Session 240

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Chapter 34

=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix

-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis

<Angelo> hi RN

<Angelo> Hi Beth! *HUG*

<Random_Nerd> Hey.

<BethE> Hi Angelo! *HUG*

<Random_Nerd> Are... there network problems?

<BethE> Well, we've had two pop out and not come back yet...

<Angelo> 2? Verithe and?

<BethE> Etheric and Laz, actually.

<BethE> Haven't seen V yet.

<Angelo> strange! Usually V. is the first on the channel

<Random_Nerd> Indeed.

<Random_Nerd> Could be related to the move.

-->| lazarus (~mmacmarti@71170B23.94DAEB2A.715CAB35.IP) has joined #Nobilis

<Angelo> hi Laz!

<lazarus> apparently I vaporized when examining my character again. I remember who I am and what I can do!

<BethE> Welcome back, Laz!

<BethE> We're not doing Glass tonight.

<lazarus> aw :(

-->| Knockwood (~chatzilla@4F0B9266.4D3BC4C7.3820EA4D.IP) has joined #Nobilis

<BethE> Hi Knock!

<Angelo> Hi Knock!

<Knockwood> Hi guys

<Random_Nerd> The plan is, Amyra this week, Glass the next.

<lazarus> alright

<Angelo> can I ask that you read this thread? http://www.

<BethE> I hope that they can bring back CoH.

<Random_Nerd> So... we are V-less, but that's probably related to the move.

<lazarus> I liked the community, even if I didn't much like the game - I understand what others like about it though

<Random_Nerd> And as per the Two Player rule, we can go with only one absent.

<Knockwood> aren't the other 2 supers MMOs struggling as well?

<Angelo> I hope then make the decision to sell Coh to someone. I believe is impossible they reopen it , rehire the study that developed it (80+peoples laid off atm)

<Random_Nerd> At least one went free-to-play.

<Knockwood> RN: They both are

<lazarus> Champions seems to be going ok. DC Universe is iffy

<Random_Nerd> Really, that's a narrow niche for three games to occupy.

<Angelo> Yeah Champions Online ad DC Universe Online sell so low that are free to play too

<Angelo> I must add that DCUO seem like a console game not a mmo

<Angelo> and both don't have macclients :-/

<lazarus> CO seems to be doing more better on the premium stuff than the others

<Knockwood> Don't forget I started the CoX char memorial thread:

  • Angelo again second Laz

<Angelo> omg I missed that thead. :-O

<Knockwood> well, right now it's on page 3...

<lazarus> I never really got characters I cared enough about in CoX, sadly. Which is a shame, because it had some great stuff. I did buy the first novel, and thought there was going to be a second, but haven't seen it yet

<Knockwood> hell, I talk about 6 on that first post

<Knockwood> granted, I've only had 1 char get to 50

<lazarus> I /wanted/ to get into the CCG, because the CCG was actually kinda cool.

<Angelo> I’ll read it after this game/tomorrow

<Angelo> also did you want to sell the novel? ?_?

<lazarus> I want to reread the novel :p It was actually /really/ quite good

<Angelo> well I'll hunt it on eBay or similar then

<lazarus> amazon may still have it. I don't know.

<lazarus> (I think my copy is still packed, but I thought it was a majorish publisher that actually got it out)

<lazarus> http://www. <-- don't know what shipping to you would be like Angelo, but seems to be available

<Angelo> can I drop some tears for CoV collectors edition?

<Random_Nerd> So... Nobilis?

=-= BethE is now known as Theresa

<lazarus> I don't know where my Black Widow figure ended up :(

<lazarus> sure, Nobilis!

=-= lazarus is now known as Brian

<Angelo> yep Nobilis

=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk

=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE

<DanteE> We should figure out what we're doing

<DanteE> WRT Destiny

<Brian> we got bombshelled last week, didn't we?

<Ftisk> ah, Beth, can I add a bond 3 -I love my dear Theresa as my mum"-?

<Random_Nerd> No! You got handed a perfectly functional bomb!

<DanteE> I do feel funny about leaving him in the box...

<Brian> oh yes.

<Ftisk> also how can I write that in real English Beth?

<DanteE> Then again, how much hell will we unleash if we open it?

<Brian> He's not /from/ Hell! where would he have gotten some?

<Theresa> Angelo - that sounds like real English to me.  :)

<Theresa> That's a very strong bond, isn't it?

<DanteE> swap 'as' for 'like'

<Theresa> I want to talk to Kudzu to at least let him know, in case, when we open the box.

<Random_Nerd> And you guys had planned to talk to Jerren.

<Ftisk> but –I like Theresa as my mum- imply that Ftisk have a mum BUT he don't have and have elected T. as his mum

<Ftisk> impla=imply

<Random_Nerd> Hello, Tpyo.

<Theresa> That makes sense. Maybe 'as if she was his mum'?

  • Ftisk hug Tpyo "Now stay put and let me write, ok?"

<DanteE> Even better.

<Ftisk> so -I love Theresa as if she is my mum- is ok, no strange "s" at words end for funky rules et all?

<Theresa> Indeed.

<Random_Nerd> That sounds good.

<Ftisk> ok later I'll update my sheet with this. I believe is better as affliction, right? Ftisk don't have control on that feeling.

<Random_Nerd> Hmm.

<Random_Nerd> I would say Bond.

<Brian> It's not whether /Ftisk/ has control of it, but rather if you as the player has control of it

<Brian> also, whether it would be Auctoritasy or Strikey

<Ftisk> strike!

<Random_Nerd> A Bond would make it so that Ftisk is better at doing things that help Theresa or show affection for her. An affliction... would make it impossible for him to /not/ love her.

<Theresa> *shifty*

<Brian> a side effect of afflictions is that they're something people can figure out fairly easily (ish), whereas Bonds can take more work

<Ftisk> I like bond effect better :-)

<Theresa> I don't think Theresa suddenly needs a Noble attack snail.  :)

<DanteE> Said snail can be any much you can think of

<DanteE> *mech

<Theresa> And who _doesn'_ like Theresa? Besides, you know, stuff that likes to disarm her.

<Ftisk> wooT! I'll go the extra mile for the noble attack snail!

<Brian> (man, Jackie Chan is /still/ amazing)

<Random_Nerd> Okay, everyone ready to start?

<Brian> sure!

<Ftisk> ready!

<DanteE> did we ever figure out what we're doing?

<Ftisk> nope Dante, nope

<Brian> talking to Imperators.

<Random_Nerd> Last session you said you wanted to talk to Jerren.

<Theresa> We're going to talk to Kudzu and Jerren before opening the box.

<Random_Nerd> And there was talk of talking to Kudzu.

<Brian> and then we'll open the box

<Brian> and then ... who knows

<DanteE> OK

<Ftisk> 'k

<Theresa> The last time we opened a box, I lost body parts. I don't want it to be a habit.

<Brian> T: last time we did anything, you lost body parts.

<Random_Nerd> So, Kudzu or Jerren first?

<Brian> Kudzu is easier to find

<DanteE> Probably Kudzu, he's actually here

<Random_Nerd> ____________START______________

<Brian> (realm heart to Kudzu) "Mr. Bossman, we have a scary thing in a box we'd like to talk to you about"

<DanteE> (Oh, Kudzu would be against keeping him in the box on general principle.)

<Random_Nerd> Kudzu: "...again?"

<DanteE> (Wildlord, after all)

<Theresa> (Yes, but there's also his Chancel to think of...)

<Brian> "People just keep giving us boxes. With things in them."

<Brian> "It's not our fault"

<Theresa> "Yes, Boss. Different scary thing. We got a visit from someone with bloody hands."

<Random_Nerd> (Sure, you could let him go free. And then he kills everyone.)

<Brian> "We try to give them boxes with scary things in them in return, but Ftisk keeps coming back."

<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and for purposes of resurrection gifts and so on, remember that Baalhermon emobodies the sort of Destruction that you /don't/ come back from.)

<Ftisk> (I heard them?)

<Random_Nerd> Kudzu: "Is this a gift, or a curse?"

<Theresa> (Brian - heh.)

<DanteE> (Both!)

<Theresa> "We were told that it has already been paid for by our work in the War."

<Theresa> (Hmm, I'm not sure what the protocol would be. We're talking mentally with Kudzu but that's rude in front of people.)

<Brian> (at one point we had ghost-relays set up, because not everyone could communicate)

<Random_Nerd> Several unoccupied chairs in the conference room suddenly leap up, tear themselves to bits, and assemble themselves into a vaguely humanoid form.

  • Ftisk squeeeeee

<DanteE> "We go through more office furniture..."

<Ftisk> *cof cof* "I mean to wave at you lord Kudzu..."

  • Ftisk wave

  • Theresa bows and then shows the tattoo. "Our guest brought that box *points*, said that this tattoo would control him who is inside but only if there's only one set of instructions, not two different ones and...just wanted to warn you before we opened it?"

<Random_Nerd> Kudzu: "What happens if you open the box?"

<Ftisk> "And _they_ don't let me have a tatoo" *sigh*

<DanteE> "Baalhermon comes out.

<Random_Nerd> (Baalhermon starts killing and breaking things. If he has orders, these will be /specific/ things.)

<Theresa> (Do we know if he will obey an order to get back into the box?)

<Random_Nerd> (Only one way to find out!)

<DanteE> to Sam: "I'm guessing there aren't any accounts of Baalhermon sitting down for a nice tea?"

<Random_Nerd> (Well, two, if you count "Ask Entropy.")

<Brian> (we don't know /what/ orders he'll follow)

<Brian> (just that he will follow orders)

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Like I said, we have no reliable accounts of him being active and /not/ killing and destroying."

<Theresa> (Just don’t' give him contradicting orders or he goes free. This would be _bad_.)

<Theresa> "So, that's probably a given as to what he would do, so maybe we shouldn't open it unless we need something destroyed."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "It's not even 100% clear whether he's capable of talking, except when it's for the purpose of killing."

<DanteE> "The Darkest Lord let us have him as 'insurance' for the Summit."

<Ftisk> "That is like him have a real narrow focus"

<Random_Nerd> Kudzu: "In case something happens that's /worse/ than releasing Baalhermon in a confined space that you are also in?"

<Random_Nerd> Kudzu: "Shit, I hope not."

<DanteE> deadpan: "Yes, actually."

<Theresa> (Ah, yes, the 'nuclear fireball' theory.)

<Theresa> "But if we do open the box, we didn't want it to be a surprise to you, sir."

<Random_Nerd> Kudzu: "I'm... this is in your hands, not mine."

  • Ftisk nod nod

<DanteE> "So, you'd be all right if we left it closed?"

<Theresa> "We know, but I at least figured that the sudden appearance of Baalhermon in your Chancel might cause some concern."

<Brian> "Very well. Your official disavowal of things has been noted"

<Random_Nerd> Kudzu: "Don't open it in here."

<DanteE> "We could store it on the moon.

<DanteE> (has Monty been hopping around?)

<Random_Nerd> Kudzu: "Well... no. Don't open it in here, that's a direct order. Now, if you think it's absolutely necessary, I'm not going to stop you. But let's say that you'll only open it in here if invoking the displeasure of your Imperator is the /least/ of your worries."

<Theresa> "We have an Excrucian shard up there."

<Random_Nerd> (Of course he has! He's a rabbit!)

<Theresa> "Here as in Chancel or this Tower?"

<DanteE> to T: "He'd get eaten."

<Ftisk> "a retired excrucian"

<Brian> "I would offer to make an Elsewhere, but last time I did that, it /hurt/."

<Theresa> "I don't think he has gotten eaten, yet, Dante."

<DanteE> "By Baalhermon, I mean."

<Random_Nerd> Kudzu: "Here as in any place I own, am currenly in, or would mind if it ceased to exist."

<Brian> "!"

<Brian> (I wish I were the Noble of punctuation. That way I could actually do the JRPG thing)

<DanteE> (So, make an otherspace, then let him loose there?)

<Ftisk> (leave it at the tower basement)

<Theresa> "Got it, Boss."

<Theresa> (I'm inclined to leave it shut. Until actually needed. Because if a situation comes up that _needs_ Baalhermon, we're not going to even more screwed without him showing up.)

<DanteE> (But that goes against Kudzu's rules.)

<Brian> (/Kudzu/ just went against Kudzu's rules)

<Theresa> (There are points where Sanity is a crutch and points where Sanity is the lead wall between you and the nuclear reactor.)

<Random_Nerd> (Kudzu, incidentally, thinks that Baalhermon is not actually capable of being free in a sense that he would consider meaningful.)

<Brian> (Brian, who has a thingy w.r.t. the rules, says that it's not a thing.)

<DanteE> "Hm. In that case, if you don't mind, we'll leave it shut.

<Random_Nerd> Kudzu: "Good."

<DanteE> "I figure he'll be released eventually, either at the Summit or after."

<DanteE> "When he'll be Someone Else's Problem."

<Theresa> (We need to meet that Noble.)

<DanteE> "Meanwhile, there's the problem of keeping it safe."

<DanteE> (T: That... is actually an awesome idea.)

<Ftisk> "You have a biiiiiiiig room at the tower with Horse of doom... put the box there"

<Brian> "With a welder."

<DanteE> "No, we might actually need to open it quickly."

-->| Theresa_ ( has joined #Nobilis

<DanteE> (oops)

<Theresa_> (One moment. RN got DCed too.)

|<-- Theresa has left (Ping timeout)

-->| RN ( has joined #Nobilis

|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Ping timeout)

<RN> (Back. What was the last you heard from me?)

<DanteE> Kudzu: "Good"

<DanteE> DanteE "I figure he'll be released eventually, either at the Summit or after."

<DanteE> DanteE "When he'll be Someone Else's Problem."

<DanteE> Theresa (We need to meet that Noble.)

<DanteE> DanteE "Meanwhile, there's the problem of keeping it safe."

<DanteE> DanteE (T: That... is actually an awesome idea.)

<DanteE> Ftisk "You have a biiiiiiiig room at the tower with Horse of doom... put the box there"

<DanteE> Brian "With a welder."

<DanteE> DanteE "No, we might actually need to open it quickly."

<RN> Sam: "Right now, William has three reliable soldiers watching it and instructed to shoot anyone other than you and Theresa who tries to open it."

<RN> Sam: "Including each other. And Ftisk."

<Ftisk> "Hey! Bullet make me giggle!"

<RN> "Nothing personal."

<DanteE> "Horse's room might be a good idea..."

<DanteE> "We can make sure it stays shut. Theresa, how about tough vines?

<DanteE> "That way, if we need it, you can unwrap it or I can cut it."

<Theresa_> "That can be doable."

<Ftisk> "That is a cool idea!"

<RN> Sam: "I guess the question is, who are you protecting it against?"

<RN> Sam: "Mortals? Excrucians? Other Nobles?"

<Brian> "Us?"

<DanteE> "Who could open it without getting eaten?

<Ftisk> "seem like you are protecting against me"

<DanteE> "More to the point, who could open it by accident?"

<RN> Sam: "Ftisk."

<DanteE> "It needs to be available if we need it and _stay closed_ otherwise."

<Brian> "Well, sometimes we /can't/ bring you back to life, Ftisk."

<Ftisk> "Life is overrated. I have all unlife I can muster after life"

<Theresa_> "This is why we need to talk to Imperator Jerren. He has handled Baalhermon as well."

<DanteE> "Ftisk, you realize Baalhermon is basically Annihilation, right?"

<Brian> "No, Baalhermon means /no/ afterlife. Means you do not exist, period. Not here, not Outside, not anywhere. Not ever. Potentially not ever having been."

<Ftisk> "Maybe he kept the box between 2 of his scales ... have it on his person all the time would be smart"

<RN> Sam: "That reminds me. According to rumor, people he kill don't reincarnate."

<Theresa_> "Do they show up in Hell?"

<Ftisk> "Yep but I after this live wear off have a live as Conrad to explore. What can possibly go wrong?" *smile*

<Theresa_> "And has he ever killed a Noble?"

<DanteE> (Suddenly I wonder if they show up _Outside_)

<Ftisk> (cool possibility indeed)

<RN> Sam: "Sure. Nobles. Imperators. Excrucians. Lots of stuff."

<Ftisk> (also can be a mean to populate outside?)

<RN> Sam: "They don't reincarnate /anywhere/ that's been confirmed. Including Hell."

<Theresa_> "Huh."

<Ftisk> "That is harsh!"

<DanteE> "Well, anyway, I think we have a plan"

<RN> Sam: "He's not a subtle tool. There's a reason he isn't used much in the War."

<Theresa_> (Panic, scream and run around in circles?)

<DanteE> (No, 'plan' implies something we don't normally do. :p )

<Ftisk> (lol)

<Theresa_> (Ah.)

<RN> (But that's the only plan that survives contact with the enemy!)

<Ftisk> (or with Ftisk)

<DanteE> (Cover the box with tough vines and store it with Horse)

<RN> Kudzu, incidentially, has just collapsed into a pile of chair bits.

<Theresa_> "Let's talk to Jerren first and then we store the box. How's that?"

<Ftisk> (and Laz with Amyra domain can manipulate/get it fast)

<DanteE> "OK. Should probably still go with the vines, though."

<RN> Sam: "And just leave it in the basement while you go to... huh. He doesn't exactly have a chancel, does he?"

<Brian> "I say we store the box, and /then/ talk to Jerren"

  • Ftisk grab a chair bit and examine it with the sight

<DanteE> "Huh. Maybe we can get him to move in."

<Theresa_> "Oh. You're right, Sam, we'll probably have to go _somewhere_. Unless he just communicates with us verbally. But it is better to plan for us having to travel. *sigh*"

<RN> To the Sight, the box looks like... well, an oversized metal coffin with the End of the World inside.

<Theresa_> (...try putting that one past Kudzu, Dante.)

<RN> Sam: "I suppose you could ask if he wants to come here?"

<Ftisk> (I was examining the chairs bit that were Kudzu)

<DanteE> (We'll invite the Power of Wacky Roommates)

<DanteE> "Is he still upset at us? ... OK, at me?"

<RN> (Ah. To the Sight, those are bits of chairs, but they have kinda... organic threads, that look like the sort of thing some weird fungus might grow, coming off of them.)

<Theresa_> "We can have that option. We ask him how he wants to communicate with us, we store the box if we have to leave, if not, we can get Jerren to confirm that we have Baalhermon and not the Noble of Practical Jokes."

<RN> Sam: "Ah... I did have a thought. If the box is going to be in the Chancel... don't we have a Warmain-shard in here?"

  • Ftisk put a bit in Sam' hands please try to grow it like a plant would be fun to see a new Kudzu plant"

<RN> Sam: "Uh... and Locus Vulcan has /three/ of those..."

<Theresa_> "And we have Ftisk."

<DanteE> "Sam, if he opens the box, we _won't_ have a Warmain-shard here."

  • Ftisk bow when T. mention him

<Theresa_> "Especially if we keep the ink with us."

<DanteE> "Oh, reminds me..."

  • DanteE goes to stow the ink in his vault.

<RN> Sam: "Sure... but you might not have an Amyra, either."

  • Ftisk stare with envy at the ink

<RN> Sam: "I know this one seems pretty cool, but most Warmains would consider that a pretty fair bargain."

<DanteE> "The Warmain-shard is on a whole other planet with no way to get here."

<Theresa_> "But he's an inventor. Do not deny Science! Its due."

<DanteE> "Point."

<Brian> "There is /always/ a way to get here."

<Brian> "It is Amyran."

<Ftisk> "a man/excru determination can do wonders"

<DanteE> "I think we'll have to risk it. Then again we've got the Horse guarded as well."

<RN> Sam: "Friggin' Entropy. Even when he does you a big favor it feels like a screwjob."

<Theresa_> "Like a boss."

<DanteE> "Let's just wrap up the box, move it to Horse-space, and go from there."

  • Ftisk nod nod

<Theresa_> "Can't think of anything better at the moment. At least if the Chancel goes, it'll be quick."

  • Ftisk fly on Theresa shoulder and pat her

<DanteE> (Hell, we should probably look through my vault and see if we've got any MacGuffins there. :p )

<Theresa_> (I don't think we have anything of this kind of McGuffin to help with. Metal pigeon insides, nonwithstanding.)

<DanteE> (Well, there's the uber-sword...)

<Ftisk> (brb)

<RN> (Because the only thing safer than Baalhermon is Baalhermon with a sword that can cut literally anything!)

<Brian> (... oh god.)

<Brian> (but at least we know he can't get much /more/ dangerous than that.)

<RN> (I'm sure he'd be super careful when he was using it!)

<Brian> ("How much worse could it be?")

<DanteE> (Reminds me. I should make that one of my Treasure Bonds and wield it.)

<DanteE> (... come to think of it I've got points to spare...)

<RN> (Someone telling the story years later: "...and that's why the Imperator of the Fourth Age was the Imperator of Infinite Murder.")

<Theresa_> (Brian - *sigh* You know, I just heard RN's mind say, 'Challenge accepted' from over here and I'm not even a mind reader, I'm just his wife.)

<Brian> (I almost /want/ to see exactly how much worse it could be)

<Theresa_> (So nice to know that we can contribute to the backstory of the 4th Age beyond 'Oh, they hit on Entropy and freed the Mad Angel.')

<DanteE> (Please. I'm _Blades_. That Challenge was thrown down before Session 1.)

<Theresa_> (No, the challenge is how can Baalhermon become even more dangerous than 'that'.)

<Brian> (It would be great to see the Story of the 4th Age with our characters as historical elements)

<RN> (Well, the good thing about Baalhermon without the sword is that he can mostly only destroy physical things, not abstract concepts.)

<Brian> (Kind of like Greyhawk history)

<RN> Sam: "Here's my plan. You call up Jerren, say 'Hey, we have Baalhermon, and we're trying to figure out how to not accidentially blow up the world. Can you stop by and help?'"

<Ftisk> (back. I already have my 2 point loving T as a mum bond?)

<DanteE> (Yeah, remind me to get a scabbard for that thing and start taking it with me.)

<Brian> "I /think/ that T is probably best to ask him?"

<DanteE> "I'm certainly not."

<RN> (Yeah, it would make a valid Miraculous Anchor.)

<Theresa_> "Sounds good to me. Pardon me for a moment."

<RN> (But if you used it as such, it wouldn't be automatically triggering, unless you used Treasure to invoke it.)

  • Theresa_ goes and sits down in a chair and assumes an appropriate respectful position and look.

<Ftisk> (treasure? the bond don’t lead strike to all action that are relevant?)

<RN> (That was to Dante.)

<Ftisk> (doh, sorry)

<Theresa_> *pictures Jerren's flowers in her head* ~"Imperator Jerren, may I please talk to you? This is Theresa, Noble of Plants from Chancel Amyra."~

<RN> (With respect to the sword.)

<Ftisk> (So I was correct on the bond usage?)

<RN> (Correct.)

<Ftisk> "Pardon me I have an affair to fix in 15 mins"

  • DanteE goes and closely examines the sword...

<RN> All of you feel a sudden pressure against the walls of Amyra. There's a loud ringing sound, like someone tapped a glass the size of a hot tub.

<RN> (Where is Baalhermon, relative to you guys?)

  • Ftisk fly at full speed to the poorest part of town looking for a sleeping homeless

<Brian> (I'm still in the same room)

<Theresa_> (Inna box on the table.)

<DanteE> (Probably where Entropy left him)

<Ftisk> (I'm outside tower flying to the poorest part of it)

<RN> A giant serpent springs forth from the lid of the box, which remains closed.

-->| Verithe ( has joined #Nobilis

<RN> It, barely, manages to coil in the room without more than /partially/ destroying the ceiling.

<Verithe> ((Sorry I'm late!))

<Brian> (You're here!)

<Theresa_> (It is V! He was in the box!)

<Ftisk> (Hi Verithe! *HUG* )

<Ftisk> (lol right T.!)

<Theresa_> (RN: giant serpent springs forth from the lid of the box, which remains closed.

<Theresa_> *** Verithe has joined #nobilis.

<Theresa_> RN: It, barely, manages to coil in the room without more than /partially/ destroying the ceiling.)

<Verithe> ((I was supposed to be out of a dinner date three hours ago. I need a car of my own. :( ))

<Theresa_> (Which is appropriate since V did the art.)

=-= Verithe is now known as Kite

<DanteE> (Hiya V!)

<RN> Jerren, to Brian: "Hello... which one were you again?"

<Brian> "Numbers. I lent you my Anchor."

-->| Etheric ( has joined #Nobilis

<Brian> (AND an Etheric!)

<Ftisk> (Hi!)

<Kite> ((!))

<Etheric> (Hello.)

<RN> Jerren: "Right. Right. You're the one who called me?"

<Theresa_> (Yay, you got back, Etheric! )

<Brian> "Theresa. Plants, over there."

<Etheric> (I stopped by earlier to observe, but for whatever reason, my Internet connection dropped just after.)

<DanteE> (Hiya E!)

<RN> Jerren: "Right. What was this about, again?"

<Ftisk> (did I found a sleeping homeless?)

  • Theresa_ waves. "Hello, sir! I was the one who called you. We have a situation in which you have experience."

<Brian> "Baalhermon. In that box."

<RN> (Sure.)

<RN> Jerren: "And?"

<Theresa_> "We were wondering how you stored him and kept people from looking in the box."

<Kite> ((Is the Kite present?))

<Etheric> (Good to see you all. I'll be watching, then.)

<RN> (Sure.)

<RN> Jerren: "Oh, I just left him lying around somewhere, except for when I was studying him."

<RN> Jerren: "Why?"

<DanteE> "Assuming the Darkest Lord isn't punking us."

<Theresa_> "May we ask what you learned about him? Oh, because someone with bloody hands gave us ink and this box and told us that Baalhermon is in the box and we can control him with the ink and to bring him to the Summit."

<RN> Jerren: "Ink? How would that help?"

<RN> Jerren: "Or is that just something you need, but I didn't?"

  • DanteE shows his new tattoo

  • Theresa_ shows him the tattoo. "The person said that it would tell Baalhermon who was giving the orders."

<RN> J: "True, I suppose he wouldn't just recognize you."

  • Ftisk use a data destruction to remove all his memories with an included creation to put in all Theresa's husband memories (that I acquired some session ago) (with data 4 is 2 point, right? Or the bond help?)

<DanteE> (...uhoh)

<RN> (The Bond doesn't help with this.)

<RN> (Hmm...)

<Theresa_> ( O.O )

<Ftisk> (no pro)

<Brian> (...)

<RN> (Okay, there's two ways you can do the second part. With a Creation, or with a Motion.)

<Kite> "It may also be because we were all potentially given permission to control Baalhermon."

<RN> (Do you want to just rebuild copies of the memories there, or make them /fit/ there?)

<Ftisk> (I want to do the cleanest way, that people must be more T husban possible)

<RN> Jerren: "Could be!"

<Kite> "Is your human doing better, Lord Jerren?"

<Theresa_> (Kite - summary of what you missed: Kudzu ordered that the box not be opened anywhere around him. Huh, that would mean that we shouldn't open it at the Summit.)

<RN> Jerren: "Maybe! Which human do you mean?"

<DanteE> (Can't wait for a Very Special Episode of Amyra: Ftisk Learns the Meaning of "Inappopriate")

<Kite> "The one we originally didn't know was yours and almost killed - a situation which we are still very sorry about."

<Ftisk> (I want to do the cleanest way, that homeless must be more T husband possible)

<Ftisk> (me too Dante, me too)

<RN> (Motion would be best, then.)

<RN> (Level 6 miracle.)

<Ftisk> (motion then so it cost me 2 points)

<RN> Jerren: "Oh, him! Yeah, doing fine! Do you want any pieces of sky?"

<DanteE> "Yeah, this is a good opportunity to smooth over that little contretemps in Germany."

<RN> Jerren: "They're shiny!"

<Kite> "Oh, good! I'm glad to hear he's doing well. May we really have pieces of the sky?"

<Theresa_> "what did you think of your experiences with Baalhermon, Lord Jerren?"

<Kite> "Shinyyyyyy?"

  • Ftisk change the homeless shape to Theresa's husband one taking the info from all her memories +photos + all the other peoples info’s I gathered in THAT session)

<RN> Jerren opens his mouth, pauses for a moment, makes a sound like a cat the size of an airplane coughing up a hairball, and brings up a thumb-sized chunk of something bright blue and shining.

<Brian> (... ... ... ..)

  • Kite glomps the dragonball.

<RN> Jerren: "Oh, he was /fascinating!/ I can't want to be ready to make one of my own. And he was very useful to get people to back down, when I was still finding my place."

<Ftisk> (cool dragon action!)

=-= YOU are now known as dragonConrad

  • Theresa_ doesn't know whether to be disgusted by the skyball or be overwhelmed with the cute of Kite.

<DanteE> (What are his estates besides the End of the World?)

<Theresa_> (Impending Doom.)

<Brian> (Kite = kawaii chibi bird)

<RN> (Sudden Losses of Courage and Loyalty, and Impending Doom.)

<RN> (So, totally the best person to have in the room with a WMD you're not sure you can control.)

  • dragonConrad aspect carry Theresa's husband (did him have a name?) to a mile of their old house and drop him there

  • Kite holds the piece of sky in his beak and tries to mumble a thank you around it, accentuated by deep bows.

<DanteE> (Oddly enough, he is.)

<Theresa_> (Eh, he's a person who's already gotten all of his grubby scaleprints on the WMD.)

<RN> Jerren: "Oh, that reminds me. Do you want your pictures back?"

<DanteE> "And Jerren. I'm sorry for my misunderstanding in Germany.

<DanteE> "Though I still would appreciate it if you'd aim your estates at the _other guys_."

<DanteE> (What pictures?)

<dragonConrad> *That _is_ the awesomest gift ever!!!!*

<RN> (You have no idea!)

<Brian> "What pictures?"

<Theresa_> (The pictures Kite gave up of his parents.)

<RN> Jerren: "The one of... Courage. And the snail thing."

=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk

<Theresa_> (Huh, I was wrong. Weird. I thought someone had given up memories of their folks.)

<DanteE> (Youre are about to come flooding back...;)

<Brian> (I was going to at one point, but I think I was talked out of it.)

<Kite> (Kite retrieved memories of his pre-Noble 'lives' from Jan-ben-Jan)

<DanteE> *Yours

<Theresa_> (Ah. Then I have no idea what the pictures are.)

<RN> Jerren makes more coughing sounds, and retrieves a manilla folder held shut with a paper clip.

  • Ftisk fly back at the tower whistling satisfied

<RN> There are bloody fingerprints on the outside of it.

  • DanteE checks out the folder...

<Theresa_> (Doom. Take a drink.)

<Brian> (Cliffhanger Doom, make it double)

<RN> Inside are pictures of Dante, Ftisk, Surolam, Barakiel, the Power of Horrible Things, Luc, and several faces you don't recognize.

<DanteE> How old?

<RN> A couple months old.

  • Theresa_ is confused.

<RN> At least, the ones of you and Ftisk.

<DanteE> "... where'd these come from again?"

<RN> Jerren: "Entropy. He dropped them off along with Baalhermon."

  • Ftisk enter the conference room from the windows I leaved earlier

<RN> J: "Said to threaten to use him if I had any trouble with any of those people."

<Ftisk> "Hey! Hi JerrenKun! Woah! You are getting bigger!"

<Brian> (Who is the Power of Horrible Things again? A creepy little girl?)

  • DanteE looks at the others.

<Theresa_> (Okay, ooc, I am laughing at Dante and Ftisk being on that list. ^^ )

<Kite> "Lord Entropy expects trouble from these people?"

<RN> (Well, she's an adult, but she's part nimblejack, so she's pretty tiny.)

=-= Kite is now known as humanKite

<RN> (She's also the current Noble who has Luc.)

<Theresa_> (No, really horrible looking woman who has Luc as her Anchor now, I think? )

<Ftisk> (like being on a list will deter Ftisk!)

  • DanteE checks out the faces we don't know...

<Brian> (oh right, her.)

  • humanKite pockets the shiny skychunk.

<Brian> (Less creepy than Ftisk! I remember that storyline!)

<Ftisk> "Entropy expect trouble from _me_ ???"

<DanteE> (OK, what were we doing when Entropy gave them to him?)

<DanteE> "Ftisk, _we_ expect trouble from you."

<humanKite> "I think anyone who knows you might, Ftisk."

<Brian> (probably just being us.)

<RN> There are three. Two are male, one is female. The female and one of the males look to be baseline human. The other male has odd bone structure, which reminds you of the Giant.

  • Ftisk put on eyes that say *no one understand me!*

<RN> (You'd had some... high-profile meetings with the Council recently.)

  • DanteE hits Ftisk with a Look that says "Yes we do."

<Theresa_> (And Dante is just plain trouble. You insulted an Imperator to his face. Or maybe Entropy was jealous of you and Ftisk.)

  • Ftisk land on T. shoulder seeking comfort

<Brian> (I'm rather amused that the /rest/ of us are /not/ on the list)

  • Theresa_ hugs Ftisk. "It's okay. He's on the list too."

<Theresa_> (Well, _Brian_ should be but Theresa is ... non important.)

<DanteE> "Who are these people?"

  • Ftisk counter hug her with his tiny manipulators

<DanteE> That was to both Jerren and Sam.

  • humanKite hits Ftisk with his own look which says, "We might not, but we understand how you interact with the rest of the world."

<RN> Jerren: "Don't know! Didn't know who /you/ were until I met you!"

<humanKite> (though Kite's look probably comes across something more like, "Ftisk. Ftiiiiiisk. Ftisk."

<DanteE> "The Giant... his father was the Angel of Weapons, right?"

<humanKite> )

  • Ftisk look at Kite while a lcd panel show "me? I'm the innocents being in all creation!"

<RN> Jerren: "Haven't met any of them but you and the snail. And since I don't have Baalhermon any more, I probably don't need these. Maybe you should have them!"

<RN> Sam: "At one point, before Kudzu... well, you know."

<humanKite> "We thank you for these photos, Lord Jerren."

<DanteE> (oops, we need to give him a gift.)

<humanKite> (Give him photos of people you don't trust!)

  • Theresa_ bows. "Thank you very much, sir. Do you wish to create your own power of destruction or did you mean creating a Noble of your own?"

<Ftisk> (give back Ftisk photo then! :-P )

<humanKite> (Haha!)

<RN> Jerren: "Well, mine would be Inevitable Doom. But in practice, it'd look pretty similar."

<RN> Jerren: "Slower, I suppose."

<RN> Jerren: "Like the guy with the spoon in that moving picture on the box that one guy showed me."

<RN> Jerren: "But somewhat less funny."

<DanteE> "Neo?"

<RN> (He is referring to http://www. )

<Theresa_> (I'm guessing Sam showed him?)

<Brian> (movie over, must be nearing midnight. *looks at clock* Yep, it is!)

<RN> (Well, we know they spent some time together.)

<Theresa_> (It seems the sort of thing Sam would show him.  :) )

<DanteE> "So what have you been doing lately?"

<DanteE> (and can Sam ID any of the pics?)

<RN> Jerren: "Oh, you know. Setting up extremely slow mutually exclusive apocalypses."

<DanteE> "... for the _Excrucians_, right?"

<RN> Jerren: "Jumping out at people and shouting 'Booga booga!'"

<RN> Jerren: "Just... in general."

<Theresa_> "Have you enjoyed your visits around the Tree?"

<RN> Jerren: "Oh, yes!"

<Theresa_> "Have you met any other Serpents on your travels?"

<humanKite> "Did they play nice?"

<Brian> (I gotta head off to bed. g'ngiht guys!)

<DanteE> (G'night Brian)

<humanKite> (g'night!)

<Ftisk> (night!)/me

|<-- Brian has left (Disintegrated: Brian)

<RN> (G'night.)

<RN> Jerren: "Sure. A few. They're big!"

<Ftisk> "You too are big!"

<DanteE> "You'll be big someday."

<RN> Jerren: "Working on it!"

<RN> Jerren: "I ate a cow today!"

<DanteE> (and it occurs to me that Theresa may have said that to her students...)

<Ftisk> "wanna another?" *zap a flea into a cow*

<humanKite> "I here whales are high in nutrition."

<RN> Jerren: "Don't worry! I respected the cow!"

<humanKite> *hear

<RN> Jerren: "He was delicious!"

<DanteE> to Kite: "Yeah, but they're endangered."

  • Theresa_ looks startled, but then thinks that he probably hadn't been in Amyra doing it and Red would have said something..."

<humanKite> "What's that supposed to mean, Dante?"

<DanteE> "Means the whale population is declining and he shouldn't eat them."

  • humanKite looks a Dante skeptically.

<DanteE> (And was Sam able to ID any of the photos?

<Ftisk> "Whales.... never seen one live..."

<RN> Sam: "Well, I can't just put pictures into the Oracle... I'll have to get somewhere with an outside internet connection."

<DanteE> "Don't we have one?"

<Ftisk> "wasn't Brian looking to establish that connection?"

<RN> (Do we? I thought you decided not to.)

<RN> (Or it wasn't finished or something.)

<DanteE> "Anyway. Jerren. What kind of Apocalypses have you been putting together?"

=-= YOU are now known as serpentFtik

<RN> Jerren: "Let me see. Zombie plague, that only works on crickets."

<serpentFtik> "look I'm Jerren's son!" *giggle!*

<humanKite> (Would that have been a project? Because we definitely didn't finish a project that would have established outside internet connections for Amyra.))

<serpentFtik> (I believe was in Nob2ed time)

<DanteE> (That sounds right)

<RN> Jerren: "A disembodied chicken heart that has no upper limit on its growth, if the scientists keep feeding it."

<humanKite> "Will there be a cricket zombies at the apocolypse?"

<RN> Jerren: "A... well, I shouldn't spoil it, but you'll see in about twenty, thirty years."

<RN> Jerren: "Around that time... watch out for people wearing red."

<serpentFtik> "Red? Theresa's tree?"

<DanteE> (Good lord, it's the Great Redshirt Apocalypse!

<humanKite> "Like red hat ladies?"

<humanKite> "I never trusted them."

<RN> Jerren: "Oh! And I told Barakiel that everyone laughs at him behind his back."

<humanKite> "...."

<RN> Jerren: "That kind of stuff."

<humanKite> "Were you talking to the Ebrot Appeka lady?"

<DanteE> "When was that last one?"

<serpentFtik> "but is not true! Ah! get it! Good type of apocalypse!"

<Theresa_> "Was this before or after he merged with a Lawbreaker from Outside?"

<RN> Jerren: "Like... a week ago? A month? Something like that."

<DanteE> to T: "It would have to be after/

<RN> Jerren: "Wasn't really keeping track."

<RN> Jerren: "Oh! And the peak coal thing! I ate, like, half the coal. That was left."

<DanteE> "Whether it was after he _knew_ about it..."

<RN> Jerren: "Was going to do it with oil, but that stuff tastes terrible."

<Theresa_> (Man..he's good.)

<serpentFtik> "nah, oil is sweet!"

<DanteE> (Remind me, how would an apocalypse on Earth mesh with the end of the Age shenanigans?)

<serpentFtik> "You have to try hot oil baths, are a godsend to me"

<humanKite> "Ftisk, you were designed to like the taste of oil."

<RN> (Could be a sign. Like, at the end of the First Age, there were apocalypses all over the place.)

<DanteE> "Ftisk, you don't have taste buds."

<RN> (Synchronicity and so on.)

<serpentFtik> "Shush Kite, Shush Dante" *pout*

<RN> Jerren: "Not crude oil. It's like what you'd get if blackstrap molasses and tar had a baby, and gave birth to that baby in your mouth, and forgot to clean up the placenta."

<humanKite> "...."

<DanteE> (Ew.)

<DanteE> "... OK, I've got to ask:

<serpentFtik> "wow! you make it seem gross"

<Theresa_> (...okay, I need to go to sleep so I can get that image out of my head before I dream...)

<DanteE> "Have you done anything aimed at the Excrucians?"

<RN> Jerren: "Yeah! That Barakiel thing!"

<RN> Jerren: "It made him /super/ mad."

<Theresa_> "Ftisk, you have refined oil, usually. Imperator Jerren is talking about the unrefined stuff."

<serpentFtik> "I wanna try unrefined oil! Sam can you fetch some?"

<RN> Sam: "...yes. Yes I can."

<humanKite> "You think Barakiel is an Excrucian?"

<serpentFtik> "Super Sam!"

<RN> Jerren: "No. But he's totally gonna take it out on them."

<RN> Jerren: "Probably."

<humanKite> "Oh, okay."

<DanteE> (Actually, we should think up a gift for the photos...)

<Theresa_> (With Jerren, you can't really _aim_ the Doom.)

<humanKite> (Moar photos!)

<DanteE> (Isn't that the point of his existence?)

<RN> Jerren: "Oh, and I'm trying to figure out how to make a new Baalhermon, but my style. But I already told you that."

<Theresa_> "Is there anything that we can get you, sir? A snack before you go?"

<DanteE> (So that our side has control of the Imminent Doom?)

<RN> Jerren: "A pony!"

<RN> Sam: "You mean... for a snack, or..."

<RN> Jerren: "Haven't decided!"

<humanKite> "Live or fictitious?"

  • serpentFtik zap a fly into a pony

<RN> Jerren: "Sure!"

<serpentFtik> "here is the pony. Good launch!"

<humanKite> "A live, fictitious pony!"

<RN> Jerren gently takes and holds the pony between his jaws, and dives back into the surface of Baalhermon's coffin.

<DanteE> (You are NOT feeding Twilight Sparkle to a serpent.)

<serpentFtik> (why not :-P )

<humanKite> (It was going to be Pinky Pie....)

<Theresa_> (That would have been a unicorn.)

<DanteE> (He's get instant diabetes.)

<humanKite> (At least she sounds something like food)

<serpentFtik> (nah, is simply too big for instant diabetes)

<Theresa_> (Plus, Serpents respect life. Jerren would probably thank the pony before eating it. So, it was probably Fluttershy, who Jerren would thank before eating and she would say that it was alright.)

<RN> Sam: "So... that was a thing. That happened."

<Theresa_> "You rode around on him for how long?"

<humanKite> "Did we forget to take photos of you and Lord Jerren, Sam? Sorry!"

<RN> Sam: "I... don't know? It was outside the Prosaic, so time is... fleeting. Madness takes its toll."

<DanteE> "Anyway. We've got photos of disruptive beings.

<DanteE> "Aside from us."

<Theresa_> (For Kite: http://www. )

<humanKite> "I forgot to own a camera anyway."

<serpentFtik> "I'm in these photos purely for accident!"

<humanKite> (Kite loves those berries, as of right now!)

<Theresa_> (And they're naturally shiny! They stay shiny as long as they're not damaged! this is like a present that Theresa made just for Kite!)

<DanteE> "Could this one be Azazel?"

<RN> Sam: "I don't think so. Looks too human to be an Angel."

<RN> Sam: "Could be another peri, though."

<humanKite> (Kite humbly requests that Theresa plant a field of these in the University philosophy department where his Amyra nest is.)

<DanteE> "The giant has a brother?

<serpentFtik> "Why not, is possible"

<RN> Sam: "Azazel was a /Watcher/. They interbred with humans quite a bit."

<serpentFtik> "Watcher like buffy's watchers?"

<Theresa_> (Done.)

<RN> Sam: "No, like Barakiel."

<serpentFtik> "uhm" :-/

<RN> Sam: "They were a group of Angels who were kinda obsessed with humanity, back when it was still kinda-sorta Imperial."

<serpentFtik> "And they stalked all humanity at all? wow!"

=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk

<humanKite> (Kite will do a giddy dance when he sees it!)

<DanteE> "In any case, we have here a bunch of people who Entropy figured would be threatening to Jerren."

<RN> Sam: "Well, humanity had been supposed to be... biological imperators. Like the Serpents, but smaller. It didn't really work out quite as planned, for you guys /or/ us."

<DanteE> "We should meet these people."

<Ftisk> "Yep Dante, would be fun to meet these!"

<RN> Sam: "I'll see what I can do to find you their names. If they're Nobles with a reputation for getting into trouble... we'll know about them."

<DanteE> "If they are, I'd bet a bunch have Aides."

<RN> Sam: "Indeed. Or, at least, have been approached."

<DanteE> "... or Cammorrae."

<RN> Sam: "And we know who /she/ is, of course."

<RN> He points at Horrible Things.

<DanteE> "Ah yes. How's that ogre doing?"

<RN> Sam: "Which ogre?"

<DanteE> "The one she appropriated."

<RN> Sam: "Heh. Witch ogre. They're scary, aren't they?"

<humanKite> "Why would Luc be giving Lord Jerren a hard time? I don't recall that being a thing which Luc was about."

<RN> Sam: "Oh. You know, I have no idea. I can check when I see about the pictures."

<DanteE> (Describe them?)

<RN> Sam: "I don't think you can afford to discard the possibility that Entropy was in part or in whole just messing with Jerren."

<DanteE> "or us."

<RN> (Describe what?)

<Ftisk> (or both"

<DanteE> (the pictures)

<Theresa_> "I'd think that Entropy probably thinks that the Aides are a dangerous group to be watched."

<humanKite> "We should have told Lord Entropy that a rubber mallet should be one of Creations Kings."

<DanteE> "Which would mean they'd know all of these guys."

<RN> (Female, human, looks to be in her mid thirties, Caribbean ancestry, looks just a /tiny/ bit like Theresa. Male, human, caucasian, has the sort of beard and hair you expect to see on a respected actor or politician.)

<RN> (Human...ish. Male. Somewhat odd facial bone structure. Bald, could be shaved or natural. Eyes in a dark grey color not often seen on living humans.)

<RN> (Ethnicity hard to determine, on the last one. Skin has a slight greyish tinge to it that doesn't look quite mundane.)

<DanteE> (any clues as to how old the images are?)

<RN> (Nope, unless you assume the ones of you guys are representative samples in that respect.)

<RN> (Hmm. The one of Horrible Things looked pretty close to how she looked when you last saw her.)

<Ftisk> (I have to go in 10 mins)

<DanteE> "We could show the giant this one, see if he recognizes him."

<RN> (Barakiel's hard to determine. Luc, of course, does not age, and does not change his hairdo.)

<humanKite> (I blame the gray skin on silver poisoning.)

<RN> (In fact, you're pretty sure you've seen that /exact/ photo of Luc before.)

<RN> (On the dust jacket of one of his books.)

<Theresa_> (The wonders of Gifts.)

<DanteE> (This is a good place to stop, ne?

<Ftisk> (like Luc is handing out official photos)

<RN> (Yeah.)

<DanteE> (after we hand off the pics to Sam and William)

<Ftisk> (yeah, is a good stop point)

<RN> (Okay, it is understood that you have done so. Do you want them to run them by the Giant?)

<RN> _______________STOP_________________

<Ftisk> (sure!)

=-= YOU are now known as Angelo

<DanteE> (OK.)

=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood

<humanKite> (http://en.

=-= humanKite is now known as Verithe

=-= Theresa_ is now known as BethE

<RN> Yeah, that's actually about the right skin color.

<Angelo> well what do you think of Ftisk gift for Theresa?

<RN> So, next week is Amyra.

<RN> About as disturbing as Entropy's gift for you!

<Angelo> wait next week is glass I believe

<RN> Er...

<RN> Next week is /Glass/.

<RN> And the week after /that/ is Amyra again.

<Angelo> yay

<RN> Everyone, please be familiar with your characters by next week.

<RN> We'll talk some about how you know each other, and get started with actual play.

<Verithe> Okay!

<Knockwood> Well, we should be testing how well Glass is as a pickup game.

<Angelo> our pony you mean

<RN> Well, in a theoretical pickup game, presumably people would read over their character sheets before starting play.

<Etheric> If it's not any trouble, could someone tell me a little about this Glass game? RN mentioned earlier that it was a different playtest, but aside from that I'm a bit clueless, and curious.

<Knockwood> Are you playing now?

<RN> It's a sort of... stripped down version of Chuubo, with less characters and a focus on a smaller part of the setting.

<RN> Which is good, because Chuubo is like a thousand pages long.

<Angelo> well I go, have a nice night and a great week end :-)

<Etheric> I don't think that I'll have time to attend reliably until November.

<BethE> I'm not sure how I feel about Ftisk's gift, yet, Angelo. Have to see.  :)

<Knockwood> cya next week Angelo

<BethE> And I'm going to need to get to bed too. Night, guys! *HUGS*

<Verithe> Take care, Angelo and Beth!

<Etheric> Night Beth! *HUG* Take care of yourselves, everyone.

<Knockwood> g'night Beth

<Etheric> RN, which part of the setting?

<RN> Fortitude, less focus on School.

<Etheric> Alright, interesting.

|<-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)

<Etheric> I'll look forward to watching, if I can make it next week.  :)

<Etheric> See you around, everyone.

<Knockwood> We're supposed to be playtesting

<Knockwood> maybe you can spot awkward parts. :)

|<-- Etheric has left (Disintegrated: Destiny is choice.)

<Knockwood> Welp, see you next week. Just gotta figure out how to play the Wierd Girl. :p

|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347])

<Verithe> Take care, RN!

|<-- Verithe has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla [Firefox 15.0.1/20120905151427])

|<-- RN has left (Disintegrated: )

<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 34