Session 167
Chapter 20
[INFO] Now logging to {file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Angelo/Dati%20applicazioni/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/demuhaee.default/chatzilla/logs/}.
[INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis opened.
=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix
--}| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
{Angelo} Hi all!
{Knockwood} Hiya Angelo
{Knockwood} what's the word on Laz?
{Angelo} Hi Knock
{BethE} Just that he's going to be late tonight.
{Angelo} RN, I had, like, 1000 question
{Random_Nerd} Oh?
{Angelo} on the tempering results
{Random_Nerd} Well, bear in mind that Ftisk himself doesn't know a lot of how that works.
{Knockwood} I had another question...
{BethE} Hi Angelo! *HUG*
{Random_Nerd} Yes?
{Angelo} @Beth: TripleHug!
{Knockwood} First, it looked like the dragon's attack was a Create-Silver... and one of Luc's missing Nobles was Silver. Any connection?
{Verithe} Not that we're aware of, I'm sure. :)
{Random_Nerd} "Hmm. Interesting."
{Angelo} well, Vulcan have Principled, Ftisk in this light is capable of having a *bond* toward the excrus?
{Knockwood} or is that from the Reverse Suppository Hollyhock Kata?
{BethE} (For you, Angelo )
{Random_Nerd} Hmm...
{Angelo} (this is really cute Beth!!!!)
{Verithe} That's so adorable!
{Angelo} after all he is _half_ imperator half human
{Random_Nerd} I would say that he can have a Bond to excrucian-related concepts, but can't betray Creation to them.
{Angelo} so bond: Elvis, Ronchefort is acettable! ^^!!!
{Random_Nerd} Well, Knock, I guess you have to ask yourself. Am I the sort of GM who would throw in a reference to a really obscure fact from two years ago, and draw no attention to it, only to have it be key later on?
{Angelo} @RN on the K question: _ABSOLUTELY_ yes!!!!!!
{Knockwood} (Beth?)
{Angelo} .. and Rn is evil!
{Angelo} ... and have a waxed mustache?
{BethE} (He is evil. He keeps saying interesting. He keeps steepling his hands. Myself, I would say that I wouldn't be surprised if there's a connection.
{Knockwood} you've got it wrong, tho. The question I'm supposed to ask myself is 'Do I feel lucky?' :)
{BethE} He does not have a mustache.
{Random_Nerd} Well, do yah?"
{BethE} (He's also good at schooling his face when I look at him to see if I can tell if something is up.)
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
{Angelo} ah, the warmain code is soooo weak
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
{Random_Nerd} The trick, here, is to be the kind of GM where carefully implementing pointlessly complicated plots and acting mysterious about nothing at all are both perfectly in character.
{Random_Nerd} Okay, let's see. We've finished our previous storyline.
{Angelo} *NEW ONE: Code of the Tempered exSnail*
{Angelo} 1. From the old comes the new.
{Angelo} 2. Never abandon your comrades or arms.
{Angelo} 3. Never let casualties stop you from your cause.
{Random_Nerd} I believe there was some discussion of a Kite-focused one. Are you still interested in that, Verithe?
{Angelo} + rearrange my bonds to have 3 bond to your noble 3 bond to excrus
=-= Verithe is now known as Kite
{Angelo} +restriction respectful: Warmains
{Random_Nerd} Oh, that Principled thing reminds me of something. Ftisk does /not/, currently, ping Kite's Excrucian-Sense.
{Angelo} + :-D + XD
{Kite} I'm interested in it. L)
{Random_Nerd} Okay, let's see.
{Kite} Kite is pleased by this.
{Random_Nerd} Kite has no Anchors, right?
{Angelo} can be fooled by *blood* links?
{Kite} No Anchors. Correct.
{DanteE} We were considering getting an Aide for the Vulcans...
{Angelo} also nick and preferred shape from Conrad
=-= YOU are now known as Conrad
{Random_Nerd} Yeah. I have a plot idea lurking around that requires an anchor, but barring that, the Aides one seems best.
{Kite} We are so the worst Star Trek Vulcans ever.
{Random_Nerd} Can what be fooled by blood links, Angelo?
{Conrad} the principled property. I'm relative to Kite then not excru?
{Random_Nerd} That property tracks loyalties, not blood.
{Random_Nerd} Note that Imperators and Nobles who serve the Excrucians also ping it.
{Conrad} "ok, must watch my shoulder then"
{Kite} Well, I was considering grabbing a fishperson as an Anchor, if you want an Anchor soon.
{Random_Nerd} But also, that it doesn't ping Mimics or Deceivers when they aren't actively working against Creation.
{Conrad} fair
{DanteE} well, an Anchor is a Big thing...
{Random_Nerd} Nah, the plot idea I had requires an anchor who's been around for a while. So, shall we go with the Aide arc, and probably have the group go to Locus Vulcan at some point?
{Theresa} You have to remember to walk it and take care of it.
{Random_Nerd} That said, if you want to get an Anchor, feel free.
{Conrad} ah, what was the gift that Conrad know that I can take as common? Silver spray, fly, change form, Sacrosanct/Durant?
{Random_Nerd} Well, you can already fly and change form. Let me check his character sheet, one moment.
{Kite} Sounds good.
{Conrad} ok, the list was of the ones he show during screen time
{DanteE} (Hm.... the list might reveal something...)
{Random_Nerd} He also had the Glorious Gift. And sacrosanct, yes.
{Conrad} well, Is a pity he have no neg or wind ... are the ones I like more...
{Random_Nerd} Glorious already counts as Common, but Sacrosanct would, too, for Ftisk.
{Conrad} Sacrosanct is useful! ^^
{DanteE} (uhoh)
{DanteE} (Yeah, but Sacrosanct usually comes with a toy surprise...)
{Random_Nerd} This one didn't, as you saw.
{Conrad} (what surprise?)
{Random_Nerd} He was practically the only one who didn't have a built-in whammy like that, really.
{DanteE} (the book has Nemesis and Curse of Dust as examples)
{Conrad} uhm.. good! and will cost for Conrad? (I'm not near GWB)
{Random_Nerd} Sacrosanct, just the defensive part, normally costs 3 CPs. The "Common" version would cost.
{Random_Nerd} The silver attack would cost five CPs.
{Conrad} oh I was remembering 7 or + :-)
{Random_Nerd} That's Immortal.
{Random_Nerd} If he'd had that, you would not have killed him.
{Random_Nerd} What with him being invulnerable and so on.
{Random_Nerd} (Oh, and Ken's magic poky stick doesn't work on Immortal.)
{DanteE} either that or Sac + a curse
{Random_Nerd} True.
{Conrad} oh! ok!
{Random_Nerd} Okay, anything else before we start?
{DanteE} (How many spare points does everyone have? I have 8.)
{Conrad} btw If I had to take an attach.. probably will take the wind
{Conrad} and just now I have 4 free CP
{Random_Nerd} Winds of Hate may be taken by any Noble. It's not an Excrucian-only Gift.
{Conrad} really?
{Conrad} is described under the warmain section of the gwb
{DanteE} just as long as you don't also take the bean burrito focus
{Theresa} (I have a lot of spare points, but that's because I haven't been spending on much except like the +1 Realm lately.)
{Random_Nerd} A few Excrucian Gifts are Excrucian-only. Negative Gift, Unmastered Pain, some of the Deceiver stuff.
{DanteE} either way, watch where you point it
{Random_Nerd} Most of them are gifts that any Noble could take, but most don't.
{Theresa} (Since they cost major points?)
{Conrad} Last session Knock proposed a sun based gift for you T.
{Random_Nerd} (Since they break the normal rules.)
{Conrad} well Neg is 10points + level of gift affected! is a loooot
{Random_Nerd} Yep.
{Theresa} He did? Sun based?
{Conrad} yep.. T you don't read the logs? :-P
{DanteE} Yeah, you might justify getting Sunlight as a power
{DanteE} cuz, y'know, plants need it.
{Conrad} he do after you log out
{Theresa} Ahh, after I logged out.
{Kite} We make the logs. Why should we read them. :P
{DanteE} it could light a room, dazzle a foe, or fry a Shard
{Theresa} Huh, I'll have to ponder that one!
{Conrad} eh... there is a surprising amount of info that last lines on it (the log) give .... sometimes ;-P
--}| lazarus ( has joined #Nobilis
{DanteE} Hiya Laz
{Conrad} Hi Laz! *swirlingHug*
{lazarus} (hey guys ... rehearsal went a _little_ longer than I was expecting, and a bit longer than I was hoping)
{Kite} Have your secrets been removed, C?
{Kite} Also, are you officially changing Ftisk's name to Conrad, now?
{Conrad} Yes Kite
{DanteE} Nice timing, Laz. We just got a communiqué from Lord Entropy. He wants a new number 'freem' between 6 and 7.
{lazarus} new numbers are not an issue :p
{lazarus} it's if he wants it to _mean_ something that we'll have problems ;)
{Kite} *wants to know if we get a new finger to accommodate freem*
{DanteE} yeah, but the symbol for it has to please him...
{lazarus} is that better or worse than pleasing to the Ebon Dragon?
{Conrad} who?
{Random_Nerd} Okay, so, let's see. Shall we start out in Locus Kudzu, and then start out the Aide-acquisition in-character?
{Random_Nerd} Or do you guys think you'd rather go straight to Locus Vulcan and work from there?
{Conrad} (ah, I love to see Sam/Will reaction to Conrad Eyes...)
{DanteE} BTW, we don't want to force the Aide thing on you, Kite...
{DanteE} if you can think of something better
{Random_Nerd} Oh, yes. That's true, I have other plots I can work with if you'd rather not.
{Conrad} (Game Master _are_ resourcefulllll)
{Kite} Kite was actually wanting an Aide, especially after the bartender incident.
{Random_Nerd} Okay, cool.
{Random_Nerd} Now, show of hands. Who wants us to start in Amyra, who in Vulcan, and who's ambivalent?
{Kite} He mostly wants one around so he can gaze into their oracle and see his face reflected back at him.
- Conrad ambivalent
{DanteE} and, of course, Dante would want help looking after... um, your interests.
- Kite is ambivalent.
{lazarus} I don't particularly care. I'd like to get Brian back in the action.
{DanteE} How about with the bus pulling up to the Tower?
=-= lazarus is now known as Brian
{Random_Nerd} That works. We can do Vulcan later.
{Random_Nerd} ______________START__________________
{Conrad} @RN you have a link at Vulcan & The grotto?
{Random_Nerd} (I believe so.)
{Kite} (I forget, do we heal at the end of a story?)
{DanteE} (We might still have the chalk-drawn doorway Kite came through)
{Random_Nerd} (Not automatically.)
- Conrad drive toward the tower with mariachi serenade out louuuuuuud
{Random_Nerd} So, hail the conquering heroes. You've stopped an Excrucian attack, killed two of them, and gone home only mostly dead. And one, at the most, was tainted by evil anti-life energy.
{Kite} (I think we have to buy permanent inter-chancel gateways.)
{Conrad} (correect! grin grin )
{Random_Nerd} (Yeah. But I've concluded that there's a pretty reasonable indirect one.)
- Theresa tries not to whimper too much as she gets back on home turf.
{Random_Nerd} (Amyra has gateways all over, so there's probably one that leads to somewhere near Vulcan.)
{Kite} (Woo!)
{Random_Nerd} (You can't go there directly, but you can get pretty close.)
{DanteE} (OK, so who's meeting us?)
{Random_Nerd} Oh, and Theresa is now experiencing only normal "got sprayed by Winds of Hate" pain, not the supernatural quintessence of pain.
{Conrad} (we came to spend each side of the gate one point (Divine ones? and the link will be permanently established.. but never done that)
{Random_Nerd} Sam waves from his window.
- Conrad weaves back.
{Theresa} (Oh, yay. I would dance for joy but I'm in pain still.)
{Kite} "What's he waving at us?"
{Theresa} "Don't start thinking about it. That way leads to madness."
{DanteE} "I think that's a hand-analogue..."
{Conrad} (and let the buss drive without hands for a bit)
{Random_Nerd} (A wrapping of red and blue cloth around one of his arms.)
{DanteE} "How is everyone?"
- Conrad park and open door
{Theresa} (To us or to Sam?)
{Random_Nerd} Sam shouts: "Ut-way is up-ay with the Armain-ay ard-shay."
{DanteE} (to us)
{Kite} "Ah."
{Random_Nerd} Anyone with Aspect 2 or better can hear William saying: "Sam, Warmains can figure out pig latin."
{DanteE} "That's Ftisk. He made a new friend!
{Theresa} "I'm in slightly less pain. Slightly, being a relative term."
{Random_Nerd} Anyone with Aspect 3 or better can hear William sigh.
{Brian} "How'd it go guys?"
{Conrad} (but I [Angelo] not :-P)
{DanteE} "We got beat on, but we went the distance.
{Random_Nerd} Theresa and Kite look like they got run through a washing machine filled with razorwire.
{Conrad} "Hi, I don’t came to eat your brains or kill your wifes"
{Theresa} "Ftisk has some suvineers."
{Random_Nerd} Ftisk looks like a one-eyed man in a blue-green suit, and with stars drifting in the eye that's there.
{Random_Nerd} Dante looks normal.
{Random_Nerd} Davidson looks tired.
{Theresa} (Are we going in?)
{DanteE} "Anything happen here while we were gone?"
{Brian} "Not that I noticed. Not out of the ordinary, anyway"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "We've started to make progress on getting the little demon not to build shrines to you guys. And he hasn't sacrificed any animals all day."
{DanteE} "Sam, bring us a first aid kit?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Like, one of ours, or one of yours?"
{Theresa} (He builds shrines to all of us? Gosh.)
{Kite} "I want a fish sacrifice..."
{Conrad} "My Dollphaniel is ok?"
{Random_Nerd} William: "What kind of fish, and sacrificed how?"
{DanteE} "Got one for stymphalian birds?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I haven't seen her in hours. And that worries me."
{Theresa} (Salmon and with a nice dill sauce!)
{Conrad} (good line T)
{Kite} "Something quick, without to many spines and raw."
{Conrad} "uhm... Will look after her"
{Random_Nerd} William: "Uh... I have a strict no-human-sacrifices policy, Dante."
{DanteE} "First aid kit, not sacrifice."
{Random_Nerd} William: "Ah. Um... I'll get a first aid kit and a welder's tools, then."
{Conrad} "ohhh, too bad"
- Kite drips.
- Theresa hobbles out of the van and heads upstairs. "I want to sit down for a while with nothing attacking soon as I drop something off."
{DanteE} "Come on, Kite, we can at least wrap your wounds..."
{DanteE} (Maybe we should get Theresa a pile of fertilizer...)
- Conrad contact to Gnomely "Hey honey, I'm back. we need to do speak after I finish here"
{Random_Nerd} Gnomely: "Oh?"
- Theresa will head to the Heart.
{Kite} "They were wrapped, once. Then the silver eye beams made them not so wrapped."
{DanteE} "Is that actual silver, by the way?"
{Kite} (to Gnomely: "Daddy had a sex change....again.")
- Conrad toG "Later, face to face, I'll explain. Don't worry. Ok, kisses, licks and all"
{Random_Nerd} On the way to the Heart, you pass a clay statue of what looks like a flail snail fighting a knight. It's moderately detailed, but pretty stylized.
{Random_Nerd} (It is, in fact, actual silver.)
{Random_Nerd} (Pure silver, in fact.)
{Brian} (flail snail = win!)
{DanteE} state: "Nice."
{Theresa} "Huh. Nice perspective! The imp has a good eye for detail." *calls* "Hey Ftisk, you have a statue of honor up here."
{Conrad} "Oh, nice statue!"
{Random_Nerd} William, carrying various bundles: "The demon pointed out that technically, Dante had never told him not to make any idols of /Ftisk/."
{Random_Nerd} W: "I think he's working on one of Kite, too."
{Conrad} "But, please, I fell better Conrad as my name"
- Theresa shuffles into the Heart. "Hey boss, if you have a moment, I have something for you. If you don't have a moment, I'll just say my piece and you can let me know later."
{Brian} "I always loved the flail snail."
{Random_Nerd} William: "O..kay. Conrad."
{DanteE} "William, I assume you Aides got First Aid training?"
{Random_Nerd} William: "For humans, at least."
{Conrad} toW "Was my warmain name..."
{DanteE} "Oh yes. Ftisk Tempered the Warmain shard he killed."
{Random_Nerd} William: "I request permission to add this fact to our records, Ft...Conrad."
{Conrad} whisper to W: "And who win the driver seat fight?... "
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu's gear turns. Little gears on the side engage with it.
{Kite} "Don't worry, William. Just dodge the pointy feathers and human treatments should be fine."
{DanteE} "I'll help you out..."
{Random_Nerd} Theresa, the part of your mind that understands all languages reads the gear as saying: "Okay, what is it?"
- DanteE helps William bandage Ftisk (while Theresa has her plot moment...)
{Kite} "If it helps, you could turn around for a second."
{Random_Nerd} It is not obvious to you what about its movements seems like language.
{Conrad} (you mean Kite?)
{DanteE} (oops, yeah, I mean Kite)
{Random_Nerd} William: "Okay, I have bandages, and I have a blowtorch, a welder's mask, and some bronze bar stock."
{Random_Nerd} William: "I don't know which ones are appropriate here."
{Theresa} "We have just gotten back from a Warmain Shard hunt. In the battle, this acorn *holds it up* attacked two different Shards. The first word it spoke to me was 'Freedom!'. I thought you might want it. For you, the whole devour thing. If you don't want him, I can plant him near the tower or somewhere else in the Chancel. He just kinda reminded me of you."
{Kite} "Er..."
- Kite shifts to human form.
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Near the Maple. They'll make a good pair, I think."
{Random_Nerd} William: "Ah, that's much simpler."
{Theresa} (...Kudzu has a sense of humor, doesn't he... :P )
{Random_Nerd} (Never ask that kind of question. You might discover that you're one of his jokes.)
{Kite} (So long as Oak doesn't eat Maple. D: )
{Theresa} "Okay, boss. I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Scheming."
{Theresa} (Well, obviously, with the accent, this is a burr oak acorn.)
{Random_Nerd} (You're a bad person.)
{Theresa} (I love you too, dear.)
{Theresa} "Interesting." *shuffles off*
{DanteE} "Anyway, I was thinking... what do you think about getting an Aide for our Vulcan guests?"
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Before you go..."
{Theresa} "Yes, boss?"
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Do you feel any sudden urge to betray your loyalties, engage in a life of hedonistic pleasure while ignoring your duties, that kind of thing?"
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "More than usual, I mean."
- DanteE wraps Kite's wounds...
{Conrad} (snort!)
{Random_Nerd} William: "I think it would probably be a good idea."
{Kite} "The Vulcan guests were actually quite interested in an Aide as well."
{Random_Nerd} William: "Sam and I do what we can to help them, but our first loyalties are to you."
{Random_Nerd} Sam comes down the stairs, holding a notebook and a pen.
{Theresa} "At the moment, boss, I just want to rest and heal up. One of the Shards did something to me...felt like molten wires all over my nerves. No urge to betray, the only pleasure I want right now is to not be in pain and so forth." *smile* "No problems."
{DanteE} (almost forgot...) "Davidson? Any questions about what happened?"
{Random_Nerd} Davidson: "Just one. On a scale of one to ten, how normal was all of that for you?"
{Theresa} (
{Kite} "Oh! Dante. Do you want to keep the Tesla ants here or shall I have them sent home?"
{DanteE} "Well... we're new.
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Kite, Dante. Uh... Ftisk. Do any of you have email accounts?"
{Kite} "Email?"
{Conrad} "Conrad"
{DanteE} "There are some Nobles for whom that's a normal day, I think."
{Conrad} "and I have one"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "By the way, we Dionyl totally invented email."
{DanteE} to Sam: "You could use that account, I think..."
{Random_Nerd} William: "You didn't. You don't even have computers."
{Theresa} (There's a Dionyl named Al Gore?)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Computers, no. Email, yes."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "If you do, tell me, okay? Or if the others do."
{Random_Nerd} Sam makes several careful notes on his pad of paper. At one point, he pulls out a compass and a straightedge to draw a particular diagram. Then he finishes.
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Okay, check it in a bit."
{DanteE} to Davidson: "I dare say that for most Nobles that it somewhat unusual, though.
{DanteE} "Then again...
{DanteE} "You remember the hoopla that happened around Y2K?
{Random_Nerd} Davidson: "I guess?"
{Conrad} "not each day you can se a noble tempering.... is dangerous as act"
{Kite} "Perhaps highlighting the unusual bits would be helpful."
{Theresa} "Sure, boss. I think we're going to be helping out the Nobles from Chancel Vulcan for a bit, but I'll keep an eye on things."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I figured out a way to send email with Active Writing."
{DanteE} "Increase the odds that something might actually happen and multiply the severity by, oh, a zillion."
{Conrad} (T: do why you don't say that Ftisk is conrad now?)
{Theresa} (Sure.)
{DanteE} "In the celestial calendar, it's the year 4999."
{DanteE} "And something bad has happened every time the digits flip."
{Theresa} "Oh and by the way, boss, Dante got a sword off of one of the Warmain Shards and Ftisk from Chancel Vulcan...tempered a different Warmain Shard. Ftisk now goes by the name Conrad now."
{Random_Nerd} Davidson: "Like, how bad?"
{Conrad} "bad... is a big word..."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Wait, what?"
{DanteE} "Let's see... the Fall, for one. The start of the Valde Bellum, for another.
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "That /worked/? That trick never works!"
{Random_Nerd} Davidson: "Fall as in autumn, as in Decline And Of The Roman Empire?"
{Brian} (what is Tempering exactly?)
{Theresa} (Our Imperator is a moose?)
{Brian} "Fall as in Satan."
{DanteE} "Fall as in the Angel of Light becoming the Prince of Darkness."
{Random_Nerd} (You know how Warmains and their shards tend to look like Nobles that they've killed?)
{Random_Nerd} (That.)
{Brian} (oh, but backwards?)
{Random_Nerd} Davidson: "Ah. So, /bad/."
{Theresa} "He's in the tower at the moment, if you want a look at him. He's got the eye thing going."
{Random_Nerd} (Ftisk killed a Warmain-shard and did the Tempering miracle.)
{Brian} "Yeah. Um. Well, I don't think there was so much Turmoil on Earth, really"
{DanteE} "How's that feel, Kite?"
{Conrad} "and outside _can_ have had their reason to start the war..."
{Kite} "Snug, but it's keeping the organs in place."
{Random_Nerd} (Kite, you're still hurt, but you feel like you cam move around without the wound reopening, at least.)
{Random_Nerd} Davison: "I think I have a report to go and make."
{Theresa} "We're also lucky. The two Shards that survived the fight took Ftisk doing the tempering as a sign of respect and we were able to get a month-worth of nonactivity from them."
{DanteE} "Davidson? Hold off on that last part in your report, though.
{Random_Nerd} Davidson: "The whole Satan part?"
{DanteE} "Having the generals panic would be a bad thing."
{DanteE} "About the Big Deadline coming."
- Conrad reach Davidson
- Conrad cut open a finger
{DanteE} (uhoh)
{Random_Nerd} Davidson backs up against a wall.
{Brian} "..."
{Brian} (Realm Ghost of a JRPG speech bubble for Brian)
- Conrad forcibly aspect put some drops of blood into Davidson mouth
{Theresa} (We can't get into a habit of Anchoring our liasons!)
{Conrad} "shhh, is a test"
{Kite} "..."
{Random_Nerd} Davidson enters the "I will not move, and maybe the predator can't see me" pose.
{Random_Nerd} (Okay, Ftiskrad, do you love or hate Davidson?)
{DanteE} to Kite: "Yeah. We should talk about getting an Aide..."
{Conrad} (so RN... I don’t love him , don't hate him, Nobles can anchor only with these 2 feelings bur schards no... so?)
{Random_Nerd} (That is correct.)
{Random_Nerd} (Anchoring does not, here, take place.)
{Random_Nerd} (So, for these purpose, you count as a Noble, and not as a Shard.)
{Conrad} (ok, was what I want to know ^^)
{Conrad} "So ... thank you Davidson"
{Kite} "Yes. An Aide would be good. Also, I'd like a book with blank pages, if possible."
{Conrad} (you can create a book factory!)
{Kite} (I could!)
{DanteE} "Davidson, you all right?"
{Random_Nerd} Davidson switches to the "Crap, do I need to get tested for Magic Space Hepatitis now" pose.
{Random_Nerd} Davidson: "Uh..."
{Random_Nerd} Davidson: "I think I need to go and make my report now. Sir."
{Conrad} (I like the Davidson pose)
{Random_Nerd} Sam goes up the stairs, and comes back with a notebook.
{DanteE} "Good idea. Oh... you would do us a favor if you, ah, elided over Conrad's actions."
{Random_Nerd} Davidson: "I think I need to go now."
{Random_Nerd} He turns and starts to slowly walk away.
{Brian} JRPG message box ghost: "good job, scared the attaché"
- Kite sighs.
{DanteE} "Don't lose that medal, it's Important."
{Random_Nerd} Davidson: "Okay, sir."
{Theresa} "Okay, boss. I'll go see what's happening with everyone else and get the acorn planted." *bow and then shuffle out*
{Random_Nerd} William: "So, about that Aide. I think we might be able to fast-track this."
{Random_Nerd} William: "Because of, ah, our great respect for all of you."
{DanteE} "Should get someone experienced, I think."
{DanteE} "In fact, it's a shame Luc is busy..."
{Theresa} (William has a Gift for snark, huh?)
- Conrad search for the imp
{Kite} "Sounds good, William. Where shall we begin?"
{Random_Nerd} William: "Let's see. Okay, first, do you have any special preferences? Unusual skills, species, hair color, anything like that?"
{Random_Nerd} The imp is relatively easily located, because it's muttering to itself.
{DanteE} (heat resistant)
{Random_Nerd} It's in an office-type room on the second floor. All furniture has been removed, and the walls, ceiling, and floor covered in plastic sheets.
{Random_Nerd} Bits of clay are splattered everywhere.
- Conrad "Great work Imp. I like the snail statue"
{Kite} "It would be particularly helpful if we had someone familiar with treating and preventing Dementia Animus on staff."
{Random_Nerd} At the center of the room is a statue of Kite, if Kite were covered in spikes and hooks, and had an extra pair of wings.
{Kite} "And relatively /Conrad/-proof."
{Random_Nerd} William: "Hmm."
{Brian} "no one is conradproof"
- Theresa shuffles to everyone else. "Hey all. What's up?"
{Random_Nerd} William: "The only Aide I can think of who qualifies there is out on assignment."
{Random_Nerd} William: "Some of you have met him, actually. Works for Ja Phon."
{DanteE} "Well, Conrad tried to Anchor Davidson...
{Brian} "Kite's getting an Aide. He requested one who can be shape shifted..."
{Kite} "I'd also like someone who doesn't clash with my collection..."
{Random_Nerd} William: "Which collection?"
{Kite} "Oh, and the Grotto is fairly warm, so someone who doesn't mind heat."
{Random_Nerd} William takes notes on a small pad of paper.
{DanteE} "and now we're talking about getting Kite and Conrad an Aide."
{Theresa} "The Aide who worked for Ja Phon was very nice. A bit frazzled, but that's understandable."
{Random_Nerd} Imp: "They wouldn't let me leave a sacrifice."
{Random_Nerd} Imp: "Not even a really little one."
{Kite} "Odds and ends. I'm keeping the latest additions in one of the office cupboards for now. Would you like to see?"
{Conrad} "oh what a shame, what kind of sacrifice?"
{Random_Nerd} Imp: "Whatever's closest to hand? I think I saw a squirrel out the window..."
{Conrad} "bah, why not a rabid dog? Is usefull to society and bigger"
{Random_Nerd} Imp: "But the big red-headed one said no."
{Random_Nerd} Imp: "A sick animal? That would be a gesture of great disrespect!"
{DanteE} "Imp, we don't do sacrifices here."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I'd like to see..."
{Conrad} (uhm... miss traslation from my side here!)
{Random_Nerd} (What part?)
{Conrad} (a dog without home that live from what found)
{DanteE} (stray)
{Conrad} (and attack men)
{Kite} (I think a rabid dog sacrifice would be hilarious)
{Random_Nerd} (Ah. A rabid dog is not just feral, but also sick.)
{DanteE} (yeah, that's rabid)
{Random_Nerd} (
{Random_Nerd} (I believe the phrase you're looking for is "stray dog.")
{Conrad} (ah, no, not the sick version, yep Rn you are right a stray dog is the correct one)
{Random_Nerd} Imp: "Shall I get you a stray dog?"
{Conrad} "shall _I_ get you one for the sacrifice?"
{Random_Nerd} Imp: "That'd be cheating."
{Conrad} "is a worthwhile cause.." wink
{DanteE} "Again, _we don't do sacrifices here._
{Conrad} (Dante, when you entered the room with me and Imp?)
{Random_Nerd} (Well, he's on the same floor, and he has enough Aspect to hear the conversation.)
{Conrad} (ok!)
{DanteE} (oops, I thought you were in the room with me, Kite & William)
{Brian} (that's me!)
- Conrad sight to Dante general direction
{Conrad} "see love him is such a burden"
{Kite} "..."
{Kite} "Whoever it is REALLY needs to be Conrad-proof."
{Conrad} "Well, I leave imp, bye"
{DanteE} (L-word, Conrad!)
{Kite} (Especially in front of the Imp! D: )
{Conrad} (yes I know!!!)
{DanteE} to Kite: "He's going to wind up mounted on Entropy's wall."
{Conrad} (is imp a lord e. angent?)
- Theresa sits into a chair and just kind of melds there.
{Conrad} (elemental?)
{Random_Nerd} ("Hmm. Interesting.")
{Conrad} (rule 0 rule 0. la la la!)
{Theresa} (You know what, yeah, elemental. Limp Theresa-vines.)
{Random_Nerd} (It's not like you got sold the Imp by a noble of mysterious and vaguely sinister motives or anything...)
{Random_Nerd} (Certainly not one that worships Entropy.)
{Kite} "I hope Vulcan considers some changes in the design, should he need a replacement."
{Conrad} (yep, more snail, less crazy)
{DanteE} to Theresa: "Want a Miracle-Gro Margarita?"
{Random_Nerd} William: "Okay, let's see. Fireproof. Noble-proof. Shiny. Good at dealing with Dementia Animus."
{Theresa} "Maybe a bucket. Easy on the nitrophosphorus. Don't want to burn."
{Kite} "Yes."
{Random_Nerd} William: "What about attitude? Rebellious, professional, friendly, worshipful?"
- Conrad retun to the other Nobles meeting
{DanteE} (Where's Sam?)
{Conrad} "I like rebellious! I like to whip them in place..."
{Kite} "Does worshipful mean 'always underfoot'?"
{Conrad} "but who'll be rebellious?"
{Kite} "..."
{Kite} "Not rebellious."
{Random_Nerd} Sam's out in the hall, with William and Kite.
{Theresa} "We're talking about what kind of Aides you and Kite would like, Conrad."
{DanteE} "Oh, reminds me. How's the bartender?"
{Conrad} "ok ,rebellious than"
{Random_Nerd} William: "He's been able to have short conversations with his family, and seem sane during them."
{Conrad} (lol @kite)
{Kite} (:P)
{Random_Nerd} William: "So, making progress."
{DanteE} "Sam, grab a bucket of loam and a stiff fertilizer for Theresa, would you?"
- Conrad point to Sam "resourceful these aides"
{Random_Nerd} William: "We've told them that he is experiencing an illness of an unusual nature, but that he's being treated and is expected to make a full recovery."
{Random_Nerd} Sam goes downstairs.
- Theresa feels guilty now.
{Random_Nerd} William: "Will you wish to audition applicants yourself, or should we pick someone we think will fit your needs?"
- DanteE examines the silver he got hit with...
{Random_Nerd} What in particular about it are you looking for?
{Kite} "Maybe pick a top two and they can have a dance-off?"
{DanteE} (the part that says "PLOT POINT -}" :) )
{Random_Nerd} William scribbles.
{Conrad} (See T. you like someone that worship you. That bring fertilizer to you...)
{Random_Nerd} William: "Is that figurative, or literal, sir?"
{Brian} "Never can tell with those two"
{DanteE} "Hey Brian... have a look at this.
- Kite thinks about it.
{Brian} "Hm?"
{Random_Nerd} The silver appears to be pure, at least jewelry-grade. It doesn't show even very faint signs of oxidation, even to Dante's Aspect-sight.
{Kite} "I'll decide when the time comes."
{Random_Nerd} Other than that, it doesn't seem particularly noteworthy.
{DanteE} "The Warmain shard that Ftisk tempered tagged Kite and me with what looks like silver."
{Brian} "What do you want me to look at?"
{Theresa} (Theresa feels guilty. She is in pain and people are having to take care of her. She doesn't want to be a bother.)
{Theresa} (If it's not oxidizing, it could be Preserved.)
{DanteE} (you got hurt pounding on an enemy of creation. We'll cut you some slack. :) )
{Random_Nerd} Sam returns with a bucket and a bottle.
{Conrad} (rigth T on the preserver, ditto Dante on the T guilty situation)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Loam! Fertilizer!"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Do I mix them, or what?"
{DanteE} "Just set 'em down, Sam."
{Theresa} "Could you please mix them, Sam, and I'll take care of the rest."
{Random_Nerd} Brian, Dante's holding about half a pound of silver.
{DanteE} (would a Witchhunt rite tell us anything about the silver that we don't already know?)
{Brian} (the query is not what object he wants me to look at, but rather what property he wants me to look at)
{Random_Nerd} (No. It was created with a miracle that was recent enough and powerful enough that you can tell just by looking at it with the Sight.)
{Random_Nerd} (And you already know who made it, and with what kind of miracle, and for what purpose.)
{DanteE} "Well, a miracle of Silver sounds a bit familiar...
{DanteE} "Sam, we got tagged with Silver. What can you tell us about that?
{Kite} (*has a miracle of feathers*)
{Random_Nerd} Oh, and Ftiskonrad, you feel an itching sensation of unrightness. The idea of the Imp making a sacrifice to you just feels icky and unpleasant for some reason.
{Kite} (No wait...that's aspect...nevermind.)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Uh... silver. There's a Noble of Silver. Never met him. Did he do it?"
- Conrad hash a bit this thought
{DanteE} "Doubt it. But I seem to recall there's a connection between your Big Boss and Silver."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I think so."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Not the current one, though."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Well, we have a reason to go to HQ anyway, we could go to the Hall of Statutes, and you could see what he looked like."
{DanteE} "How much of what we do are you sharing with the rest of the Aides?"
{DanteE} "... any chance he was a Dragon sometimes?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Hmm. I don't know."
- Conrad aspect run to imp
{Brian} "Dante, what part of the silver did you want me to look at? Count the protons? Mass? What?"
{Theresa} "The Hall sounds interesting." *hauls bucket over to a pool of sunshine, steps into it and goes elemental*
{DanteE} "Just conversation, I guess."
{Conrad} "Imp. Don't do sacrifices in my name!"
{Random_Nerd} (If you do, you can tell that it's pure 105 AG, which is normally a radioisotope of silver, but this sample seems to be stable.)
{Kite} (Poor Imp... :P )
{DanteE} "Sam, any record of a Noble doing a Tempering?"
{Random_Nerd} Imp: "Awwww!"
{Random_Nerd} Imp: "What about the bird?"
{Brian} (...) JRPG bubble ghost: "! ! !!!!!!!!!"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Uh..."
{Conrad} "Yes the bird yes. But not me... my warmain pieces rebel against it"
{Random_Nerd} Sam touches his headsphere.
{Brian} "that ... hm. That isotope of silver is ... well, it should be radioactive, but it's not."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Not in our records. In fact, 'Can a Noble successfully Temper himself' is in the Unanswered Questions list."
{Conrad} (I say YES!)
{DanteE} "Hm. We may have answered it for you."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Yeah."
{Kite} "It seems to have been a success."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Let's see... there was at least some anecdotal evidence that it didn't work."
{Theresa} (They may need to be a bit more clear on what a success means, though.)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "But that's hard to come by. Nobles don't usually tell everyone when they fail at something."
{Brian} "well, I suppose that any miraculously created silver could be made silver or radioactive, though I would've expected that making a radioactive isotope nonradioactive would be a more powerful miracle ..." (I'm remembering that Change } Creation, correct?)
{Theresa} "Don’t work that way?"
{DanteE} "radioactive?"
{Random_Nerd} (A Preservation could do it.)
{Brian} (that's Brian thinking out loud, possibly missing the obvious ;))
{Brian} (also, me missing the obvious)
{Random_Nerd} (Well, that wasn't necessarily obvious.)
{Conrad} (right, was not obvious)
{Brian} "Preservation of Electrons or Neutrons or whatever might stabilize it, though..." (does that look like what happened?)
{Random_Nerd} (And, in fact, this silver /did/ have a Lesser Change subsumed into the miracle. But it didn't /have/ to.)
{Random_Nerd} (That's how it looks, yeah.)
{Brian} (... yes, I know this is likely something completely irrelevant, but hey, Brian likes it)
{Random_Nerd} (The silver looks, to a Realm div, like normal 105 Ag silver, but that's kept from decaying by a miracle.)
{Brian} "Hm. So it's been Preserved stable, not Changed to be stable"
{DanteE} "Sam? How would a Warmain Shard get the ability to do Miracles of Silver?"
{Random_Nerd} (On a side note, Brian could do this, with a Preservation of Numbers.)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Hmm. We don't really know why they can do the things they can do. They don't have Estates, or at least hardly ever."
{Brian} (*nods* good to remember. If ever we're facing a nuke... :D)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "That's actually an unanswered question, 'Why can Excrucians do miracles based on Estates of Creation.'"
{Conrad} (naaah, a nuke is covered by only fire rite)
{Random_Nerd} (Well, being hurt by one is.)
{DanteE} (doesn't cover the rest of the country, tho!)
{Random_Nerd} (But Brian might still want to not have the city that he's in blow up.)
{Conrad} (the rest of the country is a _detail_)
{Kite} "Is there a ranking of 'Strangest Gifts' on file?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Not... formally. We try to keep our 'Cool Stuff' files out of the Oracle. But I bet a lot of the Aides have personal files on that kind of thing."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I could ask around."
{DanteE} (Where's Conrad now?)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "It'd be a lot weirder than just making some silver, though."
{Kite} "It would be fun to hear some stories, sometime."
{Conrad} (in between imp room and here?)
{Brian} "Perhaps it's akin to our Realm miracles?"
{Theresa} (I bet their Cool Stuff file is a lot like Tv Tropes.)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I heard once of a Strategist who could turn anything into butterflies. Rocks, light, emotions, moral principles. Anything."
{Brian} ("Now you've done it...")
{DanteE} "Did he get that from the Power of Butterflies?"
{Kite} "That sounds pretty...if damaging."
{Brian} "I'm going to turn the concept of green into a butterfly?"
{DanteE} "We've dealt with 'faked' miracles before... the one in Aniseed swiped power from Freezing."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "There isn't a Power of Butterflies. Or if there is, I've never heard of him."
{DanteE} "Though, if Shards could perform Realm miracles in Creation we'd be in a lot more trouble."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "A few can. If they stole a Focus, at least."
{DanteE} "Hey, Conrad?"
{Conrad} "yes?"
{Random_Nerd} William: "Okay, Kite, I've informed the Aides of your requirements, and they're going through the applicant pool now."
{DanteE} "Do you have any idea where 'you' got this attack from?"
- Conrad return to the room with the others
{Kite} "Excellent."
{Random_Nerd} Ftiskonrad, the silver thing just seems to make sense to you. It seems obvious, somehow.
- Kite anticipates shininess.
{Conrad} "uhm.... nope, sorry"
{Conrad} "is how it must be "
{Brian} "Oh, that body made it? Can I see?"
{DanteE} "What do you mean?"
- Conrad try to spit silver in a corner a few times
{Random_Nerd} (If you've devoted character points to the Gift, you can do it. If not, you can't.)
{Conrad} (no, no cp spend on the gift .. but Conrad don't know this :-) )
{Random_Nerd} (But if not, it feels really weird for it to not work. Like if you reached over to scratch your nose, and realized that your arm was missing.)
{Random_Nerd} (Oh, one other thing. When you do it, it feels like you're trying to transmute your thoughts into silver, and then throw them at the corner.)
{Random_Nerd} (But they won't change properly.)
{Conrad} "Its... like me and you... is really weird that we have had not sex 'till now, is something we can have had for granted but... then no sex.. ehm.. no silver"
{DanteE} "How old are you, Conrad?"
{Conrad} (RN? Conrad was xx old?)
{Random_Nerd} (You don't know.)
{Conrad} "don't know and 3"
{Random_Nerd} (You don't really have any of his memories, but you do have a few of his habits, if the distinction makes sense.)
{Conrad} (yep make sense)
{DanteE} "Then again, that might not help...
{DanteE} "When we were parlaying they seemed to indicate they could recreate the guys we killed."
{Theresa} "Or at least they could come back. Makes sense. We could die but our Estates go on."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "That, we know they can do. At least, sometimes."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "And before you ask, we don't know how that works, either."
{DanteE} "Same 'person', or different person doing similar things?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Dunno. Answers to the same name, sometimes. Looks the same, often. Does similar things, nearly always."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "But 'same person'... that's philosophy stuff. Above my pay grade."
{Theresa} (*pats Sam on the head. Gives him an Aide treat*)
{DanteE} "Hm...
{DanteE} "If they could make Shards at will, why haven't we been zerg-rushed?"
{Random_Nerd} (Theresa, what's a small object that you might have misplaced some time in the last month.)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Hmm. Getting them in is difficult, I know. That's most of what the Imperators do these days, keep the borders."
{Theresa} (A small pair of scissors. Let me guess...)
{Brian} (I find my energy winding down ... anyone else?)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "There's a school of thought that there's an uncountably infinite number of Them, but only finite numbers can get in, and small finite numbers at that."
{Conrad} (you as laz? me too you as Brian then is a nettle rite)
{Brian} (as laz)
{Brian} (player-energy)
{DanteE} "Maybe I'm just trying too hard to make sense out of things.
{DanteE} "It's just that last time we heard about Silver it was connection with Luc."
{Random_Nerd} Theresa, the pair of scissors that you misplaced appears on the floor, with a note tied to them.
- Theresa snakes a vine down to pick up the scissors. Reads the note.
{Random_Nerd} It says, in latin, "I just wanted to tell you, Walter's a bit upset. He says he feels like there's something he needs to be doing, but he can't remember what it is. Do you know what it might be? -Ophaniel."
{Conrad} (Walter is the chase right?)
{Random_Nerd} (The sheepdog.)
{Kite} (Walter is the dog given to Ophaniel as a gift.)
{Conrad} (ok, tnk)
{Theresa} "Huh. A note from the Lady of the Moon. Seems Walter the sheepdog is feeling like he's forgotten to do something."
{Theresa} (Uh...I have a thought that might be relevant.)
{Random_Nerd} (Hmm?)
{DanteE} "He's got sheep to herd...
{Theresa} (Well, Kudzu asked "Do you feel any sudden urge to betray your loyalties, engage in a life of hedonistic pleasure while ignoring your duties, that kind of thing" Would this fit?)
{Kite} "Isn't she the embodiment of Forgotten Things?"
{DanteE} "Lost things"
{Kite} (Ah. Retro rewrite.)
{Random_Nerd} (Well, Walter isn't living a life of hedonistic pleasure.)
{Random_Nerd} (Heh. Be funny if he was. A sheepdog lounging by the side of a pool, drinking martinis with she-sheepdogs in bikinis?)
{DanteE} (it's the opposite of that... he's trying to remember his duty.)
{Kite} "Oh, well I guess that's different."
{DanteE} "William, where'd you get the dog?"
{Random_Nerd} William stretches for a moment, and removes his finger from the ear-sphere.
{Random_Nerd} William: "Sorry, what was that?"
{DanteE} "The dog we gave to Ophaniel, where'd you get him?"
{Kite} (After checking the Who's Who....we've got a lot of Walters. :P )
{Random_Nerd} William: "Ah. Champion sheep herder, three years running. Farm on the outskirts of Kaerkoven. Owners traded him for a commendation from Parliament and us having a zoning dispute settled in their favor."
{Random_Nerd} (Oh? How many?)
{Kite} (Three plus two Walts.)
{Random_Nerd} (Heh. Odd. I guess my brain uses that name a bit too often when I have to randomly think of a name.)
- DanteE does a quick RDiv of the Sheep herder and the farm
{Brian} (:D I'm intending to print out the Deck O' Names at some point if I ever run a game again...)
{Random_Nerd} The farm's doing well. They've managed to spin the commendation into increased business selling wool to tailors who cater to those with social ambitions.
{Random_Nerd} Both of Walter's former owners are in good health, as well.
{DanteE} How about the shepherd himself?
{DanteE} ... the sheep?
{Random_Nerd} For sheep, they're doing pretty well.
{Random_Nerd} One of them has indigestion from overeating.
{DanteE} "Walter's old farm, owner, and sheep are fine...
{Random_Nerd} (Yeah, we should stop soon.)
{Random_Nerd} (My brain is melty, too.)
{DanteE} "aside from the one who overate."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Weird."
{DanteE} (I should get Div of Wild Goose Chase, Auto when appropriate)
{DanteE} (... or Div of Relevance...)
{Brian} (:D)
{Random_Nerd} (Okay, I'll throw you a bone. You are not missing anything that you have enough information to guess at at this time.)
{Random_Nerd} (This is more something that's going on in the setting, but isn't directly relevant to you right now.)
{DanteE} (Elvis is coming back?!? :D )
{Brian} (I'm totally missing what we're trying to guess at. I _think_ we're interested in figuring out the metaphysics of excrucians?)
{Conrad} (was elvis one of the 2 shards names?)
{Random_Nerd} (No.)
{Conrad} (Roncheford and ... ?Elvis?)
{DanteE} (Is Walter's thing related to the Shards we just fought?)
{Random_Nerd} (Elias.)
{Random_Nerd} (...technically, it might be very tentatively linked.)
{Random_Nerd} (But for practical purposes, no.)
{Conrad} (doh! Elias not Elvis :-( my poor brain is cross wiring )
{DanteE} (Is Walter concerned because he should be protecting us, and we got hurt?)
{Random_Nerd} (Nope. He doesn't even know about that, and he feels more responsible for the lunar sheep than he does for you.)
{Random_Nerd} _____________STOP__________
=-= Brian is now known as lazarus
- lazarus melts.
{lazarus} been a bit of a long day
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
- Angelo melts tooooooooooooooooooo
{DanteE} The answer is going to be ridiculously obvious in a few sessions, I think
=-= Kite is now known as Verithe
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
{lazarus} it tends to be
=-= YOU are now known as liquidAngelo
{Random_Nerd} This is more me laying groundwork for something.
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
{BethE} You like to lay groundwork.
=-= YOU are now known as AngelInAGlass
{Knockwood} Could I actually get Div of Wild Goose Chase?
{lazarus} groundwork is necessary :D
{lazarus} I like groundwork
{lazarus} groundwork and Plot.
{AngelInAGlass} *water sound* yes, hel ike, but we love to reap his ground work's fruits
{Random_Nerd} Hmm. I'm going to go with no.
{Knockwood} groundwork is what you build a solid foundation of WTF? on
{Random_Nerd} Well, yes.
{Random_Nerd} If you build your WTF on the dirt, it'll fall down.
{Random_Nerd} And then you'll just have a W and a TF lying on the ground.
{Random_Nerd} Much less impressive.
{lazarus} TF on its own is sometimes good enough, though.
{lazarus} like the famous leaning tf
{Knockwood} should see me at TF2, I suck
{AngelInAGlass} tf2?
{lazarus} team fortress 2
{Knockwood} multiplayer shooter with a cartoony-yet-bloody look
{Random_Nerd} Heh. Good game.
{AngelInAGlass} oh, I don't know the game...
{Knockwood} Hm...
{Knockwood} maybe we should build a Command Center so we can keep track of what's happening in (and to) the world.
{lazarus} that sounds like a plan. It can sort of be tied into the same concept Brian had for the collider.
{Knockwood} Oh!
{lazarus} oh?
{Knockwood} It can have an AI, to catch whatever we miss!
{lazarus} do we have the points for that?
{AngelInAGlass} V, I like Kite, each session more.
{Verithe} Yes?
{AngelInAGlass} yep
{Knockwood} we have char points coming out our ears...
{Knockwood} *character
{Knockwood} It can be Tpyo's character
{Verithe} I'm glad he's enjoyable. :)
{lazarus} I think I was planning on raising Brian's HS stat, or possibly one of the others. I'm also considering getting a new Gift, though I'm not sure what.
{AngelInAGlass} He start a bit in the low profile but is nice how you play it.
{Knockwood} How many loose char points does everyone have?
{BethE} Well, all, I need to get to bed. My brain decided to walk off and pout at me a while ago.
{lazarus} not exactly sure - I had a tally somewhere, I think?
{BethE} Good game! *HUG*
{lazarus} nigh Beth.
{Knockwood} on the Wiki?
{AngelInAGlass} Vulcan’s count?
{Knockwood} g'night Beth
{AngelInAGlass} bye {Beth
{lazarus} um. I think?
{Verithe} Bye, Beth!
{lazarus} or Google’s thing? or Google docs?
|{-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
{lazarus} somewhere.
{lazarus} I think I'm going to sign out now, though, and think about things.
{Random_Nerd} Anyway, g'night, guys. Good session.
{lazarus} during the week I mean.
{lazarus} g'night.
{AngelInAGlass} night RN
{Verithe} I currently have all of my CP used up.
{Verithe} 'Night RN
{--| lazarus has left #Nobilis
{Knockwood} ... Theresa has 14?!?
{Knockwood} g'night RN
{AngelInAGlass} 14? Is crazy!
{AngelInAGlass} is half a new noble!
{Knockwood} going by the char stats on the wiki
{Verithe} The quick chart is roughly the same, though decorated with question marks.
{AngelInAGlass} eh, I was not sure when write the number then
{Knockwood} where is that?
{AngelInAGlass} &hl=it is only for the language....
|{-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
{AngelInAGlass} btw Laz , is 0 correct as your current free cp total?
{Verithe} Laz left.
{Verithe} 0 is my correct total, though.
{AngelInAGlass} oh. too watery to notice (brick!)
{Knockwood} let's see, I've got 40 points total...
{Verithe} You'll break the glass! D:
{AngelInAGlass} lol
{Knockwood} Theresa is 35+Noble-spotter gift
{Knockwood} Ah. She's got 14 total points, not including bumping up 3 stats.
{Knockwood} OK, so Theresa & Laz & I are 40-point characters
{AngelInAGlass} 10 more and you double you starting 25
{Knockwood} Don't know the cost of her spotter gift, but she has 5-X points free, not 14
{Knockwood} Huh. Ftisk, I think you've caught up to us. You've got 41.
{AngelInAGlass} ohhhhh!
{AngelInAGlass} :-/ I feel bad
{Knockwood} Kite has 35
{AngelInAGlass} to not have noticed by myself
{Verithe} I should in maybe four stories?
{Knockwood} Oh, Ftisk, I've got 8 CP free
{Verithe} Or five.
{Verithe} Five makes more sense.
{AngelInAGlass} and these are counted?
{Verithe} What do you mean?
{AngelInAGlass} nevermind
{AngelInAGlass} corrected the spreadsheet.
{Knockwood} whoops, wait, that puts me at 48...
{AngelInAGlass} too much water n my brain
{AngelInAGlass} so 7 to catch for me and kite
{Knockwood} which means the original 14 points for Theresa may be right
{AngelInAGlass} erh so 7 for me, 12 for kite
{Knockwood} hm. Well, I think we had ... 4 double point chapters... which means 48.
{AngelInAGlass} giggle, too simple to have next 4 as double point
{Verithe} Ow! Ow! Numb foot! Numb foot! Why does numb hurt so much?
{Knockwood} well, Theresa and I have been in from the beginning...
{AngelInAGlass} yep, and you never skip a session
{Knockwood} Verithe: that's feeling coming back and warning you you shouldn't have had it numb in the first place. :)
{AngelInAGlass} how old is this game... 4-5 years?
{Verithe} I would gladly choose for my foot to never be numb. We just don't have any chairs.
{AngelInAGlass} eh? no chairs ?____?
{AngelInAGlass} O___O
{Knockwood} hm... 5 years next month
{AngelInAGlass} wee need a ghost birth day cake next week then!
{Verithe} Japan. We sit on the floor a lot. Most people have a chair or two, especially in the new houses. Not us.
{AngelInAGlass} oh, true, Japan... but, isn't the floor cold?
{Verithe} We have space heaters and heated tables. Also, tatami floors and floor cushions.
{AngelInAGlass} tatami?
{Knockwood} maybe you need lumbar support
{Verithe} thatched reed mats
{AngelInAGlass} heated tables is a smart idea!
{AngelInAGlass} oh tatami = parquet
{Verithe} We do get chair-like cushions with strong backs. Just no legs.
{Knockwood} well, less furniture means it's less messy after a giant robot piloted by a 14 year old with issues barges through the place
{Verithe} The heated tables are awesome in the winter. :)
{Verithe} Yeah.
{AngelInAGlass} ditto
{Verithe} Haven't figured out which 14 year old it is, yet.
{AngelInAGlass} è___é kill him!
{Knockwood} well, see you guys next week
{Verithe} Take care, KW!
{AngelInAGlass} night Knock
|{-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.3/20100401080539])
{AngelInAGlass} well -I go too. take care Verithe!
{--| YOU (AngelInAGlass) have left #Nobilis
Chapter 20