Session 220

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Chapter 31

--»| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
=-= Angelo has changed the topic to ``Does waxing your mustache make you evil?
--»| Verithe ( has joined #Nobilis
«Verithe» My answer to topic: no
«Angelo» HI!
«Angelo» my answer is I second that!
«Verithe» How are you, Angelo!
«Verithe» ?
«Angelo» fine thanks and you?
--»| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
«Random_Nerd» Hey.
«Verithe» I'm doing pretty well.
«Verithe» Hi, RN!
«Angelo» HI!
--»| Lazarus ( has joined #Nobilis
«Angelo» Hi Laz!
«Verithe» Hi, Laz!
«Lazarus» hey
«Lazarus» how's it going?
«Random_Nerd» Not bad over here.
«Angelo» fine thanks, and I feel no more evil
--»| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
«BethE» Hi guys! *HUGS*
«Angelo» Hi Beth!
«Lazarus» hey Beth!
«Angelo» ^_^
«Verithe» Hi, Beth!
«Lazarus» realized that pretty much the only thing worth saving in my old computers are the hard drives. So, out come the hard drives, into the junk pile goes the rest.
«Angelo» eh, mine is ripe for the trash too
«Random_Nerd» Yeah, that's how my old desktop went, a few years ago.
«Random_Nerd» The mobo had burned out, and the only thing I used was the hard drive.
«Random_Nerd» Held on to more, though, because Beth's machine uses some of the same parts.
«Angelo» with mine I mean my old desktop not the laptops
«Random_Nerd» And it never hurts to have a spare fan or what have you on hand.
«Angelo» eh, sure
«Angelo» apropos of nothing I must report that waxing my mustache from Saturday make me no more evil that not waxing it.
«Random_Nerd» Did you curl the corners upward?
«Verithe» I wondered why that topic was there.
«Angelo» yep!
|«-- Lazarus has left (Ping timeout)
«Angelo» I curl the points in a semicircle
«Random_Nerd» See? Your evil moustache disconnected Laz.
«Random_Nerd» Unlike my goatee, which is totally devoid of evil.
--»| lazarus ( has joined #Nobilis
«lazarus» Of course, given how often my new computer locks up...
«Angelo» Wait, you have no evidence that wasn't your evil goatee working under cover!
«Verithe» My stubble isn't evil. Just lazy.
«Random_Nerd» Evil goatees are dark in color.
«Angelo» and your is?
«Random_Nerd» Everyone knows this.
«Random_Nerd» Mine is reddish.
«lazarus» And now killed itself »_«
«Angelo» ah, well my mustache if not evil is gray
«Verithe» I'm the only one who has to worry about evil mustaches, then?
«Random_Nerd» Guess so.
«Random_Nerd» Of course, when I wear a suit, that probably tips the goatee over into evil territory.
«Random_Nerd» Or so I have been told.
«Verithe» Ah
«Random_Nerd» I'm sure if we start, Knock will instantly arrive...
«BethE» You also steeple your hands, dear. Evil.
«lazarus» So, my new computer just decided it wanted to never work. How is that for fun
«Verithe» That is the opposite of fun.
«lazarus» (it locked up then failed to boot, and now it is in a "repair mode" that ... Apparently isn't doing anything, but can't actually exit...)
«Verithe» Huh
«Angelo» shame to it! Booo!
=-= Verithe is now known as BatKite
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
«lazarus» So, I think I will go find my iPad keyboard and a place to sit. I will be a few minutes.
«Random_Nerd» Okay.
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
=-= YOU are now known as robinTisk

  • robinTisk giggle nanananaanananananana na!

«BatKite» My wife said that Ftisk should dress up as Robin. When I told her that he already did, she was filled with glee.
«Theresa» Hee. ^^
«Theresa» What is her opinion of the game?
«robinTisk» wooohoo! Your wife is cool!
«robinTisk» also what T. said
«BatKite» She likes to hear what happens. :)
«robinTisk» so we are amusing but not worth directly reading? :-P
«robinTisk» ;____;
«Random_Nerd» Okay, now. Let's see.
«BatKite» She prefers to hear it from me, I guess. She also works right now, so she can't visit while we're playing.
«Random_Nerd» You guys had just flown out the eye of Ymir's skull, and you were talking with him in the deep mythic.
«robinTisk» no no talking we are just outside and then Sam call Ymir
--»| Knockwood ( has joined #Nobilis
«Random_Nerd» Hmm?
«Knockwood» (hiyo!)
«robinTisk» bingo!
«Random_Nerd» Oh, yes. The conversation had not yet started.
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
«robinTisk» yep to RN, Hi to Knock
«DanteE» (what'd I miss?)
«robinTisk» nothing the start wasn’t given from the director
«BatKite» Right. Convo with Ymir was just about to begin.

  • robinTisk nod nod

«Theresa» (Laz is fixing something on his computer.)
«robinTisk» (and I'm waxing my mustache)
=-= lazarus is now known as Brian
«BatKite» (again?)
«Brian» (here we go)
«Brian» (I am in my nice, clean library, with my iPad on my footstool, and me in my comfy leather chair)
«robinTisk» (that is cool Laz)
«Brian» (I have a weird thought: what if a group of Nobilis were to sit down and play "1000 blank white cards"? What would they come up with?)
«Random_Nerd» (Okay, ready?)
«robinTisk» (and in the lib there is a book with "Vamphirs" on the first page? ?__?)
«BatKite» (Ready!)
«Brian» (ready.)
«robinTisk» (ready!)
«DanteE» (ready)
«Brian» (Ftisk: I have several version - ok, two - of Vampire :p)
«Random_Nerd» _________START______________
«robinTisk» (I refer to the one a slayer have)

  • robinTisk wave in the skull general direction

«Random_Nerd» Ymir doesn't speak, as such. His lower jaw is missing entirely, and he certainly has no vocal cords.
«Random_Nerd» But a breeze blows through his open eyesocket, and carries the word "Why?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam looks at the rest of you.
«robinTisk» "Sam, we need smoke sign.. nevermind"
«DanteE» "So, who wants to lead?"
«robinTisk» *Screaming* "Why whaaaaat?"
«Theresa» "Perhaps Kite. He has the closest relations with the sky."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir's Breeze: "Why are you here, speaking to me?"
«DanteE» (Remember what we wanted to ask him?)
«Brian» (Ftisk: no copy of the Vampyr from Buffy :(. But speaking of Vampires, anyone know what the Clanbooks from Vampire Revised are worth?)
«Brian» (we wanted to ask him about the civil war, about Jerrin, about ... two other things?)
«BatKite» "Lord Ymir, we recently encountered a piece of the Apocolypse whose duty it was to chip pieces out of the sky. We were wondering if perhaps you would have any insight into this brand of Apocalypse?"
«robinTisk» (#1: Barakiel & the Lawbreaker. #2: HQB gets scared and hides. #3: Wildlords go bye-bye. #4: Entropy. #5: Jan ben Jan despairs, cheats, dies)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "It will not kill me. I have grown convinced that I cannot die. If I was going to, I would have by now."
«DanteE» (Civil War, Summit, Sky-Breaking, what happened last Age change)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "I am, even now, one of the highest of the gods. The scratchings of humans cannot end me."
«robinTisk» (Dante have the right ones)
«BatKite» "That much is a relief, sir.
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "And even if it did, what of it?"
«Random_Nerd» The breeze in the void ends.
«Brian» (btw, my computer did decide to actually properly boot. Must've been a bit of a glitch)
«Random_Nerd» (Although, even out here, there is either breathable air, or a lack of a need for air for both speech and life.)
«DanteE» to Brian: "He might not care about your Civir War one way or another."
«BatKite» "I do enjoy being able to fly in your...Sky, sir. Thank you for for that. Do you have any idea what breaking the Sky would do for Earth?"
«Brian» "No, but we wanted to ask him because he's the God of War or Warfare or ... insurrection? Something like that)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "I neither know nor care."
«Random_Nerd» (Violent Revolution.)
«robinTisk» "gosh BatKite, ask him about the last age change"
«BatKite» "Understood, sir. My trusty sidekick, Robintisk has reminded me that we were wondering about the circumstances surrounding the last change of the ages."
«BatKite» "Are there any patterns that you recall that seem to match current events?"
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Men on white and silver horses rode in and went to the gate of Heaven. This time, they were not successfully paid off, so they have come to sack the world."
«DanteE» (I was looking for a witness to the whole Eprot Appeka-»Attaris thing)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "I warned of this. There is a poem, on the Earth, concerning whether it is a good idea to bribe one's enemies to come back later."
«BatKite» "Did you happen to witness the death of Eprot Appeka or the transformation of Attaris into the current Age?" (or do I have that backwards again?)
«DanteE» (I think that's it)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "I did not witness it first-hand, but I have spoken to those who did. None of them understood it."
«DanteE» "Who saw it?"
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Which portion?"
«Brian» (just occurred to me that JbJ probably could answer questions about Attaris Ebrot Appeka)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "As I understand it, the Red Angel was in Hell, preparing for his ascension with his supporters."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "And then, all that there was of him, was not."
«Theresa» *murmurs* "Wait, 'this time'? What were then given before that they were happy with?"
«BatKite» (not while he's moping)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "The quality of life that makes death impossible. Obviously, it was impossible to remove it from those of us who already lived."
«DanteE» (the vague prophecy from the book)
«DanteE» "Who saw Eprot crumble to dust?"
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "I was not there. And since it happened, it became... fashionable... for one of the Fallen or their servants to claim to have seen it."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Surely, not all such reports can be credited. But I know not how to determine who lied and who merely exaggerated."
«DanteE» "Where was Attaris before that happened?"
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "She was a minor Magister of the Wild, of no particular distinction."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "There is... a veil of concealment, of things hidden, around the Lord of an Age to Come. Jan had it, and Ebrot Appeka. Ananda does even still."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "She did /not/ have it."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Her destiny was not clouded, her nature not obscured. She was /never/ the Lord To Come. But when the Age turned, it was she who became the Lord That Is."
«robinTisk» "Gosh batKite! So the excru's bribe changed the destiny and a new age imp was chosen!"
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "And once that it could happen, none could deny her status."
«DanteE» to Ftisk: "The Excrucians _weren't_ bribed this time around."
«BatKite» "Do you know for how long it was known that Eprot Appeka was the Imperator of the Third Age?"
«robinTisk» "Yep but last time yes and we are spoking of Ebbrot appeka"
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "There is not a meaningful answer to that question. His nature was known since before Time."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "And before even I."
«BatKite» "I....huh.....
«Theresa» "DO you have any plans for the changing of the Ages, sir?"

  • robinTisk pat batKite

«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "I am a god of the Earth. But in those days, there was no Earth. Not even the expanse of ice that was before the humans and animals and plants."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "I do not plan. Those parts of me, the harsh young vital parts, were cut from me and used to make men and beasts and lands. Separated from that, I... persist."
«robinTisk» "ow!"
«Theresa» (That doesn't sound very ;violent revolution' but eh, maybe he's a spontaneous party kind of guy.)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "I was lord of Cattle once, too. And Ice. No more."
«DanteE» "We have an opportunity to talk with one of the Excrucians, maybe try some diplomacy.
«Brian» "But you still are of Sky and Violent Rebellion."
«BatKite» "Do you have an opinion, sir, on the decision of Lord Entropy to allow an Excrucian King we call Shirk to have diplomatic immunity on Earth?"
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "That, they left to me."
«DanteE» "Would you support that meeting?"
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "That depends. Why would I care?"
«robinTisk» "Because if excrucians win your half death will be a complete death?"
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "It may."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "I quake in fear. You can't see it, because the parts of me that could quake, are not here."
«Brian» (was that snark? I can't tell)
«Random_Nerd» (Ambiguous. His voice is always pretty flat in affect.)
«BatKite» (I want to see the Imperator that now has Ice randomly quaking and not quite knowing why.)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "You have the smell of Jan about you."
«Theresa» "We have traded a variety of things to him for knowledge. We seek more knowledge."
«DanteE» (for less parts)
«Brian» "We have consulted with him."
«robinTisk» "Yep I trade my love with him"
«BatKite» "We have all made sacrifices.../WHAT?/
«DanteE» "... you what?"
«robinTisk» "I give him all my love for Dante ..."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "I regret what he has become. As I have been made wretched by the parts of me that have been cut away, he has become monstrous by the parts that he has added. He was a handsome man, in his youth."
«Theresa» "We'll explain later. Let's not waste the Imperator's time, yes?"

  • DanteE huhs...

«Brian» "He will despair, even so, leading him to break his own rules."
«BatKite» "Well, at least it's gone, I guess."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "How many doomed loves, I wonder, torment his nights?"
«Brian» "He knows the cost of his ultimate answer, and is even now retreating."
«BatKite» "Lord Ymir, do you have any interest in being involved with a violent revolution against Lord Entropy?"
«robinTisk» "many I believe"
«robinTisk» (was on Ymir question)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Entropy."
«Random_Nerd» He pauses.
«robinTisk» "You are Violent Revolution, came on!"
«Theresa» "Ftisk, he's thinking."
«Theresa» (Not everyone is as spontaneous as Ftisk.  :) )
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Jan told you this?"
«robinTisk» "And I'm cheerleading..."
«Brian» "Jan ben Jan had a prophecy about him, as well. Creation shall be doomed if Entropy goes Outside."
«Brian» "He must not be allowed to."
«Theresa» (o.O )
«Random_Nerd» (That's not quite how it went... but Brian's been evasive about that before.)
«DanteE» "Doesn't he go outside regularly to fight?"
«Brian» (that's how he interpreted it :p)
«robinTisk» (we are sooooo messed up! ^_^ )
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "He would not dare. He is too much the coward for that. The strategists, who hate all things, hate him above them all."
«Brian» "In addition, he has invited an enemy of Creation to stay, with what amounts to diplomatic immunity"

  • robinTisk nod nod

«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Why?"
«Brian» "We don't know."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "He would not betray the Earth. Creation, perhaps. But not the Earth."
«BatKite» "We believe Lord Entropy may be under King Shirk's thrall."
«DanteE» "It's the Excrucian King nicknamed Shirk."
«DanteE» "... what's the difference?"
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "To Entropy, the Earth is /his/. It would be like a man burning his own lands to spite himself."
«Brian» "And yet..."
«robinTisk» "We have JbJ prophecy that said he would"
«DanteE» "How could he betray Creation without betraying Earth?"
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Has Entropy been making overtures to the Light, the Dark?"
«Brian» "I have not heard of any. I am not aware of his actions since inviting Shirk into Creation."
«robinTisk» "BatKite, can Entropy make special pacts with excrus to spare Earth?"
«BatKite» "I would not put it past him, little buddy."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Would you make such a pact?"
«BatKite» (Kite accidentally watched some Gilligan's Island during his binge.)
«robinTisk» "Yep!"
«BatKite» "What sort of pact?"
«Brian» (aside) "Dante, what _exactly_ was Entropy's Prophecy? The original one?"
«DanteE» "William hasn't found anything before the one we all know...
«Brian» (... musing to self: all Nobilis automatically have Affliction: Confirmation Bias 5 ...)
«DanteE» "What exactly did Jan ben Jan say?"
«Brian» "Yeah, that one. Not the updated one I got."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir, to Kite: "To save the Earth, but sell out Creation."
«robinTisk» "To spare Earth but give away creation... Creation is overrated"
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "I... I am a god of the Earth, even now."
«DanteE» (RN, what's the original wording of the Entropy prophecy?)
«Random_Nerd» (The one from the book, or Brian's one?)
«DanteE» (The one from the book.)
«Brian» (I'd like to know the exact wording of Brian's, but this question is about the book one)
«BatKite» "I would rather the option not arise."
«DanteE» (Or,rather, the one William dug out of the earliest books.)
«Random_Nerd» (Let me see...)
«robinTisk» "Ooook big buddy"
«Brian» (I want to know Brian's exactly so I can twist it about in Brian's head appropriately.)
«DanteE» (That's in the logs)
«Brian» (that is true. Maybe we should set up a Wiki page for Plots and Prophecies.)
«DanteE» (We have an 'Untied Laces' page...)
«robinTisk» (is a good idea)
«Random_Nerd» (It says "When the time has come, Lord Entropy will lead the last defense of Earth and Heaven. His understanding of the Excrucians and their magics will be the defenders' greatest hopes. This last defense on the day of Ragnarok will earn him forgiveness for all his crimes... unless he betrays those who fight under his banner.")
«BatKite» (Untied Laces is a good place for Plots and Prophecies.)
«DanteE» (OK, to Dante, that means he has to fight and be watched like a hawk)
«Brian» (Oh, main page should have a third Abhorrent Weapon added, but I can't remember what it is)
«Random_Nerd» (Colbrand, maybe?)
«Random_Nerd» (Or Jan's one?)
«Brian» (Jan's was what I was thinking of, I think)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Do you wish a separate peace with the Excrucians?"
«BatKite» (The soul-carving knife?)
«DanteE» "We want the war over."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Is that a yes, or a no?"
«DanteE» "A separate peace... for Earth?"
«BatKite» "We want a peace with the Excrucians where both the forces of Outside and the forces of Creation may be happy."
«robinTisk» "We wish to stop war"
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Yes. Save the Earth, sell out the Joutens and the Alfar and the demons."
«robinTisk» "Alfar?"
«DanteE» (Sam's with us, right?)
«Random_Nerd» (Yes.)
«Random_Nerd» (But he usually doesn't interrupt when imperators are talking.)
«Theresa» (And we're going to go visit War after this...)
«Theresa» "The elves."
«Theresa» "We want to save Creation."
«Brian» (to Dante, now that I've found the log) "Jan ben Jan said that Entropy will leave Creation and enter the Outside, and will not return. As a result, his Council seat will be vacant. He cannot be allowed to leave Creation."
«DanteE» "Right... but if he's leading the last charge he needs to be here."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "How? Do you have a plan?)
«Random_Nerd» (That, to Theresa.)
«DanteE» "As much as it would give us what we want... we can't broker a separate peace if the rest of Creation suffers.
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Very well. Now, what did you want of me?"
«Theresa» "Not especially. We're trying to survive, we're charged with a variety of different activities by a number of Imperators and we have a list of prophecies paid for with Jan Ben Jan but there are things that he can't see and that we will have to deal with, so _I_ at least hope we can change what happens."
«Brian» "Dante, would you at least be willing to get Entropy's hands, so we can pay for his answer?"
«Random_Nerd» Ymir, to Brian: "If Jan asks you to take his place, do not agree."
«Brian» "Ymir-sama ... what do you mean?"
«DanteE» "Get, or take? There's a slight chance he'll...
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "If he proposes any sort of substition, trade, alternate sacrifice to you. If he asks if you are willing to take his place, do not give your consent."
«Brian» "Why not?"
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "I myself have no gift of prophecy. But I am old, and have seen many things, and have long since outlived my desire to explain myself. So, from whatever authority I possess, I bid you, do not. I do not ask, or suggest. I command."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Grant my authority in this matter, or do not. I have spoken."
«Brian» "Alright. I will not consent to change places, if Jan ben Jan asks."
«DanteE» "Does that apply to all of us?"
«robinTisk» "to me? to me?"
«Brian» (... though now Brian is pondering /offering/. Sigh. He's a moron :p)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "I do not think he would ask the others of you. But this one has his scent about him more than any I have smelled."
«BatKite» "It applies to you, Ftisk."
«DanteE» (that's the three-bean salad from lunch. :P )
«robinTisk» "Yay! .. Wait ... darn... :-( "
«Brian» "I recently traded my bones."
«Theresa» (But Ftisk has other prices from JBJ that Kite doesn't know about.  :) )
«robinTisk» (giggle)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "That is not what I mean. But you have consented, so the matter is over."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "What else?"
«BatKite» (Which is probably for the better, right now. D: )
«DanteE» (We could ask him about JbJ's other prophecies)
«Brian» "Can you see the odds of success of a rebellion against Entropy?"
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Maybe that's not the rebellion you should be thinking of."
«robinTisk» "like what?"
«BatKite» "Did you have other rebellions in mind?"
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "What of the rebellion where you stand at Entropy's side, sack the palaces of Heaven, and use your plunder to buy another two ages of security? What of the one where you and the Mad Angel infiltrate the host of the enemy and foment dissent? What of the one where you cast Kudzu down and divide his flesh among you?"
«Theresa» "Warmains rebelling against the Outside."
«Theresa» (Heaven has palaces?)
«BatKite» "..."
«robinTisk» "Cools ones! "
«Theresa» "Why would we do that to Kudzu?"
«BatKite» "The one about Lord Kudzu would be fitting with his nature, but..."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "I neither know nor care why you would."
«robinTisk» "I wonder how Kudzu taste?"
«DanteE» "It's not a question of 'why'. It's a potential Violent Revolution."
«BatKite» "He tastes like horrible and disgusting, Ftisk."
«DanteE» to Ymir: "Which one leads to Creation surviving the Age change?"
«robinTisk» "uhm.. .I want to try once... a little bit ,a tiny iny iny bitty piece"
«BatKite» "All of them, independent of each other?"
«BatKite» "Maybe if you ask him politely and he agrees, Ftisk."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Who cares where they /lead/?"
«robinTisk» "Super!"
«Theresa» (Just that they exist.)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "The purpose of a revolution is not to replace the leaders. Not really. It is to cast them down."
«Brian» "And Entropy is the one I wish to smash."
«DanteE» "Not if he needs to fight!"
«Brian» "He doesn't need to keep his seat on the Council - nor does the Council need to exist - for him to fight."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Then cast him down, or die trying."
«Brian» "What would I need to succeed?"
«robinTisk» "a super friends group?"
«DanteE» (OK, I need to change my projects web. Need to try to understand _Entropy_.)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Who said anything about /succeeding/?"
«Brian» "I did. I wish to succeed."
«DanteE» (should we talk to Nike?)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "If you truly desire to throw him down, then the attempt will be its own justification. If you merely wish it as part of some cold plan, carefully calculated and to be implemented only when it is profitable... then you are speaking to the wrong god."
«BatKite» (It would be fun to see RN's take on Nike.)
«Brian» "I can't help the calculation - it is what I am. Would you support me in the attempt?"
«BatKite» (Strategy! Or maybe Chess!)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "If it seemed worth doing."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Try. Then maybe you'll find out if I am with you."
«Brian» "That's answer enough, I suspect."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "I have no flesh. No heart beats in my chest, for I have not even a chest."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "I was born in a land of endless ice. Cold winds of the void blow through my empty head."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Yet, I am not as cold as you."
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "These many centuries dead, I am still more alive than you, Brian of Numbers."
«Brian» (now what does he mean by that?)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "Return to Jan. You and he are kin, I suspect."
«Theresa» (He thinks you don't have passion. That everything is calculated. For maximum potential to help you.)
«robinTisk» "maybe they are cognate like your name and Ymera"
«Brian» (... that's pretty much true, of most things.)
«Theresa» (He doesn't like that.)
«DanteE» (and considering I am the fire in people's hearts... :P )
«robinTisk» (ops!)
«Brian» (ego vs id?)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "And the rest of you, have we any other business together?"
«robinTisk» "nope?"
«DanteE» "Unless you can help us with the rest of Jan ben Jan's prophecies...
«BatKite» "I believe we are done, sir. Thank you for your time."

  • Theresa bows. "Thank you for talking with us, sir."

«Random_Nerd» Ymir: "I don't do 'help.'"

  • robinTisk wave "Bye"

«DanteE» (Are we missing something? I keep thinking we can get something more while we're here...)
«Random_Nerd» The breeze dies down.
«Random_Nerd» (Well, what sort of thing would you want?)
«BatKite» (Take a chunk of Sky as a souvenir?)
«robinTisk» (I already have one on a eyestalk!)
«DanteE» (We can get chunks from inside)
«BatKite» (I think we have as much as we're going to get.)
«Random_Nerd» Ymir stays there, but speaks no more.
«DanteE» "... back home, then?"
«BatKite» "To the BatChancel!"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Well, that could have gone worse."
«Brian» "In the BatPlane?"
«robinTisk» "to the BatBlimp!"
«BatKite» "In the BatBlimp!"
«Theresa» "Yep, Sam. We could be dead. We're not."
«BatKite» "We could also be foaming at the mouth from insanity."

  • robinTisk giggle to Theresa

«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Is it just me, or do the Imperators who're old enough to have seen the First Age tend to get a bit... peculiar?"
«robinTisk» "Don't know"
«DanteE» "Well, figure a book of crossword puzzles will only take you so far."
«BatKite» "Any particular brand of peculiar that you're talking about, Sam?"
«Theresa» "They've seen a lot of stuff go by and also a lot of stuff get destroyed. They've survived."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "I don't understand divine psychology well enough to say more specifically. I barely got a passing grade in Applied Theology."
«BatKite» "Perhaps it's due to their familiarity with Excruciated Estates we never had the chance to know...or don't remember."
«DanteE» "So, where do we go from here?"
«Brian» "Meet with War?"
«robinTisk» "yay!"
«BatKite» "We can return to the Chancel, head to Mars....Sam, do you know of any Imperators of Victory, Strategy...or something along those lines?"
«Theresa» "What kind of classes are in Applied Theology? Probably not Angel dancing on pins.."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Human students had a day where they learned to sneeze on command."
«BatKite» "Do Dionyl have an equivalent to sneezing, as far as Applied Theology goes?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "That's a surprisingly complicated question."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "But the short version is no."
«BatKite» "Aww."
«DanteE» "How do we get to War?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "For a dionyl, sneezing is about the same as a human being vomiting up blood and internal organs would be."
«DanteE» "Oh yeah, Lord of Mars."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Well, War is on Mars. I... I can't arrange transportation to Mars myself."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "I'm good, but I'm not /that/ good."
«BatKite» "So if we hear you sneeze, we should expect that your death is soon to follow?"
«robinTisk» "That will be unfortunate!"
«Theresa» "Hmm, the equivalent of hay fever must be horrible."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "The equivalent of hay fever would be... hmm... ebola?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Kite, I had a question. Your guy, Gil? Does he get dionyl illnesses, human ones, both, or neither?"
«BatKite» "I'll ask."
«Theresa» "Do you get colds?"
«BatKite» to Anchorphone: "Hey, Gil!"
«Random_Nerd» Gil: "Boss?"
«Brian» (ring ring ring ring ring ... anchor phone!)
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Well, I have cold bacteria /in/ me. But there's nothing for them to infect. They just kinda swim around. But, I mean, he actually has /blood/."
«BatKite» "Are you susceptible to any human or dionyl diseases?"
«BatKite» (^to Gil)
«Random_Nerd» Gil: "Some of them. I can't catch all human diseases, but my immune system's really weak to the ones I /can/ get. Part of why I don't spend much time around humans."
«Random_Nerd» Gil: "Why?"
«BatKite» (What sort of Treasure miracle is it to make him immune to disease?)
«Random_Nerd» (Hmm.)
«Random_Nerd» (Persistently? Maybe convert him to a wondrous anchor?)
«Random_Nerd» (But that's the sort of thing that's probably easier to do with Domain or Persona.)
«DanteE» (So, where are we headed?
«robinTisk» (war on mars)
«DanteE» (... besides into the ground?)
«Random_Nerd» (Hmm. Mind if we stop here?)
«Random_Nerd» (We've totally ran out of steam.)
«BatKite» to Gil: "Would you like to be immune to disease?"
«Brian» (stopping here is fine)
«BatKite» (We can stop here.)
«robinTisk» (is ok to sstop here)
«DanteE» (OK.)
«Random_Nerd» Gil: "...sure. Man, I always forget Rule 16."
«Theresa» (What's RUle 16?)
«DanteE» (Rule 16?)
«BatKite» to Gil: "Rule 16?"
«Random_Nerd» Gil: "'If you have some weird little more-or-less-unsolvable problem in your life, and you can think of a tactful way, ask your Noble. They can probably solve it in about nine minutes of thinking.'"
«Theresa» (Oh, that's a much better rule than ours.  :) )
«DanteE» (Yeah, but we have Rule 34. :) )
«Brian» (what's ours?)
«robinTisk» (yah, what's ours?)
«Random_Nerd» ___________STOP___________________
=-= Brian is now known as lazarus
«Random_Nerd» ("Never lick a bear?")
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
«Angelo» never say or show something dangerous to Ftisk
«Knockwood» So, who gets Destiny points?
«Random_Nerd» Well, Brian probably gets a failure.
«Random_Nerd» Since he was trying to drum up support, and that's not exactly what happened.
«Theresa» Ours is the one about how don't tell your Imperator that you can fix something, or you'll have to do it. Also never tell your Imperator that you can't fix something, or you'll have to do it.
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
=-= BatKite is now known as Verithe
«Knockwood» (Anyone else read the Lauren Faust interview on ED?)
«Angelo» that remind me...
«Angelo» look at the gallery in this page: http://daily . wired . it/foto/2011/09/15/mini-pony-mari-kasurinen-9687.html
«Knockwood» IN my case, you could argue about agreeing not to sell out the rest of Creation for Earth...
«Random_Nerd» Yeah, I've seen that.
«BethE» Apparently I am like a human Fluttershy. :P
«Random_Nerd» I like the Rorschach Pony best.
«Angelo» I the Star Wars soldier
«Random_Nerd» So, a failure for Brian's civil war project... anyone else have anything to propose?
«Angelo» nope
«Knockwood» ^
«Verithe» I don't think so.
«Random_Nerd» Okay.
«Random_Nerd» See you all next week?
«lazarus» next week!
«Knockwood» ... next week, then
«BethE» Alrighty. Good night! *HUGS*
«Angelo» okidoki, next week
«Verithe» Take care!
|«-- lazarus has left (Disintegrated: lazarus)
|«-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
«Angelo» g.night all!
|«-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
«Knockwood» good night all, see you next week
|«-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 6.0.2/20110902133214])
|«-- Verithe has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 6.0/20110811165603])
«--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

[[Amyra:Chapter_31|Chapter 31]