Session 235

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Chapter 32

=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix
-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
<lazarus> (also, Sara points out we have made our own wine)
<Angelo> hi guys!
<Verithe> Hi, Angelo!
<Random_Nerd> Hey, Angelo.
<Angelo> Laz, you make your wine?
<lazarus> Hey Angelo!
<Verithe> Is it good wine or accident wine?
<BethE> Hi Angelo!
<lazarus> Yep, sometimes. From kits, though, so it doesn't really count
<Verithe> So, good wine!
<lazarus> Yep!
<Angelo> my dad used to make wine (500/750 liters at year) for ourselves only ... was really good.
<lazarus> In other news, YouTube on the iPad sucks
<Random_Nerd> Oh? How so?
<BethE> My grandpa makes some with grapes from his farm. The grape vines were planted by his dad, over 100 years ago.
<lazarus> Can't do playlists, auto play, or play in the background
<Random_Nerd> Ah.
<Angelo> yes exactly same kind of wine ^_^ grape wine from grape planted by him
<lazarus> Crawls pace time. Brb.
<lazarus> He is taking a weapon
-->| Knockwood (~chatzilla@71.9.104.IP) has joined #Nobilis
<Knockwood> Hi guys
<Knockwood> Hey Laz, LTNS
<Angelo> hi Knock!
<BethE> Hiya Knock!
<Random_Nerd> Hey, Knock.
<Verithe> Hi, Knock!
<Random_Nerd> Okay, so, Ftisk and Kite had just bet the lives of the rest of the PCs on the result of a doubles tennis match against Baalhermon and Meon...
<Random_Nerd> No, wait, that's next week.
<Knockwood> Yeah, this week's the _start_ of all hell breaking loose.
<Random_Nerd> No, that was about two years ago.
<Verithe> Yeah, that sounds like them.
<Random_Nerd> This is more the middle.
<Knockwood> good point
<Verithe> Hell began breaking loose ages ago.
<Random_Nerd> Let's see...
<Random_Nerd> But not /all/ hell.
<Random_Nerd> Based on an examination of the logs, all hell started breaking loose just a little under three years ago.
<Knockwood> Oh, hey, this is close to the 7 year anniversary of the game
<lazarus> Back
<Random_Nerd> Okay, so...
<Random_Nerd> When we last left Our Intrepid Heroes, they'd returned from negotiating with Martyrs' imperator, and were in the meeting room.
<Random_Nerd> Then this happened:
<Random_Nerd> A little while after you arrive back in the meeting room in the clock tower, a young man in an ill-fitting suit walks through the wall. He has a smirky little grin, and his hands drip with blood.
<Random_Nerd> "Okay, it's looking like your little plan may actually take place, so here's how it's gonna be."
<Random_Nerd> You're not going to ask for or demand that Sueridus Gaut return to the Outside, and you won't accept any deal that requires that he does."
<Random_Nerd> And if you're smart, you're not going to ask me the reason why. Because if you ask me three times, I'll tell you, and then you'll know, and then you're fucked."
<BethE> (7? Thought it was longer than that...)
<Random_Nerd> (Any questions before we start?)
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
<lazarus> (do I have a rock?)
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
=-= Verithe is now known as Kite
=-= lazarus is now known as Brian
<Random_Nerd> (You tell me. Do you?)
<Ftisk> (he said the if asked 3 times he will say the reason)
<Brian> (I can has a rock.)
<Kite> (I believe Ftisk already asked once.)
<Ftisk> (can't remember)
<Kite> (What kind of rock! Inquiring minds want to know!)
<Random_Nerd> (No, he said he had to know why.)
<Random_Nerd> (But he didn't actually ask.)
<Random_Nerd> ___________________START______________
<Ftisk> (but Ftisk _want_ ask 3 times or 33 if that lead to answers)
<Kite> (Ah)
<Random_Nerd> PossiblyEntropy: *smirk*
<Ftisk> "So maybefakeEntropy .... What is the reason?"
<Theresa> "This implies that we are not already fucked, as you say."
<Theresa> (And the last time Ftisk got answers, he got star-eyes....)
<Ftisk> (yeah! )
<Random_Nerd> He lifts his index finger, and smirks again.

  • Kite facewings

<Theresa> "Pardon me..." *grabs Ftisk and Moves us both to the Grove*
<Ftisk> "ok," *deep breath* "why you did it?"
<Brian> "I need to know - why are you doing this?"
<Random_Nerd> MaybeEntropy: "If it helps, I really do believe you would be better off if you just chickened out and went with the argument from authority..."
<DanteE> "Well... the meeting is them asking what Shirk is doing here.
<Ftisk> "ups! Theresa! Why you do this teleport?"
<DanteE> "So, what's Shirk doing here?"
<Random_Nerd> PossiblyEntropy: "Well, then, that's three."
<Random_Nerd> PE: "Okay, here's the plan."
<Random_Nerd> PE: "Sueridas Gaut is one of the Four Kings, Excrucians who fight the War by acting to corrupt us. They have a pretty crucial role in some of the decision making structure of the other side."
<Theresa> "I'm sorry, Ftisk, but I have a bad feeling about that guy. And I would like at least _one_ of us not to be completely incinerated by whatever happens."
<Theresa> "And plus, the Grove is calming. And hopefully outside of blast range."
<Theresa> "Do you think they will let you cross over, Ftisk?"
<Random_Nerd> "Gaut thinks that he's here because I've sold out Creation, and am working to make a private peace with him, and for that reason I'm working directly with it."
<Ftisk> "But have two not incinerated is _overkill_ also .. uhm .. thank you to think to me as a companion to save from incineration"
<Random_Nerd> "But he's wrong. I'm doing this because two can play at that game."
<DanteE> "So, from _his_ point of view, he's trying to negotiate with you.
<Kite> "Is...this something we should be telling people?"
<Random_Nerd> "See, maybe you've heard. Anyone who works directly with me gets corrupted. Anyone. And now, that means Gaut, too."
<Random_Nerd> "I'll get to that, Assembly."

  • Ftisk poke Theresa in the belly "... you 'saved' me ... did you love me?"

<DanteE> "You know he's doing his own corrupting, right?"
<Random_Nerd> "Yeah. Haphazardly. Randomly. A random human here, a dog there."
<Random_Nerd> "Because he doesn't get Creation, how to work while he's here. And he has limits on what he can corrupt."
<Random_Nerd> "For instance, he can't corrupt me. Do you know why?"
<DanteE> "Because you're already corrupt?"
<Random_Nerd> "Close!"
<Kite> "No idea."
<Theresa> *thinks* "Hmm, not sure, Ftisk. I definitely value you as a companion and friend but I don't know if it's the type of love that Entropy is against."
<DanteE> "Because, as Lord of Corruption, you can send it any way you want?"
<Random_Nerd> "He can corrupt the faithful and dutiful into shirking their duties and giving in to self-indulgence and cowardice."
<Theresa> (Entropy has a point about the corruption but unless it works fast enough, Shirk could maybe work ahead of it. Or cause the corruption to shirk.)
<Random_Nerd> "But I don't protect the Earth out of /duty/. I do it because it's /mine/. And because killing and corrupting Excrucians is /fun/."
<Random_Nerd> "And he can't do /shit/ to /that/."
<Theresa> (...why do I like this Entropy?)
<Kite> "Ah."
<Random_Nerd> "So, here we are."
<DanteE> "Question: what about the rest of Creation?"
<Random_Nerd> "What about it? Not my problem."
<Random_Nerd> "But while he can only corrupt people who /have/ those virtues that he erodes, I can corrupt anyone who’s working with me."
<DanteE> "Hm."

  • Ftisk pat Theresa "Doubts are ugly, well if you love me I can work out something with Gnomely, we have so much love to share" *smile*

<DanteE> "Well, there will still be sometime before the actual meeting."
<Random_Nerd> "And that means him. So, I finish him, change him into my sniveling creature, and send him back when the time is ready."
<Random_Nerd> "And now we get to the part where you’re fucked."
<Random_Nerd> "So, does this sound like a pretty good plan? Are you on board?"
<Theresa> (Because we're working with him!)
<DanteE> "How do we know you're telling the truth?"
<Random_Nerd> "Because now, either you are, or you aren’t. If you aren’t, then you are my enemies, and hence fucked."
<Theresa> (And if we are, we're working with him and thus also fucked.)
<Random_Nerd> "You know because everything I’m telling you, you already know. You know how Shirk works. You know how I work. "
<Random_Nerd> "You are perhaps uniquely situated to see how it’s a good plan!"
<Random_Nerd> "I gather you were in on Barakiel’s rather similar scheme, for that matter."
<DanteE> "... I can't argue with that.
<Kite> "So...Shirk is a head-honcho decision maker for the Excrucians?"
<Theresa> (We were more 'present' than 'in on'...kind of.)
<DanteE> "Do you know about the Fifth King?"
<Random_Nerd> "And this is the other part. If you don’t try to stop me, if you go along with what I ask because my plan is a good one? Then the people who I am corrupting doesn’t just include Shirk, it also includes /you/."
<Random_Nerd> He smiles apologetically.
<Random_Nerd> "I /did/ warn you."
<Random_Nerd> "He is one of the main leaders of a key faction of Strategists. Once he gets back there, the indirect corruption should radiate through dozens of them, and they won’t understand why because the changes in Gaut could only happen here, inside Time."
<DanteE> "... That's if we're working with you, though."
<Ftisk> (standing ovation for this Entropy .. I really like him!)
<Kite> " not the Warmains..."
<DanteE> "If we just happen to be working on parallel paths...
<Random_Nerd> "I’ve seen people try to doublethink their way around this one."
<DanteE> "Can you blame us?"
<Random_Nerd> "Rarely works. Especially for /you/, Courage."
<Kite> "Like feigning working with you?"
<Random_Nerd> "The corruption thing isn’t a deliberate thing I do. It just happens. It’s a law of the world."
<Ftisk> (like he knows old courage?)
<Theresa> (Dante is Honest. Good luck on that...)
<DanteE> "Wait, you and I don't have much in the way of direct dealings..."
<Random_Nerd> "Except now! When I tell you my plan, and you do just what I told you to do as your part in it."
<Random_Nerd> Now he’s back to smirking.
<Random_Nerd> "Oh, and you’re probably wondering, why didn’t I just refuse to tell you?"
<Theresa> (You have been concentrating Loki-smirk essence for this session, haven't you, dear?)
<Random_Nerd> "This way’s more fun. And I gave you a chance."
<Kite> "Okay. We'll do what whatever we end up doing. I don't think we've decided whether or not to work against you yet."
<Random_Nerd> "So, anything else before I go?"
<DanteE> "So, if we help you, we get corrupted, and if we oppose you we get your unwanted attention?"
<Random_Nerd> "Yep. Plus, you know, you contribute to the doom of the world at the hands of the Strategists."
<Theresa> (Maybe Brian should try to kill him and, wait, that's enemies, which equals fucked.)
<DanteE> "There may be a way around it, actually."
<Random_Nerd> "Oh?"

  • Theresa tries to be calm at the Grove. "No explosions yet. That's possibly a good sign."

<DanteE> "And yes, we're trying it. We have to."
<Random_Nerd> He steeples his fingers. And reflects light at you off his glasses. And he wasn’t even /wearing/ glasses.
<DanteE> "We go on our own path that doesn't mess with your plans one way or another."
<Ftisk> "uh .. that is weird with bloodthirsty Brian there...."
<Brian> (Brian is lawbreaker ed, remember)
<Random_Nerd> "But that’s exactly what I told you to do! It was entirely negative!"
<Kite> "He did tell us that, Dante."
<Theresa> "Well, if Brian had _tried_ anything, there would probably at least be some sort of reaction, even if him trying is not punishable."
<Theresa> "If anything, I would expect great peals of laughter to cover the land."
<Brian> (Brian will attempt to sneak behind E and brain him)
<Random_Nerd> "I mean, you can try that. But if that’s not /really/ what you’re doing, if you’re even kinda doing it because of my plan? Then I think you’ll be within the domain of my corruption."
<Ftisk> "yep really he have to finish him now otherwise Entropy can 1) escape, 2) regroup 3) Retaliate with ally or powers under his command"
<DanteE> (If you do that, Shirk goes back to his troops and attacks Creation.)
<Random_Nerd> (Using Aspect, or anything?)
<Brian> (A0...)
<Random_Nerd> (Okay. Does anyone else stop Brian?)
<Kite> (no)
<Random_Nerd> (Last call...)
<DanteE> (Dante thinks it's a bad idea, but having Brian eaten would be worse...)
<Theresa> (Ftisk and I aren't there. We'll enjoy the crater, though.)
<Random_Nerd> (So do you stop Brian?)
<Ftisk> (second T.)
<DanteE> (Torn...)]
<Random_Nerd> (It’s now or never. You do it, or you don’t.)

  • DanteE signals Brian "NO!"
  • Theresa rubs her forehead. "He's either here to tell us to knock off the meeting or to get us to work with him. And he wouldn't _need_ to get other powers to help him grind us into the dirt."

<Random_Nerd> (Brian, do you keep doing it despite Dante’s signal?)
<Brian> (yep)
<Random_Nerd> KLUNK!
<Ftisk> "Bah! Evil villains _always_ need underling to do the trashing. All anime I checked are that way"
<Random_Nerd> PossiblyEntropy staggers for a moment, but catches his balance.
<Theresa> "Nah, there are the noble villain ones that have to do it because it's fun and the blood on their hands. Bah, that was too easy."
<Random_Nerd> PE: "Hey! You realize you just... oh, wait, Lawbreaker? Does this has something to do with the Barakiel thing?"
<DanteE> "... yes. It does."
<Theresa> (Sorry, Brian. There went your chance.)
<Random_Nerd> PE: "You /do/ still know that I can still take a horrific revenge on you because you annoyed me or because I think it would be funny, right?"
<Ftisk> "uhm... is _possible_ yes it is. And you believe Entropy is a noble villain?"
<Brian> "yea, but I don't think you will."
<Random_Nerd> PE: "Still, that /does/ make it so you’re probably not doing my bidding, I bet."
<Theresa> "I think that he is probably a jerk of a guy who likes to play with people like a cat plays with a mouse, getting every little bit of fear and terror and pain out of the target."
<Random_Nerd> PE: "And you know, you’re right! It’s funnier if I just leave, so you don’t do anything to put you back in my sway, but before Dante figures out a way to do the same."
<Random_Nerd> Definitely Entropy: "Later!"
<Theresa> "Which means that he plays with his food and likes to hear it scream."
<Random_Nerd> He walks back out through the wall.
<DanteE> "...anyone ever tell you you're a pain in the ass?"

  • Kite waves

<Ftisk> "you know what, the more you explain the more fit!"
<Theresa> "And his sense of humor is probably seven-dimensional, but that may be because he's an Imperator."
<Brian> "who? me or him?"
<DanteE> "Him. But you too, just a little."
<DanteE> "So, if we do anything that helps him save the Earth we get corrupted?
<Kite> "I think we should double-cross both Entropy and Vassa.
<Kite> "No...not Vassa."
<Kite> "I misspoke."
<Kite> "Shirk. That guy. Entropy and Shirk."
<DanteE> "If we help Vassa, Creation's ... screwed... wait.
<Ftisk> "how much we have to wait before return to the tower to look for the crater?"
<Random_Nerd> (One moment. Closing and reopening mIRC.)
<Theresa> (Yay! So, we know his plans but we're safe because of Lawbreakerness? For the moment?)
<Random_Nerd> ____PAUSE____
|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
<DanteE> (For certain values of 'safe')
-->| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
<Random_Nerd> (Did I miss anything?)
<Ftisk> (I believe Brian and only Brian is safe for the lawbreaker not Dante or Kite)
<Theresa> "Hmm, I'm not sure. How long would _you_ bet on how long it would take any of the others to tick off Entropy?"
<Ftisk> "bet? 5 minutes top! "
<Random_Nerd> (Brian's safe because he responded to Entropy's orders by trying to kill him with a rock. Theresa and Ftisk weren't there to hear the explanation.)
<Theresa> (And I agree with Ftisk. Dante and Kite are corrupted.)
<Random_Nerd> (Kite and Dante currently have problems.)
<DanteE> (Define 'Corrupted')
<Random_Nerd> (Ambiguous!)
<Random_Nerd> (But... you know the Cams? Kinda like that.)
<DanteE> (Unpause?)
<Theresa> "Hmm, that's about what I think too. Kite's probably a longer bet, but the crater would get everyone. We wait a few more minutes, we don't hear any explosions, we go back and see if there's a mess to clean up."
<Ftisk> (be entropy best friends with compulsion to have him as sugar Imperitor .. is enough as corruption? :-P )
<Random_Nerd> _____UNPAUSE___
<DanteE> "Entropy and Shirk are betting on a battle.
<DanteE> "Well, Entropy is."
<DanteE> "What if we figure out a way to avoid a war altogether?
<DanteE> (BTW, were our aides here?)
<Ftisk> "ok, how you wait normally ... ah! Yes" *transform into a mechanical cherry tree*
<Kite> (My wife's Noble of Absurdity, says hello and wants me to mention that she is in the form of a chartreuse sea turtle in roller skates.)
<Random_Nerd> (No. He waited until they were out of the room to do it.)
=-= YOU are now known as cherrytreeTisk
<Random_Nerd> (Either because he didn't want one of them yelling LA LA LA LA LA when he was explaining his plan, or because corrupting mortals isn't even entertaining. Take your pick.)

  • Theresa smiles. "Yes, I like doing that here in the Grove. I just like how relaxing it is here."

<cherrytreeTisk> (lalalalala one!)
<DanteE> "What do we tell Theresa and Ftisk?"

  • Theresa pats the trunk of the Maple and the acorn, if he is there."

<Random_Nerd> Sam walks in, carrying a piece of paper with reddish-brown ink on it.
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Is this a joke?"
<Theresa> (I am imagining your wife, Kite, skating backwards.)

  • cherrytreeTisk try to fell as much Theresih as possible ... but get nothing!

<DanteE> (And actually, I've got a branch on my map for 'Figure out Entropy's Plan')
<Random_Nerd> (Revelation!)

  • DanteE checks out the paper

<cherrytreeTisk> ( /me wave to Kite wife )
<Random_Nerd> Paper: "Oh, almost forgot. Ideally, we still want two more Kings of our own. Any suggestions? -Entropy."
<DanteE> "No, it isn't, Sam.
<Random_Nerd> Sam drops the paper rapidly.
<DanteE> "You may notice the blood on the floor over there."
<cherrytreeTisk> (you know that admitting Entropy is the good guy before Sam will short circuit him for a week)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "...shall I fetch a mop? And an exorcist?"
<Theresa> (Now I'm imagining Sam washing his 'hands' over and over. "Never clean...")

  • Kite writes "Kim Jong Un."

<Theresa> (I nominate Caesar!)

  • Kite thinks

<cherrytreeTisk> (I add salad!)
<Random_Nerd> (Too straightforward.)
<DanteE> (What does he mean exactly?)

  • Kite writes Queen Elizabeth II

<Random_Nerd> (Well, the Four Kings are the Strategists who work to corrupt the defenders of Creation.)
<Random_Nerd> (He's implying that as of now, Creation has two equivalents, but needs two more.)
<DanteE> "Oh, and Sam? William?
<DanteE> "I'm offering you the chance to opt out of your contracts right now.
<cherrytreeTisk> (is a perfect work for Barakiel and for JbJ!)
<Theresa> (Sam CAN'T OPT OUT.)
<DanteE> "You don't want to mull over the reasons why."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "My contract is now to Brian."
<Random_Nerd> Wiliam: "Why?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Does it involve indirect corruption from Entropy?"
<DanteE> "We found out Entropy's plan."
<Random_Nerd> Sam winces.
<DanteE> "Yep."
<Random_Nerd> William seems to think.
<Theresa> (Hmm, my suggestions would be Vulcan, Kudzu or War.)
<Random_Nerd> William: "Hmm."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Give me a day to think about it."
<cherrytreeTisk> (Vulcan would be a sensible one :-) )
<DanteE> (Oh... we want people who would screw with their Strategists.)
<Kite> "You might be okay, Sam. Brian is special."
<Random_Nerd> (Well, Barakiel seemed to be aiming more at the Warmains and Deceivers...)
<Random_Nerd> (But yeah, broadly.)

  • Kite also writes other world leaders on the paper, but points a lot of arrows to Queen Elizabeth II

<Random_Nerd> William: "Okay, I have to know. That whole research project, with the Book of Purity and all the textual variants... /was/ Entropy one of the Kings?"
<Theresa> (Queen E is awesome! :P )
<DanteE> (Can we answer that at all?)
<Brian> "sort of"
<Kite> Many of the world leaders Kite writes down happen to be dead.
<Kite> He just doesn't know that yet.
<Brian> "the details are no longer important"
<cherrytreeTisk> (death is a revolting door for a noble)
<Random_Nerd> Sam ducks out of the room for a minute.
<Theresa> (..that is an _awesome_ typo, Ftisk.)
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
<Random_Nerd> Sam returns.
<DanteE> "William, if you stay with us, you'd probably get a little bit corrupted yourself.
<DanteE> "But there's that whole helping save Creation thing."
<Random_Nerd> William: "I /think/ I'll want to stay with you."
<Random_Nerd> W: "But I will have to talk it over with my fiancée. This affects her too."
<Ftisk> "Uhm, Theresa, I must have the wrong sensors but feel joust stupid being a tree ... you... what do you fell being a tree?"
<DanteE> "Of course. Also, you've been hanging around me too long."
<Random_Nerd> W: "Everyone in the Aides is willing to put themselves in potentially lethal situations if it's for the good of Creation."
<Random_Nerd> W: "That isn't a mission statement, I mean, there's metaphysically binding oaths and things."
<Random_Nerd> W: "And I think this is the same sort of thing."
<DanteE> "Even when the Darkest Lord is involved?"
<Random_Nerd> W: "Isn't he always?"
<Theresa> (Good point, Will!)
<Theresa> "Well.."
<DanteE> "_Directly_ involved?"
<Random_Nerd> W: "So, how many of you are presently doing his bidding?"
<Theresa> "When I'm a tree, I feel More free and yet more connected to everything around me. That I could melt into the Ash or spread myself over the sky if I wanted to."
<DanteE> "Good question."
<DanteE> (Can we tell them what The plan is without screwing them over?)
<Random_Nerd> (Uncertain! Entropy was vague about that.)
<Random_Nerd> (No doubt on purpose.)
<DanteE> (How about Theresa & Ftisk?)
<Brian> (afk)
<Theresa> (We're safe right now, but beats me if you tell us.)
<Random_Nerd> (Again, you're not sure. Still, he implied that as long as you didn't know and go along with the plan, you're /probably/ safe.)
<Ftisk> "more connected? A tree? I have to tinker my treeform a bit more .. and for the walking inability?"
<Random_Nerd> (That was the threat behind the "Don't ask me, or I'll tell you", at least.)
<Kite> (Kite might lie to you guys.)
<Random_Nerd> (But he could be lying or misleading you there.)
<Random_Nerd> (Because... I mean, Entropy.)
<DanteE> "Sam, that paper is about helping Him with his World-saving plan."
<Ftisk> (I believe if you tell us then we will be corrupted too)
<Random_Nerd> W: "Is it a good plan?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Or an eeeevil plan?"
<Random_Nerd> William glares at Sam.
<DanteE> "Both."
<Random_Nerd> S: "What? Under the circumstances, that was a reasonable question!"
<DanteE> "What did you expect?"
<Random_Nerd> S: "That."
<Theresa> (I think Sam needs a fifth e in evil.)
<Random_Nerd> You hear rapid footsteps out in the hall.
<Theresa> "Well, I do like walking. But as a tree, everything comes to you. The wind brings you messages and your roots take you farther and farther each day."
<Random_Nerd> King John comes in the door. "What do you need an exorcist for?"

  • Kite blinks

<Random_Nerd> He's currently dressed in suit pants and a dress shirt but no tie or jacket, and he has three garment bags over one arm and a very old and fancy-looking wooden box under the other,.
<DanteE> nonchalant: "Entropy was just here."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I just said we needed your best exorcist, not..."
<Random_Nerd> J: "That's me."
<Random_Nerd> J: "And you said it was urgent."
<Random_Nerd> He looks at the bloodstains on the floor.
<Theresa> (Yay! ^^ John _would_ be the best exorcist in the land. )
<DanteE> "You're familiar with the Darkest Lord, right?"
<Theresa> (I don't suppose you can exorcise corruption?)
<Random_Nerd> J: "William and Sam sometimes mention him when we're playing pool. What kind of spiritual taint are we talking about here?"
<Ftisk> "ok, I keep that in mind next time I go as a tree"
<Random_Nerd> (Sam's working on the "Maybe a mortal exorcism works, maybe it doesn't, but it's worth a shot" theory.)
<Theresa> "Think that you would like being a moving creature much more than a tree, Ftisk." *smile* "Some people are just natural bouncy people."
<DanteE> "Imagine a twisted variant of Midas with corruption instead of gold."
<Kite> "Possible dharmic corruption."
<Theresa> (Hmm, is Entropy on the level of Original Sin?)
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and Brian, did you hang on to the rock, or put it down?)
<Ftisk> "natural bouncy .. I like to bounce _a lot!_"
<Random_Nerd> J: "Hmm. Okay. What here did he touch?"
<DanteE> (Thank you, Ftiskie Pie)
<DanteE> "That chair, and that end of the table."
<Theresa> ("Come on every Noble, smile, smile, smile! Fill my MPS with sunshine, sunshine!")
<Random_Nerd> J: "Hmm. Okay. I'll try to work out a variant of the ritual I use to consecrate the place where we store the Treasures."
<Random_Nerd> J: "If any of what I can do has a real effect, it will be that."
<DanteE> "Well...
<Random_Nerd> J: "This will take six hours, and I'll need to have the room completely to myself."
<Random_Nerd> J: "Hmm?"
<DanteE> "Entropy is the lord of Corruption, Desecration and Scorn"
<DanteE> "Being the lord of those he just exudes all of those."
<Theresa> (Ask if he can exorcise you two!!!)

  • DanteE checks out the area with The Sight.
  • Kite pats Dante.

<Random_Nerd> The whole area where Entropy was standing, and in particular where the blood from his head and hands fell, looks... oily. Like the sort of iridescent film you get from motor oil on water.
<DanteE> "You look the right way, you can see his taint..."
<DanteE> "... y'know what? Try it. I want to see what it does."
<Random_Nerd> J: "Okay. I'll have my nephew bring the rest of the supplies I'll need."
<Theresa> (Check out the rock?)
<Kite> (It's a good thing Kite's not using the Sight)
<DanteE> (Brian?)
<Theresa> (How's the kingdom's virgin supply?)
<Brian> (sorry... Was doing glasses. I still have the rock)
<DanteE> (BTW, I just added 'Figure out how to counter Entropy's corruption' to my map)
<Ftisk> (afk)
<Kite> (The rock was working against Lord Entropy)

  • DanteE looks at the rock with The Sight

<Random_Nerd> It doesn't quite look the same as the blood-tainted area.
<Random_Nerd> You can't make out a difference between the blood on it and the rest of it. Rather, to the Sight the whole rock has a faint reddish gleam.
<Theresa> (It's coated in Lawbreakerness!)
<Kite> (Anchor that rock!)
<Theresa> (Hmm, would that work? It can't take in liquids...)
<Kite> (*Treasure that rock?)
<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. I'm reminded of a bit from Jonathan Strange & Mister Norrell.)
<Random_Nerd> ("The weapons that my enemies raised against me are venerated in Hell as holy relics;
<Random_Nerd> Plans that my enemies made against me are preserved as holy texts;
<Random_Nerd> Blood that I shed upon ancient battlefields is scraped from the stained earth by Hell's sacristans and placed in a vessel of silver and ivory. ")
<Ftisk> (back)
<Random_Nerd> John: "Well, if I'm to do this, everyone else out. Maybe that part doesn't make a difference, maybe it does, but it's worth a try."
<Kite> (Which is not a chryselephantine vessel...)
<DanteE> "Fair enough."
<Random_Nerd> He opens one garment bag and starts to put on a complicated set of vestments.

  • DanteE heads out with the others.

<Ftisk> "Well Is time to return to the tower T.?"

  • Kite flies off to rob a jewelry store.

<Theresa> "Sure, Ftisk. It should still be there. Would you like me to teleport you?"
<Ftisk> "Suuuuure!"
<Ftisk> (lol to Kite thief-ish statement)

  • Theresa holds Ftisk and then Moves both of us to the room. If it is still there.

<Kite> (Poor King John!)
<Random_Nerd> John is standing in the room and pacing around in carefully measured squares, waving an incense-burner.
<Random_Nerd> He jumps when Theresa and Ftisk appear.
<Theresa> "It's still here! But..oh, hello, John! Should we leave?"
<Random_Nerd> John: "Out! Out!"
<DanteE> "Out here, Theresa."

  • Ftisk wave at John and smile
  • Theresa runs herself and Ftisk out.

<Theresa> "Okay, you guys didn't get blown up by Entropy..that's goo...wait, where's Kite?"

  • Ftisk ask "Why? Someone kill Entropy? .. _Brian_ kill entropy?"

<DanteE> "We're all all right.
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "...ish."
<DanteE> "Entropy looks upon Lawbreaker-motivated attempts on his life with amusement."
<Ftisk> "Cool!"
<DanteE> "Under certain circumstances.
<Theresa> "...ah. Well, they wouldn't be often, so he _could_ laugh about it..."
<Ftisk> "Cool!"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Wait, I /missed/ that?"
<Ftisk> "unCool!"
<Theresa> (Yep, Sam, your Noble tried to brain Entropy with a rock and _lived_.)
<DanteE> "Oh, and some of us may be corrupted or heading that way."
<Theresa> (You are getting so many drinks bought for you...)
<Ftisk> "Cool!"
<Theresa> "That's..uncool. How many and is there any way to stop or reverse it?"

  • Ftisk look at everyone/thing with the sight"

<DanteE> (And it'll be interesting to see whether John's ritual... which may be related to Cneph very indirectly ... does anything.)
<Kite> (This means that Ananda is corrupted?)
<Random_Nerd> Dante and Kite look... /slightly/ different. Like you're looking at them with a smeary lens. But it's a subtle distinction, if it's there at all.
<DanteE> (Kite's not here.)
<Theresa> (Hmm, that is a thought. Ananda never votes with Entropy until now. Ooo, can Ananda be a King? For us, I mean.)
<Random_Nerd> (Depends on his motives. It's okay to do things that Entropy likes, as long as you don't cross too far into actually working for him.)
<Ftisk> "Dante, Kite, your entropy's battle changed you .. you are all blurry in the sight! *to T.* and that is Cool not uncool!"
<Random_Nerd> (And Ananda mostly just avoids directly opposing Entropy, and the one time he backed him up recently, his motive was to create Jerren, not to help Entropy's plan.)
<Kite> (Kite's rolling in peridots)
<Random_Nerd> (Plus, Entropy probably doesn't deliberately mess with Ananda, if only because of the whole God Of Murder thing.)
<Theresa> (Peridots? Bah, low class.)
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and as for why "just not directly opposing Entropy" wouldn't count for you, that's because that's exactly what he told you to do. For lulz.)
<Ftisk> (now entropy is a lolcat?)
<Theresa> "Being corrupted is not cool if it means that all of Creation explodes. In an uncoolway."
<DanteE> (Wouldn't that mean we'd have been screwed anyway, since he told us not to ask him?)
<Random_Nerd> (Maybe!)
<DanteE> "Well, he has a plan to save Creation."
<Random_Nerd> (But he threatened you, there.)
<Random_Nerd> (That might be enough to make a difference.)
<DanteE> "Supporting that means getting corrupted."
<DanteE> "But it's a plan to save Creation."
<DanteE> "So you see the problem."
<Random_Nerd> (There's a difference between doing what someone says because he's pointing a gun at your head, and because you think he has a good plan.)
<DanteE> (Wouldn't supporting his plan to save Creation in order to _save Creation_ be the same thing?)
<Ftisk> "well, for one, creation is overrated"
<DanteE> (or, rather, to not die along with Creation?)
<Random_Nerd> (Unclear!)
<Theresa> "How long will John be in his work in there?"
<DanteE> "No idea. "
<Ftisk> "he is a mortal ... days maybe?"
<DanteE> "He's basically trying to exorcise the taint of Entropy."
<Random_Nerd> (Six hours, he said.)
<Kite> (We can always think of a "Better Plan Because it doesn’t Get Us Corrupted")
<Ftisk> (Ftisk was not here when he said 6hrs)
<Random_Nerd> William: "If that actually works, there's a paper to be written on it."
<DanteE> "For some reason I'm thinking it's time I went out in the sunshine."
<Random_Nerd> (But Dante was.)

  • DanteE strolls outside.

<DanteE> "He said 6 hours, guys."
<Ftisk> "wow _relatively_ quick!"
<DanteE> (Outside?)
<Theresa> "Okay."
<Random_Nerd> A somewhat nerdy and nervous-looking guy in his twenties, wearing a T-shirt and jeans, jogs up carrying a roll of yellow plastic tape.

  • Ftisk land on Theresa shoulder

<Random_Nerd> Before you leave, he says "Is that the room?"

  • Theresa smiles at John's nephew, the heir to the throne.

<DanteE> "Yes it is."
<Random_Nerd> He puts up an X of "Do not cross by order of the King" tape over the door.
<Random_Nerd> Then he catches his breath.
<Random_Nerd> "So. You're those guys, and this is some real heavy stuff going on in there, huh?"
<DanteE> "Oh yeah."
<DanteE> "Basically we were visited by the Lord of Corruption. No, not that one, the other one."

  • Ftisk whistles summoning a squadron of parachuting ants (he was training from last time he talk to Theresa of them)

<Random_Nerd> "I don't think I've ever heard Uncle John that nervous before, even after that thing happened when the creature ripped a chunk out of his throat."
<DanteE> "Creature?"
<Theresa> "Ah, the Excrucian. Yes, that was unnerving."
<Random_Nerd> "The time some /thing/ got in there with the Treasures, and you went with him to drive it out."
<DanteE> "Ah yeah, that."
<Theresa> "We were lucky that the Treasures accepted us so quickly. It could have gone much worse."
<DanteE> "That was strange."
<DanteE> (And we never did figure out what she was doing in there...)
<Random_Nerd> (No. But you do know that she was a Strategist.)
<Random_Nerd> (Worldbreaker's Hand is easy to spot.)
<Kite> (Dante's corrupted. No more seeing the Treasures for him...)
<Random_Nerd> "You know, until you guys came and separated Amyra from the rest of the world, I didn't really understand that this stuff was... you know, /for real/."
<DanteE> "You know our legends give God a different name."
<Theresa> "We didn't know either. There's just so much out's hidden for a reason, though. Regular people go mad from too much of it."
<Random_Nerd> "I've heard that. But from what I hear, you don't know much more about him than we do."
<DanteE> "What's your uncle told you about us?"
<Random_Nerd> "About what you do, or what you are?"
<DanteE> "Either. Both."
<Random_Nerd> "Well, the latter part... you're people who got picked by... not an angel, but something that's a lot /like/ an angel, and that's on the same side as the angels. And he picked you to look after Amyra, and to look after some specific things for each of you. And that my uncle got the same job offer, but he passed it up because he was already too busy."
<Random_Nerd> "Is that about right?"
<Ftisk> "Well I'm under a different God and protect a different chancel but more or less apply all that"
<Theresa> (Heh, same side as the angels. Both sides. ^^ )
<Random_Nerd> He turns to Ftisk.
<Theresa> "Pretty close enough." *holds out a hand* "I'm Theresa. I'm in charge of Plants."
<Theresa> (Crap...)
<Random_Nerd> "He hasn't told me so much about you. Other than that you're a flying snail."
<DanteE> "Something like that. There are some subtleties."
<Theresa> (Oh, fhew. Thought he'd DA at the sight of Ftisk.)
<Random_Nerd> "And he's a bird."

  • Kite is loading up on jewelry and display case glass and preparing to fly back to his Amyra nest.

<Random_Nerd> "So... what's the difference? Why are they people, but you're a snail and he's a bird?"

  • Ftisk wave a manipulator "nice to meet you" ^_^

<Theresa> "The being that picks the nobles... they decide who they want to take care of each Estate. Vulcan is the lord of Ftisk and Kite's chancel, so they have mechanical bits."
<Random_Nerd> "Okay."
<Random_Nerd> "Thanks!"
<Ftisk> "I don't know, dad or God as you can call him made me like three years ago and like me soooo much that pick me to oversee machinery" *smile*
<DanteE> "In our case... we were chosen from the people of Amyra."
<DanteE> "No idea why."
<Ftisk> "as Dante say"
<DanteE> "Did he say anything about the Valde Bellum?"
<Random_Nerd> "And your boss, the thing that's like an angel but isn't one, is the giant thing that was on all the news channels a while back, walking down the street with something in its hand?"
<DanteE> "That was William in his hand/"
<Random_Nerd> "He said that the angels, and your boss, and so forth are at war with the people who sent the one who hurt John's throat."
<Ftisk> "Yep with excrucians.. like, like my other dad!"
<DanteE> to the others: "How much should we tell him?"
<Random_Nerd> "Magic snail has two daddies. Gotcha."
<Theresa> "Yep, the giant guy was Kudzu, our boss."
<Ftisk> "as much as he dare to ask?"
<Theresa> (Newest book in Amyra's kindergardens: "Magic Snail Has Two Daddies." )

  • Ftisk nod to John nephew

<Random_Nerd> "I just had one other question. The guy who works for you, the really tall one with the dark grey skin. Is he really a demon?"
<Ftisk> "Yep"
<Random_Nerd> "I asked his assistant, and she said that he was, but not what I meant when I used the word, but wouldn't say more."
<DanteE> "We got him from Hell, but he works for us now.
<Ftisk> "Ah, your name is?"
<Theresa> "Yes, but 'demon' as a species, not necessarily as a personality."
<DanteE> "So it really depends on your definition of 'demon'."
<Random_Nerd> "What is he, then? What does 'demon' mean in this sense?"
<Ftisk> "like Amyrians or tree or demon rock like that one" *point to Brian rock*
<DanteE> "Born in hell, yes. Follows Hell... no."
<DanteE> "Apparently if you let a demon sleep he'll do what you want him to."
<Random_Nerd> "So, it's more like he's an alien... from hell?"
<DanteE> "That works."
<Random_Nerd> "A creature from another world, that happens to be a world with lots of fire and fallen angels?"
<Theresa> "Indeed."

  • Ftisk nod nod
  • Kite is depositing jewelry and glass shards at his nest and should be arriving to everyone's location soon!

<DanteE> "We've also met angels."
<DanteE> "Maybe we can get you Ophaniel's autograph."
<Random_Nerd> "Oh, one other question. So, the guy who says he's Aaron the Second, come back from the dead after centuries in hell... he actually is, he isn't just saying that to make impressionable women nervous?"
<DanteE> "As far as we can tell."
<Theresa> "He is and he's probably having fun making them nervous. We rescued his soul."
<DanteE> "He should be healthier now, though."
<Random_Nerd> "Yeah. I hear his wife's expecting, actually."
<Ftisk> "Cool!"
<Ftisk> "Wait a new pretenders to the throne?"
<Random_Nerd> (I think you guys had him renounce any claim to it as part of the deal.)
<Theresa> "No, Ftisk. Aaron promised an oath that his kids are removed from the line of the throne."
<DanteE> "Shouldn't be, he revoked any claim to the throne."
<Ftisk> "Cool then"
<Random_Nerd> "Honestly, as far as I'm concerned he's welcome to it."
<DanteE> "Really?"

  • Theresa smiles. "Well, you probably figures your uncle would have kids by now."

<Random_Nerd> "You know John pretty well. You've seen a lot of the work he does, right?"
<Random_Nerd> "Does that seem like the sort of job /you/ would want?"

  • Kite arrives, a few mismatched earrings stuck in his feathers.

<Kite> "Who's the human?"
<DanteE> "The king's heir apparent."
<Random_Nerd> He holds out a hand. "Matthias Prester. Nice to meet you."

  • Theresa gives a small laugh. "In a way, Matt...we _do_ have that sort of job."

<Random_Nerd> "And I'm pretty sure you outrank me, so you don't need to bother with the His Royal Highness nonsense."
<Random_Nerd> "Yeah, but did you pick it?"
<DanteE> (We're probably attracting papparazzi...)

  • Kite shakes Matt's hand with his foot.

<DanteE> "Nope."
<Random_Nerd> (Nah, you're in the clocktower. And Sam and William keep all press out of there.)
<Kite> "What sort of job?"
<Theresa> "We probably _could_ have said no. And ended up like the other people who died to make Amyra into a Chancel. But we were the best people for our Estates here."
<Random_Nerd> "Yeah, that's how it works. Sometimes, you get this stuff thrust upon you."
<Ftisk> "don't look at me, I was made for the job"
<Random_Nerd> "You have to protect the world. I have to study to be king. And what's more, the kind of king where it's mainly memorizing old prayers in Latin and Hebrew and learning how to prepare incense by hand."
<Random_Nerd> to Ftisk: "Lucky."
<Kite> "Apparently, I was made for this job too."

  • Ftisk shrug

<Kite> "If you weren't to be a king, what would you want to be."

  • Theresa puts a hand on Matt's shoulder. "You have a lot of people who will be counting on you. But we will be there to help you too. And think about've heard about all of the stuff that we've done...and your uncle could have done that. But he thought that working with the Treasures and protecting Amyra was more important. That importance is for you too."

<Random_Nerd> M: "I'd want... to sing!" Sam snickers. "But seriously, I don't know. Electrical engineer, maybe?"
<Random_Nerd> M: "But it helps knowing that this stuff... the Treasures, all of it, that it's for real. Doesn't seem like such a waste."
<Theresa> "It definitely is _not_ a waste."
<Random_Nerd> M: "It's like William said, once. There's a lot of work that needs done, to keep the world working, and we each do the bit of it that we can."
<Kite> "...."
<DanteE> "Very true."
<Theresa> (No, Kite can't anchor Matt. John would be upset. :P )
<DanteE> "And we need to decide what we're going to do."
<Kite> "Engineering is a noble profession and even a useful skill. I strongly suggest you at least pursue it as a hobby."
<Random_Nerd> M: "Mine might not be a big part, but that thing that came in and infiltrated the Treasure room, it wanted to do something to them, and it wouldn't have been good if it succeeded. I'm part of what stops them from doing that."
<Theresa> (You are the Thin Amyran Line.)
<Kite> "There are not enough kings who can /make/ things."
<Random_Nerd> M: "I try, but you would not believe how much studying you have to do if you're the heir. If John dies tomorrow, I have to be able to take his place for all the rituals and ceremonies on a moment's notice."
<Theresa> (Heaven forbid.)
<Kite> (Kite wants to perform a blessing....looking up rules.....)
<Brian> (still working)
<Random_Nerd> M: "So, while I get to go to college, it's all languages and history for the major, and then studying with John each weekend."
<Brian> <Theresa> "And not a lot of time for you."
<Random_Nerd> M: "Oh, and 'meeting a nice girl' is definitely in the requirements, although that's on hold since we're no longer in contact with any other nations."
<Random_Nerd> M: "John's got it even worse, mind. I'm not complaining. It just doesn't leave much time for my own interests."
<Theresa> "If you want us to put you on a list of royal dating services, we can do that. But that's only your call."
<Theresa> (Should we tell him that John has been having a lady friend over for conversations? ^^ )
<Random_Nerd> M: "Just don't mention that to anyone, for now. The way things are, I think if I meet someone on my own, I can actually get that to work."
<Random_Nerd> (Up to you. John has definitely not mentioned her to him.)
<Theresa> (Ehh, don't want to get the kid's hopes up.)
<Theresa> "Alright."
<Kite> (I have enough Persona to perform a Blessing for free!)
<Random_Nerd> (Neat.)
<DanteE> (an Assembly Blessing?)
<Random_Nerd> Matthias: "Anyway. My job right now is to stand outside this door, and tell anyone who tries to get in before John comes out that they could find themselves faced with an angry king, a contagious spiritual taint that is of the no-shit variety, or both."
<Random_Nerd> Matthias: "Ah, the glamour of royalty."
<DanteE> "Fair enough."
<Random_Nerd> (So, we're drawing to a close here, but did you want to do the blessing, Verithe?)
<DanteE> "On the other hand, we can tell you the taint he's trying to get rid of is real."

  • Kite Blesses Matt to be just enough like Assembly that he will excel in crafting/building.

<Theresa> "You can throw us onto that list if it's not one of us trying to do it."
<DanteE> "Right now our job is to go outside, rest in the grass, and decide what to do to avoid apocalypse."
<Random_Nerd> Matt scratches at the side of his head for a moment, and looks slightly puzzled, but shrugs and seems to forget it.
<Kite> (I imagine the Blessing would also drive him to make things every now and again.)
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, probably.)
<DanteE> (Maybe even make a family)
<Kite> (From several parts)
<Random_Nerd> Matthias: "Pull out and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
<Random_Nerd> He sits down against the wall, opposite the door.
<Theresa> (*claps for Kite's response to Dante*)
<DanteE> "We're _in_ the site."
<Random_Nerd> "Well, I guess you got your problems and I got mine. See you around, magic world-saver people."
<DanteE> "Have fun."
<Kite> "Take care of yourself."
<Random_Nerd> "Ditto."

  • Theresa smiles and waves.

<Ftisk> "bye king to be"
<Random_Nerd> _______STOP________
=-= Kite is now known as Verithe
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
<Angelo> cool session!
<Random_Nerd> Okay, we have a Revelation for the Figure Out Entropy's Plan thing. And Brian almost certainly did something for one of his projects.
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, this is one of those that's been building for a while.
<Angelo> yep
<DanteE> already put it in...
<Random_Nerd> So, how similar was Entropy's plan to what you guys thought it was?
<DanteE> and that may be enough for a Stone, depending on how we count it.
<Random_Nerd> Hmm?
<Verithe> I thought Entropy's plan was "Come and kill me!"
<Verithe> Which it might still be, but that's what I thought it was and not what he said it was.
<DanteE> I think I called it... I figured he was screwing with their general.
<DanteE> Do we know for sure he wasn't lying?
<Angelo> never bothered to guess the plan
<Random_Nerd> Not for sure.
<Angelo> also I go, night all! :-)
<Random_Nerd> But you at least know that the stuff he said doesn't contradict anything you know.
<Random_Nerd> See you, Angelo.
<Verithe> Take care, Angelo!
<DanteE> cya Angelo
<Random_Nerd> Even if it's true, it's probably not the /whole/ truth, of course.
<Theresa> (A Stone or a Rock?  :) )
<Theresa> Night, Angelo! *HUG*
<Random_Nerd> (It wasn't a rock.)
<Random_Nerd> (It was a rock LOBSTER! ROCK LOBSTER!)
<Theresa> ( type too fast.)
<Theresa> (Although now I want Brian to try to hit Entropy with a rock lobster.)
<DanteE> (He's Scorn, that would play right into his bloody hands)
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
<Random_Nerd> So, do you have a Stone?
<Verithe> I think Brian should defeat Entropy with a diamond ring.
<Knockwood> Well, as long as I hydrate I figure I can avoid it.
<Knockwood> Oh, the other thing. Let me check...
<Theresa> I don't know, Brian doesn't seem the type to settle down...
<Theresa> Well, all, I need sleep. Good night! *HUGS*
<Knockwood> Well, if you add together everything I've got under 'Figure out what's going to happen' I've got 46 points
<Knockwood> which would mean 1 more stone.
<Verithe> Take care, Beth!
|<-- Theresa has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
<Knockwood> g'night Beth
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, but that's a Do Stuff kind of thing. How much do you have specifically for Figure Out Entropy's Plan?
<Knockwood> just the 10 from today
<Random_Nerd> Well, this gives you ample chance to get more.
<Random_Nerd> Either working on ways around his plan, or alternative better ones that let you save Creation and flip him off at the same time.
<Knockwood> Linky:
<Knockwood> I've got 'Figure out how to counter Entropy's corruption' under '... and get through it'
<Random_Nerd> Might work better as a continuation of "Figure out Entropy's plan" after you finish the stone in it.
<Random_Nerd> Not sure.
<Knockwood> OK, you could argue about 'Figure out who Shirk is' and the Entropy Prophecy
<Knockwood> The overall theme of that branch is 'What's going to happen over the Age End?'
<Random_Nerd> I bet you could divide that into two viable sections.
<Random_Nerd> One about Shirk and Entropy, and one about the age end.
<Random_Nerd> And that probably gives you a Stone on the Shirk/Entropy side.
<Random_Nerd> Or /almost/ one, at least.
<Random_Nerd> Anyway, I'm out. See you next week.
<Knockwood> I think I do have a Stone
<Knockwood> Cya next week, RN
<Random_Nerd> You know what you'll want to do with it yet?
<Verithe> Take care!
<Random_Nerd> If not, just think about it for a week, and we can do it next session.
<Random_Nerd> See yah.
|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
|<-- Verithe has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla [Firefox 12.0/20120420145725])
|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla [Firefox 12.0/20120420145725])
|<-- Brian has left (Ping timeout)
<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 32