Sinister Stone of Sakkara

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PCs and Henchmen[edit]

  • Lucius the Pauper Knight -- Level 1 Paladin, Hp 5 AC 10, Move 60,short spear 7+ 1d6+4
  • Murgo the Magnificent -- Level 1 Explorer, 6/6 HP, AC 4, Move 90', spear 9+ 1d6+2, longbow 8+ 1d6+1
  • Ethece -- Level 1 Barbarian, 9/9 HP, AC 6, Move 120', Short Sword 9+ 1d6+2, dart 9+ 1d4+1
  • Redbrand --Level 1 Assasin, HP 6 AC 2, Move 120', Short Sword 10+ 1d6+1, Crossbow 10+ 1d6+1
  • Kella Steelfalcon -- Level 1 Fighter, HP 9, AC 7
  • Tavus Tarcalus -- Level 1 Cleric, HP 6, AC 1, Move 120', Mace 1d6/1d8




Turos Tem and Environs[edit]

The Borderlands of Southern Argolle

Along the border between the Empire and the Waste, two rivers – the Krysivor (“Arrow River”) and the Mirmen (“Black Rock”) – run northeast from the Meniri Mountains down to the Tëhonaurë. The region between the mountains, the ocean, and the two rivers is known as the Borderlands. The Borderlands has been contested throughout recorded history and its landscape is littered with ancient fortresses, blood-soaked battlefields, and dread ruins, all crumbling relics of the empires that once ruled there. The Borderlands is secured by a fortified line of forts, but even when these have been fully manned, it has never been an entirely secure region. With so many Imperial legions sent west to confront the Skysos, the dangers facing the Borderlands are greater than ever.

Areas to the northwest of the Mirmen are civilized, Auran lands. Areas to the south and east of the Krysivor are wilderness until they abut the Dark Wall which rises up to a plateau which was in ancient days the land of Zahar. Now, that once-fertile highland has been reduced to ruin and become part of the great Waste that spans the breadth of the continent. The Waste is a dry and wind-blasted desert dotted here and there by ancient ruins said to date from before the Day Without Night, and populated by monstrous beasts, undead evils, and savage clans of barbarian beastmen who live for plunder and rapine.

Points of Interest[edit]

Hex 1007 - Granite Dome

Granite Dome from a Distance

Interior Map of Granite Dome

Hex 1308 - Turos Tem - Fort & Village - Class V Market

Headquarters Building

Bird's eye view of Turos Tem

Hex 0209 - Siadanos - Large Town - Class IV Market

Notable NPCS[edit]

Plot Hooks[edit]


For over a century, the stronghold of Türos Tem has guarded the borderlands from the beastmen of the wild lands beyond. Now, despite the ever-watchful eye of Türos Tem’s guards, beastmen raiders have somehow gained a foothold in the Viaspen Forest to the north, from which they have begun striking at the nearby settlements. Local farms and hamlets have been sacked and pillaged, and entire families have gone missing. Even the regular merchant caravans from the nearby town of Siadanos have come under attack! The number and frequency of these occurrences point to a threat beyond a simple nomadic group of beastmen. Legate Ulrand Valerian, commander of Türos Tem, already has too few men to patrol the border; he has none at all to hunt down beastmen hidden in the dense forest. He has offered a reward of 2,000gp to anyone who can uncover the nature of the threat and end it. The adventurers have come to Türos Tem to claim this prize through their bold deeds.

House Rules[edit]