Shadowwalkers: Factions

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Mortal Factions[edit]

Mortal factions aren't actually "factions" in the same sense that supernatural factions are, but as organizations with specific goals and ideologies they function in much the same way as their supernatural counterparts in regard to PC interactions.


NTPD is mostly a positive force in the city at large, keeping the peace and serving to keep any number of things running smoothly in an emergency, but not all of them are on the up and up. Some are corrupt or on the take. Some are compromised. Some are there for the power of the position. But most are just folk.

Very few cops know about the supernatural world around them, and there is no organized unit dedicated to dealing with it at this time.


Like any other decent sized city, New Trinadad has its fair share of crime. Of the gangs that infest the city, only a few are big enough or organized enough to be a threat beyond their own neighborhood.

Criminal gangs and organizations will be named and detailed below as encountered (or during chargen if appropriate to a particular PC).

The Church[edit]

The Christian identifying population of New Trinadad is roughly 1/3 Catholic to 2/3 various Protestant denominations (including non-denominations) that together make up aboput 75% of the total poopulation with the bulk of the rest of those being atheist in leaning and a small percentage affiliated with various other world religions*.

Not all places of worship are aware of or effective against the supernatural, while some unlikely little plces of worship are supernatural powerhouses.

Individual places of worship and personages will be named and detailed below as they become relevant in game (or during chargen if appropriate to a particular PC).

* These statistics are in keeping for the area of the United States and Canada that this fictional city occupies. PCs should feel free to spiritually associate/identify however they like.


A subset of the church, cults are known to form around charismatic figures or common causes.

Lucifer's Legion[edit]

Lucifer's Legion is the cult responsible for summoning Lucifer into the mortal realm once upon a once and Lucia's Subsequent birth. Though they began more as an accident of timing and dark metal culture of their time, they have continued and their founder has deepened his occult lore.

Order pf St. Michael[edit]

While many of the members do subscribe to local Christian denominations, the cult started out as an exclusive upper class club in New Trinidad. The club’s inner circle traced their family roots to European aristocracy. The Order accidentally learned that Lucifer’s Legion had successfully brought Lucifer’s daughter on earth. And suddenly the Order had a purpose!

United Steel Workers (District 11)[edit]

Steel workers' union for the northern midwest of the United States. For the most part the UDW tends to the buisiness of its own people and little else.

Cobble Town[edit]

Outside of the revitalized and touristy downtown area Cobble Town is the only other area in New Trinadad that is predominately made up of cobblestone buildings. It is full of history and character, with residents that have lived there for generations.

Safeguard Development: Owned by Victor Lambert, Safeguard is the main property developer that is nosing around Cobble Town and trying to buy up buildings. Since the residents are rebuffing his attempts, he has been making large donations to key candidates running for City Council

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Supernatural Factions[edit]

Several factions stand out in the Supernatural community. Below are a few of note. More will be added as encountered and/or during chargen.

The Motley[edit]

The Motley is a loosely organized collective of assorted species lycanthropes and changelings who make it their business to patrol the city's main park and New Trinadad campus after hours.

Mama Kit: The nominal elder of the Motley, Mama is an old fox species Changeling. Short and wizened in her human form, Mama is a tiny creature with a quick smile, twinkling green eyes, and a penchant for dressing like Stevie Nicks in her heyday.
Yancy Blue: Chief enforcer for the Motley, Yancy is a full blood Lycanthrope. Species, Kingfisher.

Jacksaw Pack[edit]

A pack of full blood Wererats reign over most of the citywide warrens of the Underground.

The Rat King: Ruler of the Jacksaw, the Rat King is a clever and quite mad 12 year old girl in human form.
Blackpaw: The Rat King's bodyguard and chief enforcer, Blackpaw is a massive monstrosity in his hybrid form.

The Bloodline[edit]

Not a faction in the strictest sense since they don't really have a collective agenda, the Bloodline are an ever shifting number of Vampires who choose to call New Trinadad home for a time and then move on.

The Jade Court[edit]

The Jade Court is barely a rumor among the factions, and almost nothing is known about it other than it seems to have some association with New Triadad's Chinatown.

The Sidhe[edit]

The highest Fae of the seelie, unseelie, and wild faerie keep watch over the happenings of New Trinadad, knowing it to be a major nexus for supernatural forces and because somewhere in the city is an ancient Faerie mound, a major ingress and egress point to their realm.

The Adept[edit]

The Adept is an extremely old Mystic who considers New Trinadad his personal demesne.

Acolytes: An unknown number of young Mystics study under and serve the Adept.

Coterie of Baron Samedhi[edit]

A Voudon priest fled New Orleans to avoid execution and now dwells and works to rebuild his following in New Trinadad.

Baron Samedhi: The Baron is a lanky black man wearing the white face paint of a skull and a too small black funeral suit and top hat.
The Coterie: Lesser priests and ley practitioners, the coterie could be anybody on the street.
Black Dogs: The Baron commands a pair of spirit animals who appear as the slavering shadows of great black hounds with firey eyes.

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