Shadows of Shen Zhou:Side Events

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The following events are not central to the story, but could be relevant to future events:

  • A Death Most Sinister. The aftermath of The Year of the Tiger Fight reveals that a man has been killed by one of Spiteful Chen's arrows! Chao and Tai discuss vengeance, but Shadow Panther determines that the arrow was fired from a different location. Initial investigations reveal nothing, but Yijia discovers the man's apartment key and decides to look into the matter further.
  • A Clandestine Meeting of Sifu and Student. Tai dismisses himself after The Year of the Tiger Fight and leaves the district. He contacts his Sifu and arranges an emergency meeting, horrifies him with his choice of companions, and ultimately succeeds in convincing him that he can handle the cultivation of his new allies.
  • The Journalist Becomes News. Liao Mei turns her attention to researching the Devils' foes after The Year of the Tiger Fight. She discovers that she may soon have to worry more about old enemies than new ones.