ShatteredPrism:Races Khyrolii

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Despite certain rumors, the two beings claimed to be Khyrolii are indeed both one and the same. Thanks to some genetic engineering prompted by interaction with an alien race, there are two styles of Khyrolii in existance. The original Khyrolii, are quadruped canines standing 1 meter tall and measuring 1.5 meters long from head to hind end. Khyrolii sport tails which measure out the same length as their main body, which resembles the shape of a fox, but with the build of a cheetah, and the fur always appearing in metallic shades of various colors. The more recently engineered Khyrolii are in fact bipedal counterparts, standing digitigrade at 2 meters, with likewise lengthy tails. This unique race is in fact a psionic one, with abilities that originally developed because of the lack of manipulative limbs and disinterest in tools (at the time), not to mention poorly developed vocal chords. The bipedal Khyrolii tend to be slightly heavier, but everyone shares in the metallic colors of brown, tan, silver, white, black, and on the rare occassion, red. Regardless of which generation one is viewing, they both share fully prehensile tails, with very smooth fur running along them. Their tails are literally as long as the owner, growing with them. No known Khyrolii has ever had a tail that did not measure to his size (assuming no wounds or the like). 'First' Khyrolii generally weigh between 63 and 80 kgs. 'Second' Khyrolii generally weigh between 75 and 95 kgs.

Locomotion & Manipulation[edit]

A majority of the members of the Khyrolii race are still in fact quadrupeds, and therefore they have paws like many non anthro creatures. To make up for this, all Khyrolii possess the psionic ability to manipulate objects through telekinesis and communicate via telepathy. Bipedal Khyrolii still have these abilities because the gene-engineers decided to leave them in the genetic code. Whether First or Second-gen Khyrolii, the average subject's muscle tone gives them excellent agility and flexibility. Nearly all Khryolii devices or implements are designed to work with this telekinesis or telepathy.

Communcation & Interaction[edit]

Khyrolii typically communicate amongst themselves through telepathy. However, ever since being contacted by another sentient species, the Khyrolii have not only had to re-engineer a portion of their population, but they also had to develop a completely new language for themselves. This new language was developed so that they could better communicate with non-psionic species. It was designed to be as easy to learn as the Khyrolii scientists could manage. Primarily this new Khyrolii language consists of guttural sounds as well as a combination of growls; in addition, there are also a variety of hand and body gestures which can be substituted for the more complex vocalizations.

Body Chemistry[edit]

The Khyrolii are a carbon-based species with a bone structure that is primarily based on calcium, but also contains trace amounts of silicates for increased rigidity. Their blood is based upon iron as a carrier for hemoglobin. As such, the Khyrolii and are subject to most illnesses and ailments which are common to most other carbon-based species. The only other interesting note in body chemistry is a near-perfect tolerance to alcohol. However, an intoxicating effect occurs from ingesting a liquid called Sho’Khlar, the chemical composition of which seems to be a closely guarded secret. The only rumor discovered by 'outsiders' about Sho'Khlar is that it is somehow used both in Khyrolii religion and in their reproduction.


Aside from their senses of smell and hearing, a Khyrolii’s senses fall within “universal” standards. A Khyrolii’s sense of smell is quite highly developed and allows them to not only recognize individual scents, but also to track them at great distances. Hearing in a Khyrolii is as equally developed as their sense of smell, and while the low end does not go very far into the subsonic range, the high end extends well into the ultrasonic range. Sight in a Khyrolii is something of an oddity, as the retina possesses a high concentration of cells which are both light-sensitive as well as color sensitive. This gives the Khyrolii excellent night vision as well as a good grasp of colors in both day and night situations.

Lifespan & Lifecycles[edit]

The average Khyrolii lifespan is approximately 120 years given a healthy lifestyle and barring any injury or illness. Khyrolii children reach physical maturity at approximately the age of 14, and start showing the signs of age at around 70 years old.

Combat Capabilities/Natural Weapons[edit]

All Khyrolii actually possess two sets of claws, the primary set of which rests at the fingertips and are used for digging; thus, they are rather blunt. There is a second set of claws which actually reside inside the first set and just in front of the finger bone. The second set of claws are approximately 2 cm long and are fully retractable. Extending these “killing claws” requires the Khyrolii to extend their fingertips to align with the rest of their finger bones, at which time the tendons holding the claws in place relax an allow them to slide into a ready position; once in the extended position the tendons again constrict and lock the talons into place, after which the fingers once again regain their full range of motion. In addition to these ‘killing claws’, the Khyrolii can use their fangs and strong jaws to deliver potentially lethal bites.

Special Racial Capabilities[edit]

Khyrolii are known for high psionic capability. They also have a pre-disposition towards genetic engineering tech due to the manipulation of their genes first for psionic enhancement, then, at a later time, ‘The Change’ in a portion of the population.



Other Abilities[edit]


Cultural Psychology[edit]


Naming Protocals[edit]

Social Mobility/Status/Rank[edit]

Cultural Subgroups[edit]


Overall Attitudes[edit]

Rituals & Taboos[edit]

Morality and Codes of Ethics[edit]

Fashions & Manners of Dress[edit]




Historical Overview[edit]

First Contact[edit]

Empire and Colonization[edit]

