Session 232

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Chapter 32

=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix
--»| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
=-= Topic for #Nobilis is ``Mute
=-= Topic for #Nobilis was set by Verithe on 16 marzo 2012 11:37:25
«Angelo» Hi guys! :-)
«Random_Nerd» Hey.
«Verithe» *throws confetti at Angelo!*

  • Angelo feel loved :-D

«BethE» Hi Angelo!
«BethE» *HUG*
«Random_Nerd» So, for next week...
«Random_Nerd» Which time are we going to start it at?
«Angelo» Hi Bethly Beth!
«Knockwood» Hi Angelo
«BethE» Our daylight savings time kicked in over the weekend.
«Angelo» Hola amigo Knock! :-)
«Angelo» well I'm more that positive to start an hour earlier :-)
«Angelo» also my daylight saving will kick in at month’s end
«Verithe» I'm fine either way.
«Angelo» Also I'm generally in favor of starting earlier, other time constraints permitting
«BethE» I will accept whatever time RN is fine with.
«Verithe» I imagine Laz would prefer earlier.
«Random_Nerd» Sounds like a plan.
«BethE» It's just up to Knock's work timing.
«Random_Nerd» True. Knock, what works for you?

  • Angelo look at Knock

«Knockwood» well, 6:30 Pacific/9:30 Eastern/1:30 GMT is when I usually get home from work
«Verithe» So the usual schedule is probably best.
«Random_Nerd» Whose usual schedule, though?
«Verithe» The DSL-modified one, 8:30 Central.
«Verithe» *DLS
«Random_Nerd» Okay, so, an hour before now. Works for me.
«Knockwood» DST
«Angelo» so earlier by one hour 4 me
«Random_Nerd» OMGWTF.
«Knockwood» until your clocks change
«Verithe» DDT!
«Random_Nerd» M-O-U-S-E.
«Random_Nerd» So!
«Random_Nerd» Amyra!
«Verithe» Yay!
«Angelo» yep!
«Knockwood» OK
«Random_Nerd» You guys were trying to persuade Martyrs and her Imperator to get on board for Plan Excrucian Dinner Party Awesome.
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
«Knockwood» We just determined OOC that we have absolutely no clue what we're doing.
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
=-= Verithe is now known as Kite

  • Ftisk nod nod

«Random_Nerd» But it works, because you have no idea in-character either! So, uh... method acting?
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
«Ftisk» method Stanislakhi?
«Random_Nerd» (Yeah, that.)
«DanteE» Actually, I was thinking...
«DanteE» a lot of this seems to link back to Breach Day.
«Kite» (Stop that! No thinking!)
«DanteE» If we launch a full-out investigation of what happened maybe we'll get help with everything else
«Ftisk» (omg! new installment of my luv'd fanfinction: )
«Theresa» But how can we investigate it when we don't know all that happened on it?
«Theresa» Warmains could have come in that we have no idea are here and vice-versa.

  • Ftisk nod at Beth

«Random_Nerd» Well, you know a fair bit that happened.
«Random_Nerd» Kudzu acted weird, and some but not all other Wildlords did as well.
«DanteE» And there's a distinct possibility that Shirk appeared then.
«Random_Nerd» Tempered Warmains, both Shard and Full, acted really weird.
«Random_Nerd» Caesar showed up.
«Random_Nerd» High Summoning got significantly easier.
«DanteE» (Who's logging?)
«Kite» (Everyone!)
«Theresa» (Angelo, usually.)
«Random_Nerd» (And mine's logging too.)
«Ftisk» yep I'm logging
«Theresa» And that's when the fight in that one Chancel happened?
«DanteE» Jaris
«Theresa» Hmm, probably not a good idea to invite that Imperator.
«Ftisk» wait but being tempered will have similar effect on Ftisk once he go outside?
«DanteE» so, short term: deal with Martyrs.
«Random_Nerd» Yes, that's when they got attacked by a full Warmain.
«DanteE» Longer term: Investigate Breach Day.
«DanteE» Long term: prep for summit.
«Kite» So, what are we telling Martyrs?
«Ftisk» boh!
«Theresa» Everything and completely honestly and in our own awkward way, which shows how noob we are?
«DanteE» it's not like we can lose much respect
«Ftisk» really
«Random_Nerd» If it helps, she likes you guys.
«Kite» I doubt she would deal with us nearly as much as she had if she didn't.
«Random_Nerd» She just doesn't necessarily think you're right about everything.
«Theresa» Yeah, but there's a difference between like and like-enough-to-help as opposed to watching from a bunker somewhere else.
«Theresa» Oh, we're not right about everything. We're PCs.
«Ftisk» and the bunker is the sane bet with us around....
«Kite» (God, PCs...)
«DanteE» Ready?
«Ftisk» yep ready to show that Ftisk don't care a rat's ass on that issue :-P
«Random_Nerd» Ready.
«Theresa» On which issue?
«Random_Nerd» ____________START____________
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs paces around, leaving bloody footprints.
«Random_Nerd» Now that you look at the floor, you can see older bloodly footprints that have been partially cleaned out of the carpet.
«DanteE» (What have we told her so far?)
«Random_Nerd» John: "I really need to figure out what kind of carpet would work for this. Linoleum would be easier to clean, I guess, but you can't have linoleum on the floor of a king's' office. You just /can't/."
«Ftisk» (issue = give martyrs a good reason to help us with imp)
«Kite» "Hardwood?"
«Kite» "Stone tile?"
«Random_Nerd» John: "How would you get the blood out of hardwood? It stains..."
«Theresa» "Polished marble."
«Kite» "Polished marble!"
«Random_Nerd» "Plus, I think the feet of the desk would scuff it."
«Ftisk» "Did you want a self cleaning carpet? Something with nanites or tiny cleaning machines?"
«Theresa» "Or a heavily patterned carpet of the right color."
«Kite» "You could stain the hardwood red, but I'm actually liking the polished marble idea."
«Theresa» (Have we already explained?)
«DanteE» "Martyrs. I apologize, We were hoping his highness had a way to talk to you without breaking something important."
«DanteE» tone = "Our bad."

  • Kite tries to reassemble the bone.

«Random_Nerd» (Yeah, you've given her the basic plan.)
«Ftisk» (but she said that that will not move her boss)
«Kite» (outside of King John's field of vision, if I can reassemble the bone with a miracle.)
«Theresa» (But maybe she has idea for someone else we can try.)
«Random_Nerd» (You haven't really given her the "this is why it's a good idea" part.)
«DanteE» "I think we all want the same thing, we'd rather the Age End isn't an eschaton, but rather more like Y2K."
«Kite» "All fear and parties?"
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "A total let-down?"
«Ftisk» "Parties!"
«DanteE» "a non-destructive let-down."
«Ftisk» "Non destructive is boring!"
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "Destruction... happens. Sometimes it's for the better, big picture. I know that's more of a Light perspective, but I think they have something there."
«Theresa» "Although, given how Age Ends have been, it probably won't be that much of a let-down, but I'd at least prefer it not to be the end of existence."

  • Ftisk nod nod at Theresa

«DanteE» "Personally, it seems like far too much of a waste to have _everything_ die.
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "But how does your plan help with that?"
«Theresa» "But to them, Dante, stuff doesn't die, the estates exist within them. Or some such."
«DanteE» (Is the consensus that Creation is losing the War?)
«Theresa» "We've talked some with Jan Ben Jan about the future and we're hoping to help prevent a large number of things cascading into the End of the War..with us losing."
«Ftisk» (I believe yes)
«Random_Nerd» (Or, at least, that it's a stalemate that will eventually grind you down.)
«Theresa» ""We're hoping that by getting rid of Shirk, we can prevent that."
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "Did Jan ben Jan /say/ that a meeting with the Excrucians would be a good idea to prevent disaster?"
«Random_Nerd» She stops.
«DanteE» "Or at least finding out what he and Entropy are doing."
«DanteE» "I ... don't think he addressed that."
«DanteE» (Do we know what Brian asked of JbJ?)
«Ftisk» (brb)
«Kite» (Did we ever invite JbJ to the meeting?)
«Theresa» (Should we give the list of what Brian found out? Including the stuff with Barakiel?)
«Theresa» (We did. He said heck no.)
«Random_Nerd» (JbJ started going all paranoid and fatalistic after his meeting with Brian.)
«DanteE» (If he asked about the most important things we'll face, and the list _didn't_ include this meeting...)
«Kite» (I thought the list was of obstacles we would face.)
«Theresa» (Was it most important or most dangerous?)
«DanteE» (I think Kite's right...)
«Ftisk» (back, also I think Kite is right)
«DanteE» (That means for one reason or another the meeting isn't an obstacle.)
«Random_Nerd» (Or not in the top-five list, at least.)
«Theresa» (We're having enough trouble getting it together that it's annoying, but if we pull it off, it won't be an obstacle.)
«Random_Nerd» (Or it just won't happen at all, and so it won't create problems. Or it'll happen, but be really disappointing...)
«DanteE» (Or, if it doesn't happen it also won't be an obstacle.)
«DanteE» (ninja'd)
«Kite» (But Barakiel's stunt with the Lawbreaker proved to be an obstacle for the Meeting)
«Theresa» (But Barakiel's stuff is affecting lots of other stuff too. Ups its obstacle status.)
«Kite» (True)
«Ftisk» (well we are waiting for Conrad response, the other Conrad not mine half)
«DanteE» "How is your Estate being affected by Shirk?"
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "That's a rather complicated question."
«DanteE» "We have time."
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "On the one hand, it does reduce the odds that any given person will martyr themselves by a little bit."
«Kite» "So you have noticed effects?"
«Ftisk» "Peoples stop self-immolating?"
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "But not by much. See, it seems to have a lesser effect the more determined people are, and in general, potential martyrs are pretty determined."
«Random_Nerd» M: "Also, I suspect that it slightly increases the average quality of the martyrs we /do/ get now. Culling the herd, so to speak."
«Ftisk» "Cool!"
«DanteE» "The stated purpose of the summit is to figure out what the hell he's doing."
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "Surely the Excrucians already know that..."
«DanteE» "Assuming the Warmain is sincere... and yes, I realize the strangeness of that statement...
«DanteE» "They _don't_ know.
«DanteE» "At least, Vassa's faction doesn't."
«Kite» "Except they claim to be just as baffled as we do."
«Ftisk» "we truly believe that"
«Theresa» "Apparently the other side is just as fragmented and competitive as our side is."
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "Who is this meeting /with/?"
«Random_Nerd» She paces again.
«DanteE» "Vassa, Warmain."
«DanteE» "Want to meet his Shards?"
«Ftisk» "representing a like-minded set of beings"
«Kite» "I don't think they're ready to talk with us, Dante."
«Ftisk» "Yep, they are collecting their thoughts"
«DanteE» (Aren't his Shards still in Vulcan?)
«Kite» (They left)
«Theresa» "High Summoning is considered seriously taboo and disgusting by them."
«Ftisk» (nope they leaved)
«Random_Nerd» (Remember, after the Barakiel thing?)
«DanteE» (Nuts. Retract my last statement?)
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "More so than it is by us?"
«Ftisk» "more more so"
«Kite» "Yes..."
«DanteE» "We met his Shards, they came to propose the summit."
«DanteE» "We'd fought them before and chased them off."
«Kite» "How is it considered by us?"
«DanteE» "We actually _do_ it, they don't."
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "Dangerous and stupid and kinda creepy?"
«Theresa» "We told them about the whole Barakiel thing with Shadows and it was like they had just seen the most disgusting thing in the Universe, poured into their brain."
«Kite» "They equate it with...maybe brutally dismembering small children."
«Ftisk» *sarcastic tone* "You can think of that? ... Warmain's shards being polite and not smashing things?"
«DanteE» (Remind me who's in her familia?)
«Kite» (Night and Angst?)
«Random_Nerd» (Correct.)
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "I thought that some Warmains, /actually/ brutally dismember small children."
«Kite» "Maybe it's just Vassa's shards who feel this way."
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "Not for /fun/, perhaps, but if they think it's useful."
«DanteE» "They seem to consider it extremely taboo."
«DanteE» "er, summoning."
«Kite» "Or they don't have anything against brutally dismembering small children, but our feeling toward it is the closest analogue to their feeling toward High Summoning."
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "Did they say /why/ they think it's repulsive?"
«DanteE» "Not really, no.
«Ftisk» "nope?"
«Theresa» (I forget, did they?)
«DanteE» "Couldn't really articulate it."
«Ftisk» (I think they had told to not do that ... no more details"
«DanteE» (AFK a minute)
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "Hmm."
«Kite» "I'm not really sure, but we could possibly use discussion of a cease-and-desist on high summoning as leverage for finding out more we need to know."
«Random_Nerd» M: "I wonder if it's a reason we would agree with."
«Random_Nerd» John: "So, what's this summoning thing, exactly?"
«Theresa» "From what Shadows says, it's making a connection with the other Side and drawing stuff from there over to here. You gradually get better and better at it, if you survive."
«Kite» "With proper training, it is possible to summon and command entities from outside the barrier of Creation."
«Ftisk» "Brian is the expert here but, is the art of reaching outside reality and grab here a being the fit what you want to find.. .with various grades of satisfaction"
«Random_Nerd» John: "Well, what would be 'the other side' for them?"
«Ftisk» "their 'other side'? uhm.. probably our side of reality?"
«DanteE» (BAK)
«Random_Nerd» John: "So, that would be, them reaching over here and grabbing... what, exactly?"
«Kite» "You."
«Theresa» "Or us."
«Ftisk» "Well nobles too if them fit the 'recipe'"
«DanteE» "Wait, not us.
«DanteE» "We're too powerful to summon, I'd think."
«DanteE» "... but spirits..."
«Random_Nerd» John: "Well, if not you, then... what, a dog? Why would they want to?"
«Kite» "If they wanted something that does dog things."
«DanteE» "You get a trainable creature."
«DanteE» "Shadows has a... what is Jeeves?"
«Kite» "He's a Jeeves."
«Ftisk» "Look at our amigo Shadows that summoned a strange thing that trained to suck vision, they may want a cat an human a demon for servant, a walking tree even"
«Random_Nerd» John: "Okay, here's something I don't get. Is there just /one/ 'out there'? Is everywhere that isn't here the same place?"
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "We don't really know."
«DanteE» (cosmology says Creation is an island in a vast sea, right?)
«Ftisk» "well this side is made of many many worlds, one haven one hell and ... stuff"
«Random_Nerd» (Pretty much.)
«Kite» "For all we know, 'out there' could be a forest of World Trees."
«Random_Nerd» John: "And the... Excrucians, do they all come from the same place?"
«Kite» "I...don't know if that concept works for them."
«DanteE» to the others: "IF they did, they'd know about Shirk."
«Ftisk» "they came from outside our side of reality. We have a nice and cool wall to separate inside from outside even :-)"
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "I'm not sure that the concept of /place/ really applies."
«DanteE» (There's a chance we're blowing the king's mind... :p )
«DanteE» "Yeah, place is a concept on _this_ side of the wall."
«Kite» (As long as we don't perform miracles, he should be fine.)
«Random_Nerd» John: "But what I'm saying is, when you say 'Outside', is that like someone from here saying 'France', or like someone from here saying 'Overseas'?"
«DanteE» "Probably the latter."
«DanteE» (Yeah, but he's known the biblical view of the world since the beginning.)
«Theresa» (Or possibly someone from here saying 'boing'.)
«DanteE» (OK, how much of the cosmology we've been discussing do we know IC?)
«Ftisk» "You know reality, all you know, that is our side, outside is a place where concept like time, fight, logic don't exist"
«Ftisk» "is a 'place' apart from creation. the Weirding Wall is like a membrane separating inside from outside"
«Random_Nerd» (You know, IC, everything that's in any version of Nobilis, let's say, plus whatever other stuff has come up in play.)
«DanteE» "... our legends say Cneph basically collected all Estates in one place, then put the Weirding Wall around it."
«DanteE» "Or something like that.
«DanteE» "Being legends, their details are a little fuzzy."
«Random_Nerd» John: "Okay, so, /here/, the concept of 'places' makes sense. And 'here' is /defined/ as where that makes sense?"
«Theresa» "Yes."
«Ftisk» "and that is secured by our side imperators agaist *bigBad* excrucian that reclaim concepts like logic or pizza for their side because, well we are a little ball in a vastness and they are there out in the cold without even the fire concept to warm them!" *sigh*
«Random_Nerd» John: "But there are things, out there, that make sense there but not here too."
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "Yes. At least the ones they stole, and maybe some others."

  • Ftisk nod nod at King J.

«Ftisk» "stole is a big word.. take back. Cneph stoled them first"
«Theresa» "And Kudzu came from there, bringing our Estates from there to here."
«DanteE» toMartyrs: "Did we tell you about active Writing?"
«Random_Nerd» John: "Okay, you know what? I know I don't get a vote in this. I'm not really... operating on the scale that we're talking about here. But /I/ think you should do the Summit thing, because it seems like nobody knows the things that we really need to know."
«Kite» "At least some are native to Creation."
«Random_Nerd» John: "We don't even know if we have one enemy or several, how they're set up, any of that. So if you can set it up so that they can't just use it to invade and steal all our kidneys, I think you should do it."
«DanteE» "We'd need to give them something to get that information...
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "Do you know what?"
«DanteE» "But then again, we know what they want."
«Random_Nerd» M: "What do /they/ want out of this?"
«DanteE» "Details on Shirk."
«Random_Nerd» M: "Isn't he with them?"
«DanteE» "Not with _Vassa_."
«Ftisk» "nope, is with another faction"
«Random_Nerd» J: "When you called him a 'king', what did that mean? Is this like how Theresa's a 'duchess', but doesn't actually have a duchy? Or does he actually have a nation?"
«Theresa» "John, I am always impressed by your statesmanship."
«DanteE» "They called him King.
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "We don't know. It's just something that shows up in the texts mentioning him."
«DanteE» "Said something about Four Kings...
«DanteE» "Ah... (What are the Kings' nicknames?)"
«Random_Nerd» J: "Like in... I don't know, occult works, where the 'foul fiend Flibbertigibbet' or whatever is a 'mighty Baron of thus-and-so'?"
«Random_Nerd» M: "That's what I think."
«Random_Nerd» (Shirk, Failure, Treason, and... uh... I know this one...)
«DanteE» (Burned Pizza. got it.)
«Kite» (That one's already here!)
«DanteE» (So are the others)
«Theresa» (Loss of Courage?)
«DanteE» "King John? ... Do you want us to stop?
«Random_Nerd» (Shame.)
«DanteE» "I realize we're probably shaking the foundations you've built your life on."
«Random_Nerd» J: "Hmm? Why?"
«Random_Nerd» J: "Uh, how, exactly?"
«Random_Nerd» J: "None of this is all that troublesome."
«Ftisk» "cool"
«DanteE» "... good to know."

  • Theresa is very proud of her king.

«Ftisk» "did you wanna a drop of my motor oil? ops, maybe Martyrs have dibs on you?"
«Theresa» (Aw, crap, WoW flashback, save me...)

  • Ftisk look at her

«Random_Nerd» J: "I mean, the stuff that I'm responsible for, it's not the biggest thing in the world, but I always knew that Amyra was a tiny country. But still, it /matters/. The holy relics are real, and /they/ matter. There are other things that matter too, but those aren't my problem."
«Ftisk» ( /me create a savepoint for T.)
«DanteE» (Who's the fifth king?)
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs looks at you as if she doesn't quite understand the question./
«Kite» "Ftisk. It would be polite to ask Dante and Theresa, first."
«Random_Nerd» (Allegedly, 'Desecration'.)
«DanteE» "OK... the theory is, since all the Estates are here, that makes Creation kinda like the one deposit of unobtainium in the world.
«Ftisk» "yeah yeah but I was impressed by all that king's coolness, sorry my bad..." *search for a jar with 5$ in a manipulator*
«DanteE» "Or, kinda like your relic collection. I've read those stories of what the Nazis tried to do to get the Spear."
«Random_Nerd» J: "So, it's a war over resources. We have what we want, and we won't give it to them, so they come to take it?"
«Theresa» "Ftisk, I don't think it would be a good idea to Anchor John. He's very important to us and our Chancel. But it is always his decision, same as if Martyrs wanted him. We respect him." *smile at John*
«DanteE» "We _can't_ give it to them.
«Random_Nerd» (Technically, under the new system, he is one of her Anchors, in the sense that she has a Bond that refers to him. But she's low-Treasure, and doesn't use him in that fashion.)

  • Ftisk float up and down "But I asked! Is not like I forced him!"

«DanteE» "Up until now there was no way for them to get an Estate without us losing it."
«Kite» "I would like to figure out a way to share our resources without utterly sacrificing them."
«Ftisk» "as Kite said that would be awesome!"
«DanteE» (Cue somebody noticing 'Up until now')
«Random_Nerd» John: "Do they have some things /we/ want? I mean, I gather that they have useful... animals? Spirits? But that we just kinda take those..."
«DanteE» "Well, lost Estates, in theory."
«DanteE» "Assuming they still exist."

  • Theresa gives Ftisk a quick hug. "I noticed that you asked first and we appreciate that, Ftisk."

«Ftisk» "like aether?"

  • Ftisk beam at Theresa!

«Kite» "I wonder if High Summoning can summon an instance of a lost Estate..."
«Theresa» (I don't understand the 'up until now'.)
«DanteE» (Active Writing.
«DanteE» (Proves sharing is theoretically possible.)
«Kite» (Suggests)
«Theresa» (Aaaah.)
«DanteE» (We know it exists on both sides, so... proves.)
«Kite» (Unless we've misinterpreted our evidence.)
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "May I and John have a bit of time to discuss this in private?"
«Ftisk» "yep yep sure"

  • Kite looks to Dante and Theresa.

«DanteE» "Sure. We'll wait... over there."
«Theresa» "But of course."

  • DanteE also wants to unobtrusively listen in at the vault...

«Theresa» (*mental smack*)
«DanteE» (I presume Theresa still periodically scans the Chancel for unexplained glitches?)
«Theresa» (I think I lost that power with the reboot.)

  • Kite removes himself from the room.
  • Theresa will also leave.

«Theresa» (What would you listen to at the vault? I don't think the Treasures do gab sessions.)

  • Ftisk land on Theresa's shoulder

«DanteE» (Checking for intruders)
«Random_Nerd» (You hear no sign of intruders, or indeed anything living with more than one cell, in there.)
«Kite» (We should totally have Tea With Treasures and gossip about things!)
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs walks out of John's office.
«Ftisk» "Theresa, can I train ants to move the lighted stick I see in the movies when the aircraft land? And put a pairs in your shoulder? wouldn't be cool? eh? eh?"
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "I'll bring you to my Imperator and help argue for your case, but I have a condition."

  • Ftisk listen and nod to encourage her to go on...

«Ftisk» (but Ftisk is /tiny!/ )
«DanteE» "Uhoh... what?"
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "John comes, and he's treated as an equal negotiating party. On behalf of Amyra, or Earth's human population, or something like that."
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "I think he might think of something that you or I wouldn't, and I want to make sure that he's listened to if he does. Different perspectives are useful."
«Ftisk» "uhm... why not... T, D?"
«Theresa» "I don't think it would be good to bring the ants along with me everywhere. They might fall off and get lost."
«DanteE» "... I'll agree to that."
«Theresa» "I will agree to this if it is possible. Where's William?"
«DanteE» (The King has some sort of protection, right?)
«Ftisk» "What if ... I can make strappings for them so they don't fall?"
«Random_Nerd» (Presumably you guys and Martyrs can come up with something.)
«Theresa» (I also agree with the fact that John thinks better than us on stuff like this. ^^ )
«Kite» "Will King John need any special protections for the trip?"
«Theresa» "Then they wouldn't be able to move around and signal you in, Ftisk."
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "Let me worry about that. If I have to, I can call in a favor or two."
«DanteE» "Actually, that's a good point. He may need protection.
«Random_Nerd» She stops

  • Theresa bows to Martyrs. "Are you okay with this, John?"

«DanteE» "He's still mortal, after all."
«Random_Nerd» M: "Well, actually, do you have ideas?"
«Random_Nerd» John: "It seems risky, but... important. My nephew can handle things here for a few days, and it's been about time for him to start doing some of the minor ceremonies alone anyway."
«Theresa» "He could be anchored but that wouldn't show that he speaks for the every-day mortal. Then he's specifically connected to an Estate, rather than a Chancel."
«Kite» "I just didn't know if there were any foreseeable risks."
«Theresa» "And there is always the emergency plans in place, correct?"
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "Ultimately, all of us are taking a risk with this?"
«Ftisk» toT: "oh! uff I need to refine that.. maybe if the ant have a drill to anchor it... (voice drift off thinking)"
«DanteE» (If you think about it... could he meet someone on Vulcan?)
«Random_Nerd» (The emergency plans are more to protect Creation than to protect you guys.)
«Kite» "Immediate risks? To King John's wellbeing?"
«Theresa» "Yep. I don't want Amyra to lose her King. But if it saves the universe, then I want John to show the Outside what for."
«Random_Nerd» John: "Kings are, ultimately, expendible. In the right cause. There's always a spare, that's how things are set up."
«DanteE» (Oh, what is one of us puts an Auc around him?)
«Theresa» (I meant the Amyran emergency plans if John dies suddenly.)
«Random_Nerd» (He has an heir, who's been trained in the job.)
«Theresa» "Ftisk, I don't think your ants could drill into me."
«Kite» (Kite just wants to know if we should be armoring him or something.)
«Random_Nerd» J: "And acting on Amyra's behalf with things that are bigger or scarier than it is my job."

  • Kite gives King John one of his feathers.

«Ftisk» "was _one_ already discarded idea... now I'm considering personal safety helium sacks so they don't fall but float if they trip"
«Random_Nerd» (Hydrogen sacks! To keep things interesting!)
«DanteE» "Have you told your nephew everything he needs to know, just in case?"
«Random_Nerd» John takes it.
«Ftisk» "Vacuum! yep work better that helium" (just to rip Chuubo off)
«Kite» (We've never been to Martyr's Chancel nor met her Imperator, so Kite has no idea how friendly they are to normal human things like breathing and not bleeding to death.)
«Theresa» (He's Dark. So, he thinks that John should kill himself?)
«Random_Nerd» John: "And we have a library on the duty of the king. And there are some academics who focus on it. If I die, they will know what to do."
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "Like in Ghormenghast?"

  • Theresa solemnly nods.

«Random_Nerd» John: "But not quite as depressing, yes."
«Theresa» "Oh, I hope not, that series was looong."
«Kite» "Gourmet ghost?"
«Ftisk» " Ghormenghast?"
«Random_Nerd» John: "A book. I'll lend you a copy."
«Theresa» "It's a book series about a king and his family that were very bound by the rituals of being king."
«Kite» "Ah"
«Theresa» (Or count, whatevers.)
«Ftisk» "boooring"
«Theresa» (Earl, not king.)

  • Ftisk look around for ants

«Random_Nerd» John: "Also, someone gets fed up with it and decides to kill the people he doesn't like and burn the whole system down."
«Kite» (Jarl!)
«DanteE» (Worth noting we're going to be delaying the meeting until we get what they want)
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "So, the final call's going to belong to my Imperator. But I think we can swing this. Ah... let me do most of the talking."
«Random_Nerd» (Mind if we stop about now?)
«DanteE» "Yeah, we get that advice a lot..."
«DanteE» (OK)
«Kite» "Dante. Don't make any remarks about us not knowing what we are doing."
«Theresa» "Perfectly fine with that."
«Theresa» (Sounds good to me. Need sleep.)
«Kite» (Okay)
«Ftisk» (sounds like a good place :-) )
«DanteE» "Even though we don't?"

  • Ftisk giggle at Dante's remark

«Kite» "We still have plans."
«Ftisk» (brb)
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "I still think this is a risky move. And I'll want to talk with Vulcan about how the failsafes are set up... can you swing that? But I think it's worth it for what we might learn."
«Ftisk» "Suure M."
«Kite» "I will work on scheduling a meeting with Lord Vulcan."
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "Okay. Now... do you have a vehicle I could borrow and a map of the ways out? Night's the Gatemaker of the family, and he's busy."
«DanteE» "Sam's our gate guy."
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "The thing I did earlier... I can't do it again, not this soon."
«DanteE» "Speaking of which, will this work now that it's 'repaired'?"
«DanteE» the summoniong-thing
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "Ah... no. But I can make another, or at least, find another."
«Kite» "Poop."
«DanteE» (Right here on the carpet? :) )
«Random_Nerd» (Lesser Motion of People, Hard, One Person Or Thing, Large And Flexible (move a person to the place where they need to be), Uncommon.)
«Random_Nerd» Martyrs: "At any rate, I'll be off, and I'll send for you when it's time to meet with my boss."
«Kite» (Yes! Do it! Now! The carpet needs replaced, anyway.)
«Random_Nerd» (Anything else before we stop?)
«DanteE» "Good night, Martyrs."
«Kite» "Thank you, Martyrs."

  • Ftisk wave a white handkerchief

«DanteE» (OOC we can ask John just how involved he wants to be)
«Theresa» "Thank you, indeed."
«Random_Nerd» __________STOP_______________
«Theresa» Yay! We're bringing John!
«Random_Nerd» Okay, on the one hand, since the big meeting isn't a Project, there's probably not much destiny here.
=-= Kite is now known as Verithe
«DanteE» Well, now we have a plan. (HA!)
«Random_Nerd» But on the other, you've accomplished a thing you wanted to accomplish, that was difficult, without having to /spend/ any.
«Verithe» Maybe he'll meet some princess or something!
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
«Random_Nerd» Excrucian princess?
«Verithe» Maybe she'll be made of glitter!
«Angelo» or things with Martyrs will evolve
«Angelo» :-) «3 ;-)
«Verithe» Excrucian princesses...hmmm.
«DanteE» Would you really want Martyrs as a queen?
«Angelo» (the ideologue?)
«Verithe» She wouldn't be Ftisk's queen.
«DanteE» In my case, we've made progress toward a bunch of my things...
«Angelo» yep as queen would be cool weird cool
«Random_Nerd» Oh?
«DanteE» Indirectly.
«Angelo» sure not Ftisk princess but John one :-)
«Angelo» (also me, not Ftisk see John + Martyrs as cool+weird+cool)
«DanteE» Getting the meeting closer to happening helps with 'Figure out what's going to happen', 'Deal with Shirk', HQB's mission, 'Dante, Lord of Amyra'...
«Theresa» I don't know how John would feel about having a Noble of a different Chancel being queen of a different one. He could possibly give up the throne for her.
«Random_Nerd» Eh...
«DanteE» But that's 'helps' in the sense of 'sets up a big payoff later'
«Random_Nerd» Ah, okay.
«Verithe» John really romantically interested in Martyrs?
«Random_Nerd» Yeah, I was going to say that I don't really see Victory/Failure/Revelation/etc here.
«Random_Nerd» But on the other hand, you can probably expect at least one Revelation at the actual meeting.
«Random_Nerd» Especially for Figure Out What's Going To Happen.
«DanteE» (Slowly getting a handle on this. :) )
«Angelo» (me not, always forget my project Ftiskness prj :-( )
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
«Knockwood» While we're at it...
«Theresa» I'm going to head to bed. Good night, guys! *HUGS*
«Random_Nerd» Mmm?
«Angelo» Night Beth!
«Verithe» Take care, Beth!
«Knockwood» How about we all agree to read through the Scene rules and use them next week?
«Knockwood» and g'night Beth
«Theresa» (I dont' think that he's interested romantically, but he probably doesn't have many friends.)
|«-- Theresa has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
«Knockwood» well, being a king, there aren't many people who feel comfortable telling him dirty jokes.
«Verithe» (Which is why we need to have a ball! Invite little-n nobility from other Chancels!)
«Random_Nerd» Yeah, that would really be helpful.
«Random_Nerd» The Scene rules are the biggest new thing in Chuubo, so they're the part that needs the most testing.
«Angelo» (k for me to read scenes .. but not promises on I _remember_ anything :-P )
«Random_Nerd» Well, if they're hard to understand and remember... that's useful info.
«Knockwood» Thing is they require the players to know what the hell they're doing. :p
«Knockwood» and cooperate.
«Knockwood» They're doomed.
«Angelo» nod nod
«Random_Nerd» Heh.
«Knockwood» Angelo: remember, we meet one hour earlier, until your clocks change.
«Angelo» ook I change my reminder
«Angelo» done :-)
«Random_Nerd» So, Chuubo next week.
«Random_Nerd» See you then.
«Knockwood» g'night RN
«Angelo» night RN!
«Verithe» take care!
|«-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
«Angelo» btw I go too. was a good session :-)
«Knockwood» see you two in a week.
«Angelo» 2week?
«Angelo» you skip next?
«Knockwood» hm?
«Knockwood» no, one week
«Knockwood» see the two of you in one week. :)
«Angelo» ah, sorry, missread :-(
«Angelo» need sleep
«Verithe» Take care, Knock! :)
|«-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla [Firefox 10.0.2/20120215223356])
«Verithe» Take care, Angelo!
«Angelo» well, havea nice day/night/anything
«--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 32