Session 228

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Chapter 32

=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix
--»| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
=-= Topic for #Nobilis is ``First Nobilis of 2012, give or take 100 years.
=-= Topic for #Nobilis was set by Etheric on 06 gennaio 2012 12:35:06
«Angelo» Hi guys! :-)
«lazarus» hey Angelo!
«Angelo» everybody’s fine?
«lazarus» doing pretty well. Nearing on 3 months at my job :)
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o Angelo by Etheric
--»| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
«Angelo» cool!
«Etheric» I'm doing alright too.
«Etheric» Hey Beth!
«lazarus» hey Beth!
«Angelo» Hi Beth! *HUG*
«BethE» Evening, guys! *HUGS*
--»| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
«BethE» I hope that your holidays and vacations went well.  :)
«Angelo» Hi RN :-)
«lazarus» also: Carnegie Hall was ... fantastic. I've tried hard to describe what it felt like singing there, and the best I can come up with is "the chorus opened our mouths, and the ROOM sang!"
«Angelo» ... let not talk about it
«BethE» (Weird...was just finishing up checking Facebook and someone has posted: When the world says, "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
«BethE» Laz - wow!
«Angelo» seconded
«Etheric» That's a good idea Beth!  :)
«Angelo» ups, brb
«lazarus» also, that chorus was 160 men (30 or under!)
«lazarus» (age, that is)
«BethE» Eth - unfortunately, the person who posted it (as an Anonymous quote) does not really do RPGs or such, so commenting on Nobilis to her would just be confusing.
«Etheric» It will have to be left unsaid.
«Angelo» uhm.. is official I'm chocolateholic
--»| Knockwood ( has joined #Nobilis
«Knockwood» Hiyo
«BethE» Hey Knock!
«Knockwood» Who are you people?
«BethE» Angelo - is this a bad thing?
«BethE» Knock - beats me, I just live with this dude, you see?
«Angelo» if you have tooo much fat it is
«lazarus» b0rk b0rk b0rk! «-- Muppets are on ^_^
«BethE» Have you seen the Chef make popcorn shrimp, Laz?
«Angelo» @Beth:did you will exchange "this dude" with 2 box of dash?
«lazarus» I'm not sure, Beth.
«Random_Nerd» Okay, so, survey time. Tonight... Chuubo, or Amyra?
«Angelo» just try! Satisfied or reimbursed! *thing*
«lazarus» I thought we were flipping back to Amyra tonight:?
«BethE» Laz - http://www . youtube . com/watch?v=AvDvTnTGjgQ&ob=av2e
«BethE» Nah, I think I'll keep him. He's good at putting up with me.  :)
«Random_Nerd» I can do either.
«Angelo» Man is hard .... I spent more time thinking of Soun that Ftisk ... but Ftisk is not used by sooo much.. .so Amyra is my vote
«Etheric» That was what I'd expected too, but I could go either way.
«BethE» I have a slight preference with Chuubo but I am willing for either.
«Random_Nerd» Okay. So, one Amyra, and one Chuubo.
«lazarus» not available for iPad, that video :(
«Knockwood» been a while since we did Amyra, not sure what we were doing...
«Angelo» lol me too Knock
«BethE» Awww. If you can do youtube sometime, look for Muppet popcorn.
«Etheric» Didn't we leave things in Dionyl? With that Wildlord who's kindasorta half Warmain?
«Knockwood» and the Muppet movie disses my _town_, man!
«Knockwood» I did read the last session on the Wiki, I think
«BethE» I think that's where we were. Hard to remember.
«Etheric» If people are still unsure, I'll register a vote for Amyra.
«Random_Nerd» If we're starting to forget where we were, it should be Amyra.
«Etheric» Because, it feels like that game's a little stalled, and we could use the refresher.
«Knockwood» yeah.
«Angelo» yeah, I need a refresh
«Random_Nerd» Okay.
«lazarus» I last played so long ago even if I remembered what had just happened, it wouldn't be up to date :p
«Random_Nerd» Last time we left the Amyra game, you guys were talking to Caesar.
«Random_Nerd» Specifically, you were trying to figure out his nature and origins.
«Knockwood» and failing
«lazarus» unfortunately, I don't have Perfect Timing, so I'm not sure how to bring Brian back into play - rather, I don't have any ideas.
«Knockwood» Did you leave him on the airship?
«BethE» You could just come stumbling into the room/area from your nap in the zeppelin?
«Random_Nerd» Handwave and say he's there, of course he is, why wouldn't he be?
«Random_Nerd» A wizard did it.
«lazarus» RN: Amyra, not Chuubo :p But, sure.
«Etheric» Anyone can have Perfect Timing with Aspect 2 now, anyway. Just spend some AMPs if it matters.
«Knockwood» Including the kind that screws up causality?
«Random_Nerd» Well, the Perfect Timing gift is a bit more...broad-scale than Aspect 2.
«Etheric» Ah, no, that's still a Gift.
«Etheric» I may have missed the part where that much is needed.
«Random_Nerd» It's not just "I pick the exact right moment to do this thing I do", it's being there at the right time in the first place.
«Etheric» True.
«Knockwood» Well, is there anything more we can get out of Gaius?
«Knockwood» When we left I was stuck on what else we could ask him.
«Random_Nerd» Hmm.
«Random_Nerd» The stuff you were asking him about, you know as much as he does.
«Random_Nerd» So, anyway, we'd been going to be implementing our new approach to Projects this session.
«Random_Nerd» That is, if you're going to do something relevant to one of yours, if possible mention it ahead of time, and either way point it out after you're done.
«Random_Nerd» So, does anyone have something they want their PC to be working on?
«Angelo» I have my people control gift!
«lazarus» I think I still want to be working on Brian getting support for his little insurrection.
«BethE» Oh yes, Ftisk was busy guarding the polyps last time.
«Angelo» :-P
«Etheric» Well, I haven't statted it up as a Project yet, but there's that whole human spark thing, which was bound up in Dionyl somehow.
«Knockwood» I'm still actively trying to figure out 'Breach Day'
«Etheric» So if there's an opportunity, I'd like to do something that touches on that.
«Knockwood» and possibly try and locate Abhorrent weapons in Creation... both the Blades and the Rock.
«Random_Nerd» Okay. Human spark, rebellion, Breach Day research.
«Random_Nerd» Now, who has a specific idea in implementing theirs?
«Knockwood» We could check out where Gaius reappeared... or would that help at all?
«lazarus» none currently. I /think/ Brian's talked with Gaius about this before.
«Angelo» Mine is suhuper simple : find a unlikely subject .... try to possess him!
«Knockwood» We were going to ask our aides about Noble influence on Korea...
«BethE» We were?
«Angelo» (why Korea?)
«Knockwood» Remember, Gaius asked us where would be a good place to send 1000 of his troops
«Knockwood» I suggested a popular rebellion in North Korea
«Angelo» ohhhh, right
«BethE» Ah.
«Knockwood» ah... plus, the process that created Gaius sounds like the Triad in action, which means Triad or Drift might help
«BethE» ...Dante, did you have him kill the leader of North Korea? *looks suscipicious.)
«Knockwood» Beth, it's only about 2006 in game
«Random_Nerd» I think we've been explicitly vague about the date, particularly given that Nobilis Earth isn't baseline earth anyway.
«Knockwood» Good point, you've said there was no W... :)
«BethE» We just know that if life ends suddenly in the real world, it's obviously because we were demon-boxing in the game and the End of the Age happened and we messed up.
«Random_Nerd» So, the main plan for something specific to do involved researching the Noble situation in North Korea.
«Knockwood» no that was a diversion
«Random_Nerd» Oh, and as for the place where Gaius disappeared, you looked into that before. It was where Suebi and Sakaroth had their fight.
«Angelo» disappeared? isn't appeared
«Knockwood» ooh, plot point!
«Random_Nerd» Err, appeared.
«BethE» We could take Ftisk's polyps home to Vulcan and see how the Shards are doing.
«Random_Nerd» Okay, does anyone have anything they actually want their characters to be doing, or should I just poke you with the NPC stick again?
«Knockwood» Wait, is there anything more we can get while we're here in Chez Gaius?
«Angelo» is an idea but I think that polyps can fade in the background, well no problem in having them as cast :-D
«lazarus» I wanted more SCIENCE! scenes, but I'm vaguely nonspecific about them
«Knockwood» ...any chance you have a dimensional vortex tracer?
«Random_Nerd» Okay, NPC-based it is. Ready to start?
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
=-= lazarus is now known as Brian
=-= Etheric is now known as Carrie
«Random_Nerd» ________START____________
«Ftisk» (we are with Gaius or in the Tower?)
«Random_Nerd» (In his Chancel, but no longer directly with him.)
«Random_Nerd» (Well, proto-chancel.)
«DanteE» "Damn it, we should be able to come up with something...
«Theresa» (Did we want to talk to Triad before we leave?)

  • Ftisk throw a stick "Go sparky go! Fetch it!"

«DanteE» (we can ask Triad about Gaius?)
«Theresa» "Everything's going to have blind alleys, Dante. Plus, if it were easy, Imperators would already know."
«Random_Nerd» One of the polyps makes a "blurp" noise, but does not chase the stick.
«Ftisk» "big T. you that have training experience... what I'm doing wrong?"
«Random_Nerd» Ftisk, you feel the mental itch of someone praying to you.
«DanteE» Can we see the site of the battle from here?
«Random_Nerd» You can, but a building's been built on it now.
«Ftisk» I answer the pray! "Hi! Pizzeria Ftisk! How may capricciosa you want?"
«Theresa» "Well, for one thing, I don't think polyps fetch. They often just stay in one place..." *stops since Ftisk is answering his prayer*
«DanteE» "They were using them as work animals, I think."
«Random_Nerd» "Dominus, I am one of the technicians that works on your larger and non-Noble predecessor. I have been asked by one of the Shards who are staying in Vulcan to tell you that they wish to communicate with you when it's convenient for you."
«Ftisk» "Cool! My brothers want to talk with me!"
«DanteE» "The known entries were Gaius, Chancel Jaris, and the guy on the moon..."
«Random_Nerd» The building is made of bronze, and appears to have been built by taking red-hot metal and hammering it into place on the existing structure. The overall look is crude, but distinct. Statutes of Suebi in tin and Sakaroth in copper stand out front.
«Ftisk» "to the prayertech: "I'll contact them asap"
«DanteE» (is the fact that those metals combine to make bronze a clue?)
«Ftisk» (or bronze can be a natural metal here)
«Theresa» (Well, it's symbolic at least.  :) )
«DanteE» "Your brothers?"
«Theresa» (Here might enjoy Assembly later on.)
«Random_Nerd» (A clue to what Caesar was thinking when he had it made, and why you see so much bronze in his kingdom, at least.)
«Ftisk» "Yeah, Elias, Roncheford ..."
«Ftisk» "You know my brothers, shard of the same one"
«DanteE» "This airship can handle Chancel Vulcan, right?"
«Theresa» "Ah, your brothers from an Outer mother."
«Random_Nerd» (Not /all/ of Locus Vulcan is incredibly hot. Just a lot of it.)
«Ftisk» "that is good T!"
«Ftisk» "I can't wait to stay some time with them outside!"
«Theresa» "It will be ... interesting ... to see what happens to your Estates while you are gone."
«DanteE» "Well then, let's head over to Ftisk's place
«Ftisk» "Well I'l leave Gnomely in charge of my affairs, the polyps, word domination , the like..."
«Theresa» "True, but he can't _be_ your Estates."
«Theresa» (Heading toward the airship. Perhaps Bat-Kite is holed up in the cabin making an Alfred.)
«Ftisk» "details! T these are details, IF no none attack my estate then it will be fully capable of self management for a couple of centuries alone"
«Random_Nerd» (Cut to Locus Vulcan, or did you wish to do more on Dionyl first?)
«DanteE» "That's true of any estate."
«DanteE» (OK, cut)

  • Ftisk pout at Dante

«Brian» (cut ok!)
«Ftisk» "T. please say some mean word to the one that once loved"
«Random_Nerd» The zeppelin comes to rest in the southward airship-dock of Locus Vulcan. Which totally exists.
«Random_Nerd» The dock crew, some human and some mechanical, leap to action in tying it off.

  • Theresa is tired by the time we get there, as Ftisk has been 'ignoring' Dante in a way the whole trip that requires her to be the intermediate.

«Ftisk» "Weeeeeee" say Ftisk disembarking at full speed, heading to the shard's chambers
«DanteE» (If there's enough time, I'll say I viewed the video of Ftisk's sacrifice... might as well throw in some DRAMA...)
«Ftisk» (totally yep!)
«Random_Nerd» J Random Vulcan Staff Guy, to Ftisk: "Dominus, your 'siblings' are waiting for you in conference room C."
«Ftisk» "To conference room C! Follow me my comrades! TO conf C!"

  • DanteE follows Ftisk...
  • Theresa follows.

«Random_Nerd» Elias, Rochefort, and Conrad are sitting at the table. Well, Elias is sitting, Conrad is leaning back in his chair, and Rochefort is pacing.
=-= YOU are now known as DragonTisk
«Brian» *to Conference C!*
«DragonTisk» "Brothers! Is a pleasure to meet you again!" *smile!"*
«Random_Nerd» Conrad: "We had a question. Two, really, but they're related."
«DanteE» (42.)
«DragonTisk» "First your treatments is good , the female are ok? the food, the beds?"
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "The first one is, if we were to make an attempt to kidnap Sueridas and take him back Outside, would you view that as a hostile act?"
«Theresa» ...does..not..facepalm...
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "And the second is, if we did, what would Noble society at large think?"
«DragonTisk» (Sueridas is Gaius right?)
«Brian» (Sueridas = Shirk?)
«Random_Nerd» (Correct.)
«Theresa» (Shirk.)
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "Oh, yes. The food and women are quite satisfactory."
«Theresa» "Hmm, does saying his proper name not let him take over your minds?"
«DanteE» "Well, the short version is all hell would break loose.
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "Warmain."
«DanteE» "But it's doing that anyway."
«DragonTisk» "I'll heartily on this kidnap! Would be fun!"
«DragonTisk» "And second I believe that Nobles will be happy to have him out of creation!"
«Random_Nerd» Conrad: "And the Council?"
«Theresa» "I would not view that as hostile. Noble society at large...well, on one hand, we don't know how far the knowledge of him has spread. On the other hand, we're a bunch of gossips."
«Brian» "I suspect that ... well, I suspect that Entropy would Have Words with us if he knew you were planning to."
«DanteE» to Conrad: "Would go insane. er."
«Brian» "So, I will make a conscious effort to not know you're planning it."
«Theresa» "If Entropy is being brainwashed, he may be okay. If he is not, well, that's the perfect time for Brian to kill him."
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "This is strictly hypothetical, mind."
«DragonTisk» "I think «big rot dog» will see that as ok, other don't know"
«Random_Nerd» Conrad: "Although, that's an interesting point. You think that Entropy is being manipulated by Sueridas to sell Creation out?"
«Brian» "Possible."
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "We think the opposite."

  • DragonTisk nod

«Brian» "Possible it's just a side effect."
«DanteE» "You think Entropy is manipulating Shirk?"
«DragonTisk» "Why you think is the opposite?"
«Theresa» "Oh, totally hypothetical. Your *makes airquotes* 'friends' who might do this would have a lot or little trouble dragging him back?"
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "Or, at least, that he sold us out."
«Random_Nerd» Conrad: "Well, look at it this way. What would you do if you found out that someone... controversial. Entropy, or Attaris, suddenly left Creation, and showed up Outside as the honored guest of a major Strategist?"
«DragonTisk» "BUT _we_ are having adverse effect by this move"
«Theresa» "Well, that _ would_ be our viewpoint since Entropy's supposed to be heading the war to keep Creation. Bringing a King of the Outside in, who specializes in throwing your work to the winds, kinda suspicious."
«DanteE» "Entropy's claim is that he's an 'ambassador', which implies he can leave at will."
«Random_Nerd» Conrad: "Do you think the Outside isn't being harmed by this? The Four Kings are a major part of the war effort, although I don't know the details."
«Theresa» "Hmm, I'm mentally picking someone other than those two because they already have problems of that nature. And no Wildlords because that would just open up a different can of coffee beans. But"
«Theresa» (Do they know about Barakiel?)
«DragonTisk» "wait 4 not 5?"
«Random_Nerd» (Not unless you told them.)
«Random_Nerd» (He said four.)
«DragonTisk» (I know he said 4 :-) )
«Theresa» "Sorry, Dante, looks like your pet theory might be dead."
«Theresa» "Oh and what do you guys know about an Angel named Barakiel?"
«DanteE» "Not necessarily, if it's as well known there as here."
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "Angel. Possibly fallen, reports vary. Erratic, not a major contributor to the War, particularly for a major Angel enchanceled on Earth."
«Brian» "I kind of suspect that both Entropy and Shirk are attempting to manipulate the other"
«DragonTisk» "Well, thing will change shortly"
«DanteE» (Unless... the records of a fifth kind refer to our _future_...)
«DanteE» *king
«Theresa» "Well, Barakiel recently...merged? Maybe the term would be tempered with a...Lawbreaker."
«Random_Nerd» (For that matter, their knowledge of Outside is weak and limited, both because of the memory thing, and because they're pieces of a Warmain, not a Strategist.)
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort stops pacing.
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "How?"
«DragonTisk» "with much effort"
«DanteE» "Ate him."
«DanteE» (and some pesto)
«Theresa» "One of his Nobles is a High Summoner, crown and everything."
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "Ah. Warmains are forbidden to tamper with such things, so I don't know much of them."
«DragonTisk» "and a good one too"
«Brian» (I thought the references to the 5th were references to Entropy which was likely to be propaganda)
«Random_Nerd» (That was William's main theory, at least.)
«Theresa» "Summoned one, but it wouldn't make a deal with Barakiel. Tested it on Brian here, it worked...and Barakiel ate the Lawbreaker, thereby becoming...Angel and Lawbreaker both. Which explains his tendencies to do what he wants."
«DanteE» (Ah, but, that's from references outside of time)
«Random_Nerd» (Although he had an alternative that ran along the lines that it was a later addition to the text, but to include correct information from elsewhere.)
«Theresa» "The effect appears to have stretched back in the time of Creation, since time doesn't exist for the Lawbreaker."
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "How does it explain that?"
«Random_Nerd» Conrad snaps his fingers: "It isn't just forward-going, is it?"
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "What's he doing now?"
«DanteE» "Yeah, Time is on _this_ side of the wall."
«DragonTisk» "right is ever ever effecting"
«DanteE» "Stirring up trouble."
«DanteE» "You know what...
«DanteE» "There are a bunch of people who would like to meet you and know what you know.
«DragonTisk» *sad* "Kicking our asses"
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "Yes, but we're not here for an information exchange. At least, not yet."
«Random_Nerd» Conrad: "We've interpreted our orders to the effect that we're allowed to trade what we need to get the desired information, but no more."
«Theresa» "We have no idea where he is or what he is doing. But Brian has permission from a Lawbreaker to take one shot at killing Entropy."
«Random_Nerd» Conrad: "It would be... useful... if such an attempt were to coincide with an attempt to kidnap Sueridas."
«DragonTisk» "And reliable info that the better way to kill bloody hand is with a rock..."
«DanteE» to Brian: "I'm still not sure that's a good idea before he saves whatever he's prophesied to save."
«DragonTisk» "Maybe a peculiar one"
«DragonTisk» brb
«Random_Nerd» Conrad: "You do remember that we aren't on your side, right?"
«Random_Nerd» Conrad: "At most, we have some common enemies, and are somewhat interested in peace talks."
«Theresa» "We don't know if a rock will work. Or even which rock."
«Brian» "Of course. There's no way we would even consider being on the same side as Excrucians."
«Brian» "But circumstances and all"
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "Indeed."
«DanteE» "We're assuming there's some common ground around ending the War."
«Theresa» "We're assuming there will be _ground_."
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "I believe we can promise that at least several Excrucians will be willing to discuss the issue in good faith, if we can get the circumstances right. No more."
«Brian» "Of course, the best way to stop the War is to figure out how to get everything both Outside and Inside. Then again, that blurs the difference between Outside and Inside, but then."
«DanteE» "Several?
«DanteE» "Shards, you mean?"
«Theresa» (No. Excrucians. Full on.)
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "Full. Mostly Warmains."
«Brian» "Warmains would be willing to have peace talks? That surprises me."
«Brian» "I would've expected the Strategists."
«Brian» "... oh, sorry, /good/ faith."
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "We have factions, too."
«DanteE» to Brian: "Didn't Sun Tzu say something about winning without fighting?"

  • Theresa shrugs. "Not that surprising, really, that it's Warmains."

«Random_Nerd» Elias: "I don't know if Strategists, in general, were willing to have peace talks. But if they do, we're not part of that plan."
«DragonTisk» (back)
«Brian» "Sun Tzu was a brilliant strategist, more than fighter."
«DanteE» "Are you saying there are factions of Warmains, and that one is willing to negotiate?"
«Theresa» (And of course, the Shards can tell the difference between the S and the s.)
«DragonTisk» "Is so cool!"
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "I'm just saying that my gut feeling is that Vassa has friends or allies in sending us, and that they're mostly Warmains."
«Brian» (I adore that IRC allows us to make those distinctions)
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "When we think about Strategists, the associations are negative. Thus, they're probably not among Vassa's friends."

  • DragonTisk nod nod

«DanteE» "Could you excuse us while we discuss this?"
«Random_Nerd» Rochefort: "It's like... okay, so, there may be... Darklords, or Lightlords, who're willing to talk terms, right? But they're not going to do it through /you/."
«Random_Nerd» Elias: "Take your time."

  • DanteE goes to confer in private

«DragonTisk» in private room "So a kidnap and a killing .. that scream -try me!-"

  • Theresa rubs her forehead in the private room. "So many factions and groups and plans to keep straight."

«Theresa» "And that's only if they're telling the truth."
«DanteE» "You realize the fact that the enemy is facilitating it is a compelling argument _against_ it, right?"
«DragonTisk» "straight? straight was lost ages agooo"
«Brian» "What I know is that this plays into my plans. I don't want to doublethink. Doublethink leads to triplethink leads to demon-boxing."
«DanteE» "Screwing up leads to annihilation."
«Theresa» "Which leads to ever-growing bunnies. Which technically contains part of an Angel _and_ a Lawbreaker. Maybe you can drop Monty on Entropy."
«DragonTisk» (BUT we are world champion at demonbixing, we can beat even Lordf Entropy at that!)
«Brian» "Only if he's a rock."
«DanteE» "What exactly did Jan ben Jan say about Entropy?"
«Random_Nerd» (Well, Brian hasn't given you the exact part as of yet...)

  • DragonTisk look at Brian

«Brian» (he has, actually. He was asked straight out. I don't remember anymore, though)
«Theresa» "Maybe by the time we do this, Monty will be part rock."
«DanteE» (IIRC you evaded a direct answer in favor of you kill-Entropy plan)
«Brian» (there was once when I gave the direct answer. Because you asked that exact question :p)
«Random_Nerd» (Ymera Entropy, Lord of the Earth, will leave Creation and enter the Outside. If he returns, I do not see it. Unlike Berakha, his seat will remain unfilled.)
«DanteE» (I don't think so.)
«Brian» "I'd have to check my notes, but it amounts to if he leaves Creation, he never comes back, and Bad Things happen."
«DanteE» "And you figure if you kill him the 'bad things' won't happen."
«DragonTisk» "sound reasonable"
«Brian» "I pretty much hope so."

  • Theresa looks at Carrie?

«DanteE» (we have an Aide or two with us, right?)
«Theresa» (I think Sam came with us on the zep.)_
«Random_Nerd» (Sure.)
«Theresa» (Or Kite's aide.)
«Carrie» (I'm sorry for being so dead tonight. I'm not used to gaming this late at night I guess.
«DanteE» "Sam, know of any experts on Warmains who aren't aligned with Entropy?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Hmm. Experts on what about them?"
«DragonTisk» "Warmain psychology .. I Believe"
«DanteE» "Actually it may be simpler...
«DanteE» "Vassa is a known Warmain, right?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "But for general-purpose knowledge of them, even if it's a little outdated... Ymera Sammael?"
«DragonTisk» "Like they are warmains and they are _Straightforward_ ?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Yes, he shows up a few times in the histories."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "But you want someone to tell you how a Warmain thinks? You should have asked me that a few hours ago, because you were talking with the one I'd suggest."
«DanteE» "Warmains are basically the blunt weapons of the Excrucians, right? Not much finesse, just swinging?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Well... define 'blunt'."
«DanteE» "Well, there are two possibilities:

  • DragonTisk listens

«Random_Nerd» Sam: "They can be subtle, but still, relatively straightforward. They're not the sort of thinkers who'll arrange to slowly poison you over the course of years if they can stab you in the heart instead. They like straightforward reliable solutions over clever tricky ones."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "So, compared to a Deceiver, a Strategist, or a Mimic? Blunt."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "But who /isn't/?"
«DanteE» "One, Vassa sent them to us as part of an elaborate plot--or, strategy, if you will--to get us to set up a way for them to sneak in.
«DanteE» "Or, two, they're telling the truth."
«DragonTisk» "I like 2 more!"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "But there's another angle, too. Warmains often take orders from Strategists."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "We don't know the details, but it's known to happen."
«Theresa» "I'm more inclined to go with 2. At some point, you just have to go with the info you've got."
«Brian» (I think I'm going to call it a night. I hate leaving before the game's over, but, still not great on the late night gaming thing)
«Random_Nerd» (Sure. See you next week»)
«Theresa» (Night, Laz!)
«Brian» (g'night.)
«Carrie» (See you Laz)
|«-- Brian has left (Disintegrated: Brian)
«DragonTisk» (Good night Laz!)
«DanteE» "We're trying to set up a meeting in which _one_ Warmain will come through to a designated place where we' will talk about Shirk."
«DragonTisk» "is a calculated risk"
«DanteE» "What kind of Excrucian is Shirk?"
«Theresa» "Not a Mimic."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "If I recall what William said, he's believed to be a Strategist, in the same way that Entropy is believed to be a True God."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Almost certainly not a Warmain, definitely not a Mimic. Maybe Strategist, maybe Deceiver, maybe Something Weird."

  • Theresa makes a sour look/face at Strategist. Yay.

«Theresa» "We could ask the ones here what the Four Kings are."
«DragonTisk» "Are you imply that Da-Vassa and Shirk are working together?"
«DanteE» "This is all about who you dare believe."
«DanteE» (Also the potential chapter title: Who You Dare Believe. :) )
«DragonTisk» "Yep! AND I believe in dad!"
«DanteE» "That's right, you know then better than any of us...
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Ftisk, Vulcan's making the... miniature world thing... for the meeting, right?"
«DragonTisk» "right"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Can he make it so it'll collapse if a bunch of Warmains try to shove their way through?"
«DragonTisk» "I can ask him"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Because even if they're 100% sincere, that doesn't mean that some of their parent's friends won't try something. Best to limit our exposure."

  • DragonTisk pray to Vulcan "Dad, the world you are making for the meeting ... .what kind of safeguard have? can it be made in a way that made it collapse if many Warmains or Excrucians in general try to shove in it?"

«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "...One moment... Yes. But if I do that, and it's triggered, it would be dangerous for anyone who was inside when it happened. They could end up dead, or Outside, or... something else."
«Theresa» (Oh, don't tempt him...)
«DanteE» (RN was probably tempted before this session even began)
«DragonTisk» toVul: "understand but better have creation safe .. I think. also if a result is programmable I believe is better if collapsing push the one caught in outside"
«DanteE» (Should also make sure they can't see it)
«Random_Nerd» (Not as in "turned into something else" but as in "in some that that is not dead, Outside, or in Creation.)
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "I can do this."
«DragonTisk» "SUuuhuper! Dad you are the number one!"
«DragonTisk» toSam: "HE can do that and each one caught collapsing is pushed outside. Dad is awesome!"
«DanteE» "So trust them, but be prepared for treachery. The heart of wisdom."
«DanteE» "Just to be sure... nobody but us is to know anything about the Big Red Switch."
«DragonTisk» "You had to see the lighting diaper, ... if someone “forget somewhere” a *full* diaper more that 5 minutes a lighting bolt struck him! ... never seen great usage from the mass ... sadly."
«Theresa» "Huh. Who would it target, anyone around the diaper or the parents?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "So, worst case scenario, you and several Imperators are stuck Outside with a bunch of angry Warmains."
«Theresa» "Let me guess, you want to be at home when this happens?" *smile*
«DragonTisk» "Better us that creation! also free picnic outside!"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "...I'm an Anchor. I signed on to this War, and I knew what I was doing when I did."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "I would rather not have my soul ripped apart somewhere in the cold dark. But if me being there helps in some way, I'll risk it."
«DragonTisk» "Soul are overrated, shard are better" :-P
«DanteE» "Think of the cool fireworks."
«Theresa» "How can there be a picnic in Outside? Picnics are here."
«DragonTisk» "FIREWORKS! We totally have to have some for the meeting!"
«DragonTisk» "Picnic _are_ outside! Never seen one in a conference room"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "He has a point."
«Theresa» "...yes, yes, he does."

  • DragonTisk smile

«DanteE» "Ftisk, there's a _reason_ you don't see Fireworks in conference rooms."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "We ran out?"
«DragonTisk» "But but, them are awesome. Imagine guest arrive and fireworks fire ! All the joy the fun the lighting of the hearts so important decision are taken more easily"
«Theresa» "How flammable is your conference room, Ftisk?"
«DragonTisk» "None at all" :-D
«DragonTisk» "One of my brother is Magma"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "I'm pretty sure we're actually inside an active volcano right now."

  • DragonTisk droll "... magma fireworks ..."

«Random_Nerd» Sam: "I saw it on one of the maps."
«Theresa» "Then fireworks in your conference room are okay. In ours, we have not fireproofed it yet. And it would hurt the building's feelings."
«DanteE» "Ah, let's actually get the talks together before we plan the entertainment for it, oui?"
«DragonTisk» "Bah, Dante you --- Theresa, please, say to Dante that _him_ kill all the fun _always_"
«DanteE» "We still need to get more Ymera on board."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Most of the way there, though."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Oh, and I checked, and even if Barakiel's still AWOL, if Consequences says that it has his support, most people will consider that to settle it."

  • Theresa repeats Ftisk to Dante, with inflections. Aspect 3.

«DragonTisk» "Wow you are good at that Theresa!"

  • Theresa gives a little bow.

«DragonTisk» "Ah, Theresa, if I scan your mind you thing that that is rude?"
«DanteE» "All right, who else can we get on board for the peace talks?"
«Theresa» "Uh, may I ask what you're looking for and plus, I'm not sure you can scan my mind."
«DragonTisk» "I can with my Data’s mighty power! And It’s enough if I say: Pretty please and cadou?"
«Random_Nerd» On a nearby table, in the room you're using to talk among yourselves, the words "How much do you trust them?" appear.
«DragonTisk» "Patterns?"
«Random_Nerd» "Of course."
«Theresa» "I trust them more than I trust Entropy at the moment."
«DragonTisk» "I trust my brothers!"
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "Obviously more than /Entropy/."
«Theresa» *to Fitsk* "What data do you wish to scan me for, Ftisk?"
«DragonTisk» toTheresa: *uneasy* " ... ehm .. pretty please with sugar on top?"
«DanteE» to the table: "Well, what we know of the Dramatis Personae fits them telling the truth."
«Theresa» "At the moment, I'm thinking I trust them more than Barakiel."
«DanteE» "In fact... you could help us here, with what I'm sure you've studied about Excrucians."

  • Theresa looks sternly at Ftisk. "Ftisk, I have information that I wish to keep private, about my life from before being a Noble. I need to know what you wish to rifle through my brain for."

«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "Is what you said to them about Barakiel true? I cannot see into Shadows' conjuring room, so I did not observe it. I ask Dante to verify this."
«DanteE» "Barakiel tried to bargain with a Lawbreaker, couldn't, and through that found out he'd been bonded with one for all time."
«Theresa» "It's time-complicated more than that, but yeah."
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "Thank you."
«DragonTisk» *breath* "well,youarealwayssokindandgentlewithmeandIwillsoongooutsideforwhoknowhowmuchtimeandwouldliketomakeagiftforyoubutIneedsomeinfobutyouconfirmedthatplainlyreadthemfromyourmindforthegiftIwouldliketodotoyouisrudeso ... I'm asking permission first"
«DanteE» "Did you see our talk with the Shards a few minutes ago?"
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "Of course. This isn't in Amyra, nor in your minds."
«Theresa» "Ah. Very well, Ftisk. But I do not allow any changes to be made to my mind." *braces*
«DanteE» "OF course. What do you think?"
«DragonTisk» "Suuper super! No changes ok!"
«DragonTisk» toTheresa: "Ready?"
«DanteE» (You guys played Psychonauts? :) )
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "And I keep a constant watch on those Warmain-Shards."
«Random_Nerd» (Of course.)
«DragonTisk» (nope, psicowhat?)
«Random_Nerd» (I am the milkman. My milk is delicious.)
«Theresa» (I've watched over his shoulder. But I'm also paranoid about people tramping through my head.  :) )
«Theresa» (It's a video game, Angelo.)

  • Theresa sits down. "Ready."

«DragonTisk» (need to gather info on it then)

  • DragonTisk do a Data divination on Theresa

«Random_Nerd» (What memories are you looking for?)
«DragonTisk» "Yatta! Done! Thank you very much!"
«DanteE» (Ftisk: It's on Steam for $10)
«DragonTisk» (all of couse! :-P )
«DragonTisk» (just kidding, all on or related to his husband)
«DanteE» (uhoh)
«Theresa» (My husband? I would think that would be covered under Private.)
«DragonTisk» (but I ask first)
«DragonTisk» (cause ripping them off Theresa is bad otherwise)
«Random_Nerd» (Theresa, you can keep him out of those memories by taking a Wound.)

  • Theresa , feeling Ftisk getting near the private vault. "Ftisk, what did I say about stuff that is private?"

«Theresa» (But I don't take the wound.)
«DragonTisk» "erm what that is private?"
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "Boring."
«DragonTisk» "is not like I searched your mind on how many time at week you poo or if you brush your tooth before sleep"
«Theresa» "No, you just started going through my memories of my husband."
«DragonTisk» "Yep! Absolutly!"
«DanteE» to Patterns: "I meant the plan for a talk with Vassa. On a newly-created planet rigged to explode.
«DanteE» "What do you think of that idea?"
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "Debatable. Will have to observe Vulcan's designs, see if security measures are sufficient. Likely, will not be. Good at enginnering, bad at security. Too straightforward a thinker."

  • Theresa mentally makes a manilla folder of her memories of her husband. "Here, Ftisk, but I do consider this _private_ and not something to be shared except under very important circumstances."

«DanteE» "I meant the _talk_."
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "Likely a trap. May be worthwhile anyway, with sufficient preparations. See what they will reveal."
«DragonTisk» (wait, she give me a real folder?)
«Theresa» (Mental folder. It contains 'copies' of her memories of her husband, for Ftisk's rummaging. The actual rummaging in her head in her thoughts of him were upsetting her.)
«DragonTisk» (clear now, thank you)
«DanteE» to Patterns: "We could put a reproduction of a Pollock painting on the conference room wall, if you want to watch the proceedings."
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "Killing Entropy would be difficult. If alive, he will take it as a challenge to his authority. Dangerous."
«DragonTisk» "Very well, thank you Theresa! "
«Theresa» "Even with a Lawbreaker's blessing?"

  • Theresa nods at Ftisk.

«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "That is irrelevant. Any moral freedom granted by such a creature is irrelevant. It will offer no meaningful protection from Entropy."
«DanteE» to Theresa: "You realize what's likely to happen, right?"
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "Makes it not violative of his Law, true. Entropy does not need his Law to hurt you."

  • DragonTisk turns his back to Dante and his vile insinuation

«DanteE» to Patterns: "You think it's the 'right' thing to do?"
«Theresa» "A gift freely given..."
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "Define your terms. 'Right'?"
«DragonTisk» (Ftisk is not wild)
«DanteE» "Let's say 'most likely to result in Creation's continued existence with minimal casualties'"
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "It is risky, but the risk is likely a necessary one. The current status quo is not sustainable. Other options must be explored."
«Theresa» (I know, but that's what Theresa is thinking about at the moment.)
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "If Vulcan designs correctly, the worst-case scenario is acceptable, and a majority of plausible outcomes at least provide useful information. Lower, but still real, probability of causing a rift in the Enemy's forces. Small, but not zero, chance of a real truce for at least a temporary period."
«DanteE» "I presume you've factored the Age End into that?"
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "Insufficient information, there. Best to prepare protective measures, wait, and see. Attempts to kill Attaris, Ananda foolish."

  • DragonTisk Data Greater Divination "everything on or related to Theresa Husband" on everywhere but Theresa +1 Penetration : 2MP

«DanteE» "Hope to see you there, Patterns... so to speak."
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "I have reason to believe that it is not possible to kill Attaris at present."
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "And attempting to assassinate the Lord of Murder would be ill-advised."
«Theresa» "Oh? Can you give your reasons for those, just for information-sake, or is it confidential?"
«DanteE» (Who's that to?)
«Theresa» (To Patterns.)
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "Telling you would not benefit me, and you have no need for the information."

  • Theresa shrugs.

«DanteE» to Patterns: "When do you think she'd be vulnerable?"
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "After the age turns. Then, she will only be very difficult to kill."
«DanteE» "Makes sense."
«Theresa» "Since the First Lord was killed after his Age ended."
«DanteE» (Do we know IC how Patterns can help himself be less paranoid?)
«Random_Nerd» (Yes, actually! Brian asked Jan ben Jan once. Let me look it up...)
«DanteE» (Did Brian tell us, tho?)
«Theresa» (We know he can get better if he kills his Imperator and gets his body back.)
«Theresa» (I think Brian has already told him.)
«DanteE» (Ah.)
«Random_Nerd» ("He must kill, personally and by his own hand, Ymera Gamaliel, the Power of Inevitability, and the three demons who owned him at one time. He must then put all of his hearts back into his own body, and learn to deal with people through physical presence rather than miracles at a distance.")
«DanteE» "I think we have a plan, then... work toward making the summit happen.
«DanteE» "I think we may bet more information from there about what Shirk is doing, which may clarify everything else."
«DanteE» "Or at least more about the Valde Bellum"
«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "You still require support from influential magisters of Light and Dark, correct?"
«DanteE» to Patterns: "Yes."

  • DragonTisk nod

«Random_Nerd» Patterns: "I may be able to facilitate Light. I will contact you in several days."
«DragonTisk» "Cool"
«Theresa» "Thank you."
«DragonTisk» "Pattern, now that we are acquaintances would you do like a walk in my mind?" (Ftisk can't stand that Pattern entered Dante's mind and his not)
«DanteE» "That just leaves Dark. Who do we know?"

  • DanteE looks askance at Ftisk...
  • DragonTisk pout at Dante

«Random_Nerd» No further words appear, and Patterns' last words fade out.
«DragonTisk» "Dark.. the one Dante sell skin"
«DragonTisk» "the blood stained from your lover meeting"
«Random_Nerd» (That was Hell.)
«DragonTisk» (misremembering but not retreat the lines)
«Theresa» "No, that was a Hell Noble that wanted Dante's clothes."
«DragonTisk» "too bad" *sigh*
«DragonTisk» "Martyr is Dark?"
«DanteE» "Right, not sure about her Ymera though."
«DragonTisk» "we can call and ask"
«Theresa» "Sam, do we know any Nobles of Dark Imperators?"
«DragonTisk» (the Fish peoples imp was ?)
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Let me think.... this is William's area..."
«Theresa» (A Serpent, I thought.)
«DanteE» (Yeah, Jaris.)
«DanteE» (What's William doing?)
«Random_Nerd» (Yeah. Migrations was Dark, but not his Imperator.)
«Random_Nerd» Sam
«Random_Nerd» : "Isn't Martyrs' Imperator Dark?"
«DanteE» (William's doing Sam? :) )
«Theresa» "I don't recall."
«Theresa» (Like that's the weirdest pairing in this game...)
«DanteE» "Martyr's the same familia as Night and Angst, right?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Yeah. I know that. But I don't know their Imperator."
«DanteE» "We need to go home and regroup anyway...
«DragonTisk» "We have my brothers on hold in the other conference room..."
«DanteE» "Let's tell the Shards to hold off on their plans to kidnap Shirk until we get more info from the meeting."
«Theresa» "We talk to them and then go home."
«DragonTisk» "sound good"
|«-- Carrie has left (Ping timeout)
«Theresa» (But my brain is out of it at the moment.)
«Random_Nerd» (Mind if we call it a night here, and start next session with you guys talking to the Vassa Gang?)
«DanteE» (May be a sign to call it a night?)
«DragonTisk» (Is ok for me)
«Theresa» (Sleeep.)
«DanteE» (OK)
«Random_Nerd» _____________STOP_______________
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
«DanteE» Destiny?
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
«Angelo» sigh I did nothing for my Destiny but did a lot to screw my destiny. Lol.
«Knockwood» then you get 5 points for a Failure somewhere. :)
«Angelo» uhm.. I think the system don't work that way Knock
«BethE» Theresa is kind of disappointed in Ftisk in that he went into the private stuff. But at the same time, she's not sure he knows what private _is_.
«Knockwood» I've got "Figure out what's going to happen" and "Deal with Shirk" on mine...
«Random_Nerd» Yeah. Unlike most of the Nobles, Ftisk was /never/ human.
«Angelo» Ftisk and private are 2 entity that never or very rarely have meet
«Random_Nerd» And, remember, we aren't doing the session-end destiny roundup.
«Random_Nerd» If you do something that's Project-relevant, point it out at the time, don't look at your Projects after the fact and try to match your actions to them.
«Angelo» but expect major epic evil bwaha plan when Ftisk go Outside
«BethE» Of course.  :)
«BethE» Well, I need to get to bed. Work tomorrow.  :) Night, guys! *HUGS*
«Knockwood» g'night Beth
«Angelo» Also when he go out I'll can play Gnomely, right?
«Angelo» Night Beth!
«Random_Nerd» Correct.
|«-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
«Random_Nerd» You can always play Anchors or other unassigned characters in scenes where your PC isn't present.
«Knockwood» well, I did steps toward those over the entire session, really. But, it could be setting things up for a huge payoff later.
«Angelo» Cool! I'm curious to see how will work out :-)
«Knockwood» (and what do you think of "Who You Dare Believe" as a chapter title?)
«Random_Nerd» Works for me.
«Angelo» (is a good title! but I don't know where chapter start and finish :-/
«Angelo» )
«Knockwood» It may be the one starting here
«Angelo» ok, but we have a least 2 chapter conflated in one before this one
«Knockwood» good point
«Random_Nerd» G'night, all.
«Knockwood» g'night RN
«Knockwood» oh
«Knockwood» what's the word on Verithe?
«Angelo» night RN
«Angelo» Ithink he wil lbe on next week
«Angelo» ot that he said before holidays
«Random_Nerd» Yeah.
«Random_Nerd» He was going to be out for three weeks, but the rest were just two, so we had a session this time.
«Knockwood» OK
|«-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
«Knockwood» cya next week, Angelo
«Angelo» well I head out. Have a nice day
«Angelo» yeah
|«-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 8.0/20111104165243])
«--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 32