Shadows of Shen Zhou:Splitting Strike

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For this game, the weapon stat "Strike" is split into Attack and Defence.

Kung Fu that modify Strike can modify either or both as applicable. If the technique specifies "only blocks" then it only modifies Def, and so on; with no such limitation it improves both stats simultaneously. Techniques that lack persistence only modify one roll, as usual.

Weapon                          Speed   Atk     Def     Damage 
Bite (human)                    +0      +0      +0      -5
Punch or kick                   +15     +0      +0      -5

Blunt Weapons 
Gauntleted punch                +15     +0      +0      +0
Shield                          +5      +0      +10     -5
Baton/Iron Fan/Flute/Spatula    +15     +0      +5      -5
Club / Hammer /Mace             +10     +5      +5      +5
Big Club / Melon Hammer         +10     +5      +0      +10
Flail                           +10     +5      +5      +0
Staff-Flail                     +5      +5      +5      +5
Staff                           +10     +5      +10     +5
Wolf-Teeth Staff                +0      +15     +5      +10

Sharp Weapons 
Hand Axe                        +10     +5      +5      +0
Long axe                        +5      +10     +5      +5
Battleaxe                       +0      +15     +0      +10
Whip                            +15     +0      +0      +0
Small Knife                     +15     +0      +0      -5
Dagger or Punch Daggers         +15     +0      +0      +0
Short Saber                     +10     +0      +5      +5
Saber                           +10     +5      +10     +5
Longsword                       +5      +10     +10     +5
Nine-Ring Saber                 +5      +5      +10     +10
Greatsword                      -5      +15     +5      +15
Short spear                     +10     +5      +10     +0
Judge'€™s Brush                   +15     +0      +5      +0
Long spear                      +10     +5      +15     +10
War lance                       +0      +5      +0      +10
Long-handled Saber (Kwan Dao)   +5      +5      +10     +15

Kung Fu Weapons (Requires Unusual Training to use) 
Rope Dart                       +15     +5      +0      +0
Fire Wheel                      +15     +0      +5      +5
Tang-ba/Crescent Moon Shovel    +15     +5      +10     +5
Sectional Steel Chain           +15     +0      +10     +10       
Blade Wheel                     +15     +5      +0      +10
Short Hook Swords               +10     +5      +10     +5
Three-Section Staff             +10     +5      +10     +5
Stone Column                    -10     +10     +0      +20
Ten-Head Falling Star Hammer    +0      +10     +0      +10