Session 90

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Chapter 11

lazarus: tonight, I have General Tao's potato chips.
lazarus: someone's recently done a ... well, a something ... on the Estate of Potato Chips. Or possibly Chinese Food.
Random_Nerd: Indeed.
lazarus: Had Szechwan the other day.
Random_Nerd: How... does that work, exactly?
BethE: Like the ketchup flavored potato chips from the UK?
Random_Nerd: Chips with General T's flavoring on 'em?
lazarus: does which? The Szechwan was very good. The General Ts? dunno
lazarus: haven't tried them yet :p

      • Knockwood has joined #nobilis.

Knockwood: Hiyo
Knockwood: Hey Scurve
BethE: Hey Knock! *HUG*
Scurve: Howdy!
lazarus: so, the question is, is this a Rite on Potato Chips, or Chinese Food, or just the two of them defending against Excrucian attack?
Knockwood: what happened?
lazarus: I have General Tao's Potato Chips.
Knockwood: long as it's not General Zod's
lazarus: no, that WOULD be a Scrutchie attack.
BethE: Kneel before Spud?
Random_Nerd: General Zod's Potato Chips have a secret ingredient that makes you kneel.

      • Scurve has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).

Knockwood: that's not a secret, that's e. coli
lazarus: now we have no op
Knockwood: any word from anyone besides Scurve?
lazarus: he's a prospective?
Random_Nerd: Scurve was the only one who both responded to an email and was able to come.
Knockwood: urk....
lazarus: and is now gone ...
Random_Nerd: The one you'd suggested I PM who'd PMed you, Knock, passed, largely on account of not being a native English speaker.
Knockwood: whoops, I've got to restart my computer (dang Winblows). Be back in a minute...

      • Knockwood has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]).

lazarus: these chips don't taste like chicken

      • Scurve has joined #nobilis.

lazarus: wb scurve
Scurve: Blast. Sometimes the disconnect won't even happen on my end until I talk. Sorry. What'd I miss?
lazarus: not much
lazarus: me claiming my chips don't taste like chicken, and being slightly disappointed
lazarus: but they are actually hot spicy!
BethE: re Scruve.
BethE: Scurve even
BethE: Okay, wiki is updated.  :)

      • You are now known as Theresa.
      • lazarus is now known as Brian.

Brian: I maybe should register this nick too, come to think of it
Theresa: Are we still supporting the nuclear winter idea?
Brian: nope. The demon's plan was greenlighted
Random_Nerd: It always makes me nervous when you guys actually listen to Lesson and think his ideas are sound.
Brian: well, sounder than ours,

      • Knockwood has joined #nobilis.

Knockwood: And I'm back.
Theresa: Makes _you_ nervous?
Theresa: re Knock!
Brian: (also, remember re: sanity)

      • Knockwood is now known as DanteE.

DanteE: BTW, we have essentially unlimited credit within Amyra, right?
Brian: yep
Brian: if I ask, they try not to charge me, even :p
DanteE: kewl. OK, I bling... everything. :)
Theresa: Brian creates the credit in Amyra.
Brian: .. I'm still in charge of the money ..
Scurve: That, um, tends to help.
Theresa: We will probably need a bigger car than Dante's if we're bringing Lesson to California.
Brian: We've not yet seen/heard of a Noble of Money or Currency yet, have we?
Brian: or Economics
Random_Nerd: Not yet.
Theresa: Oh and Brian could just make a duplicate of Sam's pollon disguise tree. It's Sam's tree, no need to take it. he hasn't even had it that long!
DanteE: that's part of why I asked... I was going to say I got a pimped-out big ride during downtime. :)
Scurve: Incidentally, I was considering that very Estate very passingly this morning.
Random_Nerd: Heh. It would fit with the general Kudzuian theme.
Brian: well, be aware that Brian's created several "constant level" charge cards.
DanteE: Economics? Comes under Voodoo, right? :)
Brian: so, well, there's kind of an unlimited influx of cash into some economies.
Brian: (note: Brian hasn't actually thought through all the ramifications of this. I sort of have, and decided they'd be fun anyway :p)
Random_Nerd: (Part of the reason the banks and accountants and such don't have hissy fits over this is that Brian has a gift that makes everyone in Amyra love him.)
Brian: hee, and one of our missing colleagues has the Gift of being Adorable.

      • Vurdalok has joined #nobilis.
      • Vurdalok has left #nobilis.

Theresa: But the Adorable one doesn't care about money!
Brian: indeed
Brian: she probably wouldn't understand the concept, even.
DanteE: maybe if you explained it in terms of really good rabbit meat
Random_Nerd: *sad Monty look*
Brian: yeah, but I'm not sure if Snow would understand the concept of giving away good rabbit meat.
Theresa: But Monty doesn't have meat.
Brian: (and quiet, you. You're not really a rabbit anymore, just rabbit-shaped)
DanteE: Scurve, how much of the logs have you read?
Scurve: I never quite finished. Got bogged down in schoolwork.
Scurve: I would say that I'm at about the point Monty got a little home in a copse, I think?
Scurve: Monty is the rabbit, right?
Brian: yep
DanteE: in the tower or on the moon?
Scurve: Um, didn't get to the moon yet.
Scurve: Tower sounds more likely than the copse. The copse was for the opening of Lesson's box, now that I think about it.
DanteE: ah. Just remember that one of the rules of Nobility is that when we screw up we screw up BIG.
Scurve: Righto.
Brian: got any character in mind yet?
Scurve: Should I infer, from the phrasing of that sentence, that the other candidate never arrived or responded?
Random_Nerd: So far, yes.
Scurve: Gotcha.
Brian: well, I ask as another player :p
Theresa: Monty got loose out of his room once. We sent him to the moon as punishment (*cough safety of the Chancel cough*)
DanteE: BTW, I tried another GM Challenge: (Link:
Brian: I still will note that I said it was a Bad Plan.
DanteE: trouble is, it hit the ground with an audible clunk
Scurve: Well, I've got two characters I wrote weeks ago: Glasco, the EnNobled mass-produced kitchenette and Noble of Crowds. Or TJ Ramkananda, EnNobled Untouchable and Noble of Potential and Borders.
Random_Nerd: But... not the regular moon. A different moon.
Scurve: I've also been coming up with a list of Estates while at work today, and those are: Addiction, Ash & Sand, Reincarnation, Mouths, Monotheism, Confessions, the Blues, and Golems.
Scurve: So if you think any of those are especially appropriate or inappropriate, please let me know.
Brian: great list. I love how it ends with "Golems"
Scurve: ... annnnnd /tanks./

  • Scurve has Indy on the brain tonight.

Brian: no whips?
Random_Nerd: But not the Estate of Making It Up As You Go?
DanteE: a whip would be a focus for a Greater Creation of Awesome
Scurve: I would definitely go for a Dominus of Improvised Weapons.
Brian: RN: Too bad that Noble can't Miracle us. We really need it x_x
Theresa: Dante's car has a large trunk.
Random_Nerd: All PCs are part of the Estate of Making It Up As You Go.
DanteE: hm... might be an interesting dynamic for the Honest Lord of COurage meeting the Dominus of Faking It.
Brian: RN: careful, or we may make that Noble on you :p
Random_Nerd: Well, it's not so much fake courage as fake planning.
Random_Nerd: Doing the full-on Indy-style Making It Up often takes brass balls sufficiently immense as to each count as their own Ash World.
Brian: but it's what we do as a matter of course.
DanteE: Hi, Lord of Brass Balls here. :)

      • Scurve has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).

DanteE: good grief

  • Random_Nerd copypastes the exposition about the story he was about to do.
      • Scurve has joined #nobilis.

DanteE: WB Scurve.

  • Scurve pops two Damitol.

Scurve: Like I was saying...
Theresa: re.
Scurve: Is the game every week on this night at this time?
Brian: yep
Theresa: Yep, at the moment.
DanteE: should be
Scurve: Groovy - that works for me.
Brian: well, we try, anyway.
Random_Nerd: Now, let's see. Before we start, a bit of going over the current storyline. The PCs, having completed a crazy task Kudzu gave them in their own inimitatable way, has decided to go do something about their Corrupt Mystery Cult.
Scurve: So, for lack of any expressed preference, I'm partial to either of the two characters I've already written, or the more favored. Estates of Addiction, Reincarnation, or Golems. What do you think?
Scurve: Ah, sweet, sweet synopses.
Brian: I like Golemns.
Brian: Golems*
Random_Nerd: Hmm.
Random_Nerd: How would you define 'golems' for the purposes of the estate?
Brian: We're going about cleaning up our Corrupt Mystery Cult by building a giant supercollider. Well, Brian's building a giant supercolider and the others are cleaning up the cult ... :p
Theresa: We're bringing you along too, Brian. Either that or your Anchor Jim gets to meet Lesson!  :)
DanteE: well, hold on...
Scurve: Compositions of raw elements made sentient, I suppose. From Frosty the Snowman to Mannequin II.
Brian: oh, Brian's going along.
DanteE: Scurve: would that include droids?
Brian: (sounds like Kudzu's favoured form of appearance, to me, that ...)
Scurve: By raw elements, I mean more basic elements.
Scurve: Mudmen, plastic statues, snowmen, ice sculptures. Not robots of any sort.
Scurve: I sort of see the character as the benefactor or at least babysitter of the "race."
Random_Nerd: Hmm. So, given that it's an estate that would be in existence, why, uh, don't we have any golems around?
Scurve: That's a really good question. Yes-sirree.
Scurve: True Estate from another world?
Brian: there's stories of golems in the past. For instance, well, the Golem.
Scurve: Hadn't thought about it.
Brian: also, Kudzu is a Wildlord, so not native to Earth.
Scurve: Galateia.
Brian: Also, the stories about Gargoyles coming to life have to come from /somewhere/.
Brian: (arguably, stone golems)
Brian: as to why there are none /now/?
DanteE: technically, Dionyl could sorta qualify as cloth golems.
Brian: that would be GM purview, I think.
Scurve: "True Estate from another world?" works if I was adopted by Kudzu. Barring that, I could just be a partially Excruciated Estate.
Scurve: Or maybe I've been dormant, returning to the soil for a time.
Random_Nerd: Hmm. Well, we can table that for the moment. You guys mind it if we stop a bit early, and discuss the session more than usual?
DanteE: s'okay
Brian: sure
Random_Nerd: Anything else before we start?
Brian: I'm good
Theresa: I think I'm ready.
Random_Nerd: Now, we were last at Brian's anchor's house. Any objections to starting there where we left off?
DanteE: we were?
Brian: did we actually get there?
DanteE: I thought we were still in the tower, planning...
Brian: We were /going/ there. I looked there. But I didn't think we had got there.
Theresa: I thought we were in the tower too.
Brian: I'm fine with us starting there, though.
Brian: (as the Stuff that's going to happen is when we get to the meeting, really)
DanteE: well, I thought of a bit of planning we'd need to do
Random_Nerd: Oh, wait. Yes, Brian was using his brain, and showing you all.
DanteE: one question: would it be reasonable to assume the cultists have something akin to the Sight?
Random_Nerd: That would be odd.
Random_Nerd: It would be reasonable that they might be able to spot you guys specifically, but not Nobles in general or miracles.
DanteE: so they have no way to spot Nobles or Anchors?
Random_Nerd: And they might not even be able to do that.
Random_Nerd: Most likely they don't, unless some Excrucian chose to give them that ability somehow.
DanteE: I was thinking we might consider using William as an advance man
Random_Nerd: And doing that without Domain would be doable but nontrivial.
Theresa: But he's going to be married! That's just asking him to be bleeding on the floor when we find him!
DanteE: (him we can fix)
Brian: married? That's some exposition I don't remember.
Theresa: William is engaged. We found it out through Snow, who wanted to sleep with him. Varied definitions of 'sleep'.
Random_Nerd: He has a fiancee. Came up in passing.
DanteE: yeah, that was his chief objection to sleeping with Snow. :)
Brian: ah yes
Brian: Snow, who meant actual sleeping, IIRC?
Scurve: Could somebody link me the Wiki, please?
Random_Nerd: (Link:
Theresa: She was also considering a mate but that was less of a concern than a packmate to be warm near.
Brian: *nod*
DanteE: well, there was a little talk of puppies. :)
DanteE: (Snow's _fun_. She coming back soon?)
Brian: I don't think I was around that session. I think I remember the reference, though.
Theresa: (DOn't know yet. She still has an early bedtime.)
Theresa: We could send a disguised Sam. A disguised Lesson...yeah, there wouldn't be any pieces left.
Brian: Brian's planning on attending the meeting himself. And I don't think anyone can dissuade him of it.
DanteE: We should go in armed for bear...
Random_Nerd: Shall we start in-character, now?
Brian: sure
DanteE: using wooden weaponry preserved while here, some blades from my collection similarly preserved, et cetera
Random_Nerd: _______________________START____________________
Random_Nerd: (And, yes, miracles that you did in the past but have effects that linger still work fine.)
DanteE: "William, is there any way the cultists would be able to spot us before we can act?"
Random_Nerd: (It's just ones that you do around them that have problems.)
Theresa: (I'll spend a Domain MP to create a disguise pollen plant for Lesson. No need to raid Sam's weed.)
Random_Nerd: W: "Well, the most obvious way is that they probably know what you look like."
DanteE: (No wonder Sam's so mellow... :) )
DanteE: "How? The cult predates us."
Brian: "We can Guise that away, right?" (... anyone can Guise, right?)
Random_Nerd: W: "They may have some way of spotting you through the connection via Ymera Kudzu, but even if they can it's probably not reliable."
Random_Nerd: S: "Yeah. Guise it, wear funny hats, wave something shiny to distract them."
Brian: "Oh, right, no buttons. They'll know who we are if we wave the shiny badges."
Theresa: "Last time they were feral mathematicians who were slavering fiends. Shiny would work."
Brian: "... _Theresa_ would work, come to think of it."
Brian: (/me ducks under cover)
Theresa: "Sam, where does a corrupt cult fall in the list of Entropy's rules? Are they still innocents or insults?"
DanteE: "Brian, dod you ever check on the long-term effects of whatever you did to that theory of his?"
Theresa: "Waving me only works on you, Brian."
Random_Nerd: S: "Well, even the Scr...Excrucians are protected by Entropy's law, unless they do anything bad that you see. Because Entropy's a, well, you know."
Brian: ("nuts", Brian thought, "I wanted to do the Theresa waving" :p)
DanteE: "Define bad?"
Brian: (to Dante) "We're not dead yet?"
Theresa: (The last time Theresa was shiny near cultists, she theoretically robbed a gas station.)
Brian: (O_o?)
DanteE: (Good point, we can't do anything Domain-related.
DanteE: (That kills her Irresistible, my healing...)
Theresa: (She used Irresistable and the clerk gave her all of the money in the register. Just for being nice.)
Random_Nerd: (Well, you can, as long as you're prepared for unforseen consequences.)
Brian: (my movement)
Random_Nerd: S: "Eh. Hurting you guys, hurting other people, actively attacking the universe, or sassing you."
Random_Nerd: L: "Must remember plausible deniability crazy demon approach."
Random_Nerd: (And I figure that the concept of plausible deniability, as well as all other forms of ass-covering, comes naturally to demons.)
Brian: "If nothing else, we can use you as a way to goad them"
Theresa: (RN - my mind moves in strange ways with that sentence.)
Random_Nerd: L: "Ah, that's an idea. Burst in their door, they try to kill me, you protect your faithful servant who is putting his neck on the line for you, and kill them."
DanteE: "But just being there and thereby screwing with our miracles and helping the other side doesn't count?"
Brian: "Indeed."
Theresa: "Give up working for the Excrucians and messing up our miracles or we'll sick the demon on you?"
Brian: "... Lesson's actually got it right this time around."
Brian: "I'm somewhat surprised. More surprised that he's got more than the rest of us ..."
Random_Nerd: S: "I like this far more than the plan where Will or I am the ones who get shot at."
Theresa: (Lesson had better not overact, though. He starts going operatic or soap opera in his being attacked scene and well...)
DanteE: (Lesson's, what, 8 feet tall stretched out?)
Random_Nerd: W: "Well, the screwing up miracles does count, but the response has to be in threefold proportion to what they do to you. So, you can't just make a pretty flower and then beat them to death with it because it's not the right pretty flower."
Brian: (we dress him up as a basketball player?)
Random_Nerd: S: "You've been spending too much time around me."
Brian: (Dennis Rodman, maybe?)
DanteE: (seven fold, right?)
Random_Nerd: (He's about 6'6" or so at present, he'd be close to 8 feet if he could stand up straight and his legs were the same length.)
Random_Nerd: (But that would take major surgery.)
Random_Nerd: (Oh, wait, I mean sevenfold.)
DanteE: "Let's do the prep we need...
Brian: "Who's to say that the right pretty flower wasn't to call upon the salvation of all humanity or something?"
Theresa: (That would be something.. "Reports today showed Dennis Rodman beating up a group of men with pocket protectors and sharp protractors. He could not be reached for comment but signed a basketball on the way out.")

  • DanteE heads into his office. "Assuming we're heading into a physical confrontation in which we can't use our domain miracles..."

Theresa: "That's a pretty darn specific flower."
DanteE: "Deadly nightshade, Theresa."
DanteE: "Or curare."
Brian: "Poison oak. Maybe you'll get poison ivy instead."
Brian: "Besides, it's not your fault if puny humans can't deal with simple plants, right?"
DanteE: "I've been getting various blades sent to me from all over Amyra for various reasons...
Theresa: "But those are contact or digestive poisons. You can wave them all you want but unless you stuff them into someone's digestive tract, you're just going to make a breeze."
Brian: "What about what's-his-name from the Little Shop of Horrors?"
Brian: "ok, maybe that's not a /simple/ plant."
DanteE: "Of varying quality, of course." (shows the others a bent-up 'bat'leth')
Brian: "... I didn't know anyone made even sort of weapons grade bat'leths."
Theresa: "Her-name. Audrey-II. And she's a bit hard to lug around and then feed."
Brian: "Right."
DanteE: "But there's enough good blades here to fend off an army, and I've been sharpening and preserving them in my spare time..."

  • DanteE loads up

Random_Nerd: S: "Uh... I'm not entirely comfortable with making plans for life-threatening situations based mainly on off-broadway musicals..."
DanteE: "Theresa... you can make us arrows and bows.
DanteE: "Tip some of the arrows with a heavy-duty paralytic and we're good."
DanteE: "Not that you'll need it. Think you can do spears and boomerangs?"
Random_Nerd: (You can.)
Random_Nerd: (Spears wouldn't have metal points, but L-Pres'd wood is just as good.)
Theresa: "Sure, just have to carry them."
Theresa: "Oh, we could just bring a golf bag. Nice and less conspicuous than an armory walking down the street."
DanteE: "Could always have a walking-stick shillelegh."
Random_Nerd: S: "Why not just... you know. Bring soldiers or something."
DanteE: "Alternatively, lovable Brian could ask the local gunsmiths nicely for some ordinance."

  • DanteE comes out wearing a duster and enough weaponry under it for a good-sized skirmish

Brian: "If I asked for it, we'd have our entire Chancel with us. I won't, though."
Brian: "Though maybe I should have a gun or something. I'm not as good with the combat stuff as the rest of you."
Brian: "Hell, I can barely get through a game of Football *smirk*"
Brian: (question: Realm Creation of Guns, would the gun persist in the Real World?)
Random_Nerd: (Only if you spend RMPs to keep them up.)
Brian: (So I should just get a Really Big Gun from a gunsmith in-Chancel.)
Random_Nerd: (And if you're doing that, you might as well make a dragon made of plutonium or something.)
Theresa: "Taking soldiers into another country would be asking for being noticed and trouble. A smaller group would hopefully blend in more. Plus, no need to worry the military about this. They're still trying to figure how to get out of the country in a reliable manner."
Brian: (Bullets made to be infinite would be a Change of Numbers of some sort, right? and would persist after?)
DanteE: "Besides, it's our problem, we should take care of it.
Random_Nerd: (Hmm. Yeah, you could do that with a Change. And they'd last indefinitely as long as nobody used at least a level-7 miracle to stop them. And nobody would be likely to do that.)
DanteE: "Either that or I've been listening to too much Devo. When any problem comes along, you must whip it."
Random_Nerd: S: "Whip it..."
Random_Nerd: W looks at Sam.
Random_Nerd: S: "...sorry."
Brian: (Change is L7? So, that's 4 MP 'cause this has the silly progression?)
Brian: "Anyone know of any good gunsmith or shop around here?"
Random_Nerd: (L6.)
Theresa: (You have Realm.)
Random_Nerd: (So you could do it for two.)
Random_Nerd: W: "There're a couple in town. I don't know what's good, though, as I don't really use guns."
DanteE: "Grab us some 9 mils and concealment holsters
Brian: (excellent)
Brian: "I was thinking of, well, a really big revolver. With infinite ammo."
DanteE: "Colt .45s? Cool...
Theresa: *To the Aides* "How _are_ your martial skills, guys?"
DanteE: "... I play way too many shooters, damn it."
Theresa: (Lucky I didn't type marital...)
DanteE: (Can we talk to an Aide in the Chancel from outside it?)
Random_Nerd: W: "I've taken a few classes in it, but I'm not anywhere near good. I'm pretty decent at ducking behind durable cover when miracles start flying."
Brian: "Actually, I was thinking of a Desert Eagle revolver. They do exist, you know."
Random_Nerd: S: "I know some martial arts but they don't really work on humans. But if you need to wrestle a guy made of intertia, I'm your man."
Random_Nerd: L: "Don't know how to use guns. Can hit people with sharp or heavy things. Have claws and sharp teeth."
Brian: "I'm going out to find a gun. Anyone else want one?"
DanteE: "Me. Concealment holster too."
Random_Nerd: (Err, inertia. Me am type good.)
Theresa: (Can Lesson sing a little, dance a little, too?  :)
DanteE: "Of coursxe, if we can use Ghosts, we have an advantage with wooden weapons or blades."
Random_Nerd: (I... do not want to picture him doing either.)
Random_Nerd: S: "Seems weird to be seeing Nobles using guns. But it makes sense."

  • Brian calls up the police department public line, introduces himself, and asks for where a good gun shop is

Brian: (... the police have guns ... hey, it makes sense in Brian's head :p)

  • Theresa will ask Brian to bring her back a golf bag, please.

Random_Nerd: Police person: "Well, if you want guns, we have plenty on hand. Should we send you some guns, sir?"
DanteE: (You can ask where they get theirs)
Random_Nerd: (Brian can has beloved population.)
Brian: "Um.. I suppose. I'm looking for a big revolver. My friend wants a simple 9mm pistol. And a holster. My other friend wants a golf bag."
Random_Nerd: Police: "Sure, we have some of those. Need any longarms too?"
Brian: "Um. hang on." *does the cover thing* "anyone want a rifle?"
DanteE: "Too conspicuous"
Brian: (kind of like placing a pizza order...)
Brian: "No, the pistols will be fine. Thank you very much for your help."
DanteE: (Gimme a 30-06 with extra cheese)
Scurve: (and how long will that take to deliver? yes, okay.)
Theresa: (Do we tip the driver?)
Brian: "Oh, do you have any explosives on hand?"
Brian: (only in North America)
Random_Nerd: Police: "Uh... no. We could probably make some if you really need. Get the bomb-disposal guys to do it backwards and so on."
DanteE: (flash-bangs?)
Random_Nerd: (Oh, true, they'd have those. Just nothing much bigger than that.)
Theresa: "We'd better try to not come under the California police notice. Irresistabling police near a corrupt cult while resisting a charge of concealed deadly weapons would not be good for keeping a low profile."
Brian: "Not even simple flash-bangs? Incapacitating things would be handy."
Random_Nerd: (You'd have to call the army if you wanted those.)
Random_Nerd: Police: "Oh, sure, we can send some of those over too."
Brian: "Thanks. I think that's all we'll need."
DanteE: "OK, let's go over the plan...
Brian: (Anchor to Jim) "Jim, what's needed for non-US citizens to have permission to carry weapons? Specifically, concealed."
DanteE: "We head for Aniseed, meet up with Jim, get the word on any cultists in the area.
Random_Nerd: Jim: "Uh... I don't know? I don't even have a gun."
DanteE: "We follow them up their chain of command until we get to the big guy and deal with him then and there.
Brian: (A) "Oh. Well, um. Can you see if you can find out quickly? I'd rather not have to explain firearms if I don't have to."
Random_Nerd: L: "Suspect mind control powers and overwhelming miraculous force sufficent."
Brian: "Don't forget the fact that we have a /meeting/ to go to, as well."
DanteE: "...we'll probably have to do more if we want the cult completely gone...
Brian: (A) "This isn't really related to the meeting, by the way. There's ... apparently what's known as a 'corrupt cult'. We fear their interference, and so we want to try to eliminate them."
DanteE: "William... review whatever you and the Aides have on corrupt cults."
Theresa: "I think that the permission we need is that we get going soon, don't get noticed and come back home without getting caught by the mortal authorities."
Random_Nerd: L: "Well, find the ones near there. Get them to tell you where others are. Keep it up until you run out of cult."
Brian: "I'm finding myself agreeing with Lesson more and more."
DanteE: "Samuel.... locate the 3 closest pathways from Amyra to Aniseed."
Brian: "I don't know what that means."
Random_Nerd: W: "Everything I said earlier. They mess with miracles, sometimes have Excrucian backup or at least anchors, have low-grade magical powers, best dealt with mundanely if possible."
Random_Nerd: S: "Okay, let me get my books."
Random_Nerd: Samuel swirls out the door to where his office is, and returns with a couple reference books, a calculator, a protractor, and a map swirling around his torso.
DanteE: "Closest to Aniseed, not necessarily here. We want options for exfil just in case."
Random_Nerd: S: "Can I have an hour?"
Theresa: "That should give the police enough time to get our gear."
Random_Nerd: You hear a car pull to an abrupt stop right out front of the tower, and shortly afterwards, someone coming up the stairs.
DanteE: "That works."
Theresa: "Lesson, is there anything you need in preparation or to inform your team while you're gone?"
Theresa: ("Oh, darn, it's the weapons. Anyone have a $20?")
Scurve: (*looks around sheepishly*)
Random_Nerd: L: "Can mostly run themselves for a few days. Bringing any of them?"
DanteE: ("If he's forgotten the crazy bread he's NOT getting a tip...")
Random_Nerd: (And, yes, they got there quickly, but you're not far from the police station, and you can get across town fairly quickly when your car has flashing lights on the top.)
Theresa: (And Beloved Populace.)

  • Brian goes to talk to the driver. Attempts and fails at smalltalk.

Theresa: "Probably not. We need to keep the group small and low on the attention. Plus I trust that your team can protect Amyra in both our and your absence."
Random_Nerd: They don't even care, given that they're huge fans, and hand you a duffel bag full of guns and ammo, and a rather used golf bag.
DanteE: (and now our feature presentation: Reservoir Nobles.)
Random_Nerd: L: "Will have them keep things under control when gone. As long as giant scary rabbit thing doesn't go crazy, stuff like that."
Random_Nerd: (Who has to be Mister Pink?)
DanteE: "Do you have a second-in-command?"
DanteE: (William.)
Theresa: (Dibs on Mr. White, because he's cool.)
Random_Nerd: L: "Have two, in different areas. One in charge of keeping people safe, one in charge of finding the people who got changed and doing the things you said to do."
Brian: "Thanks." *returns*
Brian: *iddqd*
DanteE: (huh?)
Brian: (... DooM?)
Random_Nerd: (God mode.)
Random_Nerd: (Right?)
Brian: (oh, do I mean idkfa ... yes, I mean idkfa.
Brian: )
Brian: (sorry)
DanteE: (We've all got Holy Fire and are at least Durant. We're IN God Mode.)
DanteE: (Well, I am, anyway... :)
Brian: (I meant the "fill ammo" code, which isn't quite infinite ammo, but whatever.)
Theresa: (I prefer the nondenominational Pillar of Creation Mode, but eh.  ;) )
Brian: *infinite ammos his gun*
Brian: "Dante, how much ammo do you want?"
Random_Nerd: Gun: *has infinite ammo now*
Theresa: (And yeah, reminds me, I believe I would have been keeping up Holy Fire on myself.)
Brian: (-2 DMP)
Brian: (Holy Fire takes what and does what again?)
DanteE: (The miracle will work even in the heart of Bat... I mean Cult Country, right?)
Brian: (Since the Miracle is over and done with, yep)
Random_Nerd: (Holy Fire is protection against mundane force.)
Random_Nerd: (More spirit, the smaller things it covers.)
Brian: (ok. Holy Fire will be up when we leave, then. And maintained as necessary)
Random_Nerd: (Everyone's safe from nukes as long as it's up, and powerful Imperators can't even be affected by mundane rudeness.)
DanteE: "Can you do that to mine without straining yourself?"
Random_Nerd: (With at least a couple points of Spirit and Durant, it's really hard to kill a Noble with mundane force if he has HF up.)
Random_Nerd: (And putting Holy Fire up takes a ritual that lasts a night, but since you guys were planning to do this, we can say you did it last night.)
DanteE: (Not to mention, with our Aspect, chances are ... we know kung fu. :) )
Brian: "I'm not going to be using my Estate much when we're around there anyway." *does so* (-2 more DMP. at 1, if I remember numbers correctly)
Random_Nerd: (Correct.)

  • DanteE straps on the gun & holster

DanteE: "Theresa, you're up.

      • Scurv3 has joined #nobilis.

Theresa: (With my Aspect, I can possibly invent my own Kung Fu. And get Chow Yun Fat to promote it.)
DanteE: (Oy!)
Theresa: (re Scurve. What was the last you saw?)
Scurv3: ([22:25] <DanteE> (Not to mention, with our Aspect, chances are ... we know kung fu. :) )

      • Scurve has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).

Brian: (hon, with your Aspect, you could have Time Travelling Bruce Lee promote it)
DanteE: (There will be a test... mainly, count the goofy movie refs. :) )
Random_Nerd: (When you can punch someone through a wall while knitting with your toes, you don't /need/ kung fu.)

  • Theresa does a Lesser Creation and Preservation of varied spears, boomerangs, arrows (who needs bows when you're this Aspect?).
  • DanteE grabs a couple boomerangs (those are concussion weapons, IIRC)

Theresa: (I have a sudden urge to go show off at a caber throwing contest.)
Random_Nerd: S: "Still seems weird to see Nobles with /weapons/. Well, at least with weapons that don't glow with scary inner light."
DanteE: (That's for when we meet their leader)
Brian: (... you can make your own caber and then toss it!)
DanteE: (Cabers with Aspect & Pen=scary)
DanteE: (Cult, remember)
Brian: "... I can make my gun glow with a scary inner light if you want."
Random_Nerd: S: "It can't hurt!"
DanteE: "They'll know us by the trail of dead, which is pretty Noble in itself. Samuel, how's it coming?
Random_Nerd: S: "I think I have it. Not the best answers I could come up with if I had all day, but I think I've found a connection within a few miles of the town."

      • Scurv3 has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).
      • Scurve has joined #nobilis.

Scurve: (just don't even catch me up, I'll read the logs /sigh)
DanteE: (WB Scurve)
Scurve: (this is abnormal)
Brian: (that it's abnormal is good to hear)
Random_Nerd: Lesson grabs a pointy stick.

      • Scurv3 has joined #nobilis.

Brian: "Shall we be off, then?"
DanteE: "Lesson, remember to be discreet until we need to throw down. Oh... and put your discuise up."
Random_Nerd: Samuel hands Brian a map of Amyra and a map of California with scribbled notes on them.
Random_Nerd: L: "How do I do that?"

      • Scurve has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).

Brian: (the notes say what?)
Random_Nerd: (Basically, where and how to go through the passages.)

  • Theresa hands Lesson the disguise pollen. (Although I forget how it activates. Just sprinkle on?)

Random_Nerd: (Yep.)
Random_Nerd: (Cut to you guys arriving outside of town?)
Theresa: (So it's a tall human looking Lesson in a pinstripe suit and fedora?  :) )
Theresa: (Sounds good.)

      • Scurv3 has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).

DanteE: (yeesh)

      • Scurve has joined #nobilis.

Random_Nerd: (*Lesser Preservation of Internets*)
DanteE: (Scurve, you need to _feed_ carrier pigeons.)
Random_Nerd: (Pretty much, yeah.)
Brian: (so, cut?)
Random_Nerd: (Looks a bit weird if you pay attention to his posture, but he can pass for human in a crowd.)
Random_Nerd: (So, will you be going in Dante's Car of Ambiguously Large Size, or how?)
DanteE: (Sure)

      • Scurv3 has joined #nobilis.

Scurv3: (I'm gonna log off while I call the ISP, see what's up, and play with the router. Something's weird. I'll be back in a few. Sorry about this.)

      • Scurv3 has left #nobilis.

DanteE: (Ah... my new car is a pimped-out big car. :)
Theresa: (does the horn play the national anthem?)
DanteE: (Naah. It plays 'hair of the dog'.)
Brian: ("ok, who gave him a credit card? ... oh, that would be me. Carry on."
Brian: )

      • Scurve has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).

DanteE: (What time of year is it IC?)
Random_Nerd: You drive up in the Vehicle of Large Largeness +5, through a gap between two largish trees, putting you within sight of a road.
Random_Nerd: (It's late winter/early spring.)

  • DanteE checks out the area with the Sight.

Random_Nerd: Something feels a bit off. The direction of the town looks to have... smog, I suppose, that's not visible to the mundane eye.
Theresa: (How's the Mythic World?)
Random_Nerd: (Looks fairly normal. The town looks a bit like a preppy goat with a calculator, from this angle.)
Theresa: (again with the goat?)
Random_Nerd: (This is a different goat.)

  • DanteE looks for a parking space

Random_Nerd: (That was southern San Francisco.)
Brian: (brb)
Theresa: (Ah, this is a nerd goat.)
Random_Nerd: (And that looked more like the animal sacrifice kind of goat. This is more the kind of goat who got a math scholarship.)
DanteE: (do goats get math scholarships fairly often?)
Theresa: (Minority group.)
Random_Nerd: (In the mythic world, yes.)
Random_Nerd: The goat appears to have something unpleasant caught in his eye, that he paws at with a well-manicured hoof.
Random_Nerd: (And where are you looking for a parking place near?)
DanteE: (Near Jim's office)
Random_Nerd: (You find one. But the last time Brian talked to him, he was at home.)
DanteE: (D'OH)
DanteE: (Is that where the bricks were as well?)
DanteE: (If so, retcon to visiting Jim, please)
Random_Nerd: (Works for me.)
Random_Nerd: You park on the road next to where he lives, which seems to be a pretty nice suburban part of town for a low-seniority math prof to live at.

      • Scurv3 has joined #nobilis.

Theresa: (re Scurve!)
DanteE: (WB Scurve)
Random_Nerd: You see him glance out the window, and then come to the door and wave.
Random_Nerd: Jim: "Hey, you made it. Come on in. I ordered a pizza, but I wasn't sure what kind you guys would want."
Brian: (b)
Random_Nerd: Lesson squints at Jim, Sam shrugs.
Theresa: "Everyone, this is Brian's Anchor, Jim. Jim, this is Lesson, who is the Anchor of our Brother Urbanization and these are William and Sam, our Aides."
DanteE: "I think most of us are carnivores..." (looks around)
Random_Nerd: Lesson nods.
DanteE: "How about if you and Brian talk while we check out those bricks?"
Random_Nerd: Sam: "Uh, I don't eat meat. Or, you know. Matter."
Theresa: "Do you have a fountain or a fan nearby, Jim?"
DanteE: to Theresa: "Would a fan mess with the pollen?"
Random_Nerd: S: "Uh, no offense, but most regular fans taste... well, about how much as you'd like eating a random lump of fats, sugars, and proteins."
DanteE: "You haven't tried the college's cafeteria, have you Sam."
Random_Nerd: Jim grins.
Random_Nerd: Jim: "Oh, and that's fine with me."

      • Scurv3 has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)).

Random_Nerd: "The bricks are out back."
Theresa: "Air currents shouldn't mess with the diguise. Hurricane force winds, maybe, but simple stuff, no. And I'm sorry that we don't currently have something more palatable for you, Sam."
Random_Nerd: S: "I'm good, I ate a bit while we were in the car."

  • Theresa will follow Jim through his house to the backyard. Will absentmindedly check on his houseplants, if any.

Theresa: (Okay, anyone else get the image of Sam sticking his head out the window and panting?)
Brian: (*raises hand*)
Random_Nerd: All he has is a small cactus, the refuge of someone who vaguely wants a houseplant but doesn't remember to water them.
DanteE: (Not panting... but it works. :) )
Brian: (it's now midnight. And my brain's only good for watching tv. I'm pretty much going to be silent from now on x_x_)
Random_Nerd: (We can call it a night if you like.)
Random_Nerd: (How do the rest of you feel?)
DanteE: (Unless RN is just waiting to spring something horrible on us... :) )
Brian: (if we give him a week, he WILL)
Brian: (Beth: when's your surgery? We have next week or no?)
Random_Nerd: (You're, oh, several miles away from the something horrible!)

  • Theresa will silently LC an aloe plant and a jade plant in various places in the house. They do well with little water and they're _useful_.

Random_Nerd: (Err, if there was one. Hypothetically.)
Theresa: (We have a couple of weeks. I will probably not be available January...30th.)
Random_Nerd: Jim points to the Pile of Weird Bricks out back.
Random_Nerd: J: "If you can figure out what's going on here, I'd love to hear it."
DanteE: How many bricks?
Random_Nerd: Eleven.
Theresa: (Can we make a cult barbeque?)
DanteE: "When did this start again?"

  • DanteE thoroughly examines a brick

Random_Nerd: J: "First brick was a few days after I met you guys. They've been coming more frequently since then."
Random_Nerd: The 'face' on the brick doesn't seem painted on or anything, it just seems like a brick that happens to have a pattern on it that looks like a human face.
Random_Nerd: Which wouldn't be odd, save in the presence of ten other similiar bricks.
DanteE: same face?
Brian: (maybe they've got a guy who's in the process of brickmaking, and just yoinks the ones with faces?)
Theresa: (Maybe they all look at each other or move.)
Random_Nerd: They seem to be broadly the same face.
DanteE: (It's a Kudzu fetish.)
Random_Nerd: They're not photo-realistic or anything so it's hard to tell, but they all look male, only slightly bearded, and similar general face structure.
DanteE: "William... I'm thinking this may be a representation of The Boss. What do you think?"
DanteE: (any weirdness to Sight or Mythic?)
Random_Nerd: W: "Doesn't look like him to me, but I don't know. I've never seen him look more than just vaguely humanoid. Does he have a human body?"
Random_Nerd: (Mythically, the faces look like indentations, as if someone pushed his face into the brick while it was soft.)
DanteE: "He usually looks like a moving building code violation.
Theresa: "The beard would be new. Unless that's supposed to be leaves."

  • Theresa says hello to the spirit of the topmost brick.

DanteE: "and I mean that with the utmost affection..."
Random_Nerd: W: "And these don't look like that. They seem pretty much human, or at least more humanish than Ymera Kudzu does."
Random_Nerd: Brick: "Meh."
DanteE: "Hm... Mythically, it looks like an indentation...
DanteE: "Which may mean it was deliberately placed on the brick."

  • DanteE Aspect-checks out the face for signs of a tool.

Random_Nerd: S: "So... that means it was done magically or osmething?"
Theresa: "Signet ring-face."
Random_Nerd: There aren't signs of it being done with any sort of mundane tool that you can see. Either that, or it was done in a really subtle manner.
Theresa: *asks brick* "So, tell me how you were formed or how you got this indentation on you."
Brian: (... bad insult? "You ... you ... signet ring face!")
DanteE: "But only in Mythic. Which would mean it's not a traditional tool but rather ... hm ...
Theresa: (No, a way that it could be done. Use a signet ring to indent the face before the brick dried.)
Random_Nerd: Brick: "I'm a brick. Made of something soft that wasn't a brick. Don't know nothing about no indentation."
DanteE: (That would work if it was both Mundane and Mythic... but this is only Mythic)
Brian: (brox accent?)
Brian: (bronx*)
Random_Nerd: (Vaguely. More like a parody or simplification of one.)
DanteE: (The Sobrickos?)
DanteE: (Woke up this morning... got myself a trowel..."
Theresa: (I like that song...)
DanteE: "OK, two possibilities... one, they
DanteE: "are around the brickworks...
DanteE: "Or two, they look through a construction site, find appropriate bricks and imbue them somehow."
DanteE: "Hey Jim... they building anything on campus?"
Random_Nerd: S: "Why... would they do that? I mean, they're supposed to undermine the universe, not make funny bricks."
DanteE: (This brick hooked to anything in Mythic?)
Random_Nerd: Jim: "Uh, they're renovating the auditorium, but it's not brick."
Random_Nerd: (There's a gravity clinging to it, but nothing weirder than that.)
DanteE: (and it just occured to me that we forgot something in our prep... Theresa's Healing Leaves)
Theresa: (Oops.)
Brian: (we can make some now and hope?)
Theresa: *asks the brick* "Do you know where you came from?"
DanteE: (You could check on how tainted Jim's house is)
Random_Nerd: (Of course, if you /are/ close enough for it to be corrupted, do you really want to put the result of a domain miracle in an open wound?)
Random_Nerd: Brick: "Somewhere really hot! Turned me into a brick!"
Theresa: (Bricks are like plants...with less 'whee!'.)
Random_Nerd: (Since it's getting latish, should we stop here? We seem to be slowing down.)

  • Theresa checks on the plants she created in Jim's house for any irregularities.

DanteE: (Well, we're talking to a brick. :) )
Brian: (thick as a brick comes to mind. whee jethro tull!)
DanteE: (Is Scurve coming back?)
Random_Nerd: (Not sure. I think he's frustrated with the timing of his network trouble. Although if he does come back, I have an idea that may help.)
Random_Nerd: (Ah. The plants in the house seem pretty... plantlike. About like you expected them to look. If there are flaws or strangenesses, they're pretty subtle.)
DanteE: "Hm... bricks form things in groups, unless the guy in question is a Krazy Kat fan. Just for my entertainment... what say we spread these bricks out."
Theresa: "Are you thinking flipbook?"
DanteE: "flipbook?"
DanteE: "I'm thinking an irregular pile of bricks reminds me of the boss... which may be a way for the Cult to spread its influence."
Theresa: "If each face is a little different from the next, you could put them in order and see it like a slow motion cartoon."

  • DanteE spreads the bricks out and looks for sequences...

Random_Nerd: The biggest change seems to be the mouth. It seems like it's saying something. You can't make out what, exactly, but when you look from one brick to another, it seems like whatever's being said agitates the face.
DanteE: "Hm... possible, but you'd need a wall's worth to get through a sentence."

  • DanteE puts the bricks in order, then checks with the spirit of the group

Random_Nerd: (And it's not like one brick is right after each other, more like they're random frames cut from a video, with gaps in between.)
Random_Nerd: Group of bricks: "Hey, you forgot the mortar!"
DanteE: to group: "To form... what?"
Random_Nerd: Group: "A wall! Made of bricks!"
DanteE: any indication of what they're saying?
Brian: (inanimate objects are surprisingly exclamatory)
DanteE: (being unable to scratch themselves makes them irritable.)(
Theresa: (It's a lack of people to talk to. You tend to get squeaky.)
Random_Nerd: (We seem to have come to a halt. Mind if we stop here?)
DanteE: (Sure.)
DanteE: (Oh, wait...)
Brian: (sure)
DanteE: "Let's make sure nothing untoward happens...
Random_Nerd: Brick group: "Are you going to bring all the other bricks here too?"
DanteE: "Spread these out, make sure they're well out of order. And we'll take a couple as well."
DanteE: "Other bricks?
DanteE: " know where they are?"
Random_Nerd: Brick group: "No, that's why I wanted you to bring them. I don't have enough of me here to make a building."
DanteE: (What's Jim's house made of?)
Random_Nerd: (Mainly wood, but the steps up to the front door are brick.)
DanteE: (Same bricks as these?)
Random_Nerd: (Eh. Same basic sort of brick, but only in so much as most bricks made these days look pretty similar. And those ones are a lot more weathered and so on.)
DanteE: (OK... anyone else have any ideas?)
Theresa: (Nope, brain-shot.)
Brian: (nope)
DanteE: (RN, are we missing something blatantly obvious?)
Random_Nerd: (Eh. If I were you, I'd at least consider using divinations of domain to see if you get any hints where the cult have been recently, as those are your main method of information gathering.)
Theresa: (Ooo, I can do major divs for free now...)
DanteE: (Shall we start the next session by doing that? :)
Random_Nerd: (Or, hmm. You could wait for more bricks, but that could take a while...)
Random_Nerd: (That sounds good. I suspect you guys are just tired.)
DanteE: (Or overcautious, in a place where Domain miracles are known to do odd things)
Theresa: (But we at least got out of the Chancel tonight.  :) )
Random_Nerd: (At most, divs could give unreliable or weird information. But it's not like they'll make your face melt or something.)
DanteE: (risking a R0V: would they alert the bad guys?)
Random_Nerd: (R0V?)
DanteE: (Rule Zero Violation)
Random_Nerd: (Ah. Well, a Noble who was watching with the Sight at the time could spot a Greater Div, if he had enough Aspect. But the Cult probably can't.)
Random_Nerd: (Oh, and hmm. You know that sometimes cults have Excrucian Anchors, and Theresa's Noble-spotting Gift spots Anchors too.)
DanteE: (Good to know!)
Theresa: (Is my Gift a miracle?
Random_Nerd: (It's based on Domain too, but it's a pretty simple one.)
Theresa: )
Theresa: (Thank you for the reminder, dear.)
DanteE: (Most gifts are Domain-based, actually)
DanteE: (Even the Aspect gifts like Durant are really Preservations of the Self)
Random_Nerd: (Yeah. Occasionally you get Realm-based Gifts or Aspect-based Gifts, but they're rare.)
Random_Nerd: (Dante was thinking about getting an Aspect-based one earlier, for instance.)
Random_Nerd: (I think we should stop here, as this session seems to show the telltale signs of Player Fatigue.)
Random_Nerd: _____________________STOP________________

Chapter 11