Session 94
- Random_Nerd uses dark and unhallowed arts of summoning, channeled through the pacts made by his outside-of-reality alter-ego, to summon a dread Knockwood.
lazarus: ...
lazarus: fizzled.
lazarus: what kind of Hollyhock God /are/ you, if you can't even summon a dire player?!
Random_Nerd: Maybe he's invisible!
Random_Nerd: You don't know, do you?
Random_Nerd: I could have a deadly invisible Knockwood behind you /right now/.
- lazarus nukes the site from orbit
lazarus: .... nope, no deadly invisible Kwd.
Random_Nerd: He parried.
BethE: Oh, no, he's going to pull out the unicorn...
lazarus: last I checked, he isn't a Solar?
BethE: I had a limit break on a nonExalted character last night...and no one pretty much cared. :P
lazarus: :p
lazarus: WotG?
BethE: No, Angel/Buffy.
BethE: My mad scientist went to speak.
lazarus: ah
lazarus: less fun than WotG limit breaks :p
Random_Nerd: I'm starting to think that the invisible Knockwood doesn't actually exist.
lazarus: one of the best scenes to come out of my WotG game (don't remember the context): "hello *whap*"
BethE: I'm going to be playing a Hellcat in an upcoming temp game. I have the sudden urge to add to her character sheet: "In ur Chi, stealing ur Weapons..."
lazarus: somehow, Shen (the, well, Dumb As Bricks stone column wielder) got into his mind that hitting people was a greeting in the area.
BethE: Huh.
Random_Nerd: And the traditional goodbye is a coup-de-grace while they're knocked out?
lazarus: :p
BethE: Kinda like how the main character in my Buffy game's response to magic is to freak and weild a spatula.
BethE: wield even
lazarus: :)
Random_Nerd: The spatuala is only sometimes employed against magic.
Random_Nerd: His main weapon against magic is a good line of BS, I think.
BethE: Oh, _good_ lines. Sorry.
Random_Nerd: Sadly, a war of words often goes to the guy who can use /his/ words to set you on fire.
BethE: You haven't met him yet. You just got spell-zapped by a woman who you thought you might feel up. And at times, I thought Ella's spell was overpowered.
lazarus: ...
BethE: His character can be lead by the hormones at times. :) This is the first time that a bad guy got the jump on him (*cough*) though.
lazarus: ...
Random_Nerd: Except for when Drusilla put the mind-whammy on him?
Random_Nerd: Twice?
- Knockwood has joined #nobilis.
- Knockwood has joined #nobilis.
lazarus: you guys had Dru?
lazarus: *shock*
BethE: Oh, yeah.
Random_Nerd: The invisible Knockwood does exist!
lazarus: hey kwd!
Knockwood: Hi guys...
BethE: Hi Knock. *HUG*
lazarus: no, visible kwd exists
Random_Nerd: Well, he's visible /now/.
Random_Nerd: Obviously.
Knockwood: had kind of a bad day
Random_Nerd: Oh? I'm sorry to hear that.
BethE: Sorry to hear that too. Do you still want to play? It's understandable if you don't. *HUG*
Knockwood: Boss hits me with "Oh, before you go home, here's this, this, this, thisthisthisthis......"
Knockwood: which is why I'm late
lazarus: erg.
BethE: Urk.
Knockwood: dyne.
Random_Nerd: Yaarg.
Knockwood: so we're pirates now?
lazarus: Yarr!
Random_Nerd: Arr?
Random_Nerd: Ahoy!
- Mode change "+o Knockwood" for channel #nobilis by lazarus.
- Mode change "+o Knockwood" for channel #nobilis by lazarus.
Knockwood: so, how you guys doing?
lazarus: better this week.
Random_Nerd: Oh, I had a question. Would thursday night, instead of wednesday, work for you for the game?
Knockwood: my schedule's open...
Random_Nerd: Ah. Because there's a pretty good chance that we'd be able to have Sara back, and she says that her boyfriend is somewhat interested in joining as well.
Knockwood: nice
BethE: She says he can be verbose.
lazarus: I've missed Snow.
Random_Nerd: So, shall we try for a thursday game next week?
lazarus: can do, I suppose.
Knockwood: sure
BethE: Sorry, a bit out of it at the moment, but sure, Thursday works for me.
lazarus: (afk)
Random_Nerd: And should we try to have a session now?
lazarus: (back)
Knockwood: hm...
lazarus: has UF been read yet?
Knockwood: question: How would you get Snow to us IC?
lazarus: kwd: an Imperator did it.
Knockwood: still reading
Knockwood: well, the most logical entrance would be 'glomped on to Jim', really... :)
lazarus: :)
lazarus: Snow really was one of our best characters.
BethE: Or for some reason she's inside the car when we get back in.
Random_Nerd: Really, with Snow, it's easy.
lazarus: it can always go unexplained.
Random_Nerd: I'd just have you guys randomly walk past her, once you go back outdoors.
Knockwood: then there's the possible new character
lazarus: unfortunately, she doesn't have Perfect Timing herself, but we've got a lot of strange unexplained occurances :p
BethE: I don't look forward to the giant's reaction to her.
Random_Nerd: Honestly, to get the party back together, I'd be tempted to resort to It's Magic A Wizard Did it.
BethE: Plus, she's Caprious! She has a whim that she wants to see us, she sees us!
Knockwood: How tall is the giant?
Random_Nerd: Ten, twelve feet.
Random_Nerd: And pretty much normal human proportions for his height.
Random_Nerd: A hair on the stocky side, but not hugely.
Knockwood: hm... Snow's favorite polar bear form, standing on her hind legs, is ... how tall?
Random_Nerd: Beats me. I don't know bears.
Knockwood: do we have time to do anything now?
Random_Nerd: Well, enough to do some. Probably not to do a lot.
lazarus: I honestly don't remember where we were in the story at this point x_x
Random_Nerd: You'd spent the last active session interrogating the giant.
BethE: I'm rather fuzzy at the moment, but if we try something, I'll do my best.
Random_Nerd: Before that, there was violence and melty-cultist.
BethE: I think that Dante said that we would go and find the dastard that took Weapons from the giant's Imperator-father and strode manfully for the door.
Knockwood: the session ended with the gant talking to Azazel via dead goat, then I basically promised we'd go after the bad guys
Knockwood: We first need to talk to the remaining cultists
Random_Nerd: They're mostly in the fetal position at the moment.
lazarus: they would be
Knockwood: well, they probably have ritual implements handed down from when the cult started
Random_Nerd: Their mental state is about what you would expect if you were at a keg party and it got busted by Batman, who then proceeded to have a shouting match with the Devil over the status of Hitler's Brain.
Random_Nerd: Most of their tools looked more improvised than ancient.
Knockwood: most?
Random_Nerd: Kitchen knives, rather than athames.
Random_Nerd: Well, there was the brick kiln, which most people don't have lying around.
Random_Nerd: And the chains were pretty thick and rusty.
Random_Nerd: Let's see... they had pointy iron rods they were poking the giant with.
Random_Nerd: Those could go either way, I suppose.
BethE: Hmm, could we give Jim some kind of brick-tracking device and have him collect all of the bloodbricks.
Knockwood: can I get anything off the pointy rods with a Div-Blades, or are they too far away?
Random_Nerd: Hmm. I didn't think that you counted things that were pointy but not sharp as Blades.
Knockwood: nuts
Random_Nerd: But if you think they count, I imagine you could try.
Random_Nerd: It's your estate, and I could see it going either way.
Knockwood: well, there's always the bee stingers
Random_Nerd: ...?
Knockwood: remember, you had me find the mutant bees with a Div-Blades
Knockwood: last time we were in town
BethE: (A minion of Theresa - (Link: )
Random_Nerd: Oh, true. Okay, that's a valid precedent.
Knockwood: OK, then I'll see what I can get with a Div-Blades off those rods
Random_Nerd: Should we switch to In-Character, then?
- You are now known as Theresa.
- Knockwood is now known as DanteE.
- lazarus is now known as Brian.
- Brian is now known as Brian_.
- You are now known as Theresa.
Brian_: (apparently nick "Brian" has been registered recently :( I'll need to figure something out)
Random_Nerd: ________START_____________
DanteE: (whoops)
Random_Nerd: Cultists huddle. Giant stomps around restlessly.,,,
Random_Nerd: (What?)
DanteE: (Brian's nick thing)
Random_Nerd: Pointy metal rods are pointy. And made of metal. And, uh, rods.
Random_Nerd: Also, bloodstained, and somewhat rusty.
DanteE: (That is SO going in the Quote Page...)
DanteE: (How old are they?_
Random_Nerd: (Using a divination or eyesight to tell?)
DanteE: (part of the Div)
Random_Nerd: (They're about six months old, in their current shape.)
DanteE: (...what were they before then?)
Random_Nerd: (Before that, they were part of an old truck. They were created through every part of the truck that wasn't shaped like a pointy stick suddenly ceasing to exist.)
DanteE: (...miraculously?)
Brian_: (explosion?)
Random_Nerd: (Certainly seems like a miracle, yes.)
DanteE: to the cultists who were wielding them: "Where did you get these?"
Theresa: (Sounds like a Lesser Change.)
Random_Nerd: Giant: "It's been a long time since I've been out of here, and I haven't seen the sky in some time. What... phase is the moon in?"
Random_Nerd: Cultist Who Seems Less Catatonic Than Some Of Them: "They were just here when you told... when someone told us to come here. Right next to the giant."
DanteE: (or an LDest... except that it'd be the opposite of a Blades miracle)
Random_Nerd: (Lesser Destruction Of Trucks!)
Random_Nerd: (Clearly, Larry Truck's-Regal is your enemy!)
DanteE: to the others: "Someone eliminated every part of a truck that _wasn't_ a pointed stick."
- Theresa tells him what pahse the moon is in, even though it's daylight still.
DanteE: (afk a minute...)
Random_Nerd: (It's nearly full, incidentially, since it's early march of 2007.)
Theresa: (Great, now I'm imagining the Noble that drawls "Getterdun...")
Random_Nerd: Giant: "Figures."
Theresa: "Oh?"
Random_Nerd: Giant: "The moon doesn't like me, so I try to avoid it."
Random_Nerd: William assumes his mental note-taking expression.
Theresa: "Ah. If you wish, we could provide you with a guise."
DanteE: (bak)
Random_Nerd: Giant: "One that could fool the moon? I've had sporadic luck at best at that."
Random_Nerd: William: "That destruction thing. That sounds like an Excrucian trick. A Strategist trick."
DanteE: (what's he wearing?_
Random_Nerd: (The giant?)
DanteE: (yeah)
Random_Nerd: (Dense body hair, encrusted blood, and some rags in the vague shape of pants.)
DanteE: (That's a little attention-getting.)
Theresa: *to William* "What kind of trick? Convincing the rest of it that it doesn't exist?"
- DanteE grabs a couple cultist robes
Random_Nerd: William: "No, removing things. That's one of the three ways we know of to spot Strategists."
Theresa: "Hmm...true that one that invaded home did remove John's voicebox. Well, destroyed it..."
Random_Nerd: (The robes show the telltale signs of being made out of bedsheets, with a sewing machine, by someone who thinks that cultists should have robes.)
DanteE: "Here."
- DanteE throws the 'robes' over the giant's shoulders.
DanteE: "... act like a bed"
Random_Nerd: Sam: "I still can't imagine having to use things made of meat to talk with. I mean, speech is air vibrations. Meat is meat."
Brian_: "..."
Theresa: "We are a weird and wacky group of creatures, Sam."
Brian_: "What prompted that?"
Random_Nerd: The giant rips the fronts of the robes open, and makes two vague flappy things from them, putting one over each shoulder.
Theresa: (The comment on John's voicebox.)
Random_Nerd: Sam: "The voicebox thing. Voiceboxes are weird."
Brian_: (ah)
Random_Nerd: S: "First time I heard one described, I felt sure it was a joke."
Brian_: "They're just devices to create vibrations"
Brian_: "Surely you have some similar construct, if not made of, well, stuff that rubs together"
Random_Nerd: S: "Yeah, but... what would you think if I told you that I had a special kind of air swirl that I use to make sausages?"
Brian_: "I would say that would be really cool and neat"
Random_Nerd: S: "I'm made of motion. I don't need some special part of me to wigggle air."
Brian_: "That ... is a point."
Theresa: "Wiggle and sausages are for a different conversation. So, where to first, Dante?"
Random_Nerd: W: "I hope that none of you will think less of my composure if I mention that I feel a sudden urge for eggs and sausages. Or bacon."
DanteE: (and one not to have in public... :) )
Random_Nerd: Giant: "Mmm. Bacon."
Brian_: "How do you learn to speak, by the way? ... I guess we don't really need to figure out how to control our voiceboxes, so I suppose it's just a little figuring out how to make the sounds?"
Brian_: "Also, I could so go for bacon. I think there's a Denny's nearby..."
Random_Nerd: The Slightly Less Catatonic cultist opens his mouth as if to bond with the giant over a shared love of bacon, and then closes it without a word.
Random_Nerd: S: "How to speak at all, or how to talk your language?"
Brian_: "Well, either. Mostly how to speak any language."
Brian_: "I admit to being quite curious as to your culture and so on"
Random_Nerd: S: "Well, I mean, I learned to talk from my parents... sort of. Rather, I knew how to talk because both of them did, so of course I did too."
DanteE: "Next step is to locate the bad guys.
DanteE: "Or find out what they're doing...
Brian_: "Best done ruminating over bacon at Denny's."
Random_Nerd: S: "I was mostly a member of a midsized Domination sect with a shared worldsight that looks a bit like your prosaic world."
DanteE: to cultist: "You. What were you doing with the bricks you were making?
Brian_: (... remind me what Domination is?)
Theresa: *to Sam* "Does that help with living with only our two sets of worlds?"
DanteE: (at least $500 at the BunnyRanch... :) )
Random_Nerd: Cultist: "Tossing them out around town. We... didn't really know what to do with them exactly, just that we were supposed to spread them around."
Theresa: *to Cultist* "Why? Were they to do something?"
Random_Nerd: (Dominations are the Dionyl Nobles who favor eveyone sharing the same perceptual universe.)
- DanteE grabs a map of town.
Random_Nerd: Cultist: "I don't know! I thought so. They were supposed to do something big and important that /made perfect sense at the time/. Something about cities."
Brian_: (and the other was ... "Splintering"?)
DanteE: "Mark everywhere you and your friends threw a brick."
Random_Nerd: (Splinters for the Imperators of it, or Splintering for the philosophy.)
Brian_: (*nods*)
Random_Nerd: The cultist looks at the map, and starts marking in most of the residential parts of town.
Random_Nerd: (In this context, a Domination sect is a group, probably organized around a few nobles, that all share the same worldview and try to impress it on those outside their borders.)
Brian_: (... damn my mathematical function-less domain)
Random_Nerd: (Mmm?)
Brian_: (I would love to be able to find out f(x) where f(x) = location on map for the brick :p)
Random_Nerd: (Well, it's too messy for that anyway. It looks like they just drove to where there were houses and tossed some bricks out.)
DanteE: to Theresa: "Want to bet the shape those Xs match where our miracles go wonky?"
Random_Nerd: Cultist: "By the way... where are the other two?"
Theresa: "Which two?"
Random_Nerd: Cultist: "The Lady of Whims and the Lord of Cities."
Random_Nerd: Sam, to Theresa: "Oh, and yes, it helps. I don't think I'd even be able to understand human culture if I didn't have a worldsight that at least largely matched yours."
- Theresa eyebrows at Dante and Brian. "Aren't they missing one?"
Brian_: (to the others, through the RH stuff) "ok, that we /know/ includes some foresight"
Random_Nerd: W: "Honestly, Samuel, I'm not always sure you do understand it."
DanteE: to Theresa : "Snow and James"
Theresa: "_Yes_, but we have another sister, remember? Why wasn't she part of the maskerade?"
Brian_: (...? have I forgotten someone?)
Random_Nerd: (Carrie.)
DanteE: (Hope)
Brian_: (ah, yes)
Brian_: (I ... am shamed0
Random_Nerd: "Cultist: "Who? Trees, Cities, Blades, Whims, Numbers..."
Brian_: (I sorta forgot she wasn't with us x_x)
Theresa: (Hope? About yay tall, turns Dark at times, American accent? :) )
Random_Nerd: Cultist: "Is there another one?"
Random_Nerd: Sam: "I have no idea what this means, but I just got a chill."
Brian_: "If human superstition is to be believed, a ghost just walked through you"
Random_Nerd: Sam jumps back.
Theresa: *eyeballs the Cultist* "Those aren't exactly us, though... At least three of those are only close..."
Random_Nerd: S: "It did?"
Brian_: "That depends on believing in ghosts."
Brian_: "Of course, other superstitions posit that it's the walking over a grave that causes the chill"
Brian_: "Others still narrow that down to the grave of a loved one, or of an angry ghost"
Random_Nerd: S: "'re just messing with me now, right?"
Random_Nerd: W: "No, those are all well attested in folklore."
Brian_: "... not really."
Random_Nerd: S: "Note to self. Study earlier centuries of humanity."
Theresa: "We have done some nifty stuff before the creation of Star Trek."
Random_Nerd: (Now I have a mental image of Sam going around with a sword and a hat with a feather in it, and challenging people to duels over minor insults.)
Brian_: (hee. He needs a long prosthetic nose, though)
Theresa: *to Dante and Brian* "I don't know why he has you two exactly but the rest of us...something to ponder later. But yeah, the lack of a Noble makes it even more suspicious. And the fact that they had an extra that we didn't know of until rather recently..."
Random_Nerd: (And then he can go to the moon!)
Brian_: "T, I will point out that he doesn't have Dante exactly."
Brian_: "He called him Blades."
Random_Nerd: (Yeah, he seemed to have no idea about Courage.)
DanteE: "That's true..."
Random_Nerd: Cultist: "Did I do something wrong?"
Brian_: "Not really."
Theresa: "If I run into a xerox-slightly-off copy of myself, I'm going to be ticked."
Brian_: "You ... possibly helped a lot"
- DanteE checks the map
Theresa: *to cultist* "How often do you have these dreams and does everyone have them or just specific people of the group?"
Random_Nerd: Cultist: "We all had at least one, or we wouldn't be here."
Random_Nerd: Cultist: "No, that's not quite right. Jim's girlfriend, the one with the name I can never remember, joined up too."
Random_Nerd: Cultist: "But most of us never had more than a couple, and the first one was always the same."
Brian_: (anchor) "Query: Jim, you have a girlfriend? Can we meet her?"
Random_Nerd: Jim: "No, I don't, why? Do you want me to get one?"
Brian_: (likely me making a leap from mention of "Jim" :p)
Brian_: (anchor) "You should some day. Did you have one recently?"
Random_Nerd: Jim: "Uh, I haven't had a steady girlfriend since I was an undergrad."
Brian_: (A) "Do you remember anything about her?"
Theresa: "Can you tell me about the first dream again?"
Random_Nerd: Jim: "She moved off after she graduated. We said we'd call each other every week, and it became every month, and..."
DanteE: (That's a long time ago...)
Random_Nerd: (Yeah, that would be years ago.)
DanteE: "When was that?"
Random_Nerd: (You can't hear Jim, since he's not here.)
DanteE: (If the cult is recent, then it's not Jim's GF...)
Brian_: (at least, not /this/ Jim's GF)
Random_Nerd: (Yeah. It's not Brian's Jim, just another guy who happened to have the same name.)
Brian_: (A) "No contact with her in years, then? Sorry to hear."
DanteE: "Jim who?"
Brian_: (Dante's not the only one to have strange leaps of conclusion :p)
Random_Nerd: Jim: "I got a letter from her a few months ago. She's married. I'm... happy for her."
Random_Nerd: Cultist: "Uh, Jim over there. I don't really know him too well. He was working on the giant, and I was on brick delivery."
Brian_: (A) "If you'd like to visit her someday, I'm sure we could arrange it easily"
Random_Nerd: The cultist points.
Random_Nerd: Jim: "I... no, that's okay. I'm happy for her, but I'd rather be happy for her from a long way away."
DanteE: (ah, different Jim)
Brian_: (A) "Offer's always open."
Random_Nerd: Cultist: "And... yeah, the first dream. You don't really recall it clearly, but you remember what it means."
DanteE: "when did this Cult of yours start?"
Brian_: (RH) "Guys, if we take one of them to our Chancel, we can use our Realm magic to view the dreams of theirs"
Random_Nerd: Cultist: "And there's these people. Five of them. And I don't really recall what they looked like, but... you know how you just know things in dreams? I knew they were you. And they said to come here, get the giant ready for you to eat, make the bricks and distribute them, and wait for future instructions."
Random_Nerd: (But remember that cultists mess up Realm as well as Domain.)
DanteE: "We may not need to..."
Brian_: (which is annoying, but still I think it would be doable)
Random_Nerd: Cultist: "But... the guy who was in charge, the one who... died when you were talking to him? He knew more. I think he had the dreams each night."
DanteE: "You. Think about your dream..."
Theresa: *prays silently: "Do you really want them contaminating the Chancel?"*
DanteE: (Logic: if it's 'us' they're dreaming about, we should be able to get something with just Divs)
Random_Nerd: Cultist: "What about it?"
DanteE: "This." (Div-Blades on what's in his head.)
Random_Nerd: C: "Oh, and we started about... I've only been here three months. Some of them were here twice that long, I think."
Random_Nerd: (Divination of blades on what's in whose head?)
DanteE: (the cultist that's currently thinking about his dream of us.)
Random_Nerd: (There isn't anything in his mind that's sufficiently bladelike to show up on the divination.)
DanteE: (Yeah there is... it's a dream of Blades. :) )
DanteE: (And the rest of us too)
Random_Nerd: (It's a dream in which there's a guy in it that seems to be connected to blades.)
Random_Nerd: (I think that's at enough removes as not to be part of your estate.)
DanteE: (placed there as an attempt to get control of the domain of Blades)
DanteE: (by someone hooked to our Imperator)
Random_Nerd: (Eh, if it was a dream about something sharp, I'd allow it, but this seems to be two degres of dubiousness.)
DanteE: "Hm...
DanteE: "We should probably treat this the same way you handle dangerous materials...
Theresa: "Put on haz mats suits and blow it up a safe distance away?"
DanteE: "Sam... find a way to get from here to that big desert plain south of Mount Melchior where no one lives."
Random_Nerd: Cultist: "Can... can we please go? We didn't want to hurt anyone."
Random_Nerd: Sam: "Okay... but I'll need reference materials."
Random_Nerd: (And I take it that's a place in Amyra?)
DanteE: (Yep, desert that used to separate Amyra from, say, Ethiopia.)
Random_Nerd: (Okay, if it's on the edges, that shouldn't be too hard.)
Random_Nerd: Sam: "And which is preferable, reducing travel over Amyra, or over the outside world?"
DanteE: (Can't forget that the settled part of Amyra was notoriously hard to get to. :) )
DanteE: "The main thing is that there's a good size buffer zone between where we come in and anything valuable, including our fellow Amyrans."
Random_Nerd: Sam: "Okay, then we may have to go to a different city. The ones near here don't come out of that part of the border."
Theresa: (Can Dante's car handle Mr. Personality?)
DanteE: (I did say HUmmer...)
Random_Nerd: (Mind if we stop soon?)
Brian_: (was about to say the same :p)
DanteE: to the others: "Now... what do we tell these guys?
Theresa: "How about have them gather bricks and bring them back. Would save wear and tear on the Jim."
DanteE: "Well, the bricks may mark the border of whatever they were planning."
Brian_: "It's still a good punishment"
DanteE: "And it may cut back on the area where our miracles are affected
DanteE: (Wait... did our Miracles work in Jim's place?)
Brian_: "For what it's worth, I put my vote behind that"
Theresa: (The houseplant I made for him was
Random_Nerd: (They seemed to work to a moderate degree, but there was some twisting.)
DanteE: "So... get the ones who had the most vivid dreams back to Amyra to do a divination, while having the others recover their bricks?"
Theresa: "Sounds okay, although I'm really leery about bringing them back home."
Brian_: "Perhaps it's a Cult Focus or something"
DanteE: "That's why we're not taking them to Kaerkoven."
DanteE: "We'll take them to (...) plain just long enough to do the DIvination, then bring them back."
- DanteE double-checks these guys over with the Sight.
Random_Nerd: (One moment, looking something up.)
Random_Nerd: They aren't Noble or Anchored, mainly. The giant has a look about midway between a Noble or an Anchor. And the places where the blood-mist from the one guy fell look rather like if you melted an Anchor.
DanteE: (uhoh...)
Theresa: (Not good.)
Brian_: (...)
Brian_: (you can melt anchors? also: ohshit)
DanteE: (Yeah, does it happen often?)
Random_Nerd: (Have you ever tried to melt an Anchor? No? Then how do you know you can't?)
Brian_: (immunity to direct miracles!)
DanteE: ("Hey, Jim, how'd you like to advance the cause of Science?")
Random_Nerd: (Also, in general, when looking around with the Sight, it feels like you have a thing in your eye.)
Brian_: (>_<)
Random_Nerd: (Like if you just woke up, and you've not blinked many times, say.)
DanteE: (OK, vote: go with the original plan, or too dangerous?)
Brian_: (which was the original plan?)
Theresa: (I think if we take any, we take _one_ and give the boss and any guards a warning that we might be bringing the metaphysical equiv of radioative flu into the Chancel.)
DanteE: (take some cultists to whatever plain and do a Realm-Div to get details of their dreams)
DanteE: "Sam, William, would we get enough from looking into their dreams to offset the potential problems with bringing them to Amyra?"
Random_Nerd: S: "Hell if I know."
Random_Nerd: William: "It makes me nervous, sir, but I defer to your judgement if you think it best."
DanteE: "Their dreams are a link to whoever's running the cult."
Random_Nerd: (Mind if we call it a night here? I'm growing tired.)
Theresa: (William has perfect responses to Nobles. Luc would be proud.)
Theresa: (I wouldn't mind stopping. Brain squish.)
Chapter 11