Shadows of the Dark Side/Minor Factions

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Minor Factions[edit]

Symbol Name Leader Type Description
Black Sun Durga the Hutt Criminal organization Originally controlled by Falleen noblemen, Black Sun fell victim to Imperial court intrigues in the months leading up to the Battle of Endor, and under Durga the Hutt is being gradually absorbed into the Besadii cartel.
Corporate Sector Executive Board Independent sector An Outer Rim sector near Zsinj's territoy, jointly governed by several transtellar corporations through the Corporate Sector Authority, you can find or do anything here as long as you have the credits.
Crimson Dawn Lady Qi'ra Criminal organization A relative youngster in the galactic underworld, Crimson Dawn goes back only as far as the early years of the Empire. Focused on slaving and small-time piracy, Crimson Dawn's reputation is built on its willingness to resort to violence.
Hapan Raiders Raider Kings Criminal organization Striking from within the Hapes Cluster near Onderon, these pirates descend from a group that fled from the Jedi thousands of years ago. Since then, they've developed an insular culture with strong gender roles, where men engage in farming, manufacture, combat, and piracy.
Hapes Cluster Home Queens Independent sector Surrounded by gas clouds that impede hyper navigation, this dense star cluster near Onderon is the home of the Hapan Raiders. They have developed a mysterious, insular culture with strong gender roles, where women engage in business, science, and civilian government.
Karrde Traders Talon Karrde Criminal organization Dating back to before the Clone Wars under a succession of names and leaders, the Karrde Traders have only come to galactic prominence in the past few years, as their latest leader began dealing heavily in the information trade as well as in the group's traditional smuggling activites.
Grievers Morgausse Isard Criminal organization When Leia Organa took the Imperial throne and disbanded COMPNOR, its more militant wings and members fled into exile, using older, surplus military vessels to take up piracy against what they saw as a betrayal of the New Order.


Lady Qi'ra[edit]

Qi'ra is a beautiful and sophisticated woman with an aura of quiet dangerousness; since the death of Dryden Vos at the hands of a treacherous smuggler, she has led Crimson Dawn with ruthless amorality and her own deadly skill with a blade.

Morgausse Isard[edit]

Morgausse Isard inherited many things from her father Armand: her zeal for the New Order, the dramatic white streak through otherwise black hair, and the Directorship of COMPNOR. When that body was dissolved by Empress Leia, Morgausse fled Coruscant with a hard core of militant supporters and established herself as Director-in-Exile, attracting more followers and assembling them into an organization that could strike against Organa's Empire from inside its own borders.

Talon Karrde[edit]

Noted for his penchant for wordplay, Talon Karrde is an honorable man, and an essentially honest one as well, if cagey and closed-mouthed. He builds loyalty by demonstrating it in turn, and is always willing to at least listen when someone claims extenuating circumstances for a failure or infraction. Not given to caprice or cruelty, he is nevertheless capable of ruthlessness when crossed or threatened.