Sex and a Companion

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This conversation is the tail end of the one that Christian and Nika had at the game table two sessions ago (This was during the time period where Christian's mother went to Mike and Rina's room and asked to borrow Mike for a while or something, as I recall.) The first part of the conversation had to do with the fact that Christian needed to talk a bit... he's a little worried about his parents, he's noticed that some expensive artwork has gone missing and he's concerned about how his parents are faring. He mentions that Sean is going hunting with Christian's father (to keep him out of the picture because the player left), and they also converse about the ship and the trip so far, including a reminder from Nika about the fact that Christian took a paying client. She says something like "And by the way... the money you brought in? I just .... please don't forget that it is not your job to take paying clients for the crew. None of us will ask you to do something we're not willing to do ourselves."

"Sex," Christian says as he leans against the wall of his parent's guest room, "is both the least and most important thing in the world to a companion. I think its a bit like listening to a musical performance or looking at a painting. Much of what you gain from the experience involves what you put into it. The station was... making use of a resource to fill a need our family had. Nothing more than that and nothing horrible."

Now here's a conversation that Nika's not entirely sure she wants to have with a Companion. She'll be woefully out of her league. But she does laugh. "Christian, truer words have never been spoken on what you gain from it." But she does get more serious after. "But I was not kidding when I said should you choose to pursue it, it isn't something that you'll *ever* be asked to do. It just... sits wrong with me. I'm sorry. I realize a Companion is ... more than a whore." Now she's the one who has the grace to blush. "But at the same time... gotta admit that the difference all seems like semantics to me."

Christian falls silent for a moment. He tilts his head back and closes his eyes, "Hmmm... maybe..." He nods his head, "I think... hmmm..." One can almost see the hamsters running on their little wheels. "I have an idea." His eyes open and he smiles. It isn't quite a wicked smile but it could be described as roguish.

That makes Nika take a small step back from him, giving him wary eyes. "Oh yeah?"

Christian holds up his hands. "Nothing like that. I'd like to spend time with you as a Companion might." He pauses, then adds, "With the sex itself being left out. I'd like you to see what the difference between a Companion and a whore is."

Now he gets skeptical eyes. Nika says, "Christian... I don't want you to spend your time with me being what you think or intuit that I want you to be. I'd rather you spend your time with me just being yourself and my friend -- that means disagreeing with me when you disagree with me and everything else. Anything else feels.... compulsory." Again with the good vocabulary on the woman. "Look... " she rubs her forehead, searching for the right thing to say to this man who has such a different view on life than her own. "I spend a lot of my time when you're around worrying about hurting your feelings." She hesitates and then adds quietly, "But you - all of you - have managed to keep me here in spite of myself. You have no idea how close a call that was back on Deadwood. And I don't want to spend my time worrying about your feelings -- you know me well enough by now to know that I occasionally have very little tact. But I don't want you to stop just being you."

A smile forms on Christian's lips. "Just as well. I don't know if I could resist your considerable charms. It has been literally years since I've been with a woman."

Nika looks appalled and actually shudders. "Uhm.... that's far, far more information than I needed, Christian. Really."

Christian rolls his eyes and laughs. "Your buttons are a bit too easy to push. I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. I would never make any unwanted advances. You know that. Besides, I wouldn't want to ruin things for yourself and the man you so clearly desires back on Deadwood."

"Brian?" Laughing at him, Nika hides the pang of worry and anxiety that thinking of the crew of the //Harbinger// brings behind an expression that gives every evidence of ease. "He's... I don't even know how to explain that one, Christian. We're easy together, it's always good... far beyond good, really, and we understand each other. There isn't any way to ruin what I've got with Brian. I guess if one of us actually falls in love, *that* might put an end to it, but otherwise," she grins, leaving that trailing.

"Otherwise." Christian nods. "I... appreciate that you're with us." He walks over and kneels down in front of Nika, taking her hands into his. "The others would be as well, if they realized what it was you gave up. The past isn't easy to part with. I know that better than most."

Shaking her head, Nika squeezes the hands and evades his kneeling form by getting up to walk around her room. "They're my family, Christian," she says quietly. "You guys... you're important to me and I've got obligations to you. I care about all of you. But... and I hope you won't take this wrong. If something happens and one of you leaves or gets killed? I'd feel bad. It'd hurt my heart -- you're my friends. If //they// don't come back? I just let the only real family I've got go into Hell without me. That? Is killing me." Her agitation is muted, displayed mainly in the absent pacing around her own quarters that she does, the way she touches things on the dresser and puts them back. "Anyway," she says, changing the subject. "We're here now with //your// family, and they are ... unbelievable people, Christian," she looks back at him with a smile. "Very gracious, and most kind. Do you think that you'll actually be able to resolve this other situation you're in just by being here?"

"No." Christian says. "If it were that easy... no. When this is over we'll resolve the situation by leaving." He rises to his feet. "Once we're out of sight we'll be out of mind for them. Speaking of out of sight. I've kept you awake long enough. Enjoy having a real bed for a night or two." He smiles.

Nodding to him, Nika tilts her head thoughtfully. "I will, Christian. You enjoy being able to be with your parents for a few days." She'd give much to have her father back. In truth... a note home to her sister is overdue. Perhaps it's time. "Good night," she tells him quietly.