Session 5 of Pine Falls

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[2008-10-24 18:50:21] <Khayin> All right, let's do 'dis
[2008-10-24 18:50:44] <DrakeNero> woo
[2008-10-24 18:51:05] <Khayin> When we last left our heroes, they had received a bit of shocking news.
[2008-10-24 18:51:30] |<-- Greenling has left (Ping timeout)
[2008-10-24 18:51:48] <Fu> Fu would be dialing Drake while running out to go look for Mala.
[2008-10-24 18:51:54] <Khayin> Patricia Harris had been found beaten and left for dead in a ditch near the campus.
[2008-10-24 18:52:21] <Khayin> Paramedics took her to the hospital where she has been declared comatose.
[2008-10-24 18:52:41] <DrakeNero> but are they keeping her in a glass coffin?
[2008-10-24 18:52:53] <Fu> Wrong fairy tale.
[2008-10-24 18:52:59] <Khayin> ;)
[2008-10-24 18:53:01] <Fu> We already did Snow White, it's Briar Rose.
[2008-10-24 18:53:33] <Fu> (Dialing Drake...)
[2008-10-24 18:53:52] <Khayin> (I don't need to report the phone ringing. XD)
[2008-10-24 18:54:04] <Fu> (I know. But DRAKE needs to speak)
[2008-10-24 18:54:42] -->| Greenling (~chatzilla@66.208.215.IP) has joined #Pinefalls
[2008-10-24 18:55:07] <DrakeNero> "Talk to me."
[2008-10-24 18:55:07] <Khayin> How is Mala responding (if at all)?
[2008-10-24 18:55:26] <Mala> (Mala's off on her own being a loopy treegirl at the moment, IIRC >.> )
[2008-10-24 18:55:41] <Fu> "Did you hear the news?"
[2008-10-24 18:55:49] <DrakeNero> "Yes."
[2008-10-24 18:56:29] <Fu> "I'm tracking down Mala to tell her too; what are we going to do?"
[2008-10-24 18:56:48] <DrakeNero> "What *can* we do?"
[2008-10-24 18:56:57] <DrakeNero> "Besides investigate the matter."
[2008-10-24 18:57:02] <Fu> "Well, kiss the girl?"
[2008-10-24 18:57:07] <Fu> "You do it, not me."
[2008-10-24 18:57:20] <Fu> "This one is probably Sleeping Beauty, if she is unconscious."
[2008-10-24 18:58:26] <Fu> Fu takes out his wallet and the leaf of hair from Mala. "Okay you little leaf, show me where your lady is..." (Using Mindfinder's catch, burning willpower. What's Mala's wits?)
[2008-10-24 18:58:27] <DrakeNero> "Wh--why me? I'm the dragon, not the prince."
[2008-10-24 18:58:40] <Mala> (2)
[2008-10-24 18:58:44] <Fu> "You're a Fairest too! And I'm not a prince either!"
[2008-10-24 18:59:06] <Khayin> Loopy treegirl managed to catch the news from a copy of the evening edition that had been left at "her" desk at the arboretum. No one was around when she got back and found it, so it's unclear who might have left it there.
[2008-10-24 18:59:10] <Fu> (Okay, so chance dice... and then willpower adds 3 dice)
[2008-10-24 18:59:32] <Mala> (Ohhhh yeah :< )
[2008-10-24 18:59:40] <Fu> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[2008-10-24 18:59:43] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 18:59:43] <The_Lady> 1, 1, 6, 6
[2008-10-24 18:59:43] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 18:59:48] <Fu> (...)
[2008-10-24 19:00:13] <Khayin> The article wouldn't have caught her attention if not for the picture on the side of the girl that had chatted with her the previous day.
[2008-10-24 19:00:29] <Khayin> She had said her name was Patricia.
[2008-10-24 19:00:40] <Fu> "I'm a bloody painting, Drake. And I'm trying to keep away from the whore option."
[2008-10-24 19:00:46] <Mala> ...... D:
[2008-10-24 19:00:50] <DrakeNero> Sigh.
[2008-10-24 19:01:03] * Fu would probably be going to the arboretum at this point.
[2008-10-24 19:01:03] <DrakeNero> "Alright, brains. How am I going to get close enough to this girl to kiss her?"
[2008-10-24 19:01:16] <Mala> Mala's wandering around trying to find Fu x.x
[2008-10-24 19:01:17] <Fu> "Good old fashioned bullshit? :D"
[2008-10-24 19:01:29] <Khayin> Fu's directional tricks couldn't turn her up, unfortunately. She was a difficult person to find. Or maybe she was a tree?
[2008-10-24 19:01:51] <Fu> ( I said he was heading there at this poitn anyways. )
[2008-10-24 19:02:01] <DrakeNero> "I'm good with paper pushing, cataloguing and cold hard cash my misguided friend, not with outright telling stories."
[2008-10-24 19:02:31] <Fu> "I am about as manipulative as a paper towel."
[2008-10-24 19:02:42] <DrakeNero> "Oh boy."
[2008-10-24 19:03:02] <DrakeNero> "At best, I could pretend to be her attourney."
[2008-10-24 19:03:11] <Fu> "That could work?"
[2008-10-24 19:03:26] <Fu> "I can give the luck so you can get close as well."
[2008-10-24 19:03:53] <Fu> Also, once people are freaking out, could I do a roll to harvest?
[2008-10-24 19:04:49] <DrakeNero> "Alright, I'll give it a go."
[2008-10-24 19:04:56] <DrakeNero> "Give me that luck."
[2008-10-24 19:05:10] <Fu> "You have to make sure you don't push it before doing this, remember that."
[2008-10-24 19:05:22] <Khayin> (When you're around people, you can try)
[2008-10-24 19:05:28] <Fu> ( right)
[2008-10-24 19:05:45] <Khayin> (People who are freaking out, anyway. Most folks aren't as invested in this as you guys)
[2008-10-24 19:05:56] <Fu> (Don't I need to be able to see Drake to do the contract?)
[2008-10-24 19:07:28] <Khayin> (You have to touch them, actually)
[2008-10-24 19:08:00] <Fu> "I have ot meet up to hand it over."
[2008-10-24 19:08:23] <Fu> "Ever wondered why you had to rub a good luck charm to get any of the fortune?" He sighs.
[2008-10-24 19:08:43] <DrakeNero> "I assumed it was supersition."
[2008-10-24 19:08:48] <DrakeNero> *superstition
[2008-10-24 19:08:59] <Fu> "Superstition often has basis in fact."
[2008-10-24 19:09:22] <Fu> "One moment." He moves the phone away and then shouts, "MAAAAALLLLLAAAA!"
[2008-10-24 19:09:26] <Khayin> Rushing over to the arboretum, Fu catches Mala wandering about.
[2008-10-24 19:09:46] * Fu is probably badly out of breath at this point.
[2008-10-24 19:09:48] <Fu> Stamina 1.
[2008-10-24 19:10:09] <Mala> D:
[2008-10-24 19:10:19] <Mala> "Did you eat another of those shifty apples? D: "
[2008-10-24 19:10:28] <Fu> "No, actually."
[2008-10-24 19:10:59] <Fu> "I'm just *gasp* made out *gasp*... I'm made out of fucking silk, dammit!"
[2008-10-24 19:11:15] <Fu> That last part is loud enough for Drake to hear. :p
[2008-10-24 19:11:25] <DrakeNero> "where are you, Fu."
[2008-10-24 19:11:42] <Fu> Back to the phone, "Arboretum, I *gasp* just got to Mala. *wheeze8"
[2008-10-24 19:11:56] * Fu takes out an inhaler, looking very annoyed as he uses it.
[2008-10-24 19:12:02] <DrakeNero> "I'll see you there in a few minutes.
[2008-10-24 19:12:03] <Mala> "Oh." Mala doesn't get it, but.. she holds up the paper. "I know her! D: "
[2008-10-24 19:12:15] <DrakeNero> click.
[2008-10-24 19:12:19] <Fu> "You did? O_o"
[2008-10-24 19:12:47] <Khayin> (Drake, roll Perception, please)
[2008-10-24 19:13:09] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[2008-10-24 19:13:10] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 19:13:10] <The_Lady> 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
[2008-10-24 19:13:10] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 19:13:14] <Fu> "Geez..." He takes a deep breath as he stands up, adjusting his glasses. "Drake's coming, so I can give him some luck."
[2008-10-24 19:13:31] <Mala> "She talked to me when I was outside the other day..."
[2008-10-24 19:13:41] * Fu nods, listening.
[2008-10-24 19:15:02] <Fu> "What did you two talk about?" The Fairest looks like he is breathing a lot easier now.
[2008-10-24 19:15:59] <Mala> "Uhm... not a lot. She said she was fresh, I think. >_> "
[2008-10-24 19:16:09] <Fu> "Fresh...?"
[2008-10-24 19:16:14] <Khayin> Drake grabs his keys and heads to his lovely car, backing out carefully but quickly. He looks in his rearview mirror just in time to hit the brakes before backing into a strange-looking boy, illuminated a bloody red in the brake lights.
[2008-10-24 19:16:40] <DrakeNero> "Jesus Christ!"
[2008-10-24 19:17:11] <DrakeNero> He takes a calming breath.
[2008-10-24 19:17:38] <DrakeNero> "Be careful, kid! There are lots of cars out here!" he shouts out the window.
[2008-10-24 19:17:49] <Mala> "Something like that. And how she didn't know a lot of people because of it. D: "
[2008-10-24 19:18:15] <Fu> "Oh!'
[2008-10-24 19:18:19] <Fu> "A freshman!"
[2008-10-24 19:18:26] <Fu> "It means this is her first year here."
[2008-10-24 19:19:19] <Mala> "Oh. o.o"
[2008-10-24 19:19:36] <Khayin> Without a word, the boy flings something in Drake's direction, hitting his rear left window with a thud and then landing on the driveway before the boy dashes off down the street.
[2008-10-24 19:19:50] <Fu> "College tends to be four years long, if you are pretty mundane."
[2008-10-24 19:20:46] <DrakeNero> "What the fuck." he mutters
[2008-10-24 19:21:00] <DrakeNero> Then caaaautiously peeks out the window. If it's a bomb, he's fucked.
[2008-10-24 19:21:16] <Fu> "So there are four 'titles' to explain your time there."
[2008-10-24 19:21:33] <Fu> "But do you want an education in that, or should we wait for Drake?"
[2008-10-24 19:21:44] <Khayin> It's a little difficult to make out in the dark, but it appears to be a doll's head.
[2008-10-24 19:22:42] <Mala> "Uhm. What about Patricia? D: "
[2008-10-24 19:22:48] <DrakeNero> ...he calls Fu.
[2008-10-24 19:23:39] <Fu> "We'll be visiting her in a-" The tune of a classical piece of Beethoven begins playing and Fu takes out his cell. "Yes, Drake?"
[2008-10-24 19:24:02] <DrakeNero> "I'm a little delayed."
[2008-10-24 19:24:07] |<-- Greenling has left (Ping timeout)
[2008-10-24 19:24:18] <Fu> "What happened?"
[2008-10-24 19:24:21] <Fu> D:
[2008-10-24 19:25:22] <DrakeNero> "I almost hit some creepy little boy and he threw a doll's head at my car. I'm almost afraid to go pick it up"
[2008-10-24 19:26:01] <Fu> "... How likely would it be for you to kill me if I used obscenity in my next sentence?"
[2008-10-24 19:26:52] <DrakeNero> "I don't give a fuck."
[2008-10-24 19:26:54] <Fu> "Don't be a fucking pussy."
[2008-10-24 19:27:07] <DrakeNero> "What if it explodes!"
[2008-10-24 19:27:09] -->| Greenling (~chatzilla@66.208.215.IP) has joined #Pinefalls
[2008-10-24 19:27:15] <Fu> "You are a dragon!"
[2008-10-24 19:27:17] <DrakeNero> "Or is carrying some sort of fae plague."
[2008-10-24 19:28:07] <Fu> "Stop worrying about it and just pick it up! Chances are that it's just some hobgoblin fucking with you! Use glamour to LOOK if you are so worried!"
[2008-10-24 19:28:25] * Fu takes a deep breath.
[2008-10-24 19:28:31] <Fu> "Sorry, I'm just overstressed."
[2008-10-24 19:28:50] <DrakeNero> "I'll let you know what happens."
[2008-10-24 19:29:06] <Mala> o.o
[2008-10-24 19:29:09] <DrakeNero> He fishes a napkin out of his glove compartment and giiinnngerly picks up the doll head
[2008-10-24 19:29:26] * Fu looks at Mala and shrugs. "Apparently someone threw something creepy."
[2008-10-24 19:30:56] <Mala> "Oh..."
[2008-10-24 19:31:00] <Khayin> It is dirty and the hair is a bit patchy but otherwise in tact. Bringing it closer and turning the face upright, you are momentarily disturbed when the eyelids flutter open to reveal blue eyes, but calm down once it becomes clear that the eyelids appear to open and close depending on the orientation of the head.
[2008-10-24 19:31:21] <Khayin> There is, otherwise, nothing obviously strange about the disembodied doll head.
[2008-10-24 19:31:46] <DrakeNero> "fucking creepy."
[2008-10-24 19:32:04] <DrakeNero> He wraps it in the napkin and sticks it in the glove compartment.
[2008-10-24 19:32:07] <DrakeNero> "Stay there."
[2008-10-24 19:32:38] <Khayin> As far as Drake can tell, it obeys.
[2008-10-24 19:32:55] <DrakeNero> He drives to school
[2008-10-24 19:34:09] <Khayin> The autumn evenings are chilly and only growing colder as it approaches winter. Fu and Mala stand in the dim light of one of the school's lamps, though the fog has already crept back into the Pine Falls air.
[2008-10-24 19:34:32] <Khayin> (Roll Perception, Mala and Fu)
[2008-10-24 19:34:38] <Fu> "It's going to be winter soon."
[2008-10-24 19:34:49] <Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[2008-10-24 19:34:50] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 19:34:50] <The_Lady> 2, 3, 3, 7, 7, 8
[2008-10-24 19:34:50] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 19:34:52] <Mala> !roll_ww 5 8 10
[2008-10-24 19:34:53] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 19:34:53] <The_Lady> 2, 3, 3, 5, 7
[2008-10-24 19:34:53] <The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 19:34:59] <Mala> "...really? >.> "
[2008-10-24 19:35:41] <Khayin> Mala hasn't noticed frost on her leaves yet, but they have gotten that telltale brown.
[2008-10-24 19:35:50] <Khayin> Only Fu, however, notices that they are not alone.
[2008-10-24 19:35:51] * Fu nods.
[2008-10-24 19:36:04] * Fu glances in the direction that he feels a person as he talks.
[2008-10-24 19:36:14] <Khayin> Someone stands in the distance, a very faint silhouette in the fog
[2008-10-24 19:36:17] <Fu> "I haven't seen snow for a while."
[2008-10-24 19:37:12] <Khayin> The figure does not appear to move, as if simply standing and staring.
[2008-10-24 19:37:56] <Mala> "I think I slept through winter before... " She yawns. "Or maybe not..."
[2008-10-24 19:38:03] * Fu tilts his head in the direction of the person and says softly, "Look in that direction like you are keeping perfectly still."
[2008-10-24 19:38:11] <Fu> "Don't turn your head."
[2008-10-24 19:39:13] <Mala> Mala doesn't really get why Fu wants her to stop pretending to be a people for a while, but he's been nice, so she obliges him. "Uh..."
[2008-10-24 19:39:40] <Fu> "Do you see someone there?" He is asking in a soft voice.
[2008-10-24 19:40:06] <Khayin> Mala can't seem to tell what he is referring to, but suddenly notices when a faint figure in the fog dashes away very quickly.
[2008-10-24 19:40:19] <Mala> "Oh. There he goes. o.o "
[2008-10-24 19:40:22] <Khayin> Oddly enough, it didn't make a noise.
[2008-10-24 19:40:24] <Fu> "Damn."
[2008-10-24 19:40:30] <Khayin> Nor did it look like it was running.
[2008-10-24 19:40:35] <Khayin> It looked more like it was loping.
[2008-10-24 19:40:39] <Fu> "Hm."
[2008-10-24 19:41:19] <Khayin> It isn't long afterward before the fog is illuminated by headlights and Drake's prize car rolls up to the university driveway.
[2008-10-24 19:42:17] <Fu> "Hm. That could have been Skip..."
[2008-10-24 19:43:47] * Mala waves to Drake. o.o
[2008-10-24 19:44:08] * Fu waves as well.
[2008-10-24 19:44:15] * Fu walks fro the driveway.
[2008-10-24 19:44:23] <Fu> "We should mention that you met her too..."
[2008-10-24 19:45:37] <DrakeNero> He idles, waiting for them to approach or get int
[2008-10-24 19:46:28] * Fu gets over there, remembering to pocket the inhaler.
[2008-10-24 19:47:41] * Fu opens the door for Mala, stating "Mala met the girl before hand."
[2008-10-24 19:48:05] <Fu> "And apparently she didn't have a lot of friends."
[2008-10-24 19:48:16] <Fu> "Want to bet that our 'friend' Grimmace was invovled?"
[2008-10-24 19:48:21] <Mala> "Yeah. She was nice. D: " Mala gets in, making sure to not get her leaves caught in the door x.x
[2008-10-24 19:48:59] * Fu gets in on the other side.
[2008-10-24 19:49:51] <DrakeNero> "The head's in the glove box."
[2008-10-24 19:49:56] <Fu> "... Head?"
[2008-10-24 19:50:24] <DrakeNero> "The doll head."
[2008-10-24 19:50:42] <Mala> o.O
[2008-10-24 19:50:50] * Fu opens the glove compartment with a frown.
[2008-10-24 19:51:04] <Fu> "So, it wasn't a bomb. What was the big fuss?"
[2008-10-24 19:51:20] <Fu> "I'll give you the luck once you get to the hospital.
[2008-10-24 19:51:22] <DrakeNero> "pretty fucking creepy."
[2008-10-24 19:51:39] <Khayin> As Drake noted, a doll head roughly the size of a softball tumbles out of the glove box, lands in Fu's lap and then opens its eyes.
[2008-10-24 19:52:08] * Fu gently holds it, studying it like it's a hurt child.
[2008-10-24 19:53:38] <Khayin> It doesn't appear terribly unusual, but is notably dirty. Hard to make out much details in that department, though.
[2008-10-24 19:54:43] * Fu takes and licks a clean part of the napkin and begins trying to cleaning it up.
[2008-10-24 19:55:23] <Khayin> As you head toward the hospital, you note that the fog is starting to make up for its absence during the day, making the five-block journey seem like the exploration of a cloud.
[2008-10-24 19:56:29] <Khayin> The safe speed is reduced, but fortunately the trip isn't long and soon enough, the red letters of the hospital sign come into view.
[2008-10-24 20:00:16] |<-- Greenling has left (Ping timeout)
[2008-10-24 20:01:05] -->| Greenling (~chatzilla@66.208.215.IP) has joined #Pinefalls
[2008-10-24 20:05:08] =-= DrakeNero is now known as Seras|Shower
[2008-10-24 20:18:28] <Fu> As a note, the whole way there, Fu is cleaning the doll's head like it's a child's face. :p
[2008-10-24 20:18:48] <Khayin> (Roll Perception)
[2008-10-24 20:19:12] <Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[2008-10-24 20:19:13] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 20:19:13] <The_Lady> 1, 2, 5, 6, 6, 6, 10
[2008-10-24 20:19:13] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 20:21:12] <Fu> ... fuck it, I'll use the Treasured Boon.
[2008-10-24 20:21:27] <Fu> (oh, wait, that's for FAILED)
[2008-10-24 20:21:36] <Khayin> (Heh)
[2008-10-24 20:23:02] <Khayin> Fu spent a long time as a work of art. Thus he's developed a bit of an eye for art media.
[2008-10-24 20:23:02] <Khayin> It's conte.
[2008-10-24 20:23:17] <Fu> (conte?)
[2008-10-24 20:24:21] <Greenling> (like pastels, but nicer.)
[2008-10-24 20:24:31] <Khayin> (Yes)
[2008-10-24 20:27:30] |<-- Greenling has left (Ping timeout)
[2008-10-24 20:27:31] <Fu> (Oh! The dirt is conte?)
[2008-10-24 20:27:42] <Khayin> (Yes. Sorry if I wasn't clear)
[2008-10-24 20:28:23] <Fu> "Huh."
[2008-10-24 20:28:38] <Fu> "Why would someone use that to dirty up a doll...?"
[2008-10-24 20:28:53] * Fu eyes the dirty napkin once he is done.
[2008-10-24 20:28:56] <Mala> "o.o?"
[2008-10-24 20:29:08] * Fu blinks and looks at Mala.
[2008-10-24 20:29:18] <Fu> "Oh, sorry. I sort of spaced out... But this isn't dirt."
[2008-10-24 20:29:28] <Mala> "Oh?" o.o
[2008-10-24 20:30:07] <Fu> "It's a type of crayon."
[2008-10-24 20:30:35] -->| Greenling (~chatzilla@66.208.215.IP) has joined #Pinefalls
[2008-10-24 20:31:10] <Fu> "I have used it when I am doing an outline for paintings."
[2008-10-24 20:31:26] <Mala> "I see. o.o"
[2008-10-24 20:31:29] <Mala> She pauses.
[2008-10-24 20:31:39] <Mala> "..did you know her? >.> "
[2008-10-24 20:32:42] =-= Seras|Shower is now known as DrakeNero
[2008-10-24 20:32:43] * Fu chuckles.
[2008-10-24 20:32:51] <Fu> "No, conte is not a person. ^_^"
[2008-10-24 20:33:10] <Fu> "More like... a frame?"
[2008-10-24 20:33:12] <Mala> "I know. I meant her." She points at the doll head.
[2008-10-24 20:33:15] <Fu> "Oh!"
[2008-10-24 20:33:41] <Fu> "No... But I don't like seeing pretty things, especially dolls and works of art, sullied..."
[2008-10-24 20:33:41] <DrakeNero> "You mean to tell me that there's art supplies on this doll head, not dirt?"
[2008-10-24 20:33:47] <Fu> "Correct."
[2008-10-24 20:33:53] <Mala> "Ah..."
[2008-10-24 20:34:08] <DrakeNero> "Bizarre."
[2008-10-24 20:34:42] <Fu> "It means..."
[2008-10-24 20:34:57] <Fu> "... Well, sounds like I have more excuses to go back to painting. ^_^'
[2008-10-24 20:35:37] <Fu> "How did you get it?"
[2008-10-24 20:35:39] <DrakeNero> "Any other significance you might be able to glean from this bit of evidence?"
[2008-10-24 20:35:45] <DrakeNero> "It was thrown at me by a kid."
[2008-10-24 20:35:52] * Fu studies the doll head, frowning.
[2008-10-24 20:36:08] <Fu> (What sort of roll?)
[2008-10-24 20:38:23] |<-- Khayin has left (Ping timeout)
[2008-10-24 20:38:54] <Fu> (!)
[2008-10-24 20:39:03] <Mala> (uh oh)
[2008-10-24 20:39:05] <Fu> (*kicks his aim to see if he is there)
[2008-10-24 20:39:13] -->| Khayin ( has joined #Pinefalls
[2008-10-24 20:39:14] <Fu> (His AIM account is on, so...)
[2008-10-24 20:39:16] <Fu> (okay!)
[2008-10-24 20:39:35] <Khayin> (Sorry. Dunno what happened. What'd I miss?)
[2008-10-24 20:39:43] <Fu> (What did you last see?)
[2008-10-24 20:39:52] <Khayin> (I told you what to roll)
[2008-10-24 20:40:13] <Fu> ( I didn't see that)
[2008-10-24 20:40:22] <Khayin> (Wits + Crafts)
[2008-10-24 20:40:50] <Fu> (All I have is craft 1, in something completely different)
[2008-10-24 20:41:47] <Fu> (would that kick in the -3 rule?)
[2008-10-24 20:41:55] <Khayin> (Yes)
[2008-10-24 20:42:10] <Fu> (Chance dice...)
[2008-10-24 20:42:17] <Fu> (... Fortune time. =_=)
[2008-10-24 20:42:49] <Fu> (So, I have 4 dice instead)
[2008-10-24 20:42:54] <Fu> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[2008-10-24 20:42:56] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 20:42:56] <The_Lady> 4, 5, 7, 8
[2008-10-24 20:42:56] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 20:44:11] |<-- Greenling has left (Ping timeout)
[2008-10-24 20:46:07] <Khayin> It's spread out in a fine enough layer in most places and smudged in the shape of fingers. You're willing to bet it wasn't deliberately colored -- whoever handled it was simply messy and had been using a lot of conte.
[2008-10-24 20:46:42] <Fu> (Well, it WAS. He cleaned it...)
[2008-10-24 20:47:06] <Fu> "... Stupid automatic impulses."
[2008-10-24 20:47:14] <Mala> o.o
[2008-10-24 20:47:30] <Fu> "That child was using a lot of conte, I think."
[2008-10-24 20:48:03] <DrakeNero> "Are you sure it was the child who was using the conte?"
[2008-10-24 20:48:12] <Fu> "Not enough to leave fingerprints... But I still cleaned it off." He looks annoyed.
[2008-10-24 20:48:16] <Fu> "Not really."
[2008-10-24 20:48:25] <Fu> (Could he know if the hands were big or small?)
[2008-10-24 20:48:37] <DrakeNero> "The kid just threw it at me. Anyone could have smudged it up."
[2008-10-24 20:49:09] <Khayin> Difficult to say. Even with what you saw, it was smudged rather harshly. You doubt you could give it a very thorough guess now, though.
[2008-10-24 20:49:12] <Khayin> You are momentarily distracted from your observations by the brief wail of a siren as an ambulance pulls into the driveway behind you and rolls up to the front entrance.
[2008-10-24 20:49:29] <DrakeNero> Drake swears in the name of Our Lord again.
[2008-10-24 20:49:46] <Fu> "We probably should be trying to get in as the girl's attontey thing..."
[2008-10-24 20:49:55] -->| Greenling (~chatzilla@66.208.215.IP) has joined #Pinefalls
[2008-10-24 20:50:11] <Mala> "I can spin pretty well, I think..."
[2008-10-24 20:50:18] <Greenling> (sorry. <_<)
[2008-10-24 20:50:18] * Fu hands Drake's shoulder. "Good luck. ^_^ I need to harvest some glamour, so park so I can visit the emergency room."
[2008-10-24 20:50:27] <Fu> CLAPS
[2008-10-24 20:50:30] <Fu> Not hands.
[2008-10-24 20:50:33] <DrakeNero> "Do you want to investigate these sirens or resume our plan to force me to make out with a comatose stranger."
[2008-10-24 20:50:42] <Mala> "Make out? o.o "
[2008-10-24 20:50:48] <Fu> "I don't SAY make out."
[2008-10-24 20:50:54] <Fu> "A kiss isn't making out. =_="
[2008-10-24 20:51:01] <Mala> "I'm confused..."
[2008-10-24 20:51:12] <DrakeNero> "It was a joke."
[2008-10-24 20:51:14] <DrakeNero> "Haha?"
[2008-10-24 20:51:33] <Fu> "I'm high strung and low on sleep and glamour right now."
[2008-10-24 20:51:45] * Fu takes a deep breath and removes his glasses.
[2008-10-24 20:51:55] <Fu> "We probably should check out the sirens first."
[2008-10-24 20:52:06] <DrakeNero> "Go...jump out at people or whatever it is your court does to get glamour."
[2008-10-24 20:52:23] <Fu> "My court doesn't do emotions like the Seasons do."
[2008-10-24 20:52:34] <Fu> "Either way, did you bring your computer?"
[2008-10-24 20:52:41] <DrakeNero> "I call people and tell them I'm from Collections. Hah."
[2008-10-24 20:52:42] <DrakeNero> "Yes."
[2008-10-24 20:52:48] <DrakeNero> "It's in the back with Mala."
[2008-10-24 20:53:04] <Fu> "Park. I have an idea. I'll check to see what room the girl is in."
[2008-10-24 20:53:19] <DrakeNero> He finds a space and parks the car.
[2008-10-24 20:53:30] <Fu> "You can do check out the sirens, and I'll call you once I got the room. I'm betting with enough confidence, they won't question you."
[2008-10-24 20:53:48] <DrakeNero> "Am I going to accidentally waste your good luck?"
[2008-10-24 20:54:21] * Fu leans the car back to grab the laptop. "Probably not, if they don't push you. Just don't take any chances you don't think. I have enough for one last shot if you really need it."
[2008-10-24 20:54:59] <Fu> (car seat)
[2008-10-24 20:55:15] <Fu> (Can I do my rollings? :D )
[2008-10-24 20:56:12] <Khayin> (What were you rolling again?)
[2008-10-24 20:56:46] <Fu> ( He is going to check hospital records to find where P. Harris's room is)
[2008-10-24 20:57:36] <Khayin> (Intelligence + Computer, +1 equipment bonus)
[2008-10-24 20:58:07] <Fu> !roll_ww 7 8 10
[2008-10-24 20:58:09] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 20:58:10] <The_Lady> 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 5, 9
[2008-10-24 20:58:10] <The_Lady> rolled 7d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 20:59:42] <Khayin> It takes a bit of finangling, but you can see that a patient was admitted to long-term care just today. Room 3025 on the third floor.
[2008-10-24 20:59:59] <Fu> "Okay, got that..."
[2008-10-24 21:00:27] <Fu> "I'm going to see if I can get to the ER and um..." He sighs, "Try not to get too upset and eat."
[2008-10-24 21:01:44] <Mala> "So... Drake and I are going to go see Patricia? o.o "
[2008-10-24 21:02:17] <DrakeNero> "I'm going to take the car over to investigate the sirens. Stay in the car, thing one and thing two."
[2008-10-24 21:02:26] <Fu> "Probably. And fuck you, lizard boy. :P"
[2008-10-24 21:02:41] <Mala> "Am I thing one or thing two? o.o"
[2008-10-24 21:02:47] <DrakeNero> "Dra-gon. Not lizard. I don't do that tongue thing."
[2008-10-24 21:03:20] <Fu> "Oh, stop blowing smoke and get moving. Mala, shall we? Just call when you are done, Drake."
[2008-10-24 21:03:32] <Mala> "Okay o.o "
[2008-10-24 21:03:37] <DrakeNero> He pulls the car out and drives toward the sounds of sirens.
[2008-10-24 21:03:49] * Fu does get out of the car.
[2008-10-24 21:04:08] * Mala goes with Fu? >.>
[2008-10-24 21:04:10] <Fu> "Also, you can get a glamour fix too."
[2008-10-24 21:04:21] <Mala> "Oh. That'll be nice. o.o "
[2008-10-24 21:05:31] <Fu> "An emergency room is where people who are very, very badly hurt go," Fu explains in a soft voice. "I can just go to go request an emergency refill on my inhaler if they question me. I sort of do need one."
[2008-10-24 21:05:59] <Mala> "Okay. >.> I don't think I've ever been in one of these before..."
[2008-10-24 21:06:10] <Fu> "Hopefully, you won't be."
[2008-10-24 21:06:26] <Mala> "But...we're going to one... >__>;"
[2008-10-24 21:06:42] <Fu> "Let me rephrase then." He smiles, "Hopefully you won't need to."
[2008-10-24 21:07:08] <Fu> "I /had/ to go to one soon after returning due to well... The air in Los Angeles is very bad, and even now my health isn't the best."
[2008-10-24 21:08:24] <Fu> "You'll understand. In the ER, people are frightened, on a high of emotions. Hope, fear, joy, anger..."
[2008-10-24 21:08:46] <Fu> "It's a bit of a cocktail." Fu doesn't sound too pleased, more annoyed at himself for sounding like a fae.
[2008-10-24 21:08:54] <Khayin> Drake heads toward the front just in time to see a group of very panicked EMTs trying to hold their rather hysterical patient to the gurney as a pair of orderlies rush out of the hospital to help them.
[2008-10-24 21:09:13] <Mala> "Lost Angeles? Is it hard to find? >.> I think I had a cocktail once, at one of those party things... it tasted like burning. x.x "
[2008-10-24 21:09:18] <DrakeNero> He observes from a distance, for a moment
[2008-10-24 21:09:40] <Fu> "Yes, cocktails can burn. "
[2008-10-24 21:09:58] <Fu> "And Los, no t, Angeles, is very easy to find."
[2008-10-24 21:10:08] <Khayin> (Mala and Fu, roll Wits + Empathy, please. Autumn gets an additional point of glamour if any successes are rolled)
[2008-10-24 21:10:09] <Mala> "I kind of have a ...thing... about burning. >__>; "
[2008-10-24 21:10:26] <Mala> (I also have Harvest: Emotions 1)
[2008-10-24 21:10:42] <Fu> (Same here)
[2008-10-24 21:10:45] <Mala> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[2008-10-24 21:10:46] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 21:10:46] <The_Lady> 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
[2008-10-24 21:10:46] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 21:10:51] <Mala> ( wtf. ;_; )
[2008-10-24 21:10:53] <Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[2008-10-24 21:10:54] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 21:10:54] <The_Lady> 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9
[2008-10-24 21:10:54] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 21:10:55] <DrakeNero> (same here, actually)
[2008-10-24 21:11:04] <Mala> (do I get bonuses for rolling a straight? ;_; )
[2008-10-24 21:11:17] <Khayin> "NOOOOOOOOOO!! HE'LL FIND ME HERE! PLEASE! YOU CAN'T PUT ME IN HERE! HE'LL FIND ME! AAAAAAUUUUUUGGGHHH!!!" the old woman cries, struggling against the restraints in the gurney.
[2008-10-24 21:11:19] <Fu> (... do it. XD She is around Fu, after all)
[2008-10-24 21:11:37] <Mala> (it's okay, I've still got plenty of glam x.x )
[2008-10-24 21:11:53] <Fu> (Yeah, Fu is getting sort of low...)
[2008-10-24 21:12:05] <DrakeNero> She doesn't look familiar, does she?
[2008-10-24 21:12:07] <Mala> (I don't think I've used any...)
[2008-10-24 21:12:07] <Fu> (When I mean low, I mean he was down to 1 a moment ago)
[2008-10-24 21:12:14] <Khayin> (Each dot of Harvest grants an additional die, yes)
[2008-10-24 21:12:46] * Fu sits down with Mala, speaking softly to help give her more of an explanation.
[2008-10-24 21:12:50] <Fu> (Hey, use willpower?)
[2008-10-24 21:14:47] * Mala doesn't really get it... this is people freaking out? >_>
[2008-10-24 21:15:31] <Khayin> (Drake, roll Wits + Empathy, please)
[2008-10-24 21:16:35] <Khayin> The ER is filled with people and in a bit of chaos, as nurses and doctors try to process the dozen some-odd injuries and ailments and whatnot crowding the hall.
[2008-10-24 21:17:08] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 2 8 10
[2008-10-24 21:17:09] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 21:17:09] <The_Lady> 1, 7
[2008-10-24 21:17:09] <The_Lady> rolled 2d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 21:17:37] <Fu> "It doesn't seem as strong a catch today..."
[2008-10-24 21:18:08] * Fu looks very concerned and at this point, his hand is on Mala's arm, and almost clutching it hard enough to almost hurt.
[2008-10-24 21:18:19] <Mala> <.<
[2008-10-24 21:18:59] <Khayin> Drake doesn't recognize the old woman, though her screaming is quite shrill and draws more than a bit of attention from some people in the lobby as they cart her in toward the elevators.
[2008-10-24 21:19:16] <Fu> Does Fu and Mala see it?
[2008-10-24 21:19:35] <Khayin> (Perception for the two of them)
[2008-10-24 21:19:51] <Mala> !roll_ww 5 8 10
[2008-10-24 21:19:52] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 21:19:52] <The_Lady> 3, 3, 6, 6, 8, 10, 10
[2008-10-24 21:19:52] <The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 3 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 21:20:01] <Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[2008-10-24 21:20:02] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 21:20:02] <The_Lady> 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 9, 10
[2008-10-24 21:20:02] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 3 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 21:20:06] <Khayin> Yeah. She's rather loud.
[2008-10-24 21:20:09] <Fu> (Wtf the lady)
[2008-10-24 21:20:14] <Mala> o.o
[2008-10-24 21:20:17] <Khayin> Even some of the emergency patients are starting to stare.
[2008-10-24 21:20:19] <Fu> o.o
[2008-10-24 21:20:29] <Fu> "... We probably should check that out?"
[2008-10-24 21:20:41] <DrakeNero> He calls Fu as he heads into the building.
[2008-10-24 21:20:44] <Mala> "okay. o.o"
[2008-10-24 21:20:53] * Fu picks up the phone, "Yes?"
[2008-10-24 21:21:08] <DrakeNero> "Did you hear the screaming old lady?"
[2008-10-24 21:21:10] * Fu is following the screaming woman as subtly as he can.
[2008-10-24 21:21:29] <Fu> "Of course."
[2008-10-24 21:22:03] * Mala is following too... but is less good with the subtle.
[2008-10-24 21:22:31] <DrakeNero> "There doesn't appear to be anyone just lingering around for further discussion, so I'm coming in. Where do you want to meet. Or do you want me to wait."
[2008-10-24 21:22:57] <Fu> "Room 3025 on the third floor is where she is."
[2008-10-24 21:23:08] <Fu> "We'll meet you there."
[2008-10-24 21:23:33] <DrakeNero> "Ok." click.
[2008-10-24 21:23:56] <Khayin> When he reaches the front desk, a receptionist stares at him with a slightly dead expression. "Anything I can help you with?"
[2008-10-24 21:24:05] <Fu> Fu, or Drake?
[2008-10-24 21:24:12] <Khayin> Drake
[2008-10-24 21:24:14] <Khayin> He's ahead
[2008-10-24 21:24:18] <Fu> Aaaah.
[2008-10-24 21:24:21] * DrakeNero dons the attitude of a professional attorney. He's obviously everyone's social superior in his designer suit and briefcase, with his bluetooth and luxury vehicle.
[2008-10-24 21:24:30] <DrakeNero> Vainglory 1!
[2008-10-24 21:24:42] <Fu> Fu is going to be a bastard, and just duck down with Mala and run. :D
[2008-10-24 21:26:06] * Mala is just followin' Fu. >.>
[2008-10-24 21:26:21] <Fu> Fu would make her duck down first before trying to sneak past.
[2008-10-24 21:26:42] <Mala> It may not help much given her height... but Mala will play along. >_>
[2008-10-24 21:27:09] <Khayin> (Fu and Mala, roll Dexterity + Stealth, -1 penalty for the bright lighting in the hospital lobby. At least there doesn't seem to be too many people here this time of night)
[2008-10-24 21:27:12] <DrakeNero> "I'm Patricia Harris' attorney. She's allegedly been the victim of foul play and its necessary I see the patient."
[2008-10-24 21:27:31] <Mala> !roll_ww 3 8 10
[2008-10-24 21:27:32] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 21:27:32] <The_Lady> 2, 3, 7
[2008-10-24 21:27:32] <The_Lady> rolled 3d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 21:27:39] <Fu> (Wait)
[2008-10-24 21:27:42] <Mala> (whee. huge gangly girl >.> )
[2008-10-24 21:28:03] <Fu> (Fu would burn two glamour, one a turn for this: Mala, roll 4 dice)
[2008-10-24 21:28:10] <Khayin> (Drake, roll Wyrd + Intimidation - 2 (the receptionist's Resolve) +2 dress and equipment bonus)
[2008-10-24 21:28:10] <Fu> (Favored fate)
[2008-10-24 21:28:27] <Fu> (Now Fu has 6 dice. :p)
[2008-10-24 21:28:30] <Mala> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[2008-10-24 21:28:31] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 21:28:31] <The_Lady> 2, 4, 8, 8
[2008-10-24 21:28:31] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 21:28:37] <Mala> (there we go x.x )
[2008-10-24 21:28:37] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[2008-10-24 21:28:38] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 21:28:38] <The_Lady> 1, 3, 3, 5, 10
[2008-10-24 21:28:38] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 21:28:39] <Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[2008-10-24 21:28:40] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 21:28:40] <The_Lady> 4, 6, 6, 7, 7, 9, 10, 10
[2008-10-24 21:28:40] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 3 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 21:30:49] <Khayin> While Fu and Mala mangage to make their away around the reception table unnoticed, Drake makes his point rather clear to the woman behind the counter whose lips curl into a soft smile. "Of course, sir. She's in room 3025 on the third floor. I'll let Dr. McCullen know you're coming."
[2008-10-24 21:31:05] <Khayin> "What name should I give?"
[2008-10-24 21:31:21] <Fu> Once Fu and Mala get to the elevator, Fu holds the doors for Drake if he can.
[2008-10-24 21:31:23] <DrakeNero> "Thomas Drake."
[2008-10-24 21:32:08] <Khayin> "Very well, Mr. Drake. You can go on up." She presses a button behind the counter and you see a green light flash above the elevator on the other side of the hall.
[2008-10-24 21:32:44] <DrakeNero> He heads to the room, then!
[2008-10-24 21:33:21] * Fu waves at Drake.
[2008-10-24 21:33:43] <Fu> (So, they all get to go in there. XD Sort of)
[2008-10-24 21:34:27] <Fu> (Wait, so we couldn't get in before?)
[2008-10-24 21:34:28] <Khayin> With the elevator called, the trio piles in and makes their way to the third floor. (Perception roll, please, everyone)
[2008-10-24 21:34:36] <Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[2008-10-24 21:34:37] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[2008-10-24 21:34:38] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 21:34:38] <The_Lady> 1, 2, 7, 8, 10
[2008-10-24 21:34:38] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 21:34:38] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 21:34:39] <The_Lady> 1, 2, 4, 7, 7, 9, 10
[2008-10-24 21:34:39] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 21:34:41] <Khayin> (That is likely the case)
[2008-10-24 21:35:32] <Fu> "I can just claim to be your intern." Fu coughs.
[2008-10-24 21:36:10] <DrakeNero> "You're thing two, by the way."
[2008-10-24 21:36:26] <Mala> "Oh. Okay. o.o"
[2008-10-24 21:36:52] <DrakeNero> "No, Mala. Fu is thing two."
[2008-10-24 21:37:07] <Fu> "... Fuck you. (Lizard.)"
[2008-10-24 21:37:10] <Mala> "...oh! I outrank you :D " she says to Fu.
[2008-10-24 21:37:11] <Khayin> Drake notices as he pushes the "3" button, that there is one button above that labeled "R", likely meaning "Roof," and another button below "1" labeled "K". There is a key slot next to it.
[2008-10-24 21:37:23] <Fu> (This part is in Chinese)
[2008-10-24 21:37:56] <Fu> "Don't tempt me to give you bad luck, Drake."
[2008-10-24 21:38:22] <Fu> "Before you can bless, you have to curse."
[2008-10-24 21:38:42] <DrakeNero> "Do you want us to get this done or not?"
[2008-10-24 21:38:48] <Fu> "I mean later."
[2008-10-24 21:40:16] * Fu takes out his glasses again and puts them on, yawning.
[2008-10-24 21:40:26] <Fu> "the book I found was in braille."
[2008-10-24 21:40:36] <Khayin> With a ding, the elevator doors open up again, revealing the third floor. Instantly they are overcome with the sterile scent and take note that the lights are a bit dimmer here.
[2008-10-24 21:41:01] <DrakeNero> He wrinkles his nose.
[2008-10-24 21:41:38] * Fu seems a little... spaced now, frowning.
[2008-10-24 21:42:08] <Khayin> The sign in the hallway before them shows the layout of the floor, putting 3025 in the long-term care wing on the east side.
[2008-10-24 21:43:03] <Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[2008-10-24 21:43:05] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 21:43:05] <The_Lady> 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 10
[2008-10-24 21:43:05] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 3 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 21:43:14] <DrakeNero> He walks to the room
[2008-10-24 21:43:26] * Fu lets out a slow pained sigh, following Drake.
[2008-10-24 21:43:48] <Khayin> The atmosphere is similar, but the gallery was still filled with creativity. This place seems dead.
[2008-10-24 21:44:30] <Khayin> Before long, a man with glasses and reddish hair wearing a lab coat over slacks and a blue shirt comes down a corridor and notices you.
[2008-10-24 21:44:32] <Fu> And it actually CALMS Fu down and keeps his head in reality.
[2008-10-24 21:44:57] <Khayin> (Wits + Empathy, anyone paying attention to him)
[2008-10-24 21:45:06] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 2 8 10
[2008-10-24 21:45:06] <Mala> (Eavesdropping? >.> )
[2008-10-24 21:45:07] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 21:45:07] <The_Lady> 3, 7
[2008-10-24 21:45:07] <The_Lady> rolled 2d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 21:45:16] <Fu> !roll_ww 5 8 10
[2008-10-24 21:45:17] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 21:45:17] <The_Lady> 1, 2, 2, 3, 9
[2008-10-24 21:45:18] <The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 21:45:43] <Mala> (*has an eavesdropping specialty)
[2008-10-24 21:45:54] <Khayin> (That works)
[2008-10-24 21:45:57] <Mala> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[2008-10-24 21:45:58] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 21:45:58] <The_Lady> 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7
[2008-10-24 21:45:58] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 21:46:02] <Mala> (.....)
[2008-10-24 21:46:13] <Fu> (The Lady is a whore.)
[2008-10-24 21:46:19] <Khayin> (Indeed)
[2008-10-24 21:46:38] <Khayin> (She also puts out too many lines. T_T)
[2008-10-24 21:47:47] <Fu> (Just full-screen the window. :p )
[2008-10-24 21:48:14] <Khayin> Fu notes a brief moment of anger in the man's voice before calming immediately into pleasantness. "What are... oh, you must be Mr. Drake. Good evening, I'm Dr. McCullen. I trust you're here to see Ms. Harris?"
[2008-10-24 21:48:39] <DrakeNero> "I am."
[2008-10-24 21:48:55] * Fu yawns again, rubbing his eyes to play on him looking an exhausted intern. He really IS tired at least.
[2008-10-24 21:48:58] <Khayin> "Right this way, then," he gestures with a bright smile.
[2008-10-24 21:49:08] <DrakeNero> He follows.
[2008-10-24 21:49:26] <Mala> o.o
[2008-10-24 21:49:36] * Fu follows behind as quietly as he can as to simply 'watch and learn.' He also grabs Mala to follow.
[2008-10-24 21:50:36] <Khayin> The doctor leads you down the hallway (which is, strangely enough, not lit for the span of about three rooms) and finally to room 3025. He holds up his key card, suspended by a lanyard around his neck, to the panel next to the door and a beep and click unlocks the door.
[2008-10-24 21:51:21] * Fu whispers something in Drake's ear, just loud enough for him to hear.
[2008-10-24 21:52:08] <Khayin> The doctor eyes Fu briefly, hesitating before opening the door. "Are these your assistants?"
[2008-10-24 21:52:13] <DrakeNero> "They are."
[2008-10-24 21:52:15] * Fu nods.
[2008-10-24 21:53:45] <Fu> The guy looks half-dead on his feet, as if he got woken up recently. Perfect attire, but... groggy.
[2008-10-24 21:53:46] <Khayin> "... very well." He pushes the door in and walks into the room toward a suspended curtain.
[2008-10-24 21:55:19] <Khayin> Pulling aside the curtain, you are met with a rather terrible sight. Mala almost doesn't recognize Patricia's face, so bruised and cut up it is.
[2008-10-24 21:55:30] <Mala> o_o
[2008-10-24 21:55:37] * Fu winces. Stupid useless charity.
[2008-10-24 21:57:15] <DrakeNero> He steps up to the bed and pulls out his palm pilot, clearly taking some kind of digital notes.
[2008-10-24 21:57:44] <Khayin> "She was comatose when she arrived. She has three ribs, her right arm, and her left leg all broken. Her jaw appears fractured and she has a bit of internal bleeding, but we're taking care of that."
[2008-10-24 21:58:23] <DrakeNero> He taptaptaps at the palm pilot screen, nodding.
[2008-10-24 21:59:05] <Fu> (*coughs and points in the peanut gallery for questions in need of answering* )
[2008-10-24 22:02:43] <Fu> !roll_ww 7 8 10
[2008-10-24 22:02:45] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 22:02:45] <The_Lady> 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 9
[2008-10-24 22:02:45] <The_Lady> rolled 7d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 22:04:43] <Fu> Fu goes for the chair, straightening up, but dumb luck, and the fact that it's obvious the guy is exhausted (and with such an scary boss, who WOULDN'T be?)... well, the red-haired young man ends up not noticing the first chair, and collides into it... at waist level.
[2008-10-24 22:05:51] <Khayin> The doctor pauses his rattling off the injuries and turns to Fu with a less-than-amused expression. "Is something wrong?"
[2008-10-24 22:06:33] <DrakeNero> Drake takes this moment to lean over the patient as if studying her face, continuing to tap-tap on his palm pilot... once the doctor is NOT facing him he pecks her on the lips aboutasfastaspossiblethisiscreepythanks
[2008-10-24 22:06:40] <Fu> "Not really." High-pitch. "Just a dreadful combination of exhaustion and bad eyesight."
[2008-10-24 22:06:57] <Mala> o.o
[2008-10-24 22:07:12] <Fu> "Mister Drake, sir, could I please go back to the car with Molly at this point? I don't think either of us will be needed."
[2008-10-24 22:07:44] <DrakeNero> "You're excused."
[2008-10-24 22:08:20] * Fu winces and half-waddles out, grabbing Mala's arm with a decent strength as he winces and keeps walking.
[2008-10-24 22:08:36] <Mala> "...huh? >.> "
[2008-10-24 22:08:43] <Fu> In Chinese, (The things I do for this shit. Gaaaah.)
[2008-10-24 22:08:52] <DrakeNero> When they've left, he sighs with visible relief, to attempt to get the doctor to sympathize with-- free of these annoyances!
[2008-10-24 22:09:09] <Mala> "Wait, who's Molly? <__< "
[2008-10-24 22:09:52] <Fu> "I used it as your name." He keeps walking to make sure htye are out of earshot and to a DIFFERENT elevator.
[2008-10-24 22:10:07] <Mala> "But.. my name's Mala. >_> "
[2008-10-24 22:10:37] <Khayin> The doctor eyes Fu and Mala suspiciously as they leave, turning back after a moment to the patient. "She suffered a number of minor scrapes and cuts all over her body from the thorns, but none of those were serious. Her clothes were disheveled and torn, but otherwise completely on. No signs of sexual intercourse."
[2008-10-24 22:10:54] <DrakeNero> He nodnods, curt and professional.
[2008-10-24 22:11:05] <Khayin> Sadly for Fu, there is only one elevator.
[2008-10-24 22:11:13] <Fu> Dammit.
[2008-10-24 22:11:32] <Khayin> "Is there anything else you'd like to know, Mr. Drake?"
[2008-10-24 22:11:59] <Fu> "We are going to have to do another run stunt, I think... Actually." He hooks his arm around Mala's. "Just walk tall and with purpose, right out the door."
[2008-10-24 22:12:11] <DrakeNero> "Was there any sign of who may have done this? Bruises and such that might indicate the size or shape of the attacker?"
[2008-10-24 22:12:12] <Mala> "I can do tall. :D "
[2008-10-24 22:14:26] <Fu> "Then straighten up," Fu actually puts his hand up her back to make sure of it as he speaks, "chin up, and look forward."
[2008-10-24 22:14:46] <Fu> it's sort of strange, for a 5'8 guy to be doing this to a 6'5 girl.
[2008-10-24 22:14:57] <Fu> And he elbows the elevator door open.
[2008-10-24 22:15:00] <Mala> o.o Mala bonks her head on the elevator door jamb. x.x
[2008-10-24 22:15:22] * Fu winces.
[2008-10-24 22:15:41] <Mala> "Ow... x.x Why is everything built so small...."
[2008-10-24 22:15:59] <Fu> "Because I am considered average for a male?"
[2008-10-24 22:16:09] <Fu> "Tall for someone who is Chinese, but still."
[2008-10-24 22:16:21] <Khayin> "Well, Gerstmann hasn't come to look at her just yet, but I'd say whoever did this was likely fairly beefy. The welts indicate no weapon was used, so it's likely they were using their bare hands and you can't break someone's bones so easily like that."
[2008-10-24 22:17:20] <Khayin> "My guess? Some insanely jealous boyfriend who goes to the gym too much."
[2008-10-24 22:17:21] <DrakeNero> "It only takes 8 lbs of pressure to remove an ear and the right application of force to snap an arm." He says rather plainly. "It could have been an attacker who knew what they were doing."
[2008-10-24 22:17:34] <Fu> Once the two are on the first floor, Fu will just glide out with a good amount of confidence, though he'll wince on the way out.
[2008-10-24 22:17:39] <Fu> A lot.
[2008-10-24 22:17:55] <Mala> Mala makes sure to duck under all the doors on the way out. x.x
[2008-10-24 22:18:27] <Khayin> "... that is true," the doctor says, conceding a point. "But that would imply that they were intending to put her in a coma and not randomly assault her, which is what this looks like."
[2008-10-24 22:19:28] <DrakeNero> He nods.
[2008-10-24 22:19:33] <Khayin> As Mala and Fu walk arm-in-arm through the lobby, the receptionist eyes them thoughtfully.
[2008-10-24 22:19:48] * Fu doesn't even look at the woman, wincing at times.
[2008-10-24 22:19:55] <Mala> o.o
[2008-10-24 22:20:02] <DrakeNero> "Yes... anyone who knew what they were doing would certainly have more... planned injuries."
[2008-10-24 22:20:18] <Fu> "I'm okay. It's just a sensitive region. x.o"
[2008-10-24 22:20:27] <DrakeNero> He slips the stylus back into its little holder and and slips it into his pocket.
[2008-10-24 22:20:33] <DrakeNero> it = the palm pilot
[2008-10-24 22:20:40] <Khayin> The receptionist says nothing as they move through the front entrance and out the door.
[2008-10-24 22:21:11] <Khayin> "... I guess you might have a point. It's certainly possible someone could have planned it and made it look like a random assault. But, then, that's what forensics are for, eh?"
[2008-10-24 22:21:21] <DrakeNero> "Indeed."
[2008-10-24 22:21:25] <Fu> (Can I do perception to make sure of something?)
[2008-10-24 22:21:38] <Khayin> "Leave your number with the front desk -- I'll have them call you when Gerstmann gives his report."
[2008-10-24 22:21:39] <DrakeNero> "Thank you for all your assistance. You've been extremely helpful."
[2008-10-24 22:21:42] <Khayin> (Yes)
[2008-10-24 22:21:52] <Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[2008-10-24 22:21:54] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 22:21:54] <The_Lady> 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 10, 10
[2008-10-24 22:21:54] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 4 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 22:21:57] <Khayin> "Not at all. I certainly hope you can help her find justice."
[2008-10-24 22:22:11] <DrakeNero> "I will certainly strive to do so."
[2008-10-24 22:23:04] <Khayin> (Drake, make a Perception roll also)
[2008-10-24 22:23:16] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[2008-10-24 22:23:17] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 22:23:17] <The_Lady> 1, 5, 9, 9, 10
[2008-10-24 22:23:17] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 3 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 22:24:02] <Khayin> You catch it out of the corner of your eye, but the doctor does not seem to notice Patricia's eye fluttering open gradually.
[2008-10-24 22:24:20] <DrakeNero> He decides not to say anything.
[2008-10-24 22:25:08] <Khayin> "Well, then -- shall I escort you to the lobby?"
[2008-10-24 22:25:18] <DrakeNero> "I would be most obliged."
[2008-10-24 22:25:20] * Fu would go right to the car.
[2008-10-24 22:25:47] <Khayin> The doctor nods with a smile. "Right this way, then."
[2008-10-24 22:25:48] <Fu> "I hope that worked. I'm going to be nursing an ice pack tonight."
[2008-10-24 22:27:13] <Khayin> The doctor opens the door and leads you back through the hallway. The lights flicker a bit as you pass through the dark part of the hall, though he doesn't seem to notice.
[2008-10-24 22:27:32] <DrakeNero> Fucking creepy shit. =_=
[2008-10-24 22:27:45] <DrakeNero> (that being Drake's internal monologue)
[2008-10-24 22:27:58] <Khayin> After bringing you down the elevator and to the lobby, he leaves you to give your number to the receptionist and then returns to the elevator, nodding to you once again with a smile.
[2008-10-24 22:29:00] <DrakeNero> He nods back politely and leaves the receptionist his fake second number.
[2008-10-24 22:29:06] <DrakeNero> ...well, it's not *fake*
[2008-10-24 22:29:14] <DrakeNero> it's just not his land line or his cell.
[2008-10-24 22:29:21] <Fu> Fu is leaning against the car, sighing. =_=
[2008-10-24 22:29:36] <Khayin> She takes the number with a smile and bids you a good evening.
[2008-10-24 22:30:05] <DrakeNero> He strolls out of the building.
[2008-10-24 22:30:21] <Mala> Mala waves. o.o
[2008-10-24 22:30:36] <DrakeNero> ....and immediately calls his voicemail from his cellphone, changing the message to say "You've reached the office of Thomas Drake, I'm not in right now..." etc
[2008-10-24 22:30:43] <Fu> Win.
[2008-10-24 22:31:21] <DrakeNero> "Get in the car, thing one and thing two."
[2008-10-24 22:31:38] <Fu> "Any luck, Lizard?"
[2008-10-24 22:33:18] <DrakeNero> "Yes.'
[2008-10-24 22:33:23] <DrakeNero> "your hunch is correct."
[2008-10-24 22:33:58] <Fu> "... :D"
[2008-10-24 22:34:29] <Fu> The look on his face has absolutely no pain at all.
[2008-10-24 22:34:45] * Fu gets into the car, wincing.
[2008-10-24 22:35:18] <Fu> "TGIF..."
[2008-10-24 22:35:36] <Fu> "Anything else you learned, though?"
[2008-10-24 22:35:49] <Khayin> (Who is occupying which seat, BTW?)
[2008-10-24 22:36:12] <Fu> Fu would be in the back this time.
[2008-10-24 22:36:12] <DrakeNero> "I actually took notes on what he was saying."
[2008-10-24 22:36:16] <DrakeNero> "We can review them."
[2008-10-24 22:36:30] <Fu> "Oooh, wonderful. Can we do it tomorrow, or where we can get an ice pack?"
[2008-10-24 22:36:34] <Mala> Mala's ridin' shotgun! o.o And is hunched over. Stupid tiny cars. x.x
[2008-10-24 22:36:34] <Khayin> (Back right, left, or middle?)
[2008-10-24 22:36:47] <Fu> Hm... Middle.
[2008-10-24 22:37:12] <Fu> And hunched over to get into as much of a fetal position as possible.
[2008-10-24 22:38:22] <Khayin> (Taking off?)
[2008-10-24 22:38:54] <DrakeNero> (yup)
[2008-10-24 22:39:16] <Khayin> (Where to?)
[2008-10-24 22:39:45] <DrakeNero> (Dropping them off at home, I guess?)
[2008-10-24 22:39:53] <Khayin> (Okay)
[2008-10-24 22:41:27] <Khayin> The car starts up and proceeds to almost glide through the foggy night. The darkness eases the visibility a bit, but even stop lights are difficult to make out except as floating red, green, and yellow lights suspended in the air.
[2008-10-24 22:41:52] <Khayin> (Roll Perception, anyone)
[2008-10-24 22:41:56] <DrakeNero> "Oh great. Disembodied stoplights."
[2008-10-24 22:41:59] <Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[2008-10-24 22:42:01] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 22:42:01] <The_Lady> 1, 3, 5, 5, 6, 9
[2008-10-24 22:42:01] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 22:42:02] <Mala> !roll_ww 5 8 10
[2008-10-24 22:42:03] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 22:42:03] <The_Lady> 1, 2, 3, 6, 6, 10
[2008-10-24 22:42:03] <The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 22:42:35] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[2008-10-24 22:42:35] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 22:42:36] <The_Lady> 5, 8, 8, 9
[2008-10-24 22:42:36] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 3 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 22:42:59] <Khayin> You slow to a stop at the behest of the the red will 'o wisp in the fog, waiting for a moment in silence.
[2008-10-24 22:43:43] <Khayin> Then, out of the corner of his eye, Drake spies a lone figure creeping around the passenger side of the car.
[2008-10-24 22:44:03] <DrakeNero> "There's someone alongside the passenger side..."
[2008-10-24 22:44:08] <Mala> O.O
[2008-10-24 22:44:11] <Fu> "..."
[2008-10-24 22:44:17] <DrakeNero> "Open the glove box and hand me the gun."
[2008-10-24 22:44:22] * Fu unbuckles quietly.
[2008-10-24 22:44:29] <Mala> "...glove box?"
[2008-10-24 22:44:33] <DrakeNero> "Shh."
[2008-10-24 22:44:46] * Fu leans over to lock the passenger door as QUIETLY as possible.
[2008-10-24 22:45:41] <Khayin> The figure seems to crouch low, edging around the side silently.
[2008-10-24 22:45:56] <Khayin> All of a sudden, it stands upright and Mala's window explods inward.
[2008-10-24 22:46:03] <Mala> "Gah!"
[2008-10-24 22:46:07] <Fu> (FUCK!)
[2008-10-24 22:46:14] <Fu> Fu PUNCHES.
[2008-10-24 22:46:22] <DrakeNero> Drake cocks and aims the gun.
[2008-10-24 22:47:47] <Khayin> A heavily bearded face with crazed eyes leans inward and the figure begins screaming at you. "I SAW YOU THERE!! YOU STOP FOLLOWIN' ME, OR I'LL DO YOU GOOD!! YOU HEAR ME?! I'LL TAKE YER' EYES!!"
[2008-10-24 22:48:11] <DrakeNero> "Who are you." Drake demands calmly, without lowering the gun.
[2008-10-24 22:48:25] * Mala flails. DX<
[2008-10-24 22:48:44] <Khayin> (Fu can roll Strength + Brawl if he wants, but suffers a -3 penalty from his defense and the fact that he is in the back, trying to punch someone outside the front passenger window)
[2008-10-24 22:48:51] <Fu> (! Does Fu know him?)
[2008-10-24 22:48:57] <Khayin> (Nope)
[2008-10-24 22:49:14] <Fu> (Willpower'd!)
[2008-10-24 22:49:22] <Fu> !roll_ww 5 8 10
[2008-10-24 22:49:23] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 22:49:23] <The_Lady> 2, 4, 7, 8, 9
[2008-10-24 22:49:23] <The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 22:50:20] <Khayin> Maneuvering around the seat as best as he can, Fu manages to get a solid hit right on the grizzly stranger's face, sending his head back, screaming more.
[2008-10-24 22:51:03] <Khayin> He leans his head down again, screaming loudly with bloodshot eyes and crimson gushing out his nose and dripping from his lips.
[2008-10-24 22:51:25] <Khayin> Then, as suddenly as he'd attacked, he turns and runs into the darkness.
[2008-10-24 22:51:27] <DrakeNero> "...."
[2008-10-24 22:51:31] <DrakeNero> "ASK QUESTIONS FIRST."
[2008-10-24 22:51:40] <Mala> "what just happened DX "
[2008-10-24 22:52:19] * Fu looks embarrassed.
[2008-10-24 22:52:27] <DrakeNero> Then he grumbles about having to have to fix his window and wondering if insurance covers crazy stranger attacks.
[2008-10-24 22:52:39] <Fu> "I don't know, Mala."
[2008-10-24 22:52:44] <Fu> "Are you okay? D:"
[2008-10-24 22:52:51] <Mala> "Pfeh. x.x" Mala picks glass bits out of her leaves. "I don't even know who that was."
[2008-10-24 22:52:59] <DrakeNero> "Neither do I.
[2008-10-24 22:53:04] <Fu> "I'll third that one."
[2008-10-24 22:53:37] <Fu> "Five says that he is fae."
[2008-10-24 22:53:50] <Fu> "Hand me a napkin?"
[2008-10-24 22:53:53] <DrakeNero> "I'm not even taking that bet."
[2008-10-24 22:53:58] <DrakeNero> "They're in the glove box."
[2008-10-24 22:54:05] <DrakeNero> He point at it.
[2008-10-24 22:54:07] <DrakeNero> *points
[2008-10-24 22:54:29] * Fu looks at his hand to check for hair.
[2008-10-24 22:54:29] <Mala> "What's a glove b- that's not a box, it's part of the car. D: " Mala fiddles with it until it opens and hands Fu a napkin.
[2008-10-24 22:54:36] <DrakeNero> "Open it."
[2008-10-24 22:54:50] <DrakeNero> "It's boxlike. Inside."
[2008-10-24 22:54:56] * Fu helps to get blood off Mala while looking for hair he can use.
[2008-10-24 22:55:06] <Fu> "We should park."
[2008-10-24 22:55:08] <Khayin> (Perception)
[2008-10-24 22:55:16] <Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[2008-10-24 22:55:17] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 22:55:17] <The_Lady> 1, 3, 3, 7, 9, 9
[2008-10-24 22:55:17] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 22:55:52] <Khayin> A bit of beard hair on your knuckles, matted with specks of blood.
[2008-10-24 22:56:15] <Khayin> Hardly a lock, but it's something.
[2008-10-24 22:56:19] <DrakeNero> "In carriages, it used to hold gloves. The car is a distant relative of the carriage, and thus the name stayed." He finds a place to pull over.
[2008-10-24 22:56:43] <Fu> "Okay. Let's have some fun. I got a hair, so I don't need glamour for this."
[2008-10-24 22:57:07] <Mala> "huh? o.o "
[2008-10-24 22:57:43] <Fu> "Directions."
[2008-10-24 22:57:52] <Fu> (Willpower, what's the guy's wits?)
[2008-10-24 22:58:00] <Khayin> 3
[2008-10-24 22:59:16] <Fu> (Okay so... 2 dice. =_=)
[2008-10-24 22:59:26] <Fu> !roll_ww 2 8 10
[2008-10-24 22:59:28] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 22:59:28] <The_Lady> 1, 6
[2008-10-24 22:59:28] <The_Lady> rolled 2d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 22:59:43] <Khayin> Nothing. This guy is... elusive.
[2008-10-24 23:00:07] <Fu> Hm.
[2008-10-24 23:00:23] <Fu> Glamour to use a Favored fate...
[2008-10-24 23:00:41] <Fu> Willpower again...
[2008-10-24 23:00:45] <Fu> And the catch again.
[2008-10-24 23:01:00] <Fu> So, 6 dice. =_=
[2008-10-24 23:01:07] <Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[2008-10-24 23:01:09] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 23:01:09] <The_Lady> 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5
[2008-10-24 23:01:09] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 23:01:38] <Fu> "... (Motherfucking son of a bitch.)" =____=
[2008-10-24 23:01:41] <Khayin> Every time you try, your internal compass seems muddled. Whatever it is, this guy appears impossible to track through your usual methods.
[2008-10-24 23:01:53] <Fu> "I can't help track him. Not like this."
[2008-10-24 23:02:13] <Fu> "I'm out of glamour and I'll have to spin the wheel if I do again."
[2008-10-24 23:02:17] * Fu takes a deep breath.
[2008-10-24 23:02:59] <Fu> !roll_ww 1 10 10
[2008-10-24 23:03:01] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 23:03:01] <The_Lady> 8
[2008-10-24 23:03:01] <The_Lady> rolled 1d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 10, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 23:03:20] <Mala> o.o
[2008-10-24 23:03:52] <Fu> !roll_ww 1 10 10
[2008-10-24 23:03:54] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 23:03:54] <The_Lady> 2
[2008-10-24 23:03:54] <The_Lady> rolled 1d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 10, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 23:03:58] <Fu> !roll_ww 1 10 10
[2008-10-24 23:04:00] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 23:04:00] <The_Lady> 9
[2008-10-24 23:04:00] <The_Lady> rolled 1d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 10, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 23:04:02] <Fu> !roll_ww 1 10 10
[2008-10-24 23:04:03] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 23:04:03] <The_Lady> 8, 10
[2008-10-24 23:04:03] <The_Lady> rolled 1d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 10, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 23:04:09] <Fu> YES.
[2008-10-24 23:08:19] <Fu> !roll_ww 3 8 10
[2008-10-24 23:08:20] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 23:08:20] <The_Lady> 2, 7, 7
[2008-10-24 23:08:20] <The_Lady> rolled 3d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 23:10:30] <Fu> !roll_ww 5 8 10
[2008-10-24 23:10:32] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2008-10-24 23:10:32] <The_Lady> 1, 3, 5, 6, 9
[2008-10-24 23:10:32] <The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2008-10-24 23:12:56] <Mala> "are you okay? o.o" Even Mala can tell something is up.
[2008-10-24 23:13:24] <Khayin> Things feel... weird.
[2008-10-24 23:14:05] <Khayin> Fu appears bothered and each of you are starting to perceive the night a bit more strangely for the next few moments.
[2008-10-24 23:14:54] <Khayin> Fate and luck are fickle things -- and also tied to your fae natures.
[2008-10-24 23:15:03] <Khayin> To toy with it -- to tempt it -- is dangerous.
[2008-10-24 23:15:26] <Khayin> You hear a howling somewhere in the night.
[2008-10-24 23:15:26] <Fu> And Fu just slept with it.
[2008-10-24 23:15:42] <Khayin> The fog seems to smile.
[2008-10-24 23:15:46] <Mala> o__o
[2008-10-24 23:15:59] <DrakeNero> "Let's... let's go home."
[2008-10-24 23:16:17] <Fu> Fu lets out a slow sweet laugh, looking up at them with flushed cheeks, but doesn't speak otherwise.
[2008-10-24 23:16:24] <Mala> "I like that plan. o_o "
[2008-10-24 23:16:35] <Fu> "I suppose." He yawns.
[2008-10-24 23:17:18] <Khayin> (Taking off again?)
[2008-10-24 23:17:24] <Fu> After a moment, he pouts, as if annoyed. "The northeast must like him to hide him so..."
[2008-10-24 23:17:25] <DrakeNero> (yes)
[2008-10-24 23:17:53] * Fu leans back, still with an unsettling smile.
[2008-10-24 23:18:40] <Khayin> Drake drives off, the cold wind whistling through the smashed window, sounding like the gentle screech of something waiting for you in the darkness.
[2008-10-24 23:18:42] <Khayin> End there.