Session 224

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Chapter 32

=-= User mode for Ftisk is now +ix
-->| YOU (Ftisk) have joined #Nobilis
<Ftisk> HI guys!
<Etheric> Hey.
<BethE> Hi Angelo! *HUG*
<Etheric> Okay, so it's not a Daylight Savings thing.
<Ftisk> yep we change this Sunday
<Ftisk> and you?
<Etheric> I'm not sure of the exact date, but it's one week after Europe and it's in November.
<Random_Nerd> In like a week, yeah.
<Ftisk> then can be 5 November
<BethE> Yep.
<Etheric> I think that the general election is the following Tuesday, which might end up being a little confusing...
<Ftisk> election?
<Etheric> It's only been a few years since they changed it, so I'm not used to that.
<Ftisk> already time to change Obama?
<Etheric> Oh, no. The national elections are next year.
<Ftisk> btw someone play with City of Heroes?
<BethE> And Angelo, I don't know how to describe WoW. At least not well. But I do know that they have different servers, Americans and European, which is determined by the game that you buy. They have a free trial for ten levels.
<Etheric> I used to. It got too slow for my computer though. I think they kept "upgrading" the software to be flashier and take more memory and processor speed.
<Ftisk> I just finish install the game and it ask me for a server...
<Etheric> Ah, okay. You just pick one, you can easily change it later.
<Ftisk> 10 levels? not days? strange measurement...
<Random_Nerd> Well, ten levels is about the first day or so of play on a particular character.
<Random_Nerd> Leveling slows down later.
<Ftisk> also on WoW the server is chosen by the client not by you?
<Random_Nerd> You can choose it, but it gives you a default, I think?
<Random_Nerd> But the idea is to let you try the starting content for as much as you want, but only the starting stuff.
<Ftisk> ah, is smart!
<Etheric> I think that both CoH and WoW have characters bound to the server.
<Ftisk> also if 10 levels are more-o-less a day what are low, mid and high levels?
<BethE> But you wouldn't be able to be on the same server as RN and myself, as per the server differences.
<Etheric> So you can change to any server you want, but you need to start over.
<Etheric> Ah, within those limits, yeah.
<Ftisk> etheric: uncool! !_!
<Random_Nerd> Hmm.
<BethE> Well, the first expansion was level 1 - 60, the second expansion was 60 - 70, the third was 70 - 80 and the latest one was 80 - 85.
<Etheric> Well, I think you can pay money for a server transfer or something... I recall reading about that.
<Etheric> It was after I stopped playing though.
<Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<Etheric> And that was before CoH went free-to-play, so for all I know server transfer is free now too.
<Random_Nerd> I don't think it is.
<Random_Nerd> At least, for WoW.
<Ftisk> oh, well I'm starting now, only now I have hw good enough to play a mmorgp
<Ftisk> last one was U8 ages ago...
<Random_Nerd> WoW's got pretty low requirements for baseline graphics.
<Ftisk> well, I'll try that one .. you are on server?....
<Ftisk> (but more than one place say: stay away from WoW if you want to keep a social life ... or a life)
<BethE> We're on the Americana Kirin Tor server. But since you're in Italy, you'd be looking at the European servers.
<Random_Nerd> The server we're on is the US realm Kirin Tor.
<Random_Nerd> But... yeah.
<BethE> Yeeeeah, WoW can be addicting.
<Ftisk> well without stealing time to sleep I'll have like 4 hours/week for it
<Random_Nerd> That's about what I do. Couple hours for arena, couple for rated battlegrounds.
<Ftisk> and WoW free can be played to level 20 max
<BethE> I spend more time in it. But I do raiding.  :)
<BethE> Ooo, cool!
<Ftisk> I'm registering now...
<Random_Nerd> So, no Laz, which was expected, but no Knock either...
<Ftisk> and that is strange.
<BethE> Well, I think California had an earthquake today. It could have knocked stuff out around him.
-->| Knockwood ( has joined #Nobilis
<Knockwood> Hi guys, sorry I'm late
<Ftisk> he stays in California?
<Etheric> Speak of the devil
<Ftisk> HI Knock!
<Ftisk> did you stay in California? there was an earthquake?
<Knockwood> I'm the devil now? Huh.
<Knockwood> Y'know, I did feel something yesterday...
<BethE> Hi Knock!
<Etheric> There really was a earthquack?
<Etheric> <.< Nevermind.
<Random_Nerd> Lesser Movement of Ducks.
<Ftisk> lol
<Random_Nerd> So, let's see.
<Ftisk> last time we have see a temple being build
<Random_Nerd> We're still short Verithe and Laz. Laz is to be expected, because of his new job.
<Random_Nerd> But the Kite scene was /relatively/ finished.
<Random_Nerd> Hmm.
<Ftisk> we can skip this day or we can leave kite talking to his cult and while we can go to Caesar
<Random_Nerd> Proceed, or cancel? Show of hands?
<BethE> I vote, I don't care.  :)
<Knockwood> Could take care of OOC stuff, like bringing Eth up to speed
<Ftisk> yay!
<Etheric> I'm fine with that.
<Random_Nerd> That works.
<Random_Nerd> Okay. Any specific questions about where the plot's been going during the hiatus?
<Knockwood> short version: "Right down the dumper". :P
<BethE> It's the End of the Age as we Know It...
<Etheric> Well, I think I have the broad outlines. Brian has "permission" from someone to try to kill Lord Entropy and he's gathering Imperator support I think?
<Random_Nerd> More or less.
<Ftisk> Brian want to rebel/revolt from this status
<Random_Nerd> There's a creature called a Lawbreaker that can be summoned from Outside.
<Ftisk> and is gathering support
<Random_Nerd> If you do actions as part of a deal with them, those actions are outside morality.
<Etheric> Ah, huh. And was there a deal?
<Random_Nerd> To test whether it was working, Brian made a deal with it where he got his perception of people's faces and identities screwed up for a while.
<Knockwood> Well... we're gathering Imperator support for a summit with the Excrucian Vassa
<Random_Nerd> And in return, if he kills Lord Entropy in the near future, or tries to, it will be a morally neutral action.
<Random_Nerd> Legally neutral, too.
<Ftisk> but Knock, we are doing both these thing
<Etheric> Vassa? Is that another one of those "kings" that Entropy's invited in?
<Random_Nerd> No.
<Random_Nerd> It's a Warmain.
<Ftisk> Vassa is Conrad Dad
<Ftisk> so is 50% Ftisk dad! :-)
<Random_Nerd> Okay... you know how, when Warmains and their shards kill Nobles, they sometimes "temper" with them, taking on part of their appearance and personality?
<Random_Nerd> Well, turns out that works both ways.
<BethE> (Ftisk did that with a dead Warmain.)
<Knockwood> Well, Brian believes he needs to kill Entropy to save Creation.
<Random_Nerd> Ftisk tried it with a dead warmain-shard. It worked.
<Etheric> Ah, I see.
<Random_Nerd> Vassa is the higher Warmain of that shard.
<Etheric> Huh.
<Knockwood> Dante thinks we need to let Entropy save Creation before we kill him.
<Ftisk> (hey! said that was seem like a bad thing BethE)
<Etheric> I didn't take it that way, Ftisk.
<Random_Nerd> Vassa has, recently, sent his shards back into Creation with orders to, pretty much, figure out what the hell is going on.
<Etheric> Ah, was he behind that one algae thing?
<Random_Nerd> That was a different Excrucian.
<Random_Nerd> So, since he's a Warmain (and thus more trustworthy than most Excrucians) and he's at least somewhat interested in finding out what's going on instead of killing everyone, the PCs want to try to negotiate with him.
<Random_Nerd> But to get this to work, they need enough Imperial support for it to seem legit.
<Random_Nerd> Otherwise, they're just a couple of rogue Nobles.
<Ftisk> (and Ftisk want to stay sometime with Vassa outside)
<Etheric> Makes sense.
<Random_Nerd> The Algae-Warmain was one who seems to have gone native on what the PCs have decided to call "Breach Day."
<Knockwood> The trouble is the Imperators we know tend to be on the shady side. :)
<Etheric> Huh, you think?
<Random_Nerd> Heh.
<Random_Nerd> Um...
<Random_Nerd> Ophaniel's respectable?
<Etheric> Oh, I did have a question about something Samael said at, I guess it was the session before last.
<Random_Nerd> Oh?
<Random_Nerd> What?
<Knockwood> Samael or Samuel?
<Random_Nerd> Ha Qadosh Berakha isn't exactly /respectable/, but he's at least in a position of authority.
<Etheric> "The Watchers." I know the base myth but not this game's application.
<BethE> (Yeah, Algae Warmain...we've got set up on Monty's Moon, where he's doing evolutional experiments.)
<Random_Nerd> Okay.
<Ftisk> (what can ever go wrong Beth?)
<Random_Nerd> In-game, The Watchers were a group of angels that are kind of a splinter-group.
<Random_Nerd> Most are Fallen.
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel... isn't, exactly.
<Random_Nerd> But they're not mainline Hell.
<Random_Nerd> They have a history of... experimenting with humanity.
<Etheric> Samael was a Watcher and still Heavenly?
<Random_Nerd> Samael is Fallen.
<Random_Nerd> But he's on leave from Hell.
<Etheric> Ah. For whatever reason I completely missed that.
<Random_Nerd> Partly because he rebelled against Heaven, but only incidentially as part of the actual War in Heaven.
<Random_Nerd> And Barakiel isn't stuck in Hell because of his bulletproof karma, of which the secret is finally known.
<Random_Nerd> Three angels of relevance to the game were part of the Watchers.
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel, Samael, Azazel.
<Random_Nerd> It's implied that there were a few more, but not a /lot/.
<Random_Nerd> Like, ten tops.
<BethE> (I was just thinking if he got eaten by Monty, would we have the combo of Wildlord, demon, rabbit and feather from....crap, Barakiel, as my darling husband has reminded me.)
<Knockwood> so, Barakiel didn't wind up in Hell because he was joined with a Lawbreaker since forever?
<Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<BethE> (Oh, add the warmain to that list, but still...bad combo.)
<Random_Nerd> So, his actions weren't... punishable, in the same sense.
<Random_Nerd> Of course, he kind of has a summer home in Hell anyway.
<Random_Nerd> But it's not /mandatory/.
<Etheric> And he decided to try and reconcile the two Codes in his own nature. Interesting to think of how the Lawbreaker influence factors in.
<Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<Knockwood> up until we revealed it he had no idea he was part lawbreaker
<Random_Nerd> It's part of him, but a small part. He's much more angel than he is Lawbreaker.
<Etheric> Alright.
<BethE> Yeah, but which kind of Angel?
<Random_Nerd> Yes.
<Random_Nerd> Oh, and the Watchers' experiments on humanity to make them Imperial... they didn't really get anywhere of note.
<Etheric> That was interesting to hear about them, though.
<Random_Nerd> The closest they got to success was preserving a few high-humanity humans by having sex with their parents, thus producing things like the Giant.
<Random_Nerd> But, of course, they're more angel than human, even if they're more human than a regular modern human.
<BethE> And nowadays, humans are too bestial to be of use for that.
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, at least by direct breeding.
<BethE> Hmm, did we get a reason as to why Adam and Eve said no incest?
<Random_Nerd> Nope!
<Random_Nerd> Oh, and there is /one/ near-imperial human without angel blood left, of course.
<Etheric> Oh, right? Samael mentioned Cain.
<Random_Nerd> Yep.
<Random_Nerd> But experimenting on him would be... complicated. He's protected, and he still follows his parents' rule.
<Random_Nerd> Plus, of course, he's tainted by both the Light and the Dark.
<Random_Nerd> So he's not a pristine sample.
<Random_Nerd> So, any other setting/backstory questions?
<BethE> What flavor of Imperator protects Cain?
<Random_Nerd> None. His own nature does.
<Random_Nerd> The Mark is something intrinsic to him.
<Etheric> Nothing comes to mind that I'd want straight-out answered. I still need to determine how to go about fulfilling Carrie's vision, though. You said it'd be a Project, right?
<Etheric> I mean, ruleswise.
<Random_Nerd> Yes.
<Knockwood> so how complete is 3rd edition Hope?
<Random_Nerd> (Although to the extent that the mark is tied to imperial types, it'd be Light and Dark.)
<Random_Nerd> (Cain killing Abel violated both the Light and the Dark, and he had both in them because he was conceived post-Fall.)
<Etheric> I wish I could say I'd gotten any more work done on the sheet since last time...
<Random_Nerd> Any system questions?
<Etheric> Makes sense, about the Light and Dark.
<BethE> (Hmm, Abel would have been both as well. It is weird, though, that Adama and Eve even stayed together any after the Garden.)
<Random_Nerd> They had a... complicated... relationship.
<Etheric> Not really, Beth. Eve was bound to preserve humanity, after all. She couldn't let the only other human wander off by himself.
<BethE> Hmm, that is a point. Also to continue the race.
<Etheric> Well, that's my reading of the book at least.
<Etheric> But yes, all of the early humans presumably had the influence of both sides.
<Random_Nerd> Indeed.
<Etheric> I also thought it was interesting, looking at that vision of Carrie's again, how Dionyl seems to be implied as equally instrumental to restoring humanity as the Light and the Dark.
<Random_Nerd> For that matter, back then, there were about as many lightlords and darklords as there were humans.
<Random_Nerd> Must have been kinda awkward.
<Etheric> I mean, the implication is that some sort of union has to be found on both worlds...
<Etheric> I was under the impression that both Magisters stayed hidden from the humans.
<Etheric> Maybe just my take on it though. I doubt the book ever really says.
<Random_Nerd> Not quite the version for this game.
<Random_Nerd> But it's ambiguous.
<Random_Nerd> So, let's see, other stuff.
<Random_Nerd> Does the way I've built up Dionyl society make sense?
<BethE> I'd think at the beginning, they'd have to interact with the humans. Once we hit the million or so mark, it's a lot easier to be behind the scenes.
<Random_Nerd> Yeah. Besides, Adam and Eve did a lot of defining about what Dark and Light actually /meant/.
<Etheric> Maybe. The Prosaic reality came earlier, or later?
<Random_Nerd> Later.
<Random_Nerd> A thousand years later, I think.
<Knockwood> wait, Prosaic reality came about when a dinosaur crapped on an angel
<Etheric> I have to confess that I don't really know much about Dionyl. I should see what I can glean from the archives when there's time.
<BethE> (RN is afk for a moment.)
<Knockwood> it has to have been several eons earlier unless the Flintstones is more accurate than we think
<Etheric> The Flintstones are present in-setting in that one Chancel, I'd think. The Sanctum at the Telivision's Edge?
<Etheric> It's in the new book at least. But the GWB also has the Za'afiel incident as 197 years before the fall.
<Etheric> I couldn't resist looking it up. <.<
<Etheric> Could be a slightly different timeline here, though.
<Etheric> Anyhow, I should probably write up some Estate Properties for Hope and see if that helps get some momentum for the character sheet.
<Random_Nerd> Hmm, let me see.
<Random_Nerd> Was I going for a different order on that?
<Random_Nerd> Dang it, I had something for this...
<Random_Nerd> Mind if I put that issue on hold until I recall what I was doing with that?
<Random_Nerd> Because I had a changed version, but I don't recall the details right now.
<Random_Nerd> Tied into the way I've made worldview stuff important on Dionyl, and on how it's connected with the Dionyl version of the Fall.
<Etheric> No need to answer it right now. I was just thinking out loud.
<Random_Nerd> That's gonna bug me until I remember what I was doing with that.
<Ftisk> ( is laz the one that want to lead playtest?)
<Random_Nerd> He'd talked about it, yeah.
<Knockwood> well, how much of that had you determined when Hope had the Vision?
<Random_Nerd> The timeline?
<Random_Nerd> Or what?
<Knockwood> the worldview stuff you're trying to remember
<Random_Nerd> The timeline stuff, not all.
<Random_Nerd> But how worldviews work on Earth and on Dionyl, that stuff was already settled.
<Random_Nerd> Hadn't Sam already come into the game by that point?
<Random_Nerd> And I know I'd worked out Domination and Splintering by the time Sam was introduced.
<Etheric> Yes, he was in the game well before I left.
<Etheric> And we'd heard about Domination and Splintering but not much beyond the names, IIRC.
<Random_Nerd> Any questions about how they work?
<BethE> So, even with Kite gone, the Dionyl that have done assembly will remember it?
<Random_Nerd> Yes.
<Etheric> Well, I seem to dimly recall that the Dionyl had individual realities similar to Prosaic Reality in that they were detached from the "true" way things are?
<Random_Nerd> They just won't be able to /do/ it.
<Random_Nerd> The Splinter ones have individual realities.
<Random_Nerd> The Domination-allied ones have shared ones.
<Random_Nerd> That's how their city-states work.
<Random_Nerd> Everyone who lives in one shares a worldview.
<Etheric> Ah, I see. And splinter cities are more chaotic?
<Random_Nerd> They don't really do cities.
<Ftisk> like hermits
<Random_Nerd> They either live alone, as hermits, or in sort of... monastic places.
<Random_Nerd> Where they might see each other, and share resources, but not really talk or communicate much.
<Random_Nerd> They have ways of communicating with Dionyl who see things differently, but the hard-core ones tend not to even bother.
<Etheric> Ah, huh. And do I remember right that the world is a huge machine?
<Random_Nerd> In the view of some!
<Random_Nerd> Oh, and the vast, vast majority of Dionyl are Domination-allied.
<Random_Nerd> Like, 98% or more.
<Etheric> Ah, right. Naturally the world would look differently to different worldviews.
<Random_Nerd> Because it's very rare for splinter-aligned Dionyl to have kids.
<Etheric> Is that sort of skew the way it's always been, or a comparatively recent thing?
<Random_Nerd> Rare for them to even be around another Dionyl long enough, let alone have enough in common with them.
<Random_Nerd> It's just how things work.
<Etheric> Alright.
<BethE> (And if you _do_ have a kid, you obviously aren't splintered!)
<Random_Nerd> Just about all Dionyl are born in a city-state. Some few go out and become splinter-eremites.
<Etheric> So having fewer followers doesn't make Splintering metaphysically weaker or anything like that.
<Random_Nerd> Nope.
<Random_Nerd> And they aren't really at war or anything.
<Etheric> I guess it's similar to how the vast majority of humans would probably pick Light over Dark if you asked them.
<Random_Nerd> Eremites aren't the enemy of city-states. If anyone is, it's the Dionyl in the /next/ city-state.
<Etheric> And then there would probably be few contrarians.
<Random_Nerd> Eremites are more... taboo. Prophets, holy fools, that kind of thing.
<Etheric> Huh, good point. The Splintered have no reason to evangelize, but the other Dominations do.
<Random_Nerd> The Splintered are, in fact, forbidden from evangelizing by their code.
<Random_Nerd> Part of it's about not impressing your will on others.
<Random_Nerd> Just like for Domination-aligned, they /have/ to test themselves against newcomers.
<Random_Nerd> Almost like new-style Warmains.
<Etheric> And do I remember that there's a prophecy of some sort, that the Dominated follow, to the tune of "there will eventually only be one?" Or is that just my fevered imagination at work?
<Random_Nerd> Well, that's the condition under which both are satisfied.
<Random_Nerd> If there's only one Dionyl left, the conditions of Splintering and Domination are both perfectly satisfied.
<Etheric> I meant more, one worldview. Although that works too.
<Random_Nerd> Ah, yes. The Domination ideal is everyone sharing the same worldview.
<Etheric> Do the Domination types try to make their worldview the only one, is probably how I should have said it.
<Random_Nerd> Yes. Although there's a certain amount of...realpolitik.
<Random_Nerd> Two city-states may have different worldviews, but still have a peace treaty.
<Etheric> Do they do embassies?
<Random_Nerd> To some degree.
<Random_Nerd> But the ambassadors and messengers have to be Splinter-aligned.
<Random_Nerd> Else they'd just become part of their new cities.
<Etheric> Oh, huh. Just proximity does it?
<Random_Nerd> Proximity plus interaction.
<Random_Nerd> And a diplomat has to interact.
<Etheric> I suppose that makes sense, yeah.
<Random_Nerd> So that's one of the roles that splinters play in domination societies.
<Random_Nerd> They're the traders, too, between cities.
<Etheric> I was about to ask about that.
<Random_Nerd> Oh, and small-S splinter means any Dionyl who follows that philosophy.
<Random_Nerd> Big-S Splinter is an Imperator.
<Etheric> Ah.
<Random_Nerd> And bear in mind, these are alignments that apply even to other types of Nobles.
<Random_Nerd> For instance, there are city-states which are also, for instance, chancels of an Angel.
<Etheric> Because that's the system there, right. The natives are hard-wired to it.
<Random_Nerd> Almost all chancels are domination-oriented.
<Random_Nerd> Splinters... it's too rare to /have/ a hundred of them to kill.
<Random_Nerd> Oh, and by the way, these same rules apply to humans who live on Dionyl too.
<Random_Nerd> It's not a feature of the people. Sam, on Earth, sees the Prosaic.
<Etheric> Ah, okay.
<Etheric> I suppose the Splinter Imperators have to use one of the hazily defined alternative methods of Chancel-making.
<Random_Nerd> And humans on Dionyl either follow the patterns of Domination or Splintering.
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, or not enchancel at all.
<Random_Nerd> There's reasons why we've never seen any Splinter-nobles in the game.
<Random_Nerd> They're rare.
<Random_Nerd> And part of that, too, is that Dionyl isn't as much of a warfront as Earth.
<Etheric> Interesting though. I'm really going to want to review the plotline where you all went to Dionyl. It's caught my interest.
<Random_Nerd> Which one?
<Random_Nerd> They've been there a couple times.
<Knockwood> We're thinking of getting a timeshare.
<Etheric> Ah, I was thinking it'd been once. I'm not sure which one I observed a couple sessions of, then.
<Etheric> Although the memory's hazy enough that for all I know I'm imagining things.
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and let's see, for important Dionyl NPCs. Sam was a city-Dionyl who grew dissatisfied, but instead of going splinter, joined the Aides. Jonathan has always been city-folk. The Spear was splinter for a long time, but had problems with unintentionally impressing her worldview on others in her cenoby.)
<Random_Nerd> (Gil is city-folk, more strongly than Sam.)
<BethE> (Sam is just plain weird by Dionyl standards, right?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yes.)
<Random_Nerd> (Going to Earth is, by the standards of either type, weirdly traumatic.)
<Ftisk> (but is cool for my standards!)
<Random_Nerd> (Because there's only two worldviews, and they're impressed upon you with unstoppable brute force.)
<Knockwood> (Not to mention Sam's an earth-culture geek.)
<Random_Nerd> (Yes.)
<Random_Nerd> (He was even before he joined the Aides.)
<BethE> (They get Star Wars on Dionyl?)
<Random_Nerd> Oh, that's another thing about Dionyl.
<Random_Nerd> Doesn't have written languages.
<Random_Nerd> Well, the Aides know them, and Noble dionyl, and so on.
<Random_Nerd> But not the regular people.
<Random_Nerd> That's why, for instance, Sam has to use earth-designed phonetic shorthand to write his notes.
<Knockwood> ... then how was Sakharoth the lord of Active Writing?
<BethE> And why don't they have writing?
<Random_Nerd> Well, Active Writing was /lost/, remember.
<Random_Nerd> It's only just come back in the last few months.
<Random_Nerd> And as for why not... it's partly how the world works.
<Random_Nerd> You can communicate meaning to another dionyl if you're /there/.
<Random_Nerd> Your worldsight and his interface.
<Random_Nerd> But words written down... there's no force of personality behind them.
<Random_Nerd> Nothing to give them meaning.
<Random_Nerd> That's why reading, on dionyl, is hard even for literate people.
<Knockwood> (someone needs to do summaries of the chapters, maybe even the sessions)
<Random_Nerd> Notice, too, how this fits in with how Active Writing works.
<Random_Nerd> It only functions when there's a person, with a mind, reading it to give it life.
<BethE>'s an even worse situation than 'the words on the internet do not convey feelings'?
<Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<BethE> Huh. Hard to troll, then.
<Random_Nerd> Besides, Dionyl couldn't have the internet.
<Random_Nerd> I mean, who would it be between?
<Random_Nerd> Different cities don't even see the world the same way.
<Ftisk> but they made email!
<Ftisk> a least Sam claim so
<Random_Nerd> Sam... claims a lot of things.
<Random_Nerd> Particularly when William's there.
<Ftisk> lol! true
<Etheric> Interesting.
<Random_Nerd> It may /technically/ be true, in an ancient-history Active-Writing sense...
<BethE> Or it could just be Sam.
<Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<Etheric> I think I should get to bed for tonight. It's closing in on midnight, my time.
<Etheric> Good to see you guys.
<BethE> Night, Etheric!  :) Good to see you too!
<Random_Nerd> Yeah. See you next week.
|<-- Etheric has left (Disintegrated: )
<Ftisk> nigh. oh well :-/
<Random_Nerd> (Hmm... I wonder if real-time text-messaging would work on Dionyl, at least within the same city. I bet it would.)
<Random_Nerd> (Because, then, you have the other person focusing on the words at the same time as the reader...)
<Random_Nerd> (Much easier than a book or a note that was written some time ago and then left.)
<Ftisk> well I go too then. Good night everyone :-)
<Knockwood> That does make sense... though setting it up would be problematic
<Knockwood> g'night Ftisk
<Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<Random_Nerd> You'd need Dionyl who could read, at least in principle...
<BethE> So, Dionyl could have the 'can you hear me now' texting/phone guy?
<BethE> Night, Angelo! *HUG*
<Random_Nerd> Anyway, I think I'll head out too.
<Random_Nerd> G'night, all.
<Knockwood> g'night RN
|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 7.0.1/20110928134238])
|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
|<-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
<--| YOU (Ftisk) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 32