
<Random_Nerd> Unless you prefer otherwise, let's say you did tell them.
<Ftisk> ok
<Random_Nerd> Shall we go to in-character?
<Ftisk> yep yep
<DanteE> sure
<Theresa> Ready
<Random_Nerd> _______START__________

  • Ftisk thinks a bit on the question

<Random_Nerd> Ananda takes on a facial expression that you could find out the details of if you looked directly at Ananda's face.
<Ftisk> "well, a active HS was necessary to made AW work in oursw experiments"
<Ftisk> "so is reasonable to believe that HS give a bridge channel to the outside"
<Random_Nerd> Surolam: "Tell us why it was needed to use summonings to make that estate function."
<DanteE> "If I may... Active Writing works just fine without summoning.
<DanteE> "The Summoning is what was needed to make it work _as communication_ between us and the other side."
<Random_Nerd> Surolam: "Explain why."
<DanteE> "We created a pair of documents which used Active Writing to repeat what was written on one to the other and vice versa.
<DanteE> "We had Gnomely here carry one through the wall to Shadows' fetch."
<DanteE> (Shadows is with us, right?)
<Random_Nerd> Ananda: "By 'fetch,' you mean his other self, comperable to what you believe James the former Power of Urbanization to be?"
<Random_Nerd> (Nope.)
<DanteE> "Right."
<Theresa> (No, I don't think we can bring him. He's _busy_.)
<Random_Nerd> (You didn't ask him to be, and he wasn't summoned by the council.)
<Random_Nerd> (Besides, he'd probably say no. Most Nobles don't like visiting Entropy.)
<Theresa> (Unless they're told they have to. Which makes Martyr's visit awesome.)
<Random_Nerd> Ananda: "Small creature of Machinery, you have no recollection of the trip?"
<Ftisk> "I was send by Shadows to the other side"
<Ftisk> "My memories are on this telemetry, but I can't recall nothing from the 2 trips"
<DanteE> "We have telemetry of his thoughts here..."
<Ftisk> G: weave telemetry to Surolam
<Random_Nerd> A Court Ogre trots up, and takes the printout.
<Random_Nerd> Ogre: "We'll have this transcribed quickly."
<Ftisk> G: give telemetry to court Ogre
<DanteE> "We've marked the points where he went through and came back."
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "How do you know that the other Shadows was the one who received it?"
<Theresa> "That's the tricky part. We have no hard evidence that it was the other Shadows. But the person on the other end was at the place that Shadows 'felt' his counterpart to be."
<Ftisk> G: "Shadow sends me outside but no one was there when I arrived. Alt.Shadows found and rescued me two times. Each time my thought process was ceased"
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "How skilled at summoning is Shadows?"
<Ftisk> G: "Is greatly skilled!"
<Ftisk> "It's going to conquer a crow for his summoning skill"
<DanteE> "He's actively working to earn his crown, and may do so soon."
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "First crown?"
<DanteE> "I believe so..."
<Ftisk> G: murmuring "*Is skilled* he saved my ass 2 times"
<Ftisk> Ftisk: "Yes the first one"
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "So, he believes that his other self was on the other end, but cannot swear to it, I imagine. And he'll verify these claims, if We summon him?"
<DanteE> "Well, he was there when we did this..."
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "Will he verify your claims, if he is summoned and asked?"
<Theresa> "He is honorable. We believe so, as his Imperator has charged him to investigate summonings."
<Random_Nerd> Ananda: "Nimblejacks, two of you, attend me."
<Random_Nerd> Two small, hyperactive, and vaguely insectoid humanoids skitter into view, next to Ananda.
<Random_Nerd> Entropy sits up and looks at Ananda.
<Ftisk> G: look with great interest to the nimblejaks
<Random_Nerd> The nimblejacks seem in their motions as if they're constantly under a strobe light. Their limbs seem to flicker from one position to another, without moving through the space in-between.
<Random_Nerd> Ananda takes a nimblejack in his hand. It closes its many small eyes, as its fellow stares at the floor.
<Random_Nerd> Ananda says "Locus Barakiel. The working space of the Power of Shadows" and then shoves the held nimblejack through the floor.
<Random_Nerd> Except, it seems to vanish as it meets the floor.
<Ftisk> (neat!)
<Theresa> (Given the fact that Entropy f-ing blinked, I take it that this doesn't happen often?)
<Random_Nerd> (From the general tone of quiet chatter by the audience, as well as the looks of Entropy and the Court Ogres, this is not standard procedure.)
<Random_Nerd> Ananda: "Carry on."
<DanteE> (Question: does it seem that they understand that this means there's an Estate that exists on both sides?)
<DanteE> "So... you can see that the gnome's mind basically fell apart when it went through...
<Random_Nerd> (It seems like they understand that you're trying to say that.)
<Random_Nerd> (It's unclear whether they believe you.)
<Theresa> (Belief is one thing, I'll take the understanding for now.)
<Random_Nerd> Ha'Quadosh: "To what specifications was the creature's brain made?"
[ERROR] The connection to irc:// (irc:// was aborted because you went into offline mode.
-->| YOU (Ftisk) have joined #Nobilis
<Theresa> (Ananda killed Ftisk's connection!)
<Random_Nerd> (Pausing for a moment.)
<Random_Nerd> (What did you last see?)
<Ftisk> (last was:Ha'Quadosh: "To what specifications was the creature's brain made?")
<DanteE> (Which means you're up, Ftisk. :)
<Ftisk> "Gnomely's brain is on par with a human one"
<Random_Nerd> <@Random_Nerd> Ha'Quadosh: "To what specifications was the creature's brain made?"
<Random_Nerd> <@DanteE> "But he did not remember going through when he came back."
<Random_Nerd> * @Ftisk ( Quit (Client exited�)
<Random_Nerd> <@DanteE> (oops...)
<Random_Nerd> * Ftisk ( has joined #nobilis
<Random_Nerd> Ha'Quadosh: "Interesting."
<Ftisk> "Now my loved son is my anchor and can better support the travel outside the wall"
<Random_Nerd> Ananda stretches, and then takes the remaining nimblejack in both hands.
<Ftisk> G: blink to Ftisk
<DanteE> (Ftisk! Don't say loved!)
<Random_Nerd> Ananda then takes the creature to pieces in a rapid but precise way, like a soldier field-stripping a rifle.
<Theresa> (Darn it, dear, if you're going to have the Imperator of Playgirl Covers posing, at least give it some atmosphere...)
<Ftisk> (loved as father-son I swear! :-P)
<Random_Nerd> Entropy sits up.
<DanteE> (Doesn't matter!)
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "I don't believe I heard you correctly, Machinery."
<Theresa> (This is my jack and this is my gun, this one's for fighting, this one's for messing with Entropy...)
<Theresa> (We're doomed...)
<Ftisk> "What do you don't hear?"
<Random_Nerd> Ananda then puts the nimblejack's limbs and bones together into what looks vaguely like a geodisic dome, if it was made of screaming meat.
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "The thing you said about your creation. I didn't hear it correctly, surely."
<Ftisk> "Gnomely is now my anchor and is better suited to go outside the wall"
<Random_Nerd> From the reshaped nimblejack, you hear the sound of Shadows' voice.
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "What are you doing in my lab, and... WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?"
<Random_Nerd> Ananda: "Dominus of Shadows, this is Ananda of the Council of Four. Is it correct that you participated in certain summoning experiments with Nobles of Locus Kudzu and Locus Vulcan?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows, nervous-sounding: "Yes?"
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "Bring me the gnome..." sickly-sweet sounding: "please?"
<Ftisk> "G: Hi Shadows! We are at the council!"

  • Ftisk looks at Gnomely "Stay quiet and don't do anything weird"

<Random_Nerd> Ananda: "You moved a created creature across twice, intending to send it to your counterpart, and then held open a gateway so that the domain of Active Writing could be used to communicate with someone who was probably your counterpart?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Yes."
<Random_Nerd> Ananda: "That will be all."
<Ftisk> G: go toward entropy
<Ftisk> seat
<Random_Nerd> Ananda disassembles the nimblejack-sphere, and puts it back into the form of an intact, but dead, nimblejack.
<Random_Nerd> Gnomely walks up to Entropy's pile of skulls.
<Theresa> (I have the perfect funeral wreath for Gnomely. It will never wilt. And good thing no one knows about your Angel Barbie.)
<Ftisk> G: *bow* before the pile
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "Machinery, if you had the choice, would you prefer that I feed you to the locusts, or this creature?"
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "Baliff! Bring me seven locusts."
<Ftisk> (wich creature?)
<Random_Nerd> An ogre rushes out through one of the doorways leading to the central chamber you're in.
<Random_Nerd> (Gnomely.)
<Ftisk> "To no one?"
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "But between the gnome, and yourself, who would you choose?"
<Ftisk> "surely Gnomely, but why?"
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "And you would give up this creature's life, rather than risk your own."
<Ftisk> (Ftisk is bluffing)
<Random_Nerd> The ogre brings a small cage, about the size of a softball, buzzing with locusts.
<Ftisk> "Gnomely is my son, I created it, but... yes I prefer to live"
<Random_Nerd> (And Entropy can't read your mind. Plus, Ftisk doesn't really have a face that can be read for emotion.)
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "Excellent."
<Random_Nerd> Entropy takes the cage from the ogre.
<Random_Nerd> He waves a hand at Gnomely, and then sticks the cage into his chest.
<Random_Nerd> Then he waves his hand again. Small drops of blood fly around.
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "I have chosen to interpret the situation as you having, while nervous, made an incorrect statement."
<Ftisk> G: look sad to Ftisk
<Theresa> (Sad gnome eyes! *falls over dead*)
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "That you are not actually in violation of My Law, but merely spoke as if you were. As a reminder to not speak so carelessly in the future, I have placed several locusts in this creature. Should you speak in a way that suggests you have violated my law again, they will be released."
<DanteE> (Can we get any help from the other 3 here?)
<Random_Nerd> (You could try.)
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "Go back to your master, creature."
<Ftisk> G: go to the others nobles staying far away from Ftisk
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "Now, where were we?"
<Ftisk> (so we have 7 locusts inside Gnomely eager to be set free)
<Brian> (back, with my coke. That took longer than I wanted @_@)
<Theresa> (I wouldn't try it though. Let's try and handle one thing at a time. Hi, Laz! We haz a locustbomb!)

  • DanteE looks over the locusts with the Sight, and Mythic View

<Random_Nerd> Ananda: "The Power of Shadows has confirmed their testimony."
<Random_Nerd> (The locusts were created with a Greater Miracle, and recently.)
<Random_Nerd> (Mythically, you can't see them, as they're inside Gnomely's torso.)
<Ftisk> (can Ftisk see them?)
<Random_Nerd> (But if you looked at them earlier, they looked like tiny old men, emaciated but with wirey muscles, sharpened teeth, and prison shanks in their hands.)
<DanteE> (Is Gnomely even edible?)
<Random_Nerd> (You can if you create a mechanical eye inside Gnomely's torso in such a position as to look at them.)
<Theresa> (Does Ananda care about Shadows' swearing?)
<Random_Nerd> (To Entropy's locusts, he almost certainly is. And you wouldn't want to be standing near him, either, if they go wild.)
<Random_Nerd> (He doesn't seem to.)
<Ftisk> (uhm, later I'll create the eye)
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "To what extent do you trust Shadows' external counterpart?"
<Ftisk> (Entropy is corrupting Gnomely-Ftisk relationship in this way)
<Theresa> "Not sure. Whoever wrote the notes was arrogant and antagonistic."
<DanteE> "We're just happy we got some communication, really."
<Ftisk> G: "He saved me two times"
<Random_Nerd> Ha'Quadosh: "Will all of you swear, on penalty of whatever Lord Entropy can think up, that you haven't used falsehood or deception in any part of these events, or your current rendition of them?"
<Brian> (RN: had we travelled here while Brian was away, or not?)
<Theresa> (Nice threat there.)
<Ftisk> "I swear"
<Theresa> "By Ash and Stars, I will."
<DanteE> "I will."
<Ftisk> (Brian is with us"
<Ftisk> )
<Random_Nerd> (Brian's there.)
<Ftisk> G: "I will."
<Random_Nerd> (Just being quiet.)
<Random_Nerd> (Which, under the circumstances, has probably been a good idea.)
<Brian> (does this mean he has to swear to this, or that, because he has been quiet, he hasn't actually /given/ a testimony to swear is accurate?)
<Ftisk> (eheh sure!)
<Random_Nerd> (Well, was he even there for the experiment?)
<Theresa> (Uhhh...kinda? I think he was there at the first part. )
<Brian> (yes, he was. I remember that part.)
<Random_Nerd> (Then he would have to swear, because part of it is about having not faked it at the time.)
<Random_Nerd> (But it isn't really an issue, since he didn't fake it.)
<Brian> (one of the experiments, at least. Not the AW one.)
<Brian> (ok. My backreading didn't show anything askew from what I remember)
<Random_Nerd> Ha'Quadosh turns its rotting-dog head to look at Brian.
<Brian> "I will."
<Random_Nerd> Ha'Quadosh: "Acceptable."
<Random_Nerd> Ha'Quadosh: "It seems that the group of you facing me had made significant strides towards discovering new aspects of these issues that trouble me."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "Part of that is due to the times in which we are living, but you have at least some aptitude at this. Do you agree?"
<Random_Nerd> (That last bit was to the other three.)
<Random_Nerd> Ananda: "It appears so."
<Random_Nerd> Surolam nods his sculpted head.
<Theresa> (Oh crap.)
<Random_Nerd> Entropy looks at Ftisk and grins.
<Theresa> (Double crap.)

  • Ftisk try to go near Gnomely but stop when Ha'Qadosh start to speak

<Random_Nerd> HQ: "Do you intend to continue investigating these matters?"
<Brian> (T, we're here with the council. Anything they do is "crap")
<DanteE> (Well, would you rather come here after we failed?)
<Brian> (These matters = Outside + end of Age?)

  • Ftisk feels a deep fear

<Random_Nerd> (Yeah.)
<Theresa> (No, but this is Entropy grinning. This is only slightly less disturbing than Entropy hitting on Dante.)
<Theresa> "Do you wish us to do so?"
<Brian> (oh good, T spoke first.)
<Ftisk> G: "Yes we do"
<Random_Nerd> Surolam: "Just answer his question."
<Brian> "I intend to further study Outside."
<Ftisk> "... I will"
<DanteE> "Yes."
<DanteE> (At the very least we were planning to talk more with alt-Shadows anyway)
<Theresa> (They have something against answering a question with a question?)
<Random_Nerd> HQ: "Congratulations, you've been drafted. Everyone raise your left hand, or whatever limbs you use."

  • DanteE raises it...

<Brian> (Only sometimes)

  • Brian raises his right hand
  • Theresa mentally screams "Drafted into what?!?!?"
  • Theresa rises what's left of her left hand.

<Brian> (ok, left hand)

  • Ftisk raises the left manipulator

<Ftisk> G: raise left hand

  • DanteE raises that left hand...

<Random_Nerd> Each of you feels a faint pricking, and a tiny image of Ha'Quadosh's flower appears.
<Ftisk> (drafted to death sentence by impossible_task?)
<Theresa> (Pricking on what?)
<Random_Nerd> (Nothing in particular.)
<Random_Nerd> It's got a double circle of purple petals, which are closed inward, and a whorl of leaves.
<Random_Nerd> (So, the flower of Madness and Discovery.)
<Ftisk> (the blood drops are onto Gnomely?)
<Random_Nerd> (Gnomely has a bit of Entropy's blood on him, yes.)
<Ftisk> (an appropriate flower I must say)
<DanteE> (Which means another visit from Hell...)
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "You are compelled to, in a reasonably timely fashion, communicate to me anything you discover in the matters of the Weirding Wall, the Outside, and the End of the Age."
<Theresa> (He would have to dissect Gnomely...or else wash him.)
<Ftisk> (or we can start our blood collection)
<Brian> (Have we told him of the conversation with the Excrucian the other week?)
<Theresa> (Yes.)
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "However, you are permitted to drop my name and heavily imply that horrible things will happen to other Nobles who do not cooperate with you in discovering such things."

  • Brian smirks

<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "I will, or will not, enforce such threats made on my behalf as I choose."
<Ftisk> (this is a good thing)
<Ftisk> G: smile wearily
<Theresa> (Wildlord. Duh.)
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "And this does not apply to Imperators, does not take priority over the War, and if you abuse it, you and your families will die in creative ways."
<DanteE> (Define 'reasonable timely'?)
<Brian> (whenever he feels like it?)
<Random_Nerd> (He didn't. You can ask him, if you like.)
<Ftisk> (30minutes?)
<Theresa> (I'm guessing at least before the end of the age.)
<Random_Nerd> (Rule Zero Prime. Don't ask him. Vagueness here is good for you.)
<Ftisk> (we can leave?)
<Theresa> "Is there anyone that we haven't talked to already that you wish to be talked to?"
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "My desires have been satisfied with respect to this Council session. My associates may ask more if they wish."
<Random_Nerd> Surolam shrugs his crude silver shoulders.
<Random_Nerd> Ananda: "I am satisfied."
<Ftisk> (Entropy has done his good action today)
<DanteE> (Don't forget ... we have a message for HQ from Consequences)
<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "Machinery, if you serve Ha'Quadosh well in this, and do not speak of breaking My Law in the presence of your Anchor, I may see fit to remove my hungry little friends from him. But until then, be warned. Any future infractions will go very poorly for you."
<Theresa> (We do?)
<DanteE> (We still want to talk to him about Barakiel's new plan, don't we?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah. Barakiel really wants Ha'Quadosh's support.)
<Ftisk> "You are really merciful"
<Ftisk> (I was going for Hug-able)
<Brian> (*internal wince* :p)
<Theresa> (So, how do we do that? Ask him right now for a private audience?)
<Ftisk> (YES!)
<Brian> (was this message and new plan the one from ages ago?)
<Brian> (not Ages, but a long while, I mean)
<DanteE> (Yep...)
<Brian> (What was that plan? That was the plan after "kill Ananda" yes?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, you should probably do it in private. Attaris is not somebody you would want to antagonize needlessly.)
<Random_Nerd> (Kill Attaris.)
<DanteE> (Then again, that's 'if we have an opportunity')
<Brian> (right. Still killing)
<Random_Nerd> (Before she starts throwing shit at the fan.)
<Brian> (Which was this Age's Imperator, and which was the next? Attaris is the age-to-come?)
<DanteE> (Doesn't she do that most days just for funsies?)
<DanteE> (Attaris is this age, Ananda is next)
<Random_Nerd> (Attaris is the current Age.)
<Random_Nerd> (Ananda is the next one.)
<Brian> (right. It's this Age's Imperator, sorta, who decides when the next begins, I guess it was?)
<Random_Nerd> (At least, unless he crumbles to dust and Barakiel announces that he is now Ymera Ananda Barakiel...)
<Random_Nerd> (Ah, but that's Plan C, Beth, for if your Plan B doesn't work!)
<Theresa> (No, Plan C is to go to Outside and sip the Excrucian equivalent of margaritas.)
<Brian> (I think that's our plan if Barakiel's Plan C is enacted)
<Random_Nerd> (Excrucians Outside doesn't /get/ to have margaritas. Why did you think they were invading reality to begin within?)
<Brian> (but wait. Alcohol is in here.)
<Random_Nerd> (So, what do you do?)
<Brian> (wait for Dante)
<DanteE> (Depends, what does the council do?)
<Brian> (he is, after all, the one who remembered about it ;))
<Theresa> (Does the Council take breaks?)
<DanteE> (Well, if HQ bolts, there's nothing to do)
<Ftisk> (Ftisk know of this?, happen before is arrival to the chancell)
<Random_Nerd> (The Council is in the process of calling the session closed. Do you do anything before they do?)
<Random_Nerd> (Ftisk probably doesn't know.)
<Brian> (Probably haven't told Ftisk)
<Theresa> (Is there an Ogre nearby?)
<Brian> (Dante: you going to speak up, or should one of the others of us?)
<Ftisk> G: "Dante, can I stay with you for a bit?"
<DanteE> "Sure, Gnomely...
<Ftisk> G: "thank, I don't want to stay near _him_!"
<Random_Nerd> (You're in the Council, and near Entropy. There is /always/ an ogre nearby.)
<DanteE> "Ymera Ha-Qadosh, can we talk to you in private?"
<Random_Nerd> Ha'Qadosh: "I shall summon you to speak with me later, after the Council business is done. Until then, go about your business, as well as my own."

  • Brian gives a bow, and turns to leave the chambers.

<Random_Nerd> Entropy: "I think that should do it. Baliff, you know what to do."

  • Ftisk gives a shaked bow and the go outside
  • Theresa bows as well.

<Random_Nerd> Baliff Ogre: "This audience with the most worshipful and MERCIFUL Council of Four is concluded! Please return your trays to the upright position, and get out of here so the next unlucky bastards can come in!"
<Theresa> (I like this Ogre.)
<Ftisk> G: turn and go outside staying near Dante

  • Theresa hustles Sam and Will and anyone else not of Noble-stuff out.
  • Brian considers tipping the Ogre, but isn't sure if that's acceptable protocol.
  • DanteE leaves...
  • Brian leaves.

<Ftisk> G: follow Dante
<Random_Nerd> Sam, after you've left the center chamber: "Well, that could have gone worse."
<Ftisk> (in Entropy view sex and love are connected?)
<Random_Nerd> William: "Better than I expected."
<Random_Nerd> (Entropy doesn't care about sex. Just love.)
<Ftisk> (OK)
<Ftisk> (grin)
<Brian> "We're still alive. I count that as a win."
<Theresa> "We're no in tiny pieces. Sorry for Shadows and him getting scared to near death, though."

  • Ftisk reaches Gnomely "Gnomely..."

<DanteE> "We may be able to make up for that, at least to his familia.
<Ftisk> G: "Go away! Go AWAY BASTARD!"

  • Theresa winces.

<Ftisk> G: "So your live is more important? eh! You can always create another me right!?!"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I didn't look, what did Ananda do with the nimblejacks?"
<Ftisk> "But you don't understand..."

  • Ftisk float lower and stay a bit away from Gnomely

<Brian> "so ... now we wait?"
<Ftisk> (Someone want to play an angry as hell Gnomely? I fell that shouting to myself is not fun)
<DanteE> "Apparently, they function as intercoms...
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I... get the feeling they aren't supposed to."
<DanteE> "if you shove one through the floor and tear another one to pieces to make a speaker.
<Theresa> *to Sam* " you know what origami is?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Paper-folding?"
<Brian> "T, that's /paper/ folding, not /people/ folding..."
<Theresa> "Imagine a nimblejack, very thin..."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "No, you know what? I don't need to know."
<DanteE> "Should we send Shadows a 'Sorry We Mentioned You To The Council' bouquet?"
<Theresa> "But let's all go home. I think we all need some downtime. And yeah, a nice gift basket. Although I have no idea what to send as a 'Sorry the Council made you swear' present."
<Brian> "Fruit basket?"
<Ftisk> (send Gnomely :-P )
<DanteE> "Well, wait...
<DanteE> (When will we be summoned by HQ?)
<Theresa> ('Soon.'
<Ftisk> (when he wants)
<Theresa> Oh no, wait, that's my Warcraft answer... Whenever He Wants.)
<Ftisk> "I think is reasonable to wait the end of the council and later go home"
<Ftisk> "If HQ doesn't call us"
<DanteE> What else is the Council doing?
<Random_Nerd> (There are quite a few other people waiting in line nervously.)
<Ftisk> G: "We can ask an ogre"
<DanteE> (Anyone we recognize?)
<Random_Nerd> (Not this time.)
<DanteE> "Well, Sam, William, what does this do to our reputations? Or yours?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Well, that thing about love..."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Half of everyone who hears of that will think that Dominus Ftisk..."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Has large brass mechanical balls forged in the smithy of Vulcan himself?"
<Ftisk> (lol!)
<Random_Nerd> William: "Yes. That. And the other half will think he's..."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Cockslap-a-bear insane."
<Ftisk> "a complete fool"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Yes."
<Theresa> "Quite a way with words there, Sam."
<DanteE> "Remind me to check where you're getting your idioms from, Sam."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "William doublechecks my idioms involving organic body-parts."

  • Theresa ponders that the brass idiom might actually be true, you know.

<Random_Nerd> William: "I usually do. Not... those particular two ones."
<Ftisk> "But what can I do in that situation?"
<Theresa> "The first one isn't organic. Brass."

  • Ftisk look at G.

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Metal, meat. It's all the same to me."
<Theresa> "Don't use the L word."
<Ftisk> G: "hey, I'm replaceable! don't go into that!"
<Theresa> (Aww, crap, does the blood on Gnomely mean that he's now corrupted by Entropy?)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Yes. It's wise not to use that word around anyone from Noble society you don't utterly trust. But in particular, around Entropy himself."
<Ftisk> (no but we can sell his shell)
<Random_Nerd> (Not to any significant sense, as long as it gets wiped off.)

  • Theresa looks sternly at Gnomely. "Do you know the rules of Entropy?"

<Random_Nerd> (The hell-people collect his blood as a memento, not because it does magical stuff.)
<Ftisk>G: "Wich rules?"
<DanteE> (Ftisk... is it that he doesn't do emotions, or doesn't understand them?)
<Ftisk> (Ftisk is discovering emotions)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Don't say the L word, don't take any shit from mortals if you're a Noble, don't hurt people who don't have it coming, don't betray the War or your Imperator."

  • Theresa recites the Rules. Particular emphasis on the L-word Rule. "And by giving that statement _in front of Entropy_, your Noble just pretty much signed his own death warrant in front of Entropy."

<Ftisk> G: "... but but the things _he_ say to me in be--- at home?"
<Theresa> "So Entropy decided to take it out on you _and_ Ftisk by hurting you both emotionally."
<DanteE> (o_O)
<Ftisk> "Gnomely, what I can say before?"
<Theresa> "Entropy can't read your minds since you're protected as an Anchor. Or see into Chancels. But right _here_, in His Face, you can darn well believe he's going to react."
<Theresa> "And now the locusts will be listening. All Of The Time."
<Ftisk> G: "... But I don't want to return to _his_ place now"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Now, it's possible that the locusts can't hear stuff that happens in an Auctoritas. Or that they aren't even listening. But it's also possible that he did some weird Imperial miracle and they can hear everything you say and do. Any of those would be like Entropy."

  • DanteE examines the locusts closer...

<DanteE> (Mythic view this time)
<Ftisk> "Shit! So I can't even have a heart to heart explanation to G."
<Random_Nerd> (Mythically, you can't see them. There's opaque stuff in the way.)
<Theresa> "Of course not. Entropy's made sure of that. And just in case you ever change your mind, he has your life in the balance. So it doesn't matter what you do. It's just that if Ftisk cares for you, he can't ever show that same kind of affection for you or you'll die. From the inside out."
<Random_Nerd> William: "He probably can't hear stuff you say directly within his mind. If he could do that, then he could just read Nobles' minds directly. And if he could do that..."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "We would all be fucked.:"
<Ftisk> G: "But there are things more important that life!"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Please stop that."
<Theresa> "Amen."
<Ftisk> "... Gnomely I'm really ... crap. ok will spoke another time..."
<DanteE> (Sam: "Fuck you very much, these are not the hell your whales...")
<Ftisk> (what mean?)
<Theresa> "True, but it depends on who you ask, Gnomely. To Entropy, what is more important than life is controlling other people. He has his Rules and we had best live by them in front of him or he will take away what is most precious to us."
<Theresa> (Are you having Sam quoting Spock, Dante?)
<DanteE> (Movie line. Star Trek IV. Spock doesn't quite have the knack of swearing...)
<Theresa> (Thought so.)
<Ftisk> G: "But one must live true to his valors. Otherwise what is a life of self lies worth for?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "But the biggest thing to remember about Entropy is that if he wanted to, he could enforce his rules a lot more severely. He could have killed you right on the spot, Ftisk."

  • Ftisk lies down near a lonely dust bunny

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Near as I can tell, what he really likes is to keep people nervous."
<Brian> "I'm surprised he didn't kill all of us for hanging around with someone who said that word."
<Ftisk> "He is _definitely_ good at this"
<Theresa> (I was proud we didn't all shuffle out of the blast radius.  :) )
<Ftisk> (speaking of brass ball :-P )
<DanteE> (Well, I'm Sacrosanct... :) )
<Theresa> (I was in shock, personally.)
<Random_Nerd> (But, of course, sometimes Entropy, when deploying the locusts, disables the defensive powers of Nobles being targeted.)
<Ftisk> (what?)
<Theresa> (Wouldn't be fun if you set the locusts on someone who's invulnerable, huh?)
<Ftisk> (I'm really surprised that Gnomely survived the council)
<DanteE> (It might be fun. Remember Prometheus?)
<Random_Nerd> (Entropy thinks doing it this way is more fun.)
<Theresa> (And now I am imagining a chibi-Ftisk, looking sad and clutching a little plushy dust bunny to himself.)
<Random_Nerd> (Set a man on fire, he suffers for a day. But teach a man that you can set him on fire at any moment, and he suffers for a lifetime.)
<Random_Nerd> (So, let's call it a night.)
<Brian> (hey, set a man on fire, and he suffers for the rest of his life...)
<Ftisk> (no the c-Ftisk will use Ofaniel doll for this)
<Random_Nerd> (Aww.)
<Ftisk> (we are at the council or in the chancell?)
<DanteE> "So, now what?"
<Theresa> (Still at the Council, I think. There's still more people who have to be heard.)
<Theresa> "Stick around here and wait? I don't know if I want to keep a member of the Council waiting while we're off getting a hot dog."
<Random_Nerd> (Any last words before it stops?)

  • DanteE looks at the cow bones. "Well, it's not like they don't have one..."

<Ftisk> (/shouting: "Gnomely I love you!")
<Ftisk> (booom!)
<DanteE> (Tired of the character?)
<Random_Nerd> _______________STOP_____________________
<Random_Nerd> So, what'd you guys think?
<Ftisk> (noooo everything is into parenthesis)
<DanteE> that was ... bizarre.
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
<Random_Nerd> Which part in particular?
<DanteE> And now I guess we have more of a direction for the campaign?
=-= Brian is now known as Lazarus
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
<Angelo> Was strange that Entropy offer to remove the locusts
<Theresa> You do great little details, dear. I like the nimblejack folding.
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
<Angelo> me too!
<BethE> Not really. It's the carrot.
<Random_Nerd> It seemed a decent way to bring up the fact that, while Ananda is the 'nice' one, he's also the material embodiment of the concept of murder.
<Angelo> uhm... is more dramatic if the locust remain inside... I think
<Angelo> wasn't Hq the nice one?
<Random_Nerd> Eh, depends what kind of mood he's in.
<Angelo> oh, ok
<Random_Nerd> And I hadn't, really, been planning HQ's decree. It just seemed to be what he would do in those circumstances.
<Knockwood> We need little badges with his flower on them...
<Angelo> Gnomely-Ftisk was too over the top?
<Knockwood> You did make me wonder about your relationship. :)
<BethE> Nope, just fine.  :)
<Angelo> they are dad-son
<Angelo> and they are lovers
<Random_Nerd> Which, I think, brings home the fact that Ftisk isn't entirely human in his outlook.
<Angelo> yes, but he can create a body . a mechanical humanlike one :-P
<Knockwood> What's odd is, he's also created a humanlike mind, complete with emotions
<Angelo> he want one to share his experience of awakened machine with
<Angelo> but Gnomely is temperamental
<Angelo> and has a knack to outer wall trips :P
<Random_Nerd> Note that that was done with a Lesser Change with included Creation.
<Random_Nerd> Any of you could do the same, with a level 6 miracle.
<Random_Nerd> Heck, Brian could make a sentient /number/, and make my brain bleed in figuring out how that would even work.
<Knockwood> It could go play with a Hooloovoo
<Angelo> Question. Outside are there something like estates?
<Random_Nerd> It's been heavily implied that there are at least things comparable to Estates Outside, although there are some differences in how they work.
<Lazarus> I said to pi "be rational". Pi replied "get real."
<Random_Nerd> For instance, they don't seem to have Nobles.
<Knockwood> and there are apparently the 'stolen' Estates...

  • Random_Nerd stabs Lazarus.

<Angelo> is possible to take a sec estates into one of these if Ftisk go outside (and I have the cps?)
<Random_Nerd> Huh. Hmm.
<Random_Nerd> I would have to think about that.
<Angelo> k, because after Gnomely trip outside there will be Ftisk trip outside!
<Knockwood> Well, there ought to be Nobles of Sakharoth's Estates,...
<Random_Nerd> My gut response is no, because they don't normally have Nobles. But since this is Nobilis, that probably isn't the best approach...
<Random_Nerd> So, I'd say that at least for now I'm not sure how I'd handle something like that.
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, Caesar is working on producing Nobles.
<Angelo> well, we have plenty of time before this
<Lazarus> g'night guys. See you next week.
<Knockwood> g'night Laz
<Angelo> night laz!
<Random_Nerd> G'night.
<Knockwood> oh, BTW...
<Angelo> well. best to start save some cp... ;-)
<Knockwood> anyone have the original logs of the first few sessions?
<--| Lazarus has left #Nobilis
<Random_Nerd> Somewhere, I think. But it'd take a while to find them.
<Random_Nerd> Why?
<Knockwood> Just checking. I wondered if they got wiped when barbermoose bit it.
<Angelo> barbermoose?
<BethE> Laz's original wiki.
<Knockwood> the Wiki in which they had the logs before the Wiki
<Angelo> oh
<Random_Nerd> I probably have them somewhere. But it'd take time to find them.
<Random_Nerd> Neither Beth nor I are on the same computers that we were originally.
<Random_Nerd> And they may be on the bottom of a stack of CD backups from two hard drives ago.
<Knockwood> I was reminded because I recently found the logs of a GURPS game I ran online.
<Knockwood> Unfortunately they're on a floppy.
<Angelo> ì___ì
<BethE> Well, guys, I need to get some sleep. Good game and see you next week! Good luck with your surgery, Knock! *HUGS*
<Angelo> I have a floppy reader
<Knockwood> Thank ya Beth
<Angelo> ciao Beth!
<Angelo> do you wamnt to send me the floppys?
<Knockwood> Angelo: No, I'll find a way.
|<-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
<Knockwood> Thanks, Angelo
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, it's cool if you can make it, but if not, no problem.
<Random_Nerd> Anyway, see you all next week.
<Angelo> bye RN!
<Knockwood> good night all
|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5/20090624025744])
<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 15