Session 250

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Chapter 35

-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis

<Angelo> hi guys! :-)

<Etheric> Hey, Angelo.

<Knockwood> you could argue that's the problem with Chuubo /Glass... too much structure

<Verithe> Angelo! Hi!

<Knockwood> Hi Angelo

<Etheric> Well, Knock, I love the idea of Scenes in the abstract.

<lazarus> Hey Angelo

<Etheric> I just could tell they weren't working in practice.

<Angelo> Chuubo issues? Still scenes?

<Random_Nerd> Okay. We're only short one player, so we can go ahead.

<Random_Nerd> Just give me a moment to take care of stuff.

<Knockwood> Where's Beth?

<Etheric> Angelo, we were talking about how Glass and pre-Glass Chuubo were different.

<Etheric> And I mentioned Scenes, and how in my opinion they hadn't really worked before.

<Angelo> right where is RN S.O.?

<Etheric> And how they probably will work better with only three or four kinds depending on the genre.

<Angelo> so in the later versions of Chuboo scenes were fixed? Cool

<Etheric> Beth is ill, unfortunately.

<Angelo> Vibes to her!

<Etheric> Ah, yeah, they're all still there in the rules, but the HG picks a genre for the campaign and depending on the genre, you keep track of three or four specific Scene types.

<Etheric> The rest can occur, but they don't matter mechanically.

<Angelo> uhm, interesting

<Etheric> Sorry, am I rambling?

<Angelo> nope

<Knockwood> yeah, but we're used to it. :)

<Etheric> :P

<Etheric> Where were we?

<Random_Nerd> Okay.

<Random_Nerd> Back.

<Random_Nerd> Sorry, had to deal with something sick-wife-related.

<Angelo> last time in Nobilis we meet the EVIL Google glass like thingies that is attaching machinery

<Angelo> np RN

<Etheric> Everybody send more positive vibes to Beth.  :)

<Random_Nerd> So, you have come to a fictional college town, and found out about a type of implausibly-advanced wearable computer being put out by Not Google Honest.

<Knockwood> and somehow it's part of an attack on _Machinery_

<Random_Nerd> A couple of you wanted to participate, but were told that this would require brain activity scans for calibration.

<Random_Nerd> Yep. Not Data.

<Angelo> and that thing bite Ftisk in machinery!

<Etheric> We could go by Stein's Gate's setting and use "Goodle."

<Random_Nerd> I kinda like Doogle.

<Etheric> Nevermind.

<Random_Nerd> Ready to start?

<Angelo> AND we suppose the culprit is machinery property " Machinery can't be sentient. [2] "

=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE

=-= Etheric is now known as Carrie

=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk

<Ftisk> ready

<DanteE> or, Machinery is tangible

=-= Verithe is now known as Human_Kite

<Random_Nerd> Of course, from when you looked at the data from the wearable computer thing, it was smart for a computer, but it didn't seem like a full AI.

<Ftisk> yep can be that too

<Random_Nerd> __________________START_________________

  • Ftisk scratch head

<Ftisk> are you sure for the scan?

<Random_Nerd> Smiling Customer Service Dude: "So, as I was saying, if you're to participate in this project, we'll need to do a medical examination to check for any risk factors, and some brain activity scans for calibration."

=-= lazarus is now known as Brian

<Human_Kite> "What sort of medical examination?"

=-= YOU are now known as humanFtisk

<Random_Nerd> Customer Service Dude: "Basically, we just want to check you for predispositions to strokes, heart attacks, that sort of thing. Now, we have no reason to believe that the product can /cause/ any of that stuff. But we don't want someone who was going to have a stroke anyway having one while using the device, and suing us."

<DanteE> "I'm a little concerned about the nature of the test and where the data goes..."

<Random_Nerd> Customer Service: "Don't worry, all personally identifiable data will be kept private."

<Random_Nerd> Customer Service: "It'll just be used for customizing your interfacing with your own personal device, and as a part of aggregated data."

  • humanFtisk do a lesser divination to look at the path the scanned data will take

<humanFtisk> (are these infos really used for calibration and then anonymized?)

<DanteE> (Actually, does anyone see a way to get Destiny from this?)

<Random_Nerd> (Okay. The computer hooked up to the PET scanner appears to use the data for two things. One of them is to set a huge number of settings on a device associated with that data. The other reports it, by customer number, to a central database located somewhere outside of town.)

<Human_Kite> "Can we do the medical test now and come by for the scan later?"

<Random_Nerd> (It's more or less how the guy's saying, although he isn't mentioning how /much/ data we're talking about here. Whoever's storing this will need to be devoting some serious hard drive space to it. And some of it appears to be designed to tell how well you respond to various sorts of advertisement.)

  • DanteE examines the place with The Sight

  • humanFtisk whisper to kite "Data are really used to customize the machine"

<Random_Nerd> Customer Service: "It's a bit... unorthodox, but I don't think it's impossible."

<Random_Nerd> What are you looking for, Dante?

<DanteE> If there are any 'interesting' people or recent miracles around

<Random_Nerd> Nothing here appears to be particularly affiliated with Blades, other than a couple of the staff having multitools in their pockets. Nor courage.

<Random_Nerd> Nobody here looks Noble.

<Random_Nerd> No recent major miracles seem visible.

<DanteE> quietly, to Ftisk: "Anything with your Estates here?"

  • humanFtisk look around in the sight

<humanFtisk> (anything that pop up?)

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, this place is /full/ of connections to data and machinery.

<Random_Nerd> It's positively filled with complex tools and various forms of data storage.

<Random_Nerd> Also, the wearable computers themselves, at least the ones that are turned on and in use, look... wrong.

<Random_Nerd> The unpleasant gleam, from earlier.

<Human_Kite> "I forgot whether the professors or the students designed these...."

<Random_Nerd> But for you, the problem is too much input here, rather than too little.

<humanFtisk> "nothing too strange but the wearable device, Dante"

<Random_Nerd> It's like casting Detect Blade Of Grass on a football field.

<humanFtisk> ok like too much white noise

<Random_Nerd> Yeah. Nothing stands out, except the turned-on computers, like on the guy talking to you.

  • DanteE grabs some of the forms...

<humanFtisk> can I discover the out of town location data are sent during the scan?

<Human_Kite> @CustomerServiceMan: "Are they going to name a building after the person who thought of these?"

<DanteE> (And it occurs to me you might get more info if you float above the rooftops and look/do Divs from there)

<Random_Nerd> Customer Service: "So, we'll get you your medical checkups, and then see when we can schedule you for a scan?"

<Random_Nerd> Customer Service: "A building? I don't know. Besides, it wasn't just one person who made them, it's a pretty big team."

<humanFtisk> (don't think so Dante, if something stand out will stand out even here)

<Human_Kite> "Yes, please. Who was head of the team?"

<Random_Nerd> In terms of where it's sent, from the network data it's about a hundred miles here, at what seems to be a cloud data aggregation center.

<Random_Nerd> He thinks for a moment, then glances at the printer. It starts printing.

<humanFtisk> and that center is out of my machinery hurt place?

<Random_Nerd> CS: "I'm printing out our materials on how the project was developed."

<Random_Nerd> Oddly, no. The harm seems to be much stronger here than there.

<Random_Nerd> Here as in this city, not this room.

  • DanteE checks out the project data...

<Random_Nerd> CS: "We're just getting started on that. It's here, and a couple of other college towns in the region."

<Human_Kite> "Is it possible for us to observe someone else receiving a scan?"

<Random_Nerd> CS: "We're specifically looking for engineering and computer science students, although there's another project for elderly patients with a few degenerative brain conditions."

<Random_Nerd> CS: "I'm sorry, but all scans are private. You wouldn't want a bunch of tourists watching /you/ go through one, would you?"

<humanFtisk> "hell, we are _again_ demonboxing. Please scan and dress me now. I can't stay still wasting time!"

  • humanFtisk walk to the scanning device

<Human_Kite> "Well, not if all of the data is going to be physically visible, no.....or if it is particularly painful."

<DanteE> "That may be a bad idea...

  • humanFtisk nod at Dante and do the ok sign

<Human_Kite> "Or are you saying people are scanned nude?"

<Random_Nerd> Dante, it's mostly a publicity piece, on how awesome and innovative their stuff is. The lead developer is some woman named Alice Gadish, who apparently has about five PHDs in various improbably-specialized areas of interface design.

<Random_Nerd> CS: "Not nude, but you will have to wear a hospital gown, and remove all metal objects and all clothing above the waist."

<Random_Nerd> CS: "So, you see, somewhat of an awkward situation to be observed by needless strangers."

<humanFtisk> "ok gimme the gown"

<Human_Kite> "..."

<Random_Nerd> CS: "Still, our techs are very professional..."

<DanteE> Any interesting names in the group, or the location of their lab?

<humanFtisk> (ok gime a techie .. .:-P )

<Random_Nerd> CS: "We need to give you your medical checkup first. Company policy."

<Random_Nerd> (What would Dante consider interesting?)

<Human_Kite> "Are metal teeth bad? Metal plating? Metal replacement bones?"

<humanFtisk> "nope nope nope" (alter accordingly my body to be full vanilla human)

<DanteE> (Anagrams of known Exs, for one. Or other things.)

<Random_Nerd> (I mean, one of the guys is named Jebediah. That's a rare name...)

<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. Nothing that looks obviously Excrucian. No names that are obviously associated with long-dead european tribes, or ancient kings.)

<Random_Nerd> (Nobody named E. X. Crucian.)

<DanteE> (OK, where's their lab?)

<DanteE> (Or, the factory where these are built)

<Random_Nerd> (Where it was developed? Or the medical lab?)

<Human_Kite> (We can start with Alice. Who knows, it's a pretty old name itself.)

<Random_Nerd> (Factory-wise, they appear to have parts built in various places, largely out-of-country, but the assembly done in-state.)

<DanteE> (Either. Whichever one's in or near town, if the attack's here.)

<Random_Nerd> (The medical facility where they do the scans is here, down a hallway and through a few sets of doors.)

<Human_Kite> "So, which way to the medical exam? Do I just sit right here?"

<Random_Nerd> CS: "Let's see. Metal teeth shouldn't be a problem. Metal bones... I don't know, you would have to ask the PET technician."

  • Human_Kite goes to move some parts out of the way

<Random_Nerd> CS: "If everyone who's signed the papers will just come with me while their friends wait here..."

<Random_Nerd> He walks toward a door in the back of the room.

  • humanFtisk follows

  • Human_Kite follows

<DanteE> (Gears in your guts, maybe.)

<Brian> * follows along *

<DanteE> (Any risk of the scan revealing his nature?)

<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. Which he? Kite, or Ftisk? Or Dante?)

<Human_Kite> (Both Ftisk and I have mostly normal human bodies.)

<DanteE> (I haven't signed up. Either of them.)

<Human_Kite> (We're just missing some parts)

<Random_Nerd> (Either of them... hmm. They don't have a lot of Aspect, so they won't have to hide that. But both are non-humans in human bodies.)

<Random_Nerd> (Their brain activity probably would look pretty weird if they didn't do something to change it.)

<humanFtisk> (nod nod)

<Random_Nerd> (Not OMG WTF IS THIS weird, but "Huh. That's weird.")

<DanteE> (Yeah, they're just strolling into the obvious trap...)

<humanFtisk> (a known trap is not a trap)

<Random_Nerd> (But if they were trying to spot you guys... wouldn't it be easier just to distribute photos?)

<Human_Kite> ("What do humans think about? Hmmm..... BeerCoffeeCarsCarsGuns")

<DanteE> (Not if we can guise)

<Random_Nerd> (But Ftisk's in his regular Conrad look, isn't he?)

<Human_Kite> (Kite's human form is always the same and he's used it often enough.)

<Random_Nerd> The medical exam is pretty normal and boring. A lot of questions about family histories of various things. Strokes, heart attacks, scizophrenia, dementia, that kind of thing.

<Random_Nerd> Similar questions on your neurological backgrounds.

<Human_Kite> "I sold my kidney!"

<humanFtisk> (nope I'm in a generic vanilla human shape/body, not the Conrad one)

<DanteE> (You want to be no where near the truth...)

<Random_Nerd> And some basic physical tests. Blood pressure. Reflexes. That kind of thing.

<Random_Nerd> (Ah.)

<Random_Nerd> What are you guys' aspects?

<DanteE> (3)

<humanFtisk> (mine is 2)

<Human_Kite> 1

<Brian> (0, still, I believe)

<Brian> (Rated, but barely :))

<Human_Kite> (Brian! Your /bones/!)

<Random_Nerd> Okay. Kite will, unless he tries to cover it, appear to be in very good physical shape. Ftisk will appear to be at an olympic-athlete level of fitness.

<DanteE> (Hm, haven't been the brick in a while. :) )

<Random_Nerd> Do you do anything to make yourselves seem less physically capable?

<Human_Kite> Kite sees no reason to.

<humanFtisk> nope, I'll show in all my glorious weirdness

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, the guy seems clearly impressed when taking your blood pressure and pulse rate.

<DanteE> If we're in the lobby, how far away are they?

<Random_Nerd> Doctor: "Athletic scholarship, I assume?"

<Random_Nerd> About a hundred feet or so, and around the corner.

<humanFtisk> "nope, wildsex 3 times a day, each day"

<Random_Nerd> Through a couple doors, but they don't seem to lock.

<Human_Kite> (That must be some pretty wild sex.)

<Random_Nerd> Doctor: "Ah." *writes 'three times a day' on clipboard*

<humanFtisk> (lol indeed)

<Random_Nerd> Other than that, the checkups are uneventful.

<Random_Nerd> Dante, Brian, Carrie, do you just wait, or do something else?

  • DanteE is still playing spot-the-plot-point in the lobby, with the forms, with the people...

<Random_Nerd> What are you looking for?

<Carrie> (For the moment, I'll just wait.)

<Random_Nerd> Let's see, Dante's academic background is non-technical, right?

<DanteE> Ftisk's attack is here, I'm looking for that.

<DanteE> Yeah, soft sciences/

<DanteE> Well, all academic backgrounds have a little tech

<Random_Nerd> Hmm. Your main conclusion from what you see in the printed materials is that this stuff is implausibly advanced.

<Random_Nerd> Like, iPhone in the 1980s advanced.

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, Kite, did you want to get brain scans now, or later?

<DanteE> ah... don't forget I'm a Psych grad. I'll be checking out how people react to using the things.

<humanFtisk> now

<Brian> (Brian had intended to get examined; if he didn't get going in, then he's just going to wait for Kite and Ftisk's results)

<Random_Nerd> Hmm.

<Human_Kite> Kite wants to wait.

<Random_Nerd> You can basically see three categories of people using them.

<DanteE> (Brian, the machine will spot your endoskeleton)

<Random_Nerd> One is the people who just got theirs. They seem awkward, mouthing words to themselves, pointing at things, pressing buttons on their watch-things.

<humanFtisk> (Ftisk finished his patience and want to see someone (himself) with a device activated)

<Random_Nerd> (Or, at least it will if he doesn't cover it in some way.)

<Random_Nerd> Category 2, the people who're here to have their calibrations adjusted. They're much less active in how they use them. Very little subvocalizing. No button-pressing.

<Random_Nerd> Category 3, the people who work here.

<Brian> (Dante: Brian doesn't really see that as a problem. If they ask, he'll tell them, the way he's supposed to. Otherwise, they shouldn't be so beholden to their ideas about how humans are supposed to be shaped :p)

<Human_Kite> (so Ftisk is getting the scan now?)

<Random_Nerd> Other than when they're specifically showing off, like pointing at the printer, they do next to nothing that would be visible to someone without Noble senses to control their devices.

<DanteE> (a PET scan won't be able to see your brain, I think)

<Random_Nerd> Instead, the devices seem to be responding to slight shifts in posture and eye movement.

<DanteE> (Looks like the attack is on the tangible-thing rule)

<humanFtisk> (yes I want to be scanned now)

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, Kite, you're given mildly radioactive tracers, and asked to wait for a while.

  • humanFtisk wait

<Human_Kite> "Blech!"

<Human_Kite> "Do humans normally drink this stuff?"

<DanteE> (You're thinking of Barium)

<Random_Nerd> (PETs use tracers too, but of a different kind.)

<Human_Kite> (I was thinking of iodine, but that's used for other things)

  • humanFtisk wait idly creating cloned profiles of my and Kite scan all wildly different

<Random_Nerd> After those have had time to hit your brains, you're asked to remove all metal objects and your shirts, given hospital gowns to wear over your chests, and your heads are fed into a machine that looks a lot like this:

<Random_Nerd> Do you do anything to make your brain scans appear normal?

<DanteE> (THAT'S A HINT)

<humanFtisk> (nope but I’m creating dummy profiles one weirder that the other)

  • Human_Kite thinks "Cars, guns, coffee, coffee, guns, I'm human...."

<DanteE> (Actually, Ftisk, are you closer to the attack source?)

<Random_Nerd> (...what's a hint?)

<Human_Kite> ("Human, human, human. Just look at my neck!")

<Random_Nerd> (Just trying to think humany thoughts, but nothing miraculous, Kite?)

<DanteE> (Your "Do you do anything..." :) )

<Random_Nerd> (Knock, I think your spider sense may be tuned a bit too high tonight.)

<Human_Kite> (Right)

<Random_Nerd> Okay. In both of your cases, the tech doing the scan looks a bit confused.

<Random_Nerd> This is particularly true of Ftisk. The tech asks you repeatedly if you've ever experienced brain damage, or been diagnosed with an autistic-spectrum disorder.

<Random_Nerd> The scans have basically two parts.

<humanFtisk> (nope, nope, just normal Ftiskness)

<Random_Nerd> First, they seem to be trying to take a baseline. Asking you to try not to think about anything out of the ordinary.

<Human_Kite> (+ Conradness)

<Random_Nerd> And second, they ask you to perform various tasks while in the machine.

<humanFtisk> then I think of Gnomely

<Random_Nerd> Do math problems. Think about your mother's maiden name. Think about where you live. Think about calling someone on the phone.

<Random_Nerd> (For whatever reason, Kite's brain activity seems to be much closer to the human norm than Ftisk's.)

<humanFtisk> or the catch me in spider form tournament I organized back home

<humanFtisk> (Ftisk is born as a machine Kite as a bird, that maybe is the reason)

<Human_Kite> Kite thinks in lies.

<Random_Nerd> So, he thinks about, say, somewhere he doesn't actually live, but does think about a place?

<Human_Kite> (Kite also has a few human memories, now.)

<Human_Kite> Yes

<Brian> (it'll be interesting to see how the miscalibrated devices work :p)

<DanteE> (May not get to that point...)

<Human_Kite> Maybe he'll channel some of the memory bits he got back from Jan ben Jan

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, do you cooperate with the instructions?

<DanteE> (Oh yeah, if the scan is weird enough they may bring in their leader.)

<humanFtisk> nope, I do externally as told but thinking all the strangest thing I can think

<Random_Nerd> Okay.

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, you keep being asked to repeat things, and your scan takes about twice as long as Kite's does.

<Random_Nerd> After you guys are done, you're asked to return to the waiting room while your devices are personalized.

<humanFtisk> (I'm trolling the scan )

<DanteE> "Find out anything new?"

<Random_Nerd> (Asking Kite and Ftisk, or the others here?)

<humanFtisk> "Yes I’m more interesting that Kite, my scan take longer!"

<DanteE> "Well, we knew that..."

<Human_Kite> "You humans drink some gross stuff."

<DanteE> "for certain values of 'interesting'"

<DanteE> "Only when being scanned, Kite."

<Random_Nerd> About twenty minutes after Kite's scan is done, one of the guys from the back comes out and says "(whatever fake name Kite gave)?"

  • Human_Kite looks doubtful

<Human_Kite> "Yes?"

<Random_Nerd> "You can come back for your fitting now. Your friends can come too, if they want."

  • humanFtisk follow "Sure"

  • DanteE will tag along this time

<Brian> *follows along*

<Human_Kite> "Alright..."

  • Human_Kite comes back

<Random_Nerd> They bring you back to a big table with the various components of the wearable computer arranged.

<Random_Nerd> Glasses-visor. Wrist-pieces. Ankle-rings. Earpieces. And the smartphone-sized "brain" unit, which has all of one button on it, and no displays.

<DanteE> (Ftick, which piece is the most painful to _look_ at?)

<Random_Nerd> Right now, none of them are painful to look at at all.

  • Human_Kite lesser divs how they are to be assembled

<humanFtisk> (become weird once turned on)

<Random_Nerd> Basically, they each go where they look like they go, and then you press the button on the pocket unit to turn them all on.,

<Random_Nerd> Technician, looking at a clipboard: "Now, at first, the system will seem very awkward. You'll have to whisper what you want it to do, point at things on the overlaid visual HUD, and so on. But it learns. In a few weeks, you shouldn't even notice that you're using it. Things you want to do will just happen, as naturally as moving your arm."

<Human_Kite> "Huh."

<Random_Nerd> Technician: "I see here that your synch rating starting out may not be ideal. If you have problems, and if after a week the interface isn't improving, please come in in a week and we can do a fine-tuning."

<Random_Nerd> Technician: "Any questions?"

<Human_Kite> "Why do you say my synch rating may not be ideal?"

  • humanFtisk keep div what the pieces do while Kite wear and activate them

<DanteE> (No problem, fight a few angels and you'll be fine. :) )

<Random_Nerd> Technician: "Your... well, it's not that there's anything /wrong/ with your brain. But you aren't right at the middle of the bell curve, the way a lot of our users are. So it may take more fine-tuning for you, because we have less expertise at setting it up for people who think like you."

<Random_Nerd> He hands you the pieces, one at a time, starting with the bracelet-things.

<Human_Kite> "Ah."

<DanteE> "You're saying he Thinks Different?"

<Random_Nerd> Technician: "That's good! Thinking different is what led to our developing this technology!"

<Random_Nerd> He appears to not get the reference.

<Brian> "Hasn't improved your grammar at all."

<Random_Nerd> He looks puzzled. Isn't grammar for humanities majors?

  • Human_Kite puts on the pieces as he's given them.

<Random_Nerd> Technician: "And, now that you've got all your pieces in place... time to press the button!"

<DanteE> (Should we duck?)

<Human_Kite> "Ho ho ho!"

<Human_Kite> "/Buttons!/"

  • Human_Kite presses button

<humanFtisk> (kite register like a machinery now?)

<Random_Nerd> The device in your pocket warms slightly.

<Human_Kite> "!"

<Random_Nerd> The eyepiece starts showing bootup screens.

<Human_Kite> "!!"

<Random_Nerd> Kite does not appear to be a machine, and the devices he's wearing do.

<Random_Nerd> Which... looks different from other uses you looked at.

<Random_Nerd> For them, especially the long-term uses, all of them looked kinda like a machine, but even the specific components didn't look entirely like one.

<Random_Nerd> Kite's device finishes booting up.

<Random_Nerd> Technician: "We only have a few basic applications on these, to start with. GPS maps, music, email, phone, schedules, that kind of thing.

<Human_Kite> "Now do I order it to do things?"

<Random_Nerd> "Plus, of course, our *not google, honest* search engine."

<Random_Nerd> Technician: "What do you want it to do?"

<Brian> (elgoog. It's a thing.)

  • Human_Kite thinks

<DanteE> (Fire those up one at a time until it gets weird to Ftisk.)

<Human_Kite> "Search nearby fishing spots."

<Random_Nerd> Technician: "At first, it'll just respond to what you tell it to do. After a while, it'll start to guess. If it guesses right, press the green button on your left bracelet. If it guesses wrong, press the red one."

<Human_Kite> "Ah."

<Random_Nerd> When you say "fishing spots," an hourglass icon appears in your peripheral vision, and then you start seeing hovering labels overlaid on that eye's sight.

<Random_Nerd> They move along with your head's movement, with no discernable lag.

<Random_Nerd> Technician: "Now, when you did that, you didn't just say it. You also had various bits of eye movement and body language that you associate with fishing."

<Human_Kite> "Hmmm....I'll have to go there later."

<Brian> (salivating at the thought of tasty tasty raw fishies?)

<Random_Nerd> Technician: "In a few weeks, when you make those tiny invisible motions, the device will know that you're thinking about fishing spots. And it'll bring them up, without you having to do a thing."

<Human_Kite> (yes)

<Random_Nerd> And at that time, another technician with a clipboard and several boxes comes in.

<Random_Nerd> Technician: "(Ftisk's fake name)?"

  • humanFtisk go to the tech

<Random_Nerd> Technician #2 is female, short, but still very much of the generic-tech-nerd-in-business-casual-for-the-job mold.

<Random_Nerd> #2: "We... had some issues, with calibrating your device. You're still eligible for the beta test, but I have to warn you that the service may have... issues."

<Random_Nerd> #2: "I've also been told to ask... would you or any members of your biological immediate family be interested in participating in a related study?"

<humanFtisk> "urhm, ok if something weird happen I'll power off everything"

<humanFtisk> "what kind of related study?"

<Human_Kite> "We can do that, right? Emergency power off?"

<Random_Nerd> #2: "Don't worry, you should be in no danger. But there is a risk that the device will be no smarter in responding to your intentions than a conventional smartphone."

<Human_Kite> "..."

<humanFtisk> "what a let down"

<Random_Nerd> #1: "Yes. Hold the button on the central unit down for twelve seconds, and the device will power down. For a non-hard shutdown, just tell the device to power down, or later on just think about it shutting down."

<Human_Kite> "This is waterproof, right?"

<Brian> "Can you have the thing record your dreams?"

<Random_Nerd> #1: "It's water /resistant/. Rain shouldn't be a problem, but don't wear it in the shower. I... know that many users find taking their device off for that period to be disorienting, but it's safest for you and your device."

<Brian> "Or, at least, your motions while asleep?"

<DanteE> (RN, did you steal this plot from a Batman movie?)

<Human_Kite> "Oh, good."

<Random_Nerd> (Which one?)

<Random_Nerd> #2: "I know that a lot of users like to wear them in their sleep, but we don't currently advise that. There are ergonomic issues and... user activity issues."

<DanteE> (It's the Riddler's plot to find Batman, adapted to creating an AI.)

<Human_Kite> (Is that a noncommittal yes or a "why would you think that?")

<Random_Nerd> (Haven't seen the third one.)

<Random_Nerd> #2: "See, the device isn't always good at distinguishing between awake intentions and asleep ones."

<Brian> "So there's no 'passively record' setting?"

<Human_Kite> "Ah."

<DanteE> (They're feeding all the mind-reading data to one big computer.)

<Random_Nerd> (Non-committal. They'd rather you not use them while swimming.)

<Brian> "A soft-off, if you would."

<Carrie> (Heh, dream intentions. That could be awkward.)

<Random_Nerd> #2: "Oh. Yes, there is. But if it's turned off, there's no need to wear the wrist and ankle pieces, and the earbuds, and so on."

<Random_Nerd> #1: "And you don't want it imprinting on your dream state. That might have interface problems while you're awake. Responding more to subconscious than to conscious intentions, for instance."

<Random_Nerd> #1: "Now, you can deal with that by flagging such actions as red. But it would slow the acclimation process. And the disorientation when removing the device isn't /that/ severe even in long-term users."

<DanteE> "You make it sound like it can read his mind."

<humanFtisk> "ok cristal clear"

<Random_Nerd> #2 sets out the pieces of the device.

<Random_Nerd> (For Ftisk.)

<Random_Nerd> #1: "Mind... well, it doesn't read your /brain/. But it does read your body language, your eye movements, all that stuff. And it tries to learn what you mean by it. It's like how some dogs can tell if you're going to have a seizure."

  • humanFtisk take them one at time and ldiv machinery them, anything strange?

<Human_Kite> "Shall we go test these out in the field?"

<Random_Nerd> #2: "Actually, I heard that some studies said that wasn't..."

<Random_Nerd> #1: "It's like how that would work if it were actually a thing."

<Random_Nerd> #1: "You can. Your friend will need to be fitted with his device, and we'll want to see how it works for him."

<Random_Nerd> When you say "field", Kite, it overlays locations of various farm fields on your vision.

<Human_Kite> "No, device. Not that kind of field."

<Human_Kite> "Unless there are frogs."

<Random_Nerd> It makes a red sad-face in the corner of your vision, and then shows you locations of ponds and aquatic pet stores.

<DanteE> (Ftisk, is Kite's thing currently glaring?)

  • humanFtisk wait and look at kite device for glare

<Random_Nerd> (Only very very slightly. Hardly perceptible at all. Nowhere near these two's devices.)

<Brian> (I'm amused by the red sad face. I can only assume there's some kind of sound effect that goes with. Especially 'cause Kite.)

<Random_Nerd> #2, to Ftisk: "Were you interested in participating in that brain imaging family study?"

<Random_Nerd> (A very quiet "bloop" sound.)

<humanFtisk> to 2 "no sorry, I'm not interested"

<DanteE> (Your machines would explode if you tried to scan Vulcan.)

<Human_Kite> "Not quite, but that's good to remember."

<Random_Nerd> #2: "No problem. Either way, we strongly suggest that you come in a week later for recalibration if you're having any issues.."

<Random_Nerd> #2: "Now, did you already hear the routine on how it works?"

  • humanFtisk nod "ok, I'll remember"

<Random_Nerd> She looks at #1.

<Random_Nerd> He nods.

<humanFtisk> "I heard what him told to my friend"

  • Human_Kite fiddles with the red button

<Random_Nerd> Dante, since you were paying attention to body language, you notice something.

<Random_Nerd> The look to him, and the nod? Those were for show.

<Random_Nerd> #2: "Okay, then. Let's get you fitted, then!"

<Random_Nerd> She starts handing Ftisk device-pieces.

  • humanFtisk help fitting myself

<Random_Nerd> #2: "Now, you /should/ notice significant interface improvements within a few days, and it should be semi-reliably guessing what you want within a week. But if it isn't, I strongly suggest coming back in for recalibration."

<DanteE> (For show as in, they'd already communicated before that?)

<Random_Nerd> (That's what it seemed like.)

<humanFtisk> "ok, I'm eager to try it in a walk"

<Random_Nerd> (Like, they're not a hivemind. That would look different. But they communicated with each other without the need for those gestures.)

<Random_Nerd> #2: "Then... power it up!"

  • humanFtisk power it up

<Random_Nerd> Like Kite, Ftisk sees standard-enough semi-opaque bootup screens in the eyepiece.

<Random_Nerd> And in thirty seconds, it's booted up.

  • humanFtisk look around

<DanteE> (and in ten seconds the smoke starts...)

<Human_Kite> (If Ftisk uses this device to assimilate all the devices into his being, giving him the ability to control all the humans wearing them....I'd be amused.)

<Random_Nerd> #1 pushes two closed boxes across the table. "Here's your chargers."

  • humanFtisk grab one

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, right now, it doesn't seem to be doing much.

<humanFtisk> is glaring at me?

<Human_Kite> "Chargers..."

<humanFtisk> "ah, it have not his own mini nuclear reactor?"

<Random_Nerd> #1: "Remember, all components must be charged, every night. You should have up to 36 hours of battery life, but that number will go down with substantial data use or computation."

<Human_Kite> "Oh, yes! Of course."

<Random_Nerd> Kite, when you say "chargers", it shows a picture of the charger, and also brings up sports news on the San Diego Chargers.

  • Human_Kite pushes the red button

  • humanFtisk try some searches

<Random_Nerd> Sad face. Bloop.

<Random_Nerd> What do you say to it, Ftisk?

<humanFtisk> "pond, field, cow, angel, demon, hell, haven, transmutagenic field"

<Random_Nerd> #2: "We're hoping that the production models should have at least 48 hours of battery life."

<Random_Nerd> "pond" and "field" give the same results Kite got.

<Human_Kite> "That sounds ideal for a first production model."

<Random_Nerd> "cow" shows you a big picture of a cow, which vanishes, and then a different picture of a cow, and then locations of leather goods stores and steakhouses, and then the first cow picture again.

<humanFtisk> "check mate, bdsm, gnomely, tv shows, Chuck Norris"

<Random_Nerd> "Angel" and "Demon" flick through dozens of images, mostly of books and movies, too fast to really get a good look at any of them.

<Human_Kite> "Maybe we should be going before you reveal all your fetishes to the world."

<Random_Nerd> "Haven" brings up a list of people named "Kevin."

<Random_Nerd> No response at all to "Transmutagenic field."

<Brian> (faster than Aspect-perception can see?)

<Random_Nerd> (No, but much faster than a regular human could parse.)

<humanFtisk> (yes Ftisk find chuck Norris a great comedy actor)

<Random_Nerd> #2 looks concerned. "Is it working?"

<humanFtisk> and interface keep speeding?

<humanFtisk> "transmutagenic find nothing but is mostly working"

<DanteE> "Nobles."

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, it seems to be trying to show you what you like, and them assuming that it got the wrong thing and trying something else, very rapidly.

<Brian> "I'm fairly certain The Goog doesn't have anything on transmutagenic fields, Ftisk. I'm not even certain most journals have got that yet..."

<Random_Nerd> Kite, Ftisk, when Dante says that, it has a "would you like to search on 'Nobles'?" blurb.

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk's immediately vanishes.

<Human_Kite> "I'm not searching for your fetishes in front of these people, Dante."

<humanFtisk> can I look at the routine in the device that is guessing?

<Random_Nerd> With Data, or with Machinery?

<Human_Kite> "No."

<humanFtisk> both

<Random_Nerd> Kite's vanishes.

<Random_Nerd> What are you looking for?

<Random_Nerd> How it makes its decisions?

<Human_Kite> "Shall we get going?"

<humanFtisk> (wait, I cannot see kite or the other cannot see him?)

<Random_Nerd> (No, kite's window closed.)

<Random_Nerd> (You can see him.)

<Human_Kite> (Kite cannot see the prompt on Nobles)

<humanFtisk> yes how the decision are made

<Random_Nerd> Basically, when it brings something up, it's watching your eye movements and seeing if you look at it, and for how long.

<Human_Kite> "Thank you very much!"

<Random_Nerd> But your eye movements keep being flagged as errors.

<Random_Nerd> Additionally, in its internal settings, it's flagged you as possibly having Tourette syndrome.

  • Human_Kite begins to walk out.

<DanteE> to Ftisk: "How bad does it mess with your field of vision?"

<Random_Nerd> #2: "Call us if you have any problems that the device can't resolve on its own?"

<Brian> "Kite, ask it to find Main Street."

  • humanFtisk wave "bye, and thanks" and go out

  • Human_Kite whispers, "Take me to your leader."

<Random_Nerd> When Brian said that, another "would you like to search for 'Main Street'"

<Human_Kite> "Yes. And then take me to your leader."

<humanFtisk> "Dante is strange but a bit a letdown, it think I have turret syndrome.. but I'm not a turret"

<Random_Nerd> And then, in various parts of your vision, a picture of the current US president, a picture of an alien in a science fiction movie, and a picture of a silverback gorilla./

<Random_Nerd> Do you focus on any of them?

<DanteE> "You mean Tourette's?"

<humanFtisk> "yep that one"

<Human_Kite> Kite focuses on each of them in turn.

<Random_Nerd> When each is focused on, it expands and shows related activity.

<Random_Nerd> The president one, when you look at it, expands and shows various local and national political leaders.

<Random_Nerd> The alien one shows various movies and books that used the phrase "take me to your leader."

<Random_Nerd> And the gorilla shows popular-press articles on leadership patterns in humans and animals.

<Human_Kite> "Bah."

  • Human_Kite pushes the red button

<DanteE> "Maybe there's a built-in README file."

<Brian> "Find the central server"

<Random_Nerd> Sad face. Bloop.

<humanFtisk> "The server is out of town Brian but he attach is here"

<Human_Kite> "Dante, were there any names we can start with in the print-out?"

<Random_Nerd> When you say "print-out", it shows you a list of network-accessible printers, and a question mark.

<humanFtisk> (Alice was on the print out)

<Human_Kite> (If a random printer starts printing out the entire Divine Comedy, I will be amused.)

<DanteE> "No obvious ones, but the team leader is Alice Whateveritis."

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, yours keeps randomly showing pictures of kittens, for half a second every seventeen point three five seconds.

<Random_Nerd> Different kitten each time.

<humanFtisk> "picture of snail, the xxx ones"

  • Human_Kite pushes the red button.

<Human_Kite> "Find Alice [last name]."

<Random_Nerd> When Dante says the name, it brings up a publicity blurb.

<Random_Nerd> The same one Dante saw in print, earlier.

  • Human_Kite checks the blurb for any relevant info

  • humanFtisk do a lesser data div on Alice <name> for social insurance number and datas

<Human_Kite> "Stop listening to other people talk, device."

<Random_Nerd> The "find Alice Gadish" shows her blurb on the Not-Google company website.

<Random_Nerd> No phone numbers, but an email address, a photo, and a brief biography.

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, you find two social security numbers associated with people of that name, but only one is the right age.

<DanteE> (Could look for her Facebook profile)

<Human_Kite> "Ftisk, does Alice Gadish have any address or office data anywhere?"

<humanFtisk> and an address?

<Random_Nerd> Also, Ftisk, when you do the miracle, your device brings up her company profile.

<Random_Nerd> No address for her.

<Random_Nerd> Oh, the miracle.

<Random_Nerd> The miracle finds a home address and an office address.

<humanFtisk> (is normal for USA records?)

<Random_Nerd> While the device says "Personal addresses of Doogle staff are not publically available. If you wish to contact one, please use our public contact number."

<humanFtisk> "I find her social number and 2 addresses, adr1, adr2"

<DanteE> (The device picked up the miracle?)

<Random_Nerd> (Apparently.)

<Brian> (fascinating)

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, when it does that, do you respond in any way?

<Human_Kite> "I would like to see her workspace, if possible."

<Brian> (green button!)

<humanFtisk> "Weird, the device recognized I did a miracle"

<humanFtisk> "uhm lil device, why?"

<DanteE> "... that is weird.,

<Random_Nerd> Kite's device displays a blurb on the sunny and conveniently layed-out workplace at Doogle's many prosperous locations.

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk's device displays a large letter Y, in flashing pink.

<Brian> "I suspect that the device's anti-Machinery powers picked up the Data miracle."

<Brian> "Either that, or Ftisk's miracles work by sending Data around the air, and that's what the thing picks up."

<humanFtisk> "Nope device, I'll do as I will, bow to your master!"

<DanteE> "Is that thing smart enough to respond to 'Why did you do that'?"

<Brian> "Or /how/ did it do that?"

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk's device flashes through various people bowing to other people, and then brings up a "Mature content warning, would you like to proceed" on the other side of the visual field.

<DanteE> "Kite, could you try a Miracle and see if yours does the same?"

<humanFtisk> "shapechange, any opinion on it device?"

  • Human_Kite lesser divination on nearby bird nest assemblies.

<Random_Nerd> Kite, it brings up pictures of bird nests a good two seconds before you actually use the miracle.

<Random_Nerd> Obviously, the miracle has better information about nests, however.

<humanFtisk> (mind reading!)

<Human_Kite> "Huh."

<humanFtisk> (better, precog reading)

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, Kite's device just /gleamed/. Painfully.

<DanteE> (SO, these things might be using the mind reading to build an AI)

<humanFtisk> "Wait! Kite, your device gleamed at me!"

  • Human_Kite pushes the red button.

<Human_Kite> "Bad device. No gleaming."

<humanFtisk> "can we swap devices Kite?"

<Brian> ("I'm sorry Dave. I can't do that, Dave.")

<DanteE> "Ask it why it did that"

<humanFtisk> "Device, why you gleamed at me?"

<Random_Nerd> When you say swap, it brings up a thing on yours that says "trading devices between uses is not advised! It may require a full recalibration!"

<Random_Nerd> For a second.

<Human_Kite> "We can try. Maybe yours can take us to its leader."

<Random_Nerd> Then back to random kittens.

<humanFtisk> to my device "No kittens! Snails!"

<Random_Nerd> Now, it's about one snail to every three kittens.

<Human_Kite> "Anyway, let's go to Alice's office."

  • humanFtisk then hard power off the thing and de-fit it

<Random_Nerd> Same blurb on how it won't provide such info about employees.

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk's device, before it powers down: Big red sad-face.

  • humanFtisk pout

<DanteE> (How about if you elgoog "Excrucian attacks"? :) )

  • humanFtisk give the device to Kite, waiting for Kite’s one

<Brian> "Kite, what does it have to say about Excrucians?"

  • Human_Kite pushes the red button

<Human_Kite> "Device. Any Excrucians nearby?"

<Random_Nerd> Sadface. Bloop.

<Random_Nerd> Device: "Did you mean 'Excruciating'?"

<Human_Kite> "No."

<Brian> ((Search for "Excrucian". "I'm feeling lucky." "No excrucians found." "Good!")

<Random_Nerd> Device: *sadface* "Did you mean 'screw jeans'?"

<Human_Kite> "What? No!"

<Random_Nerd> Device: *sadface*

  • Human_Kite pushes the red button

<humanFtisk> (kite, swap device with me, see if on you mine work ok)

<DanteE> (Your thing's gonna get a complex...)

<Random_Nerd> Device: "Did you mean 'Excrucians'?"

<Human_Kite> "YES!"

<Random_Nerd> Green happy face.

<Brian> (ding!)

<humanFtisk> "is like a puppy training"

<humanFtisk> "device sit!"

<Random_Nerd> It brings up conspiracy theory websites that talk about Excrucians, Reptoids, Sasquatches in black supersonic helicopters, and the International Jewish Conspiracy.

<Human_Kite> "Any local instances of Excrucians?"

<humanFtisk> (brb)

<DanteE> "You got something?"

<Random_Nerd> It flags a post on Facebook made by someone who said he saw an Excrucian on Green Street at 3 AM.

<Random_Nerd> It's about a week old.

<Random_Nerd> The spelling and grammar... well, they aren't great.

<Human_Kite> "Green Street, last week at 3 AM."

<Random_Nerd> It reads like it was written on a cellphone by a cat wearing mittens.

<Human_Kite> "I think."

<Random_Nerd> When you say "Green Street" it brings up a map overlay on your vision.

<DanteE> "Where's that office we're looking for?"

<Brian> (knowing this game, it may well have /been/ a cat wearing mittens. Or possibly cat-wearing mittens.)

<Random_Nerd> It's a couple miles from here, apparently.

<Human_Kite> "Which is that way."

<Brian> "Let's check it out"

<Human_Kite> "Not too far."

<Brian> "Couldn't hurt."

<Random_Nerd> The office you're looking for is about four interstate exits south of here.

<DanteE> (How about her home?)

<Human_Kite> "Green Street first, [office address] next?"

<Random_Nerd> Kite, it highlights first the overlay of Green Street, then directions to the address. Then a blue question mark, for a moment

<Random_Nerd> Then it just shows Green Street.

<Human_Kite> (If home is closer, we could try that out first. Her office seems more worthwhile, since we could also check out her colleagues.)

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, it just gleamed again.

<Random_Nerd> Her home is closer than the office, but farther than Green Street.

<Human_Kite> "Yes, device. Very good."

<Random_Nerd> Green smiley-face.

<Human_Kite> "I will let you charge tonight."

<Random_Nerd> It brings up a page on the battery status.

<Random_Nerd> You currently have 98.87% power.

<DanteE> "Yes. You have to promise to feed it and walk it and clean up its messes if you're going to keep that thing."

  • Human_Kite pushes the red button

<Random_Nerd> Bloop. Sadface. Battery display goes away.

<Human_Kite> "Don't push it."

<Random_Nerd> It brings up a music video of "Push It", by Salt-n-Pepa.

<Human_Kite> "AUGH!"

  • Human_Kite pushes the red button

<Random_Nerd> Then it pauses for a moment as it downloads Adobe Flash Player.

<Random_Nerd> Bloop. Sadface. Flash stops downloading.

<Brian> (and then it crashes your mind)

<DanteE> ("Did you mean: 'D'OH!'?" :D )

  • Human_Kite pushes the red button

  • Human_Kite pushes the red button

<Random_Nerd> Flash starts downloading again, then stops again.

  • Human_Kite pushes the red button

<Random_Nerd> The display goes blank.

<Human_Kite> "...."

<Human_Kite> "Okay, so Green Street was this way."

  • Human_Kite takes off the device and trades with Ftisk.

<Random_Nerd> Display: "It seems like you're trying to: Walk To Green Street. Would you like directions?"

<Brian> (damnit clippy!)

<Random_Nerd> That, just before you take it off.

<humanFtisk> (back)

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, do you put Kite's eyepiece on?

<Random_Nerd> Kite, do you remove the other components?

  • humanFtisk scan Kite devices for a glow source

<Human_Kite> Yes

<Random_Nerd> Now that they're off Kite, there's no gleam.

<humanFtisk> (first I scan it and compare to mine then wear it)

<humanFtisk> then I wear it and power it on

<humanFtisk> and scan again for gleam

<DanteE> (So, it's machine + user that messes with you)

<humanFtisk> (is a parasite? using piece of user for himself?)

<Random_Nerd> When you wear it and power it up, it brings up a display: "Error, body language not compatible with designated user. Are you (Kite's fake name)?"

<humanFtisk> to device "Yes"

<humanFtisk> any gleaming?

<Random_Nerd> Device: "Body language error. Eye tracking error. Please return to distribution center for recalibration."

<Random_Nerd> No gleaming.

  • humanFtisk do a ldiv of machinery around ... any gleaming?

<Human_Kite> "How are your mind control skills coming along, Ftisk?"

<Random_Nerd> What are you divining for?

<humanFtisk> "keep giving error that dumb device"

<humanFtisk> not important something like where are the machines around me

<humanFtisk> to see if it gleam

<Random_Nerd> You find all the machines near you. It's... a lot of machines. You're in the campustown area of a university with a strong tech department.

<humanFtisk> and the device gleamed?

<Random_Nerd> It includes seven of these wearable computers, not counting yours and Kite's.

<Random_Nerd> The device does not respond in any way to the miracle, save to blink the "Error" screen again.

<humanFtisk> "Kite, my device work with you?"

<DanteE> (These devices are attuned specifically to their users to the point where they can spot miracles)

  • Human_Kite puts on Ftisk's device.

<Human_Kite> "Take me to your leader."

<humanFtisk> (or Ftisk lack something the humans have and the device use to work correctly with them)

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk's device, on Kite, gives the same "Error, body language not compatible."

<Human_Kite> (Kite's google-fu is weak....)

<Random_Nerd> It display a map to the nearest distribution center.

<Human_Kite> "Not really, no."

<Human_Kite> "Wait...."

<humanFtisk> "then we can swap back these device, I like to keep an eye on a working one"

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, Kite's device says "Error, powering down in 30...29..."

<Human_Kite> (Is that where we got these?)

<Random_Nerd> (Yes.)

  • Human_Kite takes off Ftisk's device

<Human_Kite> "Trade back?"

  • humanFtisk return Kite device to Kite

<DanteE> (Were we walking to Green Street as this happened? :) )

<Brian> (anyone know of any good recent old-school beat'em'up video games?)

<Human_Kite> (yes)

<Random_Nerd> You're about halfway there.

<DanteE> (a la Street Fighter?)

<Brian> (More Golden Axe, Battletoads, Contra, &co)

<Random_Nerd> When you put your devices back on, it gives a screen that says "Warning, your device appears to have been worn by an unauthorized user. Were you aware of this?"

<Human_Kite> (no idea)

<Human_Kite> "No."

<humanFtisk> "really? Nope device"

<humanFtisk> (chronicles of Mystara)

<Random_Nerd> Kite, yours then shows details on the time that it was in use by an unauthorized user, and approximate details on the unauthorized user's height.

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, yours displays a large picture of a snail.

<Human_Kite> "Must've been that kid from the elementary school."

<humanFtisk> green button

<Random_Nerd> Green happy-face.

<Random_Nerd> More snails.

<humanFtisk> green button all

<Random_Nerd> Kite, yours shows locations of nearby elementary schools.

<Human_Kite> "That school. Report that a student from that school stole and used my device."

<DanteE> "OK, so where was that Excrucian sighting?"

  • DanteE searches the area with The Sight...

<Human_Kite> "Also, reload data of the Excrucian sighting on Green Street"

<Random_Nerd> Kite's Device: "It seems like you're trying to: Send an email to (The Police/[School Name])" Do you want help?"

<Random_Nerd> The Facebook post and the overlay of Green Street both show again, lower in your visual field.

<Human_Kite> "No. I want you to send a report."

<DanteE> "You know, if those weren't potentially Excrucian dongles o'doom they sound kinda helpful."

<Random_Nerd> The Clippy window vanishes. "It seems like you're trying to: Send a beta test report. Do you want help?"

<Human_Kite> "Forget the report."

<DanteE> (Wait...)

<Random_Nerd> The window goes away.

<Carrie> (Chestnut Law violation averted)

<DanteE> (That report would go to the people who are building these things.)

<Random_Nerd> (Sadface. Bloop.)

<Random_Nerd> What are you looking for, Dante?

  • humanFtisk watch for gleaming and when one appear I ldiv machinericity of Kite and of the device

<DanteE> (Then Ftisk can track it)

<DanteE> signs of Excrucian/Noble/miracle activity.

<Random_Nerd> Nothing obvious. Though, a guy down the street has an /improbably/ large knife concealed in his jacket, and a conspicuous amount of courage.

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, when you try the divination, it gives you a picture of the device, and then "It seems like you're trying to: email a friend."

  • DanteE checks out knife guy...

<humanFtisk> and what return the divination? When the device gleam it or Kite register as machines?

<Random_Nerd> He's wearing a tattered leather jacket, and is obviously intoxicated.

<DanteE> "'Scuse me a sec..."

<Random_Nerd> According to the divination, Kite's device is about 90% a machine. And Kite is about 2% a machine.

  • DanteE goes to knife guy

<humanFtisk> "aha! The device register as 90% machine when it gleam to me!"

<Random_Nerd> Knife Guy is jumpy. Knife Guy backs away when Dante gets close, his back to the wall of an optometrist's office.

<Random_Nerd> Knife guy: "Who... who're you?"

<Human_Kite> "Where'd the other 10% go?"

<Random_Nerd> His Courage lowers for a moment, then goes up. He steps forward, and puts a hand in his jacket.

<DanteE> "Me first. What are you going to do with that knife?"

<humanFtisk> "Is what I was wondering"

<Random_Nerd> His courage goes up more. He pulls it out. "Getting inqui--- question asking strangers to shut up, that's what!"

<Random_Nerd> The knife a big, deer-skinning kind, but it's not very well maintained.

<Random_Nerd> Looks like he tried to open a few cans with it or something.

<DanteE> "That is so _cute!_ But you're badly mis-using it."

<DanteE> "And... 'inqui-'what?"

<Random_Nerd> "Who... who're you, Crocodile Dundee?"

<Random_Nerd> "Inquisi... sivitive... asking questions!"

<Random_Nerd> He waves the knife.

<Random_Nerd> Passerby start backing away.

<DanteE> (Any chance you've played Arkham City?)

<Random_Nerd> (No, but I did play Arkham Asylum.)

<Random_Nerd> (Why? Are you batman?)

<Human_Kite> "Heeeeey, device! Any records on that guy?"

<Brian> (Are they good? Better to play on PS3 or PC?)

  • Human_Kite stares at knife-wielding vagrant.

<Random_Nerd> Device highlights blue circles on the faces of Dante, the knife guy, and about three other guys.

  • DanteE grabs the knife and does a AC-style 'interrogation' on the guy.

<Random_Nerd> Each brightens if you look at it.

<humanFtisk> (I played on Wii U, the touch screen is a nice thing in Arkham City ;-) )

<Random_Nerd> Then it brings up a picture of knife-guy's arrest for meth dealing.

<DanteE> (Which in this case means, grab him by the throat, lift him up and ask him nicely.)

<Random_Nerd> Mugshot, newspaper entry.

<Human_Kite> "Dante, he's just a druggy."

<Random_Nerd> Knife Guy flails wildly.

<DanteE> "Tell me what you know about Excrucians in the area."

<Random_Nerd> Knife Guy, Who Apparently Is Named Bud, Seriously What Kind Of Name Is That: "Fuuuuuuucck YOOOOOOOOU!"

<Random_Nerd> He tries to kick you. A very high effort-to-success ratio.

<Random_Nerd> Kite's Device: "Would you like to: Call the police?"

<Human_Kite> "Bud, Bud, Bud. We could've given you gifts."

  • Human_Kite pushes the red button.

<Random_Nerd> Kite's Device: "Would you like to: Record video?"

<Human_Kite> "Bad device."

<Random_Nerd> Bloop. Sadface.

  • Human_Kite pushes the red button.

<Random_Nerd> Bloop. Slightly sadder face.

<humanFtisk> (can we stop here? I need to start making breakfast for kiddies)

<Random_Nerd> (That works for me.)

<Carrie> Hmm, staying out of sight, but Lesser Divination of Hope on the knife guy.

<DanteE> "Wrong answer... Bud, is it?"

  • Human_Kite removes the device

<Brian> (also, I have to go to bed :))

<Random_Nerd> Bud: "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

<Random_Nerd> _______STOP__________

<Carrie> Ah, we can do it next time if it's easier.

=-= Brian is now known as lazarus

=-= Carrie is now known as Etheric

<DanteE> Nice timing on that stop. :)

=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood

<Random_Nerd> Bud really hopes he doesn't urinate on himself.

=-= Human_Kite is now known as Verithe

=-= YOU are now known as Angelo

<Random_Nerd> Really, really strongly.

<Angelo> lol

<Random_Nerd> Like, full on a dream is a wish your heart makes stuff.

<Random_Nerd> If this were a Disney movie, he'd be on the third verse.

<Etheric> Heh! Is there any hope he's actively moving toward with his argument with Dante?

<Angelo> is the Google thing a symbiot?

<Random_Nerd> He also doesn't want to lose face, and he doesn't want to get arrested.

<Angelo> (like carnage / venom)

<lazarus> I'm gonna head out now. g'night!

<Random_Nerd> But that's secondary in his mind.

<Random_Nerd> Well, it's not alive.

<Angelo> night laz!

|<-- lazarus has left (Disintegrated: lazarus)

<Random_Nerd> G'night...

<Random_Nerd> Dammit.

<Knockwood> Y'know what, is was the 2E version of Dante that had a thing for 'the proper use of blades'

<Etheric> Ah, that works then. I wasn't sure if he had something he was hiding, but that makes it seem less likely.

<Etheric> If I want to know more, I'll use Persona next time.

<Knockwood> Are they trying to make an AI?

<Random_Nerd> He seems like an ordinary petty thug that Dante happened to notice because he pinged for both estates to the Sight.

<Random_Nerd> Hmm. Interesting.

<Etheric> Ah, gotcha.

<Etheric> I didn't quite follow all of that, so that makes more sense now.

<Knockwood> Ah, so, no connection to The Plot at all?

<Random_Nerd> Nobilis 3e Sight pays a lot of attention to connections to your estates.

<Angelo> I keep thinking that I want to come out of that attack with a third estate: cyborgs/cybernetic

<Random_Nerd> This appears to be a matter of that.

<Random_Nerd> Well, if you want to do that...

<Random_Nerd> Time to start a Project!

<Angelo> yay!

<Knockwood> You'd have to modify Machinery

<Angelo> was in the back burner for a bit, some hint in the channel description

<Knockwood> then again, with Data and Machinery you should already have it

<Angelo> and not, I think not, a cyborg is a living machine or an extension of a living organism, machinery don’t cover it (purposefully)

<Knockwood> As for the Batman connection... ( :p )

<Random_Nerd> At least, a lot of those miracles.

<Random_Nerd> But conceptually... yeah.

<Knockwood> Remember in AA you could find maps to the Riddler's puzzles?

<Random_Nerd> Vaguely.

<Random_Nerd> There were green question mark things, and you had to find some obscure batman thing they were near?

<Knockwood> in AC, you do that by finding Riddler's known associates in the crowd...

<Random_Nerd> Ah.

<Knockwood> Beat up everyone else around them, then 'interrogate' the henchman.

<Random_Nerd> Ah. Well, right now, you haven't worked out a way to see who to interrogate.

<Knockwood> 'interrogate' meaning 'Grab and threaten.'

<Angelo> anyway, I go, see you in 2 week, vibes to Beth.

<Knockwood> In that case, I can just say 'If you misuse a blade again, I won't be happy. You won't like it if I'm not happy. Now blow."

<Etheric> Later, Angelo.

<Knockwood> cya Angelo

<Random_Nerd> Do you have a Bond for misusing blades?

<Random_Nerd> If so, make sure to use it.

<Knockwood> looks like this version doesn't...

<Random_Nerd> Oh well.

<Random_Nerd> Anyway, it's late, I must go sleep.

<Knockwood> it was a Bond in the 2E version

<Random_Nerd> See you all next week.

<Knockwood> good night RN.

<Random_Nerd> Except Angelo.

<Knockwood> And give our vibes to Bethy

<Random_Nerd> Yep. I will.

|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )

<Knockwood> Eth, V, see you next week.

<Etheric> Sure, see you!

|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: Knockwood)

<Etheric> And check out Carrie's wiki article in thirty minutes or so

<Etheric> bah, missed him

<Etheric> well, if either of you feel like it, check out the wiki

<Etheric> Because, I was doing that instead of roleplaying <.<

<Etheric> It's not quite finished yet, but it's close to where I'll save it

<Verithe> Yay!

<Verithe> I need to update Kite's he's had STORY since then.

<Verithe> That sentence was supposed to be two. :I

<Verithe> Anyway, take care!

|<-- Verithe has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 19.0.2/20130307023931])

|<-- Etheric has left (Disintegrated: Destiny is choice.)

<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 35