Session 39

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Chapter 6

[JamesUrban] spooky
[Random Nerd] There!
[BethL] Hi all! *HUGS*
[BethL] Darn it, did someone sneak Summonable onto my character sheet _again_?!?
[lazarus] (21:31:36) [Knockwood] so where's Beth?
[lazarus] (21:32:23) BethL [] entered the room.
[lazarus] Looks like.
[Knockwood] So, where's my million dollars?
[BethL] Bah, RN has yet to get the pony he keeps yammering about...

[Theresa] Hmm...are we done with the Little Demon House in the Woods?
[DanteE] What are the details of the building Theresa made last time?
[Theresa] *thinks* I think it was spartan. Offices on the first floor, bunks and dorms up on the second floor for people to sleep in if needed.
[DanteE] Don't forget a garage...
[Theresa] Ahh, yes, and a garage.
[DanteE] And possibly a fireman's pole, just for effect. And a variant of the Ghostbusters logo up top.
[Theresa] We could discreetly let it out into the bulletin board about the existence of the house for those Chancel members who have changed. That way we don't have people who are ticked off at the changes stopping by.
[Theresa] The pole, I can probably do...the lightup sign, nope.
[lazarus] Beth, you know there's bioluminescent plants, right?
[Theresa], I don’t think I did. I know more about the biolight, although there are algae...
[Random Nerd] Still, the plants have to be alive to do that.
[lazarus] Algaes and some way deep ocean plants. So, you could make it light up, given a way for them plants to live :-P
[Theresa] Preservation.
[DanteE] Or you could add some Realm-tinkery.... The sun's shining on it now, lighting it up. Do a Realm Preservation of Reflected Light.
[Random Nerd] Or you could just go and buy a neon sign or something.
[lazarus] Bah! "buy"
[Theresa] Lesson still has the neverending credit card.
[lazarus] Still, purchasing is so /mundane/.

[DanteE] Did we settle whether we wanted to make a transmogrifier with Chancel points?
[Etheric] I wouldn't mind going the Chancel Point route. Though if not, I could spend a character point and get it as a Gift for Carrie.
[Theresa] Did we have enough to make one? And plus, once it exists, it will come into being elsewhere...whose Domain would it be out there?
[Etheric] We do have a free Chancel Point, Beth, so we could add a Weird Science.
[DanteE] Well, we swapped out Building Seeds when we 'lost' James, right?
[Etheric] Did we? I hadn't known that.
[lazarus] We hadn't done that.
[lazarus] Just never used them or defined them further as I remember.
[Etheric] We've never really used the Building Seeds...
[Random Nerd] Indeed. Although you could use one to make a ghostbusters headquarters if you really wanted to...
[JamesUrban] Even when building buildings.
[Theresa] Hmm..that might be better, the building seed, as it would have all of the metal stuff and would probably do better than Theresa at making one. She gets distracted by fiddly bits.
[Etheric] Well, if we retconned out the Building Seeds, we'd have two chancel points to play around with. Or we could retcon the headquarters to have been made via Building Seed. Or we could leave things as is.
[Etheric] We had one Chancel point left over from before. Because I raised Carrie's Realm retroactively. And we never spent it.
[Random Nerd] Oh, yes, after the first storyline?
[Etheric] Right. And then we put it into escrow until James came back, since he had 2 Realm. At least, that's what I recall.
[JamesUrban] I'm all for the transmogrifier... thing.
[DanteE] Let's see... if I count it right, what we have now is 6 Chancel Points...
[Random Nerd] Weird Science 1, +2 for Convenient, +2 for defender's blessing, +1 for magical inhabitants. 6.
[Etheric] So we got another Chancel Point to play around with then, which we never made use of.
[lazarus] I'm all for Weird Science (cardboard box transmogrifiers).
[DanteE] Hang on, if we get the Transmogrifier as a Weird Science, wouldn't it be useable on Earth? Or anywhere else?
[Etheric] That's correct.
[DanteE] That'd be tricky if it's as we first envisioned it, a big ray.
[Random Nerd] Also, it wouldn't cause DA as such. On the other hand, it wouldn't work on Nobles. And people would still probably freak out if you turned them into toads or whatever.
[Random Nerd] But not technically in a DA way, more in a "Tapdancing Entropy, I'm a toad!" way.
[Theresa] Hmm...good to know.

[Brian] (So, we have both building seeds and the transmogrifier doohickies?)
[DanteE] (You could add to the steel-glass-and-concrete thing the seed would make.)
[Random Nerd] (Now, bear in mind that even puny miracles will trump the effects of weird science, which is technically an earthly magic.)
[Theresa] ( would the transmogrifier change the people back to human or would the work of Kudzu trump that?)
[Carrie] (Assuming the divine spark within humanity is somehow Imperial, and if miracles trump weird science, that would mean that humans changed to other things in the transmogrifier would still count as human, for Light Code purposes?)
[Random Nerd] (Humans no longer have any Spiritus Dei. It got bred out.)
[DanteE] (Considering we've got a person-tree wandering around, that's already a given, I think.
[Carrie] (Okay, I thought it was there, but hidden somehow.)
[Random Nerd] (As for whether they'd count as human for Light and Dark, some would agree and some wouldn't.)
[Carrie] (Right.)
[Theresa] (The agreeing probably would depend on what the being was doing at the moment.)
[Random Nerd] (The last miraculous human died 4000 years ago or so.)
[JamesUrban] (If I was raised human, am I not still. Though I inhabit the body of a jackal-headed giant?)
[JamesUrban] (I think they still are.)
[Brian] (But, time and death and stuff has only existed for a short time! *brain break*)
[Random Nerd] (Time was invented 1,408 years before the last miraculous human died. Death was invented 201 years after time.)
[DanteE] (And no one is sure when Borgstrom came into being.
[Brian] (The Great Borgstromian Entity has always been)

Time is rewound to before the house was built.

  • DanteE stops Theresa. "Wait, can't we do this easier?"

[Theresa] "Hmm?"
[DanteE] "Building things. James is back, after all...”
[DanteE] "Couldn't we just take a tiny piece of that (points to Kaerkoven) and put it here?"

  • Theresa blinks and then looks at James. "What do you think, James?"

[JamesUrban] "I am a pawn of my estate. I am not a master builder by any means."
[JamesUrban] "I'm still somewhat impressed by your ability to whip up buildings at will."

  • Theresa gives a half-hearted frown. "It's harder than I thought it would be. All of the little details. And it's all wooden. No metal or plastic or anything like that. I'm not sure how much it would stand up to normal wear and tear without a preservation."

[DanteE] "Well, wait... wood from Theresa... steel, glass and brick from the city itself... Numbers determining how it all fits together...”
[DanteE] "There ought to be a way to make a building just from our natures.”
[JamesUrban] "Were it to be a structure truly unique, I would see the necessity, however Lesson and his group can easily work from an abandoned warehouse or some other structure they can purchase and renovate."
[Theresa] "Well, it's up to you, James. He's your Anchor."
[JamesUrban] "I would rather not expend your energy if it can be done conventionally."
Lesson: "An ordinary building would do, Dominus."
[JamesUrban] "Well then, that's settled. Shall we head back?"
[DanteE] "Hm. How far are we letting Lesson and company roam, though? He may be needed anywhere in Amyra."
[JamesUrban] "I am comfortable with him working nearby, just in case you need his aid. And in light of recent concerns, it also allows him to continue to work with us and build confidence in his abilities."
[JamesUrban] (Lesser Div. of Realm to find the most suitable vacant facility for the Bureau.)
[Random Nerd] (Suitable by what standards?)
[JamesUrban] (Big, sturdy, defensible, lots of room. I'm thinking of places like old prisons, etc.)
[DanteE] "James, could you create a new suburb of Kaerkoven?"
[Random Nerd] (Major Creation of Urbanization could do that, but you can't do one of those.)
[JamesUrban] "I can merely influence aspects of the urban, not create them whole-cloth."
[DanteE] "I was thinking, they'd need to be able to move anywhere quickly...”
[Random Nerd] (Hmm. Would a former factory with the machinery already cleared out and thick brick walls do?)
[JamesUrban] (Yeah, that would be fine.)
[Random Nerd] (In that case, you've found an adequate structure that happens to be for sale.)
[Theresa] "Hence the vehicle you have provided, Dante?"
[DanteE] "Which means good, clear roads for the APC."
[DanteE] "Preferably nowhere near, say, a school... considering how he drives..."
[Random Nerd] (Actually, I think one of the arm guys was doing the driving. Lesson doesn't know how to drive.)
[Theresa] (Thank Chancel for small favors...)
[JamesUrban] "Thinking and divining places also brings me to another thing along that string of thought... I believe we now have a liason with the government now, and we should probably start the process of the government freeing non-violent prisoners and come up with a way to exile the more violent ones."
[DanteE] "... right... Kudzu. Of course.”
[Theresa] "Exile how? Just send them out into the borders to wander for eternity?"
[DanteE] "Speaking of which... we still have the uberbunny to deal with."
[Theresa] "And the missing soldiers."
[JamesUrban] "Perhaps one of the Aides knows of an appropriate place.. the chancel equivalent to an Australian colony somewhere.

  • Theresa looks at Sam and Will, eyebrow raised.

S: "Err, we don't really know your chancel all that well."
S: "You could probably make an island of exile if you wanted, though, right?"
[Brian] "Um. Guys. We're not to cage any creature. A cage limits freedom of movement. So does exile, doesn't it?"
[DanteE] "Depends on the exile, really.
[DanteE] "They could be free, just not here...”
[JamesUrban] "Not our chancel... some other one, or perhaps an uninhabited world on the tree."
[DanteE] "Though I wonder about the effects on wherever we send... oh.”
W: "Well, if you take a Wild stance to it, why shouldn't they be free to roam wherever they want?"
[Brian] "Exiling will cause them to no longer come here. It's like putting them in a cage with the bars only around our Chancel."
[Theresa] "Because it's our duty to protect the people of this Chancel, even from those who are within its borders?"
[Brian] "I would prefer just convincing them that violence is not the right solution."
W: "Asking merely as Wildlord's Advocate here, why is that your duty?"
[Brian] "It is our duty to protect the people of this Chancel, for we are the only protection they have"
[JamesUrban] "Well, the world is one giant cage if you look at it like that. I believe that refusing them some areas doesn't affect their freedom."
[Brian] "Exile doesn't sit right with me. They're still Chancelfolk"
S, to [Brian] "Is this, like, a Spiderman thing?"
[Brian] "Nice reference to pop culture, there, Sam. I guess it kind of is."

  • Theresa's mouth opens and closes a time or two as she thinks it out. "'s our fault that they are enChancelled. That they can't get out. That they're cut off from everywhere else. And we're the reason why beings, like say Excrucians, might come here and hurt them."

[JamesUrban] "You'd rather just tinker with their minds and make them non-violent? Or just let them loose?"
[Random Nerd] (For reference, significant personality alterations /would/ break the Wild code.)
[DanteE] "Well, you have to think of the worst of the lot... murderers, molestors..."
[Brian] "I'm not talking tinkering with minds. I'm talking about having an actual /rehabilitation/ program, rather than just exile or imprisonment or anything where we forget about them. Teach them about what they're doing, and if they do need assistance - perhaps if they have a mental illness, or something - then provide it."
[DanteE] (... technically, killing them would serve the Light, right?)
[Random Nerd] (Killing them would be Light-neutral or somewhat Light-Positive, although not exceedingly so.)
[DanteE] (Vyasa's story of the harem guard.)
W: "And if they /do/ wish to remain as they are?"
[JamesUrban] "I don't have objection to that... but providing a choice of exile would be befitting the code as well. Those that don't take it may take your options."
[Brian] "Then I can't in good conscience exile or imprison - but I would have it made clear that we will protect all Chancelfolk from any - any - harm"
Lesson: "A question, Dominus. Does that mean that you approve of the situation that leads many souls to Hell?"
[JamesUrban] "If that is the destination, their choices leads them to."
L: "Very well."
L: "Really, then, if you follow that principle..."
L: "Just kill them all. Their souls will rise or fall as their natures direct them."

  • Theresa _twitches_.

[Brian] "Lesson, no."
[Brian] "Doing that prevents them from learning and changing."
[JamesUrban] "However, I would prefer they make choices that don't put them on that road. And live lives as long as possible to perhaps redeem themselves."
[DanteE] "It would help if the choices and consequences were clear...”
Lesson: "In my experience, those in Hell are continously learning and changing...."
[DanteE] "Yes, they're learning new forms of pain and changing their chemical composition to include more carbon, I suspect."
L: "Also, madness and corruption, sir."
L: "I'm just trying to work within the framework that has been presented to me by my Dominus. Am I doing this incorrectly, sir?"
Samuel, to Carrie, whispered: "This is kind of what I was talking about earlier..."
[DanteE] "The choices aren't clear, mainly because every religion has a different interpretation of what leads people to hell...
L: "What does religion have to do with it?"
[DanteE] "You know…I used to hate it when people would brush off my questions with something like 'It's complicated'. Now I see their point..."
L: "Hell is as it is. It doesn't care what people think about it."
L: "That's one of the fundamental principles of Hell, actually."
[DanteE] "I doubt that really qualifies as a 'life', Lesson..."
[JamesUrban] "As a general rule, I don't believe in killing and cutting lives short. I, and you as well, should make sure to strive to make all the lives of the chancelfolk as long and possible."
L, to James: "Why, Dominus?"
[JamesUrban] "Because the chancelfolk are part of me. Every one of them that dies un-natural deaths, diminshes myself and the variety of experience here in the chancel."
L: "So, if I understand, you don't want to constrain their choices or natures, but you do want to constrain their actions, and you want them to live as long as possible?"
[JamesUrban] "Yes, but only constrain their actions insofar as they cause harm to others."
[Brian] "I will only resist an action if it brings another Chancel member to (unwilling) harm"
L: "Well, you could create some sort of things to watch them, and give them the understanding that they'd be immediately killed if they hurt anyone. Would that work?"
[Brian] "Insufficiently well - it would not be able to determine the desires of the one hurt"
[Theresa] "You'd have rules lawyers arguing within nanoseconds."
L: "Is threatening people with death an acceptable means of constraining their actions?"
[JamesUrban] "That's the purpose of the police and the law."
[JamesUrban] "Although it takes time for them to render a decision. "
L: "Then you think I should have let the police kill me?"
[Theresa] "There are people who don't care that they die. If they were wanting to die anyhow or if they think their death will spawn a martyrdom..."
[DanteE] "And, oddly enough, I suspect the Wild would require people to have the option of hurting someone else. (to William) Right?"
W: "I'm no expert on the subject, but as I understand it, the Wild has no particular problem with people hurting other people, if it is in their nature to do so. Correct?"
[Brian] "You did not wish to be killed. However, killing police was not necessarily the correct solution - incapacitating would have been preferable, I think"
L: "So if these people do not wish to be killed, then the use of the threat of death is not an acceptable way to control them?"
[JamesUrban] "I think you acted appropriately given the situation was, from what I understand, influenced by powers."
[DanteE] "Suddenly I remember why I had so much trouble with Philosophy 102. Damn required courses."
[JamesUrban] "As I am a higher power than the police, I will determine your fate. You are free to defend yourself if you feel your life is in danger."
L: "What's wrong with you killing people?"
[DanteE] "That could constrain their fate, and their souls."
[Theresa] (to the killing people) "I think that's somewhere in Entropy's rules..."
[DanteE] "Yes... don't kill innocents."
W: "Entropy doesn't mind if you hurt people who've hurt other people. And we /are/ talking about violent criminals, right?"
L: "But wouldn't their souls and their fates be constrained solely by their own natures?"
[JamesUrban] "The threat of death is an acceptable way to control people in some nation's laws. Immediate death, not so much."
W: "The demon raises an interesting point. As I understand the process of human death, it results in a soul rising or falling merely on the merits of its own nature. By my understanding of the Wild code, this is nearly an ideal situation."
[JamesUrban] "I don't believe my family follows the Wild code to the exclusion of their previous morality."
W: "Ah. Duly noted, sir."

  • Theresa paces nervously a little due to the talk about all of the killing.. (Respect Life)

[Random Nerd] (For reference, the Respect Life rule only means not killing needlessly. It isn't an absolute blanket ban on killing.)
[Theresa] (Hmm, good to know. The same for Respect Plant Life? Because that sounds like part of Theresa's view on Plants...)
[Random Nerd] (Yep. It's permissible to kill plants if you have a good enough reason to.)
[JamesUrban] (Yeah, I had a nice salad for lunch.)
[Theresa] (*grin* That's acceptable. Theresa thinks plants should be useful...)
[Random Nerd] (But if you're just going by the serpent code, killing a tree is as bad or worse than killing a human.)
[Theresa] (Would Red then have been _demoted_ in those eyes?)
[Random Nerd] (Red's still a tree.)
[Theresa] (But now he's got human cooties.)
[Random Nerd] (How so? He's sapient, yes, and he can move. But Serpents themselves are sapient mobile plants.)
[Theresa] (RN - hmm, very true. And I didn't realize the Serpents were plants, really. I guess the Born from the Tree didn't connect with that.)
[Brian] "However, people should be given even more choice on the matter - otherwise, it is as Lesson says. If people are incapable of changing their nature, then why the intermediate step? What would we be fighting to save? Give people the choice to learn about their actions, and the consequences thereof, and let them choose. Yes, they will choose in a way appropriate to their nature, but that nature can change."
[DanteE] "Right... in theory, as long as someone's alive, and has choices, they're capable of changing their nature."
[JamesUrban] "Brian, would you be alright with exile into a place with a rehabilitation program for those that chose it, with the graduates able to return to the chancel?"
[Brian] "That's an acceptable compromise, I suppose"

  • Theresa rubs her forearms a bit. "All this talk of exile...I _really_ think we should find the soldiers that the government sent out into the borders. Who knows what has happened to them."

[DanteE] "Agreed. It would help us be accepted by the populace as well."
[JamesUrban] ( I don't remember.. what was the results of a divination to find them if any?)
[Random Nerd] (They're not in-chancel, and so can't be found by Realm divs.)
[Theresa] "And we need all of the help we can get. We've got Excrucians outside, Cams inside and random werewolved professors behind various trees."
[DanteE] "As well as the usual lions, tigers and bears."

  • JamesUrban gives Lesson the address of the warehouse for his new hq.

He looks at it for a moment, walks to the ATV, and hands it to the driving arm-guy.
[JamesUrban] (GoogleMap Ghost Miracle up a map with the place on it for the driver to see briefly.)

  • DanteE hops into the driver's seat of the new DanteMobile.

[JamesUrban] "How long have the soldiers been missing?"
[DanteE] "Probably at or just after the enChanceling."
[Theresa] "The government sent them out...we took a bit long to let them know some of the pitfalls of the Chancel.."
[Random Nerd] (Since a day or so after the Enchanceling.)
[DanteE] “Yeah, but things were getting weird before...”
[Random Nerd] (Cut to the warehouse?)
Okay, it's fairly large, couple hundred yards at a side. Ceiling about twenty yards up, periodic lightbulbs hanging from it. Empty, and fairly dusty, still smells a little of oil and plastic. Brick walls on the outside, painted cinderblocks on the inside. High ceiling on account of the size of several of the pieces of machinery that used to be here.
[JamesUrban] (On the way..I'll perform a Lesser Div of Domain..searching city newspapers for mention of squads of soldiers appearing and probably getting detained 2RMP.)
[Random Nerd] (Lesser divinations aren't generally global in effect. Focusing on any particular locations?)
[Random Nerd] (Or, for that matter, newspapers?)
[JamesUrban] (Africa, near where we used to be, large city newspapers)
[DanteE] (Ah... if it happened _after_ the enChanceling, they could be anywhere. Maybe not even on Earth.)
[Random Nerd] (Nothing shows up in the northern part of Africa's newspapers.)
[JamesUrban] (True. But it's my hunch on a first place to look.)
[DanteE] "This could be a 3-story building."
[DanteE] "Then it could be a bunch of things...”
[DanteE] "Lesson HQ, Halfway house...”
[Theresa] "Fortress."
[DanteE] "Space for any projects..."
[DanteE] (Housing for the transmogrifier, nursery for building seeds...)
[Theresa] (Dante should buy up more real estate. [g])
[DanteE] (We own the bloody country.
[Theresa] (Yeah, we do own it, but at the same time, the owners have to make a living too. And as of yet, money doesn't grow on trees. )
[DanteE] (Well, fix that, Plants!
[Theresa] (It'd crash the economy. And Carrie would kill me for killing a lot of Hope.)
[JamesUrban] "Yes, this place should do nicely. If the source of funds we have given you is still working, feel free to spend on appropriate furnishings. Perhaps one of your three armed friends has a knack for decorating."
[JamesUrban] "I've done some preliminary searching on the way here, and it would appear that the missing soldiers are not in Northern Africa, or at least no large papers report them turning up."
[Theresa] "They might be stuck in between. Between here and there."
[DanteE] "I wonder if maybe we can locate their families, or maybe the remainder of the units they were in, and find them that way...”
[JamesUrban] "That would be tricky to find them if they're lost in some kind of limbo."
[Brian] "It will be tricky to find them no matter what."

  • Theresa asks Carrie, "Would the hope their families have for their safety be something that could be tracked to the soldiers?"

[Random Nerd] (Hmm. I don't think so, based on the way we defined hope. Agreed?)
[JamesUrban] ""Brian, could you have Jim search Google for mention of missing soldiers? I understand he's a math nerd, so he should have great google-fu."
[Brian] "Good idea."
[JamesUrban] "Or, I guess on their side it would be mysterious appearing soldiers."
[DanteE] "Claiming to be from a country that no longer exists. Maybe they're an X-File. "

  • Brian walks to a corner store to look at newspapers/magazines.

[Random Nerd] (The ones from outside the Chancel are from preEnChanceling.)
[Brian] (anchor): "Hey, Jim. I need you for a sec: can you run a web search for news items of soldiers, appearing out of nowhere, or belonging to no Earth country, or claiming to be from Amyra?"

  • Theresa thinks. "And they might not speak the language..."

[DanteE] "James, did you look in the Enquirer, or the Fortean Times?"
[JamesUrban] "No, that didn't occur to me."
[Brian] "Good question..."
[JamesUrban] "Just in Northern African major city papers."
[DanteE] "Then again... soldiers are supposed to go to a specific place. If we look where they went and check which pathways are in those areas, that might be a start.”
[Random Nerd] (Hmm. Those would be trickier, though, being not city papers.)
[JamesUrban] (They'd be tough to have been delivered here. Although if anybody could get through it would be the fortean times I guess. Nobody escapes from the watchful eye of the National Inquirer either.)
Jim: "I suppose I could..."
Jim, fortunately, is already at his desk, which contains a computer.
Jim: "According to the Fortean Times website, about twenty heavily armed men appeared in the middle of Mexico City a week or two back. Hazy on the details, though, which is to be expected."
Jim: "Nothing on it on more reputable news sites, though."
[Brian] A: "Thanks."
[Brian] "We've got something in Mexico, but from a net-equivalent of a tabloid" (Err... I'm not there anymore, so I'll send it through Realm's Heart.)

  • JamesUrban relays the message.

[Theresa] "Darn, we didn't ask the Minister how many soldiers are missing..."
[DanteE] "We should keep it under wraps, though, because we might not find them all."
[Theresa] "But it would help to know if we're looking for groups of twenty or when we have them all."
[JamesUrban] (Lesser Div of Realm: Any passages out of the chancel to Mexico City, or Mexico?)
[Random Nerd] (The chancel links up to all large cities on Earth. Mexico City is an emphatic yes.)
[JamesUrban] "Perhaps we can ask them when we meet them?"
[Theresa] "Good idea, James."
[lazarus] I think that's a staple of Nobilis: Talk and philosophize, and do stuff as a side issue.
[JamesUrban] Yeah, but next time we get action! So a good setup for a possible prison break and moral debate.
[BethL] The moral stuff is tricky.
[lazarus] I agree. I just prefer the philosophy sessions than the actually doing stuff. :-P
[Knockwood] And I still say we should do SOMETHING about Monty before RN springs something horrible on us that way.
[Random Nerd] Would I do that?
[Knockwood] RN: it's the fine print in your official HG contract.
[Random Nerd] I mean, am I the sort of GM who bring in plot elements, allows plenty of time to pass, and then springs them on you in horribly mutated form?
[Knockwood] We definitely want to do something about Monty. ASAP.
[lazarus] RN: you've admittedly done the exact same thing at least twice before. :-P
[Random Nerd] Yep. So the answer is a definite "yes."
[JamesUrban] Yes, I enjoy the philosophy as well. Especially since I get to play Demon's advocate a bit more.
[BethL] Well, he is _your_ demon...
[lazarus] I suppose part of that is that Brian's a definite thinker rather than doer.
[JamesUrban] I do enjoy hearing Lesson’s simple and black and white solutions. Kill em all or feed em to hellspawn alligators are nice options to have on the table for perspective.
[Random Nerd] He was trying to work within the rules you presented him with, but his perspective is, perhaps, somewhat biased in favor of simple but cruel solutions.
[BethL] Yes, but it's hard to have comebacks. Philosophical commentary just kind of turns pale when facing hellspawn alligators.
[Knockwood] Lesson is purely a creature of hell (as opposed to, say, a changed human or fallen angel), right?
[JamesUrban] I perhaps dominated a bit because of the prison issue myself, but it was a good debate.
[Random Nerd] Demons are the natural inhabitants of Hell. They were there before the Fall happened, even.
[Knockwood] Well, that'd mean he only has one frame of reference.
[Random Nerd] Pretty much. He's changed some since you guys acquired him, but all of his life experience up until recently was in Hell.
[JamesUrban] I must admit, I feel a bit like a loser when everybody looks to me to create cities and buildings and I'm just a lowly Pawn.
[BethL] *grin* Well, I get looked at to do Realm stuff and I have to pay for just Ghost Miracles.
[Knockwood] You're Urbanization. If any of us can do it (via Domain, anyway), it’s you
[JamesUrban] I'm just glad I don't have a big ego and sprain my miracle muscle trying to live up to expecations. ;-)
[BethL] It will be interesting to see more of James.
[Knockwood] I still say the warehouse will be more useful if someone does a Lesser Creation of Floors.
[JamesUrban] And deprive the good construction workers of Amyra work? Nay, my good friend.
[Knockwood] More seriously... would something like hooking the place up to the local power/sewer/roadway systems be a Lesser Creation of Urbanization?
[Random Nerd] Yeah, that would do it.
[Knockwood] Come to think of it, could he make a high-rise?
[JamesUrban] They should have most of that anyway though being a building we didn't just whip up.
[Random Nerd] It already has power and running water, although it's a way from any big highways.
[Knockwood] well, we might be increasing its capacity considerably
[JamesUrban] It's cheaper for me to do it with Realm though if it's in-Chancel.
[JamesUrban] Now if you want a big high rise in Mexico City, I'm your only hope. You thinking of having Dante Towers?
[Knockwood] Then again, if we have to work for an extended period somewhere.... maybe we should grab some building seeds before we head to Mexico.
[JamesUrban] Yeah, we'd be lacking in our Noble duty if we don't set up some big multi-national company with offices in all the big cities.
[BethL] Would they grow outside of the Chancel?
[Knockwood] I looked in the book... Weird Sciences specifically work outside the Chancel
[Random Nerd] Remember, Weird Science works anywhere.
[Random Nerd] Although, if anyone was thinking of, just as a for instance, using them to kill Noble-scale enemies according to some cunning plan, that won't work.
[Knockwood] Come to think of it, do we specifically have to _plant_ them? Maybe we can have a building floating in between the Tree's branches.
[Random Nerd] Weird Science qualifies as earthly magic, which is trumped by miracles and auctoritas.
[BethL] I don't think you could try to kill someone Noble with them anyhow... dropping a house on them wouldn't do crud.
[Random Nerd] Might distract them while you steal their shoes?
[lazarus] It could still be used in a Cunning Plan, though, right? As long as stuff which actually harms is powered with Miracles?
[Random Nerd] True, you could use one to make a house, and then use Aspect to throw that house at somebody.
[Random Nerd] But trying to do something like get somebody to eat one and then be crushed from the inside, that wouldn't work.
[lazarus] That never works.
[Knockwood] Wouldn't need Aspect if you could get it to grow in mid-flight
[lazarus] KW: you would to penetrate Auctoritas.
[lazarus] Or a Realm creation of a tornado.
[Knockwood] Hm... how could we get any witnesses to retcon in a tornado?
[BethL] Do it at night. Or have other damage about. Like a piece of clothing slicing through a door or such.
[BethL] Or, if in a hurry, have Theresa tell them individually that they saw a tornado.
[lazarus] "Now, all of you, please look here ... *flash ... cleavage!* ... we've been having trouble with weather balloons recently, just some swamp gas put it out of its trajectory, and skippy here went and shot it" -- Nobles In Black.
[BethL] Theresa's cleavage is not a mind eraser! :P
[Knockwood] Actually, we need to do a little planning...
[Knockwood] You're not going to squeeze 20 people into a Humvee, even a miraculous one.
[lazarus] KW: toss 'em in the trunk :-D
[Knockwood] Therefore we need to have someone standing by the Mexico City passageway with a bus.
[Random Nerd] Lesser Destruction of Euclidean Geometry!
[Knockwood] The soldiers are normal humans, remember. Their minds wouuld go pop.
[BethL] Knock them out, somehow. Or blindfold them. They're already mind-popped a little thanks to the road trip.
[Random Nerd] Freeze-dry them so they don't take up as much space.
[Knockwood] Or make multiple trips, I guess...
[BethL] ... Great RN, now I'm imagining a Noble informercial...
[lazarus] DA is good for people!
[lazarus] They'll let them see the Truth!
[lazarus] Who cares about sanity, anyway?
[BethL] The Noble of Sanity.
[lazarus] 's not me.
[Knockwood] I think we met him... twitches a lot, nervous laugh, haunted look?
[BethL] *grin* I figure if the Noble of History drinks because of Imperators, the Noble of Sanity is his drinking buddy due to the Wild.
[Random Nerd] And the Power of Hip Flasks is very popular.


Chapter 6