Shadows Hills Hotaru

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Osanaji Hotaru




Or maybe not, they're not really that tasty, and she doesn't really need to eat anyways. Hotaru's life has been very close to that of a Key Visual Arts character, she was born into a poor family, had uncaring parents, was a yankee before it was cool and has generally been into not-cool stuff.

Not that she's a bad girl, mind you. Like many in her situation, she was just very sad and lonely and with no-one to open her heart to, so she did what angsty teens in anime do: speak and love with her fists.

She has been known as one of the most badass yankees of her area throughout middle school, until that accident. Her brother got mugged and ended up in the hospital, she immediately blamed a group of rival punks and set off to look for their leader, and revenge. Unfortunately, she couldn't find but his younger brother, who she just wanted to scare and rough up a bit.

He fell badly and cracked his head. He went into a coma, police got involved and every single punk in town was scared so bad that they all went into hiding and not a single fistfight happened for months. Of course, the day after that accident Hotaru discovered her brother had been hurt by people completely unrelated to those she knew.

Things went so out of hand so quickly that even after things had calmed down, she couldn't muster the will to raise a hand against someone anymore. She simply quit hitting the streets, and refused to hang out with her previous friends anymore. She was scared, and terribly sorry, she knew what the fear of losing a sibiling meant.

Her junior high days were over, and the day before her first in high school she decided she'd go to the police and admit her fault, and also apologized to the family of that guy who actually never did anything wrong to her. Fistfighting aside, but that was like saying hello back in the day. She would've put those rough times behind her, at last.

... But she got hit by a car. Like, really hard. So yeah.

Bye bye Hotaru, pity you died so young. Oh well, stuff happens, it's just another teenage girl that bit the dust.


Actually, yes, she died, and she's still dead, but for some reason, one day, she simply burst out of her grave and... Was pretty dumbfound, in all honesty. Last thing she remembered was getting hit by a car, the face of some nurse or something, some very distant voices saying who knows what and then a complete fade to black.

The fact that a mere 180° spin made her see it was her own grave she came out from only added to her confusion. Where was she? Why was she still al- Oh, nevermind, she wasn't

... She is, however, still in high school age. At least if we don't consider the time she's been dead for good.


Hotaru is a friggin' zombie. This said, she looks like an almost ordinary human, just a bit grayish in complexion, with stitches that she passes as scars, with undead eyes that are too deep for most to stare into, and the face of a girl who hasn't slept for a week.

This said she's still got a great figure, for a zombie. She doesn't rot, so she doesn't really smell of anything except what might stick to her. Her body is ambient temperature thought, which means she's usually very cold to the touch, except in summer, where she even gets [I]too[/I] hot if left in the sun

Stats (16)[edit]

Str: 26<br\> Dex: 10<br\> Con: N/A<br\> Int: 12<br\> Wis: 14<br\> Cha: 14<br\>

Saves (12)[edit]

Toughness: +9<br\> Fortitude: N/A<br\> Reflex: +6<br\> Will: +8

Combat (8)[edit]

Attack bonus: +9 (melee)<br\> Defence bonus: +4

Skills (24)[edit]

Acrobatics 4 (+4)<br\> Bluff (+2)<br\> Climb 4 (+11)<br\> Concentration 4 (+6)<br\> Diplomacy 4 (+6)<br\> Disguise (+2)<br\> Escape artist 4 (+4)<br\> Gather info 4 (+6)<br\> Handle animal (+2)<br\> Intimidate 4 (+6)<br\> Investigate 4 (+5)<br\> Knowledge (popular culture) 4 (+5)<br\> Medicine 4 (+6)<br\> Notice 8 (+10)<br\> Perform (comedy) 12 (+14)<br\> Perform (dance) 4 (+6)<br\> Search 4 (+5)<br\> Sense motive 12 (+14)<br\> Stealth 4 (+4)<br\> Survival 12 (+14)<br\> Swim (+7)

Feats (18)[edit]

Blind-Fight<br\> Critical strike<br\> Evasion (I)<br\> Power attack<br\> Takedown attack (I)<br\> Ultimate effort (I)<br\> Fearless<br\> Interpose<br\> Track<br\> Attack focus (Melee)(IX)

Powers (56)[edit]

Immunity (Fortitude saves)<br\> Super senses (Awareness - supernatural, Danger sense - auditory, Infravision, Scent)<br\> Super strength, 3<br\> Regeneration, 7 Protection, 9



Responsibility (Still feels guilty for her past actions, and loathes fighting)<br\> Accident (She has no idea why she's back as a zombie)