Session 153

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Chapter 17

[INFO] Now logging to <file:///C:/Users/Angelo/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/jp1xrpq3.default/chatzilla/logs/>.
[INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis opened.
=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix
<Angelo> Hi Verithe!!!
-->| Knockwood ( has joined #Nobilis
<Knockwood> Hi guys
<Angelo> HI Knock! ^^
-->| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
<Angelo> HI RN!
-->| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
<Angelo> HI Beth!
<BethE> Hi guys! *HUGS*
<Knockwood> Hi guys
<Knockwood> oh, BTW...
<Knockwood> that Who's Who list for the game..
<Knockwood> ...
<Knockwood> ..._done!_
<BethE> Congrats!
<Angelo> *WOW* Great Knock! Well done! Super! Weee etc etc...
<Knockwood> of course it reveals some glitches... is the Angel of the Moon Ophaniel or Tsaphiel? Is it Alan or Allen the Tree?
<Angelo> wow all sorted in alphabetical 3 chars order too!
<Random_Nerd> If I said Tsaphiel, it was either a typo, or a rather early reference from before I'd worked out some of the background NPCs.
<Random_Nerd> The tree's name is Alan, but I may have mistakenly said Allen at some point.
<Knockwood> also... Session 149 ended with a call for help from Shadows, which was forgotten by 150.
<Angelo> No was put on hold I believe
<BethE> Obviously a Scrunchy plot.
<Angelo> there was the possible excru attack on Brian estate in the mean time
<Random_Nerd> And it wasn't a "The chancel is on fire!" one, just a "Help me out with this before everyone else notices."
<Random_Nerd> So I figured that the decision to focus on the physics thing was an in-character choice.
<Angelo> me too
<Knockwood> of course, now you guys need to do homework.... like, say, a Cliff's Notes for the campaign
<Angelo> Cliff Note? ... What is?
<Random_Nerd> Cliff's Notes are basically short booklets on various books and other academical topics, often used as study aids by lazy students who did not in fact actually read the books in question.
<Knockwood> in this context, a summary of what we've been doing.
<Angelo> oh! I already ask for these *___*
<Knockwood> How was everyone's new year? Mine sucked.
<Angelo> Well Ftisk and Kite ones are easy... Beth, Dante and Brian ones are more involved
<Angelo> Mine was good, but what happened to your Knock?
<Knockwood> caught strep throat, wound up spending new year's in the hospital
<BethE> Oh no!
<BethE> How are you doing now?
<Angelo> Oh crap!
<Random_Nerd> Strep's always unfun.
<Knockwood> I'm OK. Still on antibiotics, but that's just for a few more days
<Knockwood> of course, that was after I got some stuff swiped...
<Verithe> distracted...
<BethE> And a robbery?
<Angelo> @Veritha: some shining object? :-P
<Knockwood> not really. Petty theft.

  • Verithe nods at Angelo.

<Verithe> I'm ashamed! D:
<Angelo> petty theft or big theft is unfun always
<BethE> RN had to go to the ER himself over the holidays.
<Angelo> what happened to our master?
<Random_Nerd> An... unfortunate conjunction of a corner of a piece of furniture, a pile of clothing in the wrong place, and an electrical plug.
<Verithe> Ick!
<Random_Nerd> Long story short, seven stitches just to the right of my left eyebrow.
<Angelo> ouch!
<Knockwood> it's a sign
<Verithe> To not put clothing in the wrong place?
<Random_Nerd> Funny thing was, it hardly even hurt, and most of the pain that was there was from the blunt impact, rather than the edge. Put rather a nice split in my brow, though, and it'll be some time before the scar grows less visible.
<Knockwood> come up with a scar-story to impress strangers. :)
<Verithe> Hehe
<Random_Nerd> Oh, clearly it was the result of a mugger who was trying to put out my right eye with his switchblade.
<Random_Nerd> Clearly.
<Angelo> ^___^
<Random_Nerd> Oh, funny thing. It turned out to be really lucky that I wear glasses, or the scrape would have extended across my left eye as well.
<Random_Nerd> So, really, it could have been a lot worse.
<Knockwood> and then later you meet a Wildlord...
<Verithe> Thank heavens for poor vision!
<Random_Nerd> Heh.
<BethE> When they say scratch-proof coating, they're not kidding.
<Random_Nerd> So, yeah. Got a scar, but kept both eyes. I'll call that a lucky occurrence.
<Verithe> Definitely!
<Angelo> Well, yess
<Random_Nerd> Okay, Knock, have you decided on which Gift you wanted to get?
<Knockwood> leaning toward Superman-style flight
<Random_Nerd> Okay. Lesser change, self only, common, yada yada. Unless you want silver-age superman flight speed, which'd be based on a greater change of self.
<Random_Nerd> Or, rather, a greater change of position, self only.
<Knockwood> is that turn-time-backwards speed?
<Random_Nerd> If you want actual prosaic time-travel... hmm. That may be problematic.
<Random_Nerd> Mythic time-travel you can already do.
<Random_Nerd> But at least it would be "Be across the planet in the time it takes to change scenes" flight speed.
<Knockwood> well, I'll stick with the basic flight package. They still give out peanuts?
<Verithe> Pretzels, now.
<Knockwood> Kewl.
<Verithe> Too many people with peanut allergies
<Knockwood> BRB, need to move my laundry...
<Random_Nerd> Basic flight's just one point.
<BethE> Beware of dressers, Knock..
<Random_Nerd> Dante's Sacrosanct.
<Random_Nerd> It'd have to be an Abhorrent Dresser.
<BethE> Hey, if there's an Abhorrent Rock, there must other things you'd never expect.
<Verithe> I fear such a dresser.
<Knockwood> back... taking longer than I thought
<Random_Nerd> I fear the Excrucian who set out to make it.
<Knockwood> Just hope no one gets inspired to make an Abhorrent Anvil
<Random_Nerd> "And all shall quake before the Armoire of Invincibility! Bwahahaha!"
<BethE> No one would ever expect the _dresser_!
<Knockwood> we do enough Wile E Coyote impressions as is
<BethE> Maybe it can't work on someone protected by a tiny umbrella.
<Verithe> hehe
<Knockwood> Brian could still do that Zeno's Shield thing
<Random_Nerd> So, anything else before we start?
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
<Angelo> I like to setup an embassy in Amyra
<Theresa> Where are we in what we’re doing? I think I've lost track.
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
=-= Verithe is now known as Kite
<Knockwood> We're heading out with Physics to the site of his last Ex attack in order to pacify PHYSICS.
<Random_Nerd> You'd just retrieved Physics' cheerful ammo.
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
<Kite> Right!
<Kite> *pats pocket*
<Random_Nerd> And Brian has some physicists working on a plan for a patch in earth's physics.
<DanteE> so, we're doing our imitation of the Reservoir Dogs poster. Except with a snail and a bird, which means it looks like the Disney version. :)
<Theresa> Theresa looks too old to be a Disney 'princess'.
<Ftisk> she have aspect...
<Random_Nerd> So, should we start with you guys back home, or still at the site of the excucian-shooting?
<Theresa> I don't think Aspect makes you look younger, though.
<Theresa> I'm okay with back home.
<DanteE> still there... we're looking for clues.
<Ftisk> right
<Random_Nerd> Okay.
<Random_Nerd> Ready?
<Kite> Ready!
<Ftisk> Roger!
<Random_Nerd> Scrubland, fairly near a highway. There are various bushes and plants, but no thick grass. The ground is covered in frost.
<DanteE> "Physics, any idea where they came from?
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Outside?"
<DanteE> "I mean _right_ before you got them."
<DanteE> to Kite: "Maybe if you get an aerial view."
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Canada?"
<Kite> "Righty-o!"
<DanteE> (Who did we bring?)

  • Kite changes to bird form and swoops above the trees for a Mythic view of the area.

<Random_Nerd> (You tell me.)
<Theresa> (I think we brought William. Sam's still recuperating.)
<Ftisk> (right, bad Ftisk no coockie!)
<Random_Nerd> Kite, the lower sylphs are cavorting in a complicated dance. Above you, the mesoaetherians are tossing notes to each other with breathtaking speed in a variety of directions.
<DanteE> "Ftisk... maybe the local authorities found something unusual about that time."
<Random_Nerd> What are you looking for?

  • Ftisk look up to Dante: "Right!. Is Divination time! ^^"
  • Ftisk lDiv of all the datas on the day of the attack, the day before and the day after
  • Theresa checks on the local bushes and so forth to make sure the Excru. didn't leave anything behind that might be blighting them. Just asking around to see if any of them are hurt or such.

<Kite> (Kite's not even sure what he's looking for...probably whatever catches his eye first)
<DanteE> (BRB...)
<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, UFO sightings were up on the day of the event itself. Most, but not all, seem to have been accounts of Physics flying overhead and then shooting the Shards with an overly energetic weapon.
<Ftisk> (I'm looking for strange happening the one that go in a 3th page of a newspaper but that can be connected to excrus)
<Theresa> (Isn't the third page the topless photos?)
<Random_Nerd> The day before, there were break-ins in three libraries, two city ones and one university one. In all three cases, books on quantum physics and books on amnesia were taken. Most of the books were eventually recovered.
<Ftisk> (not in Italy. We have no topless photos in newspaper)
<Theresa> (Ah. I must have been thinking Great Britain.)
<Theresa> (Ooo..neat info.)
<Random_Nerd> A few of the Hounds of the Wild Hunt course in the high middle air above Kite. They seem to be scouting for the rest of their pack.

  • Ftisk relay all these info on a ad hoc created info screen

<Ftisk> "The library books is notable"
<Random_Nerd> Other than that, nothing that Ftisk seems to see as relevant.

  • Ftisk ld data to get the book thief identity

<Random_Nerd> Theresa, none of the bushes seem to be mystically blighted.
<Random_Nerd> They do seem a little standoffish, nearly to the point of rudeness.
<Theresa> (Ehh? I do not like that...)
<DanteE> (BAK)
<Random_Nerd> You recover a list of books that were taken from each location.
<Theresa> *directly to a rude bush* "Do you have a problem with me or is it the weather?"

  • Kite reports his findings.

<DanteE> (Is the Wild Hunt thing unusual?)
<Random_Nerd> The ones taken earlier, from the city libraries, were more general and aimed at the general public. The ones taken later from the university library were more technical.
<Random_Nerd> (Not particularly. You've probably seen them before on occasion.)
<Random_Nerd> (Seeing the whole pack would be rare, particularly during the daytime.)
<Theresa> (Technical enough to perform amnesia stuff on Physics?)
<Random_Nerd> (Physics the Noble? No. He would be immune to such things.)
<Kite> (They don't seem unusual.)
<DanteE> (But, it may mean someone who just came through the wall)

  • Ftisk ask physic: "The day before your attack there was some physics books pilfering [add book titles here ]. Can this be connected?

<Random_Nerd> (True, they do sometimes hunt Shards, if they run across one.)
<Random_Nerd> (More interesting than just humans.)
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Maybe?"
<Kite> (Or it may We are hunting, are we not?)
<Random_Nerd> (You are.)
<Random_Nerd> (Tracking, at least, and they fall under the same estate.)
<DanteE> "Hm... well, I guess it's legwork time.
<Random_Nerd> (One of Ophaniel's estates, actually. You've met the Noble. Well, /you/ haven't, but the rest have.)
<DanteE> "Figure, the physics books relate to their plan while the amnesia books relate to _them_.
<Random_Nerd> The bushes make rude faces at Theresa.
<Random_Nerd> One of them makes a joke about her Amyran accent.
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Oh?"
<DanteE> "It's in our report to the Council. Going through the Weirding Wall swiss-cheeses your memory, and it seems to work both ways.
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Weird. Uh... no pun intended."

  • Theresa uproots the one who made the joke about her. "Want to repeat that? I can replant you or not, at my choosing. We are investigating a fight that happened here."

<Random_Nerd> Another hound runs overhead, and in canine tones shouts "Good hunting!" to Kite.
<Ftisk> "uhm... Is possible that --- Go Theresa! Show it !"
<Random_Nerd> Rude Bush: "You want another fight?"
<DanteE> "Wait, why would it mouth off to Theresa? This was an attack on Physics."
<Kite> To hound: "Same to you!"

  • Theresa patronizingly pats the bush on the 'head'. "Aren't you cute."
  • DanteE ghosts a letter opener into existence...

<Random_Nerd> Letter Opener: *that 'ting' noise that all sharp objects make when they appear on camera*
<DanteE> "It's not our Cult..."
<Random_Nerd> The bush flips Theresa off.

  • Kite cocks his head to the side. "Your cult?"

<Ftisk> "Can these be just near blighted bushes"

  • Theresa plants the bush upside down, roots in the air. "Yes, yes, what do you know about animal procreation anyhow?"

<DanteE> "Ftisk, where's the nearest missing book?"

  • Ftisk ldiv the place and rely the info to Dante

<Random_Nerd> (Nearest one of the ones that were recovered, or the ones that weren't?)
<Theresa> *dusts off hands* "And I thought Canada was supposed to be friendly..."
<DanteE> (Either)
<Random_Nerd> (Sorry, it's Maine.)
<Theresa> (Or wherever it is that we are. Maine folks, then.)
<Ftisk> (The one weren't)
<Kite> "Maybe it's just the Maine bushes."
<Random_Nerd> (Ftisk gets the nearest one that was recovered by the library it was from, and the nearest one that wasn't.)
<DanteE> "Next move?
<Theresa> "Could be. He'll have a few days to think about it before he dries out. If someone else finds him, he might be saved."
<Ftisk> "Ok Dante, the nearest unrecuperated one is <Place A> and the nearest recovered is in <Place B>"
<Ftisk> "Take a peek at these books?"
<Random_Nerd> In the background, PHYSICS lies on the ground, idly scratching its nose.
<DanteE> "Which one's closer?"
<Random_Nerd> (Non-recovered.)
<Ftisk> "The non recovered one"
<Random_Nerd> (It's in a used bookstore.)

  • Ftisk gives the location

<DanteE> "Let's see what else they have..."
<Kite> "Leeeeeet's go!"

  • Theresa piles into the car.
  • Ftisk nod nod to the wise Kite suggestion

<DanteE> "Physics, you get what might have happened here, right?"
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "I shot first and didn't actually ask any questions."
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "In my defense, that usually works."
<DanteE> "Right. And their plan may have been partially done.
<DanteE> "On the other hand, you probably stopped their main plan."

  • DanteE driving to the store...

<Random_Nerd> Physics: "So, this wasn't a clever set-up on their part, it was just me not doing proper cleanup after stopping the plan?"
<DanteE> "Maybe."
<Kite> "I have no complaints about halting an Excrucian plan."
<Ftisk> "Me too"
<DanteE> "Me neither."
<Theresa> "If they were Strats, they probably have multiple plans going on at any given time."
<DanteE> (Arrival?)
<Ftisk> (Yes please!)
<Kite> "Probably true."
<Ftisk> (Dante Mobile is _fast_ ^^)
<Kite> (Books, here we come!)
<Random_Nerd> You arrive at the bookstore.
<Random_Nerd> According to Ftisk, two of the books that had been stolen are here.

  • DanteE checks out the place with Sight and Mythic...
  • Ftisk ld to find the right place in the bookstore

<Random_Nerd> To the Sight, it's dim. No greater miracles have been going place recently.

  • Kite changes back to human and enters the store.

<Random_Nerd> Mythically, it looks like a 1/10 scale model of an extremely large zoo.
<Random_Nerd> Or perhaps an animal shelter.

  • Ftisk enter in snail body, floating a bit

<Random_Nerd> Some of the books pace in their cages, or make sad eyes at people passing by.
<Random_Nerd> (Guising at all, Ftisk?)
<Theresa> (Aww, poor little bookies...)
<Ftisk> (disguise are soo blasé, no please)

  • Theresa pets various of the books that we pass.
  • Ftisk look around mythically for the books

<Random_Nerd> The clerk watches Ftisk and Dante with interest as they go by his desk.
<Random_Nerd> Clerk: "So, where's the remote control?"
<DanteE> (Sight & mythic?)

  • Ftisk land on Dante shoulder, sliming a bit, just a bit...

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, you spot the two books that had been taken.
<Random_Nerd> (Sight and mythic what?)

  • Ftisk jump up and down souting "These!!! These are the books!

<DanteE> (Checking out the clerk and the books)
<Kite> "It' experimental satellite-controlled prototype."
<Random_Nerd> (The clerk is mundane. Mythically, he's covered in shed book-hair.)
<DanteE> "If I were to explain the hyperactive snail your brain would explode..."

  • DanteE grabs the books...
  • Ftisk jump from Dante shoulder and go toward the books

<Random_Nerd> Clerk: "Just don't crash it into anything."
<Kite> "We'll do our best to avoid that."
<DanteE> "Anyway... some bad news. A couple of your books are actually the property of [whatever library]."
<Random_Nerd> Clerk: "What? Are you guys cops or something?"
<Ftisk> (how are the books in mythic?)
<DanteE> "No... we're investigating a related thing, though."
<Kite> "Private eyes."

  • Ftisk showing the damaged eye to Dante and the clerk "Really private..." + blink
  • Theresa wanders around the bookstore, looking at the shelves for anything to catch her eye.

<Random_Nerd> (Mythically, the books look like rather scruffy dogs, asleep in their pens.)

  • DanteE checks the books for the Library's ID.

<Kite> "Ftisk. What was the title of the book you said should be here?"
<DanteE> "Yep, here they are."

  • Ftisk repeats the titles to Kite while showing the books

<DanteE> to the Clerk: "Can you tell us about whoever sold these to you?"
<Random_Nerd> The books have each had the title page cut out with a knife, and the spines have been slit and glued back together.
<Theresa> (Something hidden in them?)
<Ftisk> (seem likely?)
<Ftisk> (btw a greater Data divination can look into the past?)
<Random_Nerd> One of them's a bunch of papers on the topic of quantum gravity, bound together in one volume.
<DanteE> (If there was we'd have seen something in Mythic...)
<Random_Nerd> The other's a book describing various sorts of amnesia.
<Kite> (How much is the price on 'em?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yes, it can, in parts of the past that are near Data and where either no Auctoritas is present or you use enough Penetration.)
<Random_Nerd> (Two bucks for one, three bucks for the other.)
<DanteE> "Yeah, these two are in the Library's active catalog."
<Theresa> "Just pay for them. He wouldn't have known they were the Library's if the marks are gone."
<Ftisk> (What do you think of a gDiv to see around the time the pages were taken?)
<Kite> "I agree. Though it would help us to know who brought them here."
<DanteE> (ah, can I assume we have 5 bucks?)
<Random_Nerd> (You could do that, but if you wanted the parts where the books were near the Excrucians, you would need to use sufficient Penetration.)
<Theresa> (William probably would at least.)
<Ftisk> (uh uh ok. Lets do some math then)
<DanteE> "William, you have 5 US dollars?"
<Random_Nerd> William pulls out his wallet. "Hmm... yes. Have some left over from when I lived over here."
<Random_Nerd> He hands a $10 bill to Dante.
<Kite> To clerk: "Is there anything you could possibly tell us about the person who sold these to you?"
<Theresa> (Can Theresa 'heal'/preserve any of the worst off books?)
<Ftisk> ( /me create a dollar printing machine... :-P )
<Random_Nerd> Clerk: "Even if it was me that bought them, which is unlikely, I wouldn't remember unless it was yesterday. Uh... was it?"
<Random_Nerd> He looks a little nervous.
<Kite> (Oh, geeze, Ftisk! The Grotto should have an international mint!)
<DanteE> "More like a year ago. Got a computer inventory system?"
<Ftisk> (I have data 2 so a greater div cost 3 right? Or cost 4 for the power of 2 rule?)
<Theresa> (Good grief, Nobles can destroy any economy. That should be the second level of the missile question.)
<Random_Nerd> Clerk: "Yeah, but it's not really up to date, and I don't think I can show it to you..."
<DanteE> "No problem."
<Random_Nerd> (Costs 4, but on the other hand you can use the left-over point to do Penetration 1.)
<DanteE> (Ftisk, you can check their computer for free, right?)
<Random_Nerd> (And if you add extra Pen, it doesn't follow the powers-of-two rule.)
<Random_Nerd> (Yes, he can.)
<DanteE> (And Theresa can go a gDiv on the books cheaper, I think)
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, she can do divinations on books.)

  • DanteE checks the spine to see if they inserted anything...

<Ftisk> (ok. Then pumping 7 point to get 4pen and take a death wound. Brake ON! .. right Dante!)
<Random_Nerd> It doesn't feel like there's anything in there.
<DanteE> (Whoa, Ftisk, don't hurt yourself if you don’t have to.
<DanteE> (Especially considering we'll be meeting ... something.)
<Random_Nerd> Ftisk wobbles in the air and almost falls to the ground.

  • Theresa pops back over to look at the books. (GDiv. with Pen 3.)

<Theresa> (Oh, never mind.)
<Ftisk> (Wait I don’t do this)
<Random_Nerd> (Ah, okay.)
<Random_Nerd> (Retcon activated.)
<Theresa> (Who of us is Divining?  :) )
<Random_Nerd> (Theresa is, I think.)
<DanteE> (Ftisk can do a LDiv on their computer)
<Theresa> (Okay. Penetrating, activated.  :) )
<Ftisk> (Ok, I was going to do the div but Dante pointed to Theresa that can do this more efficiently)
<Random_Nerd> (Okay, Theresa, none of the shards had Spirit 3 or above. Not unusual in Strategists, as they get less benefit from an Auctoritas.)
<Random_Nerd> (So, you get all the info on the books, including when they were within the hands of the Excrucians.)
<Ftisk> (So I lDiv the pc! ^^)
<Random_Nerd> (Ftisk, you find a spreadsheet that lists all their books by title, author, price, condition, and in some cases edition.)
<Theresa> (I need to remember that about Strats. Save some effort.)

  • Ftisk lDiv the books (but this can be useless for Theresa GDiv)

<Random_Nerd> (Ftisk, you get everything on the words and diagrams in the books, but not their past, or stuff about the physical condition of the books.)
<DanteE> (If that's their sales system he should get info on who sold the books and when)
<Ftisk> (If the info is there)
<Random_Nerd> (It doesn't have that information, but he can find when the books were added to the spreadsheet.)
<Random_Nerd> (So, when they were sold, which was several weeks after all the stuff went down.)
<Theresa> (Can I get the looks of the Strats as well?)
<Ftisk> (Ok, I look for this date)
<Random_Nerd> (Yes. There were two of them that read the books. Both were physically identical.)
<Random_Nerd> (They both wore ceramic white masks, rather like a pierrot mask if it didn't have any non-white colors on it.)

  • DanteE makes sure the clerk's paid...

<Random_Nerd> (They were thin to the point that if they were humans they'd be seriously unhealthy, but otherwise fit the human physical shape.)
<DanteE> to the others: "Any other missing books around here?"
<Theresa> (Oh, yeah, that was hard not to notice... Shall we head outside of the store?)
<Ftisk> "I get all the one that were there"
<Theresa> (So, what did the Strats say/do around the books?)
<Random_Nerd> Clerk: "Cool helicopter-thing. Are they for sale?"
<Kite> To clerk: "Thank you very much for your time, Mr. ....?
<Ftisk> "Nope"
<Random_Nerd> (They didn't speak out loud to each other in the presence of the books. They did make various notes, however. You believe that the amnesia thing and the quantum gravity thing were part of the same plan, rather than being two separate interests.)
<Theresa> (Don't speak Latin in front of the books...)
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and the books were sold to the bookstore by a guy who found them in a Starbucks that the Shards had left them in, and he cut out the title pages, and cut the rfid tags out of the spines before selling them.)
<Ftisk> "So we have confirmation that the excru attack want to separate normal and quantum physic"
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "So, what does that mean for us?"
<DanteE> "OK, but where does amnesia come in? You're saying it's part of the _plot_?"
<Ftisk> "Amnesia can be here to prevent Physic from heal the damage done by the excru?"
<Random_Nerd> (That's how it seems. They were reading, in particular, the stuff on dissociative fugues. As near as you can tell, they were going to grant awareness to PHYSICS, cut out the parts of him that told quantum gravity how to work, and them mess with his head until he thought he was someone else.)
<Theresa> (Hmm, a professional book person, huh...)
<Random_Nerd> (It looks like they got to Step 2, and then got shot.)
<Ftisk> (yep)
<Theresa> (Aww, poor PHYSICS.)
<Ftisk> (But step 3 exist?)
<DanteE> "Which means... they were trying to replace you (Physics)"
<Random_Nerd> (They didn't finish that part. That's why PHYSICS was able to hold stuff together well enough.)
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Replace me how?"
<Theresa> (Convince him he was someone else, that would destroy a lot of stuff.)
<DanteE> "Good question. Let's ask them."
<DanteE> "Whoever's left."
<Theresa> "If they had convinced our large friend here that he was someone or something else, what would that do to your Estate?"
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "How? Get the Excrucian to send more shards in? He goes for me fairly often, so it's bound to happen sooner or later..."
<Ftisk> (strategist are Tempering-able?)
<DanteE> "Theresa, where to?"
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "If they took the mythical spirit of Earth's physics, and made him think he was... what, Napoleon?"
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "I don't know for sure what would happen, but I bet it would be bad."
<Random_Nerd> (Strategists /could/ Temper themselves, if they wanted to. They don't.)
<DanteE> "The only one it makes sense to turn him into was you."
<Random_Nerd> (For Ftisk to Temper himself in the shape of a Strategist, he would have to kill it.)
<Ftisk> (but strategist can be used to perform a tempering?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, if the other conditions are met.)
<Ftisk> (^^ danke)
<Theresa> (Why ask me?)
<DanteE> "Come to think of it... if the next step is to brainwash the big guy, then they could launch a _massive_ attack against you."
<Random_Nerd> (Might not be ideal, though, as Strategists tend to be a bit... malign. Cruel for the sake of it, rather than as a means to an end.)
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Good thing I shot them, then."
<Kite> "Yup."
<DanteE> "We need to make sure this plan is _completely_ gone, though."
<Ftisk> (ok RN)

  • DanteE floors it...

<Random_Nerd> Vroom!
<Random_Nerd> (Where to?)
<DanteE> (Wherever Theresa says the bad guys are.)
<Theresa> (The bad guys are dead, though.)
<Theresa> (I just saw them with the books, but they lost the books before they got dead. If I'm understanding right.)
<Random_Nerd> (They left the books behind when they were done with them.)
<Random_Nerd> (Then some other guy found them and sold them.)
<Random_Nerd> (And then they were on the shelves of the used book store.)
<Ftisk> "Wait, If we ask Shadows to open a conduit to Outside, can Theresa try to locate the shards or the strategist?"
<Kite> (Let's go to the place they left the books, then.)
<DanteE> (How many guys did Physics nail?)
<Random_Nerd> (Theresa would know the shards if she saw them, and would probably know the strategist. But I can't think of a way for her to track them.)
<Theresa> "The books were left at a Starbucks." (*gives directions*)
<Random_Nerd> (Two Shards, with several shots.)
<DanteE> (Which leaves at least 1 bad guy unaccounted for, probably the Strategist.)
<DanteE> (AFK a minute...)
<Kite> (Perhaps that info comes with the other book(s))
<Theresa> (I thought there were only two Shards. The Strat would be Outside.)
<Random_Nerd> (The full-Excrucian doesn't seem to have come in at all.)
<Ftisk> (me too)
<Kite> (Oh, right.)
<Random_Nerd> (Full Strategists almost never come in.)
<Random_Nerd> (Warmains or Deceivers will do so occasionally, and Mimics live here as a matter of course.)
<Random_Nerd> (But Strategists are the REMFs of the Excrucian army.)
<Kite> (*puts a wing on Physics's shoulder* "You're screwed, son.")
<Theresa> (To be honest, I don't know where to go with this. Maybe reassuring the Big Guy, but that's all I can think of, since the Shards didn't talk out loud in front of the books.)
<DanteE> (BAK. OK... but we should have a lock on where they were plotting from Theresa's Div, ne?)
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "So, how do we rehabilitate a screwed-up mythic spirit?"
<Theresa> "Carefully."
<DanteE> "Find the missing piece."
<Random_Nerd> (Yes. Mostly various motel rooms and restaurants.)
<Random_Nerd> (At one point, an office building that they broke into at night, when they were low on pens and paper.)
<Theresa> (That's...just sad.)
<Theresa> (Did they take the stapler too?)
<Random_Nerd> (No! That would result in someone burning the building down.)
<DanteE> (If they did, there's a poor guy in the basement who's probably really pissed...)
<Random_Nerd> (Too blatant.)
<DanteE> "Physics... PHYSICS... either of you registering that missing piece nearby?"

  • Theresa scribbles out a vague map of the various locations. "Maybe they left the piece of our friend in a place that they were working in?"

<Kite> (Kite probably has a few stolen staplers at home...)
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Missing piece?"
<DanteE> "The part of him that understood quantum physics."
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "I... I mean, they're /Strategists/."
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Why would they keep it around?"
<Kite> "They probably ate it."
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Wouldn't they just do that really annoying magic trick?"
<DanteE> "No, people still work with quantum physics."
<Ftisk> "We can't know while we don't look for this missing piece"
<Theresa> "Well, true. Worldbreaker's hand is great for cleaning up."
<DanteE> "Which means it can't be gone."
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "If it were still around, it would be part of my Estate."
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Gimme a moment..."
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Nope."
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "I think the Big Guy has just been fudging stuff."
<Kite> "Didn't you say it's all smoke and mirrors when it comes to Quantum?"
<DanteE> "Well, crap. If it is gone we can't help him (PHYSICS)."
<Random_Nerd> William: "I believe your brother Brian has people working on that right now."
<Kite> "Or someone said it, anyway..."
<DanteE> "But at least we can strategize over overpriced coffee."
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "I bet that's why they did it to quantum gravity. If they did it to, like, electromagnetism or something, we'd know how to fix it."

  • DanteE looks over the Starbucks... (Sight & Mythic, as usual)

<Kite> "Yes, let's. Maybe we can find out something important while we're there."
<Kite> "We should probably get some money if we had to borrow from William, though."

  • Ftisk connect with Gnomely

<Random_Nerd> The Starbucks skulks in the shade of a strip mall's tattered banners, and occasionally grins malignly.
<Ftisk> toG: "How is going dear?
<DanteE> (hm...)
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Either that, or to go 'Oh, you know this cool thing you could never quite figure out? We ate it. Na na na na na.'"
<Theresa> "That disappoints scientists."
<DanteE> "If you think about it, what would be the point of eating it?"
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "To be a dick."
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "I did mention that they were Strategists, right?"
<DanteE> "If it disappears, then Newton or Einstein fill the void, right?"
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Dunno. Maybe?"
<Ftisk> toG: "There is Dollphaniel into human form back there, I Hope she will not make much trouble, but I _have_ to give her some faith... then, are some piece of Krackoven missing?"
<Kite> "Or maybe it had some nutritional value to the Excrutians."
<Theresa> "I don't think scientists can be used as universal spackle."
<Kite> "Though I think Dick Theory is more probable."
<DanteE> "Missing?"
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Besides, Newton's been dead for years. Einstein too."
<Theresa> "So see, even less spackle."
<Ftisk> "Yes Dante, missing, was a joke"
<DanteE> What's in the Starbucks?
<Random_Nerd> The coffee paces behind the bar, while the tea and the whipped cream circle each other menacingly behind the backs of the cashiers.
<Random_Nerd> The tables slouch.
<Random_Nerd> Various people sit at them, drinking various and sundry beverages.

  • Theresa will order a chilled cider.

<Random_Nerd> William puts it on his credit card.
<Random_Nerd> Looking for anything particular, Dante?

  • Kite orders water and a cookie.

<Random_Nerd> (Theresa, you see that the table the Strategists sat at is gone.)
<Random_Nerd> (It's replaced with one that isn't quite the same style as the other ones.)
<Ftisk> (no reply from Gnomely?)
<Theresa> "Huh, the table they sat at isn't around...weird."
<Random_Nerd> (Ah, you want me to play him? Sorry, one moment.)
<DanteE> The usual. Twists in reality, ex-creation hordes, et cetera.
<Random_Nerd> Gnomely: "Wait, was I supposed to be keeping track of her? Crap."
<Ftisk> (no problem RN)
<DanteE> Alternatively a drink with a decent price to taste ratio.
<Ftisk> toG: "No, but I was asking if something big have happened"
<Random_Nerd> (You can tell, by looking mythically, that one of the people drinking in there is a werewolf. But he doesn't seem to be rampaging at the moment. Other than that, nothing unusual.)

  • Theresa nods politely to the werewolf.

<DanteE> (Want to ask the manager nicely about the table?)
<Random_Nerd> Gnomely: "All the three-armed guys stopped playing pool with me. Word's gotten around, I think."
<Random_Nerd> The werewolf nods back at Theresa, and winks.
<Theresa> (Sure, I can do the nice thing.)

  • Theresa goes over to the manager. Is he busy?

<Random_Nerd> (Okay, with Spirit 1, you seem at least somewhat important. He looks up when you walk up to him.)
<Theresa> "Hi! *smile* I love the tables here! I was wondering...I can see the table we're at is slightly different from the others. Is the table that was replaced just sitting around? I'd love to see if I can get it and put it in my place."
<Ftisk> "Well I'm relieved that Dollphaniel is not ravaging the city. :-) When I came we can do a Oil bath together... Well, se ya later!"
<Random_Nerd> Gnomely: "If she is, nobody told /me/."
<Theresa> (The Bureau guys would have been on alert...)
<Random_Nerd> Manager: "Yeah. Weirdest thing, earlier that year, we came in, and that one had just... kinda melted. Like it was made of old chewing gum."
<Ftisk> toG: *mental hug* "Don’t worry."
<Theresa> "Melted? Weird..."
<DanteE> "Any chance what's left of it is still around?"
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Take a drink."
<Theresa> (Oh, I get it...they took out the quantumness of the table as a test?)

  • Kite checks the floor, windows, etc. around the replacement table in mythic, just to be sure.

<Random_Nerd> Manager: "No, we dumped it."
<Random_Nerd> (Not really. They just took out the structural integrity of it. Because they were bored.)
<Theresa> (Gee, Physics gets all of the _fun_ enemies, doesn't he...)
<DanteE> to Physics: "that would mean they already had some control over your Estate."
<Theresa> "Darn. Oh well. Anything else happen since then that was strange?"
<Random_Nerd> The replacement table stands tall and strong, lording it over the other, older tables.
<Theresa> (Just Worldbreaker's hand on it, I think.)
<Random_Nerd> Manager: "A guy threw up and some of it landed on the ceiling, once. Not quite sure how he managed that."
<Random_Nerd> Cashier #2: "I think someone put that on youtube."
<Theresa> "Huh. Projectile vomiting can be at varying degrees."
<Random_Nerd> Cashier: "Not the vomiting itself, but it up on the ceiling."
<Random_Nerd> Manager: "Anyway! Did you have a problem?"
<Theresa> "Why? Some sort of pattern?"
<DanteE> (Hm... is the floor hardwood?)
<Random_Nerd> Cashier: "I think they just thought it was funny."
<Random_Nerd> (Under the carpet, yes.)
<Theresa> "Nope, no problem. Thank you for talking with me!"
<DanteE> (Could another plants div help here?)
<Random_Nerd> (Depends what you want it to do.)
<Random_Nerd> (The books were here for all parts that the Excrucians were, and somewhat longer in fact since they left them behind.)
<Random_Nerd> (Any facts from when they were here that you want Theresa to think about?)
<DanteE> "Hm... We may have hit an impasse, unless you guys can think of something?"
<Kite> "The other books? The one's back at the library, I mean?"
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "So, the Excrucians you fight aren't the kind who'll break into your apartment and leave all the water taps going, just to give you a bigger bill?"
<DanteE> "How many books are still out?"
<Theresa> "No, they're mostly loud, shouty and like to punch you in the face. Warmains are straightforward and not dicks."
<Random_Nerd> (He doesn't know this, but that was actually another Noble nettling him.)
<Theresa> "Do you have a Twitter feed? They may start emailing you dirty pictures or something."
<DanteE> "We have Numbers in our Familia, we stopped thinking in terms of big bills."
<Kite> "Well, Ftisk only told us the closest ones that had been recovered by the library and the closest ones that had not. We only picked up the ones that had not."
<DanteE> (Ftisk, you still with us?)
<Ftisk> "Well, here is the complete list"
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "So, one of you has people working on the patch side of things. So we need to, what, make him not sentient any more? Or what?"
<Ftisk> (yep, router fighting but with you!)

  • DanteE makes sure they're not being eavesdropped on...
  • Ftisk hover on Dante shoulder again

<DanteE> "Let's analyze this...
<Kite> (And a cup of coffee listens intently....)
<Theresa> "Might be better for him. He's not happy with people poking at his being."
<DanteE> "It looks like you took the Shards out in the middle of their plan.
<Ftisk> "No one will be happy when prodded with a stick"
<DanteE> "No, I can't help but think that diminishing someone that important would be a bad thing."
<DanteE> "And there's still the question of what exactly are they doing with the piece..."
<Ftisk> "uhm, but there is already a Physic Noble. There isn’t a Machinery big spirit... or a least I'm not aware of it"
<Random_Nerd> The werewolf throws his cup away and leaves the Starbucks.
<Theresa> (Ftisk freaked him out?  :) )
<Random_Nerd> (There isn't, at least at present.)
<DanteE> hm... LDiv/Courage on him...
<Ftisk> "And Machinery is working ok!"
<Random_Nerd> (On the werewolf? He's nervous that he'll be late getting back to work, and that he might get yelled at by his boss.)
<DanteE> (Ah, not us then, OK.)
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "I thought I checked and there wasn't a piece left."
<DanteE> "Have you ever done anything with Quantum Physics?"
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Not really. I don't really get it."
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Oh! I did the cat thing, once."
<Kite> "How'd it turn out?"
<DanteE> "Hm... if that's true, then the big guy would be the closest thing to a Noble of Quantum Physics."
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Worked properly. The cat was, indeed, both alive and dead. And me divining to check didn't count to make it be either one or the other."
<Kite> "Frightful! Does it only work with cats?"
<DanteE> "William, is there a separation between Physics and Quantum Physics?"
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Dunno. Only tried that one time, with the cat."
<Ftisk> "And.. if the big guy _is_ the missing piece?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Not that I know of. Hmm. Quantum Physics would have to be a True God. Let me check."
<Random_Nerd> William touches his ear-sphere, and his expression goes blank.
<Random_Nerd> William: "Not that our Oracle knows of."

  • DanteE looks over the big guy...

<Random_Nerd> William: "And we're pretty good on Estates of Earth."
<Random_Nerd> (The big guy is, of course, everywhere, now that you know how to look.)

  • Kite is suddenly intrigued by the ear-sphere.

<DanteE> Does he look like he's missing a piece?
<DanteE> "Maybe we need to create a Noble of Quantum Physics."
<Random_Nerd> It looks more like... damage. Not like a missing limb, more like a badly broken arm.
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Wait, you can do that?"
<DanteE> "No, but from what people say about, Kudzu should be all over it."
<Kite> "What?"
<Ftisk> "Fit with your Imperator"
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Uh, there is. It's me. I just do regular physics too."
<DanteE> "... they hurt him, somehow.
<Random_Nerd> William: "Hurt who?"
<Theresa> (It was a bit rude. It's like saying that we don't think Physics can do the job.)
<DanteE> "Physics of the Earth.
<Kite> "Mr. Science."
<Ftisk> "The spirit, the big one"
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Well, that side of things, I thought we already had a plan for>"
<DanteE> "You'd think he'd heal in a year... unless it's ongoing."
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Hmm. How do big mythic spirits normally work?"
<Kite> "Well...maybe we can learn something more from the books on....amnesia, was it?"

  • DanteE looks over the amnesia book we recovered...
  • Ftisk lDiv on the books content

<Random_Nerd> It's basically about various sorts of amnesia experienced by humans. Retrograde, anterograde, and various related kinds of brain damage.
<DanteE> "Theresa, what specifically were they reading?"

  • Theresa thinks a moment and points it out.

<Theresa> (Which parts, RN?)
<Random_Nerd> (They concentrated on the section on dissociative fugues, the section on anterograde amnesia, and a brief part on agnosia of various sorts.)
<Theresa> (Agnosia?)
<Random_Nerd> (The inability to know things that a healthy person would know.)
<Theresa> (Huh. Interesting.)
<Random_Nerd> (Like, seeing an object and being unable to recognize it.)
<Random_Nerd> (Or being blind, but not realizing that you are, and confabulating reasons why you can't do things that require sight.)
<DanteE> (The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, that's one kind.)
<DanteE> (We're missing some blatant clue, aren't we.)
<Random_Nerd> (Eh. You know what the situation is. It's just a matter of what to do about it.)
<Kite> "So...maybe it's not gone so much as nothing can see it?"
<Ftisk> (here we can have an agnosia powered -something- on physic)
<DanteE> "Fugues I remember... someone would just go and live another life for a while.
<Theresa> "Physics, what if you reCreated it?"
<Ftisk> "Can you *point to Physic* be geased?"
<Kite> "That's a bit forward."
<Random_Nerd> William: "As I see it, there are two problems. There's the missing bits of physics, but Brian has people working on that. Additionally, the big spirit has some mental gaps that make him vulnerable to future attacks."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Does that sound right?"
<DanteE> "They put in the mental gaps... that's what they were reading about."
<Ftisk> "But once some piece are in place, can’t we close these gaps to match our solution?"
<DanteE> "How the hell did they manage to _do_ that, though?"
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Yeah, I can fix the broken parts once they tell me what to put there."
<DanteE> "That's the other book."
<Random_Nerd> William spreads his hands. "They're Strategist-shards. They can destroy things. Basically anything that isn't a Noble. Ideas, rules, objects..."
<Theresa> (And Entropy has this power too. So...comforting.)
<Random_Nerd> William: "And I think I know where they got the idea. Themselves."
<DanteE> "They didn't destroy, though. They excised.
<Random_Nerd> (No. They really destroyed. Seriously.)
<Theresa> "I believe I speak for many when I say...'huh?'"
<Random_Nerd> (They totally did. Honest.)
<Random_Nerd> (Physics has told you as much.)
<DanteE> "If they destroyed the part that's lost, why not just destroy all of him?"
<Random_Nerd> Physics: "Because they aren't Warmains."
<Kite> "Why not?"
<Random_Nerd> (They were setting up a Flower Rite, rather than making a straightforward mythic attack.)
<Ftisk> "Because a crippled physic can cause more harm that a death physic?"
<Random_Nerd> (The latter would be playing to Physics' strengths, and against theirs.)
<Random_Nerd> (Because, while they can destroy anything, they can only destroy one thing at a time.)
<Random_Nerd> (And when they started destroying things, Physics could feel it.)
<Random_Nerd> (So he came and shot them.)
<DanteE> "So, you think we need to re-create his knowledge of Quantum Physics?"
<Theresa> "It's kind of like destroying a building. A Warmain would blow up the whole thing. A Strat would remove the load-bearing boss."
<Random_Nerd> (Their plan was to destroy enough of the /right/ things to set up a contradiction in the Estate of Physics, but they didn't do quite enough in time.)
<Random_Nerd> (But they did enough that it still made problems.)
<Ftisk> "well I believe any knowledge will do it if we then fix the spirit so that it matches"
<DanteE> "Well, hold on.
<Random_Nerd> (Really, the other problem is that Physics is too direct about these things. He isn't good at fighting Flower Rites.)

  • Kite nods in agreement with Ftisk.

<Theresa> (But that's how _he_ is. We can't change him.)
<DanteE> "Ftisk, Kite, you two can help Physics come up with a decent plan for Quantum Physics, can't you?"
<Theresa> (That's what Brian's working on.)
<DanteE> "Along with Brian."
<Kite> "I thought that's what Brian's scuttlings were doing."
<Ftisk> "Me too"
<Random_Nerd> (They could do so better, or at least faster. I imagine that they could take what Brian's people have been working on, and check it for flaws and contradictions a lot faster.)
<Kite> "Oh, sure."
<Ftisk> "but Brian isn’t here now. We want to wait or rush forward? I say: Rush forward!!!"
<DanteE> "Well, if you get together, you can come up with something sensible and discoverable."
<DanteE> "We can go after the remaining books."
<Random_Nerd> (A series of Lesser Divinations of Data and Mechanisms could give you what you need.)
<DanteE> (AFK a minute...)
<Ftisk> (nice!)
<Random_Nerd> (At least, when added to what they already have worked out.)
<Ftisk> "Ok I'm for do this now, Kite?"
<Kite> "Sure! I'll just need to know which people to assemble for the most productive brainstorm."
<Ftisk> "We can take someone from the local academic environment"
<DanteE> (BAK)
<Random_Nerd> (Mind if we stop about here? It's getting late.)

  • Ftisk lDiv appropriate names (data, +scientific newspaper)

<Ftisk> was (oki)
<DanteE> "But will that get rid of the vulnerability, though?"
<Kite> (Sounds good)
<DanteE> "We need to get rid of as much of the original plan as we can, easiest way to get that is to trace the missing books."
<Ftisk> "I believe the vulnerability will disappear one we finish... otherwise, you don't want to expand your healing gift Dante? :-P"
<Random_Nerd> ________________STOP______________________
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
<DanteE> "Then once that's done we can make him stronger, faster, better. We have the technology. Actually, we are the technology. :) "
=-= Kite is now known as Verithe
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
<BethE> Interesting session!
<Angelo> right!
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
<Angelo> I ashamed that my attention was split most of the time :-(
<Knockwood> well, we went in completely goofy directions. As usual.
<Angelo> well, we are _player_
<Knockwood> So was your connection...
<Angelo> a fight with the router take much of my time :-(
<Random_Nerd> It wasn't all that goofy.
<Random_Nerd> Can I ask what made you think that the missing piece was missing, instead of just destroyed?
<Angelo> we as usual are crawling toward the happy ending
<Random_Nerd> Because I tried to be pretty clear on that, once you started actually checking, but clearly there was a miscommunication.
<Angelo> I believe is by repeatly calling it missing instead of destroyed
<Random_Nerd> Ah, okay.
<Knockwood> That might be it. Also, retrieving it kinda makes sense as a plot...
<Angelo> (words have power)
<Knockwood> making it a MacGuffin. :)
<Verithe> MacGuffins make good cookies. :)
<Random_Nerd> Oh, and were the werewolf and the Wild Hunt too red-herringy?
<Random_Nerd> I just wanted to express the fact that, on the Ash Earth, there's generally weird stuff going on that has nothing to do with the plot.
<Angelo> not the wolf
<Angelo> yes the WildHunt
<Random_Nerd> They're also foreshadowing.
<Random_Nerd> Dum dum dum!
<BethE> But we've already had a werewolf.
<Knockwood> ooh
<BethE> Plus, Theresa's cute to a werewolf?
<Random_Nerd> The werewolf wasn't foreshadowing.
<Random_Nerd> He was just a werewolf on a coffee break.
<Angelo> hard is the werewolf life! :-P
<Knockwood> So, the Wild Hunt is?
<Random_Nerd> Yeah. I plan on doing something with them sooner or later.
<Random_Nerd> So I wanted to toss them in as a throwaway reference now, to show that they exist in the universe.
<Angelo> and don't forget that finished this we must run to help Shadows
<Random_Nerd> Is the mention of that fact a little too fourth-wall-breaking?
<Knockwood> Well, is it really worthwhile to chase the books?
<Angelo> yep, so who will have the wild hunt after him? (I bet on Ftisk)
<Random_Nerd> That's probably a safe bet!
<Angelo> lol
<Random_Nerd> I don't know how he would manage that...
<Random_Nerd> But I bet he'd come up with something.
<Angelo> run run run?
<BethE> Ftisk likes playing tag, though.
<Random_Nerd> No, I mean, manages to get them riled up.
<Angelo> well if Ftisk
<Knockwood> Well, if he thinks they're Dante... :)
<Angelo> (smile misteriously)
<Random_Nerd> Anyway, any questions or such before I log out?
<Angelo> none
<Verithe> I can't think of any.
<Knockwood> is it really worthwhile to chase the books?
<Random_Nerd> Not really.
<Knockwood> aha.
<Random_Nerd> They just needed them to work out what part of Mr. Science to attack.
<Random_Nerd> And how best to do it.
<Random_Nerd> You guys have already figured those parts out.
<Random_Nerd> Partly because, for most of the time that the Excrucians had the other books, they also had the ones Theresa divined.
<Random_Nerd> So you got that information too.
<Verithe> Oh, good.
<Random_Nerd> You might have had to get more of them to piece it together, but you worked out a faster way.
<Knockwood> this is starting to sound like a short chapter. :)
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, I think so.
<Angelo> yes really. The elusive, rare, short chapter
<Random_Nerd> We'll finish this in about one more session, and then I suspect the one with Shadows' thing will be another short one.
<Random_Nerd> We had a long one, so I thought a couple short and thematically-unified stories would be good.
<Random_Nerd> And you guys have done fun things with this one.
<Angelo> ah, I like to set up an embassy from Vulcan on amyra,
<Angelo> is ok for you?
<Random_Nerd> Fine by me as GM.
<Verithe> The Vulcans will be happy to get out of the Grotto, maybe?
<BethE> It's okay with me. Beware Camms visiting, though.
<Angelo> uhm, yes
<Angelo> and a portal to exchange invading enemies?
<Angelo> :-P
<Knockwood> and we'll probably need to tie some loose ends...
<Verithe> What's the fun in Camms that can't be shared?
<Angelo> two camms is better that one?
<Verithe> Zero camms are better than one.
<Angelo> No! I disagree
<Angelo> Camms are nice to spice up Nobles lives
<Knockwood> Technically, the Camms owe us a medium favor...
<Angelo> not me!
<Angelo> nor Kite
<Knockwood> true
<Knockwood> (That should be part of chargen... X points for the Cammorrae to owe you a favor)
<Verithe> Kite might want an assistant, though...he's become interested in the shiny ear-thingy
<Angelo> well can ask will to bring a will-like
<Random_Nerd> Heh. It's a connection to the Aides' Oracle, and a physical embodiment of certain oaths they've made.
<Random_Nerd> Oaths? Yeah. Friggin' Tpyo.
<BethE> Hail Typo!
<Knockwood> We can end the war by just throwing her at them, y'know
<Angelo> I believe Kite want an aide not the earing
<Random_Nerd> Heh.
<BethE> Yeah, how many ways can she spell Excrucians.
<Angelo> 297?
<Random_Nerd> Anyway, I have to go. Later, all.
<Verithe> He wants both....together....the Aide, likely, wearing metallic-looking clothes.
<Verithe> Take care!
<Knockwood> g'night RN
<BethE> Good game, all! *HUGS* Good night!
<Angelo> bye RN!
<Angelo> Night Beth!
<Verithe> That was one way she spells Excrucians, Angelo. :P
|<-- BethE has left (Connection reset by peer)
<Random_Nerd> Oh, and 362,880 ways.
|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
<Angelo> Verithe, _if_ we can make a portal Amyra-Volcan....
<Angelo> can you mass produce portal clones?
<Verithe> Portal clones?
<Angelo> more portals
<Angelo> like we create the first one you the following 9999
<Verithe> If it can be assembled, I could set up assembly lines and factories or something.
<Knockwood> OK, if you do that, how the heck is someone ging to walk to the corner store without switching dimensions?
<Angelo> well we can make like 4-50 portals
<Angelo> like metallic frame
<Angelo> force field humming in the background.
<Angelo> A *HUGE* banner Portal here!"
<Angelo> the like
<Angelo> like stargate’s one
<Knockwood> aha.
<Verithe> Though it may take some working with....our Brother, since he has the Gatemaking ability.
<Knockwood> Good night, guys.
<Verithe> Take care, KW
|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.6/20091201220228])
<Angelo> well I believe a lChage +lCreation will make a single portal
<Angelo> then this will be a miracoulous one. you can assempby miracoulous things?
<Verithe> It might take a Change as well. We'll have to run it by RN.
<Angelo> omg is really late!
<Angelo> yeah, ok
<Angelo> good day/nigk/wathever! :-)
<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 17