Shadowwalkers: Cortex Prime by Night - C5
Lucia Lacroix :: Exiled[edit]
My daddy has a pitchfork, and he is no farmer![edit]
Physical Attributes[edit]
Mental Attributes[edit]
Social Attributes[edit]
Roles and Knacks 
Lucia is an elioud. Half human and half angel. Her father is a fallen angel - Lucifer himself! Technically, she is The Princess of Hell.
As one of the Exiled Lucia is always aware of supernatural entities and artifacts near her (within 50') and is able to identify their type. This ability is not hindered by invisibility, intangibility, or altered form.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
to represent your distinction.
College Student
Lucia is doing her best to get an education, even though her heritage has a tendency to interfere with anything resembling normal life. She is majoring in Archaeology, specializing in Archaeology of religion and ritual. She is also aiming for a degree in Parapsychology.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
to represent your distinction.
Lucifer's Daughter
Lucia has inherited her father's charm. Also, his reputation. Mysterious cults aware of her parentage are either trying to assassinate her as The Antichrist, or to serve and worship her as The Princess of Hell.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
to represent your distinction.
Devilish Good Looks: When you’re using your good looks as a distraction to help an ally, spend 1 PP to give that ally a die equal to your Influencer die rating for the ally’s next Action.
Minions!: Spend 1 PP to create a d8 Asset that represents a cult specialist or resource.
Power Set[edit]
Touch of the Fallen (Hand of Light)
By laying hands on another being, the Exiled opens a conduit from their target to the decaying remains of divinity that still dwells within them. This conduit lets them see the past few moments of time as the target experienced them. It also allows a transfer of energies. Choose between the following two options to define how this transfer manifests for you.
Hand of Light: By physically touching a creature, the Exiled can remove a certain amount of Mortal, Psychic, or Spiritual stress (choose one). The Fallen cannot make the attempt again on the same target until that target has experienced downtime between scenes.
Hand of Darkness: By physically touching a creature, the Exiled can inflict searing trauma (Mortal, Psychic, or Spiritual - player's choice).
[Special] Spend a pp to reverse the manifestation of your Touch of the Fallen power for a single action.
Wings of an Angel
The Angelic power in you includes wings that can be summoned or dismissed as needed. When manifested, they can be used to fly. They may also have utility in a fight or some social situations.
Universal Mind
Connected to the unwavering consciousness that is the web that binds reality as we know it, the Exiled can read the surface thoughts and probe the emotional state of any living being or cursed artifact within 50' of them. Alternately, they can amplify or buffer or even shift by degree the emotions they detect.
SFX: Spend a pp to perform a single power in a high stakes action without needing to roll the dice.
Limit: [Conscious Activation] If taken out, asleep, or unconscious, shut down the Exiled Power Set. Restore Exiled Power Set when you awake.
Limit: [Crisis of Faith] Shut down any Exiled power to gain a pp. Activate an opportunity to restore the power.
Limit: [Wardrobe Accident] The wings are very much physical and cannot manifest when wearing heavy clothing. They will tear through the back of thin clothes, but that has its own issues.
Lucifer's Legion Positive
They know who Lucia is and consider her The Princess of Hell.
Order of St. Michael Negative
They know who Lucia is and consider her The Antichrist.
Stress Tracks[edit]
Mortal Stress[edit]
Psychic Stress[edit]
Spiritual Stress[edit]
Dear diary of Lucia Lacroix. Actually, this is not a diary. But whatever. I am putting my thoughts on paper. I have heard that it helps.
Where should I start. Let’s start with mom. What she is like now – Walmart manager Cynthia Lacroix, slightly plump early forties woman with glasses – most people couldn’t imagine that she used to be a singer in a black metal band, and a Satanist. She still has cool tattoos, but outside home she keeps them under a long sleeved shirt. I guess her metal phase had something to do with my grandparents. I have never met them, they live somewhere out of town, but from what mom has told, they sound like total assholes. Ultra right wing, ultra conservative, you get the idea. Mom left home as soon as she could, drifted around for a while, ended up in New Trinidad, and joined a band.
So mom lived a wild metal life for a while. Then there was this – ritual, party, orgy, or all three? Anyway, the band had been playing in a private venue, for this bunch that was some kind of cult or something. At the culmination of the event, they did a rite that was supposed to summon the Devil himself. Nothing happened, and people went back to partying. At the party, mom met this tall, dark, devilishly handsome dude, and woke up next to him in the morning. That night, yours truly was conceived. And getting knocked up made mom rethink her life. So she gave up on her wild life, got a real job, had a daughter, and turned into the woman she is now.
And now comes the shocker. That ritual to summon the Devil? It did succeed. It just did not happen the way the cultists thought. The Devil did not appear in a puff of brimstone, he walked in through the door just like everyone else. He decided that the chanting fools weren’t worth his time, but stayed for the party, and met mom.
Yeah, that is true. My dad is the Devil himself. Satan. Lucifer. Prince of Lies. Ruler of Hell. Blah blah blah.
What does that mean? Well, Lucifer may be a fallen Angel, but he is still an Angel. And apparently Angels can be one horny bunch of dudes. So horny that there is a specific, even if rarely used word for people like me. Half Angel and half human. Elioud.
So I was born with really weird genes. Do I get something out of it? Where should I start…
Let’s start with the obvious. My looks. I inherited dad’s devilishly good looks. I am beautiful. Eleven points out of ten beautiful. Perfect skin, perfect lips, perfect hair, perfect body. I like to keep my hair long. It is mostly dark but has these lighter stripes. In some superstitions that was thought to be a mark of a witch. Maybe that was even true, but in my case the overall effect is mysterious and alluring. Oh, and I am acing the gym class. It is not like I am Olympic level good, but I am naturally fit.
Then there are my eyes. I do not see the world like others do. I have the eyes of an Angel. I see the Truth! If I pass some people who are not actually human on the street, I see them as they are. Just like that. In fact, up close I can see any people or things that are supernatural in some fashion, and also what kind of weird they are. It does not matter if they are invisible, shapechanged, or whatever.
I can sense more than just the supernatural too. I can sense what people are thinking or feeling. That can get really awkward. I may be having a nice, friendly chat with some guy or girl. And then they start fantasizing what they'd like to do with me. Gah! That is how I noticed that I can affect those feelings to a limited degree. Amplify or diminish them. So when someone's mind starts drifting down my cleavage, I can project chill pill! and make it stop.
Makes having even a normal conversation darn difficult, not to mention relationships.
But none of that makes me appear anything else than a normal girl. So how about this; I can fly! I have wings! They started to grow at about the same time as my boobs did. They look magnificent too. All white and beautiful. And really conspicuous. Good thing I can make then vanish when I want to, or life could get kind of awkward.
The only one who I have been able to talk with about this is mom. This is not something I dare to tell. My non human side would be too weird for most people, they would freak out. And mom tries to be supportive, but she does not see the things I see, or know the things I do. There are things I do not dare to tell her. Like how I sometimes hear dad's voice in my head. I am sure that it would worry mother, although it has never bothered me. The voice has never demanded me to burn churches or sacrifice people on altars or anything like that. I hear it every birthday, but then he is just wishing me happy birthday. Sometimes when I have been having a difficult time, I have gotten a kind of weird father-daughter talk.
Even so, with dad's reputation, I just cannot silence the nagging thoughts. Was the night with my mom a spontaneous thing and my birth a chance happening, or is there a plan behind it? If there is, what is my part in it? Is he being nice to me just to build loyalty towards him? Does he really see me as a daughter, or am I being groomed to be his agent and lieutenant on Earth?
Some people definitely think that! One reason why I have kept my parentage a secret between me and mom (and dad) is all the damn cultists! I am not sure which ones are worse. The ones who think I am antichrist and try to kill or banish me, or the ones who consider me a Princess of Hell and persist in trying to worship me!
Yeah. Even though I have tried to keep my identity a secret, some people know. I think one of them is the cult whose ritual led to my birth. Somehow they figured out what had happened. It can get really awkward. Not just because of weird presents I keep getting, but because there seem to be all kinds of people in the cult. I might be having a normal, private conversation with, say, one of my teachers or a grocery store clerk. And then it might out of a sudden turn into how may I serve you, Princess? Aargh! Though I have to admit... I have on occasion given in to the temptation to use them as minions. Tweak my grades up a bit. Do not check my ID when I buy beer. It is naughty, I know.
But the demon cult has this opposing cult. I suppose the cults are spying on each other, because the other bunch knows of me too, and see me as an enemy! That might be downright dangerous, except that both cults seem kind of - unprofessional. Like, they do not know much, just enough to goof up. Starting with that ritual that did not go as planned, and ending with the other cult's awkward assassination attempts. Because it is not like they do anything sensible like try to shoot me or use a car bomb! I suppose they consider me unkillable by ordinary methods or something, because it is always some pseudo-supernatural weird stuff. I have had holy water thrown on me, and then the cult assassin is all confused when all that happens is me complaining about a wet shirt. And that was just the tip of the iceberg. I don't even want to mention the other stuff that is far more awkward and more difficult to wash off.
I have largely gotten used to all that. Lately, though, I have been having these dreams. In them, I am with a bunch of other people. All - different. Like me. On one hand, it troubles me. Is dad influencing me? Moving the queen on the chessboard, in some cosmic game? Or maybe it is me. My powers work intuitively, and I know I can sense supernatural. Now that I am no longer a kid, maybe I am intuitively using my power to look for friends I could be myself with?
I am not sure what my dreams mean, but the only way to find out is to follow them.