Session 205

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Chapter 28

[INFO] Now logging to «file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Angelo/Dati%20applicazioni/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/demuhaee.default/chatzilla/logs/».
[INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis opened.
=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix
--»| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
=-= Topic for #Nobilis is ``Liril cannot be blamed for Odin's spear. That honor falls to Martin. That mantle will understand the reason why Jane had a Little Tao doll. There is no honor in death or taxes. And yet we have words to explain so many things. Why not Nobility? That is why: Nobilis.
=-= Topic for #Nobilis was set by Hope on venerdì 22 aprile 2011 3.10.01
«Angelo» Hola gringos!
«lazarus» One course. Assuming everything was passed, of course.
«Verithe» Hi, Angelo!
«Verithe» ._.
«BethE» Hi Angelo! *HUG*

  • Angelo Hug Beth

«lazarus» Planning to do it over summer ... Elective course. Might have to drop Nobilis for the six weeks of the summer semester
«lazarus» Hey Angelo!
«Angelo» ^_^
«Random_Nerd» Oh, hey, Angelo. It came up in the international and comparative labor law class how terrible a prime minister Berlusconi is, and I thought of you.
«Angelo» oh yes, B is really a couse on Italy
«Angelo» couse= hex
«Verithe» Ick
«Random_Nerd» Curse.
«Angelo» Gesundheit Verithe!
«Verithe» Danke
«Angelo» :-D
«Angelo» ok today too there is no one with operator power, was Jenna here, the topic was set by her again?
«Random_Nerd» That's the same one from earlier.
«Angelo» doh! right!
«Random_Nerd» S'probably someone in Rand's group, I think they were using this channel.
«Verithe» Huh
«lazarus» I think someone owns this channel. I was thinking of suggesting that we use #Amyra.
«Random_Nerd» *shrug*
«BethE» I'm not bothered by it, but the only time I'd use power would be to kick someone.
«Random_Nerd» I say we just stay here for now.
«Angelo» me too, if we need an operator, we can change channel then.
--»| Knockwood ( has joined #Nobilis
«Random_Nerd» So, while we wait for Knock, any thoughts or...
«Random_Nerd» Never mind!
«Knockwood» Sorry I'm late
«lazarus» Hey kwd.
«Angelo» HI Knock!
«Knockwood» ... uhoh, no Etheric
«lazarus» We expecting Etheric?
«Random_Nerd» Not sure.
«Random_Nerd» I've not heard from him in weeks.
«Knockwood» hm.
«Knockwood» BTW, who's got the new new 3rd ed? :)
«Angelo» we can wait 10 minutes .. .till the 4:00?

  • Random_Nerd raises a hand.

«Verithe» Did he ever get a note that we weren't playing a couple weeks back? He doesn't show up in my email.

  • Verithe also raises hand
  • Angelo raise hand... but just downloaded

«Random_Nerd» I like the new art better.
«Verithe» Yay!
«BethE» Yep, I poked him via PM that week.
«Knockwood» Waiting on next paycheck... tomorrow or Monday
«Verithe» Alright.
«Knockwood» Well, you 2 are biased, RN & Verithe. :)
«Knockwood» what new stuff did you get put in, BTW?
«Angelo» Verithe, I can understand, but why RN is biased?
«Verithe» Admittedly.
«Knockwood» Angelo: being Hollyhock God has its priveleges.
«Random_Nerd» What does my harem of catgirls have to do with this?
«Angelo» uhm... right RN, why the 2 are connected?
«Knockwood» the new book has pictures of how to make 'em!
«Verithe» I have the Chibi-Imperator (p 27), Orderic Neustry (p 284), "But I Do Not Like This Show" (p 315) and A Serious wound (p 326)
«Angelo» really? I need to check them, badly
«Knockwood» I've got a copy of the old new book, mainly to see what all the fuss was about.
«Random_Nerd» That's the privilege that HGs get. Catgirl harem.
«Random_Nerd» It's, uh, mentioned in Appendix C.
«lazarus» The secret appendices that only HGs get access to.
«Knockwood» BTW, I've been debating whether to start a blog
«BethE» V? Did you draw the chibi Imperator?
«lazarus» The book knows if you are currently running a game or not.
«Angelo» start it! then you can debate if let it wither or not! :-P
«BethE» You are the most awesome artist I know. ^^
«Verithe» I did!
«Angelo» No is the most awesome artist because he is doing a super secret Vulcan-family drawing!!!!
«Knockwood» Y'know, it's a shame cuz I liked the chibi-Serpent that the tracer drew...
«Verithe» Well, now it's not super-secret!
«Angelo» Ops! Please forgot my last statement
«Verithe» Haha
«Knockwood» even though it, too, blatantly copied from another piece.
«Knockwood» Specifically, one called "comma", done by several people, including Shakespeare, Milton, Stolze...
«Verithe» I didn't bother looking for what that was copied from.
«Verithe» Heh
«Angelo» copy? what copy? that was "inspiration" was the artist reply. (by fakeArtistReply)
«Random_Nerd» Okay, so, let' see.
«Angelo» last time we was pouring tea with 2 warmain shards
«Verithe» 3
«lazarus» Oh right,
«Random_Nerd» You guys were outside Locus Vulcan, chatting with the off-duty warmain shards.
«Angelo» 3 that incidentally were Fitsk brothers
«Knockwood» Uhoh. "Off-duty" implies they already have Duty...
«Angelo» well them have a duty -» find information on shirk
«Verithe» Kite would specify "half-brothers" whether the semantics are accurate or not.
«Random_Nerd» Yeah, but both Ftisk and the three of them would tend to handwave that.
«Angelo» Ftisk will insist on full brother. After all he is so much Verithe's brother that excru shard'd brother
«Verithe» Of course!
«Angelo» all in Ftisk opinion
«Verithe» :)
«Angelo» (iFo?)
«Verithe» (heh)
«Angelo» (iFo, iFho, etc etc)
«Random_Nerd» So, ready to start?
«Angelo» yep!
«Knockwood» Sure
=-= lazarus is now known as Brian
=-= Verithe is now known as Kite
«Brian» Yup!
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
=-= YOU are now known as dragonTisk
«Random_Nerd» ______________START_____________
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
«DanteE» (OK, what happened right at the end of the last session?)
«dragonTisk» (last session I already ask them to work as test for Vulcan)
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "So, should we just agree to full information-sharing about the Entropy-'Shirk' situation?"
«Random_Nerd» (And they discussed how Nobles and Shards are different. Although it's not true of all Nobles, or even all Shards.)
«DanteE» "What can you give us?"
«Brian» "Would that benefit us equally?"
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "I don't know who it would benefit. But it just seems to me that whatever's going on may be bad for everyone concerned."
«dragonTisk» (The excru they are shard from is called Vassa, right?)
«Kite» "I imagine that would benefit us equally."
«Random_Nerd» (Correct.)
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "What, you think they sold out /both/ sides?"
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "Would that /surprise/ you?"
«dragonTisk» "I feel is possible"
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "Yeah. A little bit, at least. What's in it for them."
«Brian» "it would seem like something Entropy would do."
«Kite» "The possibilities are endless until we find out more information."
«Brian» "and someone with a name like Shirk"
«Kite» "Even then, the possibilities might still be endless."
«DanteE» (We're in Locus Vulcan, right?)
«Random_Nerd» (Just on the border of it.)
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "That's why I'm suggesting a collaboration. Normally, this sort of strategic information-gathering would be up to the other castes, but... I suspect my upperself doesn't entirely trust them."
«Brian» (can I do a Divination on the probability that information sharing will help us more than them?)
«DanteE» (Did they define 'upperself' last time?)
«Kite» (Vassa)
«Theresa» "If they win... they get Creation. Entropy kills off what Imperators and Nobles are in his way, Shirk gets the same from those who would kill anything that looks Excrucian, without rhyme or reason."
«Random_Nerd» (It appears to be how they talk about the Warmain they're pieces of.)
«Theresa» (Because you don't invite the Excrucians _in_.)
«Random_Nerd» (Eh...)
«dragonTisk» "Ah, can you ask your upperself, Vassa if I can come back with you? I would like to know better my family, uhm... ex-family, uhm... other-family, well you! And the places outside the weirding wall"
«DanteE» (Did William get any info on Vassa from his Oracle?)
«Random_Nerd» (How would you go about using a divination of Numbers to determine that?)
«Random_Nerd» (He's still checking.)

  • Kite looks at Ftisk nervously.
  • dragonTisk smile to Verithe

«Kite» "Perhaps this could wait until current events settle down?"
«Kite» "At least?"
«Random_Nerd» Conrad: "Hmm. Well, we can write it down to take with us."
«DanteE» to Ftisk: "You'll wind up in 'enemy territory' with amnesia!"
«Random_Nerd» Conrad, to Dante: "It's not that bad. You get used to it."
«Brian» (I don't think I can, thinking about it. Not only would it be divining from possible futures, but also Outside. Nevermind then.)
«dragonTisk» "Will do, but only if Vassa accept to look on me"
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "Like that guy, in the movie. The backwards one."
«dragonTisk» "With movie?"
«DanteE» 'Memento?"
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort snaps his fingers: "That's the one."
«Kite» "I was going to say 'Casablanca', but I don't know movies."
«dragonTisk» "me too"
«Brian» "do you guys like having memory? And numbers?"
«Random_Nerd» Conrad: "Well, I suspect that he would see you as... if not family, then at least connected with us. If you showed up, waving a flag of truce, he'd show you the same respect as you're showing us."
«Brian» "I know you think causality is a bitch, though."
«DanteE» "How do we know we'd get him back?"
«dragonTisk» "Well is enough to rick! When this finish I’ll come with you outside!!! :-D"
«Theresa» (Hey the Power of Causality is a lovely young woman, thank you very much!)
«Random_Nerd» Conrad: "You probably wouldn't. Most trips across the Wall are one-way."
«dragonTisk» "Oh, then Brian can open a hole???"

  • dragonTisk look at Brian

«Kite» "Could we talk about hypothetical trips to the Outside some other time?"
«Brian» "I like opening holes in reality. Makes me feel free."
«Random_Nerd» William, quietly, to Dante: "Okay. We don't have much on Vassa. Most of it's art, actually, depicting him knife-fighting an unnnamed Angel, wrestling a Serpent, that kind of thing."
«DanteE» to William: "How old?"
«dragonTisk» "Good Brian!"
«Random_Nerd» William: "Recent. Made within living human memory."

  • Kite flusters

«Brian» "although I expect if I were Outside, I would feel similarly confined. Do you guys have prisons or cages out there?"
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "I don't know."
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "There has to be /something/, though, that made the Wildlords so... touchy... about the issue."
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "But I don't think any of /us/ has that kind of hangups about it."
«DanteE» "Wildlords felt confined out there?"
«Theresa» "I wonder if Outside feels like a cage. In a metaphorical sense. Which doesn't make sense, since Outside is bigger than Creation."
«Brian» "It is still a thing."
«dragonTisk» "But outside is sparser, with estates as rarity and all "
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "Well, they have to have, don't they? They show up here, and they're neurotic about cages, bindings, that kind of thing. Something has to have happened there, because that's the sort of thing that transfers over through the Wall."
«Random_Nerd» Conrad, irritably, to Theresa: "It's not 'bigger' than Creation. It can't be. We don't /have/ 'bigger' out there."
«DanteE» (Creation is Australia? :P )
«Random_Nerd» Elias, to Rochefort: "But it has to be something specific to them. Because none of the other types seem to have it."
«Theresa» "Didn't think you had limits, either."
«Brian» "creation and outside are part of reality, which is technically infinite. However, the sums and differences of infinite, while infinite, are weird."
«DanteE» "Infinite's on our side. Ananda."
«Theresa» "Brian, not the 'repeating nine' thing again..."
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "Is this about the whole 'cardinality' thing? Because I never really understood that."
«Brian» "no, that is The Infinite"
«Kite» "Make up a name for what sort of '-er' the Outside is."
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "Awesome. Clearly, Awesome isn't an estate of Creation, because it's so lame here."
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "That must mean we took it."
«Brian» "I would say that Creation and the Outside are the same size, in theory."
«Kite» "Sraabier"
«Brian» (would it be a greater creation to make that so?)
«Brian» (aleph-null *2 can be, in some number sets, aleph-1)
«Random_Nerd» (Hmm...)
«DanteE» (Nerd. :) )
«Theresa» (I don't think you can control the size of Outside.)
«Random_Nerd» (But uncountable infinites aren't part of Numbers.)
«Brian» (infinites are awesome! Oh yeah, that's right.)
«Random_Nerd» (They don't correspond to specific real things.)
«Random_Nerd» (At least... not yet.)
«Theresa» "But wouldn't that mean that you've left behind your own awesomity?"
«Random_Nerd» (You could /make/ them be Numbers, with Persona.)
«Random_Nerd» Conrad: "What sacrifices we make!"
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "After all, there /is/ a War on."
«DanteE» "Know anything about how it started?"
«DanteE» "Or, more to the point, why?"
«Brian» (so two greater persona miracles, then a greater creation, and a declaration is made. That is pushing it, even for Brian, so it is enough for him to believe it for now)
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "Nope. We're just the grunts, man. That's, like, history and upper-level strategic stuff."
«Brian» (... Can I divine the size of creation? What happens if I divine an infinite, countable or not?)
«DanteE» "... would Vassa know?"
«Random_Nerd» (Hmm... yes, you can.)
«Theresa» (You get a cheese error.)
«Brian» (I think it just doesn't work, but do I know it doesn't work, or do I just not think of doing it?)
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "Probably. But those bits don't get sent in."
«DanteE» (and that's not gouda.)
«DanteE» (you wouldn't be able to do edam thing.)
«Theresa» (You're a munster, Dante.)
«DanteE» (Stilton the one!)
«Kite» (...)
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "Now, I suspect there /is/ a larger plan, and our natures are carefully chosen to accomplish it. That Vassa carves out specific bits of himself that will do the right things if sent here."
«Kite» (The only puns I can think of are bad...)
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "But we don't have orders, just... tendencies."
«DanteE» (That's redundant, Kite.)
«Theresa» (And you're not sharing, why?  :) )
«DanteE» "And your current orders are basically information-gathering..."
«Theresa» "To fight?"
«Kite» (True...I camembert it.)
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "Right now, we /do/ have orders. Specific ones. I think that's because Vassa wanted shards that already had contacts here, rather than making new ones."
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "I do like the fighting missions better, though."
«Brian» "I want to visit outside"
«DanteE» (Did they know anything about Shirk?)
«dragonTisk» "Me tooo Brian"
«DanteE» "There may be a way...
«Theresa» (Kite - *clap*)
«DanteE» "If there's some neutral ground somewhere..."
«Theresa» *to Roche* "Do you usually win?"
«Random_Nerd» (They know that they're ordered to find out what he's up to, and that they have a really strong gut-level distrust of him.)
«Brian» "we need a tether. I think neutrality is a Creation Power. If not, it should be."
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "Sometimes. But more often, not. After all, we're here operating on our own. There's three or four of us, and we don't have any access to support structures."
«DanteE» "We know there are holes in the wall... they've got Imperators guarding them. Maybe we can meet on the wall."
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "You guys can call in Imperators, other Nobles. We can't. So, on the winning-the-battle sense, we have some disadvantages."
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "But war-wise, we have you beat."
«dragonTisk» ":-D"
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "Could you get an Imperator covering the Wall to allow us and you through?"
«dragonTisk» "Kudzu isn't doing wall douty now?"
«Theresa» "I think he is but he's in the metaphorical doghouse at the moment."
«Kite» "Conceivably, but Kudzu also has a bad enough reputation as it is. We probably don't want to sully it further."
«DanteE» to Brian: "We can't go there, I like my memories. With a few exceptions."
«Brian» "holy shit, I think I have a good thought. I think I have a Fetch. If I Anchor the Fetch, I should be able to transfer my consciousness outside."
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "If you have a friendly imperator, we could set up something in the spirit world."
«Theresa» (Oh yes, let's let our Imperator, whom a bunch of the other Imperators thinks is shirking on the Wall duty, let a bunch of Excrucians back into Outside. What can happen?)
«DanteE» (Wouldn't somebody have tried that if it worked?)
«dragonTisk» "reputation is overpraised. Vulcan, I can ask Dad..."
«Random_Nerd» (Try what, anchoring a fetch?)
«DanteE» (Yeah)
«Brian» "I could imbue some of my power into the Fetch, and the Estate of Numbers may partially exist Outside too. Hm."
«Random_Nerd» (How do you think High Summoning /works/?)
«dragonTisk» (is a cooooool idea!)
«Random_Nerd» (That's awfully close to a game-mechanical description of what Shadows has described.)
«Brian» "but to Anchor the Fetch, it would have to be Inside, I think."
«DanteE» (In that case it's already been done... with no effect, otherwise we'd know more about Outside.)
«Brian» "which means that it would have to be summoned. This is some weird stuff I am thinking about. I should confer with my colleague on the matter."
«Random_Nerd» (Well, it has some effect. Shadows can make contact with his fetch, use it to do things, feel things.)
«Kite» (We'd just have more control over the experiments we wish to run.)
«DanteE» (Would we? We're talking about stuff Outside.)

  • dragonTisk pray to Vulcan *Dad, we are speaking with excru shards for the experiment and... other things. We need a place where we can meet and were them can go outside the wall to spoke with the excrucian whole. Can they pass from the hole in the wall you guard when onduty?*

«Random_Nerd» (A lot of it is just that understanding the Outside is hard even if you do have solid information-gathering.)
«DanteE» (Beth, you'd let us know if RN starts in with the evil cackling, right?)
«Random_Nerd» (It's a place without space, time, memory, and /with/ a bunch of other alien things.)
«Theresa» (Dante - 'starts'?)
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "What type of shards?"
«DanteE» (I figure your neighbors would be complaining if he did it continually.)
«dragonTisk» to Vulcan *Warmain ones, the type I tempered, the same imperator even*
«DanteE» (Ftisk: see if he knows Vassa. Come to think of it...)
«dragonTisk» *btw the Warmain whole is called Vassa*
«DanteE» (Can I talk to Kudzu?)
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "And this is for... treaty talks, arranging of terms, that kind of thing?"
«dragonTisk» *Yes dad!*
«Random_Nerd» (Yes, you can, although you know he's on Wall duty and so will be distracted.)
«Theresa» (Dante - we have thick walls.)
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "Normally, I would say that you have to leave that sort of thing to the Council. But under the circumstances..."
«Kite» to Elias: "You guys wouldn't happen to have any information on why Lord Ananda voted for Lord Entropy's proposal to allow Lord Shirk to have diplomatic immunity?"
«Kite» "Would you?"
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "Let me think."
«DanteE» to Kudzu: "Lord Kudzu? Do you know of a Warmain named Vassa?"
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "We aren't supposed to even /think/ about Ananda too much. It can be lethal, or crippling."
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "So he's a black box as far as I'm concerned. I don't know why he does what he does, and I don't care. Not my problem."
«DanteE» "Do you have anything like prophecies about the War over there?"
«dragonTisk» *Came on dad! It will help you test on the shards to have 2 willing candidates*
«Kite» "That's a bummer. He might be important in your investigation, though."
«Random_Nerd» Kudzu: "I think so. Came through in his person about a hundred years ago, killed Sejaran the Serpent?"
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "I can't do this alone. Politics-wise, I mean."
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "It may not be treason, but it's treason-like at least."
«Theresa» (Now I'm wondering about Ananda fangirls.)
«DanteE» "... and did your upperself kill a Serpent about a hundred years ago?"
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "Sounds like the sort of thing we'd do."
«dragonTisk» *And who can give the ok for this? Only the council*
«Random_Nerd» Conrad: "We're not /knitting/-mains."
«Kite» (They are driven mad by his beauty and their eyes have been crystalized.)
«DanteE» to William: "Can you look up 'Sejaran'?"
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "A big enough group of Imperators to give the appearance of legitimacy. Preferably cross-faction."
«DanteE» (Hm... Kudzu, Vulcan... Barakiel... Jaris?)
«Random_Nerd» William touches his sphere. "Imperator? Serpentine? Lord of raincarving and skyforests?"
«dragonTisk» *big-enough? uhm, thank you dad! Have a good day*
«DanteE» to William: "When did he die?"
«dragonTisk» (don't forget the half rotten dog imp)
«Theresa» "Given the description, yeah, we lost those."
«Random_Nerd» William: "Seventy nine years ago."
«Theresa» (Nah, I figure that Ananda fangirls would be having shipping-wars about him on the internet.)
«DanteE» to the shards, pleasant tone: "How long are you staying?"
«Random_Nerd» William: "Post-Aides. Mind if I tag it as being done by Vassa?"
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "Long enough to do our job and wrangle a way to get at least one of us back across."
«Kite» (Shipping-wars sounds highly likely.)
«DanteE» to William: "I think you can."
«DanteE» "Kudzu said so."
«Random_Nerd» William: "Okay, that's solid. I'll also label the picture of the serpent and Vassa as a probable reference."
«dragonTisk» "So Vulcan can let you pass and we meet at the wall hole *IF* we can have the ok from a wide- enough group of imp. I was thinking of Kudzu, Barakiel, Vulcan, and the one that stamped us"
«Random_Nerd» He smiles.
«DanteE» "And sometime you'll have to let us know how much of your questions board we're wiping out."
«Random_Nerd» (Not Ophaniel?)
«Random_Nerd» William: "You've been adding to it more than you've shrunk it. But that's how it always goes."
«DanteE» (Who smiles?)
«Random_Nerd» (William)
«dragonTisk» "Ahm, my loved Ophaniel too, of course!"
«Random_Nerd» William: "But it's one of the mottos of the research wing that knowing the right questions is almost as important as knowing the answer."
«DanteE» "Language, Ftisk..."
«dragonTisk» "Sorry, my loved Dante"
«Kite» "Ftisk..."
«Random_Nerd» Conrad: "Don't worry, we're cool."
«Brian» "knowing the question is more important than the answer. 42, after all."

  • dragonTisk beam

«dragonTisk» "see is like family!" *pout*
«Random_Nerd» William: "That actually happened, I think. During the lost years."
«Kite» to Brian: "How many pieces were there in Timmy Toole's jigsaw puzzle?"
«DanteE» "Ftisk, Kite, can you ask Vulcan to get them temporary accommodations here?"
«Brian» "um. Too many."
«Kite» "Oh...not 42."
«dragonTisk» (kite, do you want to call Vulcan?)
«Brian» "no, 42 is the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything. But it is pointless without the question."
«Random_Nerd» (Oh, and as far as the appearance of legitimacy goes, you guys have something in your favor that Vulcan hasn't thought of.)
«DanteE» "After all, 'it costs nothing to be polite'."
«Kite» (unless you want to. Ftisk's already been talking to Vulcan about them.)
«Theresa» (The Wildlord's tattoo?)
«DanteE» (The fact that we're PCs? Or does that blow all legitimacy away? :D )
«Random_Nerd» (Yep. You guys have a mandate from Ha Quadosh Berakha to find out as much about the Outside and the Wall as you can for him, and he's pretty much blatantly given you license to stretch that as far as you think you can.)
«dragonTisk» (well ok)
«Theresa» (*rubs hands* Oh, we'll stretch it...)
«Brian» (Brian will cleverly remember that right now.)
«Random_Nerd» (If you can spin this as related to that, well, you can say that you were just following the orders of the Council.)
«Kite» (Not too far! It might hurt! D:)
«DanteE» (we'll stretch it just to play songs by plucking it.)
«Brian» "also remember our Council-given quest to find out about Outside ... Like what they might know..."
«Theresa» (It'll last _just_ to the point of catching too much attention and either Entropy or Ananda will stomp us.)
«dragonTisk» to Vulcan *Dad!, while I gather Imps to say ok to the hole in the wall truce-passage-rendevouzpoint, can we accomodate these 3 warmain shard in the Grotto?*
«DanteE» (By that time chances are we'll be able to kick 'em back.)
«Random_Nerd» (But if they're going to try to stomp you, well, there are worse people to have in your corner than HQB.)
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "If they're here under a flag of truce, and you and your brother will personally vouch for them, then I give permission."
«Theresa» (Yes. The Power of Pacifism.)
«dragonTisk» *I vouch for them, Kite.. wait a sec I'll ask*
«Brian» (prays to HQB) "Sir, if I may ask a question, how much support of yours do we have in ... unconventional information gathering techniques?"
«DanteE» (um, they are under a flag of truce, right?)
«dragonTisk» "Brothers, you are under a flag of truce, right?"
«Random_Nerd» Conrad reaches under the table, brings out a white handkerchief on a stick, and waves it.
«Kite» "We did agree to a truce."
«dragonTisk» "Super!"
«DanteE» "Technically the flag was under you, but I think we can let that slide."
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "And technically it's not a flag, but a cloth napkin we stole from a steakhouse."
«dragonTisk» "Kite, you vouch to vouch to take them in our channel right?"
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "But it's the thought that counts, right?"
«Theresa» "At least it wasn't someone's underwear."
«dragonTisk» "great Idea Theresa!!!"
«Brian» (prays again to HQB) "and sir, may I request a private meeting at your convenience, but hopefully soonish?"
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort, leering: "'Underwear' is a part of Creation. Why would we have any?"
«Kite» to Vulcan: "Lord Vulcan? The Excrucians here are currently at a truce with us, so I am fairly certain it will be safe to allow them in the Chancel for the time being."
«DanteE» "Don't give him ideas, Ftisk..."
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "We are /not/ having the 'what are you wearing under that robe' conversation with Nobles."
«dragonTisk» (kite? did you read my last question to you?) ... nevermind
«Random_Nerd» Brian, you feel a small and sharp piece of Ha Qadosh Berakha being fired into your brain. What do you do?
«Kite» "Why do people wear underwear?"
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "Then I accept their presence, at least temporarily."
«dragonTisk» "Because they are sky to show their underwear’s covered thingies, like these" *point to the dragonTisk relevant pieced*
«Kite» "Lord Vulcan grants temporary acceptance."
«Kite» "..."
«dragonTisk» *Yeppa! Dad, you are a super Imp!*
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan, to Kite: "Make the arrangements yourself, I'm busy in the Forge."
«Kite» to Vulcan: "Thank you, Lord Vulcan."
«Theresa» "For humans, it's a need to keep warm, to absorb sweat or to observe cultural rules."
«Brian» (Brian listens or accepts the HQB message)
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "And they are /not/ allowed in any part of the Forge, or the Hall of Weapons."
«DanteE» (Can you make them accommodations right here, to minimize risk?)
«Random_Nerd» The godshard burrows into your thoughts, and sends out tendrils.

  • Kite repeats the last part to Ftisk just to make sure he understands

«dragonTisk» (Ftisk understand but always a party spoiler dad is :-( )
«Random_Nerd» A Bit Of HQB: "Acceptable. I will send an agent to fetch you soon. How many will be coming?"
«dragonTisk» (no wild party in the weapon halls... what can ever go wrong there???)
«Theresa» (Well, they'd need to move into the Chancel and then they can have accommodations.)
«Random_Nerd» (And as for why he didn't just pray back... well, it would be beneath his dignity to pray to a Noble.)
«Brian» "Familia, who wants to come speak with HQB with me?
«DanteE» "I do."
«Theresa» (Umm,...didn't the shards say that they wanted the way back home...for after they were done with their mission?)
«dragonTisk» "Meeeeeeee!!!"
«Random_Nerd» (They implied that, once they've done their information-gathering, their job will be to find a way to get at least one of them back across.)
«DanteE» (Well, presumably we'll be meeting with their boss in neutral ground, and he can take 'em back then.)
«Theresa» (Ah. Didn't know if they considered this enough info.)
«Kite» "Please follow me."
«Random_Nerd» (They don't, yet.)
«Brian» "anyone else?"
«Theresa» "I can stay with Kite and the visitors while you visit HQB.)"
«Random_Nerd» (But being able to report back directly, without having to carve their discoveries into Elias's back and shoot him back across in a Cross-Reality Cannon...)
«Theresa» (If Vulcan will allow me in.)
«Brian» (pray to HQB) "three will attend."
«Random_Nerd» Bit of HQB in your brain: "Talk to /me/. And three. All Noble?"

  • Kite sends a quilt message to Gil to have a building prepared for the shards to stay, within the limits Vulcan demanded.

«Brian» "All noble. Myself, my Brother Caelestis Dante, and our colleague Ftisk, whose name is nigh unpronounceable even for Nobles."
«Random_Nerd» Gil writes: "Will do. Is this a rush job?"
«Random_Nerd» (On the quilt.)
«DanteE» (You're _assembly_. You can make one in a blink.)
«Random_Nerd» Bit Of HQB: "Acceptable. Arrangements will be made."
«Brian» "Many thanks."
«Random_Nerd» A Bit Of HQB: "Anything else?"

  • Kite creates a new quilt: "Pretty much, yeah."

«Kite» (Dante: True....)
«dragonTisk» to shards "brothers, do you know how estates work outside? How your power work? I'm really, really, really fascinated by them!"
«Brian» (thinks to the godshard) "the subject of the meeting is incredibly sensitive, and should remain closed to others. As such, anything further will have to wait until then."
«Kite» third quilt to Gil: "If you think it's too difficult, I can work something else out."
«Random_Nerd» Gil, in a fabric marker this time instead of a ballpoint: "I just need to know what priority to give this. High?"
«Random_Nerd» Godshard: "This is about the Warmain-shards you were thinking about?"
«Kite» forth quilt to Gil: "Yeah. We're currently on our way."
«Theresa» (Does Kite need to ask permission for me to come in?)
«Brian» "them, and Entropy."
«Kite» (I imagine Kite's already entering)
«DanteE» (and Shirk)
«dragonTisk» (I don't think, we are traveling from our chancell to your and back routinely... a least I immagine that way)
«Brian» (yeah, but I try to avoid thinking about him.)
«Random_Nerd» Godshard: "Then I will bring a warmain-expert, for my side of the table, who I believe will keep the information confidential."

  • Theresa will follow Kite, then!

«Random_Nerd» Godshard: "Is this all?"
«Brian» "yes sir. Thank you again."
«Random_Nerd» You feel it wrigging in your mind, retracting mental tendrils.
«DanteE» ("And don't step on my optic nerve on the way out.")
«Random_Nerd» Then it fires itself back out.
«Random_Nerd» You're left feeling mildly concussed.
«Brian» "that was odd. Cool, but odd."
«Random_Nerd» (You may not have been there, but Ataris Ebrot Appeka did something a little similar at one point.)
«DanteE» "What was?"

  • Kite is careful not to point out the sights of Locus Vulcan while leading the Warmain Shards.

«Random_Nerd» (And, of course, Kudzu's tendency to shove one or more bits of himself into chunks of Amyra for communication purposes is a little similar.)
«Random_Nerd» As they walk, Conrad carries the "flag" over one shoulder.
«Brian» "I have /got/ to learn how to do that. Imperators speak to Nobles in a cool way"
«dragonTisk» (so we wait that HQB call us for the meeting and go in Vulcan chancell with the shards?)
«DanteE» (Remind me what HQB's Estates are?)
«Random_Nerd» (I have totally blanked on them for the moment, let me try to recall. But this is a Gift, not one of his Estates.)
«Random_Nerd» (Hmm! I don't think I've actually talked about his estates at any point!)
«DanteE» once the Shards are out of earshot: "I think this qualifies as a risk. Then again, you'd be the one who could make it a calculated risk."
«Brian» (that to me?)
«DanteE» (yep)
«Kite» (May one of his Estates be Cookies?)
«Random_Nerd» (But, let's see. One of them has to be something related to death or decay. His shapes are almost always something dead.)
«Brian» "If we can get HQB's support for us, we can definitely gain a hand up for dealing with everything at the moment."
«Brian» (Armies!)
«Random_Nerd» (But until I have something game-canon, let's just say that HQB's estates are unremarkable, and that he's relevant due to his position on the Council.)
«Brian» (anyone have claim on War?)
«DanteE» "Don't forget the list of people who Don't Dare Know is rather large."
«Random_Nerd» (Hmm. We have not had a Power of War in this game.)
«dragonTisk» (then can be one of HQB estates!)
«Brian» "I trust HQB. I trust that he will be interested in opposing Entropy, and thus aligning with us. Or that we will be murdered, though that isn't his Domain, and it won't matter anymore"
«DanteE» (War would have reason to have dealing with Entropy, Azazel, Kudzu...)
«Theresa» (Maybe that's what caused the war. Losing Cookies.)
«Random_Nerd» (Okay, now, what sort of rooms will have been set up for the Shards, Kite?)
«DanteE» "Yeah, but if our Estates get eaten....
«Kite» (Something nice-ish. Comfortable, at least. Overlooking a lava pool or something.)
«Kite» (Kite would also not care about clearing out any residents or anything.)
«Brian» (you can do better than lava. I am sure you have rivers of molten lead.)
«DanteE» (Don't forget the complimentary asbestos swimtrunks.)
«Kite» (Rather: He would have them cleared out, but not care about their feelings on the matter.)
«Theresa» (Bah, mercury is much better via moonlight!)
«Random_Nerd» Conrad: "It is pleasant, I will admit, to have some place to stay in Creation where we don't have to worry about Nobles coming in and ganking us while we're eating pizza."
«Random_Nerd» Conrad: "Not that I'm bitter."
«Kite» "Duties and all."
«dragonTisk» "And pizza is defintely something to share asap!"
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "Oh, give it a rest, man."
«dragonTisk» (was to me?)
«Random_Nerd» (That was to Conrad.)
«DanteE» "Do we have a good hold on what exactly we'll be doing when we meet Vassa? Or Ha-Qadosh, for that matter?"
«Random_Nerd» (About how he got killed while he and his brothers were sitting around eating pizza. Uh, by you.)
«Random_Nerd» (Are all of you in the same place now?)
«DanteE» (We killed a perfectly innocent pizza?!?)
«dragonTisk» (yep!)
«Brian» "I intend to garner HQB's support for us."
«DanteE» (I figured we got separated...)
«DanteE» (We who are about to die, I mean meet HQB here, the others leading the Shards away.)
«Theresa» (Kite and Theresa are with the Shards.)
«Random_Nerd» (Then should Theresa be with the Shards?)
«Theresa» "What kind of pizza?"
«Kite» (She is!)
«Brian» (I am running out of steam. Anyone else?)
«DanteE» "Let's see... assuming Vassa and us keep hold of our memories...
«DanteE» "... think we should ask about the cause of the War?"
«Theresa» (I'm discussing pizza toppings with beings from outside of my reality and am completely ready to be distainful toward their toppings or choice of brand. You think I have steam?  :) )
«dragonTisk» pray to Kite: "Don't forget to bring foods, drugs, and music to our guests so them can relax a bit in creation*
«Brian» (prays to Patterns) "Patterns-San. I have a request. Are you willing to meet me inhabiting my Dionyl Anchor in a place in or near your Chancel? I have some things I wish to speak to you about, that I fear being overheard."
«Kite» to Ftisk: "I'm not going to be their maid. I'll find someone else to do it."

  • Kite calls to a random person on the streets.

«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "Meet, no. What sort of communication do you need?"
«Brian» "Secure."
«dragonTisk» to Kite *But hospitality is sacred!*
«Theresa» (Drugs? You want to give them drugs?)
«dragonTisk» (yep!)
«DanteE» (That would help negotiations...)
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "So, the guy with the dogs and the flying horse. Who was that?"
«DanteE» "Let's see. Vassa doesn't know what Shirk is doing...
«Kite» to Ftisk: "Then we'll let this street urchin be sacred for a day."
«Brian» "I was hoping that you would see me offering to meet you with my Anchor as a show of trust. If not, I will recall him immediately."
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "That can be arranged. Have your anchor go somewhere in the chancel apart from the others, and I'll move him to a secure location."
«Kite» to Ftisk: "Or nine...or however long this lasts."
«Brian» "very well. Will do."
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "My /Imperator/ doesn't know where my physical body is."
«DanteE» "And I'd bet they don't know about shared Estates.
«DanteE» "May or may not know about Sakharoth/Suebi/Gaius.
«Brian» (to Sam) "get yourself apart from everyone there. Be prepared for oddness. I will need to inhabit you for a time, if that is acceptable."
«dragonTisk» to Kite *I'm sure you'll find a satisfying solution!* *smile*
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Will do, boss."
«DanteE» (What's Jerren doing, BTW?)
«Random_Nerd» From the point of view of an outside observer, such as William, it would look here like the chunk of land where Brian, Dante, and Ftisk were standing suddenly ceases to exist. Then, bit by bit, it flies back together, with them absent.
«Random_Nerd» From their point of view, the experience is stranger.
«dragonTisk» (cool)
«Random_Nerd» Dante, Ftisk, and Brian briefly exist in no place in particular.
«Random_Nerd» And then they feel a room, or rather a giant horse skull, coming into being around them.
«Brian» (Nobles can carry on two conversations at once in different bodies, right?)
«Theresa» "Oh, he's someone we had just met on our way toward you. Oh and sorry about the motorcycle."
«Random_Nerd» (Sure.)
«DanteE» "... never thought I'd miss the municipal buses."
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "But who /was/ he? He had an odd way of fighting."
«Theresa» "He's actually not a Noble. He's...apparently no one's really sure who or what he is."
«Kite» (Conceivably the random person Kite is calling over could by a kindergartener. Whoever it is, he tells them they're to care for the shards.)
«Random_Nerd» In the skull-room, you see two large shapes. One is an empty suit of bronze and steel armor, about nine feet tall. Another is an immense eye, bulging out of the bone wall, and glowing with a greenish light which illuminates the "room."

  • dragonTisk weave

«Random_Nerd» Locus-Vulcan Kid: "Uh... okay, sir."
«Random_Nerd» The eye vibrates, making the sound of speech: "Okay, here you are, and here we are."
«Brian» *bows slightly* "indeed. I hope you will not be insulted if I ask to validate your identities?"
«Random_Nerd» Kid: "So, I'm excused from classes while I'm doing that, right?"
«Random_Nerd» Caesar: "Surely Blades can testify that I am who I present myself as."
«DanteE» (I assume I can?)
«Random_Nerd» Eye: "I am Ha Qadosh Berakha. Other people do not claim to be Ha Qadosh Berkha. It would be an error to do so."
«Random_Nerd» (You're pretty sure it's him.)
«DanteE» "Ah, yes.
«Brian» "then we may begin. There are two pressing matters at hand."
«Random_Nerd» (It's the same armor he was wearing before the Council, and you recognize the voice.)
«Kite» to Kid: "Classes?"
«DanteE» (OK, I'll let Brian lead)
«Brian» "the first, and least disturbing, is we need support for providing neutral ground for negotiating with Warnain-shards and their overmind, Vassa."
«Brian» "You may draw memories of our recent meeting with them, if you are able."
«Random_Nerd» Kid: "Yeah. We were going to be learning how nails are made."
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "Negotiating about?"
«Theresa» *to Kite* "A child his age would probably be in school...learning."
«Brian» "Trading information regarding Entropy and Shirk."
«Kite» to Kid: "Yeah, you're excused form that. We'll implant a data chip with all that information later."
«Brian» (strike Shirk. Add "his guest")
«Random_Nerd» Caesar: "What did their views on Sueridas appear to be?"
«DanteE» "They didn't have any...
«Brian» "it seems that Shirk is not acting as an Excrucian ... Or if he is, he is of a different faction."
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "And I'm not tiptoeing around the name. If he wants to send a tendril of himself into my domain, let him see what happens."
«DanteE» "Vassa sent Shards in to get information on Shirk...
«DanteE» "Which means he's just as confused by his actions as we are."
«Brian» "they were unwilling to continue until a treaty is made."
«Kite» to Kid: "These gentlemen you will be taking care of are Elias, Rochefort and Conrad."
«Kite» "...."

  • Kite ponders something

«Random_Nerd» Caesar, to HQB: "Vassa... I feel an urge to trust him. He's dangerous in a fight, but not a subtle manipulator like some Warmains."
«Kite» to Kid: "Do you have a name or do I need to give you one?"
«Brian» "what seems interesting is that they were as puzzled and ... Unhinged by the thought of Shirk working with Entropy as we are,"
«Random_Nerd» Kid: "I'm Anthony."
«Brian» (he so needs Butler Powers.)
«Kite» "Right."
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "Normally, of course, this sort of business would be brought before the Council. But under the circumstances, I'm going to handle this in-house."
«DanteE» "who can we trust on this?"
«Kite» to the Shards: "Anthony here will be taking care of your basic needs and comforts."

  • Kite plucks a feather and gives it to Anthony.

«Theresa» "That's quite a task for such a young person."
«Kite» to Anthony: "This is so you don't have to pay for pizzas and stuff."
«Brian» "do we have your support on this matter, then?"
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "I've decided to take Caesar here on-board. I imagine your Imperator will wish to be involved too."
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "If you do anything stupid in my name, you'll have to answer to me. But... yes, I'll shield you from others, if you serve me in this."
«Kite» to Theresa: "Really?"
«Brian» "agreed."
«Brian» "then shall we move on to the more troubling matter?"
«DanteE» (No problem. We do plenty of stupid stuff in our own names. :) )
«DanteE» "I thought that was the more troubling matter."
«Random_Nerd» Anthony takes the feather, trying to avoid the sharp edge
«Theresa» *to Kite* "I'm not sure of how the young humans in your Chancel are raised, Kite. Do they procure their own housing or live with their parents?"
«Brian» "no, the more troubling matter is that I am about to try to recruit HQB onto our side in the upcoming civil war to try to kill Entropy"
«dragonTisk» (standing ovation to Brian!!!)
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "Interesting."
«Kite» "I don't really pay too much attention to the humans. The cyborgs and robots are more interesting."
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "Say more."
«DanteE» "He is still prophesied to save Creation, remember."
«Kite» "Those sorts of things."
«Random_Nerd» Anthony: "Mom says I can't become a cyborg until I stop growing."
«Random_Nerd» Anthony: "She says that the mechanical parts would have to keep being refitted, otherwise."
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "Prophecy. Pssht."
«Kite» to Anthony: "I'll look forward to that day, then. How long do you think it will be?"
«DanteE» (RN: any chance you've watched Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig?)
«Brian» "My belief is that Entropy inviting Shirk in is a major threat to Creation. Entropy being who he is will see that any serious opposition is tantamount to a declaration of war. I want to ensure we can win, first."
«Random_Nerd» (I have not.)
«DanteE» (One episode has a flashback to when the Major first got cyborged. IIRC it was around age 9.)
«Random_Nerd» Anthony: "Depends. My dad's pretty tall, so probably another ten /years/. Totally unfair. I should at least be able to get, like, robot eyes or something."
«Random_Nerd» (But isn't that character a full-conversion borg? Or is that a different show?)
«DanteE» (She is. She was in a plane crash.)
«Random_Nerd» (So the growth thing wouldn't be an issue for her.)
«DanteE» (And, as it turns out, eyes don't grow much when growing up.)
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "Right now, we're information-gathering."
«Kite» to Anthony: "Maybe we can try some early tooth replacements. Those stop growing early, yes?"
«Random_Nerd» (Yeah. Anthony's mom is being unreasonable here.)
«Random_Nerd» Anthony: "Teeth, though? What can you really do with cyborg teeth?"
«Theresa» (She is not. :P )
«Brian» "I have a few on board on our side, and I would like to count you among them."
«DanteE» (and Dante would tell the kid fake eyes can be a pain in the ass without powers to compensate. :) )
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "I'm not committing to anything until I know what the Hell is going on."
«Theresa» (They wouldn't be fake, though. They'd be cybernetic.)
«Kite» "That depends on the hardware, doesn't it? Do you want teeth that shoot lasers or teeth that can cool your cocoa?"
«Brian» "understandable. We also have information that comes from Jan Ben Jan on the matter."
«DanteE» to Brian: "I'm with him. I want to ensure we _should_ win, first."
«DanteE» "This battle, anyway."
«Kite» "If you pick lasers, you have to join the army."
«Kite» "Or the theater. Depends on the lasers, I guess."
«Brian» "JBJ said that he did not even want me to ask whether the Civil War should happen. He said that I am likely to start one, but he did not want to have to say the outcome."
«Random_Nerd» Anthony: "How well-tested are they? My dad says to never have any first-generation technology implanted in your body."
«Random_Nerd» Anthony: "You could get stuck with something totally outdated!"
«Brian» "and ... He needs more body parts to answer the question of how to save Creation. Many more than. He has already amassed"
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "Unsettling. You, specifically?"
«DanteE» (did we lose Ftisk?)
«Brian» "yes."
«dragonTisk» (nope)
«dragonTisk» (But Brian is leading and is doing a good job)
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "As for his plans... I don't /understand/ him. He does not fit into my view of the world, so I cannot see if he and I should be enemies or friends. So I leave him be, but listen to what I hear he says."
«dragonTisk» (also cat curled in my lap make me distracted)
«DanteE» (him=Entropy or Vassa?)
«Random_Nerd» Caesar: "This faction you're forming. Who is in it?"
«Random_Nerd» ('Him' = Jan ben Jan.)
«Kite» to Anthony: "It depends on what you're asking for. The first series of laser-shooting teeth weren't built to prevent the user from aiming inside their own mouth.
«Kite» "But we've fixed all that."
«Random_Nerd» Anthony: "Huh."
«DanteE» (You're saying the kid could shoot his mouth off? :) )
«Kite» "I think."
«Kite» (Haha)
«Brian» "us, Barakiel's Nobles. Working on Patterns. We are working with the Aides Society to find out who else would be likely to be on our side."
«dragonTisk» (add me to the side)
«Brian» "Us includes Vulcan's Nobles who have been working with us recently."
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "Kudzu, Barakiel, the Power of Patterns? Not really sticking to the more well-loved people, are you?"

  • dragonTisk weave again

«Random_Nerd» HQB: "Vulcan, now Vulcan's respectable."
«dragonTisk» "we search similar minded peoples"
«Brian» "team underdog and trouble maker. You can see why we would want someone respectable on our team."
«Theresa» (We can only work with what we've got, buddy.)
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "And it helps having more on board who aren't Wild. Don't want to make this seem like a Wild coup."
«DanteE» (We're going for the
«Random_Nerd» Caesar: "I'm not actually a..."
«DanteE» ('lovable band of misfits' vibe. :) )
«dragonTisk» "And Dad don't commit 'till there a critical mass of peoples"
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "What matters is how it's /seen/. And those who don't see you as a Magister see you as an Excrucian, which is hardly better."
«Brian» "I believe Caesar here is likely to side with us against Entropy."
«Brian» (Brian pronounces it "Kaisar")
«Random_Nerd» Caesar: "I agree with Berakha here. I want to know what's happening before I take action."
«DanteE» "We hope to make progress with that when meeting with Vassa...
«Kite» (Then Kite will pronounce it "Czar"!)
«DanteE» "Any specific messages you'd have us take to him? Assuming everyone there retains their memories..."
«Random_Nerd» C: "I think we can arrange an intermediate meeting space."
«dragonTisk» "We can use the excru system. I'm surely do"
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "Making one where Nobles can be will be tougher, but doable."
«Brian» "shall we keep you abreast of the faction information? I trust the both of you to keep this information from both Ananda and Entropy. And Shirk, of course?"
«DanteE» (We're tough.)

  • dragonTisk smile

«Theresa» (We're not spirit world tough.)
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "But having Vulcan available helps. Ftisk, can you persuade Vulcan to build a small world for us? Just a few miles in size, but with its own space, time, causality?"
«DanteE» (We're PC-tough.)
«dragonTisk» (we are wreaking!)
«dragonTisk» "I had to ask"
«Brian» (how many as does Ftisk have?)
«Random_Nerd» (How many what?)
«Brian» ('a's)
«DanteE» (a's in your name)
«Random_Nerd» ("Ftiskaaaahk")
«dragonTisk» to Vulcan: *Dear Dad? HQB ask if you can create a small world for him, just a few miles wide but with time causality et all*
«Random_Nerd» (So, start saying "Ftisk" and then drop a brick on your toes.)
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan, in Ftisk's mind: "For the diplomatic meeting?"
«dragonTisk» "For what use the world will be constructed? for the meeting?"
«Random_Nerd» Berakha: "Yes."
«dragonTisk» toV: *Yes*
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "Well, I won't commit to being part of it yet, but I will begin construction so it's ready if you can get a coalition together. Are you in Locus Berakha?"
«dragonTisk» toV: *super!*
«dragonTisk» toV: *I don't know, I think yes but was teletransported here*
«dragonTisk» "are we in locus Beraka?"
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "Well, that's a good start."
«Random_Nerd» Eye of Berakha: "The answer to that is slightly complicated, but for most purposes, yes."
«Theresa» (My guess is that you're in his...skull.)
«DanteE» (is that next to the Eye of Argon? :) )
«dragonTisk» "AAAnd Imperator Vulcan say that he start to make the world so he will be ready when the coalition is ready and the meeting is ready, and with this action he is not committing to the coalition"
«Kite» (I want to see the Eye of Xenon)
«dragonTisk» toV: *Yes Dad, we are in lokus Beraks, sort of*
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "Well, that's a good start."
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "It's about time those Wild ties you two have built up will do us some good."

  • dragonTisk smile satisfied
  • dragonTisk start to fly to Dante shoulder but realize that can't do that in dragon form... *sadness!*

«DanteE» (So, we're a bad influence... on _Ftisk_?!? :P )
«dragonTisk» (I believe the opposite is true :-P )
«Theresa» (Obviously, Vulcan doesn't like that his boys spend so much time with that Dante wildhussy.)
«Random_Nerd» Caesar: "Is there anything else?"
«Kite» (heehee!)
«dragonTisk» (windhussy?)
«Brian» (did they ever answer if we should keep them. Abreast of the factions?)
«Theresa» (no, Wild hussy.)
«DanteE» "Messages or questions for Vassa?"
«Random_Nerd» Caesar: "I'll need time to think on that first."
«Random_Nerd» Berakha: "Likewise."
«DanteE» "Let us know anytime."
«Brian» "Do you wish to be kept abreast of the sides in the upcoming possible war?"
«Brian» "in confidence, of course"
«Random_Nerd» Berakha: "If I want to know, I'll ask. Otherwise... better if I can maintain deniability."
«Brian» "very well."
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "And just for the record, if you try to kill Entropy, I want you to make it clear that I had nothing to do with it. If I want to kill Entropy, I'll do it myself."
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "Is that clear?"
«Brian» "crystal."
«DanteE» "It is."
«dragonTisk» "Yes"
«dragonTisk» (stop here?)
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "Then see what you can do about getting Imperial support for your little diplomatic summit, and get back to me about it."
«Random_Nerd» (Almost...)
«Random_Nerd» He looks at Caesar, who nods.
«Brian» "will do. We can toss your name for that, right? I want to be completely sure first."
«Random_Nerd» HQB: "For diplomatic talks, yes. Assassination, no."
«Brian» "gotcha"
«DanteE» "Understood."
«Random_Nerd» Ceasar raise a hand. As before, the room you're in, as well as your locations, cease to exist. (You can resist this by taking a Wound if you want, of course, or trumping it with a bigger miracle.)
«Random_Nerd» You drift in spacelessness for a moment, and then you're built into the same chunk of Locus Vulcan that Kite is in.
«Random_Nerd» Anthony: "Cool!"
«Random_Nerd» _______________STOP_______________________
«Kite» "!"
«dragonTisk» great session!
=-= Brian is now known as lazarus
«DanteE» Agreed
=-= YOU are now known as angelo
«angelo» great session!
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
=-= Kite is now known as Verithe
«lazarus» Well, that was fun!
«Random_Nerd» You guys did most of the work.
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
«Random_Nerd» I just described what the established NPCs did in response to you.
«Knockwood» and let's talk about a big pile of Destiny we'll be getting. :)
«lazarus» I am certain I get some for my war efforts project :p
«angelo» and I set the root to the Ftisk summer trip to outside wall
«Verithe» If I was going too far with some of the Vulcan tech, I apologize.
«lazarus» Locus Vulcan is cool
«Knockwood» I've got HQB's Mission, Deal With Shirk, Figure out what's going to happen, maybe even Dante, Defender of the Universe. :)
«angelo» well was hilarious, laser shooting tooths
«Verithe» But I figure it's all ornamental until someone puts points in it.
«Random_Nerd» Victories for the first three.
«Random_Nerd» Laser-shooting teeth are fine.
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan's been established as having a wide, and somewhat eclectic, technology base.
«BethE» Well, all, time for sleep. Good game!  :)
«Knockwood» (and I really should better define my Struggles)
«Verithe» Take care, Beth!
«Knockwood» oyasumi-nasai Beth
«angelo» and my "gain out of the wall estate", find 2 warmain and win Ophaniel?
«angelo» night Beth!
«lazarus» 11 points in gather support for the war. This is close!
«lazarus» Night Beth!
|«-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
«lazarus» (a Revelation there would be awesome! *nudges RN*)
«Knockwood» I'm close to a third stone for Deal With Age End
«Verithe» I don't suppose that Kite's projects could benefit from the talk with HQB, could they?
«Knockwood» maybe we'll all get stones. That would... rock. :)
«Random_Nerd» Yeah, Ftisk, I'll count that as a victory.
«lazarus» (Brian has *no* Struggles a.t.m. W.r.t. The civil war. He is too sure of himself for that!)
«Random_Nerd» Err, Angelo.
«Random_Nerd» You know who you are, italian snail-man!
«angelo» okok, but victory for all 3 prj?
«Random_Nerd» Hmm.
«Random_Nerd» The warmain one.
«angelo» touchè!
«Random_Nerd» And the estate one.
«angelo» cooool!
«Knockwood» well, you're laying a foundation for an ex-Creation Estate
«Random_Nerd» Since you're building closer ties to Outside, and arranging to spend some time kinda-there.
«angelo» victory is 3pts right?
«Knockwood» Would actually getting an Estate be enough for a Revelation?
«Random_Nerd» Yeah.
«lazarus» G'night guys! I think I am going to head off now.
«Random_Nerd» And yeah.
«lazarus» See you all next week!
«Knockwood» g'night laz
«Verithe» Take care, laz!
|«-- lazarus has left (Disintegrated: lazarus)
«Random_Nerd» G'night, all.
«Knockwood» g'night RN
«Verithe» G'night, RN!
«angelo» night RN
«angelo» well, night guys!
|«-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
«Knockwood» g'night Angelo
«Knockwood» and I think I'll head out too.
«--| YOU (angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 28