Session 192

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Chapter 25

[INFO] Now logging to [file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Angelo/Dati%20applicazioni/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/demuhaee.default/chatzilla/logs/].
[INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis opened.
--]| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
=-= Topic for #Nobilis is ``Things one puts on toast.
=-= Topic for #Nobilis was set by Verithe on venerdì 31 dicembre 2010 8.34.51
[Verithe] And suddenly, we have six inches and counting....which is a lot for here.
--]| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
[Verithe] Hi, Angelo.
[Verithe] Hi, RN!
[Angelo] Hi guys
--]| Knockwood ( has joined #Nobilis
[Knockwood] Hi guys
[BethE] Hi Angelo! *HUG*
[Angelo] hi Knock
[BethE] Sounds like a lot! We had 5-6 inches last weekend.
[Angelo] hug Beth
[BethE] Hi Knock!
[Verithe] Hi, KW!
[Knockwood] oh, we got dumped on yesterday.
[Knockwood] (Assuming you're talking snow fall.)
[Verithe] Yes
[BethE] Blaarghh...
[Knockwood] and remember, tomorrow is new year's eve, and professional drinkers recommend getting a good pre-drunk on before the full-on drinking tomorrow night. :)
[BethE] Our New Year's Tradition is to watch Fiddler on the Roof.
[Verithe] Ours is to eat snacks.
[Angelo] Fiddler is one of Santa reindeers?
[Verithe] That would be fun.
[Verithe] :)
[Random_Nerd] It's actually a movie based on a stage musical based on a book written in yiddish, set in a small Russian Jewish town around the turn of the century.
[Random_Nerd] The reasons /why/ watching this is our tradition are lost in the mists of which we get rather a lot around here.
[Angelo] you get a lot of mist during new year eve?
[Random_Nerd] No, that was a reference to something.
[Angelo] ah, ok
[Knockwood] so, what are we doing?
[Angelo] uhm... singing?
[Random_Nerd] Waiting a bit to see if Laz shows up?
[Verithe] I am eating Roasted Chicken and Vinegar-flavored potato chips.
[Verithe] "Roasted Chicken and Vinegar" is the flavor, if that wasn't clear.
[Angelo] no wasn’t
[Angelo] I'm polluting some single malt with coke
[BethE] I am pondering peppermint chai.
[Angelo] chai?
[Angelo] is a dish?
[BethE] It is a type of drink. Chai is another word for tea.
[Angelo] ohhh
[Verithe] A sort of spiced tea, when used in English, yes?
[Knockwood] I'm waiting for my eyes to refocus after an ophthalmologist visit earlier
[BethE] This particular one, I make with milk and yep, spiced tea (mostly peppermint flavored in this one).
[BethE] But if I drink it now, I will have trouble sleeping.
[Angelo] oh, look at the video in this post: http://docmanhattan .
[Knockwood] ... Dirty Dancing the Video Game?
[Angelo] lol
[Verithe] Haha
[Random_Nerd] Okay, five more minutes, then we start.
[Angelo] okidoki
[Random_Nerd] Oh, and the cover to Nobilis 3 is likely to be one completely different from the one I showed you guys.
[Random_Nerd] But this one's better.
[Angelo] well, too much neg feedback on the 2 choice images we received?
[Knockwood] they read our comments?
[BethE] I agree. Much better.
[BethE] No, it's not due to that. Many people were not fond of the first ones.
[Knockwood] (gotta feel bad for the artist, tho...)
[Angelo] ok, but _when_ I can grab my personal signed copy and my pdf of the game?!?!?! That is taking the better half of an eternity!
[BethE] Maybe they worked on a bunch of other stuff too?
[BethE] *grin* No one knows yet, Angelo.
[Angelo] sigh, I know!
[Verithe] I'm just excited that it is going to /be/!
[Random_Nerd] I gather that there've been some serious artist issues.
[Random_Nerd] Which is pretty much why the game wasn't out months ago.
[Angelo] ... well better a playtest edition that nothing! For now ...
[Random_Nerd] Okay, still no Laz.
[Random_Nerd] Anything before we start?
[Verithe] I don't think so, no.
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
=-= Verithe is now known as Kite
[Theresa] We were going to see more candidates?
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
=-= Kite is now known as Dionyl-Kite
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
[Random_Nerd] Two more.
[Ftisk] (cool!!!)
[Theresa] Oh, I have a question. Is there a battle of the sexes on Dionyl?
[Random_Nerd] Hmm?
[Random_Nerd] How so?
[Theresa] Well, like men vs women, glass ceilings, patriarchy, gender roles, etc?
[Dionyl-Kite] Strong gender roles and animosity between the two? Glass ceilings for female dionyl/
[Random_Nerd] Hmm.
[Random_Nerd] Not quite as much so as on Earth.
[Random_Nerd] "Childbirth" isn't linked to a specific gender.
[Random_Nerd] So that reduces it a fair bit.
[Dionyl-Kite] But masculinity and femininity exist, as we've seen.
[Random_Nerd] Yeah.
[Random_Nerd] And part of this depends from city to city.
[Random_Nerd] Okay, ready to go?
[Dionyl-Kite] Perhaps the battle of the sexes has been subsumed in the animosity between worldviews?
[Dionyl-Kite] Ready.
[DanteE] sure
[Theresa] Ready.
[Random_Nerd] ___________START_______________
[Random_Nerd] Clarissa looks at her clipboard.
[Random_Nerd] Clarissa: "Our next is Father Klenn. Shall I show him in?"
[Dionyl-Kite] "Yes, please."
[Random_Nerd] She walks out, and returns with a large male dionyl. He's wearing a brown robe with a rope belt, but both the robe and the belt seem of a rather finer make than the usual Crazy Desert Prophet uniform.
[Random_Nerd] He stands at his side of the table, ignoring the stool.
[Random_Nerd] Klenn: "Before we get started, there's something you should know. I know the regular sort of applicants they get for these, so you've probably met some people with a hole in their lives."
[Random_Nerd] Klenn: "People with something missing, that they're sure the next cult will give them. If that's what you want, I should just leave right now, because that's not me."

  • Ftisk is intrigued

[DanteE] (What, you don't want a codependent relationship with an otherworldly being? Bummer. :) )
[Random_Nerd] Klenn: "I'm good with people, and I'm good with gods. But what I want is to get in on the ground floor of something new, really be there when things get started."
[Theresa] (I wonder who makes the uniforms.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "We'll see."
[Theresa] (Huh, a sales pitch.)
[Random_Nerd] Klenn: "Call that mercenary if you like. But I'll be loyal. I'm in this for the long haul, or at least that's the idea."
[Random_Nerd] Klenn: "I can't replace you, at least not while you're alive. But I can be your number two guy, the one who handles everyone else for you."
[Random_Nerd] Klenn and Gil glance at each other for a moment.
[Random_Nerd] K: "So, is this what you want, or should I go?"

  • Dionyl-Kite readies another jigsaw puzzle and places it on the table.

[Random_Nerd] K: "What's this?"
[Theresa] (Wait, replace you? Oh, I get it, no other gods before you, got it.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "A puzzle."
[Random_Nerd] K: "I'm not much for puzzles and games. If you want me, it won't be for that sort of thing."
[DanteE] "You mean a 'holy mystery'."
[Theresa] (Something tells me that he wouldn't be the type of person to handle mystical mumbo jumbo well. Call a created spade a spade.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "It is not a game, so much as a test."
[Random_Nerd] K: "And what's it supposed to prove?"
[Dionyl-Kite] "At least, that's it's application today."
[Dionyl-Kite] "It tells me about you.:
[DanteE] "Mainly your understanding of what he represents."
[Random_Nerd] K: "Okay, you want to find out about me? Here's something. I'm saying no. No silly tests and games. You want to test me, give me a task that's actually worth doing, and see how I do at it."
[Dionyl-Kite] "Then you would not understand what you are representing. I'm sorry.:
[Dionyl-Kite] "
[Random_Nerd] K:
[Random_Nerd] "Tell me, then."
[Random_Nerd] K: "Just don't expect me to come across all goony-eyed because I saw something new. It's not my first time to the rodeo. I've been impressed a lot of times before, and that's not what I'm here for today. I'm here because I can help you, and you can help me."
[DanteE] (Dionyl have rodeos?)
[Random_Nerd] (Why not?)
[Random_Nerd] (We know they keep at least some of the same domestic animals as Earth does.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "I am not expecting 'goony-eyed'. I'm expecting someone who will do what they're told."
[Random_Nerd] (And even if you don't eat meat or drink milk, leather is useful.)
[Theresa] (How can Kite help him? This guy's as no-nonsense as a brick.)
[Random_Nerd] K: "Give me a reason, then. You're not my god /yet/."
[DanteE] (OK, dissing a 'god' who's _in the room_ should register as a bad idea...)

  • Dionyl-Kite pauses.

[Theresa] (Let Kite do the smiting, Dante.)
[Ftisk] ( I want so much to /me change Klenn form into a human (fleshy - bleargh) form! )
[Dionyl-Kite] to Gil: "I did not agree to any protections for the applicants, correct?"
[Random_Nerd] K: "I don't do mysticism, or 'mysterious ways'. I work with /people/. I get a bunch of people to believe the same thing. If that's not more important to you than flattery is, then this wouldn't work out."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "He is a citizen of Shelter. I would not advise harming him unless he goes at least a /little/ farther."
[Ftisk] (stupid rules!)
[Theresa] (It's what keeps your Chancel people safe when one of them talks back.)
[Random_Nerd] K: "So am I here to play games and tell you my favorite color, or am I here to talk about the job and my qualifications for it?"
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "This one, I think, will not do."
[Dionyl-Kite] "This is not mysticism, the way I know it, or flattery. If you will not allow yourself to offer me information in this way simply because you are uncomfortable with it, I'm afraid that you are correct that it will not work out."
[Ftisk] (burn him with holy fire and brimstone! blight him with wind of hate! Or worse... offer him a night with Ftisk!)
[Random_Nerd] K: "Then I'll try it, but only if you answer a question of mine."
[Dionyl-Kite] "If it is a question I can answer."
[Random_Nerd] K: "From what I've heard, you're old even as Nobles go, but you've never had so much as a single worshipper before. Why now? What's changed?"
[Random_Nerd] He opens the box of pieces.
[Random_Nerd] K: "Any special rules to how I do this?"
[Dionyl-Kite] "I've been traveling and noticed that there was more."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "No, just do with it whatever seems appropriate."
[Random_Nerd] K shrugs, and starts looking through the box.
[Random_Nerd] After a few minutes, he's put the corner pieces in place, and has started to work on the edges.
[Random_Nerd] K: "You know, I /have/ been to Earth before."
[Dionyl-Kite] "That is helpful to know."
[Random_Nerd] He works quickly. A few minutes later, most of the border of the puzzle is assembled.
[Random_Nerd] It continues to take shape under his invisible hands.
[Random_Nerd] K: "So, what is this showing you about me?"
[Theresa] "This is you getting to know him, actually. He _is_ what you are doing."
[Dionyl-Kite] "That was not your one question."
[Random_Nerd] K: "Sure, so there's no obligation to answer it. But this is a little dull if we don't talk."
[Random_Nerd] (How many pieces was the puzzle?)
[Dionyl-Kite] "Then tell me why you've chosen this process. Simply because you know how to do it this way?"
[Random_Nerd] K: "To make a point."
[Random_Nerd] K: "That I know how this works. And the face approach doesn't work as well for dionyl."
[Random_Nerd] K: "We don't have special bits of our minds for spotting faces."
[Dionyl-Kite] "Then make a basket from these pieces instead."
[Random_Nerd] K: "Hmm."
[Random_Nerd] He looks at the edge of the top that's almost complete.
[Random_Nerd] He removes the corners. Carefully, he bends it in a circle, putting it back together as it falls apart, and forces the end of one round into a hole that doesn't quite fit.
[Random_Nerd] Then he starts looking for the pieces that fit into that edge.
[Random_Nerd] Taking one, he bends the piece so that it fits the line of the circle, and fits it into place.
[Random_Nerd] K: "The bottom will be a problem."
[DanteE] (oh, almost forgot...) Div-Courage on him.
[Random_Nerd] After a while, he finds another piece, bends it, and puts it along the edge of the circle.
[Random_Nerd] He's worried that this afternoon will be a waste of his time, because he thinks that Kite isn't really serious about this.
[DanteE] (Damn, he's on to us. :) )
[Random_Nerd] Also, on the edge of the divination, you feel a twinge of something else, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with him.
[Theresa] (Maybe he would work better with Caesar.)
[DanteE] "... Just to check: are you here of your own free will?"
[Random_Nerd] K: "Yeah, and I'm thinking I might leave of my own free will too."
[Random_Nerd] K: *bend another piece* "So, do you want a professional to help you set up a church, or someone to gush about your Estate for a while until you get bored and do something else instead?"
[Random_Nerd] K puts the piece in place.
[Dionyl-Kite] "I want a firm foundation in this World."
[Random_Nerd] (He's starting to see the interview as the religious equivalent of )
[Random_Nerd] K: "Then do you intend to live here?" *pick up a piece, bend it*
[Dionyl-Kite] "I intend to make it unnecessary for me to live here in order for my Estate to be present."
[Theresa] (oo, the Senate/Representative thing.)
[Random_Nerd] K: "Then your larger self will be living here?"
[Dionyl-Kite] "I hope, once all of the pieces are together, that /that/ will be unnecessary as well."
[Random_Nerd] K looks at Clarissa for a moment.
[Random_Nerd] K: "Look, if you're going to actually /do/ this, you need to have realistic goals."
[Random_Nerd] He puts the piece down.
[Theresa] (This is not a bedroom world!  :) )
[Random_Nerd] K waits a moment.
[Dionyl-Kite] "Why would I do this, if not to meet my goals?"
[Random_Nerd] K: "Because you were bored. Because you thought it would be amusing, or wanted to come to Dionyl and impress the natives in a way you're not supposed to on Earth."
[DanteE] (is there anything like Assembly native to Dionyl?)
[DanteE] (because otherwise, not only can he help establish it here, he was actually doing it)
[Random_Nerd] K: "Clarity, you have my contact information. Send me a messenger if you have someone seriously looking for a high priest."
[Random_Nerd] (Hmm? There is Assembly on Dionyl when Kite is here. Not otherwise.)
[Random_Nerd] K starts to walk out.
[Dionyl-Kite] "Goodbye."
[Random_Nerd] He leaves.
[Random_Nerd] Clarissa makes a mark on her sheet.
[Dionyl-Kite] "He thinks too small."
[Theresa] (Actually, he's got us mostly to rights.)
[DanteE] "Then again... he was actually _doing_ assembly. Best one so far."
[Random_Nerd] Clarissa: "The man's a professional, and you didn't really ask him a single question about his qualifications or what he'd be able to do for you."
[Random_Nerd] C: "But at any rate, are you ready for the last applicant?"
[Dionyl-Kite] "Yes, please."
[Random_Nerd] She puts her pencil behind her ear, letting it hang seemingly unsupported in mid-air above her collar.
[Random_Nerd] Then she whistles seven notes at odd intervals, folds her arms, and waits.
[Random_Nerd] One of the corners of the room suddenly darkens, except for the bright white gleaming eyes.
[Dionyl-Kite] "!"
[Random_Nerd] Voice In The Corner: "I will whisper your secrets into the ears of sleepers, and drive your enemies away shouting in fear, if you will set me to your service."
[DanteE] Div-Courage
[Theresa] (...huh.)
[Random_Nerd] You detect neither courage nor fear, in even the slightest amount.
[Random_Nerd] Gil steps back from the table.

  • Dionyl-Kite looks to Gil.

[DanteE] "Huh."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Is... that even a dionyl?"
[Random_Nerd] Clarissa: "That's confidential."
[Theresa] (Sez the walking Operation Game...)
[Dionyl-Kite] to Clarissa: "Is it important?"

  • Theresa will eyeball Sam. Is he afraid?

[Random_Nerd] Voice: "Your mask will be drawn on the walls by madmen and whispered of by children."
[Random_Nerd] Sam is remaining motionless.

  • Ftisk ldiv Data on the thing that maybe is a dyonil

[Random_Nerd] Clarissa: "Important?"
[Random_Nerd] The thing doesn't seem to have any memories in which it even pondered the idea of whether it was a dionyl.
[Random_Nerd] Also, something seems to itch at the edge of your divinatory senses.
[Dionyl-Kite] "Rather, is it confidential because of importance or because of fear of discrimination?"
[Random_Nerd] Clarissa: "It's confidential because the applicant asked, and we agreed."
[Ftisk] (and memories or data of what it is?)
[Theresa] (Aspect 3. Is this a 'motionless because I've been trained not to show fear in front of even Nobles' or 'motionless because if I don't move, it won't see me and it won't eat my brains'?)
[Dionyl-Kite] "That's fine, then."
[Random_Nerd] (This seems to be motionless in a "never run from anything immortal, it attracts their attention" sort of way.)
[Theresa] (Ah.)

  • Dionyl-Kite nods to Gil.

[Random_Nerd] Ftisk, it remembers whispering uncomfortable truths in the ears of humans, dionyl, demons, dogs, horses, and in one case, an angel. As far as it's concerned, that's what it is.
[Theresa] (..._which_ angel.)
[Ftisk] (angel like an imperator?)
[DanteE] (Should we ask him for references?)
[Random_Nerd] (Yes.)
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "None can serve you as I can. No truth is remembered as the one heard from the darkness when one thought one was alone."
[Ftisk] (wow)

  • Ftisk whisper the result to Kite and Dante and Theresa

[Dionyl-Kite] "What Truth would you tell me?"
[DanteE] (OK... I've got a psych degree, and I think we've established some study of abnormal psych. Does this guy seem ... familiar?)
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "Though your worshippers may never meet each other, may never know another exists, still will they serve you."
[Random_Nerd] Kite, a whisper seems to come from just behind your head: "A King is coming."
[Random_Nerd] (Familiar in what sense?)
[Ftisk] (me second Theresa)
[DanteE] (Son of Sam sense)
[Random_Nerd] (Mentally speaking, if Ftisk's probe of its memories is any judge, it's profoundly nonhuman in its thought patterns.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "Hmmm..."
[Theresa] (Darn it, it doesn't help to cross myself if I'm a Noble!)
[Random_Nerd] (You don't get the feel that it wants to /hurt/ people, or tell people to hurt others.)
[DanteE] (and did anyone besides Kite hear the whisper?)
[Random_Nerd] (No.)
[DanteE] "So, where are you from?"
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "I don't care."
[Theresa] (Credentials! Name the angel so we can get a resume!)
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "That doesn't matter to me. What matters is what I can do for you."
[Dionyl-Kite] "What do you know of my Estate...and of me."
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "You are the one that makes one thing of many things. That is what I want. Those I talk to, the secrets I tell... they are effective, but individually so. There is no larger plan behind it. The capacity by which such plans are made, I do not have it."
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "You can take what I do, and make each piece a part of a larger shape, that even I do not truly understand."
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "That is what I desire. In the places where I live, I heard it said that one such as you would come soon and seek a servant to help him to tell his truths to the people."
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "Here I am."
[Ftisk] "Were you live?"
[DanteE] (He's the Lord of Conspiracy!)
[Dionyl-Kite] "Are you capable of performing instances of my Estate?"
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "I live in the hidden places, between the edges."
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "I cannot, yet. You must teach me."
[Theresa] "What do you know of Excrucians?"
[Dionyl-Kite] "That is fine for now."
[Ftisk] (T. that was ,my next question!)
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "Their secrets are not mine."
[Dionyl-Kite] "Do you have any other loyalties that would give me cause for concern?"
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "I do not know. What loyalties would you fear?"
[Ftisk] "To other Nobles, or to other beings of power?"

  • Dionyl-Kite nods in affirmation of Ftisk's statement.

[Random_Nerd] Voice: "There are those I would not hurt, or whose servants I would not hurt. There are none on whose behalf I would turn against one who accepted me."
[Dionyl-Kite] "Good."
[Ftisk] (puzzle time?)
[Dionyl-Kite] (puzzle time!)
[Theresa] (He already said he doesn't know how.)
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "All I ask is that I be your first servant, honored above all others in your service, inferior only to yourself."

  • Dionyl-Kite hmmmms.

[Random_Nerd] Voice: "And that you teach me how to fit my work into a larger whole. For those two things, you will have my loyalty."
[Ftisk] "Your request is limited to Dyonil only?"
[Dionyl-Kite] "I don't quite approve of power struggles of those who serve me."
[Dionyl-Kite] "At least, those who serve me directly."
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "Nor do I. I wish to be apart from such things. If I am first in your service, I need not worry about such things, and my service is only to one master, not many."
[Dionyl-Kite] "Well, maybe..."
[DanteE] "I think you would need to understand Assembly first."
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "Teach me."

  • Dionyl-Kite places a jigsaw puzzle on the table.

[Random_Nerd] The darkness withdraws from the corner. From the darkness inside Dante's mouth, two white eyes shine. "Teach me, Chytosideron."
[Ftisk] ( !_! )
[Dionyl-Kite] "This can be an instance where Assembly is applied. Are you familiar with it, at all?"
[Theresa] (Uuuh...)
[Random_Nerd] Dante, you feel nothing inside your mouth.
[Dionyl-Kite] "..."
[DanteE] "...? What are you doing there?"

  • Ftisk look pretty too much to Dante mouth

[Random_Nerd] Voice From Dante's Mouth: "A child once hid seven pieces of such a thing, and said that his brother had done so."
[Random_Nerd] Voice, speaking to Dante: "Waiting. Speaking."
[Ftisk] (if the voice can posses Dante Ftisk will be envious!!!!)
[Random_Nerd] Sam remains entirely still.
[Dionyl-Kite] "Interesting, but that is not the purpose of these things. These pieces are put together to create a whole."
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "If one cannot do so, if there are pieces missing, one is upset. The child's brother was punished. But I whispered the truth in the ear of the liar, while he walked down the hall at night. The next day, he confessed."
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "I cannot touch the pieces, but I could persuade another to."
[Dionyl-Kite] "Was the picture made whole as a result?"
[Dionyl-Kite] "That's useful..."
[Ftisk] "you can use me"
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "The picture was not made whole. The pieces had been put in a place from which he could not retrieve them. But the one who had done wrong was made to fear, and did right instead."
[Random_Nerd] The eyes in Dante's mouth dim and vanish.

  • Ftisk rub manipulators
  • DanteE pulls out some of his collection of daggers, and assembles them into a teepee shape with a dark place underneath them.

[Random_Nerd] Ftisk, in your right ear, you hear a voice say: "One thing, no more and no less, I am given to know about you that you may wish to know. If you assemble the puzzle, then I will tell it to you."
[Ftisk] "ok!"

  • Ftisk turbo assemble the puzzle!

[DanteE] (Now, the rest of don't hear the whispers, right?)
[Random_Nerd] (Correct.)
[Random_Nerd] Ftisk, in your right ear, you hear the words: "You are not Conrad, you are merely like him. But there is a way in which you could become him in truth.")
[Ftisk] (what?)
[Ftisk] "how??"

  • Dionyl-Kite is not entirely convinced that Ftisk would not have assembled the puzzle without the Voice's whispers.

[Random_Nerd] Left Ear: "I do not know. I do not even know who Conrad is. But that truth was given to me. No more, no less."
[DanteE] (... does he know Jan ben Jan?)
[Ftisk] "ohhhh. Well thank you. I need to research that!"
[Theresa] (*blink* That could explain why he's just eyeballs in the dark.)
[Theresa] "Do you have a name, voice?"

  • Dionyl-Kite twirls thoughtfully.

[Ftisk] "Hey Kite, the voice is pretty persuasive! *smile*
[Random_Nerd] (Basically, he has one or two unusual Gifts. Like how Dollphaniel can automatically do things to distract Ftisk, the voice can sometimes automatically know the right uncomfortable truth to say to someone to make them uneasy, even if it doesn't know /why/ that's the right thing to say.)
[Random_Nerd] Voice, from under the table: "I do not know, Theresa."
[Theresa] (Exept Ftisk isn't uneasy about it.  :) )
[Random_Nerd] (Ftisk is... kind of a special case.)
[Theresa] "Do you always tell truth? Or only at certain times?"
[Ftisk] (lol!)
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "I do not know, Theresa."
[Random_Nerd] (Oh, and unlike Dollphaniel, his version takes miracle points, so he can't just use it all the time.)
[DanteE] (Hm... so he's a bargain basement Jan ben Jan. :) )
[Random_Nerd] (Well, it's unclear where he /got/ that Gift.)
[Theresa] (JBJ can be trusted to be telling the truth. To not tell the truth for the price paid would be to deny himself.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "Not that I'd want this to be a regular thing, but could you convince the puzzle pieces to assemble themselves?"
[DanteE] "Tough question time. How -exactly- would you help spread the word of Chytosideron?"
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "Not here. There are places, I think, where I could."

  • Dionyl-Kite nods.

[Random_Nerd] Voice: "He would tell me the right truths about himself. I would tell them to people, the right people. I would tell them in a way they would not forget, not until the day they die."
[Ftisk] "yep"
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "And so, even if they never spoke his name aloud, his truth would live in their hearts."
[Ftisk] (I see Kite conversion tag team: Voice + Spear [second candidate])
[Dionyl-Kite] "I see."
[Random_Nerd] The white eyes spring into being in the space behind Kite's mask, in the space occupied by his dionyl form.
[Dionyl-Kite] (Would Kite notice?)
[Random_Nerd] (Yes. You see everything through a bright white haze, as its eyes overlay your own.)
[Random_Nerd] (You don't feel it, though.)
[Ftisk] "hey is impolite to look under Kite's dress without the will to mate with him!"
[Dionyl-Kite] "Don't you feel this is a bit presumptuous?"
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "If you wish me to move, I shall."
[Dionyl-Kite] "Please do. It alters my vision."
[DanteE] "How about to here?" pointing to the space under my dagger sculpture
[Random_Nerd] Suddenly, the dull brushed-metal surface of the table is bright and mirrorlike, and a reflection of Kite but with white eyes is seen on the surface.

  • Ftisk snap a picture!

[Random_Nerd] Voice: "So, will you accept me, teach me, and have no other servants above me?"
[Dionyl-Kite] "I will need a little time to make my decision."
[Theresa] (I am creeped out. I would say no and review everyone, but your priest/Anchor, dude.)
[Random_Nerd] Voice: "I will go. When you have decided, speak your decision in a dark and empty room."
[Dionyl-Kite] "I will."
[Random_Nerd] The table clouds over again.
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Is it gone?"
[Ftisk] "What's up Sam?"
[DanteE] "That was ... impressive."
[Theresa] "He has, presumably, left. "
[Ftisk] "Aaaand I like that voice! You! You can do a tag team!!! The voice and the Spear. Is so good that I even like the sound of it!"
[Random_Nerd] William: "I think I... may have heard it speak once before. Years ago, when I was in college. There... was a girl. And when I was alone in the laundry room at two in the morning, someone said that she was pregnant by a guy I knew, and that though she didn't care for him that much, she would still marry him and drop out of college."
[Random_Nerd] William: "It happened. I... don't really like to think about it."
[Ftisk] "Coool!"

  • Ftisk jump high and low all excited!

[Dionyl-Kite] "Hmmm..."
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "I vote against it. Uh, not that I have a vote. But that thing creeps me out. Go for the nice kid in the collar."
[Ftisk] to S: "Boooring..." :-P
[DanteE] "Hm... he's been to Earth."
[Random_Nerd] Clarissa: "Would you like me to leave, so you can think?"
[Theresa] (oooor, Kite can Anchor the shadow, have the nice kid as his priest and we all go home and shiver under our beds.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "Please."
[DanteE] "Hold on..."
[Random_Nerd] She pauses on her way out.
[DanteE] "First, tell us the information we didn't ask for about Klenn."
[Ftisk] (smart move D!)
[Random_Nerd] Clarissa: "He's good. He wants power, authority, but he's up front about that and he's willing to work to get it. He's not as powerful as the Spear, but more... reliable. More experienced."
[Random_Nerd] Clarissa: "He could do the job, I'm sure."
[DanteE] "Tell us about his experience?"
[Random_Nerd] Clarissa: "He's worked himself up to about the number three or four man in several major cults, including one for a Domination. But... people who're favored by Nobles or Imperators tend not to die or quit, so there was no chance of upward mobility."
[DanteE] (Tell that to Luc.)
[Random_Nerd] (Luc's still alive!)
[Random_Nerd] (She didn't say anything about the /Nobles/ not dying.)
[Ftisk] "So he want to be the head of the pyramid for once"
[Random_Nerd] (Although ones on Dionyl don't tend to as much.)
[DanteE] "Anything else we forgot to ask?"
[Random_Nerd] Clarissa: "That's the main thing, I suppose. It's rather moot now, though."
[Dionyl-Kite] "They all have useful attributes. I am thankful for your work in not making this an easy choice."
[Random_Nerd] Clarissa: "I'm good at this. Casting, interviewing, winnowing the herd of applicants..."
[DanteE] (I say hire all 4 and create both a command structure and a surreal sitcom. :D )
[Random_Nerd] Clarissa: "Most people in the Aides are general-purpose assistants. Me, I'm a specialist. Lets me see a lot of different places and people."
[Random_Nerd] (Which, for the record, is why she keeps showing up.)
[Random_Nerd] (First, for when Kite was looking for an Aide. Second, when Luc was looking for a new Noble. And now.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "And I'm assuming you enjoy it, of course."
[Theresa] "You do marvelous work."
[Random_Nerd] Clarissa: "It's what I do, sir."
[Theresa] (Off the record, she has the hots for Sam?)
[Ftisk] to C: "And you are in search of a mate?"
[Theresa] (If she had a jaw to drop...)

  • DanteE Aspect-3 eyerolls.

[Theresa] (If Sam had a jaw to drop...)
[Random_Nerd] Clarissa: "Not today. But when I am searching for one, I'm reasonably certain I'll be able to find an acceptable one fairly swiftly."
[Theresa] (He's not asking for himself, Dante!)
[Ftisk] (this is Ftisk diplomatic way...)
[Random_Nerd] Clarissa: "Is there anything else?"
[Ftisk] (yep for Sam)
[Dionyl-Kite] (Ftisk has the diplomacy of a bullet. :) )
[Ftisk] "Sam ... seem like this is not your day... sorry"
[Theresa] (Sometimes with love, one must shoot for the heart.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "Not for now. Thank you."
[Random_Nerd] She puts a business card on the table. C: "Please keep me in mind for all your recruitment needs."
[Random_Nerd] She walks out of the room, and closes the door behind her.
[Random_Nerd] Sam leans over and glances at the card.
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Great, it's in Angelic."

  • Ftisk try to pat him on a shoulder "love is harsh!"

[Ftisk] him= Sam

  • DanteE looks over the card...

[Dionyl-Kite] "So...
[Random_Nerd] It's her names, the Dionyl one and the Earth one, the words "Hiring and Personnel Management" and the Angelic version of the Society of Aides logo.
[DanteE] (... is there a Demonic version of the logo? :) )
[Random_Nerd] (Presumably, but you haven't seen it.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "What are your thoughts on the applicants?"
[Random_Nerd] (Who're you asking?)
[Ftisk] "Spear plus Voice tag team!)
[Dionyl-Kite] (Everyone in the room.)
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "You already know mine."
[Random_Nerd] William: "I don't have an opinion. I don't know the needs of this position well enough."
[DanteE] "That's actually a good point...
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "The Spear, if you think you can get along with her, the kid otherwise."
[DanteE] "Kite, what exactly are you looking for with this cult?
[Theresa] "I..wouldn't know the first thing about priesting. So I don't know the best person to go for. I think Krenn won't _want_ to work with you."
[Dionyl-Kite] "Lord Vulcan, as I believe you know, is a True God of Earth. I want to make it so that he is...more. Like the Angels, maybe."
[Dionyl-Kite] "Or...a True God of the Ash?"
[Ftisk] "of the tree"
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "The last... guy... seemed really capable, but I don't even know how I'd go about integrating him into your church. He's not what I was looking for, that's for sure."
[Dionyl-Kite] "But I want to build this cult in order to make him more important."
[Random_Nerd] William: "If there's a way to do that, I don't know what it is."
[DanteE] "Hm. So, spreading Assembly to Dionyl is the first step?"
[Dionyl-Kite] "Hopefully, yes.
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Here was my thought on that. Maintain at least some presence here on a regular basis, enough that people can get to understand Assembly. Then, make sure to show up regularly on holy days, during which Assembly would actually /work/ here."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "The rarity would make it more of a special thing to people."
[Dionyl-Kite] "That's a good idea."
[DanteE] "And in the meantime... have a living example of Assembly. Say, 4 would-be priests creating one cult hierarchy.
[DanteE] "You could have your own passion play showing how bringing things together can do wonders."
[Theresa] "I don't think they could work together. Nuh-uh."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "That way, people will at least /understand/ it long-term, and it'll actually happen on special occasions."
[Theresa] "Spear would fight with Krenn, Krenn wouldn't be interested, the kid would get his mind wiped and the Voice...his condition is to be the high priest, not one of four."
[Ftisk] "These 4? no way There is too difference! But Kite can do a Assembly creation on them"
[Dionyl-Kite] "I don't think Jonathan would work well with the others, anyway. Not from the way I understand Dionyl."
[Ftisk] "and a team of 3?"
[Random_Nerd] William: "Which three? I'm not even sure if I can think of two that could work."
[Dionyl-Kite] "I'm not sure I like Krenn, regardless of his capability."

  • Theresa groans and rubs her eyes. She does not want this to become a corn/goose/fox project.

[DanteE] to Kite: "That may be because of his attitude, not necessarily his ability."
[Ftisk] "Spear and Voice can work together, Kreen or J... I like K more"
[Dionyl-Kite] "Would two cults be reasonable? Or do you think they'd try to compete?"
[Theresa] (Protestants and Catholics!)
[Dionyl-Kite] "I thought you liked the Spear and the Voice, Ftisk!"
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Two cults? For Assembly?"
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "I don't see it."
[Ftisk] "yep, Kite! But you can always add something!"
[Dionyl-Kite] "Hmmm...yeah. You put into perspective."
[DanteE] "We need, say, Spear's resolve with Johnathan's people skills. Dionyl skills. You know what I mean."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "And if to get your priesthood to work together you have to rely on miracles of an Estate that won't even /exist/ here half the time..."
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Any way you can use Assembly to put them all together into some kind of, like, Priest Voltron?"
[Ftisk] "But once a creation hit them they will work as a team!"
[Dionyl-Kite] "A King is coming...."
[Random_Nerd] Sam shivers.
[DanteE] "... a what?

  • Theresa shudders. "What did you say, Kite?"

[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Why do people keep saying that?"
[DanteE] "
[DanteE] ".... how often have you heard that, Sam?"
[Dionyl-Kite] "It's something the Voice said to me..."

  • Ftisk go all ? in eye

[Theresa] "It's a bad omen. Bad sign. Destroying...oh, crap."
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "I've heard like three people say that this week."
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Counting this one."
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Some guy on the radio, someone I bumped into in a crowd when I was going out for new coffee beans for the Tower, and now you."
[DanteE] "Wait. The two in Amyra could refer to John."
[Dionyl-Kite] "Maybe we're trying to tell you something, Sam."
[Theresa] "Sam, what's the Aides policy on mind wipes again?"
[Ftisk] "Could. but could not"
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "That's what I was figuring. But it was /a/ king, not /the/ king, so it seemed a bit weird."
[Random_Nerd] Will: "You're not allowed to do anything to our minds or bodies without permission."
[Theresa] (Am I the only person who remembers the prophet dude? In the bar? Who went nuts and prophecizing about someone we're not supposed to think about? )
[Ftisk] "boooo! Boooring rule!!!"
[DanteE] "Could still be ... well, wait, who knows about Aaron?"
[Theresa] "Am I the only person who remebers the prophet dude? In the bar? Who went nuts and prophecizing about someone we're not supposed to think about?"
[Dionyl-Kite] (I remember. It's vague in Kite's memory.)
[Ftisk] "Right!"
[Theresa] "Those were his words!"
[Ftisk] "The one _someone_ caused DA...."
[Dionyl-Kite] "Really?"
[Random_Nerd] (Mistakes were made. Minds were damaged. All we can do now is try to move on.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "I knew they sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it..."
[Ftisk] "But we hear that a least one more time?... maybe"
[DanteE] "Hm. OK, Voice would probably not be a good cult leader, but he apparently has ... other uses..."
[Random_Nerd] William touches the sphere in his ear.
[Ftisk] "I like him!" (voice)
[Random_Nerd] William: "Okay, in the Open Questions list, we have 'A king is coming? What king? What's up with this, is it some kind of internet meme?' "
[Ftisk] ".. is cute! Hum... a least in a freakish way :-)"
[DanteE] "Who else is reporting that?"
[Random_Nerd] William: "It's anonymous, but from the position, it's been submitted a few times."

  • Theresa mutters something about pink polka-dotted elephants...

[Dionyl-Kite] "I do like the Voice. He seems useful."
[DanteE] "Maybe we should have a King summit. If those are all referring to Shirk."
[Random_Nerd] William: "If they are, then that's a bad sign."
[Ftisk] "yep"
[Dionyl-Kite] "But the Spear seems to be capable of practical applications."
[Dionyl-Kite] "A bad sign?"
[Dionyl-Kite] "Oh, right."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "It's your call, boss. You've heard my opinion already."
[Theresa] "Very bad sign."
[Theresa] "If you pick the Spear, Gil, Sam and William will need mental reinforcements to make sure she doesn't mind-whammy them."
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "I'm sure there are ways you guys could help us with that."
[Ftisk] "We can better them!!!"
[Dionyl-Kite] "Ftisk, as my Brother, I'm hoping for this cult to be a benefit to you as well. If you had to choose between the Spear or the Voice, would you have a choice?"
[Random_Nerd] (Kite, this is going to be /your/ cult, and you're going to have to take care of it...)
[Theresa] (Take it for walkies.)
[Dionyl-Kite] (Right)
[Theresa] (Clean up its messes, its crusades, its inquisitions.)
[Ftisk] "I like more .... but is your call."
[DanteE] (And you'll be responsible if it gets out and does damage to the neighbor's reality.)
[Ftisk] ( :-P @Verithe!)
[DanteE] (... which, come to think of it, is a legitimate danger on Dionyl)
[Theresa] (True!)
[Dionyl-Kite] "I think..."
[Theresa] (You could very well get various Dionyl Nobles annoyed at you horning in on their territory.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "I think the Voice seems most useful..."
[DanteE] "Would the other candidates be informed if we didn't hire them?"
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Clarissa can handle the brushoffs."

  • Ftisk beam to Kite and go all manipulators up! (thumbs)

[Random_Nerd] Gil: "They'd all be useful. They wouldn't have made it to the 'face to face with a Noble' stage of interviews if they were incompetent."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "What matters is which one you want."
[DanteE] "Useful, maybe, but how good would he be at preaching and/or recruiting?"
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Either very bad or very good, and I have no idea in the world which."
[Ftisk] "And now kite?"
[Ftisk] "You retire with Voice for a week and teach him your secrets? Or what?"

  • Dionyl-Kite bobs in indecision."

[DanteE] "I still say you should hire more than one, especially if you want your cult to grow...
[DanteE] "people who wouldn't be swayed by one's style might go for another's."
[Ftisk] "Yep Dante is right"
[Dionyl-Kite] "For high priest, more than one doesn't sound like it will work."
[Ftisk] "You can also ask for a discount at the counter taking two or more!"
[DanteE] "Yeah it does. You're _Assembly_."
[Dionyl-Kite] "Though if I hire the Voice to gather them and the Spear to teach them...."

  • Theresa raises an eyebrow. This is a religion, not a haggling for a new car.

[Ftisk] "And the difference are T.?"
[Theresa] (Oh great, I just imagined if Spear and Voice combined...)
[Theresa] (Theresa only thought the car thought.)
[Dionyl-Kite] (The Spoice!)
[Ftisk] (Sam's Voltron priest!)
[DanteE] (The Spoice ... is life."
[DanteE] )
[Theresa] (The Spoice must flow?)
[Random_Nerd] (Must floiw.)
[DanteE] (in Dionyl? Yep!)
[Ftisk] (We can ask the triad to combine them!)
[Random_Nerd] (The Spoice is loife.)
[Random_Nerd] (Do you /really/ want to get the Voice, Jonathan, and the Spear to try to have kids together?)
[Dionyl-Kite] (Or we could surgically assemble them.)
[Ftisk] (me Ftisk.... YES!)
[DanteE] (Silly question, RN. :) )
[Random_Nerd] (Although, it occurred to me... any of you guys watch Carnivale when it was on?)
[Dionyl-Kite] (Only the first few episodes)
[Random_Nerd] (If you combine the four into one person, you pretty much get the Season 1 version of Brother Justin.)
[Ftisk] (don't know)
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "So, what'll it be, boss?"
[Dionyl-Kite] (Which one was he?)
[Theresa] (Don't you have to have _consent_ to combine Dionyl like that?)
[DanteE] (Got it! Start by having Johnathan teach Spear exactly what Assembly is...
[Theresa] (The preacher dude in black.)
[Theresa] (Jonathan would be mind-wiped.)
[Random_Nerd] (Methodist preacher, dressed in black, played by Clancy Brown.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "Was the Voice asking to be named and recognized as high priest or just to work directly for me?"
[Random_Nerd] (Yeah, you're not going to get Jonathan persuading the Spear to see things /his/ way.)
[DanteE] (When he does so, Johnathan leads, with Spear and the Voice bringing people in from opposite directions. :) )
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Hmm. For you to teach him certain things, and that he be your first servant. He didn't technically say anything about priests."
[DanteE] (There's the thing that Johnathan and Klenn _understand_ Assembly--Klenn more so--where Spear's having problems.)
[Theresa] (Jonathan would be the chewing gum on her dainty foot up someone else's clothed behind.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "I think I would like them both, then."
[DanteE] "That may mean he doesn't want to be a _priest_ per se..."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Of course, gettin the Spear to play second-fiddle to anyone would be a tough sell, but not impossible. And at least I'm not worried about the Voice getting overwhelmed by her."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "But the problem is, this way you go with the two who understand Assembly the least."
[DanteE] "Maybe the Voice could be an Aide."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "That'd take years."
[Dionyl-Kite] "The Voice wouldn't have to be a priest, just highly instrumental in the cult. Does the Spear even have to know about him?"
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "They'd have to, to coordinate their efforts."
[Ftisk] "The Voice can be one of the holy mysteries of Kite cult!"
[Dionyl-Kite] "Hmmm..."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "If you do this all haphazardly, I don't think it will work."
[Theresa] "And the Voice will not be second in anything, by his contract."
[Dionyl-Kite] "Haphazard is bad for foundations."
[DanteE] "Jonathan is slowly 'getting' Assembly. If you teach him the final part he might be more motivated to spread your word."
[Random_Nerd] (You want to call it a night, and think about it over the next week?)
[Dionyl-Kite] (Perhaps that would be best.)
[DanteE] (good idea)
[Theresa] (Braaaains.)
[Ftisk] (carrot! (eating one))
[DanteE] (Of course, how will we bicker if we're not together? :) )
[Random_Nerd] ______________STOP_______________
[Theresa] Interesting session!
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
=-= Dionyl-Kite is now known as Verithe
[Angelo] yep T.
[DanteE] Well, interesting problem
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
[Angelo] RN, one unrelated question that is bouncing in my head: Conrad, when in control, know all Ftisk know right?
[Random_Nerd] The simple answer is "yes."
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
[Angelo] ok, then he can make public that Ftisk love Dante, Ophaniel etc etc and locustize him...
[Angelo] :-)
[Knockwood] urk
[Random_Nerd] Yeah, but that's not really his style.
[Angelo] uhm... I need to think on this.
[Angelo] well, returning to Kite cult... Was my suggestion too much overwhelming V?
[Random_Nerd] So, as players rather than as characters, which candidate do you like best?
[Knockwood] I still say, hire all 4, put them in one apartment
[Angelo] As Player I like Spear
[Knockwood] Voice, but not necessarily as part of the cult
[Verithe] Well, Kite is giving Ftisk's suggestions more weight, but he's still having trouble deciding.
[Angelo] K: you want to reenact [sette sotto un tetto]!
[Knockwood] never heard of it
[Verithe] I like how the Spear, if taught the basics, could think of new applications of assembly on her own.
[Angelo] in USA was Family Matters
[Verithe] I like how the Voice could make Assembly, presumably, spontaneously form on Dionyl as something that the people just decided to do.
[Verithe] Somewhat...
[Angelo] more like something the peoples are _afraid_ to not do
[Knockwood] would it, though? How would telling people disturbing things help Assembly?
[Knockwood] Unless you want to put together a Kult game...
[Angelo] voice: if you don't join Assembly your house’s flea will grow dog size!
[Verithe] If their fears create a need which causes them to create something via Assembly
[Random_Nerd] You know, one of the things I like about Nobilis is that you can plausibly make an NPC like the Voice, and then have it show up asking for a job.
[BethE] Well, all, I need sleep. Good night and Happy New Year! *HUGS*
[Angelo] Yes, one of the shining point in Nobilis
[Angelo] Night and Happy new Year too Beth!
[Verithe] But the Voice seems like an easy solution with a Catch. The Spear looks like it takes some work, but that's obvious.
[Verithe] Take care and Happy New Year!
|[-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
[Random_Nerd] Well, just as a "from the GM, out of character thing," the Voice isn't offering a Deal With The Devil.
[Knockwood] Happy new year...
[Verithe] Well, not that sort of Catch.
[Random_Nerd] The main problem with it isn't that, it's that while it's got an impressive ability, it's not obvious how it would actually be useful to getting a cult together.
[Verithe] Just a "this is not as easy as it looks" catch.
[Random_Nerd] The other ones, while maybe not as metaphysically powerful, have abilities more directly oriented towards religion.
[Knockwood] That's what I was saying...
[Verithe] Yeah
[Angelo] I see more travel to Dyonil in our future... _IF_ the era change go well or not too bad
[Knockwood] he wants to be your number one, not necessarily be part of a cult... right?
[Random_Nerd] The Voice would be more of a... first edition Sidereal Exalted tool. Powerful, but you have to think the right way to get it to be /useful/.
[Knockwood] If we use him as a low-rent Jan ben Jan. :)
[Knockwood] Almost forgot... Destiny –REDACTED-?
[Verithe] In the end, I think I like the Spear most. I flipped a coin between the two, which chose the Voice, and I still wanted the Spear.
[Random_Nerd] As soon as Kite picks one, that's a Victory toward the objective of getting a cult together.
[Knockwood] But Spear doesn't 'get it'
[Random_Nerd] Okay. So, just the Spear, or try to get both Spear and Voice to work?
[Angelo] then, if you want spear take him
[Angelo] but take the deluxe version!
[Verithe] We just need to teach her. She seems competent enough if we do that.
[Knockwood] Hm... would Johnathan accept a post as #2?
[Verithe] She also seems like someone who would appreciate the practical application instead of the novelty of Assembly.
[Random_Nerd] Johnathan is the one who'd probably be most willing to be #2.
[Verithe] If Jonathan is still interested, he's welcome to join.
[Knockwood] and we're saying no to Klenn?
[Verithe] No Klenn. Kite's too proud to change his decision on that matter.
[Random_Nerd] He's pretty much said no to /you/.
[Verithe] That too.
[Angelo] Klen is the one that rub us in the wrong way
[Verithe] He's pretty much not a choice any more.
[Knockwood] Now, what do you want to do with Voice?
[Random_Nerd] So, the verdict is "Spear, and Jonathan too if he thinks he can work under her?"
[Verithe] Yes. If the Voice wants to be Kite's personal lackey, he's welcome to it, but Kite won't be pursuing that.
[Random_Nerd] And the "#1 lackey" spot is not open to him?
[Verithe] Pretty much, no.
[Knockwood] (Maybe not Kite's...)
[Angelo] you want Voice?
[Angelo] was to Dante
[Angelo] ehm to Knock
[Knockwood] Hm. It is a possibility...
[Angelo] kool!
[Knockwood] Would be interesting to have an Oracle whisper disturbing things... (that aren't crude come-ons...)
[Verithe] He does seem to fit with Dante's projects, a bit.
[Knockwood] and Dante want to know all about A King
[Random_Nerd] The Voice doesn't always know what's behind what he's saying, only that it's what he should say to some specific person.
[Angelo] its like a repeater
[Knockwood] You sure he doesn't know Jan ben Jan?
[Random_Nerd] I've said no such thing!
[Knockwood] Last one who did that was a freaked-out barkeep.
[Random_Nerd] Maybe he asked for the knowledge of everything from Jan, and this is the result. Maybe Jan made him from various common household ingredients and sent him out into the world to see what happens.
[Angelo] for what we know voice can be JBJ son
[Verithe] From what I'm understanding, Dante is hoping for more spontaneous whisperings from the Voice that would be helpful in solving some mysteries, yes?
[Knockwood] Ayep. Also, remember one of his potential roles is Defender of the Universe. The occasional "INCOMING!" would be very handy.
[Angelo] like having around a hint machine?
[Knockwood] Ayep
[Angelo] (Weather today: No WAY! incoming from RN)
[Random_Nerd] Well, you could try to recruit the Voice on your own.
[Angelo] I wonder at the lack of reaction from Sam to Ftisk marriage attempt
[Random_Nerd] But it was specifically interested in working for Kite, rather than for some Noble in general.
[Knockwood] Could just go to a dark room and ask, right?
[Random_Nerd] Yeah, you do know how to get in touch.
[Random_Nerd] Sam's general reaction to anything Nobles do or say that makes him confused or uncomfortable is to pretend he didn't hear it.
[Angelo] lol
[Random_Nerd] That, or a sudden change of topic.
[Random_Nerd] Because you don't want to argue with a Noble, but sometimes you don't want to encourage them either.
[Random_Nerd] Anyway, see you all next week.
[Knockwood] That's Ftisk.
[Verithe] Take care!
[Random_Nerd] Good session this time, guys.
[Angelo] ok. Take care. Good year!
[Knockwood] Happy New Year, guys
[Random_Nerd] I thought we all had some nice flow going.
|[-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
[Knockwood] Verithe, you'll be getting your sake drunk on in, what, 6-7 hours? :)
[Verithe] Alcohol is actually too bitter for me, but midnight comes in 8.5 hours.
[Angelo] form me is in 17.30 h
[Knockwood] I've got 25.5
[Verithe] I've always wondered for the other American time zones....
[Knockwood] mainland US goes from GMT-5 to GMT-8
[Verithe] In EST, we watch the ball in Times Square for New Years. Is it different in the other zones?
[Angelo] eh, you are biiig
[Knockwood] well, most of the population is in the Eastern time zone
[Angelo] but from Italy America is NY ball on new year
[Knockwood] sometimes they just replay the tape later for the other zones
[Verithe] Huh
[Angelo] doh, really?! Is'n weird?
[Knockwood] Not really. We could watch the NY thing at 9 pm if we wanted.
[Angelo] ohhh
[Angelo] well, I go now. Have a nice new year full of happiness and luv!
[Knockwood] anyway... think I'll hit the road. :)
[Knockwood] Same to you, Angelo.
[Verithe] Take care!
[--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 25