Session 259

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Chapter 36

-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis

=-= Topic for #Nobilis is ``Little House on the Galactic Shore

=-= Topic for #Nobilis was set by Verithe on venerdì 4 ottobre 2013 03:24:34

<Angelo> Hi guys!

<John> Speak of the Angelo!

<Random_Nerd> Heh.

<Random_Nerd> I had literally just said "Okay, I guess we'll have to start without Angelo..."

=-= YOU are now known as Gnomely

<John> ... I totally didn't mean that pun.

<Gnomely> Eh, lost some time scouting for things to eat...

<John> I'm still cooking supper.

<Gnomely> cool! a king that cook his meal

<John> A question: Does John have security details following him and stuff like that whenever he's with Aides and the Noble groups?

<Random_Nerd> Hmm.

<Random_Nerd> I don't think so, as a general matter.

<Random_Nerd> He's not really the target of too much violence.

<John> No one's ever tried to kill John?

<Random_Nerd> Well, if he's out with the Aides or the PCs, nobody knows where he's going to be anyway.

<Random_Nerd> And if one of the crazies happened to be there, Sam would be a more obvious target for an attack.

<FashionDivaSam> hm?

<Random_Nerd> You're an evil king-corrupting space demon.

<Random_Nerd> I mean, duh.

<AideWilliam> Maniacs tend to be jealous of your fashion sense. :)

<John> I can think of three different reasons why, more than that if William is allowed to put his reasons.

<Random_Nerd> You are blamed for a 32% rise in the price of scarves.

<FashionDivaSam> :D

<John> You're the anchor of the wonderful Brian! If they kill you, they can take your place!

<MrsWinters> Wouldn't that mean that scarf-makers are rather fond of him?

  • Gnomely nod

<Random_Nerd> Indeed... but not the scarf-buyers.

<Random_Nerd> Especially since all clothing in Amyra must now be made internally.

<Random_Nerd> And it hadn't had that big of a textile industry before Enchanceling.

<Random_Nerd> So! Cut to the Giant-visit?

<AideWilliam> OK

<MrsWinters> Note to self: Design sheep that grow scarves directly.

<John> Okay!

<John> You could get Theresa to develop more textile plants. Although she will refuse to create polyester trees.

<FashionDivaSam> scarf trees?

<Random_Nerd> ____________START___________

<FashionDivaSam> (if you splice the trees at the right time, you can create new patterns!)

<John> (Sam will want his own garden.)

<Random_Nerd> So, right now the Giant lives, when he lives indoors at all, in a barn converted to have air conditioning and the like.

<John> ( sin, who indulgent, than central air...)

<AideWilliam> (Does he live with a magic Goth girl? :) )

<Random_Nerd> His need for door sizes, structural support and so on made it so that it was easier to have an agricultural building converted than a really big house built. William, you were the one to arrange things with the contractors to have it built.

<Random_Nerd> There is a rather large pile of cracked cow and sheep bones near the outside. He insists on leaving that there. It's probably a way to scare away potential visitors.

  • Gnomely examine the pile

<Random_Nerd> They appear to have been bitten open, and the marrow sucked out.

<AideWilliam> "Someday we must let him know about Cheeseburgers."

<Random_Nerd> Clearly, the giant's teeth are made of something much more durable than normal ones.

<Random_Nerd> (You just want a LolGiant.)

<Random_Nerd> He's clearly moving around in there, you can hear the sound of pacing.

<John> "I do not know if we have enough cows in the kingdom."

<AideWilliam> "Lord Brian can always increase the number."

<John> "Especially as Theresa's tree friend keeps..borrowing the best breeders."

<Gil> "If you keep the cows together, you get more, right?"

<Random_Nerd> (Technically, yes!)

<AideWilliam> (Did we even give him a name besides "The Giant"?)

<John> "...yes. But it takes time. Years."

<FashionDivaSam> "On Dionyl, yes, Gil. Remember it works different here."

<John> (He may have been born before...names.)

<Random_Nerd> (He refused a name.)

<Gnomely> "Flesh is made that way, slow to grow in number"

<Gil> "I know it works different...I just didn't realize how different."

<Random_Nerd> (He said, pretty much, that he'd have a name when his angelic father got around to caring enough to give him one.)

<Random_Nerd> (Which... don't hold your breath.)

<Gnomely> "I can have Ftisk explain to you... if you want"

<John> "If you wish, Gil, I can have you sit in on a human sex education class. Sam has offered to teach one at the university but I believe William stopped the offer."

<Gnomely> "Why stop Sam?"

<Random_Nerd> Sam and Gil are /aware/ of how this works on Earth, but... eh, imagine if you were living on a parallel world where babies really are brought by a magic stork. It'd trip you up, sometimes, when you're reminded of it.

<AideWilliam> "Because he was rather... enthusiastic about using certain teaching materials.

  • Gil makes a few embarrassed mumblings.

<FashionDivaSam> "I keep wondering that. I've been told that it's for the best and to stop questioning."

<Random_Nerd> That, like, you're just going about your day, and you see a magic bird carrying a little cow in a bundle to some farm.

<John> (So cute!)

<AideWilliam> "those he found on the Web."

  • AideWilliam goes up and knocks on the door.

<John> "Could you not ask your Nobles? Although I do not think it would be wise to ask Lord Kudzu."

<Gnomely> "Sure king John"

  • MrsWinters just looks at Sam. Then she realizes he's less likely to know what the look means, and purses her lips, wondering what to say.

<Random_Nerd> The barn doors slam open, and the giant stomps out. He's wearing the third largest pair of pants in Amyra, and carrying a cow leg in one hand.

<FashionDivaSam> (third largest?)

<Random_Nerd> He's about fifteen or twenty feet tall when he stands up straight. So, taller than the bone ogre, but much shorter than Red.

<Random_Nerd> (Largest is when Red wanted Theresa to make him some "Tree pants." It didn't end well.)

<Random_Nerd> (Second largest belonged to the Giant also. He lost a bit of weight since then.)

<AideWilliam> "Morning.

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "Hello, little dog!"

<John> (Red's pants are now used for large outdoor functions as tents.)

<Random_Nerd> It's almost amiable.

<AideWilliam> "We wanted to let you know there's a poltergeist loose in the kingdom who mentioned you."

<AideWilliam> "oh, and it likes to set things on fire. Such as clothing and hair."

<John> "He has claimed one of my subjects as a 'pet', and talks of her as an animal."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "The demon of Azazel? It just left, about five minutes ago. We did not part on good terms."

<Gil> "What?"

<AideWilliam> (Is that a 'known' demon?)

<John> "Oh? And it is connected to your father?"

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "Was, at least."

<Random_Nerd> (An Angel. One of Barakiel's old friends, and the Giant's father.)

<Random_Nerd> (Used to have the Estate of Weaponry, before Kudzu took it on less than amiable terms.)

<AideWilliam> (I mean 'Azazel's demon')

<Random_Nerd> (Oh. No.)

<John> "May we ask what his purpose in annoying you was?"

<Random_Nerd> (But he was a Watcher, he maintained a residence in Hell. Probably had/has demons. Like how Lesson is one of Barakiel's demons, or was.)

<John> (Azazel is the giant's father.)

<AideWilliam> "Also, how far did you throw it?"

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "As the demon said, it and I had so very much in common. We both have contempt for modern beast-men. We both have ties to my father."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "But it did not understand some details."

<John> "You are a much better dresser."

<FashionDivaSam> "Do we have to put out any fires?"

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "First, while I have contempt for you quasi-humans as being almost entirely animal, with only a trace of divine blood... a demon is a creature that never even had that trace."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "And an old lackey of a being that I have never been on good terms with to begin with is not going to be immediately embraced by me as a close companion."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "It made threats, then."

<John> "Oh dear."

<Random_Nerd> The giant gestures at the interior of the barn, where there's some mild scorching.

<AideWilliam> "It left here alive?"

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "I demonstrated the fact that, while it is not conventionally material, my flesh is more than half that of a god. It fled."

<John> "Do you know of a way to banish it completely?"

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "If I got my hands on it and ate it, that would probably... wait, banish alive?"

<AideWilliam> "Not necessarily."

<John> "Well, no, _I_ would be fine with it being gone completely, as it has harassed one of my subjects."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "It is not likely to return, unless it is compelled."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "As I said, we did not part on friendly terms."

<AideWilliam> "Which way did it go? And did it mention any particular destination?"

<Gil> "Would you be amenable to taking care of it if we could manage to get it back here?"

<John> "Did it mention any other reasons for being in the chancel?"

<Random_Nerd> Giant, to William: "Oh! Little dog-man. The new supplier of cattle is superior. Tell them that I would, indeed, be willing to make a public statement of my endorsement."

<AideWilliam> "Ah yes. I will inform him at the first opportunity,

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "Something about conquering all the pathetic beast-humans, bringing in its kin... but I didn't listen. It didn't sound like a /plan/. A rant, rather."

<John> (Hee. Has anyone tried to get any of the cows that feed off of Red?)

<Random_Nerd> (You don't take the pet cows of a giant animated tree.)

<AideWilliam> to John: "Bringing in its kin?"

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "The little creature was angry about something. It thought, for some reason, that I would be a sympathetic listener. It was in error."

<John> " not know. It could be opening a portal unto Hell, it could have friends that it brings in the same way it entered?"

<John> "He has been trying to drive one of my subjects mad. We have placed her in a warded room that has stopped him from visiting her. He is angry his toy has been taken away."

<AideWilliam> "Where in town could it do that?"

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "I don't know. I don't really care. There are ways to summon such beings, but I never cared to learn them."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "I believe it would take a non-demonic magus of some kind to perform the ritual."

<John> "We know that he wants Evelyn. However, I loathe to use her as bait. Her grasp on sanity could be too fragile."

<John> "Hmm..would you have any idea as to what would be required, besides the magus, to perform the ritual?"

<AideWilliam> Do I still have that dossier of threats?

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "Diagrams, sacrifices, things set on fire, that kind of thing."

<Random_Nerd> Probably, William.

<Random_Nerd> At least a digital copy.

  • AideWilliam does a quick skim of the dossier to see which groups/people have sorcery backing them up

<Gil> Would Sam know how to do summonings? He's the portal expert, after all.

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "The plan the demon said, though... the tone was not 'and now I reveal my master plan, just in time for the heroes to stop it.' It was 'I am angry at that man, I will now fetch my companions and we together will beat him.'"

<Random_Nerd> Sam knows how to work the ways into and out of Amyra.

<Random_Nerd> Some of them /do/ go to Hell.

<Random_Nerd> There are cities there, after all.

<Random_Nerd> But it's not exactly the same as mortal arts of summoning.

<John> "Hmm. It is quite possible that I am 'that man'. How interesting."

<FashionDivaSam> "If he knows where to look, because Amyra is connected to everywhere, Amyra is connected to Hell."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "Is the information of how to do that written down in any place, or known to any person the demon could access?"

<AideWilliam> to John and Sam: "Could he get allies from Dis?"

<John> (Uhh, Sam.  :) )

<John> (Or his grad students.)

<John> (....and we warded _William's_ office, not Sam's, so Sam's data is out in the open, so to speak.)

<FashionDivaSam> "I don't tend to write them down. It's slightly annoying to recalculate every time, but the principle is simple. You just need to know it. And, uh, the base principles are well documented now."

<AideWilliam> "I'm not sure the poltergeist would know who to go to... but we'd better find your grad students just in case, and check on the portals to hell."

<John> "How many connections to Hell does Amyra now have?" *worried, because, well, Treasures.*

<Random_Nerd> Seven.

<Random_Nerd> There aren't a /lot/ of cities there, and there are no forests.

<Random_Nerd> Besides, given the distance, a city must be very large to form a sufficient connection.

<FashionDivaSam> "Seven. And most of those belong to different factions."

<AideWilliam> ( Not a problem: https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Dis_(Divine_Comedy) )

<John> "Such a ritual would take quite the preparation of the site."

  • MrsWinters sends a text message to her contact at the Kaerkoven police warning them about the demon, giving the description and last known location (here five minutes before the conversation started), urging them not to engage if sighted and asking to be notified ASAP in such a case.

  • MrsWinters adds, "May attempt arson or human sacrifice," as an afterthought.

<AideWilliam> to John: "What would he need to do that preparation?"

<Random_Nerd> The ways are difficult, by the way. A path to elsewhere in North Africa would be trivial to navigate if you know anything about how this works. A path to Dionyl, harder. A path to Hell would take significant figuring to find and follow.

<AideWilliam> (Text back: "Entire force says they're 'too old for this shit'. Please advise." :) )

<Random_Nerd> Police Liason response: "Same demon as before? Tall one? Or different?"

<AideWilliam> "They should know that the 'known' demons are at least nominally on 'our side'."

<MrsWinters> (The demon before would have been this one, right? Or do they mean Lesson?)

<Gnomely> (I believe they mean lesson)

<John> "I do not think that an actual portal opening would be necessary. The main demon is here already. He would just have to give a list of his friends’ names to a moderately competent magus and have them summoned. Much less muss and fuss."

<Random_Nerd> (Lesson did get in a fight with the cops, once.)

  • MrsWinters texts back, "Different," and gives a more detailed description.

<Random_Nerd> (It was seven months ago or so, but... it stuck in their minds.)

<MrsWinters> (Makes sense.)

<Gnomely> (damn bias )

<MrsWinters> (I'd have texted Lesson, but, I don't think I'd have his cell number. If such a thing exists.)

  • AideWilliam keeps looking for magi in the dossier...

<John> (I believe that Lesson does have a cell.)

<AideWilliam> (Didn’t Lesson use a cell phone earlier?)

<Gnomely> (at least his secretary will have a cell)

<Random_Nerd> Liaison: "Will advise patrols to be on lookout for possibly invisible goat demon. Will advise not to engage."

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-->| YOU (Gnomely) have joined #Nobilis

=-= Topic for #Nobilis is ``Little House on the Galactic Shore

=-= Topic for #Nobilis was set by Verithe on venerdì 4 ottobre 2013 03:24:34

<AideWilliam> (whoops)

<Gnomely> (ops dced)

<Random_Nerd> And that's if you stretch both "magician" and "human."

<Gnomely> (lost all after "(Didn’t Lesson use a cell phone earlier?)")

<AideWilliam> "We need to think like a demon...

<MrsWinters> * @AideWilliam keeps looking for magi in the dossier...

<MrsWinters> <@John> (I believe that Lesson does have a cell.)

<MrsWinters> <@AideWilliam> (Didn’t Lesson use a cell phone earlier?)

<MrsWinters> <@Random_Nerd> Liaison: "Will advise patrols to be on lookout for possibly invisible goat demon. Will advise not to engage."

<MrsWinters> <@AideWilliam> "We should find a radio that gets the emergency channels, listen for sudden fires or other strangeness."

<MrsWinters> <@Random_Nerd> William, there aren't a lot of skilled human magicians in Amyra.

<MrsWinters> <@MrsWinters> (He probably does but that's more William's and Sam's side of things. Helen does the human government and media.)

<MrsWinters> <@Random_Nerd> A dozen, perhaps.

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "A medium-to-high status demon."

<AideWilliam> "One that's familiar with life in Amyra if it's been harassing (whoever) for this long."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "It spoke to me as if it was my peer, or even my superior. This was an error."

<AideWilliam> to the Giant: "If it comes back, would you be so kind as to stomp it?"

<John> "Would current status of demon suffice or would it have to be status while in Hell?"

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "I would prefer to eat it. I have not tasted demon in many years. And it is a flavor that, while not pleasant, one occasionally craves."

<AideWilliam> "Even better. If you like we can supply you with a variety of sauces to enhance the flavor."

<FashionDivaSam> (Dulcinea point to RN)

<MrsWinters> (LOL...)

  • Gnomely fell a bit disturbed by the tough of eating demon

<Gil> (heh)

<AideWilliam> (What's better on demon than A-1?)

  • John will call Lesson.

<John> (Hot sauce?)

<AideWilliam> (redundant)

<MrsWinters> (Do you really want to know?)

<Random_Nerd> Lesson doesn't have a cell phone of his own, although Jennifer carries one. But right now, the closest phone to Lesson would be one in the Palace.

<Random_Nerd> You briefly speak to a member of the serving staff, and they transfer the phone to Lesson.

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "I am here."

<John> "Hello, Lesson! We have tracked the demon from William's office to the Giant's barn. There was a small disagreement and apparently the demon was ranting in a 'going to gather his friends and beat up someone' sort of way. What would you suggest his next course of action would be?"

<John> "And apparently, he talked to the Giant as if he was a peer. This was a mistake."

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Is the demon in question intelligent and patient?" He pauses for a moment. "It is not. Would do something easy, requiring little personal risk, that would harm your interests."

<Random_Nerd> Sam, William, your cell phones both go off.

<Random_Nerd> Apparently there's a fire at the bottom floor of the clock tower.

<John> (*sigh*)

<FashionDivaSam> "Fire in the clock tower main floor. Shit. There's our ninjas, though."

<AideWilliam> "Found him."

<Gnomely> "is the horse of doom in that floor?"

<Gil> "Ninjas?"

<Random_Nerd> The horse of doom is indeed there.

<AideWilliam> to phone: "Tell the firemen to be careful, there's a demon in there."

<Random_Nerd> We don't talk about the ninjas.

<Random_Nerd> All matters relating to present or former Powers of Urbanization are mired in ineffability.

<Random_Nerd> Because of Reasons.

<FashionDivaSam> "Rules of cinematic pacing? Can't remember whose quote. Said that if the action's ever slowed down, have ninjas attack. Ninjas."

<John> "Ah. Lesson, there is a fire at the bottom floor of the clock tower at the moment."

<John> (Are we going to go there?)

<AideWilliam> (They are genuine Japanese ninja, not the Chinese knockoffs, though.)

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Yes. Like that."

<John> "What would be the next step? Gloating over the flames? Or moving on?"

<AideWilliam> to the Giant: "He may be in the Clock Tower. Would you like to come with us?"

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Does it fear you?"

<John> "It does not like the wards my ancestors have placed. It fears the Giant."

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "What is its level of power and authority?"

<FashionDivaSam> *makes a prayer to Brian, surreptitiously*

<AideWilliam> (Don't the Aides have demonic defenses available?)

<Random_Nerd> (You guys specifically protected William's office from demons.)

<Random_Nerd> (But not the whole building.)

<FashionDivaSam> *a few seconds later, looks a little relieved*

<John> "So far it just seems to do some scorching, burning hair. I do not know the extent of the damage at the clock tower. Authority, it thinks it has medium to high status."

<AideWilliam> (In any case, we need to get back there)

<FashionDivaSam> "Let's get going""

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Demon used to being in position of authority, suddenly confronted by equal or superior powers that it does not regard as authority. Hmm. Will try to strike by stealth or treachery, avoid open, even confrontation."

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Slash of leg tendon, not direct dominance struggle."

<AideWilliam> (Which means the burning tower may be a trap)

<John> "Best way to draw it out?"

<John> (draw the demon out, I mean.)

<John> (Which, bring the Giant.)

<Random_Nerd> Mrs. Winters, you get a phone call from your contact at the Kaerkoven Fire Department.

<MrsWinters> I pick it up.

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Hmm. When it makes attack on you, feign that attack succeeded. Simulate weakness."

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "If demon is proud, confident, it will move in to finish things. Act then."

<MrsWinters> "Helen Winters speaking."

<John> "Ah, thank you, Lesson! We shall attempt that."

<John> *tells the others of Lesson's suggestion*

<Random_Nerd> Fire Department Guy, worried: "This is about the fire, in the clock tower that our Benefactors and their servants work from. Are there protections we should know about? Should we leave the fire be? Three men have vanished."

<John> "Shall we state that the clock tower has been horribly damaged?"

<John> (Oh dear. The bigger on the inside room.)

<Random_Nerd> Fire Department: "We're trying to do what we can with hoses, but things don't make sense. And everyone who goes near the horse just disappears."

<John> (The ninjas. *sigh*)

<AideWilliam> (uhoh... did the demon find the horse?)

<Gil> "Should we hurry? It sounds like we should hurry."

<Gnomely> "Definitely"

<FashionDivaSam> "Rules of drama say that we'll get there right when the fire explodes and engulfs the firemen outside, no matter when we get there."

<MrsWinters> "Evacuate. Get everyone out of there. Keep it from spreading, but don't attack the fire directly. A team of specialists are on their way."

<Random_Nerd> You get there approximately four minutes before the fire xplodes and engulfs etc etc.

<Random_Nerd> ____CUT____

<John> "But this is not drama. This is real life!"

<Random_Nerd> Fireman: "The room is... it's too big. It's like there's a football stadium in there."

<Gnomely> "I bet on the drama rules in real life"

<Random_Nerd> Fireman: "And I'm not going near that horse. I saw what happened."

<AideWilliam> (Actually... didn't Theresa shore up the place with roots a long time ago?)

<John> (Yes.)

<Random_Nerd> (To repair the damage Monty did?)

<Random_Nerd> (Yes, but it's still bigger on the inside.)

<Random_Nerd> (Which gives Horse room to run and play.)

<AideWilliam> "Tell your men to stay out of that room entirely."

<AideWilliam> (I mean the tower)

<FashionDivaSam> (oh I remember doing that now)

<John> "How many men are missing and how many are disappeared?"

<FashionDivaSam> (that was years ago!)

<Random_Nerd> Fireman: "We've controlled the fire elsewhere, and we're keeping it from spreading. But if it continues in there, there will be structural damage."

<Random_Nerd> Fireman: "Three have disappeared. Then we stopped sending people in there and called."

<Random_Nerd> Fireman: "I saw one of them. He just /vanished/."

<Random_Nerd> (Everyone remember what the deal with the Horse is?)

<FashionDivaSam> (nope!)

<AideWilliam> "The demon and the horse. We may need miraculous protection."

  • John will call the palace and mention that he may be going into danger and to tell his nephew that he loves him and to be ready. And that I have confidence in him.

<John> (Yes!)

<AideWilliam> (IIRC, the horse's rider can make living things die at will?)

<Random_Nerd> (Belonged to a Warmain-shard you guys fought in New Mexico.)

<Random_Nerd> (It's a Focus.)

<John> (He's a focus with Worldbreaker's Hand.)

<Random_Nerd> (The person riding the horse can, at will, do Lesser Destructions of Human.)

<FashionDivaSam> (oh.)

<FashionDivaSam> (ow)

<John> (Ah, my mistake.)

  • MrsWinters closes her eyes and prays to Carrie.

<John> (Send in Sam!)

<AideWilliam> (Sam, you lead. :) )

<FashionDivaSam> (!)

<John> (And the Giant. Gil's only half destructed.)

<AideWilliam> (Does the giant count?)

<FashionDivaSam> (Sam may be close enough!)

<Random_Nerd> Feel free to do both sides of the conversation. You were out for that session, so we don't know what Carrie was doing then.

<John> (And could call in Lesson.)

<Gil> (I don't wanna be half-destructed. :C )

<Random_Nerd> (You don't know /exactly/ how close to human you have to be for it to work.)

<AideWilliam> (Of course, do we know this IC?)

<Random_Nerd> (You haven't extensively tested this.)

<AideWilliam> (Gnomely!)

<Random_Nerd> Sam and William, at least, know what the horse does.

<FashionDivaSam> (of course not!)

<FashionDivaSam> (Gnomely, though, I feel good about)

<MrsWinters> (I'll abstract it out, actually...))

<Gnomely> (I can go in)

<AideWilliam> "If what I fear has happened has happened, nothing human can survive his wrath."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "Define 'human."

<FashionDivaSam> (although, do we know what the properties of Human are?)

  • MrsWinters hands the speakerphone to William and takes about thirty more seconds with her eyes closed.

<Gnomely> "Then I can go in and found what happen, I'm not human"

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "Human like me? Or human like you?"

<AideWilliam> "Definitely human like me."

<Random_Nerd> (This is based on a Warmain gift, it might not follow the normal rules for what counts as Human.)

<John> "Oh yes. Whether it is the current definition of human or the more imperial-Human of long ago."

<AideWilliam> "I don't know about 'human like you'."

<Random_Nerd> Giant looks around.

<AideWilliam> "From their accounts it did eliminate several now-humans."

<Gnomely> "I'm entirely Ftisk made!"

<Random_Nerd> Giant, to Gil: "Are you human? You smell a bit like it. But you look like a ghost with veins."

<Gil> "Half human."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "Ah."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "What was your father?"

<Random_Nerd> (And he assumes that the non-human parent was the father, because that's how it was with the other nephilim that he knows.)

<MrsWinters> Then after about thirty seconds, there's a tangible presence possessing Helen, then Carrie's voice speaks from her lips and says, "You will be protected."

<Random_Nerd> (Angels don't tend to want to bear a kid for nine months.)

<Random_Nerd> So, Gnomely, what do you do?

<Gil> (Which one was Gil's father? Does Gil have something that he considers a father?)

<AideWilliam> "Who will be protected?"

<Gnomely> I'll go to the room and take a look searching for Horse

<MrsWinters> (Correct me if I'm wrong, an Auctoritas can be invoked through an Anchor, and it can protect a group of people as long as they stay together.)

<John> (Well, one of your parents was human. You pick.  :) )

<Random_Nerd> Inside, the room is huge.

<FashionDivaSam> (Yep! Auct is great this edition)

<Random_Nerd> (We don't know the details of Gil's parents.)

<John> (So Gil gets to make them up!)

<Random_Nerd> (For that matter, given how Triad-based reproduction works, he could have two fathers or two mothers.)

<Gil> (I want them to both be mothers!)

<Random_Nerd> (Okay.)

<Gnomely> are there traces I can follow to reach the horse?

<Gil> (Unless that doesn't make sense for Gil being "male")

<Random_Nerd> Gnomely, you see the horse.

<MrsWinters> "Those standing here. Stay by my side, and the Auctoritas of Hope will shield you."

<Random_Nerd> It's off in the distance. It seems calm, and completely not on fire.

  • Gnomely sprint to the horse

<Gil> ( was human. That doesn't matter.)

<Gil> "I don't have a father."

<John> (Yes it does, if you have a human Y )

<Random_Nerd> (Dionyl have gender, but don't have sexes.)

<Random_Nerd> (For someone like Gil, there aren't really any standard rules on how it works.)

<Random_Nerd> (So, decide how you like.)

<Random_Nerd> There's an odd shape on its back. Like an absence of the smoke that's present everywhere else.

<AideWilliam> "There."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "How were you brought forth, then?"

<John> (Demon! Deeeeemooooon...)

<John> (Well, see, my mom knows this stork dude...)

<Random_Nerd> Gnomely, you see the smokeless shape on the back of the horse point at you, and hear a cackling sound.

<Random_Nerd> Nothing happens.

  • Gnomely is relieved

  • Gnomely shout "Gna gna gna, oh, poor little demon, cannot kill me? What a pity!"

<Gil> "I had two mothers. One human and Dionyl. It....makes sense on Dionyl."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "Ah."

<John> (We haven't said we went in yet. Carrie said that we were all protected by Hope and we hadn't gone in yet.)

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "My mother was human. Never knew her, died in childbirth. My father was an Angel."

<Random_Nerd> Gnomely, you get to the horse.

<MrsWinters> (So, not sure if it was clear, but I'm using an Auctoritas.)

<Gil> "I'm impressed she lasted to childbirth."

<AideWilliam> How's the fire doing?

  • Gnomely try to dismount the demon from the horse

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "She was nearly one-eighth true human. It was what drew the attention of my father."

<Gnomely> "Leave that toy, can be dangerous in the wrong hands"

<Random_Nerd> The fire is contained, but continues to spread in there.

<FashionDivaSam> "Gil, it didn't even make sense on Dionyl."

<Random_Nerd> Voice, to Gnomely: "What are you, creature? You do not burn, and I cannot find you through the horse, but you do not smell of kin."

<Random_Nerd> (Okay.)

<Random_Nerd> (That, to Etheric.)

<MrsWinters> After the Auctoritas is invokved, Carrie's presence fades, but the feeling of Hope's power is still in the air.

<Random_Nerd> Gnomely, you grab the demon's leg. It's invisible, but tangible.

<AideWilliam> ("I ... AM ... (an) IRON MAN!" :) )

<Gil> "Shush. They were my mothers. It made sense to me."

<Gnomely> "Is none of your business demon, dismount now"

<FashionDivaSam> (Eth: remember you have to spend MPs to make an Auct effect)

<Random_Nerd> The other leg kicks at you, Gnomely.

<Random_Nerd> The foot is hoofed.

  • Gnomely pull the demon

<MrsWinters> (Right, 3 Persona MP if I recall correctly.)

<Random_Nerd> But you're made of metal.

<Random_Nerd> (So, the rest of you have gone in?)

<MrsWinters> (I'll deduct them when we go back to the Familia.)

<MrsWinters> (Going in now, I think.)

<John> (Yep, once we're protected. Remember, if I get disappeared, my fave novels go to Rachel.)

<Gnomely> (I want to use my weight to pull him off the horse and manage to sit on it)

  • AideWilliam brings in some firemen under protection

<FashionDivaSam> (Before we go in. OOC. How are we going to adopt Azazel?)

<Gil> (

<Gil> (We can adopt the Giant's poop after he eats the demon.)

<MrsWinters> (I think it was Beth who said, "We don't have to catch them all.")

<Random_Nerd> (Did you cover the demon, as well?)

<FashionDivaSam> (^_^)

<John> (We are not going to adopt an Angel. And we're not going to adopt this demon. He hurt one of my subjects. Sucker's gonna die.)

<Random_Nerd> Everyone, as you go in, you see Gnomely wrestling something invisible, next to the horse.

<Random_Nerd> The horse seems entirely unperturbed that a metal man is wrestling an invisible demon in a burning basement.

  • Gil looks around for something that can be used as a weapon

<Random_Nerd> (Err... I misspoke. Etheric, did you cover the giant?)

  • AideWilliam tries to coordinate the firemen's efforts so the tower doesn't get (much) worse.

<Gnomely> "Here! I catch it! Sort of"

<Random_Nerd> There's a shovel.

<FashionDivaSam> *prays to Brian* "The Horse seems to burn less well than normal horses."

<Random_Nerd> Gnomely, you and the demon are fairly evenly matched in terms of physical strength.

<MrsWinters> (He was in the vehicle with us, correct? Then I would have.)

<MrsWinters> (Or, well, beside the vehicle?)

<Random_Nerd> It seems to be doing something that makes your body grow hotter than even the surrounding fire, but it's not enough to incapacitate you.

<Random_Nerd> The Giant: "I have known warriors who would kill to own a horse half that good."

<John> *cheers* "Yes, Gnomely! Smite him!"

  • Gil grabs the shovel.

<MrsWinters> (I have the mental image that it covers "the party" in the RPG sense and that's more or less what I meant to cover.)

<Gnomely> "Beware guys the demon is hotter that the fire!!!"

<AideWilliam> "We need something we can hit the demon with.

<Random_Nerd> The Giant walks over to where Gnomely and the demon wrestle.

<John> "I believe that he is the pet of the Noble of Capriciousness. She does not visit as often as she used to."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "Was it bred, or made? I have seen no animal that disciplined."

<Gnomely> (we already meet that noble!)

<FashionDivaSam> "Yes."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "If your masters made it, tell them that if they could make one of a scale fit for me, I would consider it a boon."

<John> "I believe that it was the mount of a Warmain that the Amyran Nobles defeated."

<Gil> "Gnomely! Where's it's face!"

<Random_Nerd> Giant, disappointed: "Ah."

<AideWilliam> "All our Nobles know is that when they first saw it an Excrucian was riding it."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "What does the small metal man do?"

  • Gnomely try to strangle the demon " is just up my hands"

  • MrsWinters is a bit more nervous about the horse after hearing this.

<John> "I believe that it is wrestling the demon who insulted you earlier."

  • Gil tries to hit where Gnomely mentioned with the shovel.

<AideWilliam> "Could you help him, while I get some ketchup?"

<AideWilliam> to the Giant

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "Indeed. Its technique is sloppy." It squints. "Small metal man! The demon's legs are bent back, like those of a goat! The joints face the opposite directions."

<Gnomely> "Yay! Is really the kind of help I need atm!"

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "Oh. Of corse."

<John> (*makes mental note to make the Giant a horsey.)

<Random_Nerd> He reaches down and grabs the demon.

<FashionDivaSam> (The giant is played by Brian Blessed right?)

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "Not so fast, once the small metal man has caught you."

<Random_Nerd> He opens his mouth.

  • Gnomely metalgrin!

<AideWilliam> to John and especially Helen: "This will get messy."

<Random_Nerd> Oh, by the way. The giant's shape is mostly that of an overscale human. But when he opens his mouth, it opens far wider than seems possible. He seems able to dislocate his jaw like a snake, and his cheeks are attached oddly.

<Random_Nerd> So it's almost like watching a cartoon character take a big bite of an oversized sandwich.

<Random_Nerd> CHOMP.

<Random_Nerd> The giant stands there, chewing.

<John> "But so fascinating! My life has certainly become more interesting since Amyra has been enChanceled."

<Random_Nerd> Based on the movements of his arms, the demon is struggling ineffectually.

  • Gnomely turn and bleargh

<Random_Nerd> The giant stands, bites, and chews, like he did with the cow leg earlier.

<John> (That was a great description, RN.)

  • Gil freezes.

<FashionDivaSam> "Not sure how you meaty folks stand to eat at all."

<Random_Nerd> And as the demon dies, the pearlescent blackish-green blood around the demon's mouth starts to become visible.

<FashionDivaSam> "Still."

<Gnomely> "I.. I don't really believed he will *really* eat it"

<FashionDivaSam> "Seems rather ... grotesque."

<AideWilliam> "Well, we usually eat smaller chunks, and with rare exceptions cooked."

<Random_Nerd> Giant, through mouthful of demon: "Why not? In one day, I once ate thirty head of cattle."

<Random_Nerd> He finishes.

<John> (Just the heads.)

<Gil> (Hehe)

<AideWilliam> to John: "We should talk about getting a breeding program going.

  • Gnomely turn back toward the giant

<Random_Nerd> Giant, looking down. "My garments are aflame." To William: "You will have to have more made."

<AideWilliam> "And, actually, I suspect his 'victim' may be able to enjoy a normal life now."

<John> "Indeed. I shall ask Theresa and Brian to collaborate on the necessary steps and areas."

<Gnomely> "wow that is truly a radical way to manage a demon issue"

<Random_Nerd> Giant, to Gnomely. "I congratulate you on catching the creature. When it was troubling me, it hovered above the ground, and I was unable to firmly lay hands on it."

  • MrsWinters is looking at the burning inferno. Pointedly. Or at least pointed away from the giant.

<John> "I do hope that this ends Evelyn's terrors. She is a lovely woman but her calm has been seriously tried by this trial."

<AideWilliam> to the Giant: "Indeed. Once our Nobles return I shall ask Lady Theresa to make you a wardrobe."

<Gnomely> "well I had the surprise with me"

<Random_Nerd> (And it didn't do that when Gnomely grabbed it because the demon was riding the horse, and chose to stay on it to use its Gift against Gnomely. Which was a mistake.)

<Gil> "Guys? The /rest/ of the fire?"

<AideWilliam> "Ah yes...

<FashionDivaSam> "Oh right. That."

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "If there are no other demons to eat, I would return home."

  • AideWilliam calls to the firemen: "It's safe now! Get in here!"

<Gil> "Thank you, sir."

<Random_Nerd> The firemen come in.

<Random_Nerd> They seem baffled by the size of the room, but they get to work putting out the fire.

<John> "I thank you, friend Giant. Thank you for ridding the Chancel of a threat and also for removing the harm being done to one of my subjects."

<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and if you guys hadn't reinforced this place in the past, the building would be coming down by now.)

<AideWilliam> "A moment to let these men stop the fire...."

<John> "I shall ask one of the Nobles to grant you your boon of a fine horse of your stature."

<Gnomely> "thank for your help. Did you are interested in a tournament of -I catch you in my spiderweb-?"

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "And in return, small man, thank you for giving me opportunity to deal with one who had offended me."

<Random_Nerd> The firemen are making progress.

<FashionDivaSam> (... did he just acknowledge that John might actually be human?)

<Random_Nerd> Probably the guys who get sent to fires at the Clock Tower are really good.

<Random_Nerd> (Yes, he did.)

<Random_Nerd> The giant tries to wipe away demon-blood from his mouth, but just gets it on his hands.

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "I go now to find a river, to clean myself."

  • John bows. "It is not right to let such insults go by. They must be dealt with and in a manner that keeps others from assuming higher stature than reality."

  • AideWilliam hands the Giant a towel.

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "Ah."

<Random_Nerd> He uses it.

<John> (Yeah, I noticed that. Hee! ^^ )

<Random_Nerd> (I was going to ask why you had that... but William /is/ a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is.)

<Random_Nerd> (So I'll allow it.)

<AideWilliam> (Being an Aide, William always knows where his towel is. :) )

<Random_Nerd> (Indeed.)

<AideWilliam> (Dang, ninjad)

<Random_Nerd> He hands it back, covered in oily greenish fluid.

<Random_Nerd> Giant: "Thank you."

<FashionDivaSam> (besides, William hangs out with Sam.)

<Gil> to John: "You might want to store that towel in the Vault."

<FashionDivaSam> (or "hangs out with" at least)

<John> (Remembering Lesson's blood, we need to burn that sucker.)

<Random_Nerd> (And this demon was higher-caste than Lesson.)

<Gil> (And store the ashes in the Vault?)

<Random_Nerd> The Giant strides out.

<John> "It shall be burned and the ashes sanctified and the urn and ground blessed."

<Gil> (So it has better loot?)

<Random_Nerd> (If there's one thing Amyra knows how to do, it's store demons.)

<John> (Ehh, the Giant is going to get new clothes and a mount. I'd say not too bad of loot.)

<AideWilliam> "Good idea. We should do that immediately... considering it's dripping...:

<Gil> "I'll get a bowl to carry it in!"

<Gnomely> (If I'm hot enough I can take the towel and burn it on me)

  • Gil rushes to the coffee kitchen

  • MrsWinters is getting a little pale now. It's probably the shock wearing off.

<FashionDivaSam> "and then we'll burn the bowl and sanctify /it/"

  • John will call the palace for a containment unit and blessing kit. Then will call Lesson and tell him what happened!

<John> "Are you okay, Mrs. Winters? It is still quite hot in here. Please do tell your daughter that her help in this is greatly appreciated."

<Random_Nerd> William, your cellular phone rings.

<AideWilliam> "Ah yes. I should review along with your highness and the authorities procedures and methods for dealing with various demonic entities."

  • AideWilliam answers the phone

<AideWilliam> "Aide William."

<Random_Nerd> John, Reginald is fetching the demon-storage materials. Lesson is put on the phone.

<Random_Nerd> It's Theresa.

<Random_Nerd> Remember the conversation when you guys met Alice Gadish, and she discussed recruiting her for the Aides? That.

  • AideWilliam tells Theresa about Aides entry requirements.

<FashionDivaSam> (I'm loving this scenario for showing what the Aides get up to when we interrupt them ^_^)

<Random_Nerd> And Sam, by Anchor-speak, gets his side of that from Brian, and is briefly disappointed when he discovers that the woman Brian is describing is human rather than Dionyl.

<John> (Oh come on, Sam, you'd better not say that out loud. You'll insult Gil.)

<John> "Hello again, Lesson! Thanks to your consultation, we are working on the fire at the clock tower and the Giant has devoured the demon!"

<Random_Nerd> (It's in anchor-speak, Gil can't hear it.)

<Gil> (;_;)

<FashionDivaSam> (Humans just don't have the same fashion sense. Even Gil's is tainted!)

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Can the human woman be released, now?"

<Gil> (I only dress in rhinestone blazers because Kite tells me to!)

<FashionDivaSam> (Nonsense. It was rhinestone denim vests over tiedie t-shirts with bell bottoms before that!)

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Devoured?"

<FashionDivaSam> (Rhinestoned blazers is a short step to the side from there!)

<John> "I believe that Evelyn can be told about the ending of the demon, but she may wish to stay in the room longer, and she may if she chooses."

<AideWilliam> (Where do the lime-green leisure suits come in?)

<FashionDivaSam> (... besides, everyone knows you need a stetson to pull off the denim vest)

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "In how much detail should the frightened woman be told?"

<AideWilliam> (I'd say 'not much'. Just that the demon's gone.)

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "'Situation dealt with'? 'There was a fire, then demon was eaten by giant.'?"

<John> "Yes. The demon was on the Warmain horse and had disappeared multiple firemen who were attending the fire here at the clock tower. Gnomely wrestled the demon to the ground and, under the protection of Noble Carrie, the Giant was able to grab the demon and eat it completely."

<John> "Just that the situation has been taken care of. I am sometimes afraid that my subjects will not believe me when I talk of some of the interesting people I have met in the Chancel."

<AideWilliam> (heh)

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Understood."

<AideWilliam> did Gil get back with that bowl?

<Random_Nerd> Lesson's authority-dynamic-interaction-gears spin for a moment.

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Thank you for providing me with this information."

  • Gil returns with the bowl!

<Random_Nerd> Because, being Lesson, he has to clarify that he is not taking /orders/ from John, but receiving information from him and choosing to act accordingly.

<FashionDivaSam> (If ever I run Exalted, the Demons will all have Authority Dynamic Interaction Prana)

<John> "Thank you, Lesson, for the insight you provided into how this demon would react."

  • AideWilliam dumps the towel in the bowl

<Gil> "Plastics burn on Earth, right?"

<AideWilliam> "Depends on the plastic.

<John> "Is there anything further that you will need in the palace?"

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "I was glad to provide it..." (Lesson mentally considers, then rejects, "Sire" and "Comrade.") "...colleague."

<MrsWinters> (If you run Exalted, laz, sign me up. :D )

<Random_Nerd> So, that's pretty much it for the action. Shall we do the epilogue in brief, so as to finish tonight and start a new storyline next Amyra session?

<AideWilliam> "In any case, let's get this burned."

<AideWilliam> (OK.)

<MrsWinters> (Works for me.)

  • Gnomely nod "indeed"

<FashionDivaSam> (sounds good RN)

<John> (Sounds good.)

<Random_Nerd> So, let's see. Evelyn goes out of the panic room, and is not further troubled by the demon.

<Gil> (yay!)

<Random_Nerd> It remains unclear why it picked her in the first place, and why she could see demons.

<AideWilliam> The Aides probably take a few minutes to get the tower's interior fixed...

<Random_Nerd> John carefully prepares and stores the towel.

<Random_Nerd> The same contractors who installed the windows get to work on repairs.

<Random_Nerd> Fortunately, the fire damage isn't much visible from the outside, so the Nobles probably won't notice before it's fixed.

<Gnomely> (LOL)

<Random_Nerd> The giant feels nauseous for several hours, and then swears to never eat a demon again. This is the thirty-seventh time he has sworn this in the last two hundred years.

<AideWilliam> Nobles: "So, what happened while we were gone?" Us: "Oh, the usual."

<John> (How much Febreeze and baking soda is needed to clear out the burnt smell?)

<Random_Nerd> The Nobles return, with a Nimblejack in tow.

<Gnomely> (SpiderJack!)

<FashionDivaSam> (Giving John hysterics when he recognizes it from the book?)

<Random_Nerd> Overall, not a /bad/ week. Good thing that the stuff that happened three weeks earlier didn't happen at a time like this when the Nobles are unavailable for a long period.

<Random_Nerd> ______________STOP_________________

<AideWilliam> Beth, don't forget to have Theresa give the giant a nice suit. :)

=-= FashionDivaSam is now known as lazarus

=-= AideWilliam is now known as Knockwood

=-= MrsWinters is now known as Etheric

=-= YOU are now known as Angelo

=-= Gil is now known as Verithe

<John> I love the noodle incident. ^^

=-= John is now known as BethE

<Angelo> great session

<Etheric> Yay! One more thrilling success for the Amyra crew.

<BethE> Yes, Theresa shall make the Giant some new clothes, including formal attire if he wishes. And she shall make him a Fine Horse.

<Random_Nerd> And yes, I'm implying that when you Nobles go out to fight a Flower Rite or something, this is just the sort of thing that tends to happen back home.

<Knockwood> Hey, another candidate for the Other Guys of Nobilis! The Power of Noodle Incidents can join the Power of Bacon...

<Etheric> This was more or less simultaneous with the Doogle storyline, right?

<Random_Nerd> Yep.

<Random_Nerd> And the earlier part was simultaneous with the Afghanistan part.

<Random_Nerd> Overall, this story ended maybe two or three hours before the attack on Machinery did.

<Knockwood> BTW, Angelo, did you get my Iron Man ref earlier?

<Angelo> yep Knock

<Etheric> So the MPs I spent for the Auctoritas would be taken from those I had left in that storyline.

<Knockwood> Just checking

<Random_Nerd> But Carrie wasn't doing many miracles then that I recall.

<Random_Nerd> So, did you guys like doing a little side-story like this?

<Etheric> I seem to recall I spent Domain MPs there and Auctoritas takes Persona so it should end up working out.

<Etheric> I really did enjoy it!

<Random_Nerd> Did I do enough stuff to get your PC involved?

<Knockwood> Heh, maybe we should think up some Other Guys of Nobilis... the interesting Powers they only call in emergencies

<Etheric> As sometimes happens, it took me a while to feel like I was getting into it, but this session was a blast.

<Angelo> Me too, I would like to repeat that sidestorying in the future

<Random_Nerd> Are there any other NPCs that you guys might, at some point, like to do a side-story involving?

<Etheric> Hmm, well, Eve is an NPC now.

<Knockwood> (I'm sure you remember "Rub Some Bacon On It": https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=wSReSGe200A )

<Angelo> Ftisk the beta verson in Vulcan channel

<lazarus> Mystery Men of Nobilis?

<BethE> Hmm, not sure. My Maple, but he doesn't talk and he doesn't move.  :)

<Verithe> Shadows' family?

<Random_Nerd> I know! I should have you guys each play someone who was affected by the Curse of James!

<Verithe> YES!

<Etheric> That sounds rather dangerous.

<Random_Nerd> Original Flavor James, New And Improved James, Spicy Excrucian Barbecue James, Herb, Snow...

<lazarus> Every incarnation of James!

<Angelo> The Acorn Beth? He is more talkative

<Random_Nerd> ...and we discover the incredibly cosmically-important stuff they've been doing.

<Angelo> a group of James would be cool

<Verithe> Yesyesyes!

<Knockwood> Hm...

<Random_Nerd> Might be an amusing way to address that dangling plot thread...

<Random_Nerd> A bit silly, but this is a rather silly game at times.

<Etheric> I'm not ruling it out, but someone will have to give me a refresher.

<Etheric> Because, I suspect that I only know the original flavor one.

<lazarus> original James was very ... angry, as I remember

<BethE> Yes, RN will probably have to have a prologue explaining each of the Urbans.

<Random_Nerd> Heck, /I/ would need to check old logs to brush up.

<Random_Nerd> The James situation is a mess.

<Angelo> but would be cool

<Knockwood> oh, speaking of which... where are the latest logs?

<Angelo> in my gmail waiting to be put online

<Etheric> At the lumber site?

<Knockwood> the Wiki is still open

<Angelo> yep but I have to spellcheck and format them and put them on the wiki

<Knockwood> in fact, it's now 99.9% junk-free now that it's been upgraded and we put in a better spam-filter

<Angelo> I can send they as they are to your mail of you want them now

<Knockwood> Seriously, I used to have to toss a dozen each night. Now I haven't seen a spam in a week.

<Random_Nerd> Oh, by the way, Anglo, I just wanted to say that I appreciate what you do in editing and posting the logs.

<Random_Nerd> Angelo.

<Random_Nerd> Hello, Tpyo.

<Knockwood> hm, should Tpyo be an Other Guy, or their Imperator?

<Random_Nerd> Other Guy, I think.

<Angelo> well I *Know* the logs are not updates and is in my to do list to catch up

<lazarus> Tpyo is a Natural Force.

<lazarus> beyond just Nobilis.

<Random_Nerd> I think the Imperator of Typos sits on his Typo Throne eating peeled grapes while Tpyo runs around doing all the work.

<Random_Nerd> And she's never appreciated.

<lazarus> going to head off now. good night guys, good storyline!

<Knockwood> g'night laz

<Angelo> night laz

<Random_Nerd> Oh, before you go...

<lazarus> Hm?

<Random_Nerd> Since this was an experimental one, what did each of you like most and least about it?

<Random_Nerd> If I'm to do this again, I want to know what worked and what didn't, so I can improve.

<lazarus> I liked the behind the scenes, with the hooks into main pcs

<Angelo> least the starting session, was awkward to not be Ftisk and be without powers. Maybe next round we can add will + intention?

<Knockwood> Well, the big problem with it is the need to give us all their backstory.

<Knockwood> Mitigated somewhat by the fact that we know these guys, of course

<Random_Nerd> I was intending to use that system more, but in practice you guys seemed to be doing mostly stuff I knew you could definitely do.

<Random_Nerd> Problem as in you need to read backstory, or I need to write it, Knock?>

<Knockwood> both

<Verithe> I thought we all got backstory.

<lazarus> We were behaving as the characters, so didn't need to stat much

<Random_Nerd> Well, the latter was mostly just me putting on paper stuff that I'd worked out in the past.

<Knockwood> it's a little tricky not playing Dante. (or Duls. :p )

<Random_Nerd> William's background, for instance, has been that way for a while, it just didn't really come up much.

<Verithe> Ah.

<BethE> Can we get him married before the Meeting?

<lazarus> (hell, I am still playing Jasper more like Luthien than Jasper :()

<Random_Nerd> That's the plan.

<Random_Nerd> Eh, your Jasper works, at least for me.

<Random_Nerd> Oh, and thanks for playing along with the moments of slight railroading to get the conversations with your normal PCs in.

<Random_Nerd> Anyway, good session guys.

<Random_Nerd> I had fun.

<Angelo> me too

<Random_Nerd> See you sans Angelo next week for Chuubo.

<BethE> God game!

<lazarus> Those were fun :). I like the looks into these lives when we contact them

<Angelo> yep good Chuubo next week!

<lazarus> And I like that it isn't just weird for weird's sake

<lazarus> (yes, Beth, Nobilis IS a God game!)

<Random_Nerd> G'night, all.

<Knockwood> g'night

<lazarus> Anyway, g'night.

<BethE> Good night! *HUGS*

|<-- lazarus has left (Disintegrated: lazarus)

<Angelo> night!+

|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )

|<-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)

|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: Knockwood)

<Verithe> g'night!

|<-- Verithe has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258])

<Angelo> night

<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 36