Shane Urgen

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Basic Information[edit]

Portrayed by Candelaris

First Appearance Creation

Age 18

Known Ability Personal Force Field


Gender Male


Occupation Highschool football player

Significant Others


Shane is the only child is a normal middle class family with no deep dark secrets or hidden conspiracies (that he knows of). He is of average intelligence but very little motivation and he gets by in school simply to continue playing on the football team. He discovered his ability after a car accident which should have left him crush inside his car. Instead he walked out without a scratch. After that incident was when things started getting blander in regards to his senses and also when he began withdrawing from his normal social life.

Evolved Human Ability[edit]

Shane is quite simply a brick. His body generates an invisible field of impenetrability which protects him from physical harm. His body is actually as vulnerable as anyone else (for now) but his field keeps him from suffering injuries from impacts, cuts, or falls. Unfortunately the field that protects him also limits the amount of sensory input he can receive so sounds are muffled, he is color blind, and feels constantly numb to physical sensations.

Character Sheet[edit]

Str:18 Dex: 16 Con:16 Int: 10 Wis: 12 Cha: 14 (26)

Toughness: +9 Fort: +8 Ref: +3 Will: +4 (8) Attack: +3/+6 Melee Defense: 0/+3 (6)

Skills (8) Diplomacy +4 Drive +4 Gather Information +4 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Current Events) +4 Notice +4 Sense Motive +4

Feats (21) Attack Focus (Melee) 3 Dodge Focus 3 Luck Attractive Equipment 2 Endurance Improved Grab Fast Overrun Improved Overrun Imrpoved Grab Improved Trip Improved Throw All-Out Attack Power Attack Interpose Teamwork

Powers (21) Protection 6, Impervious (12) Immovable 3 , Unstoppable (6) Strike 2, Mighty (3)

Equipment 10 points is enough for a vehicle and, depending, some other stuff. If Shane's parents aren't indulgent enough to buy him a car or a motorcyle, you could lower Equipment by 1 and get another point of Saves or Skills or something.